h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Natural and artificial mineral additives have been frequently used for improving the physical, mechanical
Received 28 June 2016 and durability properties of concrete in recent years. In this study four different mineral additives were
Received in revised form 25 December 2016 used which are barite, colemanite, basaltic pumice and ground granulated blast furnace slag (BFS). Each
Accepted 30 December 2016
mineral additive was used one by one and binary, ternary and quaternary combinations. Utilization of
Available online 10 January 2017
these mineral additives as fine aggregates and cement replacement material was investigated and the
effect of these materials on compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, ultrasonic sound velocity,
capillary water absorption and Bhme abrasion resistance were examined. The Taguchi method was also
used to determine the optimum working conditions for each parameter and to reduce the number of
Pumice experiments. Besides, contribution of each material on test results was also determined by ANOVA.
Blast furnace slag According to the analysis, it was seen that blast furnace slag and colemanite were the two most effective
Concrete parameters on results in general.
Engineering properties 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Taguchi method
1. Introduction high strength and high durability is called high performance con-
crete [1].
Concrete is the most commonly used construction material in High performance concrete production is generally provided by
the world. It became more common compared to the other build- using natural and artificial pozzolans such as fly ash, silica fume,
ing materials due to its features of being economic, easy formable, blast furnace slag, metakaolin and various organic ashes [1].
more durable, consuming less energy during production, being A serious number of recent studies stated that using ground
aesthetic and easily producible everywhere aesthetic. Neverthe- granulated blast furnace slag both as fine aggregates and cement
less, in some cases conventional concrete remains incapable. substitution admixture had successful results in terms of mechan-
Today, not only the strength of the concrete but also its durability ical, durability and microstructure properties [25]. Also the con-
is required. In this case, the durability related concrete design venience of basaltic pumice as fine aggregate in concrete was
comes to the forefront. The type of concrete which provides both investigated and different engineering properties were tested by
various researchers. The results showed that basaltic pumice incor-
porating mixtures have better workability and abrasion resistance
than conventional concrete. Also pumice aggregate used samples
Corresponding author.
have a superior shock absorbing property. Research results showed
E-mail addresses: ahsevinc46@gmail.com (A.H. Sevin), mydurgun@gmail.com
that basaltic pumice as fine aggregates could be used for produc-
(M.Y. Durgun), meken@ksu.edu.tr (M. Eken).
0950-0618/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
344 A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351
Table 1
Chemical and physical analysis results of materials.
Compounds (%) Cement Basaltic Pumice Blast Furnace Slag Colemanite Barite
Chemical analysis results
SiO2 18.63 47.63 43.71 4 4
Al2O3 5.38 15.99 11.14 0.4 0.84
Fe2O3 2.80 11.24 1.21 0.08 0.7
CaO 64.39 9.65 32.28 26 1.7
MgO 3.73 8.05 8.42 3 0.3
SO3 2.63
Na2O + K2O 0.62 0.35 0.8
SrSO 1.5 0.65
B2O3 40
BaSO4 89.56
MnO 0.42
Loss of ignition (%) 0.58 0.73 24.6 1.03
Physical analysis results
Specific Weight (g/cm3) 3.20 2.91 2.86 2.47 3.95
Fineness 3497 cm2/g 3710 cm2/g 5500 cm2/g 75 lm 75 lm
A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351 345
Determination of
the problem and 1
organising the team
Conducting experiments
No Are there
and recording the results
required measurement
Yes 2
Analysing the data and selection
of the optimum value of the
Determination of the
variables affecting controllable variables
performance characteristic(s)
No Does the
No searching the causes
performance statistic (s)
and taking the
fall into the confidence necessary measurement
Determination the number
of levels and values of
the controllable and the Yes
uncontrollable variables
Is the
improvement good
Determination of the enough ?
interactions which
will be studied
Is the No
improvement good
Decrease the number of No Is the enough ?
variables/levels and/or experimental cost
acceptable level ?
select smaller design model
Evaluation, implementation
1 and observation
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the systematic approach to the application of Taguchi methods [21,22].
The mechanical and physical properties of hardened concrete to understand the effects of mineral admixtures on properties of
depend on many different parameters such as components, manu- concrete, all other conditions were kept constant. For Taguchi
facturing process and curing conditions. In this research, in order design, mineral additives were selected as the factors and the pro-
346 A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351
Table 3 portions of these additives were selected as the levels, which are
Experimental factors and level values. shown in Table 3. Only 16 experiments were needed for the
Factor Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 research according to L16 (44) orthogonal array Taguchi design
A, Pumice (%) 0 2.5 5 10 (Table 4.)
B, Barite (%) 0 2.5 5 10
C, BFS (%) 0 2.5 5 10 2.3. Mix proportions
D, Colemanite (%) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75
Table 5
Mix proportions of samples.
Trial Sample Code A B C D Cement (kg/m3) Water (kg/m3) Aggregate (kg/m3) Sand (kg/m3)
1 R 0 0 0 0 320 160 1151 760
2 BSC1 0 2.5 2.5 0.25 303.2 160 1151 720.1
3 BSC2 0 5 5 0.50 286.4 160 1151 680.2
4 BSC3 0 10 10 0.75 253.6 160 1151 602.3
5 PSC1 2.5 0 2.5 0.50 302.4 160 1151 718.2
6 PBC1 2.5 2.5 0 0.75 301.6 160 1151 716.3
7 PBS1 2.5 5 10 0 264 160 1151 627
8 PBSC1 2.5 10 5 0.25 263.2 160 1151 625.1
9 PSC2 5 0 5 0.75 285.6 160 1151 678.3
10 PBSC2 5 2.5 10 0.50 262.4 160 1151 623.2
11 PBC2 5 5 0 0.25 287.2 160 1151 682.1
12 PBS2 5 10 2.5 0 264 160 1151 627
13 PSC3 10 0 10 0.25 255.2 160 1151 606.1
14 PBS3 10 2.5 5 0 264 160 1151 627
15 PBSC3 10 5 2.5 0.75 261.6 160 1151 621.3
16 PBC3 10 10 0 0.50 254.4 160 1151 604.2
Table 6
Ultrasonic sound velocity, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, slump and unit weight results of samples.
Ultrasonic Sound Compressive Strength Splitting Tensile Slump (cm) Unit weight (kg/m3)
Velocity (m/s) (MPa) Strength (MPa)
7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
R 5342 5430 23.61 33.61 7.96 9.06 5.4 2385.3
BSC1 5397 5557 27.34 37.15 8.47 9.49 5.1 2391.7
BSC2 5138 5575 21.85 38.03 6.98 10.04 4.6 2397.1
BSC3 5013 5592 18.78 41.87 5.96 11.07 3.6 2401.3
PSC1 5358 5568 26.89 39.18 8.15 10.18 5.2 2389.4
PBC1 5349 5557 24.15 37.27 8.00 9.71 5.6 2393.3
PBS1 5343 5560 23.63 37.69 7.96 9.89 3.3 2337.6
PBSC1 5330 5466 23.18 33.99 7.73 9.25 4.8 2419.7
PSC2 5214 5581 22.23 40.78 7.31 10.63 4.2 2342.6
PBSC2 5305 5583 22.87 41.33 7.44 10.68 4.1 2414.8
PBC2 5136 5393 21.14 32.72 6.95 8.73 4.5 2341.9
PBS2 5078 5376 20.86 31.45 6.53 8.04 4.6 2354.3
PSC3 5279 5569 22.55 40.07 7.41 10.21 3.1 2344.2
PBS3 5274 5498 23.96 35.25 8.01 9.66 4.2 2348.7
PBSC3 4923 5461 18.10 38.06 5.63 10.08 4.4 2408.2
PBC3 4727 5284 16.78 28.85 4.87 7.33 4.6 2394.8
A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351 347
given in Table 5. Cement, aggregates, sand and admixtures were ity and capillary water absorption tests. For Bhme abrasion
mixed dry in a 50 dm3 laboratory type concrete mixture, then resistance test 100 mm cube samples were produced and they
water was added to mixture and it was mixed for 7.5 min including were cut into 71 mm cubes before the test according to DIN
two stops for 90 s each. 52108. [26].
The specimens were cast in cubes of 100 mm length for com- All samples were cured in a temperature controlled water tank
pressive strength, splitting tensile strength, ultrasonic sound veloc- at 2123 C until the 7th and 28th test day.
Capillary Water Absorption (cm/s1/2)
Bhme Abrasion (cm3/50cm2)
Fig. 3. Mass loss results due to Bhme abrasion.
348 A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351
The slump test [27] and the specific bulk density test [28] were 3.1. Ultrasonic sound, compressive and splitting tensile strength results
performed on fresh concrete. Ultrasonic sound velocity tests [29]
were performed on hardened concrete samples. Before testing As fresh state tests slump and bulk density test results and as
ultrasonic sound velocity, cured samples were dried in a laboratory hardened state tests results of ultrasonic sound velocity, compres-
oven for minimum 18 h, at 105 C to a constant weight. After the sive strength and splitting tensile strength at 7th and 28th days
ultrasonic sound velocity test, compressive strength [30] and split- were given in Table 6.
ting tensile strength [31] tests were performed to the same sam-
ples. It is known that the ultrasonic sound velocity is affected by 3.2. Capillary water absorption and wear resistance test results
the same properties affecting other mechanical properties. It
depends on the density and the other elastic properties of the con- The capillary water absorption test results and Bhme abrasion
crete. Therefore, there is a logic correlation between the mechani- results were illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 respectively.
cal properties and the ultrasonic sound velocity [32]. Also this test
provides information about the porosity of sample. 3.3. Statistical results
The capillary water absorption tests [33] were performed on the
samples which had coated sides with water insulating materials. The collected data was analyzed by using the Taguchi method
Bhme abrasion resistance test were performed on the 71 mm and average effects calculated at each level of factors are given in
length cube samples [26]. Table 7. In the Taguchi method signal and noise for output
Table 7
Mean S/N ratios for each level of each factor.
Table 8
Results of ANOVA for compressive strength.
df: Degree of freedom SS: Adj. Sum of square VA: Adj. Mean Square F: F value.
Table 9
Results of ANOVA for splitting tensile strength.
df: Degree of freedom SS: Adj. Sum of square VA: Adj. Mean Square F: F value.
Table 10
Results of ANOVA for ultrasonic sound velocity.
df: Degree of freedom SS: Adj. Sum of square VA: Adj. Mean Square F: F value.
characteristics and the signal/noise ratio (S/N) represent the desir- ultrasonic sound velocity tests the optimum conditions were
able signal value and the undesirable noise value, respectively. The P2.5B10S5C0 at the 7th day and P0B10S5C0 at the 28th day. For the
ratio is used to transform the quality characteristics [34]. capillary water absorption and for the Bhme abrasion test the
According to the test results based on Taguchi method, it can be optimum working conditions were P10B2.5S0C0.5 and P2.5B2.5S0C0.75
seen that for compressive strength the optimum conditions were respectively.
P2.5B10S10C0.75 for the 7th day and P2.5B2.5S10C0.75 for the 28th day The optimum working conditions and the effectiveness level of
in which pumice was denoted as P, barite as B, blast furnace each factor were determined by the Taguchi analysis. ANOVA was
slag as S and colemanite as C. Analysis showed that for the performed to determine the contribution percentage of the param-
splitting tensile strength the optimum working conditions were eters to test results. Tables 812 show the ANOVA results for com-
P5B10S5C0.5 at the 7th day and P10B0S5C0.75 at the 28th day. For pressive strength, splitting tensile strength, ultrasonic sound
350 A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351
Table 11
Results of ANOVA for capillary water absorption.
df: Degree of freedom SS: Adj. Sum of square VA: Adj. Mean Square F: F value.
Table 12
Results of ANOVA for Bhme abrasion resistance.
df: Degree of freedom SS: Adj. Sum of square VA: Adj. Mean Square F: F value.
velocity, capillary water absorption and Bhme abrasion test sonic wave from one surface to other will be longer [39]. According
respectively. to the results, it is seen that effects of mineral additives on the
It is known that pumice, blast furnace slag and colemanite are 7th and 28th day ultrasonic sound velocity results were similar
used as cement replacement materials and barite is used as filler to the results of the compressive and splitting tensile strength.
material [35]. It could be seen that the compressive strength of This result can be explained with the indirect relationship between
many samples were decreased compared to the reference sample the mechanical properties of concrete and ultrasonic sound
due to the reduction of cement. Barite was the most effective velocity.
parameter on the compressive strength at the 7th day. Barite is From Table 11, it can be seen that the blast furnace slag and
not usually used as cement substitution material but generally it colemanite had the most effective parameters on capillary water
is used as aggregate for radiation shielding [36]. The literature absorption results. It is known that the blast furnace slag showed
did not include any information about barite having an interaction pozzolanic activity at advanced ages and contributed to the devel-
with cement at the same level as pumice, blast furnace slag and opment of the microstructure [40]. Previous studies showed that
colemanite. Therefore barite was the most effective parameter on [38] cements incorporating boron had active and stable a or a0
7-day compressive strength due to its high compressive strength C2S crystal phase and hydration rate was higher compared to the
loss. Second effective parameter on the 7-day compressive ordinary Portland cement which contained b C2S phase. This
strength was pumice. Pumice was also effective on compressive leads to a continuous hydration rate, in this way more compact
strength but it was not as active as blast furnace slag and poz- and dense microstructure occurs. This microstructure develop-
zolanic material. The effect of colemanite on the results can be ment leads to the disappearing of the capillary pores.
related to the retarding effect of colemanite on the setting time Bhme abrasion results showed that blast furnace slag and cole-
[37]. manite were the most effective parameters on abrasion resistance.
Blast furnace slag was the most effective parameter on the 28- This can be related to the contribution of these two mineral addi-
day compressive strength. It had high contribution to the compres- tives to the mechanical properties of the concrete as mentioned
sive strength due to the chemical composition similar to cement above. Contribution on mechanical properties also affected the
and due to the high pozzolanic activity at later ages. Besides blast abrasion resistance of the samples similarly to the capillary water
furnace slag was the finest material among all. Besides using it as absorption results.
cement replacement material, using it as fine aggregate showed fil-
ler effect and provided additional contribution to compressive 4. Conclusions
strength results. It is known that colemanite addition has positive
effect on compressive strength as advanced age resistance. [38]. Compressive strength, tensile strength, ultrasonic sound veloc-
Barite was negatively affected almost at the same level as coleman- ity, capillary water absorption and Bhme abrasion resistance tests
ite. This result can be related to the inactive structure of barite. were performed on pumice, barite, blast furnace slag and coleman-
As it can be seen from the splitting tensile test results, similar ite used as cement replacement and fine aggregates at different
results can be seen from the compressive strength results both at amounts. Taguchi and ANOVA method were carried out in the
7th day and 28th day. It can be also seen in Table 6, that the com- study and the followings can be concluded.
pressive strength and splitting tensile strength results were
similar. Barite was the most effective parameter on early age compres-
The velocity of the ultrasonic wave passing through concrete sive strength. This result is related to the addition of barite
and the concretes strength do not have a direct relationship. How- instead of cement which is an inactive mineral and leads to
ever, there is a certain relationship between the density of the con- compressive strength loss. On the other hand, at later ages blast
crete and the ultrasonic sound velocity. Concrete with high amount furnace slag has shown pozzolanic activity and became the
of pores has lower density; therefore the reaching time of ultra- most effective parameter.
A.H. Sevin et al. / Construction and Building Materials 135 (2017) 343351 351
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