MOS Sinking
MOS Sinking
MOS Sinking
Machinery / Equipment
1. Long arm excavator.
2. Piling machine.
3. Lorry.
c) First leaf of wall (2.4m high) will be constructed on new platform level.
Starter bar shall be extended from the top of the wall.
d) First leaf wall shall be left for 7 days to achieve adequate concrete
strength after the concreting work before the wall being sunken.
e) Sinking of first leaf of wall shall by excavator (long arm type). Soil inside
shall be excavated out. While the internal soil is being excavated, the wall
sections weight and lessen friction would enhance the sinking.
h) When the top of first leaf wall reaches the working platform, second leaf
wall will be constructed. Water stop will be installed in between of wall.
i) The remaining leaf of wall shall be construct. Then, the excavation and
sinking process shall be repeated till tank structure reach the design invert
j) Wing slab shall be constructed surrounding the wall section to ensure the
wall will not be sunk further during the piling work.
b) Meanwhile other related internal structure will be carried out for the
completion of the whole tank structure.
c) RC piling will be used as a foundation of the tank.
d) Actual base slab for tank will be constructed after piling work.