Model Answers For SAS Exam PDF
Model Answers For SAS Exam PDF
Model Answers For SAS Exam PDF
AUGUST, 2012
AUGUST, 2012
PAPER-I 1-14
PAPER-II 15-49
Please handover this Booklet and your Answer Sheet to the invigilator at the end
of the Examination.
(c) CGDA (c) LAO concerned
(d) Comptroller & Auditor General (d) None of those
of India.
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
19. Who is Administrative Controller of 20. Who is responsible for the preparation
PAO (ORs?) GREF? of the Appropriation Accounts of the
Defence Services?
(a) PCDA(SC) Pune (a) CGDA
(b) PCDA(Army) Meerut (b) Secretary (Defence/Finance)
(c) PCDA(BR) New Delhi (c) Concerned Service Headquarters.
(d) None of the above (d) PCDA(SC) Pune
Answer: (C) Answer: (B)
21. Losses of cash written off by the CFAs 22. To whom do Controllers submit the
are shown in: Annual Audit Certificate?
(a) Appropriation Accounts. (a) CGDA
(b) Loss Statements (b) Secretary (Defence/Finance)
(c) MFAI Report (c) Army Headquarters
(d) Annual Accounts (d) All of the above
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
23. How many Regional CsDA/PCsDA are 24. Who provides funds to Filed Cashiers?
there in DAD?
(a) 12 (a) PCDA New Delhi
(b) 13 (b) IHQ of MoD(Army) New Delhi
(c) 11 (c) PCDA(O) Pune
(d) None of the above (d) Regional Controllers
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
25. Stores Contract section does not deal 26. Audit cover to various HAL Division is
with: given by:
(a) MES contracts (a) PCDA(AF) Dehradun
(b) Messing contracts (b) PCDA Bangalore
(c) Hair cutting and washing (c) PCDA New Delhi
(d) All of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
27. Who maintains pay accounts of 28. Which of the following is the
service personnel of the Indian Navy? prescribed canon of Financial
(a) (a) No sums should be credited to
4Naval Pay Office Government by debit to any
suspense heads.
(b) PCDA(O) Pune (b) The amounts should be correct
and properly vouched.
(c) Naval Headquarters. (c) The expenditure should not be
prima facie more than occasion
(d) PCDA(Navy) Mumbai (d) All of the above
37. After how much period a claim 38. Who maintains pay accounts of all
becomes time barred? civilians Gazetted Officers serving with
Army units located in filed areas
(a) 1 year (a) Regional PCDA/CDA Concerned
(b) 24 months (b) PCDA New Delhi
(c) 3 years (c) Unit concerned
(d) 6 months (d) PCDA(O) Pune
Answer: (B) Answer: (D)
39. What is the full form of RDR Head? 40. Who is the Chief Accounting Authority
for transactions of Ministry of
Defence(Civil Estimates)
(a) Revenue, Debt and Remittance (a) Defence Secretary
(b) Receipt, Debt and Reserve Head (b) Controller General of Accounts
Ministry of Finance
(c) Receipt, Disposal and Revenue (c) C & AG
(d) None of the above (d) Director of Audit Defence Service
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
41. As per Conduct Rules, an officer 42. Entries in service books are to be got
should be denied vigilance clearance if attested by the individuals concerned:
he fails to submit Annual Property
Return by:
(a) 1st January (a) After every 3 years
(b) 31st January (b) Once in two years
(c) 31st March (c) At the time of promotion
(d) 1st April (d) Annually
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
43. Which one is true about War System 44. Who audits Service Books of DAD
of Accounting employees?
(a) It is about the Accounts that are (a) Administration Section of
maintained only during actual PCDA/CDA
(b) There is no accountability of the (b) Internal Audit Section of Main
Units following War System of Office
(c) No local audit of the units (c) LAO concerned
following War System of
accounting is conducted.
(d) None of the above (d) PCDA(P) Allahabad
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
45. Late attendance of following type can 46. What is the time limit for submission of
be condoned LTC claims by Govt. servants on
completion of journey?
(a) 40 minutes at a time, and up to (a) 3 Months
3 times in a month
(b) 2 hours at a time and once in a (b) 2 Months
(c) 20 minutes at a time, and up to (c) 4 Months
4 times in a month
(d) One hour at a time and up to 2 (d) 1 Months
occasions in a month
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
47. Which of the following is responsible 48. Payments specially sanctioned by Govt.
for proposing amendments to Defence subject to recovery, with or without
Account Code? interest, are treated as:
(a) PCDA(SC) (a) Provisional Payments
(b) PCDA(NC) (b) Loans
(c) PCDA(SWC) (c) Bonds
(d) PCDA(WC) (d) Advances
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
49. What is the full form of NIDFM? 50. What is the retention period of IRLAs
of retired Army Officers?
(a) National Institute of Defence (a) 35 years after their release
Finance and Mangement
(b) National Institute for Deficit (b) 10 years from the date of final
Fiscal Management settlement of accounts
(c) National Institute of Dealing (c) 15 years after retirement
with Financial Management
(d) None of the above (d) Permanent
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
51. Who fixes rate of interest to be 52. If the Head of Account to which
charged on advances? transactions are likely to be adjusted is
not known, the same is taken to the
(a) Ministry of Defence (a) Public Account
(b) Ministry of Finance (b) Salary Account
(c) Ministry of (Defence/Finance) (c) Vote on Account
(d) None of the above (d) Suspense Account
Answer: (B) Answer: (D)
53. What is IAF (CDA#13)? 54. What are payments made in
satisfaction of a judgement of any
court treated as?
(a) Form for issuing cheque (a) Charged expenditure
(b) Form of DP Sheet (b) Local expenditure
(c) Form of Schedule III (c) Legal expenditure
(d) Form for DV Numbering Register (d) Statutory expenditure
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
55. Who verifies the entries made in the 56. In which cases the tender documents
pay column of service books in respect need not be submitted to the
of Non#Gazetted Civilians? Controllers for pre#scrutiny?
(a) Pay Section of Main Office (a) Long term contracts
(b) LAO concerned (b) Short term agreements
(c) Unit/Formations concerned (c) ASC contracts
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
57. Which of the following vouchers are 58. Which section deals with the bills of
not required while auditing bills for Station HQrs. relating to Conservancy
contingent & Miscellaneous charges? and Hot Weather Establishment ?
(a) For charges up to Rs. 500/# (a) R Section
(b) For charges up to Rs. 25/# (b) M Section
(c) For charges up to Rs. 100/# (c) Stores Section
(d) For charges up to Rs. 50/# (d) E Section
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
59. Which section of Regional Controllers 60. Cash allowance in lieu of free rations is
office sends to the bank the intimation not admissible to an Army Officer
for cash assignment?
(a) M Section (a) During course instructions at a
military station
(b) E Section (b) Study leave in India
(c) D Section (c) Furlough Leave
(d) Accounts Section (d) Sick leave with full pay &
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
61. In which head the sums held in trust 62. Following is classified as objection and
or as a security are credited? not an observation
(a) Suspense Head (a) Receipt stamp not affixed on a
voucher otherwise complete
(b) Minor Head (b) Delay in submission of accounts,
returns, vouchers etc.
(c) Deposits (c) Stores issued in excess of
prescribed scales
(d) Pay head (d) Accounts not maintained on
proper form
(b) Cheque slips (b) Provision of its personnel to
(c) Schedule III (c) Provision of its personnel to
Category A and B establishments
(d) Debit scrolls (d) All the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (D)
83. What is the Punching Medium of cash 84. The grant intended to meet expenditure
vouchers called? on weapon training under the directions
of Chief of General staff is called as:
(a) Class 1 voucher (a) Amenity Training Grants
(b) Class 2 voucher (b) Defence Grants
(c) Class 4 voucher (c) Annual Training Grant
(d) Class 8 voucher (d) None of the above
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
85. What is the main object of inspection 86. Amounts debited in Public Fund Account
of public fund account? towards MRO should be supported with:
(a) Ensure that all prescribed (a) Punching Medium
accounts and documents are
maintained as per regulations
and orders
(b) All moneys have been (b) Acknowledgement of MRO
accounted for and expended in
conformity with regulations
(c) Transactions are easily traceable (c) Credit scrolls
and correctly tallied
(d) All of the above (d) Dispatch details of MRO
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
87. Who conducts quarterly audit of 88. How is the amount of undelivered
Regimental Fund? money orders dealt with by an Army
(a) Regimental Audit Board (a) Refunded through MRO
(b) Unit maintaining Public Fund (b) Utilized for general welfare
(c) Chartered Accountant (c) Re#credited in the cash account
nominated by the Unit
(d) LAO (d) Credited to the Government
through MRO
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
89. Who maintains General Land Register? 90. Statutory Audit is conducted by :
(a) DEO (a) LAO
(b) Station Headquarters (b) Team deputed by CGDA
(c) Garrison Engineer (c) Controller General of Accounts
(d) AAO BSO (d) None of the above
Answer: (A) Answer: (D)
91. Scale Audit is conducted to see that: 92. Areas of the Army are commanded
(a) Paid strength is within (a) General Officer Commanding
authorized strength of
(b) Ration distributed to Service (b) General Officer Commanding in#
Personnel is as per prescribed Chief
(c) Performance of employees is (c) Divisional Commander
according to the targeted scales
(d) All of the above (d) Brigade Commander
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
93. Who makes revision of Standard Table 94. Where is the Flag Officer Commanding#
of Rents? in#Chief, Eastern Naval Command
(a) District Collector (a) Vishakhapatnam
(b) DEO (b) Cochin
(c) Station Commander (c) Chennai
(d) MES (d) Kolkata
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
95. Who is the President of the 96. Captain of the Navy is equivalent to
Cantonment Board?
(a) The Station Commander (a) Colonel
(b) Cantonment Executive Officer (b) Major
(c) Elected Councilor (c) Lt. Col.
(d) General Officer Commanding#in# (d) Flight Lieutenant
Chief of Command
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
97. Which of the following administers 98. As a General Rule, normally whose
and funds Aeronautical Development sanction is required to conclude a
Agency? contract for a period beyond 3 years?
(a) DGQA (a) Army HQrs.
(b) Department of Defence (b) CGDA
Research and Development
(c) Department of Defence (c) Govt. of India
(d) Defence(Finance) Division (d) Defence Secretary
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
99. Debit scrolls are accompanied with: 100. Accounts are defined as:
(a) Cheques (a) Statements of transactions made
in the prescribed format
(b) MROs (b) Compilation of pecuniary
transactions in the form of Cash
(c) Receipt Vouchers (c) Statements of facts relating to
money or things having money
(d) Advisory Notes (d) Statements of Income &
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
EXAMPLE: Any error noticed in the figures of the Bank Scrolls shall immediately be pointed
out to the
(a) Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank of India
(b) Nearest Police#Station
(c) Services Headquarters
(d) District Magistrate
Out of these choices,(A) is the correct answer. So against the question, the appropriate
circle is to be darkened.
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SECTION!1 (Common to all Candidates)
(b) The Head of an office of (b) Defence inter#departmental
Accounts or the Head of a schedule
Pay and Accounts set up
under the scheme of
departmentalization of
(c) An officer entrusted by a (c) Transfer entry
Department of the Central
Government with the
responsibility of controlling
the incurring of
expenditure and or the
collection of revenue
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
13. Name the class of voucher prepare 14. The analysis of All India Defence
when a cheque is to be cancelled Services Receipts and Expenditure by
and a fresh one issued in lieu: the Controllers is printed to show:
(a) Class#I vouchers (a) The current and progressive
figures separately for each
Controller and under each
classification code head
(b) Class#II vouchers (b) The amounts compiled by all
the Controlled under each
service head
(c) Class#IV vouchers (c) The total amount compiled
during the month and to the
end of the month by each CDA
(d) None of these (d) The amount compiled by
regional CsDA as well amount
compiled by the DAD cells
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
15. MRO is prepared in triplicate. How 16. Re#appropriation means.
many copies are presented to the
Treasury /Bank?
(a) 3 (a) Expenditure which is incurred
at periodical intervals
(b) 2 (b) Expenditure which does not
recur periodically
(c) 1 (c) The transfer of funds from one
unit of appropriation to
another such unit within a
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
17. Payment made in satisfaction of a 18. If the amount provided for in the
Court decree falls under the sanctioned budget in financial year is
category of: found to be insufficient, additional
allotment is brought as:
(a) Vote expenditure (a) Vote on account
(b) Charged expenditure (b) Re#appropriation of fund
(c) Recurring expenditure (c) Supplementary grant
(d) Miscellaneous expenditure (d) Excess over estimates
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
19. Expenses on temporary 20. A sanction for any fresh expenditure
establishment or labour in excess which has not been acted on for a
of fixed scales of army are covered year is known as:
(a) Rule 56 FR Part#1 Vol#I (a) Effect on sanction
(b) Rule 58 A FR Part#1 Vol#I (b) Issue of sanction
(c) Rule 58 B FR Part#1 Vol#I (c) Lapse of sanction
(d) Rule 58 C FR Part#1 Vol#I (d) None of these
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
21. When troops are ordered to move 22. Government cheques are issued
at less than 48 hours notice on against personal and third party
operations or in aid of civil Power claims/bills payable at anytime
may obtain funds on a civil
treasury or the bank on the
authority of
(a) Cash assignment (a) Within three months after the
month of issue
(b) Emergency cash requisition (b) Within three months including
the month of issue
(c) S & S imprest (c) Within six month after the
month of issue
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
23. A claim preferred by a contractor 24. Security deposits will not be taken
or other person against from:
Government which is time#barred
under any provision of law relating
to limitation shall not be paid
without the sanction of:
(a) Govt. of India (a) Security deposits will not be
taken from:
(b) Ministry of Defence (b) A class contractor
(c) Army HQrs. (c) Jail, municipalities or other
Govt. concerns.
(d) Command HQrs. (d) None of these
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
25. The responsibility for carrying out 26. The Annual Training Grant is a grant
physical verification of stores rests made to the:
primarily with the:
(a) Executive authorities (a) Deputy chief of the Army Staff
concerned in Defence Service Estimate
(b) LAO/RAO (b) Commanders
(c) AO GE MES (c) Commandants of schools of
(d) None of these (d) Category A establishment
Answer: (A) Answer (A)
27. The Technical Training and 28. Which months Pay and Allowances is
Instructional Equipment Grant is a not payable on the Last Working Day
grant made available to the
(a) Master General of (a) January
(b) Signal officer in chief (b) April
(c) Engineer in chief (c) March
(d) None of these (d) November
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
29. Who is the Competent Authority 30. The ceiling monetary limit of the S&S
for allotment and sanction of Imprest will be fixed in consultation
Supply and Services Imprest under with the
peace conditions:
(a) PCDA/CDA Regional (a) Ministry of Defence
(b) PCDA(Officers) (b) CGDA
(c) GOC#in#C of the Command (c) Ministry of Finance(Dept. of
(d) Corps Commander (d) Concerned CDA
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
31. The Educational Training Grant is 32. The Field Practice and Training Grant
intended for the is a grant made to the
(a) Visit to places of education (a) Engineer#in#chief in the
interest Defence Service Estimates
(b) Local educational courses (b) Signal Officer in Chief
(c) Engaging Civilian Lectures (c) Master General of the
Ordnance in the Defence
Service Estimates
(d) All of the above (d) All of the above
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
33. Advance of Pay paid to the 34. Engineer#in#chief is the technical
Government servant from Defence advisor to the
Service Estimate on permanent
transfer should be recovered from
pay in not more than
(a) Six monthly installments (a) Chief of the staff of the Army
(b) Three monthly installments (b) Chief of staff of the Navy
(c) On the discretion of Govt. (c) Chief of staff of the Air Force
(d) On the discretion of Head (d) All of these
of the Office
Answer: (B) Answer: (D)
35. Which of the following will also be 36. Fresh administrative approval must
treated as original works be obtained if an approved work is
not commenced
(a) Addition to building and (a) Within 3 years of the date of
other services administrative approval
(b) Reconstruction of buildings (b) Within 5 years of the date of
and Roads administrative approval
(c) Alteration necessitated by (c) Within 2 years of the date of
administrative reason administrative approval
(d) All of these (d) None of these
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
37. When buildings on cantonment 38. Full form of RAR in MES is:
land or on Ministry of Defence
lands outside cantonments are
required to disposed of in situ,
disposal will be carried out by the
(a) DGDE (a) Running Accorded Receipt
(b) MES (b) Running Account Receipt
(c) Cantonment Board (c) Running Advance Receipt
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
39. The payment to a contractor of a 40. Revenue Ledge(IAFW#2240) is
bonus or compensation outside maintained by the
the terms of his contract requires
the sanction of
(a) E in C (a) AO/AAO MES
(b) Govt. of India (b) BSO
(c) CE (c) SDO
(d) CWE (d) None of these
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
41. The hours during which supply of 42. A road may be classified as
water & electric energy is to be military with the approval of :
made available will be decided by
(a) Station Commander (a) Govt. of India
(b) CWE (b) GE
(c) GE (c) Station Commander
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
43. Damages to buildings, fitting, 44. Who is responsible for bringing to
fixtures and furniture caused the notice a station commander,
willfully or by negligence are Quarters lying vacant in the station?
termed as
(a) Building Damage (a) GE or the senior MES
representative at an outstation
(b) Barrack Damage (b) CO of the unit
(c) Furniture Damage (c) CEO
(d) Fitting Damage (d) None of these
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
45. A GE Major or equivalent holding 46. In an GE office, construction Account
cash assignment may be allowed in on IAFW 2242 is maintained for each
consultation with the CDA an imp work or service by the
rest up to a limit of:
(a) Rs. 6,000/# (a) SDO concerned
(b) Rs. 4,000/# (b) AO/AAO GE
(c) Rs. 3,000/# (c) BSO concerned
(d) Rs. 10,000/# (d) None of these
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
47. Agency Services carried out by the 48. If a part or the whole of charges for
MES for other Ministries of the barrack damages become
Central Government, or for State irrecoverable it will be treated as
Government, Union territories
requires the approval of the
(a) Army HQ (a) Loss of stores
(b) Government of India (b) Loss of Public Money
(c) E#In#C (c) Loss of MES
(d) Command HQ (d) None of the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
49. It rates for any items do not exist in 50. Tender notice is normally issued by
the SSR. They may be deduced, if the officer:
possible, from other rates in the
SSR. Such rates are termed as
(a) Freak rates (a) Competent to accept Tender
(b) Pro#rata or proportional (b) GE
(c) Stock book rate (c) CWE
(d) Fixed rate (d) E#in#C
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
51. Audit is done on half yearly basis 52. The scope of local audit covers:
and the quantum of audit for Army
units/formations, selected for
detailed check during peace time
for linking of receipts is:
(a) 66.55% (a) Verification of casting, closing
and opening book balances
(b) 33.5% (b) Linking of receipts and issues
(c) 16.5% (c) Audit of final receipts and
(d) None of the above (d) All of the above
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
53. When stores are transferred from 54. All serious financial and accounting
one ordnance depot to another irregularities from the procedural or
deport or to a unit, the issue propriety audit point of view are
voucher is generally prepared in reported to CGDA by the CDA. The
five copies referred to as: report is:
(a) A,B,C,D, and E copy (a) Local audit completion report
(b) A,B,C,E and F copy (b) Important financial
irregularities report
(c) 1,2,3,4 and 5 copy (c) Major Financial and Accounting
Irregularities report
(d) 1,2,3,5 and 6 copy (d) All of the above
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
55. Returned store sub depots receive, 56. In ASC, total value of stores held for
sort#out and condition the: Rs. 25 lakhs but due to deterioration
or degradation, store loss occurs for
Rs. 5 lakhs. For determining the CFA
competent to deal with loss, what
amount will be the criterion?
(a) Clothing Stores (a) Rs.5 lakhs
(b) General Stores (b) Rs. 20 lakhs
(c) Technical stores including (c) Rs. 25 lakhs
MT with some exceptions
(d) All of the above (d) None of these
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
57. Name the voucher on which 58. What do you understand by the term
samples issued from supply Linking used in local audit:
deposits to the composite food
laboratory are charged off:
(a) Payment issue vouchers (a) Vertical and horizontal totaling
(b) Paid Vouchers (b) Bringing together an entry in a
ledger and supporting
(c) Expense Vouchers (c) Bringing together two
documents which are
supposed to be facsimile
copies one the other
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (C) Answer: (B)
59. What is the periodicity of stock# 60. Who is responsible for pricing of
taking of POL in Army: payment issue vouchers of
(a) Quarterly (a) CO of unit/formation
(b) Half Yearly (b) Headquarter commands
(c) Annually (c) Concerned LAO
(d) Monthly (d) None of these
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
61. Skelton lists are sent by issuing 62. IAFF 1077(Inner#I) of Entitlement
supply depots to their LAOs once IRLA Contains:
(a) 10 days (a) Date of Birth
(b) 15 days (b) Date of Leave
(c) 21 days (c) Pay entitlement fixed from
time to time
(d) 30 days (d) A record of rates of pay and
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
63. Which one of the Disbursement 64. An Army Officer has been seconded
IRLA is actually the running to the Navy. His DSOP Fund Account
account of the Army Officer: will be maintained by
(a) IAFF#107(Outer#IA) (a) PCDA(Navy) Mumbai
(b) IAFF#1077(Inner#I) (b) Naval Pay Office Mumbai
(c) IAFF#1077(Inner#II) (c) CDA(O) Pune
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Answer: (C) Answer: (B)
65. Which category of Officers are not 66. Which of the following statements is
covered under Army Officer not true in the context of Furlough:
Benevolent Fund:
(a) Commissioned Officers (a) It can be combined with
Annual Leave
(b) Territorial Army Officers (b) It is not granted in conjunction
with sick leave/study leave
(c) Special List Officers (c) Re#employed Officers are
eligible for this grant
(d) Medical and Veterinary (d) When combined with annual
Officers leave the annual leave portion
is taken first.
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
67. The pay accounts of the Army 68. Terminal gratuity is admissible to:
Officers are maintained on IRLA
system. What is the periodicity of
closing of an Army Officers pay
(a) Quarterly (a) Permanent Commissioned
(b) Half Yearly (b) Short Service Commissioned
(c) Annually (c) AMC Permanent
Commissioned Officers
(d) Monthly (d) None of the above
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
69. In case of final settlement of 70. Pay accounts of JCOs/ORs are
accounts of JCOs/ORs whose pay maintained on:
book has been lost, the IRLA will be
kept open to permit receipt and
adjustment of outstand
acquaintance roll for:
(a) One year release/discharge (a) Monthly Pay system
(b) Three months from the (b) Quarterly IRLA system
date of release/discharge
(c) IRLA will be closed and Rs. (c) Monthly wage rolls
5000/# held back for 6
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
71. The main function of the review 72. The objectives of PAO(ORs) are:
group in a PAO(ORs) are broadly
divided in to:
(a) Scrutiny of the IRLA (a) To maintain Pay and provident
fund accounts of
(b) Checking of allied (b) To ensure prompt
documents authorization of advance
where admissible
(c) Checking the links between (c) To advise record officer on
the IRLAs and the financial matters relating to pay and
accounts allowance of JCOs/ORs/NCsE
(d) All of the above (d) All of the above
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
73. Which Master File is not required 74. The correct expansion of SCCIA is:
to be created as a first step in
computerizing the IRLAs in the PAO
(a) CCIM (a) Special compensation for
counter Insurgency Allowance
(b) JC Concordance File (b) Special Compensatory Counter
(c) PLIM (c) Special counter compensation
insurgency Allowance
(d) Housing Loans from HDFC (d) Specially created
compensatory insurgency
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
75. Which description is of debit 76. An army officer will continue to draw
nature in pay system of PBORs full pay all allowance of the rank
(a) CCA (a) On duty in or ex#India
(b) FAMO (b) Attending an authorized course
of instruction in or ex#India
(c) BHUTAN (c) Supernumerary to the
(d) ACTGA (d) All of these
Answer: (B) Answer: (D)
77. A regular Commissioned Officer of 78. An officer of the AMC/ADC and MNS
the Army Medical Corps or Army granted permanent regular
Dental Corps, or a regular member commission may be seconded for
of the military nursing service period not exceeding
while seconded for the purpose of
attending a course
(a) Will receive pay and (a) 12 months
(b) Will not receive pay and (b) 18 months
(c) Will receive 2/3 of pay and (c) 24 months
(d) None of these (d) 06 months
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
79. An officer of AMC is not eligible for 80. For grant of disturbance allowance
qualification pay/grant in respect the age of a married officer must be
of over
(a) Any qualification required (a) 21 years
for entry
(b) Any qualification acquired (b) 24 years
before being commissioned
(c) An officer in receipt of (c) 25 years
specialist pay
(d) All of these (d) 27 years
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
81. For qualification pay army officers 82. Army officer entitled for specialist
of the rank of pay are
(a) Colonel and above are (a) Brigadier
(b) Lt. Colonel and above are (b) Colonel
(c) Lt. Colonel and below are (c) Major
(d) None of these (d) All of the above
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
83. An officer who is reported prisoner 84. Parachute pay will be discontinued to
of war will be entitled to army officers
(a) Receive full pay and (a) During annual leave
allowances appropriate to
his rank
(b) Separation allowance if in (b) During absence on account of
issue prior to capture injuries due to parachute
(c) Family allotment made by (c) Wounds received in action
the officer will continue to against the enemy
be payable
(d) All of the above (d) In respect of sickness attribute
to service from the 92nd day
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
85. Entertainment allowance is 86. Army Officers employed as Air
admissible to army officer of the observations post pilots including
rank of flying instructors will receive in
addition to their normal pay and
(a) Lt. General when in (a) A observation pay
Command of Corps
(b) Major General in command (b) A flying Pay
of Area/Division
(c) Brigadier in Command of (c) A instruction Pay
sub area/Inde sub area
(d) All of the above (d) A pilot pay
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
87. How many sorties will be required 88. Non#commissioned officers are
for grant of Air Dispatch pay per entitled to Good Service pay except
year from 1st October to the 30 the
(a) 12 (a) Naik
(b) 20 (b) Naik holding the appointment
of Lance Havildar
(c) 24 (c) Havildar
(d) 32 (d) Naib Subedar
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
89. A JCO/ORs shall not be eligible for 90. For persons below NCO rank Close
the (CEA) Children education arrest is the same thing as
allowance for the period Confinement and they will
(a) Under suspension (a) Incur no forfeiture of pay &
(b) Annual Leave (b) Forfeit pay and allowance for
every day of Close arrest
(c) Extra Ordinary Leave (c) Forfeiture of Annual Leave
(d) Any period which is treated (d) None of these
as dies non
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
91. The Monetary allowance attached 92. When a person is absent without
to gallantry decorations are leave he will
(a) Param Vir Chakra (a) Forfeit his pay and allowance
for everyday
(b) Mahavir Chakra (b) Get half the rate of pay
(c) Kirti Chakra (c) Get one third the rate of pay
(d) All of these (d) Get two third the rate of pay
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
93. All JCOs/ORs/NCsE who have 94. The pay of a PBOR will be
rendered not less than one years discontinued on transfer to
service will receive children
education allowance in respect
wholly dependent
(a) Legitimate children (a) Reserve
(b) Step children (b) On discharge
(c) Adopted children (c) The pension establishment
(d) All of these (d) All of the above
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
95. Which statement is correct in 96. JCOs/ORs/NCsE are entitled to
respect of PBORs according to advance of pay when
increase order of ranks
(a) Sepoy, Naik, Naib Subedar, (a) Proceeding for anti rabic
Havildar treatment
(b) Naib Subdedar, Havildar, (b) Detached on recruiting duty
Naik Sepoy
(c) Sepoy, Naik, Havildar,Naib (c) When proceeding overseas on
Subedar duty
(d) Havildar, Naik, Sepoy, Naib (d) All of these
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
97. Advances for the purchase of 98. Which of the following is not entitled
bicycles shall not ordinarily be to Ration Allowance
granted within
(a) Seven years of previous (a) Junior Commissioned Officer
(b) Five years of previous (b) Other Ranks & NCsE
(c) Three years of previous (c) Religious Teachers
(d) None of these (d) Defence Civilian(Industrial)
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
99. Indicate which of the statement is 100. Master missing cases of Pt.#II order
not correct in the context of arises in PAO(ORs) due to the
allowance attached to gallantry following reasons
(a) Allowances for one (a) IRLAs in respect of transfer in
decoration only can be cases have not yet been
drawn at a time received
(b) Allowance attached to the (b) Reflection of incorrect Army
decoration are admissible Number in Pt.#II orders
for two lives i.e. the
recipient and his widow
(c) Ordinarily the widow who (c) Allotment of JC number not
was first married shall linked with original Army
receive the allowance Number
(d) JCO granted honorary ranks (d) All of these
as commissioned officers
will not be eligible for the
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
51. The rank of a Group Captain in the 52. What is the rank of the AOC in C of an
IAF is equivalent to which rank in IAF Command?
the Army
(a) Major (a) Air vice Marshall
(b) Brigadier (b) Air Marshall
(c) Lt. Colonel (c) Air Chief Marshall
(d) Colonel (d) Air Commodore
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
53. Where is the Training Command of 54. Which is the next superior rank to an
the IAF located? Air Commodore?
(a) Bangalore (a) Air Marshall
(b) New Delhi (b) Air Vice Marshall
(c) Gandhinagar (c) Group Captain
(d) Pune (d) Wing Commander
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
55. Cash Assignment to the AF units 56. Post audit of TA/DA claims of Airmen
and formations under the Southern for move on permanent posting is done
Air Command are Placed by by
(a) CDA(AF) New Delhi (a) CDA(AF) New Delhi
(b) JCDA(AF) Nagpur (b) JCDA(AF) Nagpur
(c) PCDA(AF) Dehradun (c) PCDA(AF) Dehradun
(d) DCDA(AF) Delhi (d) DCDA(AF) Delhi
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
57. Which form is used to maintain 58. What is the power of an AOC/CO of a
Flight Oil Book? BRD to approve non#proprietary single
tender purchase without IFA
(a) IAFF(Q) 419 (a) Rs. 10,000
(b) IAFF(AO) 1202 (b) Rs.25,000
(c) IAFF(F) 1525 (c) Rs. 50,000
(d) IAFF(Q) 486 (d) No powers
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
59. What are the financial powers of 60. Under which schedule to delegation of
OC of a self accounting unit to financial powers(AF) are the powers in
sanction write off of losses of respect of purchase/repairs of stores,
stores not due to theft, fraud or enumerated?
gross neglect with IFA
(a) Rs. 2,00,000 (a) Schedule VI
(b) Rs, 4,00,000 (b) Schedule XII
(c) Rs. 5,00,000 (c) Schedule VIII
(d) Nil (d) Schedule XVI
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
61. What is the expanded form of 62. Red Cross Stores Ledger is maintained
(a) Integrated Material (a) BRD
Management On Line
(b) India Air Force Material (b) ED
Management of Line
(c) Integrated Material (c) Hospitals
Management of Local
(d) India Military Material (d) Ammunition Depot
Management on Line
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
63. TA/DA and LTC claims of AF officers 64. In Tally cards, the non#recurring, issues
are post audited by are entered in
(a) PCDA(AF) Dehradun (a) Red Ink
(b) JCDA(AF) Nagpur (b) Blue Ink
(c) CDA(AF) New Delhi (c) Black Ink
(d) AFCAO Delhi (d) Green Ink
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
65. What is the percentage of audit 66. Which of the following statements is
prescribed for LAO(AF) to carry out false regarding the action taken by an
in respect of CP Vouchers above LAO(AF) in case of receipts ex#U.K?
Rs. 5000/#?
(a) 100% (a) Compare the CRVs with copies of
packing account 100%
(b) 33%% (b) Retain the copy of CRV for
verification of 33%% into the Tally
(c) 16% (c) Check them with relevant CRVs
(d) 50% (d) Return the copy of the packing
account to the consignee
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
67. How long are dead Tally cards 68. Who can sanction issue of arms and
retained after audit? ammunition from IAF to civil
department ?
(a) One year (a) Chief of Air staff
(b) Two year (b) AOC in C
(c) Three year (c) Govt. of India
(d) Six months (d) Air Headquarters
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
69. Which of the following is true 70. Which of the following is not an
regarding a conversion voucher? unavoidable loss?
(a) It is raised to convert (a) Aero engine lost or damaged in
unserviceable stores into flying accident
(b) It is raised to bring on (b) Loss of equipment due to enemy
charge stores found action
(c) It is raised to adjust (c) A and B class stores expended
accounts in case of due to fair wear and tear
discrepancies in
(d) It is raised to adjust losses (d) Losses arising from deterioration
of equipment due to of equipment due to unsuitable
enemy action storage
Answer: (A) Answer: (D)
71. What is the periodicity of stock 72. Which of the following is not true in
taking in case of class B stores in case of Army and Navy personnel
an ED ? attached to IAF units?
(a) Once in a years (a) They are issued rations at their
own scales
(b) Once in two years (b) The cost of rations is adjusted
through ISA Vouchers
(c) Once in three years (c) When IAF personnel are in
majority they are issued rations at
IAF rates
(d) Once in six months (d) The cost of rations issued is
debatable to AF estimates
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
73. Which of the following is a Minor 74. Who among the following AF Officers is
Job undertaken by a BRD? not entitled for entertainment
(a) Complete overhaul of Aero (a) Air Marshall
(b) Partial overhaul of Air (b) Air Vice Marshall
(c) Repairs to auxiliary (c) Air Commodore
(d) None of the above (d) Group Captain
Answer: (D) Answer: (D)
75. Under which of the following 76. An airman who qualifies for re#
circumstances is Parachute Pay not mustering to a trade in the same or
admissible? higher group but fails to qualify for
retention of his previous rank or
classification will
(a) Annual Leave (a) Retain the rate of pay of the
substantive rank or classification
(b) Portion of sick leave which (b) Will not be eligible for increments
represents annual leave of pay in the former group until
he qualifies for a higher rate of
pay in the new group
(c) While undergoing training (c) Will not retain the rate of pay of
as Parachute Jump the substantive rank of
Instructor classification
(d) During Temporary Duty (d) Will be eligible for increments of
pay in the former group until he
qualifies for a higher rate of pay
in the new group
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
77. An airman subject to the AF Act 78. Which of the following is not true
1950 will not forfeit his pay and regarding monetary allowance attached
allowances for everyday of to the gallantry decorations?
(a) Desertion (a) The rates of allowances are same
for all airmen
(b) Absence without leave (b) Commissioned officers are also
eligible for the allowance
(c) Absence as POW (c) Airmen granted commission after
the date of earning the
decoration are not entitled
(d) Under arrest but not in (d) Allowances for one decoration
confinement only can be drawn at a time
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
79. Which office carries out the scale 80. Who does the pre#audit of medical bills
audit check of monthly strength pertaining to AF personnel attached to
check statement in respect of the IAFTC?
Group D (NI) civilians of IAFMC?
(b) Re mustering (b) It is converted to pay for all
purposes on successful
completion of training
(d) 50% (d) Want of vouchers
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
51. Provident Fund Accounts of Navy 52. Audit of superannuation lists in respect
Civilian personnel working at Naval of non#gazetted civilian personnel is
Armament Depot, Vishakhapatnam conducted in
are maintained by
(a) Area Accounts office(NAVY) (a) NLAO Office
(b) Principal CDA(Navy) (b) FA Section
(c) Naval Pay Office, Mumbai (c) Pay Section
(d) Integrated Head Quarter (d) Imprest Section
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
53. Primary document for preparation 54. Special pay to unskilled workers
of pay bills in respect of industrial engaged in dangerous and obnoxious
personnel at Naval Dock Yard is work is allowed for the following work
(a) Muster roll (a) Handling Quick lime
(b) Absentee and late (b) Handling ammunition
attendance report
(c) Accident report and fitness (c) Handling molten metals
(d) Gate pass (d) All the above
Answer: (A) Answer: (D)
55. Maximum amount admissible 56. Overtime under factories act is
towards children education admissible
allowance to industrial employee
in Navy is
(a) Rs. 12,000/#per child per (a) For work in excess of 10 hours in
annum a day or maximum of 48 hours in
a week
(b) Rs. 15,000/# per child per (b) For work in excess of 9 hours in a
annum day or maximum of 48 hours in a
(c) Rs. 18,000/#per child per (c) For work in excess of 8 hours in a
annum day or maximum of 42 hours in a
(d) Rs. 18,750/#(Rs. 15,000 for (d) For work in excess of 9 hours in a
CEA and Rs. 3750 for Hostel day or maximum of 42 hours in a
subsidy) week
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
57. Non practicing allowance is 58. Every work in the Naval Dock Yard is
admissible to all medical officers under taken with proper authorization
working in Navy. When a medical called work order. The work order is
officers goes on study leave issued on
(a) NPA is payable (a) NSO 300
(b) NPA is not payable , as the (b) NSO 301/EDPD#5
officer is on study leave
(c) 50% of the NPA is payable (c) NSO/EDPD#300
(d) None of the above (d) NSO 300/EDPD#10
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
59. A sailor based at Southern Naval 60. Following is the number of instalments,
Command, Kochi is afloat and limited for recovery of GP fund
landed at Mumbai, as the ship is advance, in special cases.
undergoing repairs. CILQ claims of
the sailors is regulated as following
(a) Mumbai rates (a) 36
(b) Kochi rates (b) 24
(c) Other town rates (c) 18
(d) Not admissible, as he is on (d) 42
the ship
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
61. While maintaining the accounts of 62. WPS means
capital assets, following
depreciation charges will be
calculated on the plant and
(a) 10% per annum, on the (a) Warship Production Supervisor
total value
(b) 10% per annum, on the (b) Warship Production
diminishing value Superintendent
(c) 12.5% per annum, on the (c) Warship Production Statement
total value
(d) 12.5% per annum, on the (d) Warship Provisions Statement
diminishing value
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
63. Bills relating to customs duty, port 64. What is the extent of maximum period
trust charges, Air freight etc. in of study leave admissible for an AMC
respect of units and establishment officer in or ex#India
s under Southern Naval Command
are paid by
(a) Principal CDA(Navy) Mumbai (a) 24 months
(b) Area Accounts Office(Navy) (b) 36 months
(c) Area Accounts Office (Navy) (c) 12 months
(d) None of the above (d) 18 months
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
65. Which branch of Navy is entitled 66. Which of the following statement is not
for Survey Bounty at the correct
prescribed rates
(a) Air crew Branch (a) Cash Accounts are prepared by
Base supply officers in Naval
(b) Seamens Branch (b) Cash Accounts are prepared by
supply officer or commanding
officer of IN Ships and
(c) General Service Branch (c) Cash Accounts are prepared by
Allotment and remittances
section of NPO Mumbai
(d) Submarine Branch (d) Cash Accounts are prepared by
Pr. CDA(Navy), Imprest Section
Answer: (B) Answer: (D)
67. What is meant by dip money? 68. Pilotage fee is admissible to
(a) Submarine pay (a) Commanding officer of the ship
(b) Diving pay (b) Navigation officer of the ship
(c) Badge pay (c) Commanding officer and
Navigation officer of the ship
(d) Rank Pay (d) Pilot officer of the ship and
Navigation officer of the ship
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
69. On expiry of short service contract, 70. For grant of foreign language award,
an officer can be placed under officers and sailors must obtain
emergency list for a period of # minimum qualifying marks. What is the
percentage to be obtained to qualify for
foreign language award
(a) Two years (a) At least 40%
(b) Three years (b) At least 50%
(c) One year (c) At least 60%
(d) None of the above (d) More than 50%
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
71. Who sanctions grant of long 72. While production accounts of Naval
service and good conduct medal to dockyards are prepared, how the sale
a sailor of Indian Navy of obsolete stores is categorized?
(a) Govt. of India (Ministry of (a) Profits
(b) Chief of Naval Staff (b) Losses
(c) Flag officer Commanding (c) Profits and Losses, both
in# Chief
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
73. Meritorious Service Medal(Annuity 74. What is the minimum period required
Award) is sanctioned by CNS to the to be away from the base port for
men of Indian Navy. One of the separation allowance to married
condition of sanction is: officers
(a) The awardee is in (a) 12 hours
possession of three good
conduct badges
(b) The awardee is in (b) 24 hours
possession of four good
conduct badges
(c) The awardee is in (c) 36 hours
possession of two good
conduct badges
(d) The awardee is in (d) 48 hours
possession of one good
conduct badge
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
75. An officer is on study leave. His 76. Technical pay is admissible to the
dearness allowance will be officers of
regulated as under.
(a) Admissible as per leave (a) Submarine duties
salary actually drawn
(b) Admissible for first 6 (b) Motor mine sweeper duties
months at the normal rates
(c) Admissible for first 6 (c) Electrical and Engineering officers
months at normal rates and
next 6 months at 50% of
the normal rate
(d) Not admissible (d) Commanding offices and
Navigation officers
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
77. Submarine allowance shall not be 78. Ration allowance for the leave period is
admissible for the period of regulated as following :
absence from the submarine
(a) More than three (a) Shall be drawn in full
consecutive days
(b) More than 14 days in a (b) At half rate (50%)
month, intermittently
(c) More than three (c) At one third rate(33%)
consecutive days and more
than 14 days in a month,
(d) All of the above (d) No ration allowance is admissible
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
79. The extent of Audit check in 80. Surplus stores notice during stock
respect items appearing in the verification are to be regularized as
stack report sheet is under
(a) 33% (a) Regularized and taken on to stock
(b) 33% (b) No regularization is required, but
items to taken on charge
(c) 50% (c) Reasons to be found out and
items to be returned back from
where they received
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (A) Answer: (B)
81. INBR means 82. The periodicity of stock taking of
ground balances of the petrol pump is
(a) India Navy Branch (a) Monthly
(b) India Navy Board of (b) Once in two months
(c) India Navy Book of (c) Quarterly
(d) India Navy Base register (d) Half yearly
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
83. Surplus stores can be disposed off 84. When stores are transferred from one
through auction, on approval of Naval depot to another or to a
CFA. The guiding/reserve price for ship/establishment the issue voucher is
a serviceable store is fixed as under prepared in Quadruplicate. The use of
triplicate copy is
(a) 40% of the book value (a) To be forwarded to NLAO for
(b) 33% of the book value (b) To be forwarded to the consignee
for receipting and return to NSO
(c) 50% of the book value (c) To be forwarded to the consignee
for purpose of bringing store on
(d) 25% of the book value (d) None of the above
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
85. Continuous stock verification of all 86. Two army personnel are attached to IN
items at Naval Armament Depot, is establishment. They are victualled at
regularly made, at least
(a) Once in an year (a) Army scales to rations
(b) Once during each two years (b) General Scales of rations
(c) One is six months (c) IN Scales of rations
(d) Once in a quarter (d) None of the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
87. During the test checks of free 88. Who is the competent authority to
issues of clothing, an NLAO found issue sanction for permanent transfer
that clothing history sheets are not of power boats from one ship to other?
maintained satisfactorily. NLAOs
action is
(a) Scope of Audit may be (a) Chief of Naval Staff
(b) Take up matter with (b) Vice Chief of Naval Staff
(c) Put the items under (c) FOC#in#Chief of the Command
(d) None of the above (d) Fleet commander of the
Answer: (A) Answer: (A)
89. If a patient is admitted to a Naval 90. Red crossed stores are required to be
hospital at 1400 hours and accounted for in separate ledgers. They
discharged on the same day, are audited
hospital stoppage rolls are
prepared as under.
(a) For one day (a) As in the case of Government
(b) For faction of a day, i.e (b) As in the case of non#public fund
day A/cs
(c) Charged as decided by CO (c) Audit is not required
of the Hospital
(d) Not charged (d) None of the above
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
91. What is the prescribed percentage 92. To what extent service documents of
of Audit in respect warrants issued, sailors are subjected to check, within
for detailed check each period of 12 months.
(a) 33% (a) 33%
(b) 50% (b) 25%
(c) 5% (c) 15%
(d) 10% (d) 10%
Answer: (C) Answer: (B)
93. SMEL means 94. The stores accounts of DSC platoons
attached to Naval establishments are
maintained w.r.t
(a) Stores maintenance (a) Army regulations
equipment ledger
(b) Safety maintenance (b) Navy regulation
engineering ledger
(c) Squadron mobile (c) DSC regulations
equipment ledger
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
95. Non public funds accounts of IN 96. To whom the Report on Accounts not
ships are# rendered, not produced for Audit is
submitted by NLAO
(a) Inspected by NLAO, under (a) FA Section of PCDA(N)
specific instructions from
(b) Not to be inspected by (b) Store Section of PCDA(N)
(c) NLAO to ensure accounts (c) Imprest Section of PCDA(N)
are maintained in a normal
(d) At the time of cash (d) None of the above
inspection of public fund
A/cs, Non#public fund
accounts are checked
Answer: (A) Answer: (C)
97. What is the retention period of 98. Who is the head of department among
counter foils of railway warrants? the following?
(a) 3 years from the date of (a) Admiral Superintendent, Dock
issue of last form yard
(b) 3 years from the date of (b) Commander#in#Chief
issue of last form
(c) 5 years from the date of (c) OIC Weapon equipment Depot
issue of the last form
(d) 15 years from the date of (d) All the above
issue of last form
Answer: (A) Answer: (D)
99. In how many installments, the HBA 100. Rate of HRA admissible for Y category
along with interest is to be cities/town is
recovered, the maximum limit
(a) 200 instalments (a) 30%
(b) 180 instalments (b) 15%
(c) 240 instalments (c) 20%
(d) 120 instalments (d) 10%
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
51. Class V Extract is used for 52. What is the class of cost under which
FOH (Fixed Overheads) are booked?
(a) Army (a) 32
(b) Payment Issues (b) 36
(c) Inter Factory Services (c) 39
(d) Capital Services (d) 40
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
53. How frequency estimates should 54. KOD(Kind of Document) 21 represents:
be re#priced?
(a) Once in two months (a) Plus Receipt
(b) Once in three months (b) Minus Receipt
(c) Once in six months (c) Misc. Issue
(d) Once in a year (d) Misc. Receipt
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
55. Normal life of a warrant is: 56. Datum Load is:
(a) 4 months (a) 30% of War or Peak Load
(b) 8 months (b) 45% of War or Peak Load
(c) 9 months (c) 60% of War or Peak Load
(d) 6 months (d) 75% of War or Peak Load
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
57. How are over absorbed overheads 58. Any overtime worked by a
reflected in Production Accounts? shop/section as a whole irrespective of
the period involved or overtime worked
by any individual exceeding 14 calendar
day(including Sundays and Gazetted
holidays) at a time is classified as:
(a) As a Credit item of the (a) Casual overtime
Production Account
(b) As a Debit item of the (b) Systematic overtime
Production Account
(c) As an expenditure to the (c) Overtime Bonus
Cost of Production
(d) Not reflected in the (d) None of the above
Production Account
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
59. N Series of voucher is prepared 60. Which type of transaction is booked
for: code 64 of PSA Issue?
(a) Loan transactions (a) Return Notes
(b) Stores wrongly received (b) Adjustment Vouchers
(c) Stores returned by parties (c) Demand Notes
to whom it was issued for
(d) All of the above (d) Expense Vouchers
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
61. How Industrial Employees 62. The document on which receipts, issues
payments are brought to the Cost and balances of stores are recorded in
Cards? the factory godown:
(a) Through P.W. Cards (a) Bin Card
(b) Through Labour Abstract (b) Priced Stores Ledger
(c) Through Agreement Form (c) Stock Register
of Labour
(d) Through Acquaintance Roll (d) None of the above
Answer: (B) Answer: (A)
63. How cost of issues is calculated? 64. Contract Labour utilized for production
purpose is a part of:
(a) Opening WIP + (a) Prime Cost
Expenditure# Closing WIP
(b) COP# Closing Finished Semi (b) FOH
(c) Opening WIP + COP (c) VOH
Closing WIP
(d) Opening Finished Semi + (d) None of the above
COP Closing Finished
Answer: (D) Answer: (A)
65. Normal monthly working hours in 66. How many paid holidays granted to IEs
an Ordnance Factory are during a year?
(a) 185 Hours (a) 15
(b) 190 Hours (b) 16
(c) 195 Hours (c) 17
(d) 200 Hours (d) 18
Answer: (C) Answer: (B)
67. Fuel used for production purpose is 68. Which of the following is not required
treated as: for generating Material Abstract?
(a) Direct Material (a) Demand Note
(b) Indirect Material (b) Return Note
(c) VOH (c) Adjustment Voucher
(d) FOH (d) Transfer Voucher
Answer: (A) Answer: (D)
69. FOH is levied as a : 70. What is outstanding Assets?
(a) Percentage of total Direct (a) Stores received but payment not
Labour made
(b) Percentage of total Indirect (b) Payment made but stores not
Labour received
(c) Rate per hour on total (c) Both (A) & (B)
input SMH
(d) Rate per hour on total (d) None of the above
output SMH
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
71. Expenditure on TOD is treated as: 72. Value of WIP is reflected in the:
(a) Preliminary Expenses (a) Capital A/c and Production A/c
(b) Deferred Revenue (b) Finished Stock A/c and Capital A/c
(c) Capital Expenditure (c) Production A/c and Statement of
Assets & Liability
(d) None of the above (d) Store A/c and Capital A/c
Answer: (B) Answer: (C)
73. A night shift represents the hours 74. Who fixes the Minimum Reserve Price
worked between 22.00 hours and for sale of scrap/surplus stores?
06.00 excluding the hours of :
(a) Overtime worked (a) OFB
(b) Recess falling during that (b) LAO
(c) Both (A) & (B) (c) Factory management with the
concurrence of LAO
(d) Departmental overtime (d) Factory management
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
75. Reserve price should be fixed not 76. From the following data, which amount
more than represent the levied FOH of the
Direct Labour: Rs. 1,000/#
Direct Material: Rs. 5,000/#
Output SMH: 10
VOH: Rs. 600/#
FOH: Rs. 80/# per hour
(a) 1 day before the auction (a) Rs. 600/#
(b) 3 days before the auction (b) Rs. 800/#
(c) 7 days before the auction (c) Rs. 1,000/#
(d) 2 days before the auction (d) Rs. 1,200/#
Answer: (D) Answer: (B)
77. From the following data what is 78. From the following data what is the
the predetermined VOH and FOH P.W. Profit percentage as per present
rate per hour? system?
Direct Labour: Rs. 5,000/# Output SMH#600
Direct Material: Rs. 25,000/# Input Hrs.# 500
Direct Expenses: Rs. 2,000/#
Output SMH: 110/#
Budgeted VOH: Rs. 3,300/#
Budgeted FOH: Rs. 9,900/#
(a) VOH: Rs. 50/#, FOH: Rs. 60/# (a) 20%
(b) VOH: Rs. 40/#, FOH: Rs. 70/# (b) 40%
(c) VOH: Rs. 30/#,FOH: Rs. 90/# (c) 50%
(d) VOH: Rs. 20/#, FOH: Rs. (d) 60%
Answer: (C) Answer: (C)
79. Direct labour rate is calculated as# 80. Marginal costing techniques are used
for taking decision on vital matters like:
(a) Gross Wages/Output Hours (a) Make or buy decision
(b) Gross wages/Input hours (b) Close control on inventory
(c) Gross wages excluding (c) Both (A) & (B)
arrears, RME, PLB/Output
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
81. If a personnel injury is caused to a 82. Which is not classified as material
workman by accident arising out of handled in a factory
and in the course of his
employment, his employer shall be
liable to pay compensation in
accordance with the provisions of
(a) Workmens Compensation (a) Materials on Stores Charge
Act, 1920
(b) Labour Welfare Act (b) Materials on Production Charge
(c) Factorys Act (c) Stores in Transit
(d) Workmens Compensation (d) Stock Pile items
Answer: (D) Answer: (C)
83. Items completed and inspected, 84.
remaining unissued at the end of
the accounting year termed as
(a) Unfinished Semi (a) Dead Stock
(b) Finished Semi (b) Deposit Stock
(c) Work in Progress (c) Surplus Stock
(d) Incomplete Services (d) Blocked Inventory
Answer: (B) Answer: (B)
85. DOT as an element of wages is paid 86. Working hours of an Ordnance Factory
to : in a day are:
(a) Piece workers only (a) 8 hours including recess & lunch
(b) Day workers only (b) 9 hours
(c) Day workers & (c) 8 hours with lunch break
Maintenance workers only
(d) All types of Industrial (d) 8 hours excluding recess & lunch
Employees break
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
87. What pay is to be considered for 88. Incentive Bonus payable to a
calculation of the amount of Night maintenance worker deployed in the
Duty Allowance? Estate area will be calculated on the
basis of:
(a) Basic pay of 4th Pay (a) 50% of the profit earned in the
Commission Estate
(b) Basic pay of 5th Pay (b) 45% of the profit earned by the
Commission Maintenance Section
(c) Minimum of Pay Scales of (c) 50% of the profit earned by a
5th Pay Commission Production Section
(d) Minimum of Pay Scales of (d) 50% of average profit earned by
6th Pay Commission the factory as a whole
Answer: (A) Answer: (D)
89. For which of the following series of 90. What is the financial power of the GM
Work Order, a Cost Card is not for procurement of stores/raw material
opened on receipt of warrant from through OTE/LTE?
factory management?
(a) 90 Series (a) Rs. 50 Lakhs
(b) 04 Series (b) Rs. 1 Crore
(c) 02 Series (c) Rs. 5 Crores
(d) 40 Series (d) Rs. 20 Crores
Answer: (C) Answer: (D)
91. What is the financial power of the 92. What is the permissible limit of
GM for Cash Purchase for under/over absorption of Overheads?
requirement of production and
maintenance of Plant &
(a) Rs.50,000/# (a) 5%
(b) Rs. 30,000/# (b) 10%
(c) Rs. 20,000/# (c) 15%
(d) Rs. 10,000/# (d) 20%
Answer: (C) Answer: (A)
93. How the normal/unavoidable 94. Moving Average Ledger Rate is used to
rejection is treated in the cost price the following document:
EXAMPLE: Any error noticed in the figures of the Bank Scrolls shall immediately be pointed
out to the
(e) Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank of India
(f) Nearest Police#Station
(g) Services Headquarters
(h) District Magistrate
Out of these choices,(A) is the correct answer. So against the question, the appropriate
circle is to be darkened.
9. Please do not darken more than one circle in any column because the machine will read
more than one darkened circle as an incorrect answer.
10. Rough work, if any, is to be done in this booklet. No extra sheet will be provided for
rough work.
APRIL, 2013
(Organization and Fundamentals of 01 to 09
Audit and Accounts - Without Books)
(Organization and Fundamentals of 10 to 24
Audit and Accounts - With Books)
25 to 44
(Service Regulations - With Books)
45 to 69
APRIL, 2013
2. Each question carries EIGHT marks. FOUR marks are reserved for general excellence
4. Only question number shall be indicated in the Answer Books. Reproduction of complete
question in the Answer Books should be avoided.
1. (a) What is Charged Expenditure? What is the constitutional provision in this regard?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Payments made in satisfaction of a judgement, decree or award of any court or arbitral
tribunal will be treated as expenditure Charged on the consolidated fund of India. The
character of the Charged expenditure lies in the fact that the estimates relating to such
expenditure are not submitted to the vote of the Parliament, although it has right for
discussion of such estimates. This is in accordance with Article 112(3)(f) of the constitution
of India.
(b) Rs. 500/! were incurred by a DAD office for stamp paper and legal expenses in defending a
case in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT). This amount was classified as Charged
Expenditure. Comment.
(4 Marks)
Ans. Any expenditure incurred by the Government prior to the announcement of the
decree/award, either on legal expenses or on stamp paper will not be treated as Charged
for the reason that at the time of expenditure there is no judgement/decree/award and
the expenditure cannot be held to have been incurred in satisfaction of a judgement.
(Authority: Para!32,249 & 254 of Defence Accounts Code)
2. (a) Define Deposits? Can undisbursed Pay & Allowances be held under the head Deposits?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Sums which are clearly not due to the Government but are held in trust, or as a security for
a specific purpose e.g. for the fulfillment of a contract, will be credited to the head
Deposits until repaid to or on accounts of the parties to whom they belong, when that
head will be correspondingly relieved.
(b) How an erroneous compilation under the head Deposits be readjusted?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Erroneous Compilations made under any of the Deposits heads should be readjusted by
deduct entry and not by a fresh debit or credit.
(Authority: Para!197 & 200 of Defence Accounts Code)
3. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(4x2=8 Marks)
(a) Re!appropriation
Ans The procedure for Re!appropriation provides some flexibility by which savings in the
budget provision under one head can be utilised to meet excess expenditure under
another head, provided the heads are in the same Demand for Grants voted by the
(b) Military Receivable Orders(MROs)
Ans Military Receivable Orders(MROs) are issued by the Controllers or the Officers of the
Defence Services to enable Officers and others to make payments into a treasury or bank.
The particulars of the Controller of Defence Accounts to whom the credit should be
afforded, must be noted on each order.
(c) Lapsed Deposits
Ans At the close of the financial year, all deposits remaining unclaimed for three years (except
in the case of payment authorities issued in favour of Gorkha Personnel exclusive of the
year in which the deposits were made and all balances of not more than one rupee in
amount will be transferred to the credit of the Government under the head Other
Miscellaneous Receipts
(Authority: Para!192,264 & 214 of Defence Accounts Code)
4. (a) What is audit of sanctions to expenditure? Who is responsible for audit of Government of
India sanctions?
(4 Marks)
Ans. One of the important functions of audit in relation to the audit of expenditure is to see that
each item of expenditure is covered by the sanction of the authority competent to sanction
it. Here, audit has not only to see that the expenditure is covered by a sanction, either
general or special, but it has also to satisfy itself (i) that the authority sanctioning it is
competent to do so by virtue of the powers vested in it by the provisions of appropriate
orders or Regulations and (ii) that the sanction is definite and thus needs no reference
either to the sanctioning authority itself or to any higher authority.
The audit of Government of India sanctions is conducted by the Director General of Audit,
Defence Services. A regular audit of such sanctions will not, therefore, be carried out by
the Controllers.
(b) A Controller of Defence Accounts is not required to audit the sanctions issued by Defence
Headquarters indicating concurrence of Ministry of Defence(Finance). Comment.
(4 Marks)
Ans. The fact that the sanctions accorded by the administrative authorities at Armed Forces
HQrs. under the financial powers vested in them under the rules in Financial Regulations
and other rules and regulations or orders may have been concurred in by the
financial authorities at those Headquarters does not relive the Controllers of their
responsibility for the audit of these sanctions, as financial concurrence does not
connote an audit of sanctions. Accordingly, all sanctions accorded by the Defence HQrs.
should be audited by Controllers and reference to the orders governing the sanction,
even though the sanctions indicate that the same were concurred in by the
Ministry of Defence (Finance)
(Authority: Para!33,24,25 of Defence Audit Code)
5. (a) Distinguish between Commercial Accounting & Government Accounting
(4 Marks)
Ans. The Government Accounts are designed to enable the Government to determine how little
money it need to take out of the pockets of the tax!payer in order to maintain its necessary
activities at the proper standard of efficiency. Non Government Commercial Accounts on
the other hand is meant to show how much money the concern can put into the pockets of
the proprietors consistently with the maintenance of a profit earning standard in the
(b) Briefly outline the methods of Government Accounting
(4 Marks)
Ans. The mass of the Government Accounts being on cash basis is kept on single entry. There is
however a portion of the accounts which is kept under double entry system, the main
purpose of which to bring out by a more scientific method the balance of accounts for
which the Government is a banker/borrower/lender. Such balances are worked out in the
subsidiary accounts of single entry compilation as well, but their accuracy can be
guaranteed only by a periodical verification with the balance brought out in the double
entry accounts.
(Authority: Para!6.8,6.10 of Introduction to Government Accounts and Audit )
6. (a) Do you think that audit is an aid to the Governments functioning? Give reasons.
(4 Marks)
Ans. Audit forms an indispensable part of the financial administration and is one of the
important organs necessary to ensure the sound functioning of a Parliamentary
Democracy. It is the main instrument to secure accountability of the Executive to the
Legislature. Audit assists Parliament/Legislature in exercising its financial control over the
Executive, to ensure that funds voted by the Parliament/Legislature have been utilized for
the purpose intended and the funds authorized to be raised through taxation and other
measures have been assessed, collected and credited to the Government properly.
The primary function of audit is to verify the accuracy and completeness of accounts to
secure that all revenue and receipts collected are brought to account under the proper
head, that all expenditure and disbursements are authorized, vouched and correctly
classified and the final account represents a complete and a true statement of the financial
transactions it purports to exhibit. It is the function of audit to verify that financial rules
and orders satisfy the provisions of Law and or otherwise free audit objections and the
rules & orders are properly applied.
(b) What do you understand by the term Spirit of Audit? Elaborate.
(4 Marks)
Ans. In audit, insistence on trifling errors and technical irregularities which are of no
consequence to the Government should wherever possible be avoided and more time and
attention devoted to the investigation of really important and substantial irregularities
with the object not only on securing rectification of particular irregularity but also ensuring
regularity and propriety in similar cases for the future.
(Authority: 15.5!7,15.12!13 Introduction to Government Accounts and Audit)
7. (a) What are the circumstances in which a Government servant should be placed under
(4 Marks)
Ans. The following circumstances are indicated in which a Disciplinary Authority may consider it
appropriate to place a Government servant under suspension. These are only intended for
guidance and should not be taken as mandatory:!
(i) Cases where continuance in office of the Government servant will prejudice
the investigation, trial or any inquiry (e.g. apprehended tampering with
witnesses or documents);
(ii) Where the continuance in office of the Government servant is likely to
seriously subvert discipline in the office in which the public servant is working;
(iii) Where the continuance in office of the Government servant will be against the
wider public interest such as there is public scandal and it is necessary to place
the Government servant under suspension to demonstrate the policy of the
Government to deal strictly with officers involved in such scandals, particularly
(iv) Where allegation have been made against the Government servant and
preliminary inquiry has revealed that a prima facie case is made out which
would justify his prosecution or is being proceeded against in departmental
proceedings, and where the proceedings are likely to end in his conviction and
/or dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement form service.
(b) What are the guidelines for deciding his headquarters during suspension?
(4 Marks)
Ans. An officer under suspension is regarded as subject to all other conditions of service
applicable generally to Government servants and cannot leave the station without prior
permission. As such, the headquarters of a Government servant should normally be
assumed to be his last place of duty. However, where an individual under suspension
requests for a change of headquarters, there is no objection to a competent authority
changing the headquarters if it is satisfied that such a course will not put Government to
any extra expenditure like grant of TA etc. or other complications.
(Authority: Rule 10 of CCS CCA Rules)
8. (a) Name two Minor Penalties in which full! fledged inquiry is obligatory?
(4 Marks)
Ans. (i) where it is proposed to withhold increments of pay and such withholding of increments
is likely to affect adversely the amount of pension payable to the Govt. Servant; or (ii)
where the proposal is to withhold increments of pay for a period exceeding three years; or
(iii) where the proposal is to withhold increments of pay with cumulative effect for any
(b) Two Government employees working in the same office made complaints against each
other. The disciplinary authority initiated departmental proceedings against both the
employees. Is it legally permissible to enquire into the conduct of the accused and the
accuser in one joint proceeding? Comment
(4 Marks)
Ans. Cross complaints arising out of the same or connected incident or transaction are not
uncommon and occur frequently in criminal cases. The Code of Criminal Procedure is silent
with regard to the procedure to be adopted in such cases. The general principle as laid
down by the Courts is that accused in cross cases should be tried separately and that both
the trials should be held simultaneously or in quick succession so as to avoid conflicting
findings and different appraisal of the same evidence. On the analogy of the criminal law
practice and procedure, a joint proceeding against the accused and accuser is an
irregularity which should be avoided.
(Authority: Rule!16 & 18 CCS CCA Rules)
postal address of the applicant. Even in cases where the information is sought
electronically, the application should contain name and postal address of the applicant.
(Authority: Right to Information Act,2005)
10. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Chief Accounting Authority
(4 Marks)
Ans. Consequent on the departmentalization of accounts in the Ministry of Defence, Defence
Secretary is the Chief Accounting Authority. This responsibility is discharged by him
through and with assistance of FA (DS) who function for and on behalf of the
Chief Accounting Authority.
(b) Principal Accounts Officer
(4 Marks)
Ans. CGDA is the Principal Accounts Officer for the Civil Estimates of the Ministry of Defence. He
is the HoD and functions on behalf of the FA(DS) in all matters affecting Internal Audit and
Accounting in respect of expenditure pertaining to the Defence Services (including Border
roads, Coast Guard & CSD). CGDA prepares an Annual Consolidated Balanced Accounts of
Defence Services Receipts and Charges and sends them to DGADS, who, after check,
endorses his Audit Certificate thereon and passes it on to the C& AG. CGDA prepares
certain subsidiary statements in connection with the Appropriation Accounts as prescribed
in Defence Audit Code and submits them to the FA(DS). He also renders an Annual Audit
Certificate on the accounts of the Defence Services to the FA(DS).
(Authority: Para!2 OM!I(b) Para!21 OM!I)
11 What are the objectives and function of the Complaints Cell in a PCDA/CDAs office? How a
complaint received through the office of the CGDA is monitored?
(8 Marks)
Ans. Objectives of the Complaints Cell are!
To eliminate inordinate delay in Controllers office in dealing with personal claims
pertaining to Defence Services Personnel, DAD employees, as well as third party
To ensure fair and impartial treatment to employees to make the administration
more responsive to their needs.
The functions of the Complaints Cell are!
To receive and register all complaint relating to personal claim in respect of
Defence Services Personnel, DAD employees, as well as third party claims.
To ensure expeditious disposal of all complaints by constant monitoring and liasing
with sections/sub!offices concerned.
To maintain, update and review the Complaint Registers and ensure their regular
submission to GO/JCDA and CDA/PCDA regularly.
To render monthly report regarding registered complaints received through CGDA
in the prescribed format by 7th of the following month to the CGDA.
12. Outline the general principles for entering into the contracts involving expenditure from
public funds.
(8 Marks)
Ans. The following general principles have been laid for the guidance of authorities, which have
to enter into contracts or agreements involving expenditure from Public Fund:
(a) The terms of a contract must be precise and definite and there must be no room
for ambiguity or misconstruction therein.
(b) As far as possible, legal and financial advice should taken in the drafting of
contracts and before they are finally entered into.
(c) Standard forms of contracts should be adopted, wherever possible, the terms to
be subject to adequate prior scrutiny.
(d) The terms of a contract one entered into should not be materially varied without
the previous consent of the authority competent to enter into the contract as so
(e) No contract involving an uncertain or indefinite liability or any condition of an
unusual character should be entered into without the previous consent of the
competent financial authority.
(f) Whenever practicable and advantageous, contracts should be placed only after
tenders have been openly invited and in cases where the lowest tender is not
accepted, reasons should be recorded.
(g) In selecting the tender to be accepted the financial status of the individuals and
firms tendering must be taken in to consideration in addition to all other relevant
(h) Even in cases where a formal written contract is not made, no order for supplies
etc. should be placed without at least a written agreements as to the price.
(i) Provision must be made in contracts for safeguarding Government property
entrusted to contractor.
(Authority: Para!231 of FR I, Vol!I)
13. (a) What is meant by Single Tender?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Single Tender Enquire(STE): Procurement from a single source may be resorted to with
prior approval of the CFA and in consultation with the IFA, where required as per
delegation of financial powers for reasons to be recorded in writing in the following
circumstances, after determining reasonableness of the rates.
(b) Please list out the circumstances when single tender enquiry is resorted to?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Single Tender Enquiry may be adopted in the following circumstances:
Where different makes of any equipment are in use but it is preferred to procure
only one specific make because of emergency/urgency of requirement,
For undertaken trials
When there is only one known/established source, but the PAC status has not
been approved by the CFA or
When there are operational or technical reasons for doing so, which should,
however, be recorded.
(Authority: Vol!I! Appendix 4)
14. (a) What is the responsibility of a Commanding officer regarding accounts?
(4 Marks)
Ans. The Commanding Officer shall be responsible that the accounts of his unit/ship/
establishment are kept in conformity with the regulations and that the rules for the
distribution of pay are strictly observed.
(b) In the event of transfer of Command, what points regarding accounts will be kept in view
by the officer taking over the Command?
(4 Marks)
Ans. In the event of transfer of Command, the Officer taking over charge shall satisfy himself
The cash payments during the month shown in the cash book agree with the
entries in the acquaintance rolls and the pay books or are supported by receipts
and the vouchers wherever necessary.
The amounts of money and stores handed over agree with the balances shown in
the cash or stores accounts
The amount of permanent advances given to meet contingent expenses has been
account for and one copy of transfer certificate together with required copies of
specimen of his signature are sent to CDA concerned soon after taking over.
(Authority: Para!1 & 2 of FR!II)
15. (a) Briefly explain the responsibility of officers incurring petty contingent expenses.
(4 Marks)
Ans. Every public officer should exercise the same vigilance in respect of petty contingent
expenses as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in spending his own money. The
drawing officer is further responsible for seeing that the rules regarding the preparation of
vouchers are observed, that the money is either required for immediate disbursement or
has already been paid from the permanent advance, that the expenditure is within the
available appropriation and that all steps have been taken with a view to obtain an
additional allotment if the original allotment has either been exceeded or is likely to be
(b) What is the duty of the officer countersigning the contingent bills?
(4 Marks)
Ans. It is the duty a countersigning officer to see that the charges made in a contingent bill are
of obvious necessity, and are at fair and reasonable rates, that previous sanction for any
item requiring it, it attached, that the requisite vouchers are all received and in order, and
that the calculations are correct and specially that the allotments have not been exceeded
or are likely to be exceeded, and that the Controller of Defence Accounts is informed
either by a note on the bill or otherwise of a reason for any excess over the monthly
proportion of the appropriation. If expenditure be progressing too rapidly , the Controller
of Defence Accounts should communicate with the disbursing officers and insist on its
being checked.
(Authority: Para!276 & 277 of FR!I: Vol.I)
16. (a) The CGDA shall not be overruled by the Ministry of Defence on a question of rule or
procedure in relation to Defence Services. Comment.
(4 Marks)
Ans. The CGDA shall not be overruled by the Ministry of Defence on a question of rule or
procedure in relation to Defence Services expenditure without the occurrence of the
Comptroller and Auditor General and the Ministry of Finance
(b) The Controllers of Defence Accounts are also entrusted with the duty of keeping a watch
on the progress of expenditure against sanctioned allotments. Comment.
Ans. The Controllers of Defence Accounts are also entrusted with the duty of keeping a watch
on the progress of expenditure against sanctioned allotments and to bring to the notice of
the allottees and the immediate higher authorities, cases in which the progress of
expenditure is, in the opinion of the Accounts authorities, abnormally heavy or unusually
low,. However, the administrative authority controlling an allotment and not the Controller
of Defence Accounts is primarily responsible for the control of expenditure against the
allotment, but wherever cases of abnormally heavy or unusually low expenditure are
bought to the native of the Controlling authorities, they will take immediate action as
indicated below!
Where expenditure in the past has been heavy they should regulate their future
expenditure so as to be within the allotment or obtain from the higher authorities
additional allotment explaining fully their reasons for asking for an additional
Where savings can be foreseen, they should immediately surrender such portion of
the allotment as is not likely to be necessary for the rest of the year.
(Authority: Para!176 & 160 of FR!I: Vol.I)
APRIL, 2013
2. Each question carries EIGHT marks. FOUR marks are reserved for general excellence
4. Only question number shall be indicated in the Answer Books. Reproduction of complete
question in the Answer Books should be avoided.
5. Reason must be given in support of the answers. Authority must be quoted in support of the
(a) When a supplementary pay bill is required to be prepared, what checks are to be carried out
by the task holder? Mention any four check points.
(2 Marks)
Ans. A supplementary pay bills is prepared to draw arrears of pay and allowances. While auditing
the supplementary pay bill, the task holder is required to carry out following checks:
Appropriate deductions on account of income tax have been made.
Rent of accommodation; where recoverable have been made with reference to the
rules prescribed on subject.
The amount claimed for each month has been shown separately with quotation of
the bill from which the charge was omitted or withheld or on which it was refunded
by deduction, or with reference to the treasury receipt on which it was credited to
The reference to special order of competent authority granting a new allowance,
antedated promotion, etc has been indicated.
(Authority: Para 361 of OM!II, Vol!I)
(b) A task holder of store section has put up a case for destruction of records concerning cash
security deposit and files, which are more than 30 years old. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. As per provisions, a period of 35 years has been prescribed for destruction of records
concerning cash security deposit and files. Therefore only those records can be destroyed
which are 35 years or more old and task holder needs to be advised to review his proposal.
(Authority: Sl. No. 18 of Annexure A to Para 61 of OM!II, Vol!I)
(c) A clerk posted in CDA office has represented against deduction of income tax from the
children education allowance re! imbursed to him. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. As per income tax rules Rs. 100/! per month per child is eligible for exemption out of Children
Education Allowance received by the assess employee. On the payment received by the
employee on account of CEA over and above this amount TDS is liable be deducted.
(d) As an AAO what system of filing you will suggest for your section/group?
(2 Marks)
Ans. As per extant instructions, following system of filing is to adopted by the section/group:!
A file will consist of a jacket or case cover on the outside of which will be shown the
subject of the file, the distinguishing letter of the section followed by a stroke and
the no. of file.
Papers will be filed serially according to the dates of the receipt and issue, the oldest
at the bottom and the latest at the top.
Demi!officially correspondences will be placed on the files concerned, unless this is
considered desirable. Office notes follow the ordinary rule and will be filed with the
papers in connection with which the office noting arose.
Pages in a file should be numbered and cross linked with previous and subsequent
pages relating to the matters dealt with in a page.
(Authority: Para 458(ii) of OM!I)
2. (a) A Commanding Officer(CO) of Task Force has requested PAO(GREF) to advise him how to
open a new Imprest account. Comment.
( 2 Marks)
Ans. For opening of a new Imprest Account for Task Force, first of all sanction of Chief
Engineer/DGBR is required to obtained. After obtaining the sanction, forward a statement of
case (SOC) to PAO (GREF), alongwith ink signed copy of the sanction.
The imprest no. will be allotted by PAO(GREF) and intimated to the unit. Simultaneously
a cash requisition book will be issued for drawal of cash from cash assignment. The ceiling
monetary limit will be notified in the imp rest sanctioning letter itself by Chief
Engineer/DGBR as the as may be. CML upto Rs. 2,000/! or upto 10 days will be sanctioned by
Chief Engineer and CML upto Rs. 2,000/! or upto 10 days will be sanctioned by Chief Engineer
and CML exceeding Rs. 2,000/! and beyond 10 days will be sanctioned by the DGBR.
(Authority: Addenda VIII to OM!XIII)
(b) How adjustment of advances of Travelling Allowance is monitored in the main office of
Ans. The adjustment of advances of travelling allowance is monitored in the PCDA office in the
following manner.
All advances of travelling allowances are entered in the demand register at the time
of payment maintained in the concerned section of PCDA (BR) office.
All advances of travelling allowances, which are communicated by another Audit
officer through LPC or IAFA!524, are also entered in the demand register.
To ensure this being done, all LPCs received in the office from other audit officers, in
which advances of travelling allowances are recorded, are invariably sent to the
concerned section by other sections who receives.
The LPC are returned to the section concerned after note.
Advances of travelling allowances are adjusted by the submission of bills on
completion of the journey or tour; such bills are invariably be called if not received
within a reasonable time.
(Authority: Para 27 of OM!XIII)
(c) What are the points to be seen while auditing the ration allowance claims of GREF
(2 Marks)
Ans. While auditing the ration allowance claims of GREF personals following points are required to
be seen:!
The ration allowance is admitted with reference to authorized strength of HQrs.
DGBR and a certificate to this effect is enclosed with the claim.
The last charge is linked to see that the allowance has been authorized to the
individual who have drawn last month.
Do Pt.!II orders are linked whenever any omission or new names appear in the
nominal roll.
Ration Allowance is not be allowed to the individuals who are on temporary duty.
For any arrears on account of enhanced rate the last nominal rolls is checked before
admitting the arrears.
The ration allowance claims of all the officers/staff should be audited and authorized
in one batch to enable the HQrs. DGBR to make payment on a suitable date to all the
eligible members.
In addition to the regular strength, the ration allowance claims of the staff attached
to HQrs. DGBR can be allowed provided they are otherwise eligible. It should be
restricted upto 6 months continuously.
(Authority: Para!42 of OM!XIII)
(d) How AAO (Stores) can prevent double payments against a bill?
Ans. The AAO(Stores) is required to follow the following procedure to prevent double payments:!
All supply orders, transport indents and local purchase vouchers supporting the bill,
although they are marked as original should be verified in full with the entries in
the register of payments to local purchase contractors to ensure that a previous
payment in respect of the same bill, supply order, etc. has not been made. For this
purpose, the register will be regarded as the sole authentic record and should be
kept under lock and key when not in use;
The AAO (Stores) will ensure that the initial verification by the auditor should be
checked by another auditor in full by a system of rotation. The vouchers should be
suitably enfaced under their dated signature by both the auditor and the checker as
verified with register of payment to the local purchase contractors respectively.
They will also endorse a certificate to this effect on the bill.
The AAO(Stores) will ensure that all vouchers for which payment is authorized
should be enfaced by the auditor who passed the bills initially, and the work will be
subject to a cent percent verification by the clerk who is in charge of preparation of
the daily payment sheets of the section as a whole.
He will also ensure that the auditor will also enter on the body of bill, below the
payment endorsement, under his dated initials, the total no. of voucher (in figures as
well as in words) for which payment is authorized.
The page no. of particular volume of register of payments to local purchase
contractors in which the voucher has been posted while passing bill will also be
noted by the auditors concerned.
The auditor will then pass on the bill without detaching the supporting vouchers to
the clerk preparing the daily payment sheets.
(Authority: Para 516 of OM!II, Vol!I)
3. (a) What is the role of Judge Advocate Generals Department?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) Department is responsible for giving advice on all legal
matters including the operation of the Army Act and other Military rules. JAGs Department
officers are employed at Command HQrs. and Army HQrs. for giving necessary advice to the
GoC!in!C and COAS.
(Authority: Sl. No. 17 under Para 4 of Appx. A to DSE)
(b) What is the role & responsibility of CDA(IDS) New Delhi?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The CDA (IDS) is responsible for providing accounting, audit and payment services to the tri!
services organization functioning under the HQrs. IDS. The CDA(IDS) deals with the audit,
payment of bill pertaining to stores, miscellaneous/contingent items and works bills in
respect of organizations under HQrs. IDS in the around New Delhi. The CDA(IDS) is operating
as a self accounting unit.
(Authority: Appx. B to DSE)
(c) What are the instructions regarding compilation and adjustment of Transfer between Office
(TBOs) for Border Road Organization?
(2 Marks)
Ans. For compilation and adjustment of Transfer between Officers(TBOs) for Border Road
Organization following instructions needs to be adhered to:
The amounts compiled through TBOs on account of transfer of stores etc between
various GREF formations are to be rough to NIL balance at the end of a year.
The office originating TBO should ensure that the copies of issue vouchers submitted
by the consignor for raising debit through TO is supported with a copy of the
sanction accorded by the competent authority for transfer of the stores showing job
no. of the consignee to which the stores have been transferred and that the issue
voucher has been accepted by the consignee and bear allocation duly indicating the
code head of the consignee.
The issue voucher should also bear receipt voucher no. and date of the consignee.
No TBO should be raised unless the debit voucher has been accepted by the
Accounts officers of the Responding unit should ensure that TBOs are adjusted by
them in the same month of their receipt and not kept pending or sent for
acceptance as the issue voucher already bears receipt voucher no. and the date of
the consignee and has been accepted.
(Authority: Rule 69 of OM!XIII)
(d) When nominal issue voucher is issued in GREF?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Nominal vouchers are issued in respect of stores which are not required to be struck off or
brought on charge by the issuing /receiving formation as also those on which expendable
stores are issued to the various branches/directorates/sections for experimental test
purposes will not be sent for linking.
Nominal vouchers are also prepared in case of wrong receipt of stores by the stores
depot. In such cases, the depot receiving the stores will redirect the stores to the appropriate
consignee and on receipt of receipted copies for the same release the office copy of the
nominal voucher to the dependent Sr. AO/AO of the original consignor.
(Authority: Para 404 & 405 of OM!XIII)
4 (a) A charge sheet under sheet under Rule 14 of CCS(CCA) Rules has been issued to a
Government servant after consulting CVC. The disciplinary authority after considering the
written statement of defence submitted by the accused Govt. servant decided to drop all the
charges. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. The disciplinary authority has inherent powers to drop some of the charges or all the charges
or all the charges after examination of the written statement of the defence. However, CVC
is required to be consulted in the case since disciplinary proceedings under Rule 14 of CCS
(CCA) Rules were initiated after obtaining CVC advice.
(Authority: GoI, MHA OM NO. 11012/2/79!Estt(A) dt 12.03.1981 & OM No. 11012/8/82!
Estt(A) dt. 08.12.1982 under Rule 14 of CCS (CCA) Rules)
(b) A Government servant who was removed from service has applied for employment under
the Government. How his application is required to be processed?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The removal from service is not a disqualification for future employment under the
Government. Hence, his application is required to be processed on merit.
(Auth: Rule 11(VIII) of CCS(CCA) Rules)
(c) An individual has asked for information under RTI Act, about a case which is under
investigation with CVO? Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. There is no obligation to give information in respect of a case, which is under investigation
with CVO as it may impede that process of investigation.
(Authority: Section 8(1) (h) of RTI Act, 2005)
(d) An applicant has approached the Central Public Information Officer(CPIO) of Defence
Accounts Department and made an oral request for information. What action is required to
be taken in such situation?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Under RTI Act there is a provision for making oral request for information. The CPIO of DAD
may, therefore, accept an oral request, which may, subsequently, be reduce in writing or
render reasonable assistance to such person in making a written request and provide the
(Authority: Comment under Section 6 of RTI Act, 2005)
5. (a) What documents are required to be submitted along with appeal to Central Information
Commission (CIC) ?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Following documents are required to be submitted along with the appeal to Central
Information Commission:
Self attested copies of the orders or documents against which the appeal is being
Copies of documents relied upon by the appellant and referred to in the appeal.; and
An index of the documents referred to in the appeal.
(Authority: Rule 4 of CIC( Appeal Procedure) Rule, 2005)
(b) One appellant has authorized his representative to attend the hearing in an appeal case in
RTI on his behalf. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Under RTI Act, the appellant, at his discretion can authorize his representative to attend the
hearing of the appeal or complaint by the commission. In view of this the action of appellant
to appoint representative to represent him is in order.
(Authority: Rule 7(2) of CIC (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005)
(c) Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) has submitted a representation to CIC against a
penalty of Rs. 35,000 (Thirty five thousand rupees) imposed on him for providing misleading
information? Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Under RTI Act a penalty can be imposed on CPIO for providing misleading information.
However, the total amount of penalty shall not exceed Rs. 25,000/! in any case. Thus,
representation of CPIO against imposition of a penalty of Rs. 35,000/! in a case is in justified.
(Authority: Rule 20 of RTI Act, 2005)
(d) What is the scope of right to information?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The Right to Information includes the right to information accessible under the ACT which is
held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the right to
Inspection of work, documents, records.
Taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records,
Taking certified samples of material.
Obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in
any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stores in a
computer or in any other device.
(Authority: Rule 2(j) of RTI Act, 2005)
6. (a) One LAO has reported a case of serious financial irregularity amounting to Rs. 4.75 lakhs for
inclusion in the Quarterly report on Major Financial Accounting Irregularities. What action is
required to be taken by the CDA office?
(2 Marks)
Ans. As per CGDA instructions, cases in which the value of financial irregularities or loss involved is
Rs. 5 lakhs or more in each case, are to be included in the Major Financial and Accounting
Irregularities. However, Controllers at their discretion can include cases which disclose
loopholes for fraud, defalcation etc. regardless of the financial limit of Rs. 5 lakhs. Thus, the
case of serious financial irregularity amounting to Rs. 4.75 lakhs could be included in MAFI
report by the CDA.
(Authority: Para 523 (a) (ii) of Defence Audit Code)
(b) What is the purpose of Annual Audit Certificate furnished by the Controllers to CGDA Office?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The purpose of Annual Audit Certificate furnished by controllers is report whether the
expenditure contained in Appropriation Accounts for the year has been incurred for the
stipulated purpose with the sanction of appropriate CFA or not. Controllers should, mention
in the AAC reservations and specific instances thereof in regard to the items considered
important enough to be brought to the notice of Public Accounts Committee viz. Serious
Irregularities in respect of store accounts, stock verification, use of transport, etc.
irrespective of whether the authority competent to regularize them is Govt. or not.
(Authority: Para 540 of Defence Audit Code)
(c) When a cheques is cancelled and a fresh one is issued how the punching medium (PM) for
the transaction will be made?
(2 Marks)
Ans. When a cheque is cancelled and a fresh one is issued in lieu, the amount will be adjusted by
credit to the head cheques and bills for the cheque drawn and debit (minus receipt) to the
head Cheques and bill which was credited at the time the cancelled cheque was drawn.
(Authority: Para 95(ix) of Defence Accounts Code)
(d) When Defence Exchange Account is operated?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The Defence Exchange account is operated for the ajustment of transactions of following
types only:!
Transactions pertaining to Debt and Remittance heads.
Transaction for the settlement or adjustment of which a particular Controller is
centrally responsible e.g. ILAC transactions which are settled centrally by the PCDA,
New Delhi transactions which cannot be booked to final heads by different CsDA
such as GPF recoveries etc.
Imprest Advance Payments to Naval/Air Force personnel from Army sources and vice
(Authority: Para 109 of Defence Accounts Code)
7. (a) What is the purpose of scale audit done by PCDA(O) and what is the role of Regional
(2 Marks)
Ans. The purpose of scale audit by PCDA (O) is to see that the effective(paid) strength of Army
Officers in a unit/formation as shown in the nominal roll is within the number authorized in
the relative peace/war/interim establishment, and that the number of officers paid in
different ranks in each unit agrees with the no. of officers shown in the nominal roll. It is
conducted on the basis of the total number of officers in the ranks of Lieutenant to Major (Lt.
Col. in the case of AMC in each unit/formation without regard to the actual ranks authorized
in the units establishments.
The scale check of units/formations where the appointments are generally military but
certain of which are classified as tenable either by military officers of a certain rank or
Civilian Gazetted Officers (CGOs) of a corresponding status is also done by the PCDA (O).
The regional CDAs render monthly numerical returns of CGOs appointed against
vacancies tenable by military officers or CGOs in the prescribed Performa to facilitate above
(Authority: Para !154 of Defence Audit Code)
(b) Mention the circumstances when Local Purchase of ASC fresh items can be resorted to by the
executive authorities.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Local Purchase of ASC fresh items can be resorted to by the executive authorities in following
When the demand for the article is so spasmodic that neither central nor local
contracts have been or can be made.
For troops on the line of match, camp etc, where supplies under normal
arrangements are not available or are likely to be delayed
When the demand for the articles is so small that it is not economical or desirable to
obtain requirements from the normal source of supply.
When purchase are made for which no tenders are received or the tenders are
unacceptable and
In an emergency, when supplies have to be delivered to troops at out the way places
and cannot be supplied by rail or road or where procurement by contract or Short
Term Agreement is impracticable.
(Authority: Para 306(8) of Defence Audit Code)
(c) There are unclaimed deposits of Rs. 10 crore in the General Provident Fund accounts
maintained by CDA Funds. What action is required to be taken?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The unclaimed General Provident Fund Deposits remaining unclaimed for more than six
months are to be transferred to the concerned deposit head and to be relieved as and when
the payment of the accumulated balances is subsequently made. These heads are operated
by the Controllers who maintain the fund accounts.
In view of above provision, the unclaimed deposits of Rs. 10 crores with CDA(Funds) which
are unclaimed for more than six month, shall be transferred to the concerned deposit head
by CDA(Funds).
(Authority: Para 210 of Defence Accounts Code)
(d) An annual statement of review of balances prepared by a Controllers office contains what
(2 Marks)
Ans. The Annual statement of review of balances prepared by a controllers office contains
following information:!
A statement of each ledger balance which is explained (with year!wise break up).
An explanation of the nature and condition of the liability involved in it.
A statement of the nature of detailed accounts kept of the transactions concerned
with it; and how far the final results of these detailed accounts work upto, and agree
with, the balance on the ledger.
Information as to whether the person or persons by whom the balance is owned or
from whom it is due admit its correctness and if they do not, where the difference
lies. This does not apply to such items as Deposits.
(Authority: Para 141 of Defence Accounts Code)
8. (a) What is the principle of re!appropriation?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The cardinal principle of re!appropriation is that an authority can re!appropriate only in
respect of savings arising out of the allotment placed at his disposal.
(Authority: Para!192 of Defence Accounts Code)
(b) Why vote on account is obtained from Parliament by the Government?
(2 Marks)
Ans. No amount can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund without the enactment of a law
by Parliament. Therefore, after the Demands of Grants are passed, Parliaments approval to
the withdrawal from the Consolidated Fund of the amounts voted and of the amounts
required to meet the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund is sought through an
Appropriation Bill. The process of detailed consideration of the Demands of grants is not
competed before the commencement of a new financial year.
Therefore, to enable the Govt. to carry on its normal activities from 1st April till such time as
the Appropriation Bill is enacted, a Vote on Account is obtained from Parliament through an
Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill.
(Authority: Para 180 of Defence Accounts Code)
(c) A payment voucher has been prepared without supporting payee receipts. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. In all cases in which it is not possible or expedient to support a payment by voucher or by
the payees receipt, a certificate of payment duly signed by the Disbursing Officer and
countersigned by his superior officer, together with a memorandum explaining the
circumstances, should invariably be placed on record and submitted to the Accounts Officer,
where necessary.
Full particulars of the claims should invariably be set forth; and where this necessitates the
use of a regular bill form, the certificate itself may be recorded thereon.
If a payment voucher has been prepared without supporting payee receipts, it shall be
ensured that the above requirements are completed by the Disbursing Officer.
(Authority: Rule 57 of Receipts & Payment Rules)
(d) What are the instructions regarding payment of a bill with thumb impression?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The bill can be accepted in audit, provided the thumb impression shall be attested by some
known person.
(Authority: Rule 35(1) of Receipts & Payments Rules)
9. (a) When a bill becomes a voucher?
(2 Marks)
Ans. A bill becomes a voucher only when it is receipted and stamped PAID.
(Authority: Explanation under Rule 28 of Receipt of Payment Rules)
(b) A supplier has objected deduction of income tax from the payment due to him against the
bill of supplies. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Income tax is required to be deducted at source at the rate of 2% in all cases of payment to
contractors and sub!contractors exceeding Rs. 10,000 in terms of provisions of Section 194!C
of the Income Tax Act, 1961. However, if the bill amount is less than Rs. 10,000 no TDS is
required to be deducted.
(Authority: Note 2 under Rule 30(2) of Receipts & Payment Rules)
(c) A bill amounting to Rs. 2 crores on account of procurement of machinery and equipment by
Ordnance Factories through trade sources for maintenance/upkeep other than capital has
been received for payment. Mention the Major Head, Minor Head and detailed code heads
to which the expenditure will be booked.
(2 Marks)
Ans. The expenditure amounting to Rs. 2.00 crores on account of procurement of machinery and
equipment by Ordnance Factories through trade sources for maintenance/upkeep other than
capital is to be booked to be following head:
Major Head 2079, Minor Head! 053(i), Detailed Code Head!807/01
(Authority: Expenditure Heads(Revenue Accounts) Classification Hand Book, 2007)
(d) An amount of Rs. 10,000/! has been recovered from Army Officers and others on account of
equipment damaged and deficient with regiments and batteries. Mention the Major, Minor
and detailed code heads to which the amount is required to be credited.
(2 Marks)
Ans. The amount of Rs. 10,000 recovered from Army officers and others on account of equipment
damaged and deficient with regiments and batteries is to be credited to the following head:!
Major Head! 0076, Minor Head!101(a)(Army), Detailed Code Head! 101/30
(Authority: Receipt Heads, Classification Hand Book, 2007)
10. (a) The sanction of Chief of Army Staff(COAS) has been obtained to write off the loss amounting
to Rs. 5 lakhs occurred in Sena Bhawan, New Delhi. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. All cases of losses in Armed Forces HQrs. shall be investigated by the head of office and
submitted to the orders of Ministry of Defence irrespective of the amount and the cause of
the loss.
In view of the above, the sanction of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) obtained to write off the loss
amounting to 5 lakhs occurred in Sena Bhawan, New Delhi is not in order.
(Authority: Rule 168 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(b) The Commanding Officer of a unit has incurred the expenditure on an object which has been
objected by audit authority. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. In cases where the regularity of an item of expenditure has been challenged in audit, no
expenditure shall be incurred by the Commanding Officer without the previous written
consent of the CDA concerned for the same item.
(Authority: Rule 34 of FR I , Vol!I)
(c) During the audit of personal claims it has come to notice that an overpayment to the tune of
Rs. 10,000/! has taken place 22 (twenty two) months back. What action CDA is required to
take in the matter?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The CDA will call upon the individual concerned, through the competent financial authority,
to show cause why recovery should not be enforced. On receipt of individuals reply the
competent financial authority will decide whether the amount should be written off, or
whether recovery should be effected , and will inform the CDA and individual concerned
accordingly. In cases, where the CFA remits an overpayment his reasons for doing so must be
(Authority: Rule 179(b) of FR!I, Vol!I)
(d) What action is required to be taken by an audit officer, in case Last Pay Certificate (LPC) of an
officer is not forthcoming?
(2 Marks)
Ans. In case Last Pay Certificate(LPC) of an officer is not forthcoming , the audit officer may allow
provisional payment of pay and allowances, on the basis of a certificate submitted by the
individual stating (i) the rates of pay and allowances to which he is entitled and the date upto
and for which he has last paid (ii) the particular authority or agency by which he was so paid
(iii) the fund deductions and the amount of advance/advances, if any, which may have been
made, pending receipt of the LPC or certified copy thereof.
(Authority: Rule 75 of FR!II)
11. (a) Whether government receipts could be appropriated towards departmental expenditure?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The appropriation of receipt to meet departmental expenditure, except when specially
authorized, is strictly prohibited.
However, in case of Navy, Ships/Establishments may receive in their cash accounts receipts
on account of payment issues of items of clothing/victual ling stores and other small misc.
items of refunds/recoveries and also appropriate and same towards departmental
expenditure. In case of Air Force also, Units may receive in their Cash Accounts receipts on
account of payment issues and other Misc. items or Refunds/Recoveries and re!appropriate
the same towards expenditure.
(Authority: Rule 14 of FR!I, Vol.!I)
(b) What are the conditions under which the defence expenditure could be sanctioned?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Expenditure from the Defence Services Estimates is sanctioned by MoD and by the
authorities subordinate to it on following conditions:!
The expenditure must pertain to the Defence Services.
The exercise of delegated power is subject to the observance of any general or
special directions which the authority delegating power may issue at any time,
whether generally or with reference to a particular case.
No expenditure which has not been provided for in the budget or, if provided in the
budget, has not been duly sanctioned, shall be authorized without the concurrence
of the financial advisor concerned.
(Authority: Rule 53 of FR I, Vol!I)
(c) What is the purpose of providing TTIEG grant to Director Armored Corps?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The TTIEG is a grant made available to the Directorate Armored Corps in the Defence
Services Estimates, to enable him to exercise administrative control over training of the
Mechanized Infantry Regiment and its expenditure.
(Authority: Para 1 of Appendix 29 of FR!II)
(d) A retired Indian Army PBOR settled in United Kingdom after retirement requested for the
payment of his credit balance in his IRLA to his bank account held in London. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Dues, if any, in respect of ex! Indian Army Personnel who have taken up residence ex!India
will be paid in India and the payee should make his own arrangement for remittance through
normal banking channels. However, where specific requests for payments in foreign
countries are made, the individual should be advised to refer the matter to Army HQrs. for
obtaining special sanction of Government from foreign exchange angle. In view of this
provision the PBOR may be advised to submit his request to Army HQrs.
(Authority: Rule 153 of FR!II)
12. (a) Army HQrs. has submitted a proposal for creation of post of civilians for 3 years to obtain
sanction of Ministry of Defence. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Ministry of Defence have powers to create posts of civilians in the prescribed scale for a
period not exceeding two years only. In case extension of such posts is considered necessary,
the proposals should be submitted to ISEC/ASEC/AFSEC/NSEC, for examination in the usual
manner and approval of Government obtained.
In view of the above, the proposal of Army HQrs. for creation of post of civilians for 3 years
cannot be approved by MoD.
(Authority: Rule 55 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(b) An authority has sanctioned a measure in installments. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. No measure which requires the sanction of higher authority shall be sanctioned by a lower
authority in installments. Thus, the action of the lower authority to sanction the proposal by
splitting the requirement/in installments is not in order.
(Authority: Rule 64 of FR I, Vol!I)
(c) What is the procedure for payments to Gorkha ranks on leave in Nepal?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Payments is made by Recruiting Officers and Assistant Recruiting Officers for Gorkhas,
Kunraghat, Ghoom and Laheria Sarai and the Indian Embassy in Nepal from the assignments
placed at their disposal by PCDA(CC). The payments is made on acquaintance rolls prepared
in duplicate and entered in IAB!64. Acquaintance roll summary is however, prepared in
quadruplicate, one copy is retained as office copy. Two copies are sent to the PAO concerned
along with the original Acquaintance rolls and fourth copy sent to the PCDA(CC) along with
General State of Account. The PAO returns one copy of the schedule to the PCDA(CC) for
linking and record.
(Authority: Rule 148 of FR II)
(d) A civilian gazetted officer has been appointed as Imprest holder. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Imprest Holders will ordinarily be military officers of rank not below that of Captain, but a
Subaltern may be appointed when no officer of higher rank is available. Where a military
officer is not available, a Civilian Gazetted Officer may be appointed as Imprest Holder but
not a JCO unless he himself is the Commanding Officer of the Unit.
In view of the above, a civilian Gazetted officer can be appointed as Imprest holder.
(Authority: Para 4 of Appendix 26 of FR II)
13. (a) What is the fundamental rule of budgetary control system?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The fundamental rule on which the whole system of budgetary control rests is that no item
of public expenditure may be incurred unless provision exists to meet it in the sanctioned
budget estimates of the year concerned.
(Authority: Rule 101 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(b) Re! appropriation by transferring funds under the same controlled head between Commands
has been carried out by the Army HQrs. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. No formal re!appropriation is necessary for transferring funds under the same control head
between Commands, Areas, Sub Areas, Institutions and Depots etc. Such transfers are
affected by first withdrawing savings surrendered by one commands etc. and then re!
allotting as required.
In view of the above provision, the Re!appropriation by transferring funds under the same
controlled head between Commands by the Army HQrs. is in order.
(Authority: Rule 118(x) of FR!I, Vol!I)
(c) What is the composition of Weapon Procurement Committee!I(WPC!I) constituted for
procurement of weapon stores for Navy?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The composition of Weapon Procurement Committee!I(WPC!I) constituted for procurement
of weapon stores for Navy is as follows:!
Chairman ! COM
Financial Advisor !
Technical Member
Inspection Member
Procurement Member
(Authority: Para 5(b)(i) & 6 of Annexure 5 to NI 1/S/2006 of FR!I, Vol!II)
(d) Who will be the Competent Financial Authority (CFA) to accord necessity angel approval for
procurement of maintenance stores (Air) from indigenous sources other than PSUs and govt.
departments against provisioning review for a proposal amounting to Rs. 10.30 Crore?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The VCAS/AOM is consultation with IFA will be the Competent Financial Authority(CFA) to
accord necessity angle approval for procurement of maintenance stores(Air) from indigenous
sources other than PSUs and govt. departments against provisioning review for a proposal
amounting to Rs. 10.30 Crore.
(Authority: Sl. No. (B)(i) of Schedule XII to DFPR(AF)! 2006, FR!I, Vol!II)
14. (a) The LAO, 515 ABWS wants to carry out the physical verification of stock held by the
workshop. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. The responsibility for carrying out stock!verification rests primarily and solely on the
executive authorities concerned. However, physical verification of stock may be carried out
at any time by an officer of Defence Accounts Deptt. whenever such verification is
considered necessary by the Department.
In view of the above provision, the LAO, 515 ABWS is authorized to carry out the physical
verification of stock held by the workshop.
(Authority: Rule 30 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(b) An Imprest holder has delegated the responsibility for operation of funds to another person.
(2 Marks)
Ans. The import account is to be personally operated by the Imprest Holder. It is not permissible
for him to delegate the responsibility for operation of funds to another person except in case
of Indian Navy where the Imprest holder may authorize his supply officer to operate the
(Authority: Rule 27 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(c) A tender was issued for supply of meat group items by the HQrs. Central Command. The
lowest bidder has quoted an amount of Rs. 500 lakhs for supplies. The IFA has advised that
the case may be submitted to QMG branch for sanction. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. As per delegation of financial powers GoC!in!C is competent to sanction contract upto Rs.
400 Laksh in consultation with IFA. Since, lowest bidder for Meat Group items supply
contract has quoted Rs. 500 lakhs, therefore, it will require sanction of higher CFA i.e. QMG
in the instant case.
In view of the above, the IFA advise to submit the case to QMG branch for sanction is
(Authority: Schedule XIII of FR!I, Vol!II amended vide DFPR(Army!2006)
(d) Mention the Competent Financial Authorities (CFA) who has been delegated financial powers
to approve expenditure for introduction of new items and its scales in Air Force.
(2 Marks)
Ans. The under mentioned authorities of Air Force, have delegated financial powers for approval
of expenditure for introduction of new items and scales:!
Without IFA Consultation With IFA consultation
ASEPC(DCAS) Nil Rs. 10,00,00,000/!
ASEPSC Maint(AOM) Nil Rs. 5,00,00,000/!
(Authority: Sl. No. (J1B) of Schedule XII to DFPR(AF)! 2006, FR!I, Vol!II)
15. (a) After the close of year, it has been noticed that excess expenditure has been incurred over
modified allotments under locally controlled head. What action is required to be taken by
CDA and local authorities?
(2 Marks)
Ans. In cases where excesses over modified allotments under locally controlled heads are noticed
after the close of the year they should be brought to the notice of local authorities by the
The local authorities will report all such excesses with full explanations for the excesses to
the controlling authority at Armed Forces HQrs. through the CDA concerned. When this has
been done, the CDA can remove his objection to the excesses.
(Authority: Rule 120 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(b) A DDO has refunded the Income Tax deducted from the salary due to the officer. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. A DDO is not competent to refund the income tax deducted from the salary of the officer.
The refund of income tax can be claimed from the income!tax officer concerned by
submitting the usual income tax return at the close for the financial year. Thus the action of
DDO to give refund in the case is not in order.
(Authority: Rule 24(iv) of FR!II)
(c) What is the responsibility of Commanding Officer regarding accounts?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The Commanding Officer is responsible to ensure that the accounts of his unit/ship
establishment are kept in conformity with the regulations and that the rules for the
distribution of pay are strictly observed.
(Authority: Rule 1 of FR!II)
(d) For what purpose Supply and Services(S&S) Imprest is provided to units and formations
including supply depots?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The supply and services imprest is provided to Units/formations for the following purposes:!
Payment of supplies/stores locally.
Payment of hire charges for porters, ponies, camels, labour and civil transport.
Payment of Excise duty on rum, allied levies on account of storage licence fee and
gallonage fee.
Payment of charges on account of water supply drawn from civil sources to troops
deployed in forward areas.
Payment of ASC Contractors bills for fresh supplies and firewood to the extent of
90% subject to post audit.
(Authority: Para 1 of Appendix 28 of FR!II)
16. (a) A contractor has preferred a claim for payment after four years. What action is required to
be taken by executive and by the CDA?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The maximum period of limitation for contractors claim is 3 years. The CDA shall, therefore,
not admit the claim for payment preferred by a contractor which is four years old, as the
same is a time barred claim and intimate the executives that sanction of the Govt. of India
would be required to admit the claim. The executives may, therefore, process the case for
obtaining Govt. of India sanction giving full justification for payment against the claim which
is four year old.
(Authority: Rule 191 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(b) The enhanced rates of negotiated milk contract have been sanctioned by the authority that
sanctioned the contract. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. There is provision of enhancement of contract rates in the negotiated contract for milk,
therefore, the competent authority who sanction the contract can such enhancement of
contract rates, provided the total value of negotiated contract with enhanced rate falls
within the delegated financial power of the same authority.
(Authority: Note under Rule 247 of FR!I, Vol!I)
(c) AOC!in!C has accorded Administrative Approval for a civil works proposal (authorized work)
amounting to Rs. 500 lakhs without consulting IFA. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. As per delegation of financial power, AOC!in!C is competent to sanction civil works
(authorized work) upto Rs. 500 lakhs in consultation with IFA. Therefore, the action of AOC!
in!C to sanction civil works amounting to Rs. 500 lakhs without consulting IFA, is not in order
and would require approval of next higher CFA i.e AOA(in whose delegated financial powers
the proposal falls) at Air HQrs. The AOA can accord ex post facto sanction in consultation of
his IFA.
(Authority: Sl. No. 1(A) of Schedule XVIII to DFPR(AF) !2006, FR!I, Vol!II)
(d) What is the allocation under Special Financial Powers/ACSFP for Army Commanders of
Northern and Eastern Command for purpose of Ordnance Stores?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The allocation under Army Commanders Special Financial powers for procurement of
Ordnance stores is as follows:
Northern Command Rs. 100 Crore per annum
Eastern Command Rs. 50 Crore per annum
(Authority: Schedule XXI(A) FR!I, Vol!II)
APRIL, 2013
SECTION!I (Compulsory)
1. Mr. Orchard carries on trade as a fruit grower and as a canner. On March 31, 2012 the Trial
Balance extracted from his books was as follow:
(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account showing separately the net profit or loss of the Farm
and of the Cannery for the year ended March 31,2012.
(b) A balance sheet as on the date
(i) Provision is to be made for depreciation for the year of Plant and Machinery on cost
at the end of the year at the rate of 10% in case of Farm and 7.5% in case of Cannery.
(ii) During the year a tractor included in Farm Plant and Machinery at a cost of Rs. 6,000
in respect of which depreciation of Rs. 5,000 had been provided, was sold for Rs.
3,000 and was replaced by a new tractor costing Rs. 8,000.
(iii) Fruit to the value of Rs. 22,000 was supplied by the Farm to Cannery.
(iv) Stock on hand on March, 31, 2012 were valued as follows:
(v) Amounts owing, excluding interest accrued and due at the end at the end of the year
Purchase! Cannery (included in stock but not entered in books) Rs. 1,400
Trade expenses Rs. 8,00
(vi) Bought Ledger balances at the end of year included Rs. 3,200 for cans supplied, since
the books were closed, the supplier agreed to allow Rs. 1,600 as the cans were
substandard. This allowance had been taken into account in valuing the stock on
March 31, 2012.
(vii) All expenses except when otherwise indicated are to be apportioned between the
Farm and the Cannery in 1:3 ratio.
(viii) Mr. Orchard is to be charged Rs. 1,040 for private conveyance expenses incurred by
(ix) Freehold land sold for Rs. 8,000 had cost Rs. 3,500
(x) The Manager of the cannery is to be credited with 5% of the cannery profits and
charging his commission.
(40 Marks)
Ans. Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Mr. Orchard for the year ending 31st March 2012.
General Profit & Loss Account of Mr. Orchard for the year ending March 31, 2012
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
To Net Loss from Farm 600 By Net Profit from Cannery 12,000
To Net Profit transferred to 15,900 By Profit on land6 4,500
Capital A/c
16,500 16,500
Balance Sheet of Mr. Orchard as on March 31, 2012
Liabilities Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs.
Loan 80,000 Fixed Assets:
Add: Interest outstanding4 12,00 81,200
Sundry Creditor Free hold land & Premises
Farm 2,000 at cost 1,49,000
Cannery 7,400 Less: Cost of the freehold
Less: Allowance land sold 3,500 1,45,500
from creditors 1600 Plant & Machinery Farm7 21,000
5,800 Less: Depreciation upto
March 31, 20128 13,100
Add: Omitted 7,900
Voucher 1,400 7200 9,200 Add: Purchase(Net) 5,000
Cannery 48,000
Less: Depreciation
Upto March 31,20129 20,000 28,000 40,900
Trade expenses outstanding 800
Managers commission Fruit, Trees & Bushes 8,000
outstanding 600 1,400 Current Assets:
Cash at Bank 8,640
Mr. Orchards Capital A/c 1,35,000
Profit from the year 15,900 Sundry Debtors 6,420
Less: Debit Balance of Stock
drawing a/c and Farm 3,000
conveyance expenses 13,040 1,37,860 Cannery 17,200 20,200
2,29,660 2,29,660
1. Cannery Purchase Rs. 12,000 + Rs. 1400(amount vary) = Rs. 13400
2. Trade expenses Rs. 9200 +Rs.800(amount owing) = Rs. 10,000
3. Sale value of Tractor Rs. 3,000
Book value(6000!5000) Rs. 1,000
Profit Rs. 2,000
4. Loan interest upto December 31 accounted for already.
Three months interest outstanding = 1/4 x 6% of 80,000 = Rs.1200
7. Farm Machinery at Cost on 01.01.2011 19000
Less: Machinery sell during year 6000
Add: Tractor Purchase at cost 8000
Rs. 21,000
8. Depreciation at 10% 2,100
Add: Provision for Depreciation 11,000
Rs. 13,100
9. Depreciation at 7.5% on 48,000 Rs. 3600
Add: Provision for Depreciation Rs. 16400
Rs. 20,000
Section!II! Costing
(b) What are the two methods of wage payment? Discuss the merits and demerits of each.
(2+6=8 Marks)
Ans. The two methods of wage payment are Time Rate System and Piece Rate System. In the
former, wages are calculated on the basis of number of hours or days spent in factory.
In the letter payment is made on the basis of number of units produced without takings
into account the time spent.
Merits and demerits of two systems: In case of time rate wages, output as such is not
taken into account. So the worker normally takes good care of quality and is also careful
in use of material tools and machinery. But he has not incentive as such to increase the
output. In fact the output may actually decline, if the management and supervision is
not watchful. If it declines, the labour cost per unit and also fixed expenses per unit will
increase including the overtime.
The demerit of time rate system are largely removed by applying the piece rate/work
method. In this, worker is naturally interested in maximizing his earnings by increasing
his output. Higher output results in lower fixed expenses per unit. The employees also
gains and he is sure about labour cost per unit. However, quality is generally ignored by
the workers. He may not take proper care of material, tools and machine. There is more
pressure on workers to deliver the output and may results in absenteeism. Wage rates
may therefore need to be fixed carefully.
(c) What is Marginal Cost? Explain Marginal Costing and discuss its limitations.
(2+5+4 = 11 Marks)
Ans. The term Marginal Cost means the amount at any given volume of output by which
aggregation costs are changed if the volume of output is increased or decreased by one
Marginal Costing is a technique where only the variable costs are considered while
computing the cost of a product. The fixed costs are met against the total fund arising
out of excess of selling price over total variable cost. This fund is known as
Contribution in marginal costing. Thus
which material and labour costs are booked at actual. Overheads are levied at rate per
labour hour. Selling price is contracted at Rs. 15 per unit.
From the following data, present the cost and profit per unit of each batch order and the
overall position of the order for 3000 units.
Statement of Cost and Profit per unit of each Batch
Jan 12 Feb 12 March 12 Total
(A) Batch output(Numbers) Rs.1250 Rs. 1500 Rs.1000 Rs.3750
(B) Sale Value 18750 22500 15000 56250
(c) Costs
Material 6250 9000 5000 20250
Labour 2500 3000 2000 7500
Overheads 3750 3000 3000 9750
Total 12500 15000 10000 37500
(D) Profit/Batch(B!C) 6250 7500 5000 18750
(E) Cost/Unit(CA) 10 10 10
(F) Profit/Unit(DA) 5 5 5
Overall posting of the order for 3000 units
Sales Value (3000 x 15) 45,000
Less: Total Cost (3000 x 10) 30,000
Profit 15,000
4. A Factory has two production department X and Y and two service departments P and Q.
Deptt. X produces product A while Deptt. Y produces product B. Following are the details of costs
incurred during the month of January:
Your are required to calculate total costs and cost per unit taking product A and B as cost
(15 Marks)
Lubricants and supplies for product A :
Direct 500 : 500
From service Deptts. 2.5 X 14000 : 350
100 850
For product B
Direct : 400
From service deptts. 2.5 X 6000 : 150
100 550
2. Supervisory Labour
Direct Labour in Deptts X and Y Rs. 14,000
Supervisory Labour in Service Deptts. 7000
Percentage of Supervisory Labour
To Direct Labour 50%
Supervisory Labour for Product A
Direct : 1,300
From service Deptts 50% of 8000 : 4,000
For Product B
Direct : 1,700
From service Deptts 50% of 6000 : 3,000
(b) Calculate standard labour time for Machining part No. Z 235 from the following data:
Allow 10% of total operations time for inspection during process and allow further 5% of
total time for fatigue.
(10 Marks)
Ans. Computation of Standard Labour Time
Total operations time for each piece = 2+10+3 15 Minutes
Total operating time for 100 pieces 1500 Minutes
Add: Setting up time 64 Minutes
Time for inspection 150 Minutes
1714 Minutes
Add: 5% as fatigue time 86 Minutes
Standard Time for 100 pieces 1800 Minutes
Standard Time for one piece of Part No. Z235 18 Minute
5. On the basis of the following information in respect of an engineering company, what is the
product mix which will give highest profit attainable?
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Product manufactured
Raw Material per unit 10Kg 6 Kg 15 Kg
Labour hours per unit at Rs. 1 per hour 15 25 20
Sales price per unit Rs.125 Rs.100 Rs.200
Maximum production possible(units) 6,000 4,000 3,000
1, 00,000 kg raw materials are available at Rs. 10 per kg. Maximum production hours are 2, 60,000.
Suggest the appropriate product mix and support your answer by preparing marginal cost analysis
statement and statement of ranking of products.
(8+1+7= 25 Marks)
Ranking of Product
A B C Ranking
Contributing per unit(Rs.) 10 15 30 C,B,A
Contribution per Kg of raw 1.00 2.50 2.00 B,C,A
Contribution per labour 0.67 0.60 1.50 C,A,B
The above ranking shows that products C and B give higher contribution per unit. Since
availability of raw material is the constraint, the key factor is contribution per Kg of raw material. In
this case the ranking is B, followed by C and then A. Therefore, B and C shall be produced maximum.
Product Mix
No. of units Raw Materials Labour hours
Product B 4000 24000 Kg 100000
Product C 3000 45000 Kg 60000
7000 69000Kg 160000
Balance raw material 31000Kg
Balance labour time 100000
Product A 3100 31000 Kg 46500
Units Contribution(Rs.)
Product A 3100 31000
B 4000 60000
C 3000 90000
10100 181000
(Q.No.6 Theoretical!Compulsory)
6. (a) Discuss the three conventions regarding the financial statements. In this context explain the
term window dressing
(7 Marks)
Ans. In order to make the message contained in the financial statements the income statement i.e.
profit and Loss Account and the statement showing the financial position i.e. Balance sheet
clear and meaningful, these are drawn up according to the following conventions:
(i) Consistency: The accounting practices should remain the same from one year to another.
For example, it would not be proper to value stock in! trade according to one method one
year and according to another method next year. If a change becomes necessary, the change
and its effect should be stated clearly.
(ii) Disclosure: Apart from legal requirements, good accounting practice also demands that all
significant information should be disclosed. Not only various assets, for example, have to be
stated but also the mode of valuation should be disclosed. Various types of revenues and
expense, properly grouped may also be disclosed. Whether something should be disclosed or
not will depend on whether it is material or not. Materiality depends on the amounts involved
in relation to the asset or transaction group involved or profits.
(iii) Conservatism: Financial statements are rather drawn up on rather conservative basis
showing a position better than what actually is, is not permitted. It is also not proper to show a
position substantially worse than what it is. In other words, secret reserves are not permitted.
Window dressing refers to showing the financial position better than what actually is. It may
consist of changing asset depreciation or valuable position making short term borrowings, or
engaging in sales and lease back transactions at the end of a period. By doing so management
embellishes the companys results or liquidity and obtain some benefits.
(b) What are the reasons due to which balance shown in the Bank Pass Book may not agree with
the balance shown in the Cash Book? Why is the preparation of Bank Reconciliation statement
an important control technique?
(7 Marks)
Ans. The balance in Bank Pass Book and that shown in the Cash Book may not agree due to the
following reasons:
(j) Cheque recorded in Cash Book but not yet credited by the Bank! Cheque received are
(k) entered into the cash book as soon as they are received. There may be a delay of a day
or two in sending the cheque to the bank. Moreover, the bank usually does not credit
the customers until the cheques are realised, if they are drawn on other banks. In the
meantime, therefore, each book will show more balance than bank show, in the
customers account.
(ii) Cheque issued but not yet presented for payment! As soon as cheques are issued they are
entered into cash book, but the Bank again make no entry until the cheques are actually
presented for payment and are paid. This means that the bank shows higher balance in favour
of the customer than what the Cash Book of the customers shows.
(iii) Bank Charges! The bank often charges for services rendered. There are known as bank
charges. If there is on overdraft, the bank will also charge interest. The bank charges and
interest are entered in to the Bank Pass Book and entry is generally made in the cash Book only
when the Pass Book is received.
(iv) Direct collection by bank! The bank is often entrusted with the task of collecting interest
on securities or dividends, on shares or even the collection of amounts due on bills of exchange
or promissory notes. The bank will credit the customer as soon as the amounts are received
but the entry by the customer in the Cash Book must await receipt of information by the
customer from the bank.
(v) Payments by bank as per standing instruction ! The bank may also make payments
according to the standing instructions of the customer or in respect of any special instruction
such as payment on presentation of documents for supply of goods for which a letter of credit
has been opened previously. Entries in Cash Book are made in such cases on receipt of advice
from the bank.
In order to know the position clearly and to make sure that no mistakes have been committed,
these must be a statement to explain why there is a difference between the balance shown by
the Bank Pass Book and that shown by the Cash Book on a particular day. It helps management
to check the accuracy of entries made in the Cash Book and keep track of cheques. Bank
Reconciliation Statement as an important control technique, often reveals frauds committed
by the Staff handling cash and cheque. Any cheque remained un cleared for an unreasonable
length of time should be traced and reasons ascertained for the delay.
(iii) Order of repayment on winding up: In case of winding up of a company, the amount of
debentures is repaid before any amount is paid to shareholders to return share Capital.
(iv) Mortgage! There can be mortgage debentures. It means assets of a company can be
mortgaged in favour of debenture holders by way of security. But there can be no mortgage
(v) Convertibility! Debentures which can be converted into shares at the option of debenture
challans can be issued. But shares convertible into debentures cannot be issued.
7. Pass Journal entries to rectify following errors:
(i) A sum of Rs. 25,000 paid to Mahesh was debited to Suresh
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Mahesh Dr 25,000
To Suresh 25,000
(Amount paid to Mahesh wrongly debited to Suresh
earlier, error being rectified now)
(ii) A purchase of goods from Ram amounting to Rs. 6,000 wrongly entered in the sales book.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Purchase Account Dr 6,000
Sale Account Dr 6,000
To Ram 12,000
(Credit Purchase recorded in Sales book, error now
(iii) A bill receivable for Rs. 25,000 accepted by Shyam was recorded in bills payable book.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Bills Receivable Account Dr 25,000
Bills Payable Account Dr 25,000
To Shyam 50,000
(Acceptance received from Shyam wrongly recorded
in Bills payable book, error now rectified)
(iv) Rs. 4,000 received from Malhotra have been credited to Mehrotra
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Mehrotra Dr 4000
To Malhotra 4000
(Amount received from Malhotra credited to
Mehrotra, error now rectified)
(v) Goods bought from Vijay amounting Rs. 27,500 was posted to the credit of his account as
Rs. 25,700
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Suspense Account Dr 1,800
To Vijay 1,800
(Vijay credited with Rs. 25,700 for purchase invoiced
at Rs. 27,500, error now rectified)
(vi) Salebook was overcast by Rs. 10,000.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Sales Account Dr 10,000
To Suspense Account 10,000
(Sales book overcast by Rs. 10,000, error now
(vii) Received interest Rs. 1,000 posted to Loan Account.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Loan Account Dr 1000
To Interest Earned Account 1000
(Rectification of wrong credit given to Loan Account
for interest received)
(viii) A bill of Rs. 2,000 for old officer furniture sold to Sethi was entered in the Sale Book. The book
value of furniture sold was Rs. 2,500
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Sales Account Dr 2000
Loss on sale of Furniture Dr 500
To Furniture Account 2500
(Sale of old furniture for Rs. 2000 recorded in sales
Book, error now rectified. Loss on sale of furniture
also being recorded now.
(ix) Carriage outward, Rs. 1,000 was posted to carriage inward account.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Carriage Outward Account Dr 1000
To carriage Inward Account 1000
(Carriage outward wrongly posted to carriage
inward account, error being rectified now)
(x) Drawing of goods costing Rs. 2,500 were not recorded in the books of account.
(2 Marks)
Ans. Particulars Dr.(Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Drawing Account Dr 2,500
To Purchase Account/Sales Account/ 2,500
Traditions Account
(Drawing of goods not recorded earlier being
recorded now)
8. The following information has been extracted from the books of account of a firm for the year
ended 31st March, 2011
Purchase made during the year 28,20,000
Stock on 1st April,2010 5,96,000
Sales during the year 31,61,000
At the time of valuation of stock on 31st March, 2010, a part of the stock costing Rs. 18,000 was
recorded at Rs. 15,600 being the market value of the goods as on the date. However, during the
year 2010!2011, the market value increased and one third of these goods were sold for Rs. 6,100.
Ascertain the value of stock as on 31st March, 2011 assuming that the firm earns profit of 25% on
cost on normal goods.
(20 Marks)
Trading Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011
Normal Abnormal Total (Rs.) Normal Abnormal Total
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
To opening 5,80,400 15,600 5,96,000 By sale 31,54,900 6,100 31,61,000
To Purchase 28,20,000 ! 28,20,000 By closing 8,76,480 12,000 8,88,480
To Gross 6,30,980 2,500 6,33,480
40,31,380 18,100 40,49,480 40,31,380 18,100 40,49,480
Value of normal stock : 8,76,480
Value & abnormal stock: 12,000
Total closing stock as on 8,88,480
31st March, 2011
Working Notes:
1. Opening stock of normal goods : Rs. 5,96,000 ! Rs. 15,600 = Rs. 5,80,400
2. Sale of normal goods : Rs. 31,61,000!Rs. 6,100 = Rs.31,54,900
3. Gross profit is 25% on cost, it comes to 20% of selling price
4. Gross profit earned on sale of Normal goods = 20% of Rs. 31,54,900 = Rs. 6,30,980
5. Profit on abnormal goods: (Costing Rs. 18000 but were recorded as Rs. 15,600 on 31 st
march 2010)
Sale value of one third goods sold 6100
Add: Original cost of remaining two
third goods ( as on 31.03.2011) 12,000
Less: Value of stock on 31.03.2010 15,600
9. (a) The sports clubs accounts on 31st December, 2011 showed that annual subscriptions
outstanding were Rs. 5,000 from 50 members and the subscriptions had been received for
2012 from 20 members. The total number of members at the end of 2011 were 1,500.
During 2012, 25 members left (5 of which were those who owed subscriptions on 31st
December,2011) and 40 new members were admitted. They paid Rs. 150 as admission fees,
15 of these paid subscription for 2013 as well. The total amount received during 2012 as
subscription was Rs. 1,47,000.
Prepare the Subscription Account and show the amount to be credited or debited to the
Income and Expenditure Account in 2012 in respect of above
(10 Marks)
Subscription Account
2012 Dr. (Rs.) 2012 Cr.(Rs.)
Jan.1 To subription o/s a/c 5,000 Jan.1 By subscription received in 2,000
transfer advance a/c transfer
Dec.31 To subscription received 1,500 Dec.31 By Bank 1,47,000
in advance a/c (15
Dec.31 To Income & 1,51,500 By Income & Expenditure a/c 500
Expenditure a/c transfer Subscription irrecoverable for 5
of subscriptions members
pertaining to the year Dec.31 By subscription o/s A/c 8,500
1,58,000 1,58,000
Total amount received @ Rs. 100 for 1515 1,51,500
Add: Received in advance in 2012 1500
Outstanding on December, 31, 2011 4500
Less: Received in Cash 1,47,000 (!) 1,49,000
Outstanding December31,2012 2,000
(b) R&D club works on no profit no loss basis. The club has a research endowment of Rs.
1,80,000 which it has invested in 9% Debentures of Rs. 100 of a company, purchased at Rs.
90. Besides the endowment the club had cash on January 1, 2012. Rs. 4500 relating to
research. During 2012, the club undertook a project which cost Rs. 16,700 in cash, beside
time devoted by the general staff of the club, which could be valued at Rs. 1,200. Show how
you would recommend the above to be treated in the accounts of the club.
(10 Marks)
Research Endowment Income & Expenditure A/c
2012 Rs. 2012 Rs.
To expenditure on 16,700 By Interest on 9% Debenture a/c 18,000
research in cash (Rs. 2,00,000)
To Income & 12,00
Expenditure A/c
! 41!
allocation of
To Research 100
Endowment A/c
surplus transferred
18,000 18,000
The balance sheet shall show the amounts as follows:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Research endowment: Research Endowment 1,80,000
As on Jan 1,2012 1,80,000 Investment 9% Debentures
@ 90 2000 nos.
Cash on Jan 1,2012 4,500 Cash 4,600
Add: Surplus 100 1,84,600 1,84,600
10. Mr. X carries on a small business, but he does not maintain a complete set of accounts
books. He banks all receipts and makes all payments only by means of cheques. He
maintains properly a Cash Book, a Sale Ledger, and a Purchase Ledger. He also makes a
proper record of the assets and liabilities as at the close of every accounting year. From such
records, you are able to gather the following facts:
Ans. Trading and Profit & Loss Account of Mr. X for the year ended 31st December, 2010
Sundry Debtors A/c
Rs. Rs.
To balance b/d 3750 By Cash 17,625
By Balance c/d
To Sales (balancing 20,000 6125
23750 23750
Plant A/c
Rs. Rs.
To balance b/d 7,500 By depreciation 810
(balancing amount
To Cash 625 By Balance c/f 7315
8,125 8,125
Cash Account
Rs. Rs.
To balance b/d 625 By Plant 625
By Drawings 1500
By Wages 6,725
To Sundry debtors 17,625 By Salaries 1,125
To Cash Sale 4,125 By Interest 75
To Mr. X the Proprietor 2,500 By Telephone 125
By Rent 1,200
By Electricity(Power) 475
By Sundry Expenses 2,125
By Sundry Creditors 7,625
By Balance c/d 3,725
24,875 24,875
1. Section!I and Section!II are compulsory for all candidates. In Section!III, candidates may opt.
and attempt any one from Sub!Section!(A),(B),(C) OR(D) for which permission is granted.
3. In all, candidates are to attempt 11 questions. 4 questions out of 6 questions from Section!I,
3 questions out of 5 questions from Section!II and 4 questions out of 6 questions from
4. Each question in Section!I carries 9 marks and that of each question of Section!II, it is 8
marks. In Section!III, each question carries 10 marks.
Pay & Allowance(Civil)
(Common to all)
1. Comment on the following statements, whether they are in order or not? Please specify the
(a) A purchase officer of a Central Govt. department purchased books & periodicals worth of
Rs. 1, 00,000/! to the departmental library? Whether this constitutes as Goods for the use
of Govt.?
(2 Marks)
Ans. No, this does not constitute Goods. As per GFR Rule, 136 books, Publications, periodicals
etc. for library excludes from Goods for Govt. purpose.
(Authority: GFR Rule 136)
(b) A supplier registered with DGS&D. He bided in a department, through a Limited Tender
Enquiry for furniture supply without bid security. Whether his quotation is valid?
(2 Marks)
Ans. He is exempted from bid security as he is registered with DGS&D.
(Authority: GFR Rule 142))
(c) A Govt. Deptt. sold out its unserviceable goods worth Rs. 1.5 lakhs without public auction. Is
it in Order?
(2 Marks)
Ans. It is in order. More than Rs. 2 lakh value only requires Public auction.
(Authority: Rule GFR !197)
(d) What is lump sum advance given to a family of Govt. servant who died while in service?
What purpose it serves? What is its maximum financial limit?
(3 Marks)
Ans. This is an advance given to the family of a person who dies in service to enable the family to
meet its immediate requirements by Head of the Department.
* Two months basic pay and dearness pay; subject to a maximum of Rs. 8,000/!(eight
thousand only)
(Authority: Rule 79 GFR)
2. (a) What is the difference between Children Education Allowance (CEA) and Hostel Subsidy?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Children Educational Allowance:! It is the amount paid/reimbursed to the Govt. servant for
defraying the cost of education of two children (including multiple births at second issue) in
a recognized school up to 10+2 standard, until 20 years child, whichever is earlier.
(Authority: Order!10=OM on CEA dated 17/6/2011)
Hostel Subsidy:! It is the subsidy reimbursable to Govt. servant for keeping his/her children
in Hostel away from duty station, located beyond 50 Kms. Irrespective of any transfer
(Authority: Order!15...OM dated 30/12/2010)
(b) Audit the following claims. Give answer with authority. Calculate that DA is less than 50%.
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) A Govt. servant put up two Child Education Allowance claims, one of Rs.25,000/! for his
elder child and the other of Rs.15,000/! for his younger child per annum. What is the
admissible amount?
Ans. First claim is not correct. It is restricted to Rs. 15,000/!. Second claim is correct. Total
amount admissible = Rs. 30,000/!
(Authority: Order 1 & 9 of CEA)
(ii) A handicapped child of a Govt. servant is studying in an unrecognized school and his age is
only 3 years. The Govt. servant submitted a claim of CEA for Rs. 35,000/!. Is it admissible?
Ans. It is admissible. But restricted to Rs. 30,000/! per annum.
(Authority: Order 2 & 9 of CEA)
(iii) A Govt. servant put up a Hostel Subsidy claim of Rs. 4,000/! P.M. for his elder child. Is it
Ans. No, it is not correct. It is restricted to Rs.3750/! per child per month.
(Authority: Order 1(i) & 9 of CEA)
3. (a) What is the difference between a Authorized Medical Attendant and Medical Attendant?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Medical Attendant:! Authorized Medical Attendant means a medical officer appointed by
Central Govt./State Govt./U.T. etc. in respect of any Govt. Servant/any group/Groups of
Govt. Servant in a station.
(Auth: Rule 2(a) of CSMA Rules)
Medical Attendant:! Medical Attendant means attendance of AMA, in his consulting
room/Govt. Hospital or at the residence of the Govt. Servant.
(Authority: Rule 2(e) of CSMA Rules)
(b) Answer any three of the following by quoting the authority:
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) A Govt. servant submitted a medical claim of Special Nursing (Nurse) charges of Rs. 2,000/!
during February 2012 for a month. How you regulate this claim?
Ans. The claim should be audited G.I.M.H.O.M. No. S14025/8/28/O.M.S. dated 18.01.2011.
As per this Special Nursing charges are Rs. 150/! per shift of 12 hours and Rs. 75 per shift of
12 hours for Ayah is admissible. The claim is audited accordingly.
(ii) A Govt. servant suffering with cancer preferred a medical advance claim of Rs. 36,000/!
recommended by the doctor for indoor treatment of less than three months. Audit the
Ans. The claim is restricted to Rs. 10,000/!
(Authority: GI MH: OM No.S.14025/7/97!M.S. dated 25.09.1997)
(iii) A medical claim of Rs. 45,000/! was submitted by a Govt. servant on 15!02!2012 duly
countersigned by the doctor on 12!08!2011. Audit the claim.
Ans. No. The claim is not admissible.
All bills to be preferred within three months from the date of completion of treatment;
date as shown in the Essentiality Certificate.
With reasons, the claim may be sent to Min. of Health for condonation.
(Appendix!X of CSMA)
(GI M.H: OM No. F!29 40/68!M.A. dated 15/10/1968 & 28 12/1970)
(iv) An amount of Rs. 22,000/! is due from a deceased Govt. servant on account of House Rent
Allowance. Whether this be adjusted against the CG Employees Group Insurance amount of
the Govt. servant?
Ans. No. This cannot be recovered. Govt. dues recoverable from a member of the scheme shall
not be adjusted from the amounts payable under the scheme except as provided in
Para 13.5.
(Authority: CGEGIS Rule:! 21.2)
4. (a) What do you understand by a travelling expense of a Govt. servant?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Actual travelling expenses mean the actual cost of transporting of a Govt. servant with his
servants and personal luggage.
[Authority: S.R. 2(1)]
(b) Answer the following with authority:
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) A Govt. servant on temporary duty to Andaman has been halted at Chennai for two days
due to delayed sailing of ship. How you regulate his claim on Daily allowance?
Ans. His enforced halt will be treated as duty under FR!9(6)(b). The Daily allowance is admissible
at the rate prescribed for ordinary localities for the entire period spent in journey including
the period of enforced halt.
[Authority: S.R. 51(4)(a)]
(ii) A Govt. servant preferred a T.A. claim of Rs.100/! for getting a fitness certificate from a
medical committee. How you regulate the claim?
Ans. No, T.A. is not admissible in this case.
[Authority: SR:157,GOR Orders!1]
(G.I. M.F.U.O. No. 4917!E!IV dated 13/1/65)
(iii) A Govt. servant used Govt. conveyance for journey and preferred TA/DA claim of Rs. 500/!.
Audit the claim.
Ans. The Govt. servant is not entitled to any T.A. for his journey. DA will be given for the entire
period of absence from HQrs. to him.
(Authority: S.R: 182 GOI Order 1)
(G.I. M.F. OM No. 19030/1/73E dated 29.06.1974)
5. (a) What purpose the House Building Advance is sanctioned to an eligible employee of Central
(3 Marks)
Ans. Advance is admissible for the following purposes:!
1. Constructing a new house on the plot owned by the official or the official and the officials
wife/husband jointly.
2. Purchasing a plot and constructing a house thereon.
3. Purchasing a plot under Co!operative Schemes and constructing a house thereon or
acquiring house through membership of Co!operative Group Housing Schemes.
4. Purchasing/construction of house under the Self!Financing Scheme of Delhi, Bangalore,
Lucknow etc.
5. Outright purchase of a new ready!built house/flat from Housing Boards, Development
Authorities and other statutory or semi!Government bodies and also from private,
registered builders, architects, house building societies, etc. but not from private individuals.
6. Enlarging living accommodation in an existing house owned by the official or jointly with
his/her wife/husband. The total cost of existing structure(excluding cost of land) and the
proposed additions should not exceed the prescribed cost!ceiling.
7. Repayment of loan or advance taken from a Government or HUDCO or Private source
even if the construction has already commenced, subject to certain conditions.
8. Constructing the residential portion only of the building on a plot which is ear!marked as
a shop!cum!registered plot in a residential colony.(Note any three rules)
(Authority: Rule 3 of CCS!HBA!Rules)
(b) Answer the following by quoting the authority:
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) A Govt. servant wanted to purchase a ready built house. How he gets his House Building
Advance sanctioned from his department?
Ans. The HOD may sanction the payment of entire amount, admissible to the applicant in one
lump!sum on fulfilling the following conditions:!
(1) Executing an agreement in the prescribed form vide (Form No.5) for the repayment of
(2) The acquisition must be completed and house is mortgaged to Govt. within 3 months
from the drawl of advance.
Note: Failing which the advance together with interest shall be refunded to Govt. unless he
gets extension of time limit from HOD.
(Authority: Rule 5(5) of HBA Rules)
(ii) What is the duration of repayment of HBA?
Ans. The advance with interest thereon shall be repaid in full by monthly installments within a
period of not exceeding 20 years. Maximum No. of installments are 240.
(Authority: Rule 8(a) HBA Rules)
(iii) What is the benefit to a Central Govt. servant after he undergoes sterilization operation for a
small family as per HBA rules?
Ans. Half percent (1/2) less than the normal rate of interest to employees for promoting small
family norms.
[Authority: GOI Rule(6) HBA Rules]
6. What is the criterion of exemption of income!tax with regard to House Rent Allowance if an
employee lives in a rented house?
(3 Marks)
Ans. (a) If a Govt. employee lives in rented house, exemption is allowed in income!tax to the extent
of the least of the following:!
(i) The actual amount of HRA received.
(ii) Rent paid in excess of 10% of the salary.
(iii) 50% of salary if the residence is at Mumbai/Kolkata/Delhi/Chennai. 40% of salary if the
residence is situated at any other place.
If any employee lives in own house or does not pay any rent or pays rent not exceeding 10%
of salary, no exemption available and the entire amount of HRA drawn is taxable.
(b) Attempt any three of the following:
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) What are the deductions available from the total income of Govt. servant, if he has a
dependent child with disability?
Ans. An amount of Rs. 50,000/! for a normal disability and Rs. 1,00,000/! in case of severe
disability for a Govt. servant who incur expenditure on the above should be deducted form
total income.
(ii) What do you understand by Assessment Year as per Income!Tax Act?
Ans. Assessment year means the period of twelve months commencing on the 1st of April every
(iii) What is the cut of date for filing income tax return in every year?
Ans. The return of income should be filed before 31st July every year.
(iv) What is the maximum duration in hours, a staff car driver gets overtime allowance on a
working day?
Ans. The staff car driver can get a maximum of 6 hours OTA on a working day.
(Authority: Staff car rules 26!28)
Provident Fund and Pension
Common to All
1. (a) What are the conditions for GPF subscriptions?
(2 Marks)
Ans. (1) A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund except during the period when he is
under suspension. Provided that a subscriber may, at his option, not subscribe during
leave which either does not carry any leave salary or carries leave salary equal to or less
than half average pay:
Provided further that a subscriber on reinstatement after a period passed under
suspension shall be allowed the option of paying in one lump sum or in installments, any
sum not exceeding the maximum amount of arrear subscriptions payable for the period.
Note!1! Group C and Group D employees of the Survey of India who are sent on
departmental leave need not subscribe to the Fund, during the period of such leave.
Note 2! The holder of a seasonal post in an establishment need not subscribe to the Fund,
during the period of his unemployment.
Note!3 A subscriber need not subscribe during a period treated as dies non:
(2) A subscriber shall intimate his election not to subscribe during the leave referred to
in the first proviso to sub!rule(1) in the following manner:!
(a) If he is an officer who draws his own pay bills by making no deduction on account of
subscription in his first pay bill drawn after proceeding on leave.
(b) If he is not an officer who draws his own pay bills, by written communication to the
Head of his office before he proceeds on leave.
Failure to make due and timely intimation shall be deemed to constitute an election to
The option of a subscriber intimated under this sub!rule shall be final.
(a) A subscriber who has under Rule 32 withdrawn the amount standing to his credit in
the Fund shall not subscribe to the Fund after such withdrawal unless he returns to
(Rule: 7 of CCS!GPF Rules)
(b) Answer the following by quoting proper authority:
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) A Govt. servant has been transferred to USA. How is his GPF regulated?
Ans. He will be subjected to the rules of the Fund in the same manner as if he was not transferred
or sent on deputation.
(Authority: Rule 9 of GPF!CS Rules)
(ii) A Govt. servant (Mr. X) has applied for temporary advance of Rs. 30,000/! for meeting
Annual Sradh Ceremony. Audit the claim.
Ans. The claim is not admissible
(Authority: GI,MF OM NO. F22(13) E!V(B) 1664 dated 23/1/1965)
(iii) Whether GPF balance can be paid to widow of a deceased Govt. servant who is charged with
offence of murdering him?
Ans. No. The GPF balance should not be paid to widow till the finalization trial and final decision
of court.
(Authority: C&AG No. 6!AC!II!92 dated 27.03.92 & Rule GPF 33, GOI Dec!7)
2. (a) A Govt. servant Mr. X has been deputed to United Nations, an International Organization
for more than five years. What are his options for his pension?
(2 Marks)
Ans. A Govt. servant deputated on foreign service, for a period of five years or more, to the
United Nations Secretariat or other United Nations Bodies, the International Monetary Fund,
the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, or the Asian Development Bank
or the Commonwealth Secretariat, may at his option!
(a) Pay the pension contributions in respect of his foreign service and count such service as
qualifying for pension under these rules; or
(b) Avail of the retirement benefits admissible under the rules of the aforesaid organization
and not count such service as qualifying for pension under these rules: Provided that
where a Govt. servant opts for Clause (b), retirement benefits shall be payable to him in
India in rupees from such date in such manner as the Govt. may, by order specify;
provided further that pension contributions, if any, paid by the Govt. servant, shall be
refunded to him.
(Authority: Rule 31 CCS Pension Rules)
(b) Answer the following with rule position.
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) A Govt. servant Mr. B retired before 01.01.1996 (in pay scale Rs. 2000!60!2300!75!3200)
after rendering full service. What is his pension as on 01.01.2006?
Ans. Mr. B will get Rs. 6750/! or as per concordance table corresponding with V CPC whichever
is beneficial.
(Authority: DOP & PW OM No. 38/37/08 PNPW(A) Part.1 dated 14/10/2008)
(ii) A pensioner Mr. A has been in receipt of pension of Rs. 34,000/!. He has been convicted
by a criminal court and sentenced to imprisonment. How do you regulate his pension?
Ans. Mr. A, a pensioner convicted by a court, liable to forfeit his pension. After release from
prison his pension will be restored with the concurrence of PCDA(P) Allahabad.
(Auth: Para!73.1: Pension Payment Instructions)
(iii) Whether a widowed pensioner, be eligible for grant of family pension, whose husband is
a subscriber of Employees Pension Scheme(EPF)!1995
Ans. Yes; family pension is admissible.
(Authority: Deptt. of P& PW No. 4/10/2006!P&PW(D) dated 14.05.2007)
3. (a) A Brigadier X of Indian Army wanted to take up a commercial employment immediately
after his retirement. Comment.
(2 Marks)
Ans. An officer of the rank of Colonel and above ( Here Brigadier X) intends to take up
commercial employment, before one year from the date of his retirement shall obtain prior
permission from Govt.
No pension is payable if he accepts employment without prior permission.
(Authority: Para 18(a) Pension Regulation Army Part!I!1961)
(b) Answer the following by quoting the authority:
(i) What are the disability pension elements? What are its minimum value in Rupees?
Ans. The disability pension consists of two elements
1. Service element (Rs. 3500/! P.M)
2. Disability element (Rs. 3510/!P.M)
Rs. 3510/!P.M. for 100% disability
Rs. 7000/!P.M. for 60% and less disability.
(Authority: Para 60: of Pension Regulations of Army Part!I 1961)
(ii) What are the circumstances, a discontinued ordinary family pension will be restored to a
Ans. The ordinary family pension of a widow will be stopped after he remarriage. This will be
restored in the event of her becoming again a widow/or that marriage becomes annulled by
divorce/desertion and it is justified by the President.
(Authority: Para 102 of P.R. Army 1961)
(iii) Is there any limit on retirement gratuity?
Ans. The maximum limit of all kinds of gratuity is Rs.10 lakhs.
(Authority: Para!8 of MOD No. 17/4/2008(2)/D Pen!Po) dated 12.11.2008)
(Authority: Para 32: GOI order No. 2)
4. (a) What is the criterion for proof of the date of birth of the personnel Below Officer Rank
(PBORs) for commutation of Pension?
(2 Marks)
Ans. The following documents, in original, shall be accepted as proof of the date of birth for the
purpose of commutation of pension:
(i) The Matriculation Certificate or the Secondary School Leaving Certificate, or a
certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation, or failing that,
(ii) Municipal birth certificate or an extract from the Munificpal Birth Rgister, duly
certified by the property authority,
(iii) Where documentary, evidence required above is not available; the date of birth
shall be verified with reference to the assessed apparent age given in the Enrolment form.
For purposes of calculating the date of birth in such cases, it shall be assumed that the
individual has completed that assessed apparent age on the date of enrolment. In cases, in
which the year and month is which the individual is born are known but not the actual
date, the latter will be taken as the 16th of the month.
(Authority: Para !51(b) of Pension Regulations for Army Part!II)
(b) Answer the following with authority.
(2+2+2= 6 Marks)
(i) An overpayment of pension in respect of Mr. X a PBOR has been detected by the DPDO.
What is the role of PCDA(P) in this regard?
Ans. An overpayment detected(mr. X) by serious failure of audit for which staff of DAD is
responsible, a full report will be made by PCDA(P) to CGDA who take such action as may be
(Authority: Para 97 Pension Regulations for the Army!Part!II)
(ii) Whether the payment of pension by Money Order is still valid? If so, what are the
Ans. Payment of Pension up to Rs. 2250/! P.M. plus dearness relief where admissible, at the
request of the pensioner can be remitted by Postal Money order at Govt. cost. It will be
done by Treasuries and DPDOs.
(Authority: Para 88(a) and (b) of PR Part!II)
(iii) An Ex!PBOR is in receipt of Rs. 2300/! and 20 paisa as Dearness Relief. Audit and pass the
Ans. He will get Rs. 2301 as dearness relief.
(Authority: As per Deptt. of Pension & Pension Welfare orders, payment of D.R. involving
a fraction of rupee shall be rounded off to next higher rupee.(dated 27/3/2009 etc.)
5. (a) What are the documents, in support, for counting former Army Service, for Pension/Gratuity
in respect of Personnel Below Officer Rank?
(2 Marks)
Ans. For counting former Army Service for Pension in respect of PBORs, the following documents
to be submitted along with claim.
! Sheet Roll/Record copy of Sheet Roll/Service Certificate as the case may be.
! Enrolment Form completed in all respects including No. and date of Gazette Notification
if any, for grant of Commission as Junior Commissioned Officer.
! Sanction of PCDA (Pension) regarding grant of pension and in the case of gratuity from
Pay Accounts Officer(ORs.) concerned.
(Authority: 3(b)!II of P.R. Part!II)
(b) When the application for Pension/Gratuity to be submitted?
(3 Marks)
Ans. An application for Pension/Gratuity shall be submitted immediately after the occurrence of
the casualty which gives rise to the claim.
To minimize the delay in issue of PPO for payment of Pension/Gratuity, the applications may
be submitted to PCDA (P) in advance of their anticipated date of transfer to pension
establishment as laid down in the regulations.
(Authority: 6(a) of PR Part!II)
(b) How do you affect recovery of Army Group Insurance Scheme subscription from an officer
who is on deputation to U.K. High Commission?
(3 Marks)
Ans. W.e.f. December 1977, the recoveries from officers on deputation including Embassies/High
Commissions abroad will be made by CDA(O) now PCDA(O).
(Authority: SAO 5/S/78)
(c) What documents are required in audit for giving monetary allowance for Gallantry Awards?
(3 Marks)
Ans. (i) Part!II Order notifying the grant of monetary allowance, showing the No. and date
of Gazette notification of the award of Decoration as per rules.
(ii) Certificate from IHQ of MOD(Army) to the effect that the officer has been given the
award on account of gallantry.
Note: This is required in case of gallantry award of Sena medal for gallantry where the
award was given prior to 1998.
An award of forfeiture of service for purpose of promotion in the case of an officer whose
promotion depends upon the length of service, under section 71 or 84 of the Army Act 1950
will not effect his qualifying service for purpose of increments of pay with reference to
length of service.
(Authority: Rule 41 Pay and Allowances Regulations for the Officers of the Army)
(b) An Army Officer Col. X excelled in sports. What pay benefits is he entitled for?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Participants who achieve excellence ( i.e. first, second and third positions in athletics and
only first position in games) at National/International events will be eligible for the award of
special increments i.e. one increment for national event and two for international events.
The total number of increment should not exceed five in an officers entire career. The
increment is to be granted from the first of the month following the month in which the
sporting events are completed. No specific period has been laid down for the officer to claim
the increment. However, the officer should claim it as early as possible. The increment so
granted would continue to be drawn at the same rate till retirement and would not count
for fixation of pay on promotion, retirement benefits, DA etc.
(Authority: GOI, MOD letter No. B/25571/AG/PS 3(b)/335/D(Pay/Services) dated 04.10.91,
No. B/25571/AG/PS!3(b)/1272/D(Pay/Services) dated 19/8/1996 and CGDA letter No.
AN/XIV/14021/II/INC/Sports dated 16/11/04)
(c) What are the documents to be submitted to CDA(O) for drawing Family Planning Allowance
by an Army Officer?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Documents to be submitted to CDA(O) now PCDA(O) for claiming the allowance:
(i) Part!II order notifying the grant of special increment(Family Planning Allowance)
with the certificate, as prescribed in AO 37/81, as per Sl. No. 3.92 of Documentation
Procedure for Publication of Pt. II Orders (Officers)
(ii) Original certificate for sterilization operation issued by the hospital.
(iii) Undertaking in a prescribed format.
(Authority: CGDA letter No. AN/XVII17096!Vol.IV dated 25/4/89)
5. (a) What is the eligibility criterion for earning a Good Service Pay by a Non!Commissioned
Officer? How he can advance this to a higher rate?
(4 Marks)
Ans. To be eligible for the first rate of good service pay, a Non!Commissioned Officer must satisfy
the Commanding Officer as to his zeal and efficiency and must not have incurred more than
one red ink entry in his conduct sheet during 2 years preceding the claim.
Sub!Section(B) Air Force
1. (a) Can an officer draw higher and lower rates of qualification grant when he is in possession of
qualifications entitling him to qualification grant both at higher and lower rates?
(4 Marks)
Ans. No. he can only draw the higher rate of Qualification grant as officers can draw only one
rate of Qualification grant.
(Authority: Rule 175(1) Pay & Allowances Regulations for IAF)
(b) Is separation allowance admissible to an officer, when he is on casual leave from non!family
(3 Marks)
Ans. Yes, he will get separation allowance.
(Authority: Rule 184(1) Pay & Allowances Regulations for IAF)
(c) Who is the competent authority to order penal deduction from pay, when an Airman has left
his wife for maintenance?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Government of India can order.
(Authority: Rule 582(i), Pay & Allowances Regulations for IAF)
2. (a) What type of stores can be dispatched by using Credit Notes?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Credit Notes are only to be used for dispatch of stores which are the property of Ministry of
Defence at the time of dispatch and on which freight charges are debitable to Defence
Services Estimates.
(Authority: Rule 237(i) Travel Regulations)
(b) What type of Air Force stores can be sent by air?
(3 Marks)
Ans. Following Air Force equipments can be sent by air!
(i) AOG equipment
(ii) When directed or arranged by Air HQrs. with the prior approval of Govt.
(iii) In case of emergency where air transport is resorted to at the discretion of CO of
consignor unit or at the requirement of consignee unit provided the extra
expenditure involved is within financial powers of CO or the consignor or the
consignee units as the case may be.
(Authority: Rule 240, Travel Regulations)
(c) Whether conveyance for Canteen stores held by its unit run!canteen at the time of move is
(3 Marks)
Ans. Yes, it is in order as Canteen stores held by a unit/formation run canteen is a bonafide
regimental stores.
(Authority: Rule 241, Travel Regulations)
3. Comment on the following:
(a) The driver of a Group Captain has signed an entry in the car diary covering a distance of 120
(4 Marks)
Ans. This is not in order and has to be objected in audit. When a G/C is a user of the staff car, the
car diary may be signed by the officer himself. In no case car diary is to be signed by driver
(Authority: Para!181(b) Chapter V of AFLAM)
(b) Govt. Transport has been used for the conveyance for airmen to Wagha Border in
(4 Marks)
Ans. This is a case of use of Govt. transport for amenity purpose. The transport duty is perfectly in
order and not to be objected audit.
(Authority: Para 181(iv) Chapter V of AFLAM)
(c) Who can sanction Furlough to a Wing Commander serving in Indian Embassy?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Furlough to a Wing Commander serving in Indian Embassy can be sanctioned only by Govt.
of India.
(Authority: Rule 51, Leave rules for the Services!III)
4. Comments on the following:
(a) JWO Arvind Singh has been issued with a wrist watch for authorized use on aircrew duties.
(5 Marks)
Ans. Wrist watches for the use of entitled aircrew will be issued to the concerned Flight
Commanders of different squadrons on their inventories. Watches for issue to Navigators
under training will be held on the inventory charge of OC Navigation School. Thus issue of a
wrist watch to a JWO will not be in order as he is neither a Flight Commander nor a
Navigator under training.
(Authority: Para 48 of Chapter14 IAF Equipment Regulations IAP!1501)
(b) Vikas Kumar, a pilot cadet has been issued hand towels on prepayment.
(5 Marks)
Ans. Yes. The issue of hand towels on prepayment is in order vide item 22B/35.
(Authority: Para 2 of Chapter 14, IAF Equipment Regulations IAP!1501)
5. (a) Write the circumstances when temporary Change of Command takes place.
(5 Marks)
Ans. (i) Change of command will be effected when the officer in command of a formation or
a unit as under sub para (a) is absent from his formation/unit for a period exceeding 24
hours on account of leave, sickness, temporary duty or attachment.
(ii) When a command or group is normally commanded by an officer of the G.D. Branch,
the next senior officer of that branch serving in the command or group will, irrespective of
the unit to which the belongs, assume command in the absence of the officer posted for
that duty.
(iii) When a command or group is normally commanded by an officer of a branch other
than general duties branch, the command, in his absence, will develop upon the next senior
officer of G.D., technical, equipment, A& S.D. accounts or education branch, regardless of
the branch to which the officer normally in command belongs.
(iv) When a station or wing or unit is normally commanded by an officer of the
G.D.Branch , the next senior of that branch in the station or wing including those serving in
the lodger units, or unit, will assume officiating command of the station or wing or unit.
(v) When a station or wing or unit, established mainly for a purpose other than flying is
normally commanded by an officer of G. D. Branch , or when a station or with or unit is
normally commanded by an officer other than an officer of G. D., technical, equipment, A. &
S.D. accounts or education branch, regardless of the branch to which the officer normally in
command belongs.
(vi) Changes of command will be published in appropriate orders.
(vii) The powers and privileges of an officer in temporary command of a formation/unit
will be same as those of the permanent incumbent subject to the restrictions imposed by Air
Force Act and other rules made there under.
(viii) If any situation raised which is not expressly covered by the above provisions, the
circumstances will be reported to the next higher formation for orders.
(ix) Notwithstanding anything laid down under these provisions the Chief of the Air
Staff, in the case of command head quarters, or A.O.A. in the case of units directly under the
administrative control of Air Headquarters or the A.O.C. in!C. of a command in the case of
formations/units under him, may, if he considers it necessary or desirables ,nominate any
officer to assume temporary command of a formation/unit.
(Authority: Rule 16 DSR: Reg. for IAF)
(b) What do you understand by Relative Seniority of Regular Officers?
(5 Marks)
Ans. (i) Officers holding substantive ranks will be senior to officers holding corresponding
acting ranks.
(ii) Relative seniority of officers holding the same substantive rank (without any higher
acting rank will be determined by the respective dates of appointment or promotion to that
rank. Where two officers of the same rank have been gazetted to such rank with effect from
the same date, their relative seniority will be determined by the order in which their names
appear in the current air force list(CS No.6/VII/69)
Note ! Forfeiture of seniority, if any, will be taken into consideration in determining relative
(iii) Relative seniority of officers holding the same higher acting rank but different
substantive ranks will be determined by the substantive rank held.
(iv) Relative seniority of officers holding same higher acting rank and same substantive
rank will be determined by the date of promotion to the higher acting rank, where the date
of appointment or promotion to the substantive rank is the same. Where the dates of
appointment or promotion to the substantive rank are different, relative seniority will be
determined by those dates.
(Authority Rule 25 DSR: Reg. for IAF)
6. How the Pay and Allowances of a deserter will be dealt with?
(10 Marks)
Ans. (a)The pay and allowances of a deserter will be forfeited for the period of desertion.
(b) The commanding officer will draw pay and allowances due to the deserter for any period
prior to desertion and will secure all his moveable property in camp or quarters. Out of
them, all the amounts etc. due by deserter will be met and the rest, if any, will be disposed
of in accordance with Section 3 of the Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private Property)
Act, 1950
Note:! For the purpose of these regulations the commanding officer of a
deserters/absentees unit means
(i) In the case of a person subject to the Air Force Act, who is already on the strength of
a unit , the commanding officer of that unit.
(ii) In the case of a person subject to the Air Force Act, on posting/under posting, the
commanding officer of the unit to which he is posted.
(iii) In the case of a new recruit, the commanding officer of the training unit to which th
recruit is ordered to report
(Authority: Rule 388. Of DSR Reg. for IAF)
Sub!Section(C) NAVY
1. On what day the pay and allowances will be stopped in respect of the following cases:
(2 + 2+2 + 2 = 10 Marks)
(a) In case of death
(b) In case of retirement or resignation
(c) In case of dismissal without disgrace
(d) Suspension
Ans. (a) On the following day of death
(b) On the day of retirement/resignation
(c) On the following day of the decision is communicated to the officer
(d) On the following day of the decision is communicated to the officer.
(Authority: Para!9 Chapter!III of the Navy(Pay & Allowance) regulations 1966.
2. Promotion orders of two officers were erroneously issued. One was posted in the same station
and the other was on duty in the ship in operation against the pirates in the gulf of Africa. On
what date(s), their orders for cancellation of their promotions would be made effective?
(10 Marks)
Ans. In case of the officer in same station, it would be from the date of the cancellation order was
issued and in respect of the officer on duty in the ship, it would be from the date orders
rescinding the promotion reach the ship/establishment.
{Authority: Para 14 of Chapter!III of the Navy ( Pay and allowance) regulations 1966}
3 Navy captain A was captured in war by the enemy country. During his captivity in the foreign
country, he was paid token pay of Rs. 5,000/! per month. On his release and return to the
country, how his pay and allowances would be regulated.
(10 Marks)
Ans. On the return to the country, he would be entitled to full pay and allowances including
separation allowance if the order was issued prior to his capture for the period of his captivity
minus the pay/allowances he received from that country. But other allowances such as
altitude/uncongenial climate allowance even if he was drawing would not be paid.
(Para 21A of Chapter!III of the Navy (Pay and allowances) regulations 1966).
4 An officer who was drawing lower rate of qualification pay acquired higher qualification for
which he is entitled for higher rate of qualification pay as well. How his qualification pay will be
(10 Marks)
Ans. He shall be allowed to draw the difference between the higher rate and the lower rate of
Qualification pay till the expiry of two years after the draw of the Qualification grant. Thereafter
he would however be allowed the higher rate of Qualification pay.
(Para 88(3) of Chapter!III of the Navy(Pay and allowances) regulations 1966)
5 What is the objective of ships improvement fund? How is the fund administered or managed?
(10 Marks)
Ans. The fund is instituted for the improvement of Gunnery, Torpedo, Communication and radar
departments. The objective is to encourage development of new devices and modifications to
existing equipment with a view to increasing the efficiency of such equipment. The fund is
administered by the commanding officer of the ship and drawn quarterly in advance. At the end
of the financial year the unexpended amount is forwarded to the Indian Navy central
improvement fund, naval Headquarters, New Delhi.
{Authority: Para!29 of Unit allowances of the Navy(Pay and Allowances) Regulations 1966}
6 An officer posted in Kolkata was posted as Defence Attache in the office of High Commissioner
of India in Dhaka. He sent his family back to Jammu his home town. After full tenure in Dhaka
he was transfer to Cochin. He brought his family there and claimed the cost both from Kolkata
to Jammu and from Jammu to Cochin. How his claim for family would be regulated?
(10 Marks)
Ans. His claim from Kolkata to Jammu would be restricted to amount that he could claim from
Kolkata to Dhaka. As for the claim from Jammu to Cochin it would be admissible in full as per
(Authority: Para 253(d) of the Travel regulations (defence services 1991)
Sub!Section(D) ! Factory
1. (a) What are demand notes and return notes? What is red demand note and how issuance of a
red demand note will affect Price Store Account?
(3 Marks)
Ans. (a) Demand note is a document that production section issues to store section to obtain
material based on authority of warrant. Return note is a document issued by production
section to store section if production section returns any material earlier drawn on that
warrant. Accounts office prepares Priced Store Account and material abstract using demand
and return notes.
In factories working on the Except system, components manufactured in the factories are
not taken on charge in stores ledger but are borne on production ledger charge (having
been kept in component store) from where they are drawn for purposes of assembly on
Red Demand Notes. These documents will, therefore, not be accounted for in Stores
Ledger or Store Account and hence will have no effect on Price store account.
(Authority: Para 412 OM Part!VI)
(b) What are the types of Unorthodox Balances? Under what conditions UOB arises in ledger?
(3 Marks)
Ans. (b) Types of Unorthodox Balances which can arise in Price Store Ledger are:
(i) Plus Quantity within Minus or Nil Value
(ii) Nil Quantity with Plus or Minus Value
(iii) Minus Quantity (with Plus, Minus or Nil Value)
These balances arise in the Price Store Ledger because of the following reasons:
(i) Stores documents are not promptly priced and posted chronologically in the ledgers.
Priority is also not given to the posting of receipt documents in the chronological order over
the issue documents.
(ii) Monthly Average Ledger Rates are not worked out every month.
(iii) Receipt adjustments including counter adjustments are not countered by adjustment to
issue where necessary.
(iv) Prompt action is not taken to obtain the wanting receipt documents.
(Authority: Para 425, 426 of OM Part!VI)
(c) What is moving average ledger rate? Calculate MALR for an item X with the help of following
Qty. Rate
Opening balance 1200 75
Demand note 200
Receipt 500 82
Return note 50
Receipt 1000 87
(4 Marks)
Ans. (c) Moving average ledger rate is rate of each item shown in Price Store Ledger. The rate is
based on the total values of receipts during the month as per receipt voucher and the
opening value divided by the total quantity of receipts during the month and opening
quantity. Thus if VI and V2 be the Opening Value and Value of Receipts during the month
and Q1 and Q2 be the Opening Quantity and Quantity of Receipts. MALR = V1+V2/Q1+Q2.
This rate is adopted for pricing of the issues during the next month.
Opening balance qty 1200 rate 75 value = 90000.
Demand note 200 Nos,
Remaining qty = 1000, value = 1000*75 = 75000
Receipt qty = 500 rate = 82, value = 41000
ALR = (75000+41000)/(1000+500)
= 77.33
Return note = 50 Nos
Remaining QTY = 1550, value = 1550*77.33 = 119866.66
Receipt Quantity = 1000, rate = 87, value = 87000
ALR = (119866.66+87000)/(1550+1000)
= 81.12
(b) Calculate net provisioning quantity for an SHIS of an item A for an end product X:
Target for year 2013 !14 for item X is 100000 nos.
Estimate req. of A is 1037 per 1000 nos.
Stock available 10000
WIP 5000
SO Dues 20000
TE Dues 10000
Dues out 17000
(5 Marks)
Ans. (b) Net provisioning quantity for an SHIS of an item A for an end product X :
Target for year 2013 !14 for item X is 100000 nos.
Estimate requirement of A is 1037 per 1000 nos.
So, gross requirement = target* estimate = 100000*1037/1000
= 103700
Stock available 10000
WIP 5000
SO Dues 20000
TE Dues 10000
Total available quantity = stock + WIP + SO dues + TE dues
= 10000 + 5000 + 20000 + 10000
= 45000
Dues out 17000
Net available quantity = available quantity Dues out
= 45000 17000
= 28000.
Net required quantity = gross requirement Net availability
= 103700 28000
= 75700
3. (a) What is overhead? Explain as to how overheads are classified in Ordnance Factories?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Overhead charges constitute a class of cost, which cannot be directly charged to the
product. Thus, apart from direct costs like labour and Material, there are other costs
which have to be necessarily incurred generally for the production. To arrive at true cost of
production, it is , therefore essential that a proper system of accounting of such charges and
distribution thereof to the manufacturing orders is adopted.
The overheads incurred in the Ordnance Factory are broadly classified into Variable and
Fixed according to the nature of the expenses.
Variable overheads are expenses which generally vary in sympathy with the load on the
factories i.e. they increase or decrease with every increase or decrease in load though not in
direct proportion. Fixed overheads are items of expenditure which by their very nature do
not depend on the volume of manufacture (load), but generally remain constant irrespective
of the load involved.
The variable overhead expenses of any shop comprises of items of expenditure which
relates to repairs, maintenance, running and depreciation of machinery, general shop
labour. The fixed overhead expenses comprise of items of expenditure relating to the pay
and allowance of staff and officers of the factory other than those treated as variables.
(Authority: Para!526 !530 of OM Part!VI)
(b) From the following, calculate total variable expenditure for Section A and B using step
ladder method:
Production Section A,B
Service Section X,Y,Z
Variable expenditure on Section A ! 1000000
Variable expenditure on Section B ! 500000
Variable expenditure on Section X ! 200000
Variable expenditure on Section Y ! 7000000
Variable expenditure on Section Z ! 20000
Section X provides services to Y (60%) and Z (40%)
Section Y provides services to Z (30%), A (30%) and B (40%)
Section Z provides services to A (70%) and B (30%)
(6 Marks)
Ans. Distribution of expenses by direct allocation to Production Section is done through Step
Ladder Method
Service Sections Production Sections
Sec X Sec Y Sec Z Sec A Sec B
Given Variable 200000 700000 200000 1000000 500000
Distribution of !200000 !120000 80000 ! !
cost of Sec X (60%) (40%)
Total 0 820000 100000 1000000 500000
Distribution of !820000 246000 246000 328000
cost of Sec Y (30%) (30%) (40%)
Total 0 0 346000 1246000 828000
Distribution of !346000 242200 103800
cost of Sec Z (70%) (30%)
Total Variable 1488200 931800
Expdr in r/o
(Authority:! Para 537! 540 of OM Part!VI)
4 (a) Define extract. What are the different classes of extracts?
(3 Marks)
Ans. An extract is the authority for the manufacture of an article in a factory. It is issued by tire
OFB to enable the factory to undertake manufacture in respect of all outturn work orders
and certain indirect service work orders. One extract is placed for one work order i.e. for one
kind of article only.
As per new system of P.W.E. calculation the minimum of the revised pay scales of the piece
workers are taken as basis and the difference between the actual basic pay of a worker and
the minimum of his revised pay scale is paid as a separate element. Hence the following
method of calculation should be adopted.
(Time wages + Increment difference + Overtime pay) (Earning + Overtime Bonus) =
Guarantee Pay.
(Authority: Para 154 of OM Part!VI)
(b) How the time spent by industrial workers on receiving medical treatment during working
hours is treated?
(4 Marks)
Ans. The time spent by workers for receiving medical treatment during working hours will be
treated as under:
(i) In case of injuries/sickness arising out of work
(a) The time spent in dispensary/Ambulance room within the factory premises will be
treated as duty.
(b) The time spent in dispensary/hospital outside the factory premises will be treated as
special leave with wages.
(ii) In case of injuries/sickness not arising out of work The time upto the limit of 2 hours at
a time will be treated as special leave with wages. The concession will be limited to two
occasions in a month.
The period of absence will be from the time the worker leaves work spot till he returns to
duty at work spot. Workers who do not join duty prior to their proceeding to receive
medical attendance and workers who are not in a position to return to duty within the
stipulated time limit of 2 hours as well as those who do not return duty before the closing of
working hours will not be entitled to receive the benefit of the concession given above.
The question whether the injury/sickness arose out of work or otherwise will be decided on
the basis of the report of the Medical Officers on duty at the dispensary etc. where the
worker receives the treatment.
(Authority: Para 181 of OM Part!VI)
(c) What is outstanding liability of labour charges?
(2 Marks)
Ans. Amount of unclaimed wages is not charged to the pay head in the financial accounts
although the same is fully charged in the Cost Accounts. The difference between the cost
and financial accounts thus represented by the unclaimed wages is treated as Outstanding
(Authority: Para ! 222 of OM Part!VI)
6. (a) How are notional time wages for piece workers calculated? How earning of any member of
gang will be calculated out of total gang earning?
(4 Marks)
Ans. Notional Time wages/Time wages in respect of any industrial will be calculated by
multiplying the number of days worked by him by his daily rate of pay.
As day workers are required to be paid on time basis without regard to output, they will
receive this element of wages. Pay for a day should be assumed at 1/N!(S+H) X Basic
monthly pay (where N represents the number of days in a month and H represent number
of closed paid holidays in that month).
However, piece workers are eligible for payment of paid holidays separately in addition to
piece work earnings. The formula is 1/NS X Basic monthly pay.
In the case of gang piece workers, the total piece work earnings will be distributed among
workers with reference to Notional Time Wages of each worker calculated on the basis of
the minimum of his pay scale.
Accordingly, the piece work earnings of a gang will be distributed among its members in
proportion to their Notional Time Wages.
Earnings of any member of the gang= His Notional time wages X Total earnings of the gang.
Total Notional Time Wages of all the members of the gang
Special casual leave on full pay on other occasions mentioned below may be granted to the
extent and subject to the conditions mentioned in the Govt. orders issued from the time to
(a) Participation in the sporting events and tournaments of National or International
(b) Participation in the Inter!Ministerial Interdepartmental tournaments.
(c) Participation in cultural activities.
(d) Representatives of Unions/Federation/Associations; to attend meetings/conference.
(e) Undergoing I.U. C.D. insertions;
(f) Undergoing non!puerperal Tubectomy operation
(g) Undergoing Sterilization operation.
(h) For the period spent by ex!servicemen boarded out of service and re!employed as
civilians for appearing before medical survey Board.
(Authority! Para 180 of OM Part!VI)
(c) A piece worker has performed 24 hours of OTB in the month of December, 2012. His pay
details are as under:
Band Pay ! Rs. 14,880
Grade Pay ! Rs. 4,600
Calculate his OTB entitlement.
(2 Marks)
Ans. OTB of Piece Worker = (1.25 X (Band Pay + Grade Pay) + 2* DA) X OTB Hrs.
= (1.25 X (14880 + 4600) + 14025) X 24
(DA is to be calculated on B.P. + G.P. @ 72% = Rs. 6288)