Dimaapi, Lianah Grace Ann L. Stem 17
Dimaapi, Lianah Grace Ann L. Stem 17
Dimaapi, Lianah Grace Ann L. Stem 17
1. What is HTML?
Source: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp
<body> </body>
Allows a developer to see what the end result will look like while the interface or
document is being created.
WYSIWYG is an acronym for "what you see is what you get".
A WYSIWYG editor can be contrasted with more traditional editors that require the
developer to enter descriptive codes (or markup ) and do not permit an immediate way to
see the results of the markup.
One of the trade-offs, however, is that an HTML WYSIWYG editor sometimes inserts
the markup code it thinks is needed all on its own. Then, the developer has to know
enough about the markup language to go back into the source code and clean it up.
Source: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/WYSIWYG-what-you-see-is-what-you-get
4. What is the easiest way to create websites, through Notepad or through WYSIWYG
It is easier to create a website in WYSIWYG than using a notepad. In note pad, you will
manually type the codes thus; it will require a lot of knowledge to create a website. While
in WYSIWYG, even people who have no knowledge of HTML can use them to create
their websites. It Gives you more creative control as you get to focus more on what the
design looks like instead of what the HTML code looks like. Lastly, you will save time
because a lot of things that take long time to hand code in HTML are quickly and easily
done with a few clicks of a mouse.
Source: http://www.devlounge.net/publishing/pros-and-cons-of-wysiwigs