ECC3105 Microprocessor Lab 1: Objectives

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ECC3105 Lab 1

ECC3105 Microprocessor

Lab 1

We expect all the students to have enough information about the following items after the lab

1- Theory information about ESA 86/88 board

2- ESA 86/88 board installation procedure

3- Using monitor program commands

Introduction of ESA86/88-2
ESA 86/88-2 is a power full, general-purpose microcomputer trainer, which can be operated either with
8086 CPU or 8088 CPU it is usually supplied with 8086 CPU. To install 8088 CPU user has to just
remove the 8086 install 8088 and set DIPswitch.

In either case the CPU is configured for operating in the max mode. On–board provision exist for
installing 8087 numeric data processor. The system is versatile and can be configured in a variety of ways
via jumper options. to suit specific user requirements. The basic system can be easily expanded through
the system bus connection. 32k bytes of powerful firmware provides keyboard monitor, serial monitor,
single-line assembler diassembler and driver programs for centronics compatible parallel printer interface.
The software for optional PROM programmer interface and audio cassette interface is also included in the
firmware.ESA 86/88-2 as a convenient instructional and teaching aid or as a power full development tool
in R&D labs and industries.

Main Features
1. Works with either 8086 or 8088 microprocessor
2. Operates with on-board keypad or with a PC compatible system through its RS 232 C interface.
3. Provision for on board 8087(NDP)
4. Powerful system monitor permits entry of programs, debugging through breakpoint and
instruction step facilities.
5. Built in one line assembler/disassemble
6. Centronics printer driver included in monitor program
7. Provision for battery backup to RAM
8. Supported by a variety of interface modules including EPROM PROGRAMMER.

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ESA 86/88-2 microcomputer trainer is versatile and can be configured in a numbers of ways as
determined by setting of a DIP SWITCH and other jumpers.

Operational mode selection

It can be operated either in srial mode or hexadecimal key pad mode . in the serial mode the trainer is
connected to a CRT terminal or to a host computer system through an RS 232 C interface.





OFF 8086

ON 8088



OFF Disable

ON Enable



ON ON ON 110




OFF ON ON 2400

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27128 ON ON JP1-2-3-JP9-2-3

27256 ON OFF JP10-1-2,JP9-2-3

27512 OFF OFF JP1-1-2,JP9-1-2

To install ESA 86/88-2 the following accessories are required

1. Power supply 5v @3A,+ 12v @250mA,30V@100mA

2. For serial mode of operation: CRT terminal with RS 232 C interface or host system (like PC) with
the driver system for the host system.

Installation procedure for serial mode of operation

1. Select a processor 8086/8088
2. Select serial mode of operation
3. Select printer
4. Set the desired baud rate (use factory option)
5. Connect ESA 86/88-2 to CRT terminal / host system through an RS 232C cable over the
connector J3 if a terminal being used turn on the terminal and execute the driver program.
6. Connect the power supply of required capacity to ESA 86/88-2 and turn on the power
7. Press the reset key on ESA 86/88-2

Now the following sign-on message should appear on the screen if 8086 has been installed.

ESA-86 serial monitor V x.y

The sign message is followed by the command prompt, “.” In the next line
Note: 8 digit seven display on ESA 86/88-2 will display “ E se 86”.

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Installation Procedure for Keyboard Mode

1- Select a processor 8086/8088
2- Select KEYBOARD mode of operation
3- Select printer
4- Connect the power supply
5- Press the reset key on ESA 86/88-2
Now the following message should appear on the seven-segment display if 8086 has been

ESA 86

Now it’s ready to use in keyboard mode

General Operation
Following power on or whenever the reset key is pressed, the monitor jumps to an initialization routine.

The routine initializes the 8086/8088’s CS, DS, ES; SS, IP, FL, registers to 0H and the SP register to 100

Whenever the RST key is pressed all information about the user program is lost. However the contents of
the user portion of the RAM are not disturbed.

Further interrupt vector 1, 2, and 3 are initialized as follows:

Interrupt 1: single step: used with single step command

Interrupt 2: NMI ( non maskable interrupt) connected to the keyboard KB INTR key.

Interrupt 3 : breakpoint: used with GO command.

Structure of Monitor Commands

Parameter entry
When a command requires the entry of an address / data value from the user , the following rules are

All address in the 8086/8088 system consists of a segment value and an offset value. The segment value
is entered first. A colon (: ) is entered as separator and then the offset value is entered. If the segment
value is not specified the default segment value is the current contents of the cod segment register. Enter

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the address as hexadecimal values for an address entry is from 0000 to FFFF H, if more than four digits
are entered only the last four digits entered are valid. In other words all address values are interpreted
modulo 64K. Data is also entered as hexadecimal value, most significant character first. The valid range
for data entries is 00 to FFH for byte entries and from 0000 to FFFFH for word entries.

Use of + , - operators and register , in specification of parameters

While the address data parameters are to be entered as hexadecimal values , it is possible to use the
operators “+” and “-“ to form expression and also to specify the use of the contents of any 8086/8088
register as address/data values.

For example we wish to specify an address whose segment is ES + 10H and whose offset is BX-30H only
way is to calculate these values as shown below.

Assume (ES) = 0270H and (BX) = 0080H

Segment value= (ES) +10H =0280H

Offset value = (BX) – 30H = 0050H

Then the address can be specifies as 0280:0050

Monitor commands
The symbols below are used to clarify the command formats and they are to be neither entered by the user
nor by the system

[v] Indicates that ‘v’ is optional

[V]* indicates one or more optional occurrences of ‘v’

<v> indicates that ‘v’ is the parameter to be entered by the user.

./- indicates that one of the two characters is to be entered

Substitute memory command

Format: S <address> , <cr> [[<new data>],]*,cr.

SW <address>, <cr>[[<new data.],]*<cr>

The substitute memory byte (S) and substitute memory word (SW) commands are used to examine the
contents of the selected memory locations. if the contents can optionally be modified.

Error conditions:

Trying to modify non-exstent or ROM locations.

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1- Examine RAM location 2100H , relative to the DS register , modify the contents of location
2101H and 2102H and examine the contents of 2101H again.

S DS:2100 , <cr>

2101 FF-B7,

2102 FF-SA-

2101 B7-<cr>

2- Examine ROM location FF00:9CH

S FF00:9C,<cr> FA-<cr>

3-Examine word location 2120H relative to DS register.

Display Memory Commands

The display memory byte (D) and display memory word (DW) commands are used to output the contents
of the block of memory, either in byte or word format.


D <start address> [,<end address>]<cr>

DW <start address> [,<end address>]<cr>

Error conditions:

1- Specifying an end address that is less than the offset value of the start address.


1- Display contents of location 140H relative to DS register

2- Display contents of location 10CH through 125H relative to DS register.

3- Display word at location 10CH relative to DS register

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Examine/Modify Register Command

(X) Command is used to examine and optionally modify the contents of any of the 8086 registers.


X [<reg>]<cr>[[<new contents>],]*<cr>


1- To use the examine /modify register command, enter X when prompted for command entry.

2- If you wish to examine the current contents of all registers, enter a carriage return. Now the
monitor will output the contents of all 14 reg.

3- If you wish to examine / modify the contents of a particular register enter the abbreviated register
name after entering X and pass <cr>


1- Write all the register names and abbreviation.

2- Examine the contents of all registers

3- Examine and modify the SP register and examine the next register BP

Move command

The move command is used to move a block of data from one area of the memory to another area.


Error condition:

1- Trying to move data into a non-existent or read-only memory location

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2- Specifying an end address value which is less than the offset value of the start address


1- Move the contents of the location 2000H through 2020H relative to CS register, to the memory
block starting at 3000H relative to the DS register.

GO Command

Format G<cr> [<start add>][[,<breakpoint add>]]*<cr>

The Go command is used to transfer control of the 8086/8088 from the serial monitor to an user’s

To use GO command enter G when prompted for command entry

If an alternate starting address is required enter the start add

To exit from the executing program and return control to monitor press the system RESET key.

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Programming example
This program searches through a byte array for a specified value . the parameters to be passed are as

ES and BX -address of the array

CX -length of the array

AL -value to be search for

The result of the search is returned via AL register as follows

FFH value found in the table

00H value not found in the table

LOC Contents Instruction Comment

2000 4B DECW BX Adjust BX for initial

entry into loop

2001 43 INCW BX Update array pointer

2002 26 ES

2003 3807 CMPB[BX] AL Compare array element

with the value in AL

2005 E0 FA LOOPNE SR Continue search if CX

not equal to 0 and array
element not equal to AL

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2007 74 03 JE 200C If value found return


2009 B0 00 MOVB AL #00 Value not found ,return

0 in AL

200B CC INT 3 Breakpoint to return to


200C B0FF MOVB AL #OFF Value Found,return FF

in Al

200E CC INT3 Return to monitor

1- Enter the above program from location 2000H-200EH.

2- Now set up a byte as follows from location 2200H-220FH.

Location 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

2200 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

3- Now set the values of the registers as follows ES=0220H;BX=0H;CX=10H;AX=2FH

4- Execute the program starting at location 2000H

5- After the program is executed control returns to monitor now examine AL register. It contents
should be 00 indicating that the values was not found in the table.

6- Repeat the experiment with the same values of ES;BX and CX but with AL=40,after the program
executed AL will have FF indicating that the value was found in the table.

7- Repeat the experiment with some other values in AL and verify that the program works properly.

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