GettingStarted With Solid Edge PDF
GettingStarted With Solid Edge PDF
GettingStarted With Solid Edge PDF
Solid Edge with Synchronous
Publication Number
Proprietary and Restricted Rights
This guide demonstrates typical workflows for modeling synchronous parts and
assemblies with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology.
This tutorial introduces basic concepts that other tutorials rely upon, so it is a good
place to start if you are a beginner.
You model parts in Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology using the following
basic workflow:
Draw a sketch for the first feature.
Edit the model dimensions and solid geometry to complete the part.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-1
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
A properties dialog box is displayed. With this dialog box you could
specify project and status information associated with the part. But
since this is just an exercise, there is no point in doing that now.
On the properties dialog box, click OK.
A Save As dialog box is displayed, where you can specify the name and
location for the new file.
Specify a name and location that are convenient for you and click OK.
1-2 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
The first step in drawing any new part is drawing the sketch for the base
feature. The first sketch defines the basic part shape.
You will first draw a sketch on one of the principal planes on the base
coordinate system, and then extrude the sketch into a solid.
The base coordinate system is located at the origin of the model file,
as shown above. It defines the principal x, y, and z planes, and can be
used in drawing any sketch-based feature.
Depending on the configuration of your computer, there may
also be a view orientation triad displayed in the graphics
window. If so, the base coordinate system is the element shown
highlighted in the illustration below. The view orientation
triad, which cannot be selected, is for view orientation
purposes only. For the remainder of this tutorial, the view
orientation triad will not be shown.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-3
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
1-4 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the entry in QuickPick that highlights the
XY principal plane as shown below, then click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-5
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Move the cursor around the graphics window and notice that
alignment lines extend outward from the cursor.
The alignment lines are oriented to the principal plane you selected
in the previous step.
1-6 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Move your cursor to the right, and notice that the Width and Angle
boxes on the Rectangle command bar on the left side of the screen
update to reflect the current cursor position.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-7
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
1-8 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
To illustrate how you delete and add elements to a sketch, in the next
few steps you will use the Select tool to delete one of the lines of the
rectangle, and then draw a replacement line.
The Select tool lets you select elements so they can be edited, copied,
and deleted.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-9
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Move the cursor over the four lines in the sketch. Notice that the
lines highlight as the cursor passes over them.
Position the cursor over the line shown in the illustration, then click
the left mouse button to select the line. Notice that the color of the
line changes to indicate it has been selected.
1-10 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Move the cursor to the endpoint of the line shown in the top
illustration, and when the endpoint relationship indicator displays
adjacent to the cursor, click.
Move the cursor to the endpoint of the line shown in the bottom
illustration, and when the endpoint relationship indicator displays
adjacent to the cursor, click.
When you have finished drawing the line, right-click to restart the
Line command.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-11
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Take a few moments to observe the results of the line you drew.
Because the sketch elements now form a closed and connected sketch
region, the rectangle formed by the lines now displays shaded to indicate
it is a sketch region.
1-12 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will construct the base feature using the
sketch you just drew.
In Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology, you can construct solid
geometry using two basic approaches:
You can use a robust set of traditional modeling commands such as
extrude, revolved protrusion, and hole to construct specific types
of features.
You can use the Select tool to construct the most frequently used
types of features: extruded and revolved protrusions and cutouts.
Both approaches produce the same results, and you will use both
methods in this tutorial. As you gain experience, feel free to use the
approach that is more comfortable for you.
To construct the base feature, you will use the Select tool. Using
the Select tool reduces the number steps required to construct these
frequently used features.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-13
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Step 2: Start the Select command and select the sketch region
Position the cursor over the sketch region as shown, then click to
select it.
In the next few steps, you will learn about the on-screen tools that were
displayed when you selected the sketch.
Depending on the current settings on your computer, the sketch
region may highlight as a shaded element or only the edges may
1-14 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
QuickBar displays a list of possible actions and the available options for
the current action.
The Extrude handle is used to construct the feature. Before you construct
the feature, you will learn more about QuickBar.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-15
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
The Actions list is displayed on the left side of QuickBar (A).
For a sketch region, the default action is to construct an extruded
feature. You can select a different action from the Actions list. For a
sketch region, you can specify that you want to construct a revolved
feature instead.
The options available for the current action are displayed on the
remainder of QuickBar. For an extruded feature you can specify
whether material is added or removed, the feature extent, whether
the feature is constructed symmetrically about the sketch region,
and so forth.
You will explore some of these options as you work through the
1-16 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-17
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Step 6: Select the Extrude handle and define the base feature extent
Position the cursor over the extrude handle as shown above, and
when it highlights, click the left mouse button.
Move the cursor above and below the sketch and notice that the
feature is drawn dynamically as you move the cursor.
Also notice that a dynamic input box is displayed in the graphics window.
Position the cursor below the sketch, type 20 in the dynamic input
box, then press the Enter key to define the extent for the feature,
as shown below.
1-18 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-19
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Explore PathFinder
Step 1:
Take a few moments to explore PathFinder, located on the bottom-left
side of the application window.
You use PathFinder to help you evaluate, select, and edit the components
that comprise the models you create in Solid Edge.
When you construct sketch-based features, the sketches are added to the
Used Sketches collection in PathFinder in case you want to use them for
subsequent features later.
1-20 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Notice that the Base entry in PathFinder changes color and that the
Base coordinate system is hidden in the graphics window.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-21
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will construct another extruded feature, as shown in
the illustration.
You will use a workflow similar to the one you used to construct the base feature.
Step 1: Evaluate the sketch
In the next few steps, you will draw the sketch for the next feature, as
shown in the illustration.
You will display the geometric relationships that help define the
behavior of the 2D elements of the sketch.
You will lock cursor input to the front planar face on the model.
You will use the Line command to draw the two lines and arc shown.
1-22 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
This specifies that you want to display the relationship handles that help
control the behavior of 2D sketches.
You will learn more about this after you draw the sketch.
You can also use the Line command to draw a series of connected lines
and arcs.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-23
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
When drawing sketches, you can lock sketch input to a specific planar
face on the model. This can be useful when you want to draw outside
the area defined by the planar face.
You can lock cursor input to the sketch plane using the lock symbol
displayed adjacent to the cursor, or you can use a shortcut key.
Position the cursor over the planar face shown in the illustration.
A Tooltip is displayed.
Press the F3 key on the keyboard to lock sketch input to the selected
Notice that a locked plane indicator is displayed in the top- right corner
of the graphics window, as shown below.
Also notice that when you move the cursor over the other model faces,
they no longer highlight. All sketch input is now locked to the selected
model face.
1-24 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor as shown in the illustration above, and when the
end point relationship indicator displays adjacent to the cursor,
click to start the line.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-25
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
1-26 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
The Line command is still active, ready to draw another line connected
to the endpoint of the previous line. In this case, you want to draw an
arc instead.
On the Line command bar, click the Arc option, or press the A key on
the keyboard. This specifies that you would like to draw an arc.
Four intent zones (A) are displayed at the endpoint of the line you just
drew. The arc will be drawn perpendicularly or tangentially to the line,
depending on which of the four intent zones you move the cursor through.
Move the cursor through the different intent zones and notice how
the arc behaves.
On the Line command bar, in the Radius box, type 15 as the radius
of the arc, and press the Enter key.
Move the cursor up, through the top quadrant of the intent zone, and
then to the right, so that the arc curves tangentially to the right.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-27
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
The Line command is still active, ready to draw a line connected to the
endpoint of the previous arc.
When you have finished drawing the line, right-click to restart the
Line command.
1-28 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Although the sketch and the relationships are discarded when you
construct the next solid feature, building these relationships into the
sketch is helpful. When you construct the solid feature, these 2D
relationships orient the faces that are constructed from the sketch, and
help define the behavior you want when editing the solid feature later.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-29
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Since you are finished drawing sketch elements, you will now unlock
the sketch plane.
With your cursor in the Solid Edge window, press the F3 key on the
keyboard to unlock the sketch plane.
Step 11: Start the Select command and select the sketch region
Position the cursor over the sketch region, and when it highlights,
click to select it.
1-30 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Step 12: Select the Extrude handle and define the feature extent
Position the cursor over the Extrude handle, as shown above, and
when it highlights, click to select it.
Position the cursor behind the sketch and notice that the feature is
drawn dynamically as you move the cursor.
In the dynamic input box, type 20, then press the Enter key to define
the extent for the feature, as shown below.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-31
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the work
you have done sofar.
1-32 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will sketch a circle. You will then use the circle
to construct a boss on the part, as shown.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-33
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the planar face shown in the illustration.
When it highlights, press the F3 key on the keyboard to lock sketch
input to the selected face.
Position the cursor over the arc-shaped edge of the model, as shown
above, but do not click.
While the center point indicator is displayed, click to place the center
of the circle.
1-34 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the arc-shaped edge of the model, and when
the point-on and tangent-to indicators are displayed , click to
define the diameter of the circle.
With your cursor in the Solid Edge window, press the F3 key on the
keyboard to unlock the sketch plane.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-35
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
You will use the Select tool to construct another extrude feature, as
1-36 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the circle as shown, and when the sketch
region highlights, click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-37
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the Extrude handle, and click to select it.
In the dynamic input box, type 10, then press the Enter key.
1-38 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the work
you have done so far.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-39
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
In the next few steps you will construct a hole feature, as shown.
On the Hole QuickBar, click the Hole Options button. The Hole
Options dialog box is displayed.
1-40 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
For this hole, you want the hole exactly centered on the circular face of
the boss. You will set the centerpoint option on QuickBar to do this.
Move the cursor over different faces of the model, and notice that a
preview image of the results are displayed.
Position the cursor over the face shown in the illustration, but do
not click.
Move the cursor to the circular edge as shown, and notice that the
hole centers itself on the circular face.
Notice that a hole feature is still attached to the cursor. Since this is
the only hole you want to construct, right-click to finish placing holes.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-41
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Notice that in addition to the hole feature, that the steering wheel (A)
and the edit definition handle (B)are displayed.
You will learn more about the steering wheel later.
The edit definition handle is used to edit procedural features, such as
holes. For this activity, you will not edit the hole feature.
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the work
you have done so far.
1-42 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will use the Round command to round two edges on the
part, as shown in the illustration.
Step 1: Start the Round command
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-43
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
When the dynamic edit box displays, type 15, and press the Tab key,
as shown below.
When rounding multiple edges, you should press the Tab key so
you can continue to select more edges.
1-44 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-45
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will place two dimensions on the edges of the model, as
shown. These types of dimensions are called PMI, or 3D dimensions.
You can use these dimensions for reference purposes, or you can use them to drive
changes to the model.
Step 1: Start the Dimension command
Choose Home tabDimension groupSmartDimension button.
1-46 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the edge as shown above, and when it
highlights, click to select it. Notice that dimension elements are
attached to the cursor.
Position the cursor below the model, and click to place the dimension,
as shown below.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-47
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
The SmartDimension command should still be active. This time, you will
place a dimension between the bottom edge of the model, and the center
of the hole you constructed earlier.
Position the cursor over the bottom edge of the model, and when the
edge highlights, click to select it.
Although dimension elements are attached to the cursor, this time you
want to place a dimension that measures the distance between two
Do not click to place the dimension. You will select the second element
in the next step.
Position the cursor over the circular edge of the hole, as shown in the
illustration. When it highlights, click to select it.
1-48 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor to the left of the model, and click to place the
The dimension value for your dimension may be different than the
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the work
you have done so far.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-49
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will explore methods you can use to modify models in
Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology. As with traditional modeling, you can
use dimensions to modify your model.
First you will explore using the Select tool and the steering wheel to interact directly
with the faces on the model.
Step 1: Start the Select command
Choose Home tabSelect groupSelect.
Position the cursor over the face shown above. When it highlights,
click to select it.
Notice that QuickBar (A) and a handle (B) are displayed, as shown
below. This handle is called the steering wheel. It allows you to interact
with the faces of the model.
1-50 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
(B) Secondary axis - Click this to move elements along this axis.
(C) Reposition secondary axis knobs - Click one of the four knobs to
reposition the secondary axis in the selected direction.
(D) Origin knob - Used to define the from point for from/to moves.
You can also click/drag the origin knob to reposition the steering
wheel to another location on the model. This allows you to redefine
the axis directions in which you want to move the face set based on
another edge of the model, for example.
There are more features available with the steering wheel, but this
provides you with the fundamentals.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-51
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Step 3: Modify the model using the primary axis on the steering wheel
Position the cursor over the primary axis on the steering wheel, and
when it highlights, click to select it, as shown above
The dynamic input box is displayed near the cursor so you can type a
precise value for the delta distance of the move.
When the value of the PMI text displays approximately 100 mm,
click to reposition the face.
1-52 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
In the next few steps, you will reposition the hole feature using the
secondary axis on the steering wheel. You will also rotate the secondary
axis to define the move direction properly.
Position the cursor over the circular face as shown above. When it
highlights, click to select it.
The steering wheel and QuickBar are displayed similar to the illustration
To move the hole feature in the proper direction, you must reposition the
secondary axis on the steering wheel first.
Position the cursor over the secondary axis knob (A) as shown above,
then click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-53
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the secondary axis on the steering wheel,
and when it highlights, click to select it, as shown above.
As before, the adjacent faces of the model update automatically, the PMI
dimension text updates, and the dynamic input box is displayed near the
cursor so you can type a precise value.
When the dynamic input box displays approximately 20 mm, click to
reposition the face. The dimension text should read approximately
90 mm.
1-54 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Position the cursor over the dimension text as shown above. When
the dimension text highlights, click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-55
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
(C) Edit Direction 2 - Specifies that the model geometry moves from
this end when set. Notice that for this dimension, this option is set
and the dimension has an arrow at this end when the dimension is
selected. If you change the dimension value, this end of the model
can move.
The reason you were able to modify the model geometry using the
steering wheel in the previous steps was because the Locked/Unlocked
option was set to unlocked for the two PMI dimensions you placed.
1-56 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Basic part modeling
Step 3: Set the edit direction and type a new dimension value
Notice that the right end of the model changed in response to the
dimension value edit.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 1-57
Lesson 1 Basic part modeling
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the
completed part.
You have completed this tutorial.
To learn more about Solid Edge: Synchronous Modeling Technology, you can do
the following:
Place additional PMI dimensions on the model geometry and edit the model to
view the results.
Use the steering wheel to edit different features of the model until you
understand more of the options available.
Select Solid Edge Help from the Help menu, and explore topics that are related
to the subjects described in this tutorial.
Select Tutorials from the Help menu, and explore the other tutorials available
with Solid Edge.
1-58 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
This tutorial demonstrates typical techniques for editing parts using Solid Edge with
Synchronous Technology. It covers techniques such as:
Defining temporary and permanent relationships between faces using the Relate
command on QuickBar.
Live Rules
Selection Manager
This tutorial does not demonstrate everything Solid Edge can do. Its purpose is to
show you how powerful and intuitive Solid Edge: Synchronous Technology is, and
to get you started so you can learn more on your own.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-1
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
In the Open File dialog box, navigate to the Solid Edge Training
If you installed Solid Edge in the default location, the training folder
is located at:
C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST\Training
You or someone else may want to work through this tutorial again, so
rather than editing the original version of the file, save the version you
will edit for this tutorial to a new location.
On the Save As dialog box, save the part to a new name or location
so that other users can complete this tutorial.
2-2 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Notice that the planar faces (B) are not coplanar (coincident).
To demonstrate how you can edit the position of existing faces using
the Relate command on QuickBar, in the next few steps, you will make
the two cylindrical faces coaxial/concentric and the two planar faces
Doing this will make the two mounting arms on the part symmetric
with one another, as shown below.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-3
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
The Select tool lets you select elements so they can be edited, copied,
and deleted.
2-4 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the cylindrical face shown in the illustration,
and when it highlights click to select it.
Notice that QuickBar (A) and the steering wheel (B) are displayed.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-5
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
The Actions list is displayed on the left side of QuickBar (A).
The options available for the current action are displayed on the
remainder of QuickBar (B).
For example, when moving a face, you can specify how the adjacent
faces on the model react to the move, whether the original face is
moved, or copied, and whether the face is detached from the model
during the move operation.
For this operation, you want to move the face such that it is
concentric with another face on the model. To do this, you will use
the Relate command in the Actions list.
2-6 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
You can use the Relate command to modify the position and orientation
of one or more selected faces such that they are geometrically related to
a target face on the part.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-7
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
When you apply a relationship with the Relate command, you select a
target face on the model. In this case, you want the face you selected
earlier to be modified such that it is concentric with the cylindrical face
shown highlighted above.
Position the cursor over the cylindrical face shown, then click to
select it.
The face you selected earlier is moved such that it is concentric to the
target face, as shown below.
2-8 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
At this point, you can either accept or cancel the change to the model.
Notice that the cylindrical face is now concentric with the target face,
and the steering wheel is displayed, as shown above.
Position the cursor over the planar face shown in the illustration,
then click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-9
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Step 11: Set the Persist and Coincident options on the Relate QuickBar
After you set these options, your QuickBar should match the top
2-10 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the face shown, then click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-11
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Notice that the planar face is now coplanar to the target face, and the
steering wheel is displayed, as shown above.
Click in empty space to clear the current selection.
The right arm is now symmetric with the left arm, as shown below.
2-12 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Because you set the Persist option for the coincident relationship, the
relationship is available in the PathFinder tab.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-13
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Notice that the model faces used to define the relationship highlight in
the graphics window, as shown above.
In PathFinder, click to select the coincident relationship, then move
the cursor away.
Notice that the faces used to define the relationship are selected in the
graphics window, as shown below.
You can use PathFinder to review, select, and delete relationships you
apply between model faces. This can be useful when editing a model later.
2-14 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-15
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
In the next few steps you will modify the model to lengthen the mounting arms and
relocate the cylindrical cutouts, as shown above.
While modifying the model, you will also continue to explore the tools that are
available for modifying model geometry.
2-16 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the cylindrical face shown in the illustration,
then click to select it.
Several tools are displayed that you can use to evaluate and control how
the model reacts to the modification:
Steering wheel
Live Rules
In the next few steps, you will learn more about these tools.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-17
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
2-18 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
(B) Secondary axis - Click this to move elements along this axis.
(C) Secondary axis knobs - Click one of the four knobs to reposition
the secondary axis in the selected direction.
(D) Origin knob - Used to define the from point for from/to moves.
You can also click/drag the origin knob to reposition the steering
wheel to another location on the model. This allows you to redefine
the axis directions in which you want to move the face set based on
another edge of the model, for example.
There are more features available with the steering wheel, but this
provides you with the fundamentals.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-19
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
The current settings shown in Live Rules specify the following, as shown
2-20 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the secondary axis on the steering wheel,
and when it highlights as shown above, click to select it.
The text for the Concentric and Symmetric About Base: (Y)Z options
in Live Rules are displayed using a bold font.
When you move the cursor to the left, such that the cylindrical
face extends past the end of the mounting arm, an error symbol is
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-21
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Options in Live Rules are displayed using a bold font when unselected
geometry matches a Live Rules setting.
In this example, the Concentric and Symmetric about Base: (Y)Z settings
in Live Rules ensured that the concentric cylindrical face which was not
selected also moved when the selected cylindrical face moved.
The error symbol was displayed because you moved the cursor such that
the cylindrical cutout would no longer modify the part.
Synchronous technology ensures that you are notified for both of these
For this modification, you also want to lengthen the part, so additional
faces are required in the select set.
In the next few steps, you will add the planar end face on the right
mounting arm to the select set.
2-22 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
The text for the Concentric and Symmetric about Base: (Y)Z options
in Live Rules are no longer bold.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-23
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the planar face shown in the illustration,
then click to select it.
Both the cylindrical face you selected earlier and the planar face should
now be selected, as shown below.
2-24 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the secondary axis on the steering wheel,
and when it highlights as shown above, click to select it.
The position of both cylindrical faces and the length of both mounting
arms change as you move the cursor.
The text for the Concentric, Coplanar, and Symmetric About Base:
(Y)Z options in Live Rules are displayed using a bold font.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-25
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor to the left such that the mounting arms are
approximately 60 millimeters longer, as shown above, then type 60,
and press the Enter key to precisely define the move distance.
2-26 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the work
you have done so far.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-27
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
On the Rotate command bar, type -115, then press the Enter key.
2-28 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-29
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
For the next move operation you will move the rectangular cutout down
along the Z axis, as shown above.
You will explore additional options in Live Rules, and will also explore
options for selecting faces using Selection Manager.
2-30 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
In the next few steps, you will use Selection Manager to add more faces
to the select set.
Selection Manager allows you to add elements to or remove elements
from a select set based on the topological or attribute data of a currently
selected focus element.
For example, Selection Manager is available when you select one or more
model faces or features. Selection Manager contains menu items, similar
to a shortcut menu.
Selection Manager signals that it is available by displaying a green
symbol adjacent to the cursor, as shown above.
When you position the cursor over the green symbol, the symbol turns
red, as shown below.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-31
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
When you left-click the red symbol, the Selection Manager menu is
displayed, which allows you to add items to the current select set.
As you pass your cursor over the menu items in Selection Manager, faces
on the model that match the menu criteria highlight in the graphics
For example, you can use Selection Manager to select all the faces which
are part of a cutout feature to which the currently selected face belongs.
Position the cursor over the planar face at the approximate position
shown in the illustration, then click to select it.
2-32 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor to the left of the steering wheel and over the face
you selected, as shown above.
Notice that the Selection Manager symbol changes color when the cursor
touches it.
Position the cursor over the title bar of the Selection Manager menu,
then drag it to a location where you can see the entire face you
selected, and as much of the model as possible
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-33
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Notice that all the faces of the cutout are now selected.
Position the cursor over the primary axis on the steering wheel, then
click to select it.
2-34 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Take a few moments to observe Live Rules and the base coordinate
system on the model. Notice the following:
The cutout is symmetric about the base coordinate system in the
(X)Y and (Y)Z principal planes, indicated by the bold font for the
Live Rules options shown above.
You are trying to move the cutout along the Z axis, which means the
cutout would no longer be symmetric about the (X)Y plane.
The current settings for Live Rules prevent you from moving the cutout
such that it would no longer be symmetric about the principal planes of
the base coordinate system.
On the Live Rules options window, clear the Symmetric About Base:
(X)Y setting, as shown above.
Notice that you can now move the cutout feature up and down along
the Z axis.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-35
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor below the part such that the delta move distance
is approximately 18 millimeters, as shown above.
In the dynamic input box, type 18, then press the Enter key.
Move the cursor away from the part, then double-click the left mouse
button quickly to clear the select set.
Your part should now display as shown below. Notice that when you
cleared the select set, the steering wheel was also hidden.
2-36 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Press and hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard, then press the I key to
rotate the view to the isometric orientation.
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the work
you have done so far.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-37
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
In the next few steps you will modify the model to shorten the right
mounting arm, as shown above.
While modifying the model, you will explore the Advanced page in Live
2-38 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the cylindrical face shown, and when it
highlights, click to select it.
Hold the Ctrl key down, position the cursor over the face shown in
the illustration, and when it highlights, click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-39
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the secondary axis on the steering wheel, as
shown above, and when it highlights click to select it.
2-40 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
The text is displayed using a bold font for the Concentric, Coplanar,
and Symmetric About Base: (Y)Z options in Live Rules.
As you learned earlier, options in Live Rules are displayed using a bold
font when unselected geometry matches a Live Rules setting.
For this modification, you only want to change the position of the selected
elements on the right mounting arm.
You could easily do that by clearing the Concentric, Coplanar, and
Symmetric About Base: (Y)Z settings in Live Rules.
But for this modification, you will learn how you can use the Advanced
page in Live Rules to display, review, and edit the list of elements that
are included in a synchronous modification.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-41
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
On the Advanced page, click the Edit button to display the list of
2-42 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
The Advanced page on Live Rules displays the selected geometry and
any related unselected geometry, in a tree-like structure, based on the
current Live Rules settings.
You can use the options on the Advanced page to specify whether the
listed relationships are maintained between the selected geometry and
the related, unselected geometry. This allows you to adjust the result of
the current synchronous modeling modification.
Notice the following:
The selected faces are displayed using green text, which is boxed (A).
For the cylindrical face you selected, the related unselected cylinder
has two entries: one for the concentric condition, and one for the
symmetric condition.
For the planar face you selected, the related unselected plane has two
entries: one for the coplanar condition, and one for the symmetric
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-43
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
2-44 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
You can also highlight faces in the graphics window using the Advanced
page. This is helpful when working with large select sets.
Position the cursor over the related cylindrical face listed on the
Advanced page, as shown in the top illustration, but do not click.
Use your cursor to highlight the other faces in the Advanced page,
but do not click.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-45
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Position the cursor over the check box options adjacent to the
Cylinder entries for Concentric and Symmetric as shown in the top
illustration, then click to clear the check boxes.
Position the cursor over the check box options adjacent to the
Plane entries for Coplanar and Symmetric as shown in the bottom
illustration, then click to clear the check boxes.
2-46 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Notice that the check boxes are now cleared on the Advanced page, as
shown above.
Also notice that the corresponding faces are no longer displayed using
the grey-blue color in the graphics window, as shown below.
This indicates that these faces are no longer governed by Live Rules.
Scroll the Live Rules window until you can see the Live Rules page,
as shown below.
Notice that when you cleared the check box options for the two faces
on the Advanced page, that the Maintain: Concentric, Coplanar, and
Symmetric About Base (Y)Z rules were not changed. Clearing the face
options on the Advanced page specified that you wanted to ignore Live
Rules for these two faces only.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-47
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
2-48 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
Step 13: Clear the select set and fit the view
Move the cursor away from the model geometry, then double-click
the left mouse button quickly to clear the select set.
On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button to save the
completed part.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2-49
Lesson 2 Intermediate Part Modeling and Editing
You have completed this tutorial.
To learn more about Solid Edge: Synchronous Technology, you can do the following:
Use the steering wheel and Live Rules to edit different features of the model
until you understand more of the options available.
Select Solid Edge Help from the Help menu, and explore topics that are related
to the subjects described in this tutorial.
Select Tutorials from the Help menu, and explore the other tutorials available
with Solid Edge.
2-50 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for building the assembly shown in
the illustration above. As you build this assembly, you will learn techniques such as:
Applying assembly relationships between parts.
This tutorial does not demonstrate everything Solid Edge with Synchronous
Technology can do. Its purpose is to show you how powerful and intuitive the Solid
Edge: Assembly environment is, and to get you started so you can learn more on
your own.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-1
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
A properties dialog box is displayed. With this dialog box you could
specify project and status information associated with the file. But since
this is just an exercise, there is no point in doing that now.
On the properties dialog box, click OK.
A Save As dialog box is displayed, where you can specify the name and
location for the new file.
Specify a name and location that are convenient for you and click OK.
3-2 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
You will be using both the PathFinder and Parts Library panes in this
To make it easier to see the contents of the Parts Library and the
PathFinder panes, you will maximize their size.
On the bottom-left side of the Solid Edge window, click the Parts
Library tab.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-3
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
If the working folder on the Parts Library tab is not the Solid Edge
Training folder, do the following:
On the Parts Library tab, click the arrow on the right side of the Look
On the Parts Library tab, click the Views button, and then set the
Details option.
3-4 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
To place a part into an assembly in Solid Edge, you select the part from
the file list in Parts Library and then drag it into the assembly.
In the file list area on the Parts Library tab, select the file named
baseplate1.par, hold down the left mouse button, drag the file into
the assembly window, and then release the mouse button, as shown
What is the relationship between this part and the rest of the
The first part you place in an assembly becomes the base component.
Solid Edge places this part fixed, using a Ground relationship. No
other relationships need to be applied to this part to fully position
it in the assembly.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-5
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the next few steps, you will review the assembly using PathFinder,
and then hide the base coordinate system shown in the graphics window.
You can use the PathFinder tab to review and edit the assembly
structure, hide and display assembly components, such as parts,
subassemblies, coordinate systems, and reference planes.
3-6 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
In PathFinder, position your cursor over the base plate part again,
then click, and move your cursor away.
Notice that the part color in the graphics window changes to a different
color than in the previous step.
Also notice that when you select the part, the bottom pane of PathFinder
displays the assembly relationships used to position the part, as shown
below. Since this is the first part in the assembly, the relationship symbol
that is displayed is the ground relationship.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-7
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the graphics window, click in free space to deselect the base plate
3-8 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
The coordinate system is hidden in the graphics window. Notice that the
text in PathFinder for the Base entry has changed color.
You can use the checkboxes in PathFinder to display and hide assembly
The component entries in PathFinder also change color to indicate the
current status of the assembly components.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-9
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Place another part in the assembly and relate it to the first part
In the next few steps, you will place and position the support part as shown.
Step 1: Part Positioning Overview
Planar align
Axial Align
Solid Edge provides a tool called FlashFit that allows you to apply each
of these relationships, without having to specify the exact relationship
type you want to use.
In the next few steps, you will use FlashFit to fully position the support
as shown above.
3-10 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
After you have placed the first part in an assembly, you position the
additional parts using assembly relationships.
For the remainder of this tutorial, if you position a part incorrectly or
lose your place while positioning a part, press the Esc key.
Then use the Select tool command on the Home tab to select the part,
You can then back up to the step where part placement begins, and try
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-11
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the file list area on the Parts Library tab, select the file named
support1.par, hold down the left mouse button, drag the file into
the graphics window, and then release the mouse button at the
approximate position shown in the top illustration.
The support part is placed into the assembly at the approximate position
you release the mouse button, as shown in the bottom illustration.
3-12 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
When you placed the second part into the assembly, the Assemble
command bar was displayed.
Because you maximized the Parts Library tab earlier, you will need to
maximize the Assemble command bar to see the options.
On the Assemble command bar title strip, click the Maximize button.
You should now see the Assemble command bar as shown in the top
Beginning at the top, examine the Assemble command bar, and notice
the options:
The Options button displays the Options dialog box. You can use
this dialog box to set the FlashFit options, Reduced Steps option, and
so forth.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-13
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
The Offset Value box allows you to type the fixed offset
value you want.
3-14 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
On the Options dialog box, ensure that the options on your computer
match the illustration.
Notice that the FlashFit option allows you to specify what types of faces
you want FlashFit to recognize.
For this tutorial, and most part positioning scenarios, the FlashFit
settings shown work well.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-15
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
When you select faces for the first assembly relationship, Solid Edge
repositions the part you are placing based on the approximate positions
on the faces you select on the placement part and the part in the
The first relationship you will use FlashFit to apply is a mate
A mate relationship positions a part by orienting two planar faces so
that they face each other.
Mated faces can touch or be offset from each other. For this part, the
default offset value of zero, where the parts touch, is the appropriate
3-16 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-17
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
If the QuickPick cursor displays, but the proper face is highlighted, you
can bypass QuickPick by left-clicking.
Select the top face on the base plate, as shown in the illustration.
3-18 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Step 10: Prepare to align the support and the base plate
In the next few steps, you will apply a planar align relationship to
reposition the support part approximately as shown in the illustration.
A planar align relationship aligns two planar faces such that they both
face the same direction.
For this part, you want to align the two faces on the support and base
plate parts, as shown. These faces should not be coplanarthey will be
parallel, but offset from one another.
Rather than specifying a specific offset distance, you will use a floating
When you set the Floating Offset option, the offset value is determined
by another relationship you apply later. In this case, you will apply an
axial align relationship later to control the offset value after you apply
the planar align relationship.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-19
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Position the cursor over the face shown in the top illustration, and
wait for the QuickPick cursor to display.
This setting allows the faces you are aligning to take on whatever offset
value is appropriate to satisfy the axial align relationship you will apply
3-20 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Step 13: Select the aligning face on the part in the assembly
Select the planar face on the base plate shown in the illustration.
Remember that you can bypass QuickPick when the proper face is
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-21
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
3-22 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Step 15: Axially align the support part with the base plate
In the next few steps you will use FlashFit to apply an axial align
relationship between a bolt hole on the support with a bolt hole on the
base plate, as shown in the illustration.
The axial align relationship will fully position the support with respect
to the base plate.
You will align this cylindrical face with the cylindrical face on the base
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-23
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Step 17: Select the cylindrical face on the base plate part
Select the cylindrical face on the base plate part as shown in the
3-24 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Commands for adjusting the contents of the graphics window are located
at the bottom-right side of the Solid Edge application window.
Choose Fit to fit the contents of the view to the graphics window.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-25
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Notice that the relationships you applied display in the bottom pane of
PathFinder, as shown below.
Pass you cursor over each of the relationship listings, but do not click.
Notice in the assembly window, that the faces you used to apply the
relationships highlight, as shown below.
Later, you will learn how to edit an assembly relationship.
3-26 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
On the Quick Access toolbar, choose Save to save the work you have
done so far.
In the next few steps, you will place another support part on the other
side of the base plate, as shown in the illustration.
You will use the same steps you used to place the first support part.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-27
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Drag another support1.par part from the Parts Library tab and drop
it into the assembly at the approximate location shown.
You will use FlashFit to first apply a mate relationship between the
bottom face of the support and the top face of the base plate.
3-28 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
On the Assemble command bar title strip, click the Maximize button.
Select the top face on the base plate, as shown in the illustration.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-29
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
3-30 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Maximize the Assemble command bar, and then click the Floating
Offset button.
Remember, this setting allows the faces you are aligning to take on
whatever offset value is appropriate to satisfy the axial align relationship
you will apply later.
Use QuickPick to select the planar face on the base plate shown
in the illustration.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-31
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
3-32 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Step 10: Select the cylindrical face to align on the support part
Step 11: Select the cylindrical face to align on the base plate part
Select the cylindrical face on the base plate shown in the illustration.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-33
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
The cylindrical faces on the support and base plate are axially aligned.
The second support part is fully positioned within the assembly.
3-34 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
In the next few steps, you will place and position the roller part shown in
the illustration.
For this part you will use a mate relationship and an axial align
You will also use an option available with the axial align relationship
to eliminate the need for a third relationship.
After the support part is fully positioned in the assembly, you will
also edit the mate relationship to offset its position so it is positioned
symmetrically between the two support parts.
Although you could position the roller part properly while applying the
mate relationship, editing the relationship later makes it easier to see
why it needs to be offset.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-35
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the file list area on the Parts Library tab, select the file named
roller1.par, hold down the left mouse button, drag the file into the
assembly window, then release the mouse button at the approximate
position shown in the illustration.
3-36 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
On the Assemble command bar title strip, click the Maximize button.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-37
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
3-38 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
On the Assemble command bar, in the Placement group, set the Lock
Rotation option.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-39
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the next few steps, you will reorient the view to look more closely at
the result of the mate relationship.
3-40 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard down, then press the T key to
rotate the view to the top orientation.
Step 2: Notice the clearance mismatch between the roller and support
Notice there is no gap between the roller and support parts on the right
side, but there is a gap on the left side. When you applied the mate
relationship, the default mate offset value was zero.
For this part, you want equal clearance on both sides of the roller. You
will edit the offset value of the mate relationship to move the roller such
that equal clearance is achieved.
There are commands available in Solid Edge on the Inspect tab that you
can use to measure the gap distance between the parts. For this tutorial,
you will be provided with the proper value for the offset.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-41
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
The relationships you used to position the part are displayed in the
bottom pane of PathFinder, as shown below.
The part color changes to the Select color in the graphics window.
3-42 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
In the bottom pane of PathFinder, click the entry for the Mate
Notice that the Mate command bar is displayed, and that in the graphics
window the faces used to position the roller part highlight, as shown
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-43
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
On the Mate command bar, in the Offset Value box, type 2, then
press the Enter key.
In the graphics window, notice that the roller part is repositioned such
that there is now equal clearance on both sides, as shown above.
On the keyboard, hold the Ctrl key down, then press the I key to
rotate the view to the isometric orientation.
3-44 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
In the next few steps, you will place a bolt into one of the holes on the
support part, then you will pattern the bolt.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-45
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the file list area on the Parts Library tab, select the bolt24x50.par
file, hold the left mouse button down, drag the file into the graphics
window, then release the mouse button at the approximate position
3-46 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
After you have resized the view area, right-click to exit the Zoom Area
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-47
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
You will use a different part positioning option to position the bolt.
3-48 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-49
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
3-50 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Choose Fit to fit the contents of the view to the graphics window.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-51
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
In the next few steps you will use the Pattern command to copy the bolt
into the remaining holes on both support parts, as shown above. In this
example, you will use a pattern feature on the base plate to pattern
the bolts.
The Pattern command allows you to copy a part in your assembly into a
pattern. You define the pattern by selecting a pattern feature on a part
in the assembly. The patterned parts are not positioned using assembly
relationships, but are positioned using the pattern feature you select.
3-52 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-53
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Select the hole on the base plate where you placed the first bolt.
The bolts are positioned in the holes in both support parts, as shown.
3-54 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
In the next few steps, you will use the Select tool and the steering wheel
to modify two parts within the context of the assembly.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-55
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
The base coordinate system for the base plate part is displayed in the
graphics window, as shown below.
3-56 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Step 2: Change the Selection Filters option and maximize the Select
command bar
The Faces option makes it possible to select faces before parts. This is
a useful option when you are editing a model by moving faces with the
steering wheel.
Position the cursor over the face shown in the illustration, then click
to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-57
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Notice the new tools which are displayed when you selected the face:
The steering wheel (A) is displayed at the location on which you
selected the face.
You will learn more about these tools in the next few steps.
3-58 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
You can use the steering wheel to move or rotate faces on one or more
parts in the context of an assembly. The default QuickBar action is to
move the face. You can specify other options, but for this tutorial, you
will focus on the Move option.
You can use the different controls on the steering wheel to control the
manipulation process.
The following explains some of the fundamental features of the steering
wheel when using it to move faces along a linear vector:
(A) Primary axis - Click this to move elements along this axis.
(B) Secondary axis - Click this to move elements along this axis.
(C) Reposition secondary axis knobs - Click one of the four knobs to
reposition the secondary axis in the selected direction.
(D) Origin knob - Used to define the from point for from/to moves.
You can also click/drag the origin knob to reposition the steering
wheel to another location on the model. This allows you to redefine
the axis directions in which you want to move the face set.
There are more features available with the steering wheel, but this
provides you with the fundamentals.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-59
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
For the current move operation, the Symmetric About Base option will
be illustrated.
3-60 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
When editing parts using the steering wheel and Live Rules,
symmetry about the base coordinate system is determined with
respect to the base coordinate system in the part document in
which you have selected the face.
Step 7: Modify the model using the primary axis on the steering wheel
Position the cursor over the primary axis on the steering wheel, and
when it highlights, click to select it, as shown above.
Live Rules updates, with the Symmetric About Base: (Z)X option
now displayed in bold text.
The dynamic input box is displayed near the cursor so you can type a
precise value for the delta distance of the move.
Position the cursor such that the model face is larger than its original
size, then in the dynamic input box, type 40, then press the Enter key.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-61
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Notice that the width of the base plate was increased in size by a total of
80 millimeters, divided symmetrically about the (Z)X plane of the base
coordinate system of the base plate part.
When editing parts using the steering wheel and Live Rules,
symmetry about the base coordinate system is determined with
respect to the base coordinate system in the part document in
which you have selected the face.
3-62 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Move the cursor away from the parts and the steering wheel, then
double-click the left mouse button quickly to clear the select set and
restart the Select command.
In the next few steps, you will reposition the hole feature on the right
support part using the secondary axis on the steering wheel, as shown
above. Because the support part was placed in the assembly twice, both
supports will update.
This move operation will also illustrate how the Maintain: Concentric
option in Live Rules ensures that faces which are concentric to the face
or feature you are moving stay concentric.
The position of the roller part will update as well due to the assembly
relationships you applied earlier.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-63
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Position the cursor over the face shown in the top illustration, then
wait for the QuickPick cursor to display.
Right-click to display the QuickPick list, then position the cursor over
the Hole 9 entry. Also notice that at the bottom of the QuickPick list,
the occurrence name is displayed: support1.par:1, as shown below.
3-64 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
Notice that the steering wheel is now centered over the hole feature,
as shown above.
Position the cursor over the secondary axis knob (A) as shown below,
then click to select it.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-65
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
Position the cursor over the secondary axis on the steering wheel,
and when it highlights, click to select it, as shown above.
3-66 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000
Building a Roller Assembly
The height of the support part is lengthened as shown. Notice that the
outer faces on the support parts stayed concentric to the hole feature you
moved, due to the Live Rules - Maintain: Concentric option.
The position of the roller part also updates, due to the assembly
relationships you applied.
On the Quick Access toolbar, choose Save to save the completed part.
MU29000-ENG-1000 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3-67
Lesson 3 Building a Roller Assembly
You have completed this tutorial. To learn more about Solid Edge, you can do the
Try editing the relationships you created in the assembly until you understand
all of the options available.
Use the Select tool, the steering wheel, and Live Rules to make more edits to the
model faces in the assembly.
Select Solid Edge Help from the Help menu, and explore topics that are related
to the subjects described in this tutorial.
Select Tutorials from the Help menu, and explore the other tutorials available
with Solid Edge.
3-68 Getting started with Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology MU29000-ENG-1000