Globalization and Its Discontents
Globalization and Its Discontents
Globalization and Its Discontents
It is wide in its tactics and ambitions, violent and revolutionary on the edges, peaceful
and reformist in the main. It rushes in often contradictory directions, anti-corporate and
entrepreneurial, anarchist and nostalgic, technophobe and futuristic, revolutionary and
conservative all at the same time.
It does not have one source. Many tributaries have swollen counter-capitalism: the
anti-apartheid movement, the campaigns against US intervention in Central America,
environmentalism, the emergence of protest movements in the Third World, famine
relief in Africa, the Asian financial crisis, human rights protection, Acid House raves in
Europe, road rallies organized by Reclaim the Streets and hip-hop music in the US.
Following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the re-
maining three articles were hurriedly spiked. The political and social momentum
of the movement appeared to have gone into deep freeze. Some groups
appeared to be morphing into the nucleus of an anti-war movement; others
tried to continue with business as usual, issuing policy documents and calls for
supporter actions on the debt burden and the WTO ministerial meeting in Qatar.
Even before the 11 September attacks, the movement was entering a period
of uncertainty. Six weeks earlier, violence by both police and protesters in the
streets of Genoa during the G8 summit had left a young Italian protester dead,
many injured, and a brewing sense of crisis over the movements direction.
The dbcle in Genoa, when mainstream protesters from the Drop the
Debt coalition of NGOs decided to pull out of a protest march which had been
* The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their comments and advice: Nick Buxton,
Mark Campanale, Barry Coates, George Gelber, Catherine Matheson and Angela Wood. The views
expressed in the essay are, however, their own.
Whats in a name?
The term most commonly used for this phenomenon is the anti-globalization
movement; but it is neither solidly anti-globalization, nor a single movement.
On core issues such as democracy, the environment, and international trade
and investment rules, what parts of the movement support is as important as
what they oppose: increased grassroots participation and accountability in
policy-making; improved environmental protection and the internalization of
environmental costs; reform of world trade rules to benefit the weakest coun-
tries and communities. However, because the objects of support are hetero-
geneous and at times contradictory, the anti label has stuck, to the frustration
of many of the movements leaders and thinkers. Struggling with this issue,
activists organizing the World Social Forum scheduled for Porto Alegre in
January 2002 chose for its slogan Another World is Possible.1
Nor is it a single movement, with an agreed common purpose and systems of
command and control. Rather it is, as the FT put it, a movement of move-
ments or even a mood. There are some overlapping aims, but also several
significant cleavagesbetween reformists and rejectionists, and between parts
of the labour, environmental and Southern movements. Bearing these caveats
in mind, this essay will follow Naomi Klein and refer to this confluence of poli-
tical currents, in a somewhat quaint 1960s shorthand, simply as the movement.
intensity, scope and visibility as a public issue. The origins of the movement are
rooted in and in large part unified by this period of globalization. It is therefore
worth briefly examining the events and processes that shaped this political reaction.
While increasing integration through trade and investment has been a feature
of the global economy since the Second World War, several pivotal events in
recent decades have led to a sudden acceleration in its social and political pro-
minence. In the North, the oil crisis and the suspension of dollar convertibility
in 1972 marked the end of the long boom of post-1945 Keynesianism. They
also triggered the meteoric rise of the global capital markets which made earn-
ing and keeping market confidence an increasingly important determinant of
government policies.
In the South, the Mexican governments near-default on its foreign debt in
1982 marked the end of the postwar era of import-substituting industrialization
and began a long and painful period for developing countries, characterized by
the burden of massive foreign indebtedness, and the rise in political influence of
the IMF, World Bank and international capital markets, all three of which
ushered policy-makers away from development policies focused on the domestic
market, and towards a strategy of export-led growth.
Finally, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent collapse of
Soviet communism led to the rapid integration of what became known as the
transition economies of the former Soviet Union into a seemingly triumphant
model of market-driven economic change.
At a political level, these events brought in their wake two important
developments. The crisis in state-led development in the Third World and the
discrediting of the old Soviet-based left was also accompanied byand a major
cause ofthe disorientation of the left as a whole. Certain trends within
globalization in turn compounded this disorientation. The first of these was a
shift in power away from the state, driven increasingly by global economic
trends (such as global financial markets) that eroded governments ability to
manage their economies. The result was a perceived crisis in social democracy.
The second trend was the rise of the New Right. By the early 1980s the
market was seen to have won a definitive triumph over the state, leading to the
resurgence of free market ideology. John Kennedys twilight time, charac-
terized by American fear of a looming Soviet threat, gave way to a new dawn
for liberal democracies and, more importantly, for a global market based on the
aggressive economic model of Anglo-Saxon capitalism. The elision of market
democracy became a staple item in Western leaders lexicon.
At an economic level, these political developments helped drive the rapid
expansion of trade and investment flows, as large parts of Latin America and
Asia adopted export-led growth strategies, and the countries of the former
Soviet empire were rapidly, if partially, absorbed into an increasingly integrated
global economy. Globalization quickly became the shorthand for this model
of expansiona heady and complex mix of technological, economic, political
and cultural change.
Amartya Sen, Observer, 25 June 2000.
to accept the depredations of the powerful and the exclusion of the poor and
the powerless from the mainstream political system. In this sense it is not a
negative movement, but a positive attempt at inclusion.
Nor is the vast bulk of the movement anti-globalizationall are contesting
the future direction of globalization, but almost every current within it has a
strong internationalist outlook. Indeed, the products of globalization have
proved indispensable to the growth of the movement. The internet and email
have created a global conversation between grassroots organizations and NGOs
around the world, a daily exchange of information, viewpoints and ideas which
was previously the exclusive prerogative of the rich and powerful. The spread
of global brands, and the global reach of the WTO and the IMF, have provided
common rallying points for protestthe founding of the WTO in 1995 in
particular put an institutional face on what had previously been an amorphous
process, a gift to the protest movement.
While the movement is to some extent a collection of separate fragments, the
past ten years have seen significant progress. Serious divisions persist, but there
has been a growing consensus (or at least a greater awareness and tolerance of
difference) between labour, environmentalists and development NGOs on many
issues where there once was hostilityfor example on child labour, or the
attitudes of environmentalists to poverty. In the UK, one recent example is the
creation of the Trade Justice Movement, a coalition of eleven NGOs including
the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, CAFOD and Friends of the
Earth.4 However, after the events of 11 September 2001, that partial unity will
be tested by the changed environment of economic recession, militarization and
heightened concerns over national security. Moreover, the potential absorption
of its more reformist currents, as policy-makers begin to adopt their rhetorical
and even policy clothes, is likely to bring divisions between reformists and
rejectionists to the surface.
The movement has become an important international player in its own right,
helping to redefine public notions of democracy, accountability and collective
mobilization. The Financial Times sees it as a fifth estate, a valuable global
counterbalance in a world of ageing and often inadequate global institutions.5
In recent years it has achieved some notable successes:
Jubilee 2000: This largely church-based coalition was credited by the British
government with putting debt back on the international agenda. Initially
started in the UK, Jubilee groups were set up in dozens of countries, North
and South. Many, especially in the South, rapidly moved on to campaign
on wider globalization-related issues such as the impact of transnational
corporations and structural adjustment programmes.
Attac: This French-based network of intellectuals and activists has taken the
lead in promoting the introduction of the Tobin tax (a small tax on currency
4 <>.
Financial Times, 10 October 2001.
Meghnad Desai and Yahia Said, The new anti-capitalist movement: money and global civil society, in
H. Anheier, M. Glasius and M. Kaldor, eds, Global civil society 2001 (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
9 See websites for Third World Network, <>, and Focus on the Global South,
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, <>.
11 World Development Report 2000/01: Attacking Poverty (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000),
<>; Eliminating world poverty: making globalization work for the
poor (London: Department for International Development, 2001), <>. For an
insightful analysis of the origins of the rancorous public debate over the World Development Report, see
Ravi Kanbur, Economic policy, distribution and poverty: the nature of disagreements (New York: Cornell
University, December 2000).
NGO submissions are listed on <>, and available from individual NGOs.
After Seattle, Report by House of Commons Select Committee on International Development (London:
Stationery Office, Dec. 2000).
19 See e.g. <>.
For more information, see <>.
Hegemonic shifts
Neither the advocates or the critics of globalization have been static or mono-
lithic. Over the 20-year period covered by this article, different tendencies have
risen and fallen on both sides of the argument, leading to convergence in some
areas and continued differences in others. In general terms, comparing todays
debate with that of the mid-1980s, perhaps the high-water mark of the
Washington consensus of neo-liberalism, it is clear that significant changes
have occurred in the thinking of policy-makers. In part this has been a response
to some of the more catastrophic results of gung-ho liberalization: the dbcle
of free market reforms in Russia, the Mexican crisis of 1994 and the Asian
financial crisis of 19978 led to some serious soul-searching and admissions of
mistakes, deflating the excessive self-confidence of the 1980s.
The growth of the movement both fed off and accelerated this rethink.
Politicians recognized a need to respond to public disquiet, for example in the
G8s decision to put debt on the agenda at its 1998 Birmingham summit, or
when Chancellor Schrder and Prime Minister Jospin ordered a study of the
Tobin Tax in 2001. In 1999, the IMF committed itself to the 2015 targets for
21 For a full analysis, see Duncan Green, CAFOD analysis of WTO Doha Declarations, on <www.cafod.>.
halving world poverty, drawn up by the OECD and agreed at the UN Millen-
nium Summit in Geneva in June 2000. A growing number of prominent
economists questioned the impact of unfettered markets on the poor; among
them were Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen, both of whom achieved further
prominence with the award of the Nobel Prize (in 2001 and 1998 respectively).
The surest sign of this hegemonic shift within the system is that when there
are genuine doubts in the minds of policy-makers, a comparatively small num-
ber of demonstrators can have a disproportionate political impact. One of the
present authors estimated the numbers physically blockading the Seattle confer-
ence centre at just a few thousand; compare that with the minimal impact of the
hundreds of thousands of demonstrators who marched regularly during the
Cold War years, protesting against the installation on UK bases of nuclear cruise
These partial successes have both strengthened the reformists within the move-
ment and endangered its unity by heightening the points of difference between
them and the rejectionists. The difficulties posed by partial victories were most
clearly demonstrated in the Jubilee 2000 movement, when at the height of its
policy successes at the Cologne G8 summit in 1999 the more radical Jubilee
South wing, based in countries such as South Africa and Nicaragua, condemned
the Northern Jubilee organizations for their reformist acceptance of the status
quo. Alejandro Bendana, a former Sandinista leader and Jubilee South leader,
condemned northern NGOs for replacing politics with policy.
The more evangelical wing of the free marketeers also suffered some signifi-
cant political setbacks, notably the disaster in Seattle and the abandonment in
1998 of OECD talks on an MAI which would, critics claimed, have further
skewed the imbalance between corporate rights and responsibilities, and greatly
reduced states abilities to channel investment in the interests of development.
The extent and the limitations of this rethink in the corridors of power is
demonstrated by the complex and nuanced approach taken by the British
government since the Labour Party came to power in 1997. The new govern-
ment promptly upgraded international development to create a new
department with, in Clare Short, a high-profile minister of Cabinet rank at its
head. Years of falling aid were reversed, and the departments policies were
overhauled to try to give it a clear focus on development and poverty reduc-
tion, rather than the mere provision of aid. Two development White Papers
appeared in the space of four years, the first a framework for aid, the second on
the development impact of globalization. Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon
Brown has shown a keen interest in development issues and led the inter-
national debt relief effort.
Throughout this period, relations with NGOs in general, and with the move-
ment in particular, have been difficult. Clare Short has persistently portrayed
the protesters as anti-globalization, and therefore, in her view, anti-develop-
ment. Her department appears convinced (often on the basis of the sketchiest of
evidence) that progress lies in further market reforms in the South, and in
Cold War years. This would be reflected in the workings of interstate relations
and in the global governance institutions. There may be greater politicization of
aid, lending and tradewitness the IMFs sudden readiness to bail out the
Pakistani regime, or the pressure on WTO members to agree a new round of
global trade talks as a response to terrorism. If security issues completely eclipse
other concerns in the minds of Western governments, developing country
regimes may once again be judged solely according to their allegiances, rather
than their democratic credentials or their commitment to better the lives of their
citizens. In such a system the voice of civil society could easily be suppressed.
Authoritarian anti-terrorist legislation could all too easily end up being used
against demonstrators.
The domestic and international political agenda may alter. There may no
longer be an appetite for a movement of self-doubt in the West. Tolerance for
loose coalitions with violent fringes could evaporate. The public, politicians and
media would no longer be as receptive to the protesters message. In the new
order, will the rights of protest be sacrificed on the altar of national security?
On the economic front, recession may well alter the domestic and inter-
national agendas, the public mood and the availability of finance for campaign
groups. Recession could lead to splits within the movement, for example be-
tween Northern labour unions intent on protecting US and European jobs, and
development agencies that worry about the impact of Northern protectionism
on worker welfare in developing countries.
However, while recession and increased security concerns may sap the move-
mentss momentum in the short term, the underlying cause of the movement
the specific nature of the current form of economic globalization and the
failings of the current form of global governancehas not been fundamen-
tally affected. As long as these circumstances remain, so will public disquiet
and protest.
An international system in which all things are left to the unfettered market
will further heighten political, social and economic inequality. The role of
politics is to mitigate this tendency by pursuing the goals of social justice and the
common good. The present forms of global governance have not been per-
forming this function well. The need for a voice to ensure that these issues are
addressed remains urgent. In an increasingly globalized world, the movement
has already played an important part in catalysing a move away from the ex-
cesses of 1980s market idolatry; and it will continue to do so. In all likelihood
global institutions, governments and NGOs will continue in much the same
way, as they should do, in a useful and fruitful interaction and dialogue.
There are indeed signs that the events of 11 September have added momen-
tum to the need to rethink the current international system. In a speech in New
York in mid-November, Gordon Brown forcefully made the case for a global
new deal: We have a choice. Globalization can be for the people or against
the people Badly managed, globalization will lead to wider inequality, deeper
division and a dangerous era of distrust and rising tension Instead we will
advance social justice on a global scaleand we will do so with more global co-
operation, not less, and with stronger, not weaker, international institutions.26
It seems that we have entered a period of instability in international relations.
The collapse of effective states in many parts of the Third World and the former
Soviet Union, the emergence of new (or resurgence of old) forms of non-state
conflict and the increasing loss of states monopoly over the use of force have
created a world of new insecurities. The attacks on New York and Washington
demonstrated that nowhere in the West is immune.
Since September there has been a greater willingness to address the sources of
heightened global insecurity, including rising global economic inequality. Before
the attacks, Lord Desai wrote presciently:
It could be that for the first time in decades the bottom rung seems to have dropped
from the global social ladder, that along with overall prosperity there are more and more
pockets around the world where people seem to have nothing to lose. Regardless of
where they are, people are terrified of widening disparities. Many are all too aware that
the Zapatista insurrection and Landless Peasant Movement land occupations are com-
paratively benign outbursts by those left behind, that unless something is done we can
expect more violent eruptions with unpredictable consequences.27
and, in the medium to long term, are likely to lead to greater changes in the
nature and composition of the movement than even the catastrophic events of
September 2001.
To some degree, the future of the movement depends on how it copes with
its own success. As with many previous political movements, the hardest periods
and greatest strains are caused by the achievement of partial victories. The
movements diversity and sheer breadth of views and positions will make this
particularly difficult. In a landscape of partial reform, the old black and white
divisions into the pro and anti globalization camps are no longer credible or
accurate (if, indeed, they ever were). Tensions have always existed between the
aims of environmentalists, developmentalists and the labour movement, but in
recent years these have been managed, as the movement has increasingly proved
itself able to cope with difference and diversity. That ability will be tested as
differences widen between reformists and the rejectionists throughout the
different strands of the movement.
Up to now, a united front has been comparatively easy to maintain when
faced with the inflexibility of neo-liberal globalization. Now, however, limited
reforms appear to be on offer. For the reformists, partial improvements of the
kind now regularly on the agenda at organizations such as the IMF, World
Bank and WTO look like welcome victories; for the rejectionists, they merely
look like devious attempts to delay radical change.
The different NGO reactions during and after the Doha meeting illustrated
some of these tensions. Environmentalists welcomed the introduction of
stronger text and negotiations on a limited range of environmental issues; trade
unions deplored the lack of strong language on labour rights. Since the main
opponents of including both labour and environmental issues in the WTO are
developing country governments (which see them as likely sources of back-
door protectionism against their exports), development NGOs skirted round
both issues, and were themselves divided on whether the final Doha declaration
was on balance good or bad for developing countries. The debate between cup
half full and cup half empty interpretations of Doha looked likely to endure
for some time.
These debates will test the movements ability to cope with difference, but
the strongest force in shaping its future development will be external, stemming
from the pace and depth of change in the institutions of global governance.
Profound political change has usually sprung from war and economic collapse,
not from the power of argument alone. Even the Asia crisis, with its devastating
impact on the lives of millions of citizens, was sufficient to lead only to com-
paratively minor reform of global capital markets in the short term. Will the
new-found sense of global insecurity be sufficient to prompt a more profound
The likelihood of reform will depend on the breadth of political leaders
understanding of the question of security. If they opt for a narrow definition,
the chances of reform are slim. If, on the other hand, they accept that security
cuts both ways, then the Wests search for enhanced stability could lead to a
greater recognition of the threats posed by rising inequality and the exclusion of
the fifth of humanity (1.2 billion people) who still survive on less than a dollar a
day. The very dark cloud of 11 September and its aftermath may still reveal an
unexpected silver lining.
Meanwhile, whatever the outcome of the debate over security, the move-
ment will remain an important counterbalance within the international system.
Its evolution will be primarily a response to changes in the system itself, and it
will continue to prod decision-makers towards addressing issues of exclusion,
inequality and injustice. Indeed, if such prodding reinforces the incipient signs
of a new deal on the management of the world economy, the protesters may
yet prove to be the true defenders of globalization in leading the efforts on all
sides to create a more secure world for all.