Rights and Obligations Between The Husband and The Wife (JL-FORM)
Rights and Obligations Between The Husband and The Wife (JL-FORM)
Rights and Obligations Between The Husband and The Wife (JL-FORM)
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validity. But said DPN cannot be revoked at The prohibition does not include a spouse
the will of the donor but only on the basis of being the beneficiary of an insurance contract
Art. 86 of the FC. over the life of the other spouse. (Gercio vs.
Sunlife Assurance Co. of Canada, G.R. No.
DPN of Encumbered Property 23703, September 28, 1925)
The donation is valid because the donor is still
the owner, even if it is encumbered. If Grounds for Revocation (V-RALCN)
mortgage is foreclosed and sold at a lesser 1. Marriage not celebrated or declared
price, donee is not liable for deficiency but if Void ab initio except those made in MS
sold for more, donee is entitled to excess (Art. that do not depend on celebration of
85). marriage
If made by a stranger, action for
Donations Propter Nuptias and Ordinary revocation may be brought under
Donations ordinary rules on prescription: if in
DONATIONS ORDINARY writing, brought within 10 years and if
PROPTER NUPTIAS DONATIONS oral, within 6 years. (Albano, Ed
Formalities Vincent S., Persons and Family
Governed by the rules Governed by rules on Relations, Third Edition, 2006)
on ordinary donations donations (Arts. 725 2. Marriage without parental Consent
except that if future 773, NCC) 3. Marriage is Annulled and donee is in
property is donated, it bad faith
must conform with 4. Upon Legal separation, the donee
formalities of wills
being the guilty spouse
Present Property
May be donated but No limit except that
5. Complied with Resolutory condition
only up to 1/5 of donor shall leave 6. Donee commits acts of Ingratitude as
donors present property enough for his specified by Art. 765 of NCC(Art. 86)
property if the spouses support
other than absolute
Future property Absolute Community of Property (ACP)
May be included Cannot be included The property regime of the spouses in the
provided donation is absence of a marriage settlement or when the
mortis causa marriage is void. This is so because it is more
Grounds for revocation in keeping with Filipino culture.
Art. 86, FC Arts. 760, 764, & 765,
NCC It commences at the precise moment the
marriage is celebrated; any stipulation for the
Rule on Donation between Spouses during commencement thereof at any other time is
Marriage void. The same applies to CPG.
General Rule: VOID, either direct or indirect
donation Provisions on CO-OWNERSHIP apply to ACP
Rationale: in all matters not provided by the Chapter on
1. To protect unsecured creditors from being ACP. (Art. 90)
2. To prevent stronger spouse from imposing General Rule: Community property shall
upon the weaker one the transfer of the consist of all property owned by the spouses
latters property to the former; at the time of the marriage or acquired
3. To prevent indirect modification of the thereafter (Art. 91).
marriage settlement.
Exceptions: (BEG)
Exceptions: 1. Property, including fruits and income
1. Moderate gifts on occasions of family thereof, acquired before the marriage by
celebrations either spouse who has legitimate
2. Donations mortis causa descendants by a former marriage
2. Property for personal and exclusive use
Note: This rule also applies to persons living except jewelry
together as husband and wife without a valid 3. Property acquired during the marriage by
marriage (Art.87). gratuitous title, including fruits and income
thereof, except when the donor, testator or
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Administration and Disposition of the Exception: If said ticket was gratuitously given
Community Property by a friend to a spouse, only upon express
General Rule: Administration shall belong to provision of the donor will it be considered part
both spouses jointly. of the community property.
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6. At the time of the petition, spouses are 7. Spouses agree upon joint petition to
separated in fact for at least 1 year and revival of former property regime after
the possibility for reconciliation is highly voluntary dissolution of ACP or CPG has
improbable (Art. 135). been judicially decreed
No voluntary separation of property
Note: In the cases provided for in (1-3), may thereafter be granted.
presentation of final judgment against guilty/
absentee spouse is enough basis for grant of Property Regime of Unions without Marriage
degree of judicial separation of property. Art. 147 Art. 148
Spouses may jointly file verified petition with The following must In cases of cohabitation
court for voluntary dissolution of ACP or CPG concur: not falling under Art. 147.
and for separation thereof. (Art. 136) 1. Parties who are Parties do not have the
capacitated to capacity to marry due to
During the pendency of the proceedings, the marry each other some legal impediments
ACP/ CPG shall pay for spousal and child 2. Live exclusively (i.e. adulterous
with each other as relationships and
support (Art. 137).
husband and wife marriages which are
3. Without benefit of bigamous, incestuous,
The spouses contribute to the family expenses marriage or under or void by reason of
PROPORTIONATELY with their income or in void marriage public policy under Art.
case of insufficiency or default thereof, with the 38)
current market value of their separate Salaries and Wages
properties. However, the liability of the Owned in equal shares Separately owned by the
spouses to the creditors for family expenses is parties. If any of them is
SOLIDARY. (Art. 146) married, his/her salary is
the property of the CPG
of the legitimate
Effects of Judicial Separation of Property
1. Dissolution and liquidation of Property Acquired By Either Exclusively By
ACP/CPG Own Funds
2. Liability of the spouses to creditors Belongs to such party Belongs to such party
shall be solidary with their separate subject to proof of
properties acquisition by
3. Mutual obligation to support each exclusive funds
other continues except when there is legal Property Acquired by Both through their
separation Work/Industry
4. Rights previously acquired by Governed by rules on Owned by them in
creditors are not prejudiced co-ownership common in proportion to
respective contributions
Property Acquired While Living Together
Revival of Former Property Regime
Presumed to be No presumption of joint
(Art. 141) obtained by their joint acquisition. When there
efforts, work, or is evidence of joint
It shall be governed by Art. 67 and may be industry and shall be acquisition but none as
filed in the same proceedings where owned by them in to the extent of actual
separation of property was decreed in any of equal shares. Efforts in contribution, there is a
the following instances: care and maintenance presumption of equal
1. Termination of civil interdiction of family and sharing
2. Reappearance of absentee household considered
contribution in
3. Upon satisfaction of court that spouse
granted administration in the MS will not Forfeiture
abuse that power and authorizes When only 1 of parties 1. If one of parties is
resumption of said administration to void marriage is in validly married to
4. Return and resumption of common life good faith, share of another, his or her
with spouse by the other who left the party in bad faith in the share in the co-
conjugal home without decree of legal co-ownership shall be ownership shall
separation forfeited: accrue to the CP or
5. Restoration of parental authority 1. In favor of their CPG existing in such
6. Reconciliation and resumption of common common children. valid marriage.
2. In case of default 2. If party who acted in
life of spouses who had been separated in or waiver by any bad faith is not validly
fact for at least 1 year or all common married to another,
children or their his/her share shall be
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descendants each forfeited in the same obtained thru their joint efforts and owned by
vacant share shall manner provided for them in equal shares in the absence of proof
belong to in Art. 147 to the contrary. Rules on co- ownership govern
respective 3. The above rules their property relations.
surviving apply even if both
descendants parties are in bad
3. In their absence, faith. THE FAMILY
to the innocent
Basic social institution which public policy
In all cases, forfeiture cherishes and protects; hence, no suit
takes place upon between members of the family shall prosper
termination of unless a compromise between the parties has
cohabitation failed.
Note: If at the time of the celebration of the Family Relation Includes that:
second marriage, there was a prior existing 1. Between husband and wife
marriage and the spouses in the second 2. Between parents and children
marriage acquired properties, the same belong 3. Among other ascendants and
to the conjugal partnership and there is a descendants
presumption of equal shares (Villanueva vs. 4. Among brothers and sisters whether full or
Heirs of Romualdo Villanueva, July 21, 2006). halfblood (Art. 150)
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3. Debts secured by mortgages on family constituted the same, his or her spouse and
home; majority of the beneficiaries of legal age give
4. Nonpayment of taxes on home (Art. 155) their consent. (Art. 158)
Note: If ever the family home is subject of The family home cannot be the subject of
an attachment, the beneficiaries thereof partition after the death of the father when they
have to move for the quashal of the writ of became co-owners. The family home is
attachment. If no motion for the quashal of shielded from immediate partition under Article
the writ or attachment or levy is filed, the 159. The rights of the individual co-owner of
benefit of exemption is considered waived the family home cannot subjugate the rights
(Honrado v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. granted under Article 159 to the beneficiaries
166333, November 25, 2005) of the family home. Hence, the prohibition in
Article 159 of the Family Code applies even if
Guidelines: the family home has passed by succession to
1. Constituted on the dwelling house of the the co- ownership of the heirs or even if it has
family and the land on which house is been willed to anyone of them (Arriola v.
situated Arriola, G.R. No. 177703, January 28, 2008).
2. Deemed constituted from time of actual
occupation as a family residence Value of Family Home
3. Must be owned by person constituting it At the time of constitution, its actual value
(may be either or both spouses or the should not exceed P300,000 in urban areas
single head of a family) and P200,000 in rural areas. If it increases in
4. Must be permanent value thereafter, it is still considered as family
5. Rule applies to valid and voidable and home. (Art. 157)
even to commonlaw spouses under
Articles 147 and 148 PATERNITY AND FILIATION
6. Continues despite death of one or both
spouses or unmarried head of the family
for 10 years, or as long as a minor Paternity and filiation refers to the
beneficiary lives therein (Art. 159). relationship existing between parent and child.
Beneficiaries are: Filiation may be by nature or adoption.
a. Husband and wife or unmarried Children may be legitimate or illegitimate.
person who is head of family
b. Their parents, ascendants, Legitimate and Illegitimate Children
descendant, brothers and sisters, Distinguished
legitimate or illegitimate, who are living Legitimate Illegitimate
in the family home and depend upon Conceived or born Conceived and born
during a valid marriage outside a valid marriage
head of family for legal support (Art.
(Art. 164) or inside a void ab initio
153) marriage such as
c. In-laws, provided the home is jointly bigamous and
constituted by husband and wife incestuous marriages
(Manacop vs. CA, G.R. No. 102855 and marriage declared
November 13, 1992) void for being contrary
to law and public policy
After 10 years and a minor beneficiary (Art. 165)
still lives therein, the family home shall Conceived or born Born after the decree of
before the judgment of annulment of a voidable
be preserved only until that minor
annulment or absolute marriage
beneficiary reaches the age of nullity of marriage if
majority. The intention of the law is to ground is psychological
safeguard and protect the interests of incapacity (Art. 54)
the minor beneficiary until he reaches Born in a subsequent
the age of majority (Perla G. Patricio void marriage due to
vs. Marcelino G. Dario III, G.R. No. failure to comply with
170829, November 20, 2006). Art. 52 and 53 (Art. 54)
Product of artificial
7. Can constitute one (1) family home only. insemination provided
both spouses
authorized or ratified
Note: The family home may be alienated, sold, such procedure in a
donated, assigned or encumbered by the written instrument,
owners provided that the person who executed and signed
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or a private handwritten instrument and Continuous does not mean that the
signed by the parent concerned. concession of status shall continue forever
but only that it shall not be of an intermittent
Exceptions: In the absence of any of the character while it is continuous. The
foregoing evidence, such legitimate or possession of such status means that, the
illegitimate filiation shall be proved by: (OA) father has treated the child as his own,
1. Open and continuous possession of directly and not through others,
the status of a legitimate or illegitimate spontaneously, and without concealment,
child; though without publicity. There must be a
2. Any other means allowed by the Rules showing of permanent intention of the
of Court and special laws (Art. 172). supposed father to consider the child as his
own by continuous and clear manifestation
Baptismal certificate, judicial admission, of paternal affection and care (Mendoza vs.
family bible, evidence of pedigree, CA, G.R. No. 86302 September 24, 1991).
admission by silence, testimonies of
witnesses and other pieces of evidence The paternal affection and care must not be
under Rule 130, Rules of Court may be attributed to pure charity. Such acts must
proofs of filiation (Cruz vs. Cristobal, G.R. be of such a nature that they reveal not
No. 148247,August 7, 2006). only the conviction of paternity, but also the
apparent desire to have and treat the child
In Dela Cruz vs. Garcia (G.R. No. 177728, as such in all relations in society and in life,
July 31, 2009), an autobiography of the not accidentally, but continuously (Jison
father was recognized as evidence of vs. CA, GR. No. 8454, April 13, 1956).
filiation despite of the fact that it was not
even signed by the father, although it was If the unsigned record of birth can be a proof of
in the handwriting of the latter. filiation of the child, it would be easy for a
woman to vest legitimate status to an
Action to Claim Legitimacy (Art. 173) illegitimate child. Hence, an unsigned record of
Who may claim: birth cannot be used as proof of filiation (Reyes
1. Child exclusive and personal right of v. Court of Appeals, GR. 39537, March 19,
child which may be brought anytime during 1985).
his lifetime
2. Transmitted to heirs of the child within a Rights of Children
period of 5 years in case Legitimate Illegitimate
a. Child dies during minority Use of father & mothers Use of mothers
b. Child is in state of insanity surname surname
c. Child dies after action has already Note: However, R.A.
been instituted 9255 amended Art.
176, FC
Action to Claim Illegitimacy (Art. 175) Receive support from Receive support only
When filiation of illegitimate child is ascendants or up to grandparent and
established by a record of birth in the civil descendants of the same grandchildren
register or a final judgment, or an admission of line.
filiation in a public document or a private Entitled to the legitime in Legitime is of the
handwritten instrument signed by the parent succession legitime of a legitimate
concerned, the action for recognition may be child
brought by the child during his lifetime. If the Right to inherit ab No right to inherit as
action is based upon open and continuous intestato from legitimate such
possession of the status of an illegitimate children and relatives of
child, or any other means allowed by the rules his father and mother
or special laws, it may be only brought during
the lifetime of the alleged parent (Michael C. R.A. 9255
Guy, vs. CA, G.R. No. 163707, September 15, An Act Allowing Illegitimate Children to use the
2006). surname of their Father, amending for the
purpose Article 176 of EO No. 209, otherwise
The right to claim for status is NOT known as the "FAMILY CODE OF THE
transmissible to the heirs. PHILIPPINES". Approved February 24, 2004.
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Persons and Family Relations
No child shall be matched to a foreign possibilities for the adoption of the child
adoptive family unless it is satisfactorily under the Family Code have been
shown that the child cannot be adopted exhausted and that intercountry adoption
locally. is in the best interest of the child.
There shall be no physical transfer of a
voluntarily committed child earlier than six Trial Custody: 6 months from the time of
(6) months from the date of execution of placement
Deed of Voluntary Commitment except: 1. Starts upon actual physical transfer of the
1. Adoption by a relative child to the applicant who, as actual
2. Children with special medical custodian, shall exercise substitute
conditions parental authority over the person of the
Who May Adopt: 2. The adopting parent(s) shall submit to the
1. Any alien or governmental agency or authorized and
2. Filipino citizen, both permanently residing accredited agency, which shall in turn
abroad transmit a copy to the Board, a progress
report of the childs adjustment.
Conditions: (PD-CAN-JERQ)
1. At least 27 years of age and at least 16 Notes:
years older than the child to be adopted, at 1. If the preadoptive relationship is
the time of the application unless the found unsatisfactory by the child or the
adopter is: applicant or both, or if the foreign adoption
parent by nature of the child to be agency finds that the continued placement
adopted or of the child is not in the childs best
spouse of such parent interest, said relationship shall be
2. If married, his/her spouse must jointly file suspended by the Board and the foreign
for the adoption adoption agency shall arrange for the
3. Capacity to act and assume all rights and childs temporary care.
responsibilities of parental authority under 2. If a satisfactory preadoptive
his/her national laws, and has undergone relationship is formed between the
the appropriate counseling from an applicant and the child, the Board shall
accredited counselor in his/her country submit the written consent to the adoption
4. Has not been convicted of a crime to the foreign adoption agency within 30
involving moral turpitude days after receipt of the latters request.
5. Eligible to adopt under his/her national law 3. A copy of the final decree of
6. In a position to provide the proper care adoption of the child, including certificate
and support and to give the necessary of citizenship/naturalization whenever
moral values and examples to all his applicable, shall be transmitted by the
children, including the child to be adopted foreign adoption agency to the Board
7. Agrees to uphold the basic rights of the within 1 month after its issuance.
child as embodied under Philippine laws,
the U.N. Convention on the Rights of a Presumption of Illegal Adoption: (CPEN)
Child, and to abide by the rules and 1. Consent for adoption was acquired
regulations issued to implement the Inter through or attended by coercion, fraud,
Country Adoption Act improper material inducement
8. Comes from a country with whom the 2. Procedures and safeguards provided
Philippines has diplomatic relations and by law for adoption were not complied with
whose government maintains a similarly 3. Has exposed or subjected the child to
authorized and accredited agency and that be adopted to danger, abuse or
adoption is allowed under his/her national exploitation
laws 4. No authority to effect adoption from
9. Possesses all the qualifications and none the Board
of the disqualifications under the Inter
Country Adoption Act and other applicable For a comprehensive discussion of the
Philippine laws procedural aspects of adoption, please refer to
A.M. No. 020602SC or the Remedial Law
InterCountry Adoption Board Memory Aid.
Acts as the central authority in matters
relating to intercountry adoption.
The Board shall ensure that all
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support does not arise from the mere fact of Rule in Case of Legal Separation of Parents
relationship but from imperative necessity Parental authority is exercised by the parent
without which it cannot be demanded, and the designated by the court.
law presumes that such necessity does not
exist, unless support is demanded (Jocson vs. Maternal Preference/ Tender Years Rule
Empire Insurance Co., G.R. No. L-10792, April General Rule: No child under 7 years of age
30, 1958). shall be separated from the mother.
Exemption from Attachment or Execution Exception: When the court finds compelling
The right to receive support as well as money reason to order otherwise. Paramount
or property obtained as such support shall not consideration in matters of custody of a child is
be levied upon on attachment or execution the welfare and wellbeing of the child.
(Art. 205). But in case of contractual support or
that given by will the excess in amount beyond Persons Exercising Substitute PA in
that required for legal support shall be subject Default of Parents or Judicially Appointed
to levy on attachment or execution (Art. 208). Guardian (Art. 216)
1. Surviving grandparent
PARENTAL AUTHORITY (PA) 2. Oldest brother or sister over 21 years of
age unless unfit or disqualified
3. Actual custodian unless unfit or
It is the sum total of the right of the parents disqualified
over the persons and property of their
unemancipated children. It is pursuant to the The same order of preference shall be
natural right and duty of parents over the same observed when appointment of guardian over
and it includes caring for and rearing of such property of child becomes necessary.
children for civic consciousness and efficiency
and the development of their moral and Persons Exercising Special PA over Minor
physical character and well-being. (Art. 209) Children under their Supervision,
Instruction or Responsibility with Respect
Rules as to the Exercise of PA to their Activities whether Inside or Outside
1. Joint parental authority by the father School (Art. 218)
and mother over the persons of their 1. School
common children. In case of No distinction between academic or
disagreement, the fathers decision shall non-academic
prevail unless there is a judicial order to 2. Administrators and teachers
the contrary (Art. 211) 3. Individual, entity or institution engaged
2. If the child is illegitimate, parental in child care
authority is with the mother unless father is
certain and the illegitimate children are Liability
living with the said father and mother who Vicarious Liability or Imputed Negligence
are cohabiting without the benefit of -Parents and other persons exercising PA shall
marriage or under a void marriage not be civilly liable for injuries and damages
falling under Art. 36 and 53. caused by acts or omissions of their
unemancipated children living in their
Note: An illegitimate child is under the parental company and under their PA subject to
authority of the mother pursuant to Art 176 of appropriate defenses provided by law. (Art.
the Family Code. The recognition by the father 221)
is not a ground for him to have parental
authority/ custody except for compelling Persons Exercising Special PA shall be
reasons like mothers unfitness to exercise principally and solidarily liable for damages
sole parental authority/ custody over the child caused by acts or omissions of the
(Briones vs. Miguel, G.R. No. 156343 October unemancipated minor. The parents, judicial
18, 2004). guardians or persons exercising substitute PA
shall be subsidiarily liable. But liability will not
Parental Preference Rule attach if it is proved they exercised the proper
The natural parents, who are of good moral diligence required under the particular
character and who can reasonably provide for circumstances. (Art. 219)
the child, are ordinarily entitled to custody as
against all other persons. Note: Parental authority and responsibility are
inalienable and may not be transferred and
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renounced except in cases authorized by law. Need of a Judicial Order, Amending For This
Purpose Arts. 376 And 412 Of The Civil Code)
Parents may exercise Parental Authority over
their childs property
Kinds of Properties of a Minor
Adventitious Profectitious
Earned or acquired by Property given by the
the child through his parents to the child for
work or industry by the latter to administer
onerous or gratuitous title
Owned by the child Owned by the parents
Child is also the Parents are the
usufructuary, but the usufructuary
childs use of the
property shall be
secondary to the
collective daily needs of
the family
Property administered by Property administered
the parents by the child
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