ATNSOFT Key Manager Guide

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_ ATNSOFT Key Manager Details Screenshots, Download Purchase Demo videos FAQ. Version History Awards Key Remapper Details Screenshots: Download Purchase Fag Version History awarés Calculator Details Free Version Purchase Text Paster Details Screenshots Download Purchase Version History ‘April 20, 2017, Caleulator via.S is released Products Download January 15, 2017 key Manager v1.12 isreleasee Test TTve been using your program (Key Manager) or months now, realy great too, Keep up the ‘00d work! Bartlomie) ‘Szulezewsil, United ‘Kingdom BEnalish O suas nv Key Manager = = Coico ATNSOET Key Manager vi 9 =o a | Sicatioe eS Sietauettnwaven oe aa Key Manager is a more functional version of the program Key Remapper that, in addition to remapping keys and mouse buttons, has many other useful functions. For exarnple, Key Manager allows you to remap combinations of keys and mouse buttons, key and mouse button sequences, and long presses (press and hold) You can show your actions in the form of poo-up menus that can be opened with hotkeys, record, eal, and execute macros (key sequences), emulate mouse clicks, type and paste text (including formatted text), Instantly filin forms on wedsites, launch programs, ‘open websites (you can insert currently selected text into thelr address parameters), change the layout and case of selected text, manage the power settings of your monitor and computer, control ‘the volume or set it at a certain level, move and resize windows, and much more. fa Windows a4 omg Key Manager gives your keyboard and mouse a new Ife and allows you to save lots of time and efforts in your ally work, Thanks to Is flexible terface, you can create various actons end execute ther by pressing Keys, ‘mouse buttons and combinations of both, as wel as represent them in the form of a popup actions menu. Apart {rom this, the application features powerful key and mouse button redefinition and blocking tools. Key redefinition ang the execution of assigned actions can be restictecto specific applications andor windows. Key Manager allows you to assign the ellowing actions to regular, sequential and long (press and hold) key presses, mouse button presses, the mouse wheel rotation, combinations with modifiers, as well as popup menu ems: + show popup menus witha lit of user-defined actions; + press and block keys, key combinations, press mouse buttons and emulate mouse wheel rotation; + postion and shift the mouse cursor relative to the entire screen, active window, and previous position with {the option of returning the cursor to the nial postion ance the actin is performed: + paste user-defined RTF or Plain text to any application with an option to insert current time, date and other Information from a template; + launch any application or open a fle ora folder (to create an event, just drag and drop a shortcut, folder or file onto the action window): + open a specie webpage; + Instantly create an email; + perform actions on all windows or active ones only (lose, minimize, maximize, restore, hide, show, reéraw, move, resize); + manage your computer's power, monitors power, sound settings, adjust volume, stat the screensaver and much more “The software also enables you to turn virally any key or mouse button into 2 user-defined modifier and use it (similar to Alt and Ctrl in combination with other keys, mouse buttons and modifiers. Interface Languages: English, Ill Deutsch, TE Espariol, ET Francals, EH Portugués am Pycoan System Requirements: Windows 2000/xP/2003/2008/\Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32 and 64-bit) Download Version History FAQ. Buy Now Screenshots Replacement of key combinations with other key combinations ‘An example ofa key combination replacement: Ctrl + Insert (Copy), Shift + Insert (Paste), Shift + Delete (Cut) ang Ale + Backspace (Undo) combinations in the old Borland Turbo C++ (DOS) application are replaced by the standard Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ciel + X and Ce + Z combinations. The new combinations are also shown Io a popup ‘menu when Ctrk+"Right mouse button” is pressed and can be added to an exception Allowing these replacements to workin a spectied application only, How to position and shift mouse cursor 1m Key Manager v1.20 was added the possibilty to position and shift the mouse cursor relative to the entire screen, active window, and previous position (in the "Key Sequence” action) with the option of returning the cursor to the initial postion ence: the action is performed, Pasting user-defined formatted text (RTF) into MS Word or other text fields “The example shows the process of pasting formatted RTF text containing the current ate inta an MS Word document, It also shows how a selected text fragment Is replaced with the same text in brackets. Opening a selected text fragment in the Internet browser “The example shows the result ofthe "Open web page" action in combination with the Yoxm_seltext (selected text) template Emulation of a double click of the left mouse button ‘The example shows how a double click ofthe left mause button Is assigned to Fi and F2 with a 600 ms delay. Recording and pasting a typed text fragment (macro) ‘This example shows the process of recording a text macro (logging and pasting the typed text) and its assignment to the Wine combination, Pasting text from the clipboard into applications that do not support the clipboard ‘The “Type Text” action using the Yekm_cbtext template is assigned to the Cx 4 V combination, which allows you to type the content ofthe clipboard in applications that co nat support i Getting Started Installing the program To install the program, downloaé the instalation dlstributve fle and run i Working with the program (Once the instalation is complete, start the program. The following window will appear: [@ By [5 | @) [Defadteraic [is ect] 0S) Se) [Total felders0 actions © ‘The top part ofthis window contains the profle management panel, as well as the "Pause" and "Program options buttons: be Tr change, “F Delete all User-defined me zh i} ki (ostattectie y=] es menu separator ne profile Misert folder/menu Rename profilo. Insort new action Curront profile Create profilo {profile selection) Below this panel is a window that alows you to add new actions and folders and manage them. To add a new action, click the "(double click to aca)” tine: [ea is-e| (= = ‘Adding 3 new action, menuifolder or separator si] CHIE] ‘You will see @ window like the one below: Restrict remapping to specific ‘The action will be performed when programs and windows (Exceptions) the key, mouse button or key ‘The hey, mouse bution or ‘combination is pressed and held down key combination the action | Clear the koy if no longor Prose willbe assigned to needed (for using inthe menu) | duration - “ a ot oe | == Jo FS Sermon ace a Tete (latte tater’ tao ite Gyre UenRoe 0 iS) Unde 6 a = Sesesoes ene Soe ce ae faeces Ell er Manopes contrat een +t + + Pause User-defined Selection of the action Properties of the midifiers being assigned selected action Most actions have a name that is dlplayed in the “Action name" fel, It is automatically generated using the action data, (Once added, the new action appears in the action tree of the main window: Menu/Folder/Action {double click ito change is properties) + FT Key Manager i dols Help F(a) ene ees Tetalfolfer|1, actors: 0 ! y Add wo the FolderMtenu Aad to the main list ‘As the folder that we added in our example has an assigned key combination - "LC +LShift+1" ~ it allows you both to give some structure tothe rest ofthe actions and represent the actions inside itn the form of a popup ‘To demonstrate this, e's add three addtional actions to the above action folder. The rst one will nsert some text, te secand one will launch a progrem and the third one wil replace the long press of tne CapsLock key By the Ctrl+C combination (which corresponds ta the “copy to dipboard” Windows command). To do this, click the “(double dick to ado)" line inside the action folder: Se cals sit ioNew (outed todd (eee dr ae) + ‘Add an action to the Folder/Monu Select the “Type text” action in the new window. Then type some text inthe "Text" field, for instance: “The text was added: folowed by the current date and time, Ta use cate and time, you need to use a template, Click the [| puton and slat tne necessary typeof date and time nthe menus You can et templates sng examples as a reference ‘The finite form of the message is shown in the "Preview" Feld as Ca) Cores) “The name of the action is generated automatically. Ifyou want to give the action a specific name, just type fin the "Action name” fil. ‘To add the action, press“ "Now add another action to the action folder Click the "(double click to add)" ne inside the folder again and select the "Launch a program or file" action. In this example, we willbe starting MS Word. To specty the path to the MS Word executable, you can cick the "File." button and point to the executable. You can also do t by simply dragging the necessary executable (for Instance, from °C:\Pregram Flas\" or program sherteut from the "Start” menu and dropping it onto the action propertias window, Let's also assign this action to the “LCtri+2" combination in the “To @ key, mouse button, sequence of presses or key combination:” fe In the end, our window will ok like this: “To ade this action, press "OK", Now i's te to add the last press (press and hold) of the " on to this folder ~ the press of the Ctrl+C key combination assigned to a tong psLack" key, ‘Ta co that, click the “(double cick to addy” line inside the folder again and select the "Key or key combination” action Click the "Define a key, mouse button or key combination." field and press the Ctrl+C combination Enter "Copy" into the “Action name:" fla Cck the "To a key, mouse button, sequence of presses or key combinato check the "Long press” box. *feld, press the "CapsLock" key and “The window wi Toateymaaenimn amma cteemearey crime: Sande look like that: le hey nen iy crate oer ena ee yom bt (Es) Ceetter eaten at Whew Choe Fm (Claw Flee Ease Flaum tea eb rteane Co) Cone) ‘To ade this action, press "OK" In the end, the main wincow will ook ke that: Saaremaa EE LOH +1SHA TT Sens TGQ ce + 1-5 the tet sad 0/2010 15:47 AM (il}.ce\ +2-> nen ord “© Long press Carsck > Copy (ouble dk to ac) (Gauci aed Cee) Total folie 1, actions'5 Let's try it inaction now. Make sure that the program is not paused and press the "LCirl=2" key combination ~ MS Wore wil stare. Press the "LCtrl+LShift+2" combination in MS Word ~ the following menu will appear: one | fet Weectawnt Rens) Melts a wat CCl oay) =| A a | Ane | Bacopy ote romatante BOE Ur de | A BAe Clsboars Font 5 I “(B The tec was added: 10/98/2010.11:8 AM Open MS Werd wo Cony Select the fist element of the menu - "The text was added: .." Word document: and see that the folowing text is added to the " Documentl = MicosoWord tne [iil Winter Geen Gan AS eamiearsfe a a | 7 Goma | BE Wo | Be Be ciobons | i 5 “The ext was added: 10/08/2020 11:28 aN] I ‘Add something to the pasted text, select all the text in the document, then press anc hole the "CepsLock" key ~ Iwill emulate the press of the "Ctrl+C combination, which copies text to the clpooard, Select "Paste" in the main menu of MS Word and the copied text will be pasted! For training purposes, ry assigning the CUrl+V (Paste) combination to the regular press of the "CapsLack” key. Call the action “Paste” and you wil beable to paste from the elipooare by pressing single key ~ "CapsLack’. You may want to use @ long press for copying and a regular press (or pasting, Ifyou want "CapsLock" to perform its regular function, you can assign the press ofthis key to any other key or key combination, for instance to "Ctrls CapsLack” ar "Cia Shifts Tab" Saniora Fie Took Help Sassi) Gee) Sn | ee Leal +1ahtt+ 1am TGQ Le + 1-5 the tetas aed 0/2010 13:92AM (ilhice) +2-> Oren 5 ord |-o@ Lena ess Cara > Copy “© Caplock > Paste | Ler + Caps» pres casted (Coit dct a8) (Gee act ad Coeee Total folders 1 actions3 Action control and hotkeys You can easily mave and copy (by pressing and holding the Cx key) the created folders and actions. In order to add, edit or remove actions and folders, use the context menu or the following hotkeys: culeP Pause/Unpause Insert Insert an action Shittrinsert | Insert a felder/menu Enter [Added a folder or an action depending on context Delete Delete @ folder or an action Cist+Delete Delete all folders and actions (clear current profile) csc Copy an action ora folder cute (Cut an action ora folder culev Paste an action ora folder Cusl+Shift=C | Copy the entire profile as a folder Copyright © 2008-2017 ATNSOFT. All rights reserved.

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