Ciencias Naturales: Unit Iii - The Atmosphere
Ciencias Naturales: Unit Iii - The Atmosphere
Ciencias Naturales: Unit Iii - The Atmosphere
The Weather.
The weather describes the state of atmospheric conditions at a certain place, over a short period of time.
Weather conditions include:
Concept Definition
Precipitation Water that falls to the ground: rain, snow and hail
The Air has weight and it makes pressure against the surface. It is called atmospheric pressure and it is
caused by the gravity (millibars).
An Italian scientist, Torrichelli, proved that atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. At sea level this
is 1013 mb.
Latitude. How far north or south a place is from the Equator. At the Equator, solar energy
concentrates and causes high temperatures. Towards the north and the south solar energy is
lower and causes cold temperatures.
Distance from the sea. Sea water heats up (se calienta) and cool down (se enfra) slowly. In
winter, coastal areas are warmer and in summer coastal areas are warmer. P.e Madrid is colder
in winter than Gijn and is hotter in summer.
Ocean currents. Warm ocean currents flow up from the tropics to the poles.
Clouds and precipitation: Rain occurs when condensation makes large. Snow and hail occurs
when the water and vapour in the air freezes.
Clouds form when rising air cools.
Is the study of different atmospheric variables to make weather predictions. Meteorologists collect
information about precipitation, temperature, wind, humidity of the air, pressure and clouds.
1. Global Warming. In the last century, our atmosphere has warmed between 0.5 and 0.9C on
2. Acid rain. Rain is not naturally very acid but due to the carbon dioxide and other gases form acids
when mixed with the rain.
3. The hole in the ozone layer. Ozone exists naturally in the atmosphere, mainly concentrated in the
stratosphere. But ozone is been destroyed by pollution (called CFCs, used in aerosols).They react
with ozone and destroy it so solar radiation may enter trough this hole.