Bepco Air Brake TRBL Chart PDF
Bepco Air Brake TRBL Chart PDF
Bepco Air Brake TRBL Chart PDF
** The air brake system of a trailer is 3.) Brakes Release Too Slowly 7.) Uneven Brakes
entirely dependent upon the air brake -Brakes need adjusting or lubricating. -Brakes need adjusting, lubricating or relining.
system of the towing vehicle for its air -Brake rigging binding. -Grease on brake lining - reline brakes.
-Exhaust port of relay emergency valve restricted or -Brake shoe return spring broken.
supply and control. Therefore, the air air plugged. -Brake drum out of round.
brake system of the towing vehicle must -Restricted tubing or hose. -Leaking brake chamber or actuator diaphragm.
be in good condition; otherwise it will be -Restricted tubing or hose.
impossible to obtain a good brake 4.) Brakes Do Not Apply -Broken slack adjuster or foundation brake parts.
-Connecting hoses to trailer crossed.
performance on the trailer. Before -Faulty relay emergency valve.
condemning the air brake system on a -Tractor protection valve not functioning properly 8.) Excessive Leakage With Brakes Released
trailer, always be sure the air brake or not in normal position (see operating instruc- -Relay emergency valve or drain valve leaking.
system on the towing vehicle is function- tions). -Leaking tubing or hose.
-No air pressure in air brake system. -Hose uncoupled or leaking hose coupling.
ing properly. The following is based on -Restricted tubing or hose.
on the assumption the tractor air brake -Hoses between tractor and trailer not connected.
system is functioning properly. 9.) Excessive Leakage With Brakes
5.) Brakes Do Not Release Fully Applied
-Connecting hoses to trailer crossed. -Faulty relay emergency valve.
1.) Insufficient Brakes -Brake valve on towing vehicle in applied position.
-Brakes need adjusting, lubricating or relining. -Leaking brake chamber diaphragm.
-Brake rigging binding. -Leaking tubing or hose.
-Tractor protection valve not in normal position. -Relay emergency valve in emergency position.
-Faulty relay emergency valve. -Hose uncoupled or leaking hose coupling.
-Faulty relay emergency valve.
-No trailer air supply - clogged emergency line. -Restricted tubing or hose.
-Low air pressure in the brake system (below 80 -Tractor protection valve not functioning properly
10.) Excessive Leakage with Relay
or not placed in normal position. Emergency Valve in Emergency Position
-Brake valve delivery pressure in towing vehicle
below normal. -Faulty relay emergency valve.
6.) Brakes Grab
-Restricted tubing or hose. -Grease on brake lining - reline brakes.
-Wrong size actuators. -Brake rigging binding. 11.) Excessive Oil and Water Present
-Faulty relay emergency valve. in the Air Brake System.
2.) Brakes Apply Too Slowly -Faulty brake valve on towing vehicle. -Reservoirs not drained often enough.
-Brakes need adjusting or lubricating. -No trailer load.
-Low air pressure in the brake system (below 80
-Brake valve delivery pressure in towing vehicle
below normal.
-Restricted tubing, hose, or line filter.
-Excessive leakage with brakes applied.
-Faulty relay emergency valve.
3) Safety valve on air dryer a. Plugged or saturated desiccant a. See remedy 2E, replace desiccant cartridge/
opens during operation. cartridge or filter. filter.
b. Defective one way check valve. b. Check to see if air is passing through check
c. Restricted discharge line. valve. Repair or replace check valve.
c. Clean or replace air discharge line.
4) Constant leak of air from a. Purge control line connected to a. Purge control line must be connected to
purge valve. reservoir or exhaust port of governor. unloader port of governor.
b. Inlet and outlet air connections b. Compressor discharge line must be connected
reversed. to dryer inlet port.
c. Purge valve frozen open. c. Repair or replace thermostat/heater.
d. Restricted discharge line. d. Check to see if air passes through discharge
e. Faulty governor. line. Check for kinks, bends or excessive
carbon deposits.
e. Check governor for proper cut-in, cut-out
pressure and excessive leakage. Repair or
replace governor.
5) Air dryer does not purge a. Line between governor and dryer a. Check to make sure air flows through purge
or exhaust air. kinked, plugged, broken or frozen. control line when compressor is unloaded.
b. Faulty heater or thermostat. Clean or replace purge control line.
c. Faulty purge valve. b. Repair or replace thermostat/heater.
c. After determining air reaches purge valve,
repair purge valve.
6) Slow air pressure build up. a. Restricted line. a. Check to see if air passes through discharge
b. Plugged desiccant or filter. line. Check for kinks, bends or excessive
carbon deposits. Clean or replace discharge
b. Replace desiccant cartridge.
7) Heater inoperative. a. Broken wire or bad connection. a. Repair or replace wiring to heater.
b. Blown fuse. b. Check fuse and replace if necessary.
c. Defective thermostat. c. Repair or replace thermostat.