Brochure Psse en s4
Brochure Psse en s4
Brochure Psse en s4
December 2010
The work described in this report was funded by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Office of Electric Reliability through a subcontract administered
by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is operated by the
University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No.
This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States
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thereof, or The Regents of the University of California.
December 2010
The work described in this report was funded by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Electric Reliability through a subcontract administered by the Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department
of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Utility Systems Efficiencies, Inc. was tasked by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(LBNL) to conduct dynamic simulation studies of the three U.S. interconnections (Eastern,
Western, and Texas). The simulations were prepared in support of LBNLs project for the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to study frequency-response-related issues that must be
addressed to operate the power system reliably with large amounts of variable renewable
The objective of the simulation studies of each interconnection was to assess the effects of
different amounts of wind generation on frequency behavior of each interconnection following a
sudden loss of generation. The scenarios created to study these effects considered an operating
circumstance in which system load is at or close to its minimum. The event studied was the
sudden loss of the largest amount of generation recorded within each interconnection. The
simulations calculated the impact of this event on interconnection frequency for three levels of
wind generation. In addition to varying the amount of wind generation, the simulations varied
the amount of operating reserves between a high level representative of current operating
practices and a low level representative of the minimum required by present operating rules.
Eto, J., J. Undrill, P. Mackin, R. Daschmans, B. Williams, B. Haney, R. Hunt, J. Ellis, H. Illian, C. Martinez, M. OMalley, K.
Coughlin, and K. Hamachi-LaCommare. 2010. Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess the Planning and Operating
Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation. LBNL-4142E. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
The work described in this report was funded by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Electric Reliability through a subcontract issued by the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy
under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
The Principal Investigator for the overall project is Joseph H. Eto, Lawrence Berkeley National
The project team expresses its appreciation to the Western Electric Coordinating Council,
Electricity Reliability Council of Texas, the Eastern Interconnection Reliability Assessment
Group, and system planners in the Eastern Interconnection for graciously providing
interconnection-wide system models that were used in the study. Each was helpful and
forthcoming in answering the technical questions we asked to better understand the system
The project team also acknowledges reviews of earlier drafts of this report provided by John
Undrill and Mark OMally.
The study authors, alone, however, bear sole responsibility for technical adequacy of the analysis
methods and the accuracy of the study results.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................................... iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................1
References ......................................................................................................................................25
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Table 2-1. Summary of Dynamic Simulation Results for the Western Interconnection ............. 11
Table 3-1. Summary of Dynamic Simulation Results for the ERCOT Interconnection ............. 18
Table 3-2. Generator Governor Performance in the Low Reserve Scenarios for the Texas
Interconnection ................................................................................................................ 22
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Executive Summary
Utility Systems Efficiencies, Inc. was tasked by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(LBNL) to conduct dynamic simulation studies of the three U.S. interconnections (Eastern,
Western, and Texas). The simulations were prepared in support of LBNLs project for the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to study frequency-response-related issues that must be
addressed to operate the power system reliably with large amounts of variable renewable
The objective of the simulation studies of each interconnection was to assess the effects of
different amounts of wind generation on frequency behavior of each interconnection following a
sudden loss of generation. The scenarios created to study these effects considered an operating
circumstance in which system load is at or close to its minimum. The event studied was the
sudden loss of the largest amount of generation recorded within each interconnection. The
simulations calculated the impact of this event on interconnection frequency for three levels of
wind generation. In addition to varying the amount of wind generation, the simulations varied
the amount of operating reserves between a high level based on current operating practices and a
low level based on the minimum required by present operating rules.
The simulations were performed using commercially available, production-grade power flow and
dynamic simulation tools. The system models that form the basis for the studies were provided
by industry planners within each of the interconnections. The simulations were conducted by
varying the level of wind generation contained in system models provided to the project team; no
wind, convention generation, nor transmission were added to the system models. The
simulations of the Western Interconnection modeled the dynamic performance of wind turbines
using recently the certified generic Type 3 wind turbine model. The simulations of the Texas
Interconnection modeled the dynamic performance of wind turbines using the wind turbine
models contained in the system model provided to the project team. In addition, the simulations
of the Texas Interconnection also studied the effect of redispatch procedures that increased the
effectiveness of primary frequency control provided by generator governors.
The principal findings from the simulation studies of the Western Interconnection are: For the
high operating reserve cases and for all three levels of wind generation, the frequency nadir
remains well above the highest under-frequency load-shedding set point, which is 59.5 Hertz
(Hz). The initial rates of frequency decline are nearly identical, but the frequency nadirs are
slightly lower as the level of wind generation increases. For the low operating reserves cases, the
frequency nadirs are close to, but slightly above, the highest under-frequency load-shedding set
point. The initial rates of frequency decline are slightly greater and the frequency nadirs are
noticeably lower as the level of wind generation increases.
The principal findings from the simulation studies of the Texas Interconnection are: For both the
high and low reserves cases and for all three levels of wind generation, all frequency nadirs are
Eto, J., J. Undrill, P. Mackin, R. Daschmans, B. Williams, B. Haney, R. Hunt, J. Ellis, H. Illian, C. Martinez, M. OMalley, K.
Coughlin, and K. Hamachi-LaCommare. 2010. Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess the Planning and Operating
Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation. LBNL-4142E. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
well above the under-frequency load-shedding set point, which is 59.3 Hz. The initial rates of
frequency decline vary in part because of the amount of wind generation, but more so because of
the amount and characteristics of the generators governors providing primary frequency control
actions. The frequency nadirs are very similar due to the combined effect of the dispatch to
increase the effectiveness of generator governors and load shed through the Load acting as a
Resource (LaaR) program.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
1. Introduction
Utility Systems Efficiencies, Inc. (USE) was tasked by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(LBNL) to conduct dynamic simulation studies of the three U.S. interconnections (Eastern,
Western, and Texas). The simulations were prepared in support of LBNLs project for the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to study frequency-response issues that must be
addressed to operate the power system reliably with large amounts of variable renewable
The objective of the simulation studies of each interconnection was to assess the effects of
different amounts of wind generation on frequency behavior of each interconnection following a
sudden loss of generation. The scenarios created to study these effects considered an operating
circumstance in which system load is at or close to its minimum. The event studied was the
sudden loss of the largest amount of generation recorded within each interconnection. The
simulations calculated the impact of this event on interconnection frequency for three levels of
wind generation. In addition to varying the amount of wind generation, the simulations varied
the amount of operating reserves between a high level representative of current operating
practices and a low level representative of the minimum required by present operating rules.
First, all simulations were conducted using the same commercially available, production-grade
simulation tools that are currently used by industry: General Electric (GE) Positive Sequence
Load Flow (PSLF) for the Western Interconnection and Siemens Power Technologies
International Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) for the Texas and Eastern
Second, the project team relied on system models developed and used by the industry to study
and establish reliability-based system operating limits. Planners in each interconnection
provided the project team with system models representing light-load conditions expected for
Third, the project team took the amount, type, and location of generation (including wind
generation) as well as the topology and properties of the transmission system represented in the
system models as given. Therefore, no wind (or conventional) generation and no transmission
was added to the system models. As discussed in Eto (2010), this places a limit on the amount of
wind generation that can be studied in each interconnection.
Eto, J., J. Undrill, P. Mackin, R. Daschmans, B. Williams, B. Haney, R. Hunt, J. Ellis, H. Illian, C. Martinez, M. OMalley, K.
Coughlin, and K. Hamachi-LaCommare. 2010. Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess the Planning and Operating
Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation. LBNL-4142E. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National
General Electric Positive Sequence Load Flow Software (PSLF).
Siemens Power Technologies International Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E).
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Fourth, the loss of generation event studied is based on the largest such event observed in each
interconnection. These events are often the same ones that are routinely considered by planners
within each interconnection in establishing interregional and system operating limits.
Fifth, the project team endeavored to follow accepted modeling practices in conducting the
simulations. When the cases were prepared for simulation, generation redispatch and operating
reserves levels were established separately for each balancing authority to maintain power flows
among balancing authorities at levels established in the interconnections system models. In
conducting the simulations, the team made minor adjustments to ensure that voltage limits
defined for the cases were observed.5
The sections of this report follow the chronological order in which the studies were conducted,
starting with the Western Interconnection, followed by the Texas Interconnection, and, finally,
the Eastern Interconnection. Each section also follows a consistent structure. First, the
interconnection is briefly introduced. Second, the system model provided by interconnection
planners for use in the study is described, along with the name and version of the simulation tool
used to conduct the studies. Third, the steps taken to modify the system models for use in the
simulations are described, including the wind generation and operating reserves scenarios that
were studied. Fourth, the results of the simulations are presented along with observations by the
project team on the results.
The reader is referred to Eto (2010) for additional interpretation and discussion of the simulation
Since this study is focused on the frequency nadir following the sudden loss of generation, all simulations were conducted for a
period of 20 seconds. See Undrill (2010) for a discussion of the impacts of wind generation on power system frequency control
over longer time periods, involving both primary and secondary frequency control.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
The Western Interconnection covers nearly 1.8 million square miles and includes the provinces
of Alberta and British Columbia in Canada, the northern portion of Baja California in Mexico,
and all or portions of the 14 contiguous western U.S. states in between. The Western Electricity
Coordinating Council (WECC) is the regional entity responsible for coordinating and promoting
bulk electric system reliability in the Western Interconnection.6
2.1 WECC 2012 System Model and the Dynamic Simulation Tool
For our simulation studies of Western Interconnection frequency behavior following the sudden
loss of generation with different amounts of wind generation and operating reserve, we obtained
a system model developed by WECC and used the principal simulation tool used by planners in
The system model we obtained is known as the WECC 2012-13 Light Winter case. WECC
approved it for use on January 7, 2009. The model contains 3,344 generators totaling 258
gigawatts (GW) of installed generating capacity. Wind generation accounts for 9 GW of this
generating capacity. For the 2012-13 Light Winter case, 1,593 generators are dispatched to serve
107 GW of load, plus 4 GW in losses. The flows on the California - Oregon Inter-tie (COI) and
Pacific DC Inter-tie (PDCI) for this case are from south to north at approximately 2,900
megawatts (MW) and 1,900 MW, respectively.
Following the 1996 West Coast blackouts, WECC members devoted considerable effort to
updating, validating, and calibrating their dynamic system models. A principal focus was to
calibrate the generation plant governor models for primary frequency control action to actual
recorded performance and explicit representation of plant secondary control actions that can and
do sometimes override primary frequency control actions (Pereira et al 2003).
We used the version 17.0_02 of the GE PSLF simulation tool to conduct power flow and
dynamic simulation studies using the WECC system model. WECC system planners routinely
use this tool to conduct reliability studies of the Western Interconnection (WECC 2009).
Preparing the WECC system model for use in our study involved the following four steps: 1)
Reduce system load from 110 GW and lower generation in the 2012-13 Light Winter case
developed by WECC to 80 GW, which is representative of the minimum load of the
interconnection; 2) Specify the generator models to use in simulating the dynamic performance
of wind turbines; 3) Identify the generation-loss event and the highest under-frequency load-
shedding set point, which establishes the lowest acceptable frequency nadir following the loss of
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
generation; and 4) Develop scenarios with varying amounts of wind generation and operating
We first reduced system loads from the 110 GW in the Light Winter case to 80 GW, which
corresponds to minimum load conditions that have been observed on the interconnection. See
Figure 2-1. The loads were reduced in equal proportions for each balancing authority within the
Figure 2-1. Western Interconnection System Load January 9, 2009
Figure 2-2 shows the composition of loads in the minimum system load model. In reducing the
total system load from 110 GW to 80 GW, we kept the percentages of each load component
fixed in equal proportion to those in the original 2012-13 Light Winter case.
See, for example, WECC Modeling and Validation Working Group.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Constant Current
Load, 52,935 MW
67% Constant Impedance
Load, 5,117 MW
We also reduced conventional generation to serve the lower total system load. The output from
conventional generation was lowered based on economic merit order. This involves lowering the
output from some and decommitting other sources of generation (i.e., turning off a generator and
taking it off line) in order of decreasing marginal production cost (i.e., by first lowering the
output from or decommitting generation from the generators that are most expensive to operate).
Economic merit order redispatch was constrained, however, to ensure that each balancing
authority continued to hold adequate operating reserves, as required by WECC reliability
standards. In addition, tie-flows for each balancing authority were held fixed to maintain flows
within the limits established in the original 2012-13 Light Winter case.
To model the interactions between wind generators and the interconnection, we sought to rely on
non-proprietary wind turbine models to represent the performance of wind generators. These
models were developed and have been recently certified by WECC for use in GE PSLF (Ellis et
al. 2009). They are available for each of the major types of wind turbines that are commercially
available. See Text Box.
We chose to model all wind turbines using the new generic wind turbine generator model for
Type 3 wind turbines in our simulations. It is appropriate to use only the Type 3 wind turbine
model in our study for two reasons. First, Type 3 wind turbines are expected to make up the vast
majority of those that will be installed in the coming years.8 Second, Type 3 wind turbines, as
currently designed, provide essentially no inertia. Thus, for the purposes of this study, use of
We were not able to identify any Type 4 wind turbines in the interconnection queue that was used to establish the location and
amount of wind generation contained in the 2012 system model provided to the project team for this study.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Type 3 wind turbines in the simulations highlights the effect of this characteristic of wind
generation, which is particular interest for the study of frequency response.
For the study, we selected is the largest generation-loss event that had occurred on the
interconnection in the past; because of its magnitude, this same event is usually also studied as
part of WECCs operation and transmission planning processes to establish operating transfer
capabilities and path ratings. The Western Interconnection event involved the sudden loss of two
large generation units in the Southwest that produce approximately 2,800 MW (net of station
service loads).
Type 1 Wind Turbine Generator (Conventional Induction Generator): is connected to the wind turbine through a
gearbox, and uses a conventional "squirrel cage" induction generator directly connected to the grid. The
conventional induction generator cannot provide reactive power or voltage control, frequency regulation or
active power control, but does provide inertia. The advantage of this machine is its simplicity and low cost but
have the disadvantage of significant variation in active and reactive power output due to changes in wind speed.
Shunt capacitors are usually added in the system to improve the power factor.
Type 2 Wind Turbine Generator (Wound Rotor Induction Generator with variable rotor resistance): is similar to
Type 1, except that the current can be controlled in the wound rotor with a variable resistance.
Type 3 Wind Turbine Generator (Doubly-fed Induction (Asynchronous) Generator: The rotor current in the
wound rotor is regulated with the use of AC-DC-variable frequency AC power electronic convertors that
allow the generator to operate over a variable speed range and improve the efficiency of the wind turbine
generator. Only a fraction of the turbine power (about 30%) passes through the convertors. These machines
can provide reactive power, and voltage control.
Type 4: Wind Turbine Generator (Full Convertor Interface): A standard synchronous generator is used for these
machines, and the full turbine power passes through the variable frequency AC-DC-AC power electronic
converter system. In addition to features similar to Type 3 machines, these machines can also decouple the
turbine-generator drive train from the electric power grid during a grid disturbance.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
WECCs under-frequency load-shedding procedures have evolved over the years and are
documented in the WECCs Coordinated Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding and
Restoration Plan (WECC 1997). The loads that are shed include pumped storage (when the
facility is drawing power to pump), large pumps associated with water conveyance, and
interruptible loads and selected firm loads.
The wind generation scenarios were developed by adjusting the amount of wind generation
produced at the locations that are already represented in the 2012-13 Light Winter case. As
mentioned, this case contains 9 GW of wind generation capacity located at sites primarily in the
western-most states of the interconnection. We examined three wind generation scenarios: 1
GW, 4 GW, and 9 GW. The 1GW and 4 GW wind generation scenarios were modeled by
adjusting the output at each wind generation location downward in equal proportion from the
original 9 GW.
We examined two approaches for managing system operating reserves during minimum system
load conditions. The two approaches result in different quantities of primary frequency control
At one extreme, we modified typical WECC operating practices (that are also followed in other
interconnections), by minimizing the amount of generation that is decommitted at night. Many
generating units are not shut down and then restarted on a daily basis for economic reasons.
Instead, they are kept running and are on line at night but are dispatched at very low levels of
output. This practice assures that they are available to ramp up the following day to meet mid-
day loads. We call these cases High Reserves. In the High Reserves cases, approximately 22
GW of generation capacity is kept on line in excess of 80 GW of the generation capacity
required to meet load.
At the other extreme, we examined the effect of holding operating reserves based on a close
interpretation of current WECC standards regarding the minimum operating reserves that must
carried by balancing authorities within the interconnection. WECCs operating reserve standards
require that balancing authorities generally hold synchronized generation capacity on line equal
to approximately 4.5 percent of load at all times (WECC 2008). Implementing this standard in
the simulation study involved decommitting some generation units and increasing the output
from other generation units (from the units in the High Reserves case). As before, we followed a
procedure based on economic merit order, and this procedure was implemented separately for
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
each balancing authority to hold tie-flows among balancing authorities constant. We call these
cases Low Reserves. In the Low Reserves cases, approximately 6 GW of generation capacity
is kept on line in excess of 80 GW of the generation capacity required to meet load.
Six GW represents more reserve generation capacity than would result from multiplying 80 GW
times 4.5 percent, which is only 4 GW. The difference is a result of our efforts to follow
subtleties in WECCs standard exactly as they are written in the standard. WECCs standard is
expressed in terms of the percentages that vary based on the type of generation used to provide
operating reserves. In some cases, when these percentages cannot be met, the standard requires
establishing reserves based on a second consideration: the single largest contingency.
Systematically applying these criteria at minimum system load levels leads to slightly more
reserve generation capacity than would be implied by multiplying a simple percentage by the
minimum system load of 80 GW because in many cases the single largest contingency is the
prevailing criterion.9
Figure 2-3 presents simulation results for the three levels of wind generation (1 GW, 4 GW, and
9 GW) for the High Reserves case on the Western Interconnection. Each case shows the
evolution of system frequency over the first 19 seconds following the sudden loss of 2,800 MW
of generation from two large generating plants in the southwestern portion of the
The first point to note is that the frequency nadir remains well above the under-frequency load-
shedding set point for all three levels of wind generation. The second point to note is that the
initial rate of frequency decline is virtually identical for all three levels of wind generation. The
third point to note is that the frequency nadirs, though nearly identical, are very slightly and
progressively lower as the level of wind generation increases.
The exact procedure was implemented as follows: The goal of the generation adjustments was to achieve approximately 4.5
percent of spinning reserves, which consists of one half of 5 percent hydro and 7 percent thermal generation plus a small
percentage for regulation. As generation is decommitted following economic merit order for each balancing authority, some
balancing authorities switch from using this criterion (one half of 5 percent hydro and 7 percent thermal) to using a secondary
criterion based on the single largest contingency. In addition, some units remain committed within a balancing authority, so it
can meet or exceed the Minimum Operating Reserve Standard. These factors lead to a WECC-wide level of reserves that is
slightly more than 4.5 percent.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Frequency (Hz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 2-3. Simulated Western Interconnection System Frequency Behavior Over the First 19
Seconds Following the Sudden Loss of the 2,800 MW of Generation for the High Reserves Case
Figure 2-4 presents simulation results for the three levels of wind generation (1 GW, 4 GW, and
9 GW) for the Low Reserves case. The format of presentation is identical to that in Figure 2-3.
Low Reserves, 1 GW Wind
Low Reserves, 4 GW Wind
59.95 Low Reserves, 9 GW Wind
Frequency (Hz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 2-4. Simulated Western Interconnection System Frequency Behavior Over the First 19
Seconds Following the Sudden Loss of the 2,800 MW Generation for the Low Reserves Cases
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
The first point to note is that, for all three levels of wind generation, the frequency nadir is
significantly closer to the under-frequency load-shedding set point than in the High Reserves
case. The second point to note is that the initial rate of frequency decline is again virtually
identical for all three levels of wind generation. The third point to note is that the frequency
nadirs are noticeably distinct from one another (compared to the High Reserves case) and are
progressively lower as the level of wind generation increases.
Figure 2-5 shows the evolution of primary frequency control actions for all six cases. The power
delivered by primary frequency control in all three High Reserves cases is significantly greater
than that delivered in all three Low Reserves cases at every moment in time over the first 19
seconds following the sudden loss of generation. In addition, for a given level of reserves, the
power delivered by primary frequency control is virtually identical for all three levels of wind
2750 2590
Net Governor Response (MW)
2250 2368
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 2-5. The Power Delivered by Primary Frequency Control Actions Provided by Generator
Governors in the Low and High Reserves Cases
Table 2-1 summarizes the results from all six simulations, including the frequency nadir, nadir-
based frequency response, and primary frequency response metrics, as defined in Eto et al.
(2010). Given the inertia of the Western Interconnection, which leads to formation of the
frequency nadir approximately 7 to 8 seconds after the loss of generation, the primary frequency
response at 4, 9, and 19 seconds after the loss of generation is presented. Additional discussion
and interpretation of these results are presented in Eto et al. (2010).
It was not possible to study the frequency response of the Western Interconnection with higher
levels of wind generation using the WECC system model because the system model WECC
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
developed for the 2012-13 Light Winter case contains only 9 GW of wind generation along with
the associated transmission required to deliver this amount of wind generation.10
Table 2-1. Summary of Dynamic Simulation Results for the Western Interconnection
A preliminary effort was made to increase the amount of wind generation by adding generation. We sought to increase wind
generation by following the order in which wind generation projects stand in the queue for transmission interconnection. This
effort was halted when it was found that that adding wind generation in this manner quickly exceeds the capabilities of the
current transmission interfaces between balancing authorities where the wind generation would be built and the balancing
authorities where the generation would have to be delivered. For example, we found one instance in which the amount of wind
generation quickly exceeded the total load of the balancing authority containing this generation.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
The Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is the independent system operator for the
Texas Interconnection, which contains 40,000 miles of transmission lines and more than 550
generation units.11 Currently, the Texas Interconnection provides electricity to 22 million Texas
customers, representing 85 percent of the state's electrical load and 75 percent of Texas land
area. The interconnection is asynchronous with the Western and Eastern Interconnections; thus,
it is an independent interconnection.
3.1 ERCOT 2012 System Model and the Dynamic Simulation Tool
For our simulation studies of frequency behavior of the Texas Interconnection following the
sudden loss of generation with different amounts of wind generation and operating reserves, we
obtained a system model developed by ERCOT and used the principal dynamic simulation tool
used by planners in ERCOT.
The system model we obtained is known as the ERCOT 2012 Summer Off-peak Base Case,
which was developed by ERCOT for the study titled Analysis of Transmission Alternatives for
Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in Texas.12 The model contains 735 generators totaling
116 GW of installed generating capacity. Wind generation accounts for 14.4 GW of this
generating capacity. For the 2012 Summer Off-peak Base Case, 316 generators are dispatched to
serve 33 GW of load, plus 1.1 GW in losses. Like their counterparts in the Western
Interconnection, Texas Interconnection planners have extensively calibrated their system models
to ensure accuracy (ERCOT 2005).
It is important recognize that the 2012 Summer Off-peak Base Case assumes completion of the
transmission projects that have been planned for Competitive Renewable Energy Zones ERCOT
2006). If these projects are not completed by 2012, it would not be possible to accommodate all
14.4 GW of wind generation that is represented in the 2012 Summer Off-peak Base Case.
We used the Siemens-PTIs PSS/E simulation tool to conduct power flow and dynamic
simulation studies with the Texas Interconnection system model. ERCOT system planners
routinely use this tool for reliability studies of the Texas Interconnection. We used version 30.3.2
of the tool.
Preparing the Texas Interconnection system model for our study involved the following four
steps: 1) Reduce system load from 34 GW in the light-load system model developed by ERCOT
to 26 GW, which represents the minimum load of the interconnection; 2) Specify the generator
models to use in simulating the dynamic performance of new wind turbines; 3) Identify the
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
generation-loss event and the highest under-frequency load-shedding set point, which establishes
the lowest acceptable frequency nadir following the sudden loss of generation; and 4) Develop
scenarios with varying amounts of wind generation and operating reserves.
We first attempted to reduce system loads to 26 GW from the 34 GW in the system model
provided to us by the ERCOT. The 26 GW value corresponds to minimum load conditions that
have been observed on the interconnection. See Figure 3-1.
Min Load = 25,661 MW
25,000 Occurred on 06-05-09 at Hour 5
Figure 3-1. Texas Interconnection System Load June 5, 2009
We found, however, that we were unable to study one of the key scenarios with only 26 GW of
system load. As discussed below, one of the more demanding conditions we sought to study
involved high wind generation output and low operating reserves. When we ran initial
simulations of this scenario with only 26 GW of load, we were unable to control voltages within
pre-established limits using the generation that was kept on line in the low operating reserve
Because our study focuses on frequency response, not voltage control, we opted to conduct all
our simulations with 33 GW of load. Fine-tuning a redispatch of the Texas Interconnection to
control voltages with a very low level of operating reserves and with only 26 GW of load would
have required analysis efforts (such as the introduction of new voltage control devices) that were
beyond the scope of this study.
This situation is not encountered in practice because the operating reserves maintained by ERCOT are normally kept at much
higher levels under these conditions. See Eto et al. (2010). With these higher levels of operating reserves, the voltage-ampere
reactive (VAR) capability of the generation fleet is adequate to control voltages within the pre-established limits.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Figure 3-2. Texas Interconnection Load Composition - 2012 Light System Load
To model the interactions between wind generators and the interconnection, we relied on the
wind turbine models contained in the system model provided to the project team. These models
are proprietary.
We selected a large generation-loss event that occurred in the past and is usually studied as part
of ERCOTs routine operation and transmission planning processes. The event involved the
sudden loss of two large generation units producing a total of 2,450 MW.
ERCOTs under-frequency load-shedding program requires that, at all times, at least 25 percent
of system load is equipped to shed at pre-specified frequency set points. The program first sheds
5 percent of system load at 59.3 Hz and additional amounts at progressively lower frequencies
(ERCOT 2009). Consequently, we selected 59.3 Hz as the frequency nadir threshold for our
The Texas Interconnection relies on a unique form of demand response, called Load acting as a
Resource (LaaR), that is similar in operation to under-frequency load shedding (i.e., loads are
shed automatically at pre-established set points). Although they share this operational similarity,
LaaR must be sharply distinguished from ERCOTs under-frequency load-shedding program,
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
which uses lower set points. The LaaR program is discussed in detail below when we describe
the composition of operating reserves.
Wind generation scenarios were developed by adjusting the amount of wind generation produced
at the locations that are already represented in the 2012 Summer Off-peak Base Case. As
mentioned, this system model contains 14.4 GW of wind generation capacity located at sites
primarily in the western half of the state. We examined three wind generation scenarios: 0 GW,
7.2 GW, and 14.4 GW. The 7.2 GW wind generation scenarios were modeled by adjusting the
output at each wind generation location downward in equal proportion from the original 14.4
As the amount of wind generation increased, generation from non-wind sources was re-
dispatched downward. We did not follow a strict economic merit order procedure for the
redispatch, as we did for the Western Interconnection. To focus on the role of primary frequency
control provided by generator governors, we decommitted and redispatched generators based
both on economic merit order and on the speed of their governors. We sought both to keep the
generators with the fastest governor response on line and to dispatch these generators below their
maximum output.
As in our study of the Western Interconnection, we examined two approaches for managing
system operating reserves during load system load conditions. The two approaches directly
affect the amount of primary frequency control reserves.
At one extreme, we examined a policy that mimics current operating practices, in which, at times
of light load, operating reserves are kept on line in excess of the amounts required by the Texas
Interconnections standards for responsive reserves.14 This case is called High Reserves to
distinguish it from the Low Reserves case. For the Low Reserves case, we examined a close, but
not exact, interpretation of current ERCOT standards regarding the minimum amount of
responsive reserve that must kept on line by the interconnection at all times.
ERCOTs responsive reserve standards require that synchronized generation capacity (and
frequency-responsive demand) equal to 2,300 MW must be held at all times (ERCOT 2009).
The interconnection permits up to 1,150 MW of this requirement to be supplied by customers
who are compensated to allow their load to be curtailed automatically at predetermined
frequency set points. This is the LaaR program mentioned previously. The frequency set point
for the LaaR program is 59.7 Hz. As noted, this set point is considerably higher than those of the
interconnections under-frequency load-shedding program. The customers and generators that
provide responsive reserves to the interconnection are selected through a competitive market
process, and both are paid the same amount. The interconnection routinely acquires the
maximum amount of responsive reserves permitted by its standards through the LaaR program.
Responsive reserves is the term used that the Texas Interconnection uses to refer to the class of contingency reserves that is
called spinning reserves in Eto et al. (2010).
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
For the High Reserves cases, we mimicked a typical operating practice within the Texas
Interconnection (and other interconnections), which minimizes the amount of generation that is
decommitted at night. As noted previously for the Western Interconnection, many generating
units are not shut down and restarted on a daily basis for economic reasons. In the High
Reserves cases for the Texas Interconnection, more than 8 GW of generation capacity is kept on
For the Low Reserves cases, we decommitted some generation units (i.e., took them off line) and
increased the output from other generation units. As discussed above, we did not follow a strict
economic merit order procedure; we also sought to decommit generators with slower governor
response and dispatch generators with faster governor response below their maximum output. In
the Low Reserves cases, 3 GW of generation capacity is kept on line (in addition to 1,150 MW
of LaaR) in excess of the 33 GW of generation capacity that is required to meet load.
Figure 3-3 presents the simulation results for the three levels of wind generation (0 GW, 7.2 GW,
and 14.4 GW) for both the High and Low Reserves case.
Low Reserves, 0 GW wind generation
60.00 Low Reserves, 7 GW wind generation
Low Reserves, 14 GW wind generation
High Reserves, 0 GW wind generation
High Reserves, 7 GW wind generation
High Reserves, 14 GW wind generation
Frequency (Hz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3-3. Simulated Texas Interconnection System Frequency Behavior Over the First 19
Seconds Following the Sudden Loss of the 2,450 MW of Generation for the High and Low Reserves
For all three levels of wind generation, under both the High and Low Reserves cases, frequency
is arrested well above the under-frequency load-shed threshold (59.3 Hz).
As discussed in Eto et al. (2010), frequency declines at a much more rapid rate in the Texas
Interconnection than it does in the other two interconnections because the amount of generation
lost is larger in proportion to the size of the interconnection. Consequently, in contrast to the
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
initial two primary frequency response metrics used for the Western Interconnection (at 4 and 9
seconds), for the Texas Interconnection, the primary frequency response metrics at shorter
intervals, 2 and 4 seconds, are presented in Table 3-1. Both total primary frequency response
and portion of primary frequency response contributed by governors are presented. The
difference between the two primary frequency response values represents the contribution of
Table 3-1. Summary of Dynamic Simulation Results for the ERCOT Interconnection
Close inspection of Figure 3-3 and Table 3-1 reveals results that differ from those presented for
the simulation of the Western Interconnection. First, the frequency nadirs are very close to one
another, regardless of the level of wind generation or the level of operating reserves. In the
Western simulations frequency nadir was lower for lower levels of operating reserves and for
higher levels of wind generation. In the Texas simulations, frequency nadir is lowest, by a slight
amount, when there is no wind generation.
Second, for both levels of operating reserves, frequency rebounds fastest at lower levels of wind
generation. The effect of highest level of wind generation is to flatten the evolution of
frequency over the first 10 to 15 seconds such that the frequency nadir is formed at a later point
in time. In this regard, the evolution of frequency resembles that seen in the Western simulations
in which the nadir is not formed until approximately 8 to 10 seconds after the loss of generation.
Understanding these differences requires closer examination of the roles played by LaaR and
generator governors in providing primary frequency control actions. Figure 3-4 through Figure
3-7 present, for the Low Reserves scenarios only, both the evolution of frequency as well as the
underlying contributions of generator governors and LaaR to primary frequency control over the
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
first 19 seconds following the sudden loss of generation for the no (0 GW) and high level of
wind generation (14.4 GW), respectively.
Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 show the actions of generator governors, LaaR, and their effects on
frequency for the Low Reserves case with no (0 GW) wind generation. Governor actions are
rapid, but not immediate, and take about 4 seconds to deliver full response. LaaR does not
contribute to frequency response until the frequency set point at which it is engaged is crossed.
However, once the set point is crossed, LaaR response is nearly instantaneous. The deployment
of LaaR takes place immediately before the frequency nadir is formed. Table 3-1 confirms that
the amount of primary frequency response delivered at 2 and 4 seconds following the loss of
generation is greatest for this scenario, compared to the scenarios involving larger amounts of
wind generation.
Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 show the actions of generator governors, LaaR, and their effects on
frequency for the Low Reserves case with 14.4 GW of wind generation. There are several subtle
and interacting effects that lead to a more gradual arrest of frequency decline compared to the
scenario with no (0 GW) wind generation.
First, generator governors actions are delivered quicker than in the case with no (0 GW) wind
generation. See Figure 3-8. This is a direct result of the procedures we implemented to increase
the effectiveness of generator governors in providing primary frequency control actions. Table
3-2 is a modification of Table 3-1 that presents both the primary frequency response provided by
generator governors and the number of generating units providing this response. The table
shows that nearly 50 percent more units are providing governing response in the high wind
generation scenario compared to the number providing this response in the low wind generation
scenario. Nevertheless, total primary frequency control delivered by generator governors in the
high wind generation scenario is less than that provided in the no (0 GW) wind case because
there are fewer conventional generators in high wind generation scenario due to decommitment
to accommodate wind generation.
Second, faster delivery of primary frequency control actions by generator governors decreases
(or slows down) the rate of frequency decline. Compare the initial 2 seconds of frequency
decline following the loss of generation in Figure 3-4 to that in Figure 3-6. Slower rate of
frequency decline leads to deployment of LaaR in discrete blocks owing to very small
differences in the set points of each block.15 See Figure 3-7.
According to ERCOT staff, they are all set very close to but are not identically at 59.7 Hz.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Frequency (Hz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3-4. The Effect of Power Delivered by Primary Frequency Control Actions on System
Frequency following the Sudden Loss of 2,450 MW of Generation Low Reserves and 0 GW of
LaaRs Load or Governor Generation Deployed (MW)
Figure 3-5. The Power Delivered (and Load Removed) by Primary Frequency Control Actions via
Generator Governors and Load Acting as a Resource following the Sudden Loss of 2,450 MW of
Generation Low Reserves and 0 GW of Wind
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
Frequency (Hz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3-6. The Effect of Power Delivered by Primary Frequency Control Actions on Frequency
following the Sudden Loss of 2,450 MW of Generation Low Reserves and 14.4 GW of Wind
Sum of Governor and LaaRs, 14 GW Wind
2500 Governor Responsive Reserves Deployed, Low Reserves, 14 GW Wind
LaaRs Load or Governor Generation Deployed (MW)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3-7. The Power Delivered (and Load Removed) by Primary Frequency Control Actions
following the Sudden Loss of 2,450 MW of Generation Low Reserves and 14.4 GW of Wind
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3-8. Comparison of Generator Governor Performance in the Low Reserve Scenario with No
(0 GW) and High (14.4 GW) Wind Generation for the Texas Interconnection
Table 3-2. Generator Governor Performance in the Low Reserve Scenarios for the Texas
2,294 2,446
0 122 123
[1,290] [1,464]
1,335 1,677
14.4 187 186
[1,273] [1,104]
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
The Eastern Interconnection covers approximately 3.5 million square miles and includes the
provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the Maritimes in Canada, and all or portions
of the contiguous 39 U.S. states east of the Western Interconnection. Six regional entities are
responsible coordinating and promoting bulk electric system reliability in the Eastern
Interconnection: the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, the Midwest Reliability
Organization, the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc., the ReliabilityFirst Corporation,
the SERC Reliability Corporation, and the Southwest Power Pool, Inc.16
4.1 Eastern Interconnection System Models and the Dynamic Simulation Tool
To study the Eastern Interconnections frequency behavior following the sudden loss of
generation with different amounts of wind generation and operating reserves, we obtained a
system model developed by the Eastern Interconnection Reliability Assessment Group (ERAG)
Multiregional Modeling Working Group (MMWG),17 and we used the principal dynamic
simulation tool employed by interconnection planners. ERAGs purpose is to augment the
reliability of the bulk-power system in the Eastern Interconnection through periodic reviews of
generation and transmission expansion programs and forecasted system conditions.
The system model we obtained is known as the 2009 Light-Load case from the 2008 ERAG-
MMWG series. The model contains generators totaling 445 GW of total installed generating
capacity. For the 2009 Light-Load case, 3,156 generators are dispatched to serve 309 GW of
load, plus 6 GW in losses. Wind generation accounts for 8 GW of this generating capacity
although less than this total amount is dispatched in the 2009 Light-Load case.
The amount of wind generation in the ERAG 2009 Light-Load system model is capable of
supplying approximately 1 percent of expected electricity requirements of the interconnection in
2012. Therefore, as discussed in the introduction, it is not possible to use this system model to
study the frequency response effects of significant increases in the amount of wind generation in
the interconnection.
We used version 30.3.2 of Siemens-PTIs PSSE simulation tool to conduct power flow and
dynamic simulation studies with the ERAG-MMWG system model (Siemens 2009). System
planners within in the interconnection routinely use this tool for reliability studies.
Preparing the ERAG-MMWG system model for use in our study involved the following steps:
1) Review the composition of load; 2) Identify the generation-loss event and the highest under-
frequency load-shedding set point, which establishes the lowest acceptable frequency nadir
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
following the loss of generation; 3) Conduct initial simulations to assess the additional work
required to modify the system model to study minimum load conditions with higher levels of
wind generation. As we note below, the results of the initial simulations led us to conclude that
it would not be prudent to undertake these modifications.
In the 2009 Light-Load case, more than 90 percent of the load model is constant current for real
power and constant impedance for reactive power.
The generation-loss event we selected is one that occurred recently. In part because it took place
in a recent year, it is not studied routinely as part of operation and transmission planning
processes in East. However, because of its size and the number of reliability regions affected, it
has been the subject of considerable analysis by the industry, including but not limited to the
frequency response of the interconnection. The event involved a complex series of line and
generator outages in which a total of approximately 4,500 MW of generation was lost in less
than 10 seconds.
Because of the size and organization of the Eastern Interconnection, it contains multiple under-
frequency load-shedding programs.18 Based on a review of information filed with FERC
describing the operation of these programs, we selected 59.8 Hz as the frequency nadir threshold
for our study.
4.2.3 Initial Simulation of the Eastern Interconnection Following the Sudden Loss of 4,500
MW of Generation
In an effort to assess the work that might be required to modify the ERAG-MMWG system
model to study larger amounts of wind generation, we conducted an initial simulation study of
the generation-loss event described above using this system model. Following review of these
results by LBNL, we did not conduct additional simulations of the Eastern Interconnection.
LBNLs analysis of the initial simulation result is discussed in Eto et al. (2010).
See NERC (2007) and NERC (2008). Note that, at the time these documents were filed, the Florida Reliability Coordinating
Council has revised its under-frequency load-shedding set point from 59.82 Hz to 59.7 Hz.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
2. ERCOT. 2005. August 19, 2004 Forney Plant Trip Event Simulation. ERCOT Dynamics
Working Group December, 1.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation
10. Undrill, J.M. 2010. Power and Frequency Control as it Relates to Wind-Powered
Generation. LBNL-4143E. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
12. WECC. 1997. WECC Coordinated Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding and
Restoration Requirements.