Lesson 46

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Reversives [vinyume]

Therearethreewaysofshowingtheopposite ofagivenword:
1. Utanzuwapindu
2. Utanzuwakufanyuaaukulinyambuaneno
3. Utanzuwajinsia

1. moto [hot] baridi [cold]
2. refu [tall] fupi [short]
3. keti [sit] simama [stand]
4. njoo [come here] nenda [go]
5. amani [peace] vita [war]
6. elimu / akili [education] ujinga [ignorance]
7. bara [mainland] bahari [ocean]
8. haba / chache [few; scarce] tele; nyingi [plenty; many]
9. mkwasi / tajiri [rich man] mkata [pauper; poor man]
10. baraka [blessings] laana [curse]
11. ndoa [marriage] talaka [divorce]
12. unyama [brutality] utu [humanity; kindness]
13. uhuru [freedom] utumwa [slavery]
14. ardhi [earth] mbingu [heaven]
15. jumla [wholesale] rejareja [retail]
16. juu [up] chini [down]
17. lala [sleep] amka [wake up]
18. kale / zamani [past] sasa [present; now]
19. sahau [forget] kumbuka [remember]
20. konda [become thin] nenepa [grow fat]
21. baada ya [after] kabla ya [before]
22. mbele ya [in front of] nyuma ya [behind of]
23. juu ya [on top of] chini ya [under]
24. karibu na [near] mbali na [far]
25. jana [yesterday] leo [today]
26. usiku [night] mchana [day]
27. ndani ya [inside of] nje ya [outside of]
28. baya [bad] zuri [good]
29. kubwa [big] dogo [small]
30. shari [rough] shwari [smooth]
31. mwema [good] mwovu [evil]
32. bora [superior] duni [inferior]
33. mwangaza [light] giza [darkness]
34. shibe [satisfaction] njaa [hungry]
35. utii [respect] ukaidi/uasi [disrespect]
36. panda [climb] shuka [alight]
37. vuna [harvest] panda [plant]
38. lazima [mandatory] hiari [optional]
39. hodari [diligent] goigoi [lazy]
40. butu [blunt] makali [sharp]
41. uza [sell] nunua [buy]
42. kufa [die] fufuka [resurrect]
43. zaa [give birth] avya [abort]
44. kemea [reprimand] shangilia [praise]
45. sifu [praise] kashifu [reprimand]

For verbs which can be reversed in meaning, Kiswahili uses the vowels U or O to
derive an opposite meaning. When the root vowel of the verb is a, e, i, or u, then the
reverse marker is the vowel U. When the root vowel is o, then the reverse marker is O.

Reversives imply reversal of an action, and they are one form of opposites in Kiswahili.
Logically not all verbs have reversive forms, and indeed, Kiswahili has very few.

Simple Verb Reverse Meaning
fuma [weave] fumua [unweave]
choma [poke in] chomoa [pluck out]
fukia [fill in] fukua [dig out (something buried)]
chana [comb] chanua [comb out]
tega [trap] tegua [release]
funga [close] fungua [open]
umba [give form] umbua [take away the form]
zika [bury] zikua [exhume]
ziba [cork; plug] zibua [uncork; unplug]
tata [tangle] tatua [disentangle]
tasa [perplex] tasua [explain]
vaa [wear] vua [undress]
kunja [fold] kunjua [unfold]
shona [sew] shonoa [undo sewing]
kosa [make a mistake] kosoa [correct]
topea [be inhibited] topoa [get out of a difficulty]
tenda [do an act] tendua [undo the act]
ficha [hide] fichua [reveal]
ganda [stiffen; freeze; fasten] gandua [unstiffen; defrost; unfasten]
kaza [tighten] kazua [loosen]
jenga [construct] jengua [demolish]
fumba [shut (eyes)] fumbua [open (eyes)]
pinda [bend] pindua [reverse; capsize]
zinda [be firm] zindua [remove something set firmly]
zima [repress] zimua [reduce the intensity]
panga [arrange] pangua [disarrange]
waza [think] wazua [rethink]
anika [spread] anua [gather]
bana [fasten] banua [unfasten]
kucha [sunset] kuchwa [sunrise]
inama [bend] inuka [straighten]
ita [call] itikia [respond]

1. Ninafungamlango. [Iamclosingthedoor.]
Ninafunguamlango. [Iamopeningthedoor.]
2. Mamaanapanganguo. [Motherisarrangingtheclothes.]
Mamaanapanguanguo. [Motherisdisarrangingtheclothes.]
3. Michaelamefunikachakula. [Michaelhascoveredthefood.]
Michaelamefunuachakula. [Michaelhasuncoveredthefood.]
4. Kakayakeanavaashati. [His/Herbrotherisputtingonashirt.]
Kakayakeanavuashati. [His/Herbrotheristakingoffashirt.]

1.kama/kamua[squeeze/wringwetclothes; actofmilkingacow]
Alialikamuachungwa. [Alisqueezedjuiceoutofanorange.]

Waghanawalinyankuauhuru. [Ghanaiansattained (their)independence.]

Daktarialigangajerahalamtoto. [Thedoctortreatedthechildswound.]

1. Adam [Adam] Hawa [Eve]
2. kaka [brother] dada [sister]
3. baba [father] mama [mother]
4. babu [grandfather] nyanya [grandmother]
5. bin [son of] binti [daughter of]
6. bwana [sir; Mr.] bibi [Mrs.; Miss; Ms.]
7. mume [male] mke [female]
8. mvulana [boy] msichana [girl]
9. bwanaharusi [groom] biharusi [bride]
10. Amin [male name] Amina [female name]
11. Saidi [male name] Saida [female name]
12. mjomba [maternal uncle] shangazi [paternal aunt]
13. baba wa kambo [step-father] mama wa kambo [step-mother]
14. baba mkubwa [uncle older than mama mkubwa [aunt older than your
your father] mother]
15. baba mdogo [uncle younger than mama mdogo [aunt younger than
your father] your mother]
16. shemeji [sister-in-law; wifi [sister-in-law]
17. baba mkwe [father-in-law] mama mkwe [mother-in-law]
18.mtwana [butler] yaya [maid]
19.mwanamke [woman] mwanamume [man]
20. koo [hen] jogoo [rooster]
21. mbarika/ [cow] fahali [bull]
22. mjakazi [maid] mtwana [butler]
23.mrembo [beautiful] mtanashati [handsome]
24.ajuza [old woman] shaibu [old man]
25.mavyaa [mother-in-law] bavyaa [father-in-law]
26.malkia [queen] mfalme [king]
27.bintimfalme [princess] mwanamfalme [prince]
28.pakajike [female cat] shume [male cat]
29.mwanamwali [spinster] mseja [bachelor]
30.mtawa [nun] walii [monk]

1. KakayaJumanimrefu. [Jumasbrotheristall.]
KakayaJumanimfupi. [Jumasbrotheristall.]
2. Wanafunziwameketidarasani. [Thestudentshavesatinclass.]
Wanafunziwamesimama [Thestudentshavestoodinclass.]
3. Ninanguonyingi. [Ihavemanyclothes.]
Ninanguochache. [Ihavefewclothes.]
4. Kunachakulachiniyameza. [Thereisfoodunderthetable.]
Kunachakulajuu yameza. [Thereisfoodontopofthetable.]
5. Yeyealizaliwazamani. [He/Shewasbornalongtimeago.]
Yeyealizaliwasasa. [He/shewasbornjustnow.]
6. NinakumbukaKiswahili. [IrememberKiswahili.]
NimesahauKiswahili. [IhaveforgottenKiswahili.]
7. Tutaonanakablayadarasa. [Wewillseeeachotherbeforeclass.]
Tutaonanabaadayadarasa. [Wewillseeeachotherafterclass.]
8. Babaataendasokoninakaka. [Fatherwillgotothemarketwithbrother.]
Mamaataendasokonina [Motherwillgotothemarketwithsister.]
9. Huyunibabamdogo. [Thisistheuncle.(fathersyounger
Huyunimamamdogo. [Thisistheaunt.(mothersyoungersister)]

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