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The Business of Software

Dont Just
Roll the Dice
A usefully short guide to software pricing

Neil Davidson
Dont Just Roll
The Dice:
A usefully short guide to
software pricing

By Neil Davidson

First published by Simple Talk Publishing 2009

Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Copyright Neil Davidson 2009

ISBN 978-1-906434-38-0

The right of Neil Davidson to be identified as the author of this work

has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act 1988.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-

Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 License. To view a copy of this
license, visit
or (b) send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San
Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Reviewers: Phil Factor and Michael Pryor

ii Editor: Tony Davis

Copy Editor: Una Campbell

Typesetting and Design: Matthew Tye

Original photography: Neil Davidson and Matthew Tye.

Page 27 photograph by Jan Kratna.
Table of Contents
About the Author v

About the Reviewers v

Foreword vi

Product Pricing 8

Chapter 1: Some but not too much Economics 9

Chapter 2: Pricing Psychology: What is your product worth? 15

What is your product? 15

Perceived value 17

Chapter 3: Pricing Pitfalls 27 iii

Competitors 27

Fairness 28

Pirates 28

Switching costs 30

Should you take your costs into account? 32

Chapter 4: Advanced Pricing 35

Versioning 35

Bundling 42

Multi user licences 44

Site licences 45

The purchasing process 45

Free 47
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Free trials 49

Network effects 41

Bargains 53

Different ways of pricing 55

Choosing the right model 58

Chapter 5: What your price says about you (and how to change it) 60

Practice trumps theory 62

How to change your pricing 64

Product Pricing Checklist 65

Whats your strategy? 65

iv Whats your product? 65

How will your customers judge the fairness of your pricing? 65

Who are your customers? 65

Who are your competitors? 65

How are you going to sell your software? 66

Can you segment your customers, and create versions? 66

How can you bundle your software? 66

Make an informed guess at your price 66

Try it out 66

Afterword 67

Bibliography / Further Reading 68

About the Author
Neil Davidson is co-founder and joint CEO of Red Gate Software.
Red Gate was founded in 1999 and now employs some 150 people. It
was Cambridge News business of the year in 2006 and has been in the
Sunday Times top 100 companies to work for three years running. It
was founded with no VC money and little debt. Neil is also founder of
the annual Business of Software conference and runs the Business of
Software social network.

About the Reviewers

Phil Factor (real name withheld to protect the guilty), aka Database
Mole, has 25 years of experience with database-intensive applications.
Despite having once been shouted at by a furious Bill Gates at an
exhibition in the early 1980s, he has remained resolutely anonymous
throughout his career.

Michael Pryor founded Fog Creek Software with Joel Spolsky in

September 2000. He has served as the companys president since the
beginning, and has also been the CFO since 2006. Michael graduated
from Dartmouth College with an Honors B.A. in Computer Science
(Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude). After graduation, he joined Juno
Online Services, as a Windows client developer. He writes a column
for Make Magazine called Puzzle This, and runs the popular interview
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

At Business of Software 2007 Michael Pryor held an impromptu session
on how to price your software. So many people turned up, and so many
people kept on arriving, that by the time theyd introduced themselves
there was no time left to talk about software pricing. Ive had similar
experiences; in fact, How do I price my software? is probably the most
common question Im asked by software entrepreneurs and product

This handbook is an attempt to answer that question.

But first, Id like to thank Phil Factor, Tony Davis and Michael Pryor
for all their editing, reviewing and suggestions. More people than I can
vi possibly mention have contributed with offers of help, anecdotes and
proofreading. This handbook is way better with their input than it ever
could have been without. Thanks guys.

Neil Davidson
Cambridge (UK), August 2009
A note on licensing
This book is licensed under the Creative Commons attribution-
noncommercial-no derivative works license. That means that youre
free to make copies of this and circulate it to whomever you want
(please do!), but please provide a link to the eBook
(, and please dont change
the book or try to make money from it. If you get something out of this
book then please pass it on to a friend or colleague. If you find it really
valuable, then please buy a physical copy or post a review on Amazon.

Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Product Pricing
In 1938, two young engineers were ready to launch their first product.
Theyd struggled with what to build. After considering amplifiers, radio
equipment, air controllers, harmonicas and even muscle-building elec-
trodes for housewives, theyd finally decided to create an oscilloscope.
Not wanting customers to be put off by a version one product, they
sensibly called it the Model 200A.

The next step? Decide the pricing.

They eventually settled on $54.40. Was that because it represented the

cost of manufacturing, plus a decent markup? No. These engineers
hadnt taken that into account. In fact, they soon realized that the cost
8 of building each oscilloscope was more than the price they were
asking. Was it based on what the competition charged? No. They hadnt
bothered to discover that General Radio charged $400 for an equivalent

They chose $54.40 because it reminded them of the 1844 slogan used in
the campaign to establish the northern border of the United States in
the Pacific Northwest (54 40 or Fight!).

What a dumb-ass way to price a product.

But these two young engineers recovered from their stumble. The
Model 200A went on to become the longest-selling basic electronic
design of all time, still selling 33 years later. The company they founded
became an institution. Their names? Dave Hewlett and Bill Packard.

If Hewlett and Packard, two Stanford graduates with the rosiest of

futures ahead of them, can flounder so badly when faced with the prob-
lem of how to price their products, what hope do the rest of us have?

Quite a lot, as it turns out.

Chapter 1 | Some - but not too much - economics

Chapter 1:
Some but not too much

To understand product pricing, it helps to understand some, but not

too much, economics. The easiest way is through a simple example.

Lets say youve just launched the Time Tracker 3000. Its a download-
able piece of software that logs which applications you use throughout
the day, and sends the usage information back to a central web site.
From there, you can find out what youve been up to all day long. Youve
decided to charge a one-off fee for it. Further on well talk about web
apps, social networks and other pricing models, but well keep it simple
for now.

How are you going to price it?

Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

If you give it away for free, youll get lots of customers. A thousand, say,
including Belinda the bargain hunter, Stewart the student, Willhelm
the web start-up founder, Pat the product manager and Ernest the
enterprise developer.

Lets represent these thousand customers, paying no money, as an

infinitely thin horizontal bar (representing the $0 price), 1000 units
long (representing the quantity):



If you move away from free, and start charging $100, then the number
of people prepared to buy will drop sharply. Belinda is a bargain hunter
and was only using the software because it was free, and Stew is a stu-
dent, so neither of them will buy. Youll get, for the sake of argument,
five hundred customers instead of the original thousand. Lets represent
that as a bar with a height of $100 and a length of 500 units. Whats the
revenue you generate from this? Its the area of the bar, so $100 x 500 =
Chapter 1 | Some - but not too much - economics

Lets overlay it on top of the first bar:



500 1000

What happens if you increase the price to $200? Some of the people
who would have bought at $100 will no longer buy, but some still will.
Willhelm runs his own company and cant justify the price, so hes no
longer interested. Lets say 300 people will still buy, represent this by 11
a rectangle and overlay it onto the chart. Again, the revenue you make
from 300 people buying at the price of $200 is the area of the rectangle,
so $200 x 300 = $60,000:



300 500 1000


Lets increase the price once more, to $500. At this point, fewer people
will buy your product. Pat the product manager drops off because at
that price shed rather buy a competitors tool. Lets say 50 people will
still buy, and represent this as a rectangle, overlaid on the chart.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Once more, the value of this rectangle is its area: 50 people buying at
$500, so 50 x $500 = $25,000.



50 300 500 1000


Finally, since the Time Tracker 3000 is valuable, but not that valuable,
lets assume that nobody will buy if you price it at $1,000 and represent
12 this as a bar of width 0 and plot it on the chart:




50 300 500 1000


Weve plotted five points on what is becoming a curve of price against

the number of people who will buy the Time Tracker 3000 at that price.
Whats more, you can work out the total revenue you will get at any
particular price by looking at the area of the rectangle (price x purchas-
ers) under that point of the graph:



50 300 500 1000

Economists call this a demand curve.

To maximize the revenue of the Time Tracker 3000, we need to find a

point on the graph that maximizes the size of the rectangle underneath
it. To understand that, it helps to plot the area (i.e. the total revenue)
against the price. For the Time Tracker 3000, this looks something like
this. (Ive plotted the five data points weve already got):



0 50 300 500 1000


From the diagram, you can see you should price the Time Tracker 3000
at around $300. Its not where youll sell the most units, but its where
youll make the most money.

Plotting a demand curve is, in theory, straightforward. In practice it is

way harder. In the real world, you dont know what the shape of the
demand curve is, or where your current price sits on it.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

On some curves, and on some points of the curve, youd be right to

increase your prices: the reduction in the number of people buying
your product will be outweighed by the increased revenue from each
person. On other curves, or on other points of the same demand curve,
increasing your prices will lead to a massive drop-off in sales and youll
lose money.

Whats more, the shape of the demand curve is dynamic and depends
on a bunch of factors, including your competitors, how theyll react to
any price changes they make, the amount of money your customers
have to spend and the type and quality of your product.

Chapter 2 | Pricing Pyschology: What is your product worth?

Chapter 2:
Pricing Psychology: What is
your product worth?
The demand curve, discussed in the previous section, might be dynamic
and depend on many factors, but you can still exert some influence on
its shape. In this chapter, Ill talk about how people decide how much
theyll pay for a product, and how you can change this.

But first, you need to be able to answer a simple question: what is your

What is your product? 15

You might think that your software product is just the bits and bytes
that your customers download, but youd be wrong. In reality, your
product is much broader than that. Its not just the software its the
documentation, the help required to get it working and the promise of
support when things go wrong. Its the future roadmap of the product,
the pledge to carry on developing future versions. In some cases, its a
dream; a way of life.

One of the clearest examples comes from the accounting industry. At

Red Gate, we use Sages accounting software. Were not the only ones:
Sage is a software business with 5.8 million customers, that employs
14,500 people and that has a market capitalization of nearly five billion
dollars. It dominates the accounting market in the UK, and has seen off
concerted attacks from, among others, Microsoft and Intuit.

But their software sucks.

Its slow, and its hard to use. When I first used it in 1999, the buttons
on the toolbar didnt depress when I clicked them; they were just static
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

pictures painted on a grey background. The application is so ugly that

the product walkthroughs on the Sage web site barely feature the
product itself.

These two facts, the awfulness of the product and the magnitude of
its success, can be reconciled if you understand that Sages product is
more than just the software.

When you buy Sage software, you are not just buying software. You are
buying reassurance: when the tax laws change, the software will get
updated too. You are buying familiarity: if you buy Sage, the odds are
that your accountant or bookkeeper will already be able to use it. Youre
buying support: if you dont understand some of the accounting codes
or procedures you need, then you can phone somebody for help. Forty
thousand people call Sages help line per day.
The reason that Sage is so dominant in the UK is because Sage under-
stands exactly what their product is. You need to do the same.
Chapter 2 | Pricing Pyschology: What is your product worth?

Perceived Value

Once youve determined what your product is, you need to consider
its value to your customers. In the case of the Time Tracker 3000, lets
say that it will save a particular customer, Willhelm, three hours of
work and that Willhelm prices his time at $50 an hour. That means that
Willhelm should buy the Time Tracker 3000 at any price under $150,
assuming he has nothing better to spend his money on.

Of course, this assumes that Willhelm is the rational, decision-making

machine that economists love. In fact, Willhelm is a flesh-and-blood,
irrational human being who doesnt price his time and calculate costs
and benefits. He has a perceived value of the Time Tracker 3000, which
may or may not be linked to its objective value.

The perceived value of a product may be higher than its objective value.
In 2003, Gartner released a report that claimed that almost half of all
customer relationship management (CRM) systems lie unused. Thats
several billion dollars of software that smart people thought was worth
it, but wasnt.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Lottery tickets are another example where perceived values are higher
than objective values. Buy a $5 lottery ticket and in the long run, based
on probability, you only expect to get $3 back. But millions of people
still buy them.

A products perceived value may be lower than its objective value too.
A few years ago, I stumbled on somebody who insisted on using Excel
as a word processor. According to this user, the additional expense of
buying Microsoft Word wasnt worth the benefits hed gain. This was
almost certainly a perception rather than a reality. Thats an extreme
example of a very common situation. At Red Gate, we occasionally
come across people whod love to buy our software, but cant justify the
purchase to their boss. Here, the perception is that the several hours
of somebodys time that the tool will save arent worth the price of the
software (a couple of hundred dollars). The reality is that the tool will
18 pay for itself within a couple of weeks.

Back to Willhelm and the Time Tracker 3000. If you want to change
how much Willhelm will pay for your product, then changing the
product is one option, but only if you can also change his perception too.
In fact, it turns out that you can change Willhelms perception of your
products worth without touching the product at all. Thats one of the
things marketing is for.

How people set their perceptions

So how do people generate their perceived value of a product? How do
they decide how to think?

For a start, its extremely hard for them to do so in a vacuum. Try asking
a British Member of Parliament how much a pint of milk costs, a con-
testant on The Price is Right for the value of a chest of drawers, or the
average supermarket shopper how much they should pay for a bottle of
bleach. Theyll struggle.
Chapter 2 | Pricing Pyschology: What is your product worth?

People base their perceived values on reference points. If youre selling

a to-do list application, then people will look around and find another
to-do list application. If they search the internet and discover that your
competitors sell to-do list applications at $100 then this will set their
perception of the right price for all to-do list applications.

When Microsoft released DOS 1.0 in 1982, they set a price of $50. At
the time, an operating system for a mass-market computer was a brand
new category. Since consumers had no reference point, and $50 seemed
about right, it became accepted as a fair price. When IBM launched
OS/2 1.0 in 1989 and priced it at $340, consumers baulked. Not for an
economic reason though: DOS and OS/2 were very different operat-
ing systems, and $340 could well have been a fair reflection of the
additional economic benefit consumers would have extracted from the
more-advanced OS/2. But Microsoft had already defined the reference
point, and when IBM tried to challenge it they failed. 19

This doesnt mean you need to copy the reference point. If your product
genuinely is better than your competitors, and you can demonstrate
the value of this difference, or create a perception of that value, then
you can charge more.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Of course, if your product is significantly less valuable than your

20 competitors then you may have no choice but to charge less. Compet-
ing on price may be the only option you have. Take pharmaceuticals.
My local supermarket stocks thirty or so different sorts of painkillers.
You can buy a pack of 16 Nurofen for 1.97 ($3.40), or a pack of 16 Tesco
analgesics for 0.32 (about 50 cents). The physical good the 200mg of
ibuprofen is identical in both the generic and named brand product.
But dont forget that the entire product is more than the chemicals. It
includes the marketing, brand name and packaging. Using this wider
definition, Nurofen is the superior product, and the only way Tesco can
compete is on price.

The value people perceive your product to have can depend on their
taste. Some people are passionate about good wine and will pay $50 for
a bottle, but others like the taste of $5 wine just fine. However, the tribe
people belong to (see later) can affect how much theyre willing to pay.
As Dave OFlynn wrote to me:

I never thought Apple products were worth the premium until I joined
Atlassian. 12 months later, I gladly paid a large premium for a Macbook Air.
The people I was surrounded with valued design and elegance. Prior to that,
Chapter 2 | Pricing Pyschology: What is your product worth?

I was surrounded by people that valued bang for the buck and my laptop
then was a generic AMD that weighed a ton in comparison. I was essentially
the same person; the changes were in the expectations and sense of value of
those around me.

How much money they have affects their perception of value. Dennis
Kozlowski, ex-CEO of Tyco, felt that $15,000 was a reasonable price to
pay for a dog-shaped umbrella stand, but most of us dont.

Knowledge influences the value people place on products. A laptop

with a 1.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB of RAM and a blu-ray
drive running Ubuntu is worth more than one with an N-Series Intel
Atom Processor and a DVD drive to me, but not to my mum.

Its a cheap trick, but fives and nines exert another powerful psycho-
logical effect on peoples perception of value. Just as $1.99 seems much
less than $2 in a supermarket queue, $1995 seems significantly less than
$2000 on a web site.

Increasing perceived values

The pharmaceutical industry holds another good example of how
marketing can increase the perceived value of a product, without
changing its substance. In 1981, when Glaxo wanted to release Zantac,
their anti-ulcer drug, they faced a marketplace dominated by
SmithKlines Tagamet. Although Glaxo felt their drug was more
effective than SmithKlines, the US FDA rated Zantac as providing little
or no benefit over existing treatments. Rather than marketing Zantac as
a me-too product, at a similar price to Tagamet, Glaxo decided to spend
heavily on saturating their sales and marketing channels. This ubiqui-
tous promotion increased Zantacs perceived value, and they were able
to price the product higher to reflect this added value. By the end of
the 1980s, Zantac had knocked Tagamet off its perch as the best selling
drug in the world.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Here are some more ways of increasing the perceived value of your

Increase its objective value. Perceived and objective values arent identi-
cal, but theyre still correlated. As Joel Spolsky wrote in 2006 1:

With six years of experience running my own software company, I can tell
you that nothing we have ever done at Fog Creek has increased our revenue
more than releasing a new version with more features. Nothing. The flow to
our bottom line from new versions with new features is absolutely undeni-
able. Its like gravity. When we tried Google ads, when we implemented
various affiliate schemes, or when an article about FogBugz appears in the
press, we could barely see the effect on the bottom line. When a new version
comes out with new features, we see a sudden, undeniable, substantial, and
permanent increase in revenue.
Give your product a personality. 37signals may not sell the best project
management software in the world, but it has personality. The 37signals
team stands for something: uncompromising simplicity. Want an extra
feature? Tough. If you want features, buy something else.

Link your product to yourself, and then define, and promote, your-
self as an expert. In its early days, before his company was bought by
Symantec in 1990, Norton Utilities and Peter Norton were synonymous.
All of Nortons products featured a picture of himself, with his arms

Make people love your product. When Black and Decker introduced
its DeWALT line of drills, it went to building sites and lumber yards at
lunch times to hand out pulled pork sandwiches, give product demos
and hold drill-off competitions, with prizes. They went to NASCAR
races and rodeos, where their end users hung out. They made people
love the brand, not just the product. Now the DeWALT drills have a
massive following amongst amateurs too; people who are keen to

Chapter 2 | Pricing Pyschology: What is your product worth?

associate themselves with the professionals. Despite the famous adage

to the contrary, it turns out that people buy drills, not holes. And $400
drills, too.

Provide a better service. When somebody buys software, they want

reassurance that its going to work and that youll be around if it
doesnt. If youre a small company with big competitors, this is some-
thing you can do better than they can. Capitalize on it.

Provide reassurance, through your reputation. Originally, brands were

a mechanism for creating trust. Back in the 1880s, you were guaranteed
that the next bar of Ivory soap you bought would be the same as the
first. More recently, the first manufacturers of PC clones struggled
against the common nobody ever got fired for buying IBM mentality.

Create a tribe. Products can be symbols of belonging. If you can turn

your product into a badge that people wear to make a statement about
who they are, which groups they belong to, and which they dont, then
thats valuable. Amateur DIYers dont need to spend $400 on a DeWALT
drill, but they like feeling part of the professional tribe.

Remind people of how much work youve put into your product.
People are more likely to pay for years of your time than for an easily-
copied software product. The twenty year old Bill Gates used this tech-
nique in his now-famous open letter to hobbyists in the Homebrew
Computer Club newsletter in 1976:

Almost a year ago, Paul Allen and myself, expecting the hobby market to
expand, hired Monte Davidoff and developed Altair BASIC. Though the
initial work took only two months, the three of us have spent most of the
last year documenting, improving and adding features to BASIC. Now we
have 4K, 8K, EXTENDED, ROM and DISK BASIC. The value of the
computer time we have used exceeds $40,000.

Appeal to peoples sense of fairness. When coffee shops charge an

extra 10 cents for coffee made with Fairtrade beans, theyre lining their
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

pockets with your ethics. How much of those ten cents go to the farmer
who originally farmed the quarter of an ounce of coffee beans that went
into your Fairtrade latte? Under a penny.

Sell more than just the physical product. The latest BMW adverts are
absolutely explicit about this. Set to videos of beautiful people doing
fun things, the voiceover says We are a car company. But we dont just
make cars. [] We realized a long time ago that what you make people
feel is just as important as what you make. At BMW, we dont just make
cars. We make joy. How much is joy worth? Certainly more than just
the price of a car.

Ultimately, it comes down to differentiating your product. It almost

doesnt matter on what features, benefits, the way that you sell, the
service that you provide, the country youre based in more or less
24 anything will do.
Chapter 2 | Pricing Pyschology: What is your product worth?


Now that you know that customers will find reference points to
compare your products price against, you should do all you can to
encourage favorable references and discourage unfavorable ones. If you
want to sell a to-do list at $200, when the market price is $100, then
you need to add a couple of features so your customers cannot make a
direct comparison, and then promote comparisons to other companies
$300 productivity suites, not their to-do lists. At the same time, avoid
all comparisons to open source alternatives.

If your customers cant find a reference point for your product, then
they look for proxies, or signposts. Supermarkets take advantage of
this: consumers decide whether luxury ice cream (something they
dont buy regularly) is reasonably priced based on whether diet coke
(something they buy all the time) is good value. If a supermarket sells
a can of diet coke for $2, consumers assume all their other products will
be expensive too.

Say you sell two products: the Time Tracker 3000 and the Task List
400, a to-do list application. When somebody thinks of something
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

they need to do, they store it in the Task List 400. Later on, they can
prioritize their tasks, split them up into sub tasks, track their progress
and smugly mark off the tasks as done.

Lets say the Time Tracker 3000 has no competitors, but the Task List
400 has plenty. Your customers will judge your Time Tracker 3000 price
on how youve priced the Task List 400. Charge a reasonable $25 for
your to-do list application and customers will take your word that $300
is a good price for the Time Tracker 3000. Charge $1000 for the first
app, and theyll assume youre fleecing them on the new one too.

If your product is unique, and customers can find no reference points

or signposts, then you have a chance to set your customers expecta-
tions, and define their perceptions. If you tell your customers that the
Time Tracker 3000 is worth $300, then the odds are theyll believe you.
26 Weve already seen how Microsoft did that with the first version of

If you have competitors in your market, then your customers will be

more conscious of cost, but if your product creates a new category,
then early adopters are less likely to be price sensitive. If you can create
a teleporter, a brand new category of product, that will beam you,
unharmed, from New York to Paris then not only can you define your
price, but you can also raise your price from $20,000 to $25,000 and
people will still buy it. But if you create a car, a new product within a
category that already exists, and increase your price from $20,000 to
$25,000 then your sales will suffer.
Chapter 3 | Pricing Pitfalls

Chapter 3:
Pricing Pitfalls
So far, weve looked at some economic theory, and the psychology of
pricing. Hopefully, youve now got some idea of how to set a price. But
there are some other factors to bear in mind too, and some pitfalls to
watch out for.

When you set your products price you need to think about how your
competitors will react. If you undercut them, will they start a price war?
Even if your competitor has a high-cost business model and cannot
compete on price in the long term then theres a risk theyll respond in 27
kind if you pose a serious enough threat, and just hope you go out of
business before they do.

The airline industry gives the best example of the futility of starting a
price war. On September 26th 1977, Freddie Lakers first ever Skytrain
flight to New York took off from London Gatwick. The price for the
return flight was $238.25 (plus an extra few dollars for a meal), well
under half the price of rivals tickets.

Five years later, Laker Airways was bust, the victim of the vicious, dirty
price war that it had initiated. As Laker had found out, and as EOS Air-
lines (founded 2004, closed 2008), Silverjet (founded 2006, failed 2008)
and MaxJet (founded 2003, failed 2007) subsequently relearned, taking
on an incumbent on the basis of price is highly risky at best, suicidal at
worst, especially when your competitors cannot afford to lose and have
no option but to fight to the death.

If you are going to compete on price, then you should minimize the
possibility of a counter-reaction from your competitors. Dont bang
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

your drum and tell the press how youre going to destroy them (a
mistake that Marc Andreessen of Netscape made when he said were
gonna smoke em, referring to Microsoft (or those idiots up in Red-
mond as Andreessen put it). Focus on their marginal customers and
hope that by the time they notice you it will be too late.

On the other hand, if you set your product price too high, will other
competitors emerge? Price the Time Tracker 3000 at $10,000 and you
could create the market, only for a competitor to produce the Tyme
Trakka 3000, undercut you, and steal your business.

Microsoft is famed for this. They wait for competitors (and often part-
ners) to prove markets with low volume, high price products whether
its CRM, testing tools or business intelligence and then jump in with
a low-cost, high-volume model.
However you price your product, remember that consumers have an
acute, although often irrational, sense of fairness. Think twice before
you betray that.

Books provide a good example. An economist would point out that I

derive the same value (traditional economics is all about value) from
reading a paperback version of Sebastian Faulkss James Bond thriller
The Devil May Care as I do from reading the electronic version.
But the list price is the same in both cases ($14). Its just not fair that
short-sighted book publishers charge the same for paper as they do for
electrons. I feel screwed over, and I dont like it.

If your price is way off whack, you will provide an opening for a special
type of competitor: the pirate. Price software too high, or at a price
point that most people judge unfair, then be prepared to be ripped off
in return.
Chapter 3 | Pricing Pitfalls

But pirates can also be your friends, in two ways.

Firstly, if your strategy is to achieve world domination by providing

a product to every potential customer, at a price he or she can afford,
then pirates provide a cheap back channel. They put a copy of your
software into the hands of people who will not pay, cannot pay, are too
dishonest or too principled to pay, or who simply dont value your work
that much. However, a pirated copy will end up, eventually, in the hand
of somebody who will pay.

Thats how early shareware software operated. In the early 1980s,

bulletin boards and user groups were a network commonly used to pass
around pirated software. In 1982, Andrew Fluegleman and Jim Knopf
piggy-backed onto this pre-existing network, added a notice in their
software asking people to pay them if they liked their software, and
invented shareware. 29

Adobe use pirates too, although possibly without realizing it.

Photoshop costs $700, even though the product has many cheaper, or
even free, competitors. How come? People use pirated versions of
Photoshop and then buy when their conscience kicks in, or they get
rich. If Adobe dropped the price to $300 then the pirates probably still
wouldnt buy, and theyd lose money from people whod pay the full
$700. Theyre best keeping the prices high and having a product that
pirates aspire, one day, to own legally.

The second reason that pirates can be your friends is that they are a
bellwether. They indicate the existence of a market failure. Most people
arent natural crooks, but high prices can force them to do things
against their better nature. Apple realized that the success of illegal
download sites indicated the need for cheap, downloadable music.
Their strategy of satisfying peoples needs worked far better than the
ostrich-like behavior of the music labels.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Switching costs


If youre trying to persuade people to switch to your product from a

competitors then youll need to position the price to overcome the
switching costs your customers face.

Say youre trying to persuade a customer to switch from his garbage

$500 word processor to your superior $100 one. First of all, youll need
to price to overcome the economic switching costs. Itll take him time,
and therefore money, to convert his files to a new format and to learn
the new menu layouts.

Secondly, youll need to overcome the psychological switching costs.

People overvalue what they have, and undervalue what they dont have.
What do you reckon the three balsawood penguins in the photograph
are worth? They cost me ten dollars (from the Kontiki exhibition in
Oslo). Care to raise your price? Didnt think so, but I wouldnt sell them
to you for even a hundred. I bet your house is probably full of similar
junk too.
Chapter 3 | Pricing Pitfalls

Another powerful psychological factor people struggle to overcome is

the emotional attachment to money theyve already spent. Rationally,
its gone. Its a sunk cost. Your customer shouldnt care that hes already
spent $500 on his garbage word processor. But he does.

To see this, take the case of a group of students who were told to
imagine that theyd accidentally purchased tickets for both a $50 and a
$100 ski trip for the same weekend, but that theyd have more fun on
the $50 trip. Which trip would they give up and which trip would they
go on? Rationally, they should have chosen to go on the cheaper trip. In
fact, over half the students chose to go on the less enjoyable, but more
expensive trip.

There are some things you can do to mitigate switching costs, and even
to use them in your favor. Here are a couple of examples. Open Office,
which includes open source word processing and spread sheet applica- 31
tions, lets you open files saved by Microsoft Word. Early versions of
Microsoft Word not only opened WordPerfect files, but had a dedicated
section in the help for WordPerfect users, and even allowed you to use
the WordPerfect shortcut keys.

Heres another example. If you decide to stop using FogBugz within

ninety days of your free trial expiring, then Fog Creek will refund you
all the money youve spent.

These strategies have two effects: first of all, they reduce the psycholog-
ical and economic impact of switching to Word or Fogbugz. Secondly,
once you have switched, youll have invested time and energy into using
the new software, and will have incurred a whole load of new switching
costs, which will then stop you from switching back.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Should you take your costs into account?

Clearly, you cannot price your software for less than it costs you to
produce, and sell, each unit. These are your marginal costs. You might
think these costs are zero, but they are not.

You need to find potential customers and persuade them to buy.

If you have a sales team then youll need to pay them commission.
It will cost you money to support customers, and chase the customers
who dont pay.

If youre relying on an intensive sales model, with face to face meetings,

then your cost of sales will, of course, be higher than if you have a low-
touch, web sales model. But you need to count the costs in both cases.

32 If youre planning on not charging the majority of your users, then

think very carefully about the cost of each additional user. If you think
it is zero then you are almost certainly wrong. If youre running a web
site, then each additional user will cost you storage space, CPU cycles
and bandwidth. This might be a very low cost fractions of a penny,
even but if you need huge numbers of users to make money then
small costs multiplied by vast numbers can equal big outlays.

Take YouTube. Its a free service and, theoretically, supported by

advertising. The cost of serving each additional video is tiny (about
one tenth of a cent), but in 2009 it will serve up an estimated 75 billion
video streams. Multiply together the tiny cost and the large volume and
you can see understand why YouTube costs Google an estimated $710
million a year to run. It nowhere near covers its costs through
advertising revenue.

Paperback Software offers another example of how misunderstanding

how your software is sold, and failing to account for your costs, can
lead to catastrophe. When Adam Osborne set up Paperback Software in
1984, it was founded on the premise that software cost too much.
Chapter 3 | Pricing Pitfalls

They released VP-Planner for $99.95 in 1986 and marketed it directly

against the $500 Lotus 123. Back in the 1980s, most software was sold
through dealers. The dealers earned a commission for every piece of
software they sold, but so hated the low margins on the low cost
VP-Planner that they bad-mouthed it and encouraged people to buy
the high-cost, high-margin Lotus 123 alternative. Furthermore, since
VP-Planner was essentially a direct copy of Lotus 123, customers
demanded as much support for the cheaper product as the more
expensive one, destroying any profit that Paperback Software made.
Paperback succeeded in harming Lotuss market share, but failed to
earn enough money to defend themselves against the lawsuit that Lotus

If the price your customers are willing to pay is lower than what it costs
you to sell your software, then you havent got a business and your
product will flop. You need to cut your cost of sales, or change your 33
pricing mechanism so customers end up paying more over the lifetime
of the product.

When Panasonic launched the 3DO, its gaming console, in 1994, Time
Magazine nominated it its product of the year. With a 32-bit RISC
processor, custom math co-processor and 2MB of RAM, it was far ahead
of its time. But Panasonic priced it at $699, way above its competition
and much higher than what even its target market of early adopters
could bear to pay. That, combined with muddled marketing, caused it
to bomb.

Other games console manufacturers learned from this mistake. When

the PS3 and Xbox 360 were launched, they cost more to produce than
the selling price that the market could bear, so Sony and Microsoft
charged consumers a low price, and accepted that they would lose
money (up to $300) on each console sold. They then recovered the
revenue through royalties on games people bought. The real price of
the console is hidden; buried in a clever pricing model.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

With the Wii, Nintendo took a different approach. They wanted to

reach a much wider market than their competitors 18 35 year old
male sweet spot, but realized that older people, housewives and families
would pay less for a console than hardcore gamers would. So they cut
their cost of manufacture and used cheaper, slower components. When
the Wii was launched in September 2006, Nintendo made a profit on
every console sold. That made the games cheaper to produce too, since
royalty payments can be lower, but not necessarily cheaper to buy.
Why? By now, the answer should be obvious to you.

Youll notice that theres one factor Ive not mentioned, and thats how
much your product has cost to develop. So far Ive talked about
marginal costs how much it costs to produce, or sell, each additional
unit of your software. Your up-front cost is different. You might have
spent one hundred dollars developing your product, or a million, but
34 that money is all spent. Gone. Its a sunk cost. What matters now is not
how much youve spent, but what people are prepared to pay.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

Chapter 4:
Advanced Pricing
Up to now, weve considered selling single products. But what happens
when you have several products to sell, or sell multiple versions of the
same product?



Each of your potential customers has a price theyll buy your product
at. Revisiting our previous example, Belinda (the bargain hunter) and
Stewart (the student) will only use the Time tracker 3000 if its free.
Willhelm will pay up to $150 and Pats maximum price is $400. Lets say
Ernest will pay up to $600.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Heres a chart of the revenue youll make at each price point:

Pricing Who buys Revenue

$0 Everybody $0
$450 (three people @
$150 Willhelm, Pat, Ernest
$400 Pat, Ernest $800 (two people @ $400)
$600 Ernest $600 (just Ernest)
$1000 Nobody $0

If these five people are your entire target market, then, to maximise
your total revenue, you should price the Time Tracker 3000 at $400. Its
36 the best single price, but youll lose out on sales to Willhelm, and youll
lose out on the extra revenue that Ernest would have paid.

If there had been some way to sell the product to each customer at the
maximum price that they could afford to pay, you would have been
able to sell $1150 of software. Thats whats versioning is about. Its a
mechanism of segmenting your users according to their willingness to
pay. You figure out if you can group your customers in different ways,
and then see if those groups are willing to pay different prices for your

Here are some of the ways of doing it:

By feature. For example, you can have standard and pro versions of
tools. This is extremely common in the software business. Micro-
softs Visual Studio 2008 comes in five different versions: Express
(free), Standard ($299), Professional ($799), Team System ($5,469) and
Team Suite ($10,939). Thats a price for everybody, with features to
match, from the cash-poor hobbyist to the rich, blue chip enterprise
developer. In the Time Tracker 3000 example, you might create a
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

professional edition that lets people compare how their usage of

different products compares with other people doing similar work.

By availability. Some of your customers might be prepared to pay

more to get your product quickly. Hardback books are a good
example of this. They have the same content as paperbacks, but are
packaged differently and aimed at people who cannot wait for the
content. For the Time Tracker 3000, you could sell an additional
subscription service that gets customers early access to software.

By demographic. Students have less money than businesses, hobby-

ists than professionals and school kids than baby boomers. You could
provide a version of the Time Tracker 3000 which students could
get, but only if they prove theyre in full time education.

By geography. Customers in the USA will pay more for the same
product than those in India and China. Microsoft, to compete with
the threat of open source, provides a cut-down starter edition of
its Vista operating system, available only in poorer countries such
as India and Mexico. The Time Tracker 3000 might be available in
India for 10% of its US cost, but be localized into Hindi, rendering it
useless to Westerners.

By industry. Perhaps architects, or software developers or aircraft

designers have specific needs, and perhaps your software can be
customized to suit them. The Time Tracker 3000 could come in a
special edition, aimed at law firms, that not only tracks application
usage, but also bans certain applications.

By platform. Mac users might be willing to pay more money for

your software than Windows users, or vice versa. You could sell a
Time Tracker 3000 for the Mac at a higher price than the Windows

Of course, you need to be aware of the dangers of versioning too. You

need to make sure that the features you choose for each version appeal
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

to the segment youre targeting. For example, if you introduce a Lite

version of your product, you need to be sure that professional users
wont downgrade to it.

When attempting to version by one of these criteria, and if your goal

is happy customers, then its best to remember consumers keen sense
of fairness. Adobe attempt to version on geography; their Acrobat 9
Pro costs $449 in the US, but 445 ($750) in the UK. Economically, this
might make sense, but it still leaves me banging my keyboard in impo-
tent rage. And is that good, in the long term, for Adobe?

Versioning has a couple of subtleties. Take a fast food restaurant that

serves the following sizes of diet coke:

Product Price
38 Small $1
Medium $1.50
Large $2

These prices have been chosen, presumably, to maximize the fast food
chains profits. People with little money, or who arent very thirsty, buy
the small drink; those who are marginally thirstier buy the medium one
and very thirsty people buy the large one. The additional fluid ounces
cost the restaurant virtually nothing: this is all about finding a price
point that works for everybody.

You can also see the use of reference points here. Consumers see the
small drink, and consider the medium drink a bargain (a lot more
drink for just a few more cents).

So far, so blatant, but heres one subtlety: adding a jumbo drink will
increase the sales of the large drink, even if nobody ever buys the
jumbo one. Adding more choices at the edges drives people to the
middle of the range. They dont want to appear stingy, or greedy, so go
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

for the safety of the middle. In this example, adding a jumbo version
on top shifts where the middle lies, so makes more money.

But heres the second subtlety. This only works if people can easily
compare the products being versioned. For the sodas, it works. The
jumbo soda is clearly larger than the large soda, which is clearly larger
than the medium soda, which is clearly larger than the small soda.
So people go for a safe option, somewhere in the middle.

But the effect reverses if people struggle to compare the different ver-
sions of the products. In that case, people flee the middle and head for
the extremes. Take laptops. Say you ask people to choose between the
following products:

Laptop type Features Price

Standard laptop Normal features $1000 39

X100 Standard + DVD player $1100

X102 Standard + Wireless card $1100
X103 Standard + Faster processor $1100
X104 Standard + DVD + Wireless $1200
Standard + Wireless + Faster
X105 $1200
Standard + DVD + Wireless +
Extreme laptop $1300
Faster processor

Rather than migrating towards one of the middle options, people are
pushed towards the edges. They go for the standard laptop or the
extreme one. This is because its impossible to compare the benefits of
the different items being offered. Is a wireless card a better option than
a faster processor? Or how about a DVD drive? As a result, people take
an easy all or nothing decision.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

When people are presented with a bunch of confusing options they

cannot compare, going for an extreme isnt their only option.
They also have a tendency to defer: to simply not buy, or go for a
competitors product.

This counter-intuitive behavior has some interesting consequences.

If consumers are faced with a choice of, say, a Sharp or a Panasonic
microwave then roughly half of them will plump for a Sharp and
half for a Panasonic. If they are asked to choose a microwave from a
selection that contains a single Panasonic and multiple versions of the
Sharps, then one of two things can happen.

If they can easily compare the Sharps (for example, because they differ
solely in price and one other attribute, such as size or power), then
more people will buy the Sharp than the Panasonic. This is a demon-
40 stration of how providing multiple versions of a product will increase
the products sales.

On the other hand, if they cannot easily compare the Sharps then the
effect is reversed. For example, if one Sharp has an adjustable speed
turntable, another has a moisture sensor, one has programmable menus
and another has a hold warm feature, then consumers will shun the
Sharp, reject confusion and go for the Panasonic. This shows how
providing multiple versions of a product can decrease a products sales.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

Here are just some of the possible versions of Microsofts Vista

operating system:


Is protecting against hardware failure more important than having

all-in-one media center functionality? And does being able to remotely
access your business resources outweigh being able to easily make
DVDs? Its hard to tell, so consumers will tend to do one of three things:

Go to the extremes buy Home Basic (at $199.95) or Ultimate

(at $319.95)

Defer a decision stick with Windows XP

Buy a competitors product.

I bought a Mac my first one ever.

Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Bundling is another way of giving your customers better value, persuad-
ing them to buy and generating more revenue. Most straightforwardly,
people love a bargain.


The idea of getting $5140 of software for $1,595 (in the case of the SQL
Toolbelt that Red Gate sells) is clearly compelling.

But even without price discounting, bundling makes sense.

Say youve got two products, the Time Tracker 3000 and the Task List
400. Willhelm, the web start-up founder, is hyper-focused. Once he
gets going on something, hell see it through to completion. But he
struggles to organize the list of things he has to do. Pat, on the other
hand, doesnt see much point in task lists, but she has the feeling that
she wastes much of her working day, and would like to know how she
spends it. Pat and Willhelm are therefore willing to spend different
amounts on each product:
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

Customer Time Tracker 3000 Task List 400

Willhelm $150 $400
Pat $400 $150

If you sell your products individually then, product-by-product, you

need to choose the maximum price that the person who values that
product the least will still pay. You need to price the Time Tracker 3000
at $150 (so Willhelm will buy it) and the Task List 400 at $150 (so Pat
will buy). That means that Willhelm and Pat will each give $150 for each
product, and you generate revenue of $600.

But lets say you create a bundle of the Time Tracker 3000 and the Task
List 400. At that point, the bundle is worth $550 to Willhelm and $550
to Pat. Set the price at $550, sell the bundle to both people and you
generate revenue of $1100. Willhelm and Pat have got all the software
they want, and youve generated an extra $500.

However, bundling has drawbacks too. When you bundle software

together it becomes harder for your customers to understand what
theyre paying for. In turn, that might mean they are less likely to use it.

For example, a diner eating a fixed price menu is more likely to skip
coffee than a diner whos paid explicitly for the coffee. The coffee is
bundled, so the disconnect between what the diner is paying for and
what he is consuming makes it easier to not consume.

For software, if a customer is less likely to use a piece of bundled soft-

ware then he might be less likely to buy a future version, or to continue
to spend money on maintenance contracts. One way of counteracting
this effect is to continue to be explicit about the worth of each item in
a bundle.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Multi-user licenses
Multi-user licenses are one more way of bundling software. But before
you decide to offer multi-user discounts to your customers, remember
three things:

1. Larger companies tend to buy more copies of software since they

have more users. Offer them a three for the price of two discount
then theyll get a better deal than individual users and small busi-
nesses. Larger companies also have more money and tend not to be
so price sensitive. This means that the poor are effectively subsidiz-
ing the rich.

2. You might lose sales in the long term. The company who paid for
two licenses may have paid for three if youd asked.
3. On the other hand, they might not have done. Everybody likes a
discount, even large companies.

4. Larger companies might have more money, but they can also have
stricter purchasing policies.

Its hard to know which of these factors are the strongest in any given
situation. I know of one company who moved away from multi-user
deals based on the first two reasons above. They moved from selling a
five for the price of three bundle to a simple 10% discount per copy, for
multiple copies.

It turned out that their customers preferred the convenience of buying

multi-user bundles. If their customers had two users, they liked being
able to buy a five user license for the price of three and get the possibil-
ity of a bargain (two free users) if another person started using it. This
outweighed the risk of overpaying, and never having a third user. Two
months and several hundred thousand dollars of lost revenue later, the
company switched back to multi-user deals.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

The important point is that theory cannot tell you about the wisdom or
otherwise of multi-user deals. The only way to find out is to try it out.

Site licenses
You need to be careful with site licenses. Sell a site license to Microsoft
or Walmart and, unless youve customized your pricing accurately and
high, you could be forgoing enormous amounts of future revenue. If
you insist on selling a site license then make sure you define site well.
Is it for a specific office, or country, or worldwide?

The purchasing process

You must consider your customers purchasing processes when you set
your prices. If youre selling to businesses, then there will be a number
of thresholds that you need to think twice about before crossing. For 45

If you sell a product at $10 or under then an end user will charge it to
his personal credit card and not claim it back.

Up to $50, he might charge it to his card and claim it back from the
company he works for.

Up to $995, he might borrow his bosss company credit and charge it

directly to the company.

At $1000, he might have to fill in some paperwork and justify, strongly,

his reason for purchasing to his boss.

At $5,000 he might have to talk to the head of his department.

At $25,000 he might have to talk to his CEO.

At each stage, not only does the cost increase, but the hassle does too. If
you can figure out where these thresholds lie (and they move around as
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

the state of the economy changes, and according to the characteristics

of your customers), then its worth pricing your software just under a
threshold rather than just over it.

Once you cross a threshold, you can often move up to the next one
relatively easily. Its easier to persuade somebody to spend $10 instead of
$1 than it is to get them to open their wallet in the first place.

This is yet one more reason to provide multi-user discounts and

bundles. If youre selling to an organization, then the individual youre
selling to will help you cross the thresholds, and once youre past a
threshold he may even be keen to help you beyond there.

Say youve persuaded Frank, the IT manager of Blue Door Software, to

buy a one hundred user license of the Time Tracker 3000. Frank has
negotiated hard and youve agreed on a price of $25,000. Frank knows
that he now needs to persuade Victor, the CEO, to authorize this
expenditure. Victor is a scary, busy man and hard to persuade. Frank
realizes that he may well need some copies of the Task List 400 at some
point in the next six months, and doesnt want to have to persuade
Frank twice. He also knows that, although Blue Door Software cur-
rently has one hundred employees, it will probably grow over the next
twelve months. If hes going to ask for $25,000 to buy the Time Tracker
3000, why not ask for $30,000 and get you to throw in some copies
of the Task List 400 for free? Or for $35,000 and ask for an extra fifty
licenses? Its in Franks interests, and yours, and Blue Door Softwares.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing


Some people argue that the price of software will inexorably be driven
to zero. Economists have proven that in any efficient market, the cost
of a good will be driven down to its marginal cost of production. If
youre one of many producers selling wrenches then consumers will
shop around for the cheapest wrench. If it costs $5 to produce the next
wrench, then wrench manufacturers will compete on price, undercut-
ting each other and driving the price lower and lower, until its at the
lowest price that still allows them to make a profit: $5.01.

Information, the theory goes, has zero marginal cost. It costs nothing
to ship the next set of bytes to your next customer. Therefore, the price
that consumers will pay for your information, and the cost you must
sell it for, will eventually approach zero. The success of open source
operating systems such as Linux, the Apache web server and the Open
Office suite seem to illustrate this point.

This argument has a number of holes in it. For a start, as already

discussed, you are not just selling bits and bytes. Youre selling a whole
bunch of stuff around it, including support, documentation and hand-
holding. Your customers are buying man-years, decades even, of your
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

past, present and future blood, sweat and tears. Is that worth $100?
Or $1,000? Heck, yes, and you should tell that to your customers.

Secondly, there is no such thing as a commodity. Or, more accurately,

there need not be such a thing as a commodity. Your job is to de-com-
modify what you are doing. If your potential customers consider your
to-do list, or your word processor, accounts package, web site or iPhone
app as just one of a hundred indistinguishable others, then the price
you can charge will be driven ever downwards. You need to figure out a
way to either make it stand out, or impossible to compare.


If Starbucks can de-commodify coffee and charge $4 for coffee beans

and hot water, if Stormhoek can de-commodify grapes (the only wine
maker I know of who sells branded G-Strings), and if Perrier can de-
commodify water, then you can certainly de-commodify the compli-
cated software application that you have created.

Despite all this, there is no doubt that free holds a tremendous power
over consumers. And its a power that you can harness.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

Free trials
Free trials let your customers try out your software for free, to make
sure it fits their needs before they buy it. They dont even need to use
the trial for you to benefit. The mere fact that customers could try out
your software, if they wanted to, transmits a strong signal about its

When customers do try out your software, it can increase its perceived
value. In a famous psychology experiment, people who were able to
hold a coffee mug were willing to pay significantly more for it than
those who were just allowed to see it. People start to feel that they own
an object before they buy it if theyre allowed to use it and, as weve
already seen, people value what they own more than what they dont.

Free trials arent always possible. Red Gate used to sell a tool that let 49
you recover deleted data from a SQL Server database. The free trial
worked against it: people would download it and recover their data
before their free trial expired. Free trials only work for software that
people use again and again, and where the free trial doesnt fix the
problem by itself.

Similarly, if people require a lot of hand-holding to use your software,

or if it is of a low quality, then free trials are unlikely to work.

The freemium model involves providing a free version of your software

for some people, and a paid-for version for others. Typically, the
standard product will be free, and the pro version will be paid for.
Flickr, LinkedIn and Skype all use this model.

However, its not clear that giving your software away for free is a great
way to make money, despite being extremely fashionable. At the very
least, you need to be careful, and make sure the free version is good
enough to be useful, but not so useful that it cannibalizes paid-for sales.
It can also require extremely high volumes to make it work. Flickr only
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

manages to upsell around 5% of its standard users to its professional

account. And storing, searching and serving the 3.5 billion images
Flickrs free customers store certainly isnt free.

In 1993, the UK mobile telephony market was heating up. One2One,

a fledgling mobile telecommunications company backed by Cable &
Wireless and US West, decided that free was the way to go and offered
free off-peak local calls to all new customers. The network was soon
overwhelmed as thousands of customers tried, and failed, to get
through, for free, on Christmas day. One2One quickly gained a reputa-
tion for unreliability, losing nearly a million dollars along the way.

Flickr has Yahoo, and One2One had Cable & Wireless, but if you adopt
the freemium model without a sugar daddy, then beware.

Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

Network effects
There is, however, one situation where free is the best price for your
product: where there are strong network effects.


Network effects occur where the value to your customer of using your
product increases as the total number of users increases. For example,
the value of using a telephone increases as the number of people you
can call increases; the value of a social network increases as more peo-
ple join, the value of e-mail as more people get accounts, and so on. In
these cases, you get a feedback loop: more people use your application,
it becomes more valuable and more people join, and so on.

Free becomes even more important when your networked product has
competitors. In this situation, it turns out there are two stable situa-
tions: no customers, or plenty of customers, and that there is a critical
point beyond which user numbers accelerate quickly.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Get past the tipping point and your user base will accelerate rapidly. If
you dont quite reach the tipping point then your user base will shrink
back to zero.

Take a look at Twitters traffic stats:

As you can see, theres a clear tipping point at the beginning of 2009.
Look at the uptake of the fax machine, the telephone and other
52 inventions that rely heavily on network effects and youll see a similar

It becomes, therefore, extremely important to reach the tipping point as

quickly as possible, and the free price point is a good way of doing that.
Of course, once youre past the tipping point youll need to make money
from your product, without losing users.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing



Bargains are closely related to free: people like getting something for
nothing. Bundling is a type of free. When you buy Windows, you get
Internet Explorer for free. The SQL Toolbelt gives you 12 applications
worth a total of $5140 for only $1595. Thats $3545 for free.

Put a sale price on one or two products on your web site, and people
will assume that they are, in fact, getting a good deal. But put sale on
all your products and people will assume youre taking them for a ride.

To work best, bargains should be limited to specific products, or specific

times. When Steam, the online gaming community, held a sale on third
party games over the holiday season in 2008, a 10% discount led to an
increase of 35% in sales (in dollars, not units). A 25% discount led to a
245% increase; a 50% sale to a 320% increase and a 75% discount to a
1,470% increase.

If theres something people like more than getting a bargain, its getting
a bargain and feeling smart.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Just before Christmas 2006, Threshers (a UK wine merchant) offered its

suppliers and friends a 40% discount if they turned up at any store with
a special voucher.

When this voucher was accidentally leaked onto the web (on the
Stormhoek web site weve already met them and promoted by Hugh
MacLeod), word spread like wildfire. Eventually, millions of people
downloaded it. Threshers felt obliged to honor the voucher. Their
customers felt smart and got cheap wine while Threshers made a killing
and promoted their brand.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

Different ways of pricing

The amount you charge for your product isnt the only decision you
have to make. You also need to decide how you want to charge. There
are plenty of models:

Subscription Most SaaS companies use this. As with any model, this
one has its pros and cons. The cons, obviously, include less money up
front. But there are surprising benefits beyond the obvious recurring
revenue stream:

Paying lots of small amounts is psychologically easier than paying

one large amount. Thats why people buy cars with credit cards and
pay it back at 20% interest, or place the cost of a holiday thats over
in a week on top of a mortgage that will last 25 years. Although the
total amount paid is larger, it somehow feels smaller.

If youre selling to businesses, then your end user will find it easier
to justify a small, regular payment to his boss then a single large,
one-off payment.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Recurring payments promote regular usage. Take members of health

clubs. Those who pay a one-off annual fee tend to use the club inten-
sively for a few weeks after their hefty payment, but then stop using
it. The usage pattern of people who pay quarterly displays a sawtooth
pattern, peaking shortly after payment and then declining until the
next payment. People who pay monthly show a steadier, higher,
usage. Importantly, since they are more regular users, they are also
more likely to renew membership and stay members longer.

Ive already covered the Freemium model, where a small number of

paying customers subsidize the majority of freeloaders. The Gillette
model is a twist on the Freemium model. Gillette famously sells their
product in two parts: the razor and the blades. The razor is cheap,
but they make their money on the blades. This strategy is surprisingly
common. Adobe follows a similar strategy with Acrobat. Its free to
56 read documents, but you need to pay to create them. Hewlett Packard
loses money on its printers, but makes it back on the ink. The first Ford
Fiestas were sold at a loss, but Ford recovered the money on spares and
finance. Microsoft and Sony lose money whenever they sell an X-Box or
PlayStation, but make it back on royalties for games.

There are many ways of pricing per user. Common schemes include
licensing per named user, or concurrent user. At Red Gate, we license
per user. If you have a team of ten people, all of whom want to use our
software, then you need to buy a ten user licence. If you cant count the
total number of users, or if only a few use it at a time, then pricing by
concurrent user can make sense. This model is often used for server-
based software, such as databases.

Another common licensing model is per processor or per proces-

sor core. The obvious drawback of this model is that processors get
faster, and get more cores, quickly. If, say, youre selling a bug tracking
system thats tied to the physical power of your customers hardware
then Moores law dictates that they will get double the benefit of your
software every two years, without paying you a penny.
Chapter 4 | Advanced Pricing

The per physical / virtual server licensing model has the same draw-
backs as the per processor model. As more processors are crammed into
physical boxes, your customers get exponentially increasing benefit for
a fixed cost.

The per usage model involves charging users based on how often they
use your software. This could be per megabyte stored, transaction
processed, gigabyte transmitted, or many other options. Historically,
this has been less common than other models but will become more
usual as cloud computing takes off and people expect to pay for com-
puter usage on-demand. One disadvantage of this model is that it can
discourage people from buying since it is unclear, up front, how much
the user will need to pay.

Charging your end user isnt the only way of pricing software. You can
choose to give it away for free and then make money by, for example, 57
charging for consulting, installation and training; or selling advertis-
ing. The latter, although a common model for web sites, is extremely
hard to make work. CPM the cost per thousand impressions can
be as low as a dollar. In other words, to generate one thousand dollars
of revenue you might need to serve up as many as a million pages. To
generate enough revenue to support a team of three or four people, that
means having ten million page views per month. Most web applications
simply arent going to attract that sort of traffic.

Giving your customers a choice of licensing models can make sense.

For example, if youre buying Microsofts SQL Server 2008 then you can
choose to license per processor, or buy a server license and then pay per
client who connects. The first model will cost you $5,999 per proces-
sor. For the second option, youll need to pay $885 to run it on a single
server, and then $162 for each additional user to access the database.

Many businesses end up with a mixed model. For example, Red Gate
combines a one-off fee with an annual 10% 25% support and upgrades fee.
That way, we get both up-front revenue and a recurring yearly income.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

However, if you choose to do this, you need to be aware of the pitfalls.

Support and upgrades fees arent just a cheap way of generating cash,
and they can pressure you into releasing software just for the sake of it,
at times that are not right for you, your customers or your product. If
youre going to charge your customers regularly, then you need to make
sure they get or perceive value regularly.

Shortly after launching Windows XP in 2001, Microsoft introduced its

Software Assurance program. For an annual fee, enterprise customers
could get guaranteed upgrades to next versions of the operating system.
In theory, everybody would win: Microsoft would get a guaranteed rev-
enue stream to fund future development and customers could spread
costs and would get a cheaper upgrade to Microsofts new operating
system, code name Longhorn, when it shipped in 2003. But Longhorn
didnt ship in 2003. Or 2004. Or 2005. It didnt reach the market until
58 the end of the 2006, largely neutered, as Windows Vista. And even then
most enterprises refused to upgrade.

Choosing the right model

When choosing your pricing model, here are two recommendations.
Firstly, be boring. Secondly, license your software as your customers
expect it be licensed fit in with their business model.

Red Gates first product was Aardvark, an online bug tracking system.
When we launched this in early 2000, we decided to follow a usage
model. We charged per bug raised. This made sense from our perspec-
tive since the cost of providing the service was linked to how much
our customers used it, but it didnt fit in with the way our customers
worked or expected to be charged. That was our first mistake. Our sec-
ond mistake was to forget to be boring, and to call the usage units cans
of worms. We thought it was pretty cool. Our customers had a different
opinion, and we quickly moved to per-user pricing.
There are even worse ways of getting price models wrong. In the late
1990s, The Dialog Corporation was formed through the merger of
Chapter 5 | What your price says about you (and how to change it)

Knight-Ridder and MAID plc. It was in the business of selling data to

corporations and government bodies. Users logged on and searched for
information in the six billion pages of information that Dialog stored.

Dialog decided to implement a per-usage model. Subscribers bought

DialUnits, and different actions cost different amounts of DialUnits,
depending on how much resource the action took and the value of the
data being accessed. Want to sort your results? That would cost more
than saving them. How much more? It would depend on the type of
database you were searching, and the intensity of your search. Ranking,
or removing duplicate results, was especially resource intensive so cost
more DialUnits. Some actions were free. It took four pages of instruc-
tions to explain the pricing model to customers, and that was after a
round of simplification.

In 2001, Dialog then introduced multiple pricing plans and expected 59

users to choose whether it would be cheaper to use pricing based
on usage, or on time. Then there were different platforms Dialog
Transact, Dialog Advantage and Dialog Enterprise. Throw in discounts,
multiyear options and differing interfaces such as Dialog Classic,
DialogWeb and DialogClassic Web and, as one user put it, thinking of
a number, doubling it and adding your mothers age would have been a
clearer, better pricing strategy.
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Chapter 5:
What your price says about
you (and how to change it)


Prices are never neutral. They send signals. For example, a high price
can signal that you have a quality product. Consumers assume that
expensive perfumes and wine are better than cheap ones, even in the
absence of much evidence.

A low price can tell customers that youre value for money, or that
youre special. If your competitors are selling software at $10,000 a seat,
and youre selling yours at $100, then that says something about you. Of
course, you might be saying game changing, but your customers might
be hearing toy.

Copy your competitors and you could be indicating that youre just a
me too product. If youre a me-too product, with me-too features and
a me-too price, why would people buy from you, especially if theres
already a strong, dominant product in your market?
Chapter 5 | What your price says about you (and how to change it)

Whatever price you choose, the signals it sends need to fit in with your
brand, and your brand needs to fit in with your reality. Theres no point
using a high price to signal that you have a quality product if youre
not willing to spend marketing dollars sustaining that brand, develop-
ment dollars making that quality a reality and customer service dollars
providing the level of service people expect from a quality brand.

In 1996, McDonalds launched the Arch Deluxe in an attempt to create

a burger for a more sophisticated, adult consumer. To recoup the extra
cost of the higher quality ingredients and the $200 million dollar mar-
keting campaign, McDonalds priced the new sandwich 32 cents higher
than a Big Mac. But the product they tried to create (high quality,
premium) conflicted with the McDonalds brand (cheap and convenient)
and the Arch Deluxe flopped. One argument could be that they priced
the burger too low, and that a 32 cent premium did not send enough of
a quality signal. 61

Your business model and your strategy have to support your pricing
model. If you have expensive sales people driving expensive cars, taking
your customers CEOs out to golf, and end users who expect plenty of
hand-holding and customization of the software you sell them, then
you cant sustain a low price point. Similarly, if youre selling shrink-
wrapped, mass-market software over the web then a high price point
will be counter-productive.

When Red Gate tried to get into the automated web load testing market
one of the reasons we failed (there were plenty of others, including a
product that wasnt up to scratch) was that we attempted a low-price,
high-volume approach in a market dominated by high-price solutions.
We figured that consumers would love a product that they could just
download, try and then buy, but it turned out that our customers
wanted much more handholding than we were able to provide. For the
most part, they didnt want a product, they wanted a people-intensive
service and the reassurance that a big-name, expensive vendor could
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

provide. Our load testing tool was moderately successful, but it

achieved nothing like the success we had dreamed of.

The dotcom boom and bust contains plenty of illustrations of com-

panies who failed to align their pricing with their business model. For
example, Kozmo.coms business was built around delivering snacks,
DVD rentals and Starbucks coffee, within an hour, to city dwellers.
Unfortunately, the low price, high volume business model it chose
clashed with the reality of the expense of delivering small items by bike
courier. This could have worked as a high price, low volume business
model, as the butlers of English aristocrats will testify.

Switching strategies can be hard. For example, when Intel introduced

the 8080 processor, it priced it at $340. Ultimately, it was selling for $2
a unit, but Intel found it very hard to shake the initial imprinting of the
62 high cost in peoples minds.

Practice trumps theory

Youve read a lot of theory here. Wherever I can, Ive based it on my
experience and sound research (you can find some of my sources in the
bibliography later on). But your own circumstances are different to any
of those described here, so never forget that practice trumps theory.

Product pricing is as much art and craft as it is science. Sure, it helps

to understand the economics and psychology of pricing, but theory
can only tell you so much. At some point, you need to make a decision
and do it. Use the information in this handbook to make an informed
stab at what a good price would look like, and how your customers
will react, and try it out. The exact price almost doesnt matter get it
broadly right, dont screw up totally and you can tweak it later.

Youre never going to know if youve chosen the exact right price or
not, but you should experiment once youve set your initial price; not
experiment in the scientific sense of forming a hypothesis, changing
Chapter 5 | What your price says about you (and how to change it)

a single variable, and accepting or rejecting the hypothesis, but in the

sense of changing something and seeing what happens.

Scientific experiments are simply too hard to do, and the results too
ambiguous, to be much use in pricing. Too many variables change.
When you change your prices, youll probably do it when you release
a new version of your product, or it will coincide with a big marketing
push, or some other variable you cannot control, such as the state of
the economy or the reaction of a competitor, will interfere.

Although scientifically purer, it often doesnt make sense to change a

single variable at a time. Theoretically, you shouldnt change the price
of your product, your discounting strategy and the types of bundle that
you sell, all at the same time. But practically, it can be the right thing
to do. Its more useful to fix the problem than to understand why its
broken. When a scientist goes on a blind date that doesnt work out 63
then, in theory, he should fix one variable at a time, and re-run the date.
First, he should change the partner but go to the same film and buy the
same flowers. Next, he should keep the partner the same, vary the film
and keep the flowers the same, and so forth. But the pragmatist in him
will, or should, change the girl, the film, the flowers, and buy some new
clothes and shave too. If it works, he might not understand why, but at
least hell have a girlfriend.

In the old days, experiments were easy to run. Youd A/B test, splitting
your customers into random groups, post each group a different leaflet
with a different price and measure the outcome. Nowadays, this is risky.
The Internet makes it easy for people to figure out what other people
are paying.

You might be tempted to first run a survey, testing how customers

might react to a proposed new pricing model, or change to an exist-
ing one. However, surveys rarely work. There is always a disconnect
between customers words and their actions. When McDonalds
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

launched its Arch Deluxe burger (see above), consumers in focus groups
loved it, and 80% said theyd buy it. Few of them did.

How to change your pricing

You might be worried about how your customers will react when you
change your prices. Dont be. For most of us, our customers have better
things to worry about. If we shift our prices from $100 to $150 then
most people wont notice, and of those who do notice very few will care.
If you bought a copy of SQL Compare from the Red Gate web site in
2000 it would have cost you $50. Do the same thing now, and youll find
the price is $395. Buy the full suite of tools and expect to pay $1,595.

Of course, at Red Gate weve reached that price over the course of
almost a decade. Weve spent millions of dollars developing the soft-
64 ware, and tens of man years. The increase in value that our customers
get from our software vastly outweighs the increase in its cost. But, of
the hundreds of thousands of customers we have, only a handful have
ever commented when the price went up.

Its not what your customers say thats important, its how they behave.
Whenever you make a price change, pay close attention to what your
customers do. If they stop buying, rethink.
Product Pricing Checklist

Product Pricing Checklist

Wrapping up, heres a checklist to help you decide your pricing:

Whats your strategy?

Are you going to price low and sell lots, or price high and sell a few?
How does this fit into your brand, the product you have and the image
you want to project?

Whats your product?

Dont forget that its not just the software that youre selling. Its the
entire package around it.
How will your customers judge the fairness of
your pricing?
What reference points will they use? How will they determine what seems
right? Will they baulk at the price you choose, or will they accept it?

Who are your customers?

How does their business work, and how do they expect to be charged?
How much money do they have? Do they prefer a one-off fee, or a
monthly subscription? Get under their skin.

Who are your competitors?

How will they react to your pricing? How much more, or less, valuable
is your product than theirs? What is their business model? What are
their prices? If you undercut them, will you trigger a price war? If you
do, are your pockets deep enough for you to win it? Do you want to
co-exist with your competitors, or destroy them?
Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

How are you going to sell your software?

Do you need to send out sales people to take customers golfing? Or
are you planning low-touch sales over the internet? Will you require a
telesales team? How much will each sale cost you? Do you need to sell
via a channel or reseller? What cut will they take?

Can you segment your customers, and create

Is your software worth different amounts to different people, and can
you create pricing that reflects that? Students and business people
for example, or normal and power users, or maybe you can split by
geography or taste.

66 How can you bundle your software?

Can you create a larger package that contains more than one software

Make an informed guess at your price

Despite all the psychology and economics, you ultimately just have to
pick a price. Some price any price is better than no price.

Try it out
Practice trumps theory. Try out your pricing and see what happens.
If youve got your pricing broadly right and if youve got this far you
should do then you can tweak it later.
Bibliography / Further Reading

I hope youve got something out of the past 70 pages. If you have, then
please forward the eBook onto your friends and colleagues, tweet about
it, buy a copy of the physical book or write a review on Amazon.

You can find information on how to do that at

If you think Ive missed something out, or got something wrong,

then drop me an e-mail at
My twitter handle is @neildavidson and my blog is at

Dont Just Roll the Dice | Neil Davidson

Bibliography /
Further reading
Anderson, E. and Simester, D. (2003) Minding your pricing cues
Harvard Business Review, September 2003

Breckon, N. (2009) Valve: Left 4 dead half-price sale saw 3000%

increase, beat launch numbers

Chapman, R. (2006)
In Search of Stupidity, 2nd ed, Apress, Berkeley

Crampes, C. and Laffont, J-J. (2002) Copying and software pricing

Cusumano, M. (2007) The changing labyrinth of software pricing
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 50, Issue 7, pp. 19-22

Davidow, W. (1986)
Marketing high technology an insiders view, The Free Press, New

Gallaugher, J. and Wallace, E. (2002) Understanding network effects in

software markets: evidence from web server pricing
MIS Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 303-327

Gilbert, A. (2003) CRM software or CRM shelfware?

Gourville, J. and Soman, D. (2002) Pricing and the psychology of

consumption Harvard Business Review, September 2002

Gourville, J. (2006) Eager sellers and stony buyers,

Harvard Business Review, June 2006
Bibliography / Further Reading

Gourville, J. and Soman, D. (2005) Overchoice and assortment type:

when and why variety backfires,
Marketing Science, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 382-395

Gourville, J. and Soman, D. (2001) Transaction decoupling: how price

bundling affects the decision to consume
Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38, pp. 30-44

Gourville, J. and Soman, D. (2007) Extremeness seeking: when and

why consumers prefer the extremes,
Harvard Business Review

Harford, T. (2008) Business life: Fair trade or foul

Knopf, J. (2000) The Origin of Shareware 69

Levitt, T. (1980) Marketing success through differentiation of

Harvard Business Review, January February 1980

Macrovision (2007) Key trends in software pricing and licensing

Mason, M. (2008) The pirates dilemma,

The Free Press, New York

Miller, P. (2006) Sony losing mad loot on each PS3

Murph, D. (2006) Wii Manufacturing Costs ring up to just $158?

Packard, D. (1996)
The HP Way, HarperCollins, New York
Quint, B. (2001) Dialog rolls out new connect-time pricing

Sink, E. (2004) Product Pricing Primer,

Spolsky, J. (2004) Camels and Rubber Duckies

Spolsky, J. (2006) Simplicity

Stiff, D. (2007) How DeWALT turned customers into influencers

Sutton, J. (2001)
Technology and market structure, 2nd ed, The MIT Press

Varian, H. (2003)
Intermediate Microeconomics, 6th ed, W.M. Norton, New York

Wendt O., von Westarp, F. and Knig, W. (2000) Pricing in Network

Effect Markets,
ECIS Proceedings, Paper 82

Wayne, B. (2009) YouTube is doomed (GOOG)

Wikipedia 3DO Interactive Multiplayer
About Red Gate
You know those annoying jobs that spoil
your day whenever they come up?

Writing out scripts to update your

production database, or trawling through
code to see why its running so slow.

Red Gate makes tools to fix those

problems for you. Many of our tools are
now industry standards. In fact, at the
last count, we had over 650,000 users.

But we try to go beyond that. We want

to support you and the rest of the SQL
Server and .NET communities in any
way we can.

First, we publish a library of free books on .NET and SQL Server.

Youre reading one of them now. You can get dozens more from

Second, we commission and edit rigorously accurate articles from

experts on the front line of application and database development.
We publish them in our online journal Simple Talk, which is read by
millions of technology professionals each year.

On SQL Server Central, we host the largest SQL

Server community in the world. As well as lively
forums, it puts out a daily dose of distilled SQL
Server know-how through its newsletter, which now
has nearly a million subscribers (and counting).

Third, we organize and sponsor events (about

50,000 of you came to them last year), including
SQL in the City, a free event for SQL Server users
in the US and Europe.

So, if you want more free books and articles,

or to get sponsorship, or to try some tools
that make your life easier, then head over

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