Mesh Cable Tray Systems Flexible. Screwless. Strong
Mesh Cable Tray Systems Flexible. Screwless. Strong
Mesh Cable Tray Systems Flexible. Screwless. Strong
GR-Magic mesh cable tray
Our patented
Designed with practical installati- mesh cable tray makes installation cifications demanded in VDE regu-
on in mind quicker than ever before, but wit- lation 0639 and in the new IEC/EN
For a purely lengthways connection, hout compromising at all on stabili- 61537 regulation. The GR-Magic
neither connection components nor ty and strength. Load testing shows system can also be attached to bra-
installation tools are required. Sim- that GR-Magic systems are just as ckets without any screws.
ply plug it together, and its done. strong as traditional screw connec-
This saves you having to store con- tions. Their electrical properties are
nector pieces, and therefore saves also convincing: they easily achieve
you money. The new GR-Magic the mechanical and electrical spe-
As flexible as you and your work
Any shape you want on is easy and its been tried and
Mesh cable trays cannot always be tested in practice. GRS quick con-
routed at straight angles. You may nectors help you join together trays
have to go around all sorts of obsta- that are cut to size quickly and wi-
cles, and take unusual directions as thout any screwing. This allows you
you install both horizontally and to surmount, quickly and securely,
vertically. OBO mesh cable trays anything unexpected that arises on
can be cut to any length using the site.
OBO cutting tool. Again, installati-
Function maintenance with design was put through its paces
GR-Magic with a cable load of 15 kg/m and
This OBO innovation offers another a support distance of 1.5 m. Func-
advantage aside from quick instal- tion maintenance routing variations
lation and versatility: the GR-Magic have become more diverse with
mesh cable tray system has impres- GR-Magic. This is a system which
sively demonstrated its stability and is well thought out and is quick and
strength in fire tests compliant with safe for daily fitting work.
DIN 4102 part 12. This installation
Magic G mesh cable tray
C mesh cable tray systems
Maximum load-carrying
ability and versatility FT V2A
The Magic is in the details
How practical a mesh cable tray sys- In just a few moves, OBO mess ca-
tem is in real life depends not only ble trays can be adapted to supports
on its basic properties. Its many in- with constructions above and be-
telligent details are what make instal- neath them. Thanks to the mesh ca-
lation a highly effective affair. Lots of ble trays design you can change di-
snap-in components augment the rection any way you like, depending
basic Magic principle. All of the re- on the situation in which you are fit-
maining stages of assembly are ba- ting it. Standard changes of direction
sed on ease of handling. of 45 and 90 can be performed
using ready-made components, or
Components such as bends, side at- with a shaped part which you make
tachments, installation plates, quick yourself for self-installation. Mesh cable
tray bend
connectors and clamping pieces
complete this easy-fit system. The
cover is fitted by simply attaching
the type DKU cover clamp onto the
mesh cable trays cross-wire.
tial bonding
Without additional
Spacer clip
For fitting to floors and
walls without screws
Mounting angle
Quick connector
For screwless
lengthways connections
without the need for
special tools
EMC protection
Corner connector
For producing
variable shaped Cover and cover clamp,
parts universal
To protect cables against
ambient influences, with
snap-in cover clamp
VDE-tested mesh
cable tray system
Screwless Magic
connector Corner connector
With equipotential For producing
bonding variable shaped
The full range of OBO mesh cable tray systems is extremely diverse.
mm side height
GRM 35 G GRM 35 FT GRM 35 V2A GRM 35 V4A Wandhalter
GRM 35
E 30 E 90
GRM 55 G GRM 55 F GRM 55 FT GRM 55 V2A GRM 55 V4A
mm side height
mm side height
GRM 105 G GRM 105 FT GRM 105 V2A GRM 105 V4A Bogen 90 G
mm side height
CGR 50 FT CGR 50 V2A
155 mm side height
GR 155 G
Variety that of stainless steel making it harsh chemical environments. Be-
GR-Magic mesh cable tray is availa- ideal for use in hollow ceilings and cause they are taste-neutral and re-
ble in side heights of 35, 55 and 105 visible areas. sistant to cleaning, disinfectant and
mm and widths of 50 to 600 mm. It sterilisation agents, these mesh ca-
can be used indoors and outdoors Stainless steel versions ble tray systems can be used in the
due to the variety of its surface finis- For use in aggressive environments food industry.
hes. OBO has developed its electro- and in the food industry, OBO offers
galvanising process for indoor use, the GR-Magic mesh cable tray in
making the finish it achieves even 1.4301 and 1.4401 stainless steel
more attractive. The result is the new versions. These mesh cable trays
OBO Titanium-look. This gives the are made of quality stainless steel
mesh cable tray an unmistakable, wire, and are stained in an additional
high-quality appearance similar to process. This protects them against
Quick Mesh cable tray Fastening clip Side holder Side holder
connectors connector
Installation of mesh cable tray systems is simple and practical.