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V + SK = VSK

VSK Separator VSK features:

The VSK combines the sturdy design

Five jobs in one unit:
of the V - Separator with the high Relieving the dynamic classifier of coarse material by pre-classifying.
performance of the SEPMASTER. Mixing feed and recycled material before entering the roller press.
The cage wheel is arranged as an Deglomeration of RP discharge by impact action of the cascade.
add-on module to the V. With the Drying / cooling.
V and VSK Separator, the need High efficiency classifying.
for auxiliary equipment is greatly re- Cut size between 25 and 150 m.
duced: no separate dryer, no Effective wear protection.
deglomerator. New ways of process
design are now open to a wide abrasive materials. These new tube mills and impact hammer mills.
field of applications for new plant systems are not exclusively bound Tailor-made solutions by KHD
and upgrade alike. Wear is minimi- to the roller press, but can be Humboldt Wedag are available.
zed, even when grinding applied in grinding circuits with

VSK e Separator
(e = extended version)
The VSK e Separator will require significantly less mechanical conveying
capacity. To accomplish this, the VSK is split into two parts. The static
V - part underneath the roller press and the dynamic SK- part above the
Focus on efficiency
roller press are connected by a riser duct (e), over which all fines from the
V- part are lifted by air flow to the VSK -part.
KHD Separators

The benefits of the VSK e are:

Minimizing of bucket elevator capacity Reduction in building volume
Higher feed rates can be processed Lower capital investment.

KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH ZAB Zementanlagenbau Humboldt Wedag India Private Ltd. OOO KHD Humboldt Engineering
Colonia - Allee 3 GmbH Dessau Mehtab House, A - 36, Mohan Mjasnizkaja ul., 24/7
51067 Cologne / Germany Brauereistrae 13 Co - op Estate, Mathura Road B. 1, Office 108 +49 221 6504 0 06847 Dessau-Rolau / Germany New Delhi - 110044 / India 101000 Moscow / Russia +49 340 50 29-2 13 +91 11 4210 1100 + 7 495 6 23 34 80

Humboldt Wedag, Inc. KHD Humboldt Wedag Machinery Humboldt Wedag GmbH, Humboldt Wedag GmbH Merkezi
400 Technology Parkway Equipment (Beijing) Co. Ltd P.O. Box 380 Almanya Trkiye stanbul ubesi
Norcross GA 30092 / USA CITIC Building, 25A Jeddah 21411 Ayazaga Mah. Meydadan Sk. No: 1 +1 770 810 7315 19 Jianguomenwai Street KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Beybi Giz Plaza K: 26&27
Beijing / China 100004 Tel: +966 2 671 7121 Maslak 34396 stanbul +86 10 6500 4101 Trkiye

Process and options

High-performance separators have a long tradition at KHD Humboldt Wedag. 0.8

Our SEPMASTER provides excellent selectivity and fits into small space. In 0.7

addition to installation in new mill circuits, the SEPMASTER is particularly Fine material and coarse material are sepa- 0.6

well suited for increasing the productivity of mills already in operation. The rated at the periphery of the rotor cage in a 0.5

innovative rotor cage system enables the grinding of premium product qualities. vortex predetermined by air deflectors and the 0.4

The investment cost incurred by a change of separators is quickly recovered. rotation of the cage. The airstream, which is fed 0.3

Through its compact dimensions and low operating and maintenance cost the horizontally, will drag the fine particles against the 0.2

SEPMASTER significantly increases grinding plant efficiency. centrifugal force to the inside of the cage wheel and 0.1

from there to the fine material discharge. The coarse 0.0 Grainsize,m
1 10 100200
Depending on size and application, the SEPMASTER separator is available in various grains are pushed away from the separator wheel
versions and with specifically tailored protection against wear and tear. by the centrifugal force and drop into the
coarse material discharge. Typical SEPMASTER selectivity curve according to Tromp.

Rotor stability Efficiency of separation Setting the cutpoint:

Precise separation was previously Fineness of the finished product is
The rotor shaft is supported at both ends. This concept avoids only possible on a laboratory quickly and accurately set by the
vibration and ensures a smooth and safe running machine, even scale, but can now be achieved cage speed.
when producing very fine products. in large plants because of the
SEPMASTER's high performance. Consistent quality
Why is the drive on the bottom? Upgraded plants show savings in Variation in fineness and mass
For maintenance work on the separator, gearbox, motor and electric grinding energy of 10 to 20 % on flow of the feed material have little
cables do not need to be moved. The drive is positioned away from average and production increases effect on the fineness of the finished
the heat and easily accessible. product. The quality of the product
Feed remains constant.
The bearings are outside.
The support bearings are located outside the separator housing and can fine products such
be easily installed or removed, whilst the cage wheel remains in normal as high quality Fines
position. cement or filler.
As a result of
Resistance to wear and tear = lower costs. the excellent Readily re-
selectivity, producible
Easily replaceable parts made of high quality materials such as grits returned separator
cast basalt, ceramics, chromium carbide or chilled iron gua- to the mill in results
rantee long life. the grinding The desired
circuit are well material fine-
Fits comfortably into small spaces. cleaned of fine mate- ness can be
The SEPMASTER is the perfect replacement for old se- Coarse rial. Because of this, quickly reproduced,
parators. Compared to older generation separa- more fresh material can be fed a great advantage when
tors, the SEPMASTER cage wheel separator is not of 10 to 25 % for cement raw meal to the mill. The Tromp selectivity switching to a different product.
only more efficient but also significantly smal- and normal cement. Significantly curve is used to assess the selectivity
ler and lighter. higher production increases of more performance of separators.
Replaceable cage bars make
than 50 % have been achieved The KHD SEPMASTER achieves top easy maintenance.
in the manufacture of extremely marks, as can be seen in the graph.

1 Feed
2 Fines
3 Coarse
SKS-Z 4 Drive

Fine material without "OSP's" Important effect on downstream
(oversized particles) performance
The rotor seal, which is purged Excellent product quality is
with fresh air, ensures fine pro- achieved by accurate control
ducts without oversized particles
and higher protection against
of oversize material. For raw
meal, low levels of super fine
Optimum solutions for each grinding process
wear. Quick-Lime producers in
particular enjoy the "OSP" free
material allows for good burn
and flow characteristics.
Grinding with the tube mill
operation performance of the
SEPMASTER. The feed material is fines from the V - SEPARATOR.
Although tube mills have higher energy consumption
than more modern grinding systems, they do offer
a number of benefits which justify their use:

The SEPMASTER family High availability

Perfect cement characteristics
Simple adjustment
SKS - M Feed material SKS - Z and SKS - L Feed material Easy maintenance
Separator Size fine separation t/h coarse separation t/h Rotor cage diameter (mm) coarse separation t/h fine separation t/h Extreme resistance to abrasion
400 4 7 1,750 150 230
550 9 15 2,000 190 300
700 15 25 2,250 240 370 Our classic
850 24 39 2,500 280 440 For grinding cement or granulated slag, tube mills are in
1,000 34 57 2,750 350 550 operation either as open-circuit mill or as closed-circuit
1,150 43 72 3,000 410 640 mill with the SEPMASTER high performance separator.
1,350 63 104 3,250 480 750 These mills have a length to diameter ratio of more
1,550 84 141 3,500 560 880 than 3.0 and are supplied with one or two grin-
3,750 640 1,000 ding chambers.
4,000 770 1,200
4,300 880 1,370
For combination with the KHD V - SEPARATOR.
4,600 980 1,530
The hundredfold proven separator for separating in the range from 20 to 250 m cut point.
1 Fresh material
SEPMASTER SKS - L: SEPMASTER SKS - M: 2 Finished material
For use on air-swept systems. Highly suitable for In-Process-Drying. For extremely fine products. 3 Coarse material
4 Waste gas
4 4

2 2 1

1 Feed
2 Fines
6 3 Coarse
4 Coarse 1
5 Coarse 2
6 Secondary air

Open-circuit mill (blue) 2
and closed-circuit mill (blue and red)

Grinding and drying, all in one

gas and material flow
5 A short tube mill with or without drying 1 Feed 4

chamber (depending on feed material moi- 2 Fines

3 Coarse
6 sture) is used for drying and grinding of ce- 4 Air
ment raw material. The 5 Separating channels
air-swept mill is advan-
tageous when the moi-
sture level m/sec

is high, whereas the

closed-circuit mill is mostly
4 4
used for low moisture and high
fineness levels. Air-swept mills are
generally used for grinding coal.
3 Computerized-Fluid-
Dynamic (CFD) Simulation
Airswept grinding plant TANDEM grinding plant: Pneumatic transfer of ground

(blue) and TANDEM

material from PHM and tube mill to the separator
Shape giving name
grinding plant (blue and red)
Team work is top! The V - Separator
The TANDEM grinding
plant is a KHD Humboldt Wedag develop- The V - SEPARATOR in operation Virtually unlimited use The benefit to you
ment. An impact hammer mill (PHM) is Originally developed to separate fine The required product fineness is achie- The V - SEPARATOR is an uncomplica-
connected in series with a tube mill. The material from a roller press circuit, the ved by adjusting the air speed in the ted static separator without any mo-
1 Fresh material solution offers excellent drying performan- V - SEPARATOR has, however, also separating channels. Cut point ving parts. Since it carries out
2 Finished material ce and handles feed sizes of up to 120 proved its value in tough applications range is from a whole range of pro-
Coarse material
mm. Highly abrasive raw material can be with large mass flows and abrasive approx. 80 m cess functions,
4 Hot gas
5 Waste gas fed directly to the tube mill. material of wide size range and high to 1.5 mm. it considerably
6 Return gas levels of feed moisture. extends the
PHM impact dryer Limiting wear range of ap-
How does it work? and tear plications for
When the going gets hard Material is fed from above to the built- All internal high pressure
The center discharge mill is used for material in step grate. From here, the fine ma- parts are fixed comminution.
which is very difficult to grind. It has two terial is carried upwards with the air and have In addition
grinding chambers, both of which can be through the separating channels, the straight and to reduced in-
fed with fresh material and grits. The coarse material falls down over the level surfaces, as vestment for
SEPMASTER SKS - L, which is fed by step grate and is discharged at the does the housing. machinery, the
a gas stream from below and via bottom of the housing. The ratio of This ensures simple but V - SEPARATOR also
a bucket-elevator from above, is material load to separating air can be effective protection against results in energy savings.
the separator of choice for up to three times higher than with an wear, eliminating the need for main- With the rising cost of energy, this will
this mill. airstream separator. tenance work for many years. become increasingly important.

The Allrounder.
1 Despite its simple design, the V - SEPARATOR carries out a whole range of process-related tasks within the
grinding circuit:
Separating fine material from Deglomeration derneath the roller press.
4 4
fresh material Mixing fresh material and grits Producing a finished material with
Drying moisture from fresh Preventing formation of deposits custom tailored grain size distribu-
material when grinding granulated slag by tion by combining V - SEPARATOR
Cooling hot fresh material positioning the V - SEPARATOR un- and cage wheel separator.
Center discharge mill

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