New York State Troopers 100th Anniversary
New York State Troopers 100th Anniversary
New York State Troopers 100th Anniversary
100th Anniversary
Special Supplement August 26th, 2017 Photo By Mark Gutman, Rocco Laurienzo & NYS Troopers
2 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
AD Call & Sons ......................................... 32 GCASA .................................................... 30 Overhead Door ......................................... 32
Affordable Floor Covering .......................... 45 Genesee County Chamber .......................... 23 Pavilion Machine and Tool .......................... 35
Alabama Holley Farms ............................... 41 Genesee County Chapter ARC .................... 30 Pellegrino Auto Sales .................................. 18
Alexander Fire Department.......................... 44 Genesee County Emergency Services ........... 33 Prestons Lawn Care ................................... 15
Allstate. .................................................... 43 Genesee County Sheriff Deptartment ............ 46 Quicklees Travel Center ............................. 16
Als Automotive .......................................... 26 Genesee Community College ...................... 29 R.A. Haitz Company .................................... 3
American Rock Salt ...................................... 9 Genesee Valley Motors ............................... 48 Rector-Hicks Funeral Home .......................... 35
Arctic Refrigeration .................................... 36 Gilmartin Funeral Home .............................. 21 Rose Garden Bowl ..................................... 42
Barretts Batavia Marine .............................. 31 Graham Corporation .................................... 4 The Lumberyard Restaurant ......................... 33
Batavia Country Club ................................. 36 Hardcor Audio .......................................... 30 Senator Catharine Young ............................ 22
Batavia Health Care Center......................... 12 Hickory Ridge RV ....................................... 44 Sheelar Automotive .................................... 32
Batavia Tailors/Cleaners ............................. 36 Hidden Valley Animal Adventure.................. 20 Stafford Painters......................................... 17
Big Paulys Pizza ........................................ 21 Howard Hanna, Geneseo ........................... 35 Stans Harley Davidson ............................... 31
Bill Fox Construction ................................... 26 Howard Hanna, Batavia ................. 22, 27, 37 Star Headlight ........................................... 12
Bob Johnson .............................................. 40 Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning .................. 8 Stella Collision ........................................... 47
Bogan & Tuttle .......................................... 26 Joes Pro Shop .......................................... 42 Step-by-Step Physical .................................... 7
Bourbon and Burger ................................... 38 Ken Barrett ................................................ 45 Sterling Tent Company ................................ 36
Bruckel Inc ................................................ 16 Le Roy Country Club ................................... 41 Sunnyside Cycle ........................................ 44
Bubbas Landscape .................................... 14 L&L Transmissions ....................................... 33 Terry Hills Golf Course ................................ 10
Castilone Insurance .................................... 29 Lopez Construction ..................................... 41 The Greens of Le Roy .................................. 39
CB Beach & Son ........................................ 42 Max Pies Furniture...................................... 46 Turnbull Heating & Air Conditioning ............. 28
Chapin Manufacturing ................................ 15 McAndrew Funeral Home ........................... 30 United Memorial Medical Center ................. 14
The Cloisters ................................................ 7 Medina Memorial Hospital.......................... 21 Upstate Toyota ........................................... 22
Cross Cut Enterprise ................................... 18 Mental Health Association........................... 20 Valle Jewelers. ........................................... 23
Crosst Silverfox ........................................ 39 Michael Tomaszewski Funeral ...................... 19 Van Allen & Hoffman, LLP ............................ 35
Davis Countryside ...................................... 46 Mill Creek Optical...................................... 41 Washington Towers .................................... 31
Derrick Monument Company ....................... 47 My Saloon ................................................ 42 Wegmans ................................................. 16
Dickinsons Auto Service .............................. 20 Northside Deli ........................................... 44 Western NY Urology .................................. 47
DJ Beardsley & Sons ................................... 40 NYS Trooper Foundation ............................. 13 Western Region OTB / Batavia Downs ......... 43
Dolce Panepinto PC.................................... 11 OBriens Septic ......................................... 26 Wills Carpet One ...................................... 10
Dr. Joseph Canzoneri ................................. 38 Olivers Candies ........................................ 21 William Kent ............................................ .40
Ficarellas Pizzeria ..................................... 17 Optimum Realty ......................................... 33 Xcel Wireless............................................. 12
Fireside Insurance ...................................... 38 Orleans Ford Mercury ................................ 39 Xtreme Discount Mattress .............................. 5
First Choice Travel ...................................... 39 Otts Collision ............................................. 32 Zirbel Automotive ....................................... 10
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 3
Keeping Our
Communities Safe
Across the State for 100 Years
585-343-2400 585.409.3243
for 100 Years of Service and Protection
The Cloisters
Your Home Away From Home
concert violinist. He was a fas- together on his palate to make protected royalty wore in me- tions Chandler wrote created
Founding cinating person who, within a
few short weeks, put together
a neutral grey, and as my men
are to stand between the right
dieval times.
The highest standards
a high standard of excellence
for New York State Troop-
From T6 criteria and an exam for po- and the wrong in the state of ers, which are recognized by
tential state troopers. New York, it seems tting to Chandler formed a rigorous others in the nation, and past
ernor his opinions about the Developing the vision clothe them in the neutral training curriculum, person- State Troopers said they no-
State Police, and by the end of shade made by mixing black ally interviewed hundreds of tice the distinction to this day.
In the following weeks,
the conversation, Whitman and white together. prospective troopers and cre- William Morris started as a
Chandler developed his vision
offered him the job of oversee- for the state police force and The splash of purple rep- ated Camp Newayo.
ing the force. resents the color guards who The rst rules and regula- See FOUNDING T12
made it a reality.
Chandler declined im- He traveled to Missouri to
mediately, but the governor nd the best 240 horses in the
didnt give up, Benzinger country for the State Police Terry Hills is proud to support our NYS Troopers
said. cavalry to aid in the effort
Whitman invited Chandler against World War I.
to the state Executive Mansion He designed a uniform that
in Albany where the pair had would set state troopers apart
lunch with former President from other men, and now
Theodore Roosevelt, who was women, in the state a grey
a highly respected military g- uniform, Stetson hat and a
ure of the time, having fought unique purple necktie.
in the Spanish-American War In choosing a color for
with the Rough Riders at the the state police, I had this
end of the 19th century. thought: White stands for
In that conversation, Col. purity, goodness and the
Chandler was persuaded to right; black stands for evil
take the job, Benziger said. and wrongdoing, Chandler
He was quite a guy a true said in a newsletter from the
renaissance man. He was a State Police from 1920. An THINK OF US FOR:
surgeon, a physician and a artist mixes black and white
Weddings Rehearsal Dinners Showers Corporate Meetings
Memorial Luncheons Fundraising Events Golf Tournaments
We Service All
Makes & Models
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 11
12 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
away. to get to work.
Founding The strict guidelines of
quality Chandler put in place
Its in my blood, and its in
my blood to this day. ...I loved
The sight of New York State Troopers
is always an impressive one that
From T10 100 years ago are still enforced arresting the bad guy and I
today, Morris said. It wasnt loved helping people. There is takes your breath away.
trooper with the State Police in until 1975 when the state no better satisfaction. I think
1966 in Malone. He retired af- police summer uniform was the absolute world of the New WILLIAM MORRIS,
ter serving at various barracks, relaxed from its long-sleeved York State Police. Retired State Trooper
including Claverack and New grey wool to short sleeves and
no tie. See FOUNDING T13
Lebanon in Columbia County,
in 1986 at the rank of investi- We were always held to
gator in East Greenbush.
Morris recalled a time sev-
eral years ago when he was
the highest standard, Morris
said. Troopers, today, still
impress me with how sharp,
Congratulations 100 Years N.Y.S. Troopers
with a few other troopers in a polite and intelligent they are.
restaurant in another state. Its just fantastic. The state po-
lice has the cream of the crop.
Your Rehabilitation Answer!!
We were in full uniform,
Morris said of the grey and Morris said he dreamed of Medicare/Medicaid Certified
purple garb. As soon as we being a state trooper since he
walked in that room, it was like was 6 years old.
Daily Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy
a movie: Every head turned to I always wanted to be a On Site Diet & Social Needs
look at us and they fell silent. State Trooper, nothing else, 24 Hour RN/LPN Nursing Care
The sight of New York State he said. Lo and behold, by We Ca
For Y e
Troopers is always an impres- Gods will, I did and I loved ev- Daily Activities
sive one that takes your breath ery minute of it. I couldnt wait Dedicated, Caring Staff o u !
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 13
Thank You
create space for a gymnasium,
bedrooms, dining hall, kitch-
en, shower rooms and ofcers
quarters. The horses were
quartered in the basement.
An open house at the for-
mer rink/current barracks New York State police
took place on Dec. 4, 1917.
Around 1,500 to 2,000 visited
the site, viewing all the nooks
and crannies of the location,
on your
including the kitchen, bed-
rooms and rec rooms.
At the end of the evening,
spectators were entertained
in the rear dance hall by a
ve-piece orchestra, where
young people danced until 2
a.m., states a Dec. 5, 1917 ar-
ticle from The Daily News. A
contest for the best appearing
sleeping section was conduct-
Kurek notes that the rink
was located in the area where
Miss Batavia Diner is currently
located, 566 East Main St.
According to the rst roster
for Troop A, personnel in-
cluded: Captain Willis Linn,
Lieutenant John A. Warner,
First Sergeant James F. Skiff,
along with four sergeants,
four corporals, 38 troopers,
a blacksmith, an assistant
blacksmith, a bugler and a
A new location
Eventually, a more mod-
ern barracks was needed,
racks could accommodate 85 for each man were uniformly
men. placed.
The (barracks) building The property also included
measured 60-by-40 feet with a garage and stables, though
16 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
The former Troop A headquartes at 665 East Main St., Batavia,
is shown during construction in 1921. The property served as
the troops headquarters from 1921 to 1976. It was one of ve in
the state with a similar design. Others were located in Malone,
Oneida, Sidney and Troy. The East Main Street property later was
home to a used car dealership and today is Robbs Glass Inc.
motorcycle squad and Le Roy
Troop A High School band.
The rough riders were said
From T15 to be the highlight of the day TRUCK STOP
with a rodeo exhibition that
included pyramid building, / +'$! )'"!$
promote goodwill with the cit-
izens of Western New York. jumping through a ring and / %,'(
Troop A commander Cap- riding in unison while per- /*$'-!#!)-
tain Wineld W. Robinson forming stunts. Each individu-
chaired the event that featured al rider also gave an exhibition /
trick and fancy horseman- of their own riding mastery. /'*"!$)$$
ship, aerial acrobatics, Roman The Glenn S. Loomis Amer-
riding, motorcycle trick rid- ican Legion Post opened the '-%*'
.##%$,!) &*' (%$-#('',( &"
ing and races, tug of war on program, and then eld ac-
horseback, band concerts and tivities commenced. In total, 4 OTHER LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE!
athletic events. $3,500 was raised from the /
!" # "!$!"#
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18 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
4060 Pearl Street Rd.
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 19
2.5-mile trip up the road. ty. DiMaria said thats an ideal
The state police is moving police department. pairing.
in September from its Route When ofcers and commu-
5 ofces to a new community JOE DIMARIA, nity members begin coming
law enforcement and public Zone Sergeant in Clarence to the site when it opens
safety complex at the Town currently, the plan is to move
A new state police barracks and public safety facility in Clarence
of Clarences Goodrich Road shortly after Labor Day they
not far from Genesee County will open next month at 196 Trooper Kevin Dobson Way the
campus. will arrive on a memorial
Sheriffs Ofce and Batavia name and badge number of a State Police ofcer killed after
Zone Sergeant Joe DiMaria drive. The road, and the facili-
being struck by a car in 2011
said the move doesnt change Police Department, Troop ty, at 196 Trooper Kevin Dob-
their outlook or responsibili- As deployment across an son Way, carries the name and
ties, but will make them easier eight-county region functions shield number of Dobson, a
to carry out. Theyve outgrown as the local police force in ma- trooper who was killed in 2011
their headquarters. ny of those communities. while writing a ticket on I-290.
There will be more space Troop A divides coverage A grand opening is planned
and well have a better ability between four zones and 21 for later in September.
in a critical incident to be able stations outside of Batavia, DiMaria has been with
to congregate and bring in including stations or satellite
ofces in Le Roy, Albion and
the State Police for almost 28 Dickinsons Auto Service
people from other agencies,
Warsaw. DiMarias team in-
years, a tenure that saw the
transition from single-channel
DiMaria said. Its just things
cludes ofcers based out of Al- radios to multi-agency com- ! *!+$,.
we dont have here that are
den, Clarence and Newstead. munications, computerized 24 HOUR SERVICE
being incorporated in to help
us move forward and plan The State Police provide tickets and GPS-pinpointed -&("**%)'*!&%/(")/ &")/*(+*)
technologically for the future. policing in areas that are incidents and responses. +%+')/!# %)/)%")/!*&()/**(!)
Well keep providing services, somewhat rural, if you will, Weve come a long way,
but be better able to keep up or that dont have a police DiMaria said, speaking from
with it. department, DiMaria said. an ofce that he described as
Gaining a better hold in an So an area like Amherst of denitely pre-technology.
outlying community serves as Cheektowaga, they have a The new building is able
a reminder of the State Polices
network of facilities across
police department, and we
might go through there or help
to handle all of our computer
systems, and will be more IT
western New York. Although them out. But if your mailbox friendly as we move forward, )*!%*(*&*,!
it is headquartered in Batavia was damaged, the local police he added.
The New York State Police
was formed in 1917 to
serve the rural areas of
the state.
The vision of its first
superintendent, Col-
onel George Fletcher
Chandler, a World War
I veteran and physician
from Kingston, New York,
created every aspect of
the new police force its
mission, its uniform and
even its name.
The Colonel was the first
to call his men Troop-
ers, a term still used
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 21
I am so appreciative for
your support over the years!
314 Ellicott St. Batavia 343-2447
22 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
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With almost 5,000 sworn men 570 East Main Street Batavia, NY 14020 570 East Main Street Batavia, NY 14020
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investigating crimes, enforcing
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emergencies and disasters.
There are numerous opportuni-
ties for promotion and assign-
ment to specialized services,
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Be a New York State resident
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A felony conviction or a dis-
honorable discharge, from any TOYOTA OF BATAVIA
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Be able to work rotating shifts
any day of the week, including
Pass a physical ability test,
medical exam, hearing test and
background investigation.
Have vision of 20/100 uncorrect-
1-800-639-4225 (585) 344-4141
ed or corrected to 20/20. Col-
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 23
Pierce. The demonstration took place during the June 10 Troop A
open house in Batavia.
24 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
K9 Name: Arnie K9 Name: Paris
Troop: Troop A, SP Clarence Troop: Troop A, SP Batavia
Handler: Tpr. David Ziemba Handler: Tpr. Frank C. Velletta
DOB: 4/2016 DOB: 4/2015
Breed/Sex: Belgian Malinois, Male Breed/Sex: Bloodhound, Female
Specialty: Narcotics/Tracking/Protection/Search Specialty: Tracking
Namesake: Tpr. Arnold T. Rasmussen Namesake: Inv. Ricky J. Parisian
Arnie Paris
K9 Name: AJ K9 Name: Gerry
Troop: Troop E, SP Rochester Troop: Troop E, SP Canandaigua
Handler: Tpr. Christopher Neidert Handler: Tpr. Vincent Abbate
DOB: 10/2012 DOB: 10/2013
Breed/Sex: Belgian Malinois, Male Breed/Sex: Belgian Malinois, Female
Specialty: Narcotics/Patrol/Cadaver/Tracking Specialty: Explosives/Tracking/Patrol
Namesake: Tpr. Andrew Sperr Namesake: Z/Sgt. Gerald A. DeGroot
AJ Gerry
K9 Name: Arnie K9 Name: Paris
Troop: Troop A, SP Clarence Troop: Troop A, SP Batavia
Handler: Tpr. David Ziemba Handler: Tpr. Frank C. Velletta
DOB: 4/2016 DOB: 4/2015
Breed/Sex: Belgian Malinois, Male Breed/Sex: Bloodhound, Female
Specialty: Narcotics/Tracking/Protection/Search Specialty: Tracking
Namesake: Tpr. Arnold T. Rasmussen Namesake: Inv. Ricky J. Parisian
Arnie Paris
K9 Name: AJ K9 Name: Gerry
Troop: Troop E, SP Rochester Troop: Troop E, SP Canandaigua
Handler: Tpr. Christopher Neidert Handler: Tpr. Vincent Abbate
DOB: 10/2012 DOB: 10/2013
Breed/Sex: Belgian Malinois, Male Breed/Sex: Belgian Malinois, Female
Specialty: Narcotics/Patrol/Cadaver/Tracking Specialty: Explosives/Tracking/Patrol
Namesake: Tpr. Andrew Sperr Namesake: Z/Sgt. Gerald A. DeGroot
AJ Gerry
Six locals STATE POLICE STETSON the Governors Police force. interest and helping to pro-
among 2017 The iconic Stetson hat is prob-
ably the most salient feature
mote the formation of other
State Police agencies across
The work of the New York the country.
graduates of the Troopers uniform. The
color purple on the tie and who were responsible for the
State Troopers were featured
in dramatic accounts in pop-
Staff Reports hatband are a reference to safety of the head of state, ular fiction of the 1920s and Goggles were worn in the days
Six local ofcers were the Roman Praetorian Guard, just as the State Police are 1930s, drawing widespread before helmets.
among the 192 New York State
Police Academy graduates
honored as newest members
of the State Police.
Bronson H. Cole of Oak-
eld, Andrew J. Fitch of Alex-
ander, Matthew J. Pietrzykow-
ski of East Bethany, Thaddeus
B. Konfederath of Bliss,
Samuel A. Nasso of Caledonia
and John A. Johnson of Mount
Morris were honored by Lt.
Gov. Kathy Hochul and State
Police Superintendent George
P. Beach II during the May 10
ceremony at the Empire State
Plaza Convention Hall in Al-
Graduates marched into the
ceremony led by the New York
State Police Pipe and Drum
Band, watched a video presen-
tation on the training under-
taken by all members of the
205th Basic School Session,
and celebrated before heading
to their posts around the state.
Each of the local graduates
have been assigned to posts
on the eastern end of the state.
Pietrzykowski was assigned
to Troop B in the far north-
eastern corner of the state;
Cole, Johnson, Konfederath
and Nasso join Troop C in the
Southern Tier; and Fitch will
be policing the Hudson Valley
in Troop F.
Today marks another sig-
nicant moment in the proud
100 year history of the New
York State Police, Beach said.
The graduation ceremony
is one of our nest traditions
and introduces a new gener-
ation of highly trained men
and women, who will serve
the citizens of the State of New
York with honor and integrity.
I am proud to welcome these
graduates to our ranks.
The new Troopers reported
for eld duty on May 12. For
10 weeks they are evaluated
under a eld-training program
supervised by senior Field
Training Ofcers.
Academy training was a
26-week program.
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 29
From T27
Commander of
Batavia is one of the host com- New York State Police
munities for 100 years, Troop Troop A, which is
A Commander Major Steve headquartered in Batavia.
Nigrelli said. The community
of Batavia through today has
with open arms and really are A State Police diver plays tic-tac-toe with Lincoln Watterson, 6, of Oakeld and other children from a
great neighbors. tank during the June 10 open house at the Troop A barracks in Batavia.
For three hours one after-
noon this summer, the public
got a chance to see the signi- TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEWSPAPER, CALL (585) 343-8000.
cant role the Troopers have in CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR
What were trying to show CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY!
is what the State Police is
about, Nigrelli said. It also
gives us an opportunity to
thank the public for being
such staunch supporters of
State Police right here in Bat-
Walking around the back lot
of the Batavia barracks, visi-
tors quickly got a sense of the
scale of the place.
As Special Operations Re-
sponse Team helicopter ew
out and back, ofcers repelled
down a rope back into a eld
that from the crowd made
them appear small despite
their ample equipment.
A large garage bay housed a
memorial wall, museum piec-
es and activities and antique
State Police cruisers with plen-
ty of room to spare as did the
underwater rescue ofcer sub-
merged in a mobile training
tank to play tic-tac-toe with
children on the tanks glass.
A SORT vehicle loomed
above a crowd that formed,
ve-deep, in a ring around
demonstrations of defensive
tactics. They leapt as Investi- !!
&' !$# #&(%#%"%&#'$"
30 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
From T29
Jan. 1, 1934
Weddings Memberships Available
Dive Team Established: State
Police purchase a Morse
Shallow Water Diving Appa-
ratus for Troop G and the
B Open 7 Days a Week In Season
first underwater diving team Breakfast or Leagues
is established for the State Luncheons Call for More Information
Police. Showers
Receptions of All Kinds 585.343.7600
Jan. 1, 1935
Visit Our Website For More Information
Bloodhounds Enter State
Police Service: Bloodhounds
enter service, replacing the
(585) 343-1566
use of Great Danes and Bel-
gian police dogs. The dogs
are housed at Troop K Haw-
thorne and used to find lost To All NYS Troopers In Appreciation of Our
children, escapees, hidden
New York State Troopers
items and suspects at-large.
By early 1943, Troop K had
five bloodhounds assigned to
supports found at those advertised shoe stores cannot
support these forces and usually do not provide long-lasting
relief, do not come with a lifetime warranty, and are typically
more expensive than custom-molded ones made
by our office.
95% of our patients symptoms are resolved with
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Of equal or lesser value. Offer valid Mon.-Thurs. 11am-10pm.
Dine-in only. Not valid with any other specials running. We also offer surgical procedures with the best post op
Expires 9/30/17 success rates using Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy
techniques, EPF resulting in minimal incisions and scarring,
immediate ambulation and often back in a shoe in 1 week.
If you cant remember when your feet didnt hurt, now is the
9 Jackson Street, Batavia (585) 219-4242 Mon.-Sat. 11am-2am, Closed Sundays time to give us a call.
Jan. 2, 1955 to
Dec. 31, 1974
Return to Black and White
Patrol Vehicles: In 1955, the
State Police returned to the
white and black paint scheme
on patrol vehicles until 1974.
Thank You NYS Troopers
to Feb. 8, 1961
Superintendent Francis Simp-
son McGarvey: Appointed by
Gov. W. Averill Harriman to
replace Superintendent John-
Were the Leader in Travel
son. McGarvey previously was
Chief Inspector of the BCI. 3080 West Main Rd. Batavia
343-0300 762-6080
McGarvey was born Dec. 15,
assist city and county agen- shops damaged or looted.
cies with civil unrest.
In the early evening of July 24, Nov. 6, 1964
From T39 the Rochester Police Depart- Passing of Col. George F.
ment attempted to arrest a Chandler: George Fletcher
1896, in New York City and young, intoxicated African Chandler passed away at age
American male at a block 91. Chandler organized the
served in the Army for three
party. The Police Department State Constabulary and upon
years prior to joining State
was initially called after a his acceptance, was appoint-
Police on July 12, 1917.
concerned citizen from the ed the First Superintendent of
McGarvey was an original Mothers Improvement Asso-
Camp Man. the New York State Police.
ciation of the Eighth Ward
McGarvey had a strong desire became concerned about the Dec. 31, 1966
for continual education within mans behavior. The arrest
the field of police work and sparked rumors of improper Motorcycles Retired From
he believed in equipping the police action against citizens Patrol Use: The Motorcycle
Troopers with the best tools who were at the event. This is officially retired from patrol
possible to complete their resulted in an angry crowd use by Division.
job. Under his command, ROCCO LAURIENZO/THE DAILY NEWS that became violent, causing
State Police replaced blood A Breathalyzer used from 1962 until 1998. riots in two predominantly Jan. 1, 1967
testing for DWI arrest with a black wards.
developed to address chang- 50th Anniversary: In 1967, the
modern Breathalyzer and he
added SCUBA equipment for
THE 1960s es in crime. A Special Inves-
Gov. Rockefeller acted swiftly,
calling on the State Police
State Police marked its 50th
tigations Unit, an Auto Theft Anniversary. Celebrations took
the State Police Dive team. and the National Guard place across the state by cur-
Unit and an Accident Investi- to restore order. This was
McGarvey was retained by Nel- Feb. 9, 1961 to gation Unit were started. achieved in three days time,
rent and former members.
son A. Rockefeller when he
became Governor and served Aug. 4, 1967 Cornelius passed away Aug. 4, with close to 1,000 people See TIMELINE T41
a total of 44 years with the 1967, at the age of 59. arrested and more than 200
Superintendent Arthur Corne-
agency, retiring Feb. 8, 1961. lius Jr.: Arthur Cornelius Jr.,
appointed by Gov. Rockefeller, Jan. 1, 1964
Jan. 1, 1956
Radar Instituted: State Police
institute radar for speed
was the first superintendent
hired outside the agency.
Born Aug.2, 1908, in New Jer-
Division Headquarters Opens:
The 1960s were a time of
unprecedented building for
the State Police. The current
Thank You
enforcement for the first time sey, Cornelius obtained a law
in 1956. The initial use was
on the Thruway.
degree from Rutgers Universi-
ty before joining the Federal
Division Headquarters Build-
ing on the W. Averill Harriman For All That
State Office Campus in Albany
Nov. 14, 1957
Bureau of Investigation where
he became a supervisor of was completed in 1964. This
allowed the consolidation of
You Do
field offices in a 25-year
Organized Crime Meeting Bro-
ken Up by Troopers: Troopers
career. He was vice president
of the National Commercial
administrative and headquar-
ters support services in one In Our
on routine patrol in the Town location for the first time in
of Apalachin, Tioga County,
Bank and Trust when Rocke-
feller made him the head of Division history. Construction
of the State Police Academy
took notice of multiple expen- the State Police.
sive autos with out of state began in 1967 adjacent to
license plates arriving in the Under Cornelius, the authorized the Headquarters Building.
small town west of Bingham- strength of members more
ton and the home of Joseph than doubled, from 1,566 to
3,217. This change allowed
July 24, 1964
Barbara, who was known to Rochester Riots: In July 1964,
for the establishment of new
be connected with organized State Police deploy almost
Troops, Troop E in 1967 and
crime. As Troopers began Troop F in 1968. 500 Troopers to Rochester
to take down license plate during a 10-day period to
numbers, panic ensued and a Specialized units were also
number of the men fled into
nearby woods. Others ran
F, headquartered in Middle- establish a plan for handling that the music festival, which prison, taking 42 staff mem-
Timeline town, took over operations in
five counties: Rockland and
Orange from Troop K, Sullivan
traffic in Bethel.
Plans collapsed on the eve of
was billed as an event of
peace and music, was that.
No Division use of force was
bers hostage. A four-day
period of negotiations took
place in which the authorities
From T40 and Ulster from Troop C, and the concert. Shuttle service, shown, and only 109 arrest agreed to 28 demands made
Greene from Troop G. The which the promoters planned were made on the property. by the inmates, but the par-
inital revision of Troop lines on using, was cancelled by Of those, only four were for ties were unable to resolve
Aug. 5, 1967 to started in September 1967 the promoters because of violations aside from drugs. the issues of amnesty from
cost, as was the agreement
June 25, 1975 to make more compact Troop
between the promoters and
criminal prosecution for the
Superintendent William
geographical areas for more
off-duty New York City Police Nov. 24, 1969 takeover and the removal of
efficient operations. the facilitys superintendent.
Edward Kirwan Jr.: Wil- Officers. Further, the promot- Troop D Headquarters: Troop D Gov. Rockefeller ordered
liam Edward Kirwan Jr. was ers failed to establish any sig- Headquarters building opens
appointed by Gov. Rockefeller Aug. 15 to 18, 1969 nage to direct traffic coming in Oneida.
State Police to take back
control of the facility, which
as the seventh superinten- Woodstock: Billed as An to the area. Security within was accomplished on Sept.
dent in Division history. Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days
of Peace and Music, the
the grounds was to be the
responsibility of promoters. THE 1970s 13, 1971. In all, 43 people
lost their lives in the uprising,
Born Nov. 7, 1912, in New
music festival on a 600-acre On the first day of the festi- including 11 Corrections Offi-
York City, Kirwan earned his
dairy farm in Bethel, Sullivan cers.
bachelors degree from Ford-
County, drew 450,000 fans
val, it was estimated that
100,000 persons arrived by
May 26, 1970
ham University in 1933.
for 32 different music acts.
He joined State Police on June Initial estimates projected
auto, creating a traffic condi- Academy Opens: At a cost of June 23, 1972
tion defined as chaotic. Cars $5.2 million, the New York
15, 1936, and worked in 20,000 to 150,000 concert were abandoned on the road State Police Academy at the Flooding in the Southern Tier:
Troop K until he was assigned goers, though Division esti- causing all roads to be closed State Office Complex in Alba- Troopers assist in rescue
to the Scientific Laborato- mated that 200,000 made but to local traffic only. ny offically opens for service. efforts after the floods of
ry in 1937. Kirwan played it to the venue while another 1972 swept through the
a vital role at the lab and 250,000 were in the vicinity Day two and day three allowed Southern Tier. Water levels
wrote many articles relating unable to reach the amphi- for the addition of 70 men Sept. 9 to 13, 1971 reached 25 feet and forced
to police science. He was theater. from Troops C, G and K to Attica Prison Riots: On Sept. residents to rooftops.
appointed assistant laboratory assist with crowd control. 9, 1971, 2,200 inmates at
The State Police began plan- Division utilized helicopters to Attica Correctional Facility
director in 1941.
ning for the event when move Troopers within closed rebelled over living conditions
During his tenure the State Division initially thought the off areas and get food and and demands for political
Police had many firsts, the concert would be in Wallkill. water to Troopers when posts rights. The inmates gained
current SP Academy opened Three weeks prior to the start See TIMELINE T42
were not accessible by vehi- control of a portion of the
in 1970, the first women of the concert the promoters cle.
members entered service in had to obtain a new site
1973, and the State Police due to court action. In three At the conclusion of the event,
established a detail for weeks, Division was able to Division was able to report
minority hiring to better reflect
the population of the state.
The State Police Aviation Unit
returned in 1967.
Kirwan spent 39 years with the
Agency before retiring on June
25, 1975.
Sept. 6, 1967
Troop E Established: Troop ON 100 YEARS
E is established with head-
quarteres in Canandaigua.
The Troop is made up from
portions of A, C and D Troops, ALABAMA HOLLEY FARM
covering the area north to Corner of Rts. 63 & 77 Basom (585) 948-5161
Lake Ontario and south to the
Pennsylvania State border. N.Y. Lottery & Order Now for Your
The Troops territory includes Instant Lottery (585) 948-5161 Special Occasions
Livingston County.
Oct. 6, 1967
Aviation Unit Returns to State
Police: The Thruway Authority
purchased a fixed wing Cess-
Mill Creek Optical THANK YOU New York state
na airplane to assist in patrol
of the Thruway. This action
LeRoy Country Club
reactivated the Aviation Unit,
Restaurant & Catering
which had suspended opera-
tion following the crash of Lt.
Restaurant 768-6000 7759 East Main Rd.
Tremaine Hughes in 1932. Stop in to see our large selection! (Rt 5) LeRoy Pro Shop 768-7330
205 Main St, Dansville, NY Hours: Mon-Thurs 11:30am-9pm;
Feb. 25, 1968
Fri & Sat 11:30am-10pm; Sun 11am-5pm
M. Moyca Newell: Mother of
the New York State Police, Be Safe On The Road Guys!
dies in Westchester.
State Troopers receive 10% discount on Oakley WE CATER
On or off-premises.
Aug. 12, 1968 Still good dates available!
sunwear. 25% discount on other brands of sunwear. Call 768-6000 or
We are
open to the
Troop F: The activation of Troop
Call Barbie at 261-2592 public!
F made nine Troops within the
Divison of State Police. Troop | 585-335-9490 Also catering at Caledonia Jones Hall!
42 August 2017 New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary
settlement at a former girls became the eighth Superin- May 1, 1976 Games: A detail of 65 Troop-
Timeline camp owned by the state at
Moss Lake. Members of the
Mohawks who left the Akwe-
tendent of the State Police.
Born Nov. 23, 1920, in New
New Troop A Headquarters: A
new Headquarters building for
ers provided security and traf-
fic control at the International
Summer Special Olympics at
From T41 York City, Connelie became Troop A in Batavia was com-
sasne and Kajnawake and SUNY Brockport.
a career member of the New pleted in the spring of 1976.
other reservations, establish
York City Police Department.
July 28, 1973 the settlement to rebuild tra-
ditional lives. The Mohawks Connelie entered State Police June 1, 1976 THE 1980s
Summer Jam at Watkins claimed sovereignty causing service during the energy
Glen: In 1973, the village of a land dispute between them, crisis which caused a halt in State Police Summer Program:
3,000 at the foot of Seneca the state and the town of hiring and program expansion. The State Police and the New Jan. 1, 1980
Lake, becomes home to a Altona. Troopers police the Under his command, a new York State Trooper Foundation
12-hour music festival dubbed establish a four-week camp Troop L: Troop L officially
area for three years until the recruit class was hired in established as 10th Troop.
Summer Jam. The festival occupation of the camp ended 1977 and the agency initiated program for 96 youth during
featured the Grateful Dead, the summer at the New York As a result, 193 State Park-
in 1977 after negotiations a laboratory expansion pro-
Allman Brothers and The State Police Academy. The way Police Officers transfer to
with the state. As part of the gram which led to the creation
Band. An estimated 600,000 goal was to give underpriv- the State Police.
agreement, the settlement of the Mid-Hudson Regional
people attended, landing the was moved to Miner Lake, Crime Laboratory in Newburgh ileged boys and girls from
festival in the Guinness Book which the state offered the in 1978. The goal of the lab across the state an opportuni- Feb. 14, 1980
of World Records. Promoters Mohawks through a trust. expansion was to meet the ty to interact with Troopers in
only expected 150,000, but a positive setting. By the 25th Winter Olympics: State Police
needs of all police agencies provided security and traffic
fans came by the thousands anniversary, its duration was
and clogged roadways two
July 2, 1975 to in the state.
seven weeks with more than control for the 1980 Winter
Also during his tenure, the Olympics in Lake Placid. There
days before the music began. July 31, 1983 State Police expanded on
300 children.
were no serious incidents of
Working with the Schuyler Superintendent William Gerard the satellite station program, crime or terrorist activity and
County Sheriffs Department, Connelie: Appointed by Gov. allowing patrol Troopers to be
June 1, 1979 the State Police detail coped
the State Police took action to Hugh Carey on July 2, 1975 closer to their patrol assign- State Police assist at Inter-
address the traffic concerns. William Gerard Connelie ments. national Special Olympics See TIMELINE T43
The night before the concert,
a detail of 61 uniform mem-
bers and six BCI members
were sent to the scene. Celebrating 100 Years
By early morning, vehicles
blocked roads 14 miles away
from the festival and tow
trucks were utilized to clear a
THANK YOU! of Service
Thank you for all that you do to
path for traffic.
The event was generally peace-
ful. Troopers made 13 felony
New York State Police for keep our community safe!
arrests, 71 misdemeanor
arrests and 49 vehicle and
100 Years of Service! The Viking Valhalla Restaurant
traffic arrest (14 for driving at the Rose Garden Bowl Since
while intoxicated). A parachut-
ist was killed as he was jump-
ing into the concert area.
C.B. Beach & Son Fabulous Friday Fish Fry
Jan. 1, 1974
Mortuary, Inc. Youve Tried the Rest,
Now Try The Best!
Only $10.25, includes potato & coleslaw
Transition to New York State Add $3 and get soup and salad bar
Blue and Gold Paint on Patrol !"
! 21 Buffalo Road,
Vehicles: In 1974, the State $!!# !
$!!# !
Police moved towards a new
Bergen, NY 14416 Karaoke Saturday Night
scheme in patrol vehicle paint Let Your Voice Be Heard!
#!# !$
with various designs in New 585-494-9900 9:30 until closing
York State Blue and Gold
placed on Troop cars.
to specialize in areas of trace ducted in honor of the late May 1, 1988 March 1, 1990
Timeline drug chemistry and toxicology.
June 1, 1987
assistant deputy superinten-
dent in charge of the Bureau
of Criminal Investigation
Troopers Cross-Deputized as
U.S. Customs Service Offi-
Switch to Semi-Automatic Pis-
tol: Troopers are issued the
From T43 who was instrumental in the cers: In 1988, 180 Troopers Glock 17, 9mm semi auto-
Aviation Expansion: The NYSP creation of the State Police become cross-deputized as matic pistol. This replaced the
Aviation Unit expands by forensic unit. The first semi- U.S. Customs Service Officers .357 Magnum revolver.
Jan. 2, 1987 to adding two fixed wing Cessna nar had 130 homicide investi- to grant them border search
March 21, 1994 206 Aircraft under a federal gators from across the nation. authority. July 1, 1990
grant and opened a hangar at It now has investigators from
Superintendent Thomas A. Albany International Airport. agencies around the world. 1-800-CURB-DWI: State Police
Constantine: Appointed by Nov. 1, 1988 establish a toll-free telephone
Gov. Mario Cuomo to be the Narcotic Units Double in Size: number to enable motorist to
10th superintendent of the Division members assigned to Jan. 1, 1988 State Police Coordinates with
report a possible inebriated
drug enforcement doubles to INTERPOL: The State Police
State Police on Jan. 2, 1987, Consumer Product Tampering becomes the official liaison driver. By the end of 1990,
Constantine was the first more than 300 members. Program: In response to a State Police rolled out a cellu-
agency for the State of New
superintendent in 30 years to large number of tampering York and the International lar toll free connection, *DWI.
rise through the ranks. June 15, 1987 incidents and threats involving Criminal Police Organization
Born Dec. 23, 1938, Constan- Mounted Patrol Stars in Iron- food and medical products,
A computerized database
(INTERPOL) to aid in the July 11, 1990
tine earned a masters degree weed: Six Members of the apprehension of international
operates as a central clear- Statewide Automated Finger-
from the state University at Mounted Unit act in a riot criminals.
inghouse for all product tam- print Identification System:
Albany. He began his career scene for the movie Iron-
weed. pering cases in New York. The Statewide Automated
with the Erie County Sheriffs
Department in 1960. On Jan.
The program is the first in the THE 1990s Fingerprint System, known as
SAFIS, is introduced allowing
2, 1962, he left to join the Sept. 7, 1987 Troopers to quickly compare
State Police, graduating the
Academy at the top of his
Sam Howell Remembered: The Feb. 1, 1988 Feb. 15, 1990 fingerprints found at crime
state Education Department scenes with those on file.
recruit class academically. Drug Recognition Expert Pro- Community Narcotics Enforce-
provides funding for a historic ment Team: In response to
As superintendent, Constantine marker at location of the mur- gram: In 1988, the Division June 1, 1991
commits to the Drug Rec- the growth of narcotic opera-
made it a priority to review all der of Sam Howell in Bedford
ognition Program and trains tions in upstate rural and sub- State Police Target Interna-
agency operations and proce- Hills, Westchester County.
selected Troopers to recog- urban communities, the State tional Drug Cartels: In July
dures. Changes were made Police formally establishes a
nize impairment in drivers 1991, the Cali Cocaine Car-
to post structure, promotional Nov. 14, 1987 under the influence of drugs 60-member narcotics enforce- tel, with unlimited financing
procedures and hiring prac-
First Colonel Henry F. Williams in addition to alcohol. The ment team to assist local and advanced technology, is
tices. The agency would now
Homicide Seminar: The first DRE program was established police departments in narcotic trumped by the ingenuity and
require new hires to have at
Colonel Henry F. Williams in the late-1970s by the Los investigations and attack the
least two years of college See TIMELINE T45
credits prior to appointment. Homicide Seminar was con- Angeles Police Department. street level drug problems.
Constantine is credited with
the establishment of the NEW YORK STATE POLICE
Community Narcotics Enforce-
ment Team, Drug Recognition Congratulations on
Program, INTERPOL Liaison
Program, Colonel Henry F. Wil-
Your Centennial
liams Homicide Semina, and
the Computer Crimes Unit.
Banquet Facility up to 500 Guests
On March 11, 1994, Con-
Anniversaries Retirements Corporate Events
stantine was appointed to Birthdays Weddings
administrator of the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency by Pres-
We Offer Catering
ident Clinton. He served in
this position until 1999 when
Alexander Fire Dept.
he accepted a position at the Banquet Facility 585-638-4653 (Golf Info) 585-638-0220 (RV Info)
Rockefeller College of Public
Affairs and Policy as a public 10708 Alexander Rd. (Rt.98) Alexander,NY (585) 356-3301
service professor. 15816 Lynch Road (Off Rt. 31), Holley, NY 14470
Constantine died May 3, 2015.
March 1, 1987
Crimes Against Children: To
THANK YOU Proud to Support
assist in prevention, detection
and investigation of crimes NYS TROOPERS NYS Troopers
against children, Division
established the Child Abuse
And Troop A
and Exploitation Unit. This
Unit was established after leg- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK /365 DAYS A YEAR
islation mandated child abuse
$ 00
1 off
notification to law enforce-
ment for cases which dont
fall in parameters of Depart-
ment of Social Services.
those responsible for disorder
and reported sexual assaults
continued for months. Restaurant & Banquet Facility
Aug. 31, 1999
New York State DNA Data-
bank: The New York State
DNA Databank becomes fully !
operational. Legislation enact- Golf Tournaments Wedding Receptions Graduation Parties Banquets and More
ed in 1994 authorized the col- Open To The Public
lection of DNA samples from
offenders of various crimes. "
New York State Troopers 100 Year Anniversary August 2017 47
Jan. 1, 2009
had a 27-year career with the
New York City Police Depart-
When the sergeant attempts
to stop him the prisoner flees
Automated Vehicle Location:
ment, where he served in towards the woods. Sweat is
many patrol and investigative shot in the torso and taken
State Police deploy the him into custody, ending the
assignments, rising to rank of
Automated Vehicle Location manhunt.
deputy chief.
system, a method of using
remote vehicle tracking and
monitoring via GPS, to provide Oct. 29, 2012 June 9, 2016
a mapped display of the loca-
tion of marked patrols. The
system increases officer safe-
Hurricane Sandy: Troop-
ers from around the state
respond to Long Island to
Superintendent George P.
Beach II: George P. Beach
II became the 15th super-
A Sincere Thank You
ty and allows communications
specialists to view the closest
patrol to an incident.
assist with public safety
efforts after Superstorm
intendent of the New York
State Police on June 9, 2016.
Sandy, the second costliest Beach has served a number
June 1, 2009
hurricane in U.S. history of roles for the State Police,
Patrol Rifle Program: In 2009,
Division completed research Derrick Monument Company Inc.
into the types and models of
patrol rifles available to law
enforcement, then purchased
Cemetery Memorials
the selected weapons. This
37 Myrtle St., LeRoy, NY (585) 768-8470
Thankful for our New York State Troopers Celebrating 70 Years