2017 Anthem GHIP Benefits Booklet (Final)
2017 Anthem GHIP Benefits Booklet (Final)
2017 Anthem GHIP Benefits Booklet (Final)
Benefit Booklet
The Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan SPD includes important information about all of the health and
welfare benefits offered by Google Inc., including information about employee and dependent eligibility,
enrollment, when coverage begins and ends, COBRA continuation coverage, and where to find more
information on all of the Google Inc. health and welfare benefits.
This Benefits Booklet is a subset of the information that applies to the Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan.
This Benefits Booklet describes the specific medical benefits that are covered under your Anthem benefit
plan option. This Benefits Booklet also includes the procedures for filing a claim and appeal with Anthem
for medical benefits.
These two documents together the Benefits Booklet and the Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan SPD
constitute the full Summary Plan Description for ERISA purposes.
All complaints and disputes relating to coverage under this plan must be resolved in accordance
with the plans grievance procedures. Grievances may be made by telephone (please call the
number described on your Identification Card) or in writing (write to Anthem Blue Cross Life and
Health Insurance Company, 21555 Oxnard Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 marked to the
attention of the Member Services Department named on your identification card). If you wish, the
Claims Administrator will provide a Complaint Form which you may use to explain the matter.
Claims Administered by:
on behalf of
Lifetime maximum: There is no lifetime maximum on the amount the plan will pay for in-network and out-
of-network services.
Deductible: All family members contribute towards the family deductible. An individual cannot have
claims covered under the Plan coinsurance until the total family deductible has been satisfied under the
Plan coinsurance. (Please see important note in Coordination of Benefits > Effect on Benefits: gHIP As
Secondary Coverage).
Out-of-pocket accumulation method: Deductible, coinsurance and pharmacy counts towards Out-of-
pocket maximum. All family members contribute towards the family out-of-pocket maximum. An individual
cannot have claims covered at 100% until the total family out-of-pocket maximum has been satisfied.
Network medical benefits provide coverage for care in-network. To receive network medical benefits,
members or dependents may be required to pay a portion of the covered expenses for services and
supplies. That portion is the Copay.
If unable to locate an In-Network Provider in their area who can provide members with a service or supply
that is covered under this plan, members must call the number on the back of their I.D. card to obtain
authorization for Out-of-Network Provider coverage. When members obtain authorization for services
provided by an Out-of-Network Provider, benefits for those services will be covered at the In-Network
benefit level.
The member is responsible for any deductible, coinsurance and amount above the allowed amount. (This
also applies to any claim that receives the in-network reimbursement level for a non-participating
Benefit details
Surgical sterilization procedures for vasectomy 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
Reversals are covered if medically necessary deductible after deductible
Infertility services 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
Coverage will be provided for the following deductible after deductible
Testing and treatment services performed in
connection with an underlying medical
condition is not subject to the lifetime
payment maximum.
Testing performed specifically to determine
the cause of infertility.
Treatment and/or procedures performed
specifically to restore fertility (e.g. procedures
to correct an infertility condition).
Artificial Insemination, In-vitro, GIFT, ZIFT,
Lifetime Maximum: $20,000 per covered
Includes all related services billed with an infertility
diagnosis (i.e. x-ray or lab services billed by an
independent facility).
Maternity care (professional)
Coverage will be provided for the following 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
services: deductible after deductible,
Elective and non-elective abortion except lactation
Dependent children covered consultation
Prenatal visits, postnatal visits, and lactation services, which is no
Consultation Services and Physicians charge after the
Delivery Charges office visit
Lactation Consultation Services coinsurance.
Physician's Office Visits provided by an
OB/GYN or Specialist
Alternative medicine institutional/professional In-network Out-of-network
Acupuncture 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
deductible after deductible
Autism spectrum disorder Covered at the level of Covered at the in-
Medical treatments: services billed network level at
Clinical history, physical exams, office visits billed charges
Hearing, communication, and cognitive
Lab/radiology tests to rule out other underlying
Speech, physical, and occupational therapy
Behavioral Treatments
Psychotherapy to manage behavioral issues
ABA therapy or other early intensive behavioral
Neuropsychological testing
Pharmacological treatments
Prescription drugs
Educational treatments
Early intervention programs (birth to 3 years)
Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
Chiropractic care 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
deductible after deductible
Nutritional evaluation 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
deductible after deductible
Naturopathy / Homeopathy 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
Coverage is provided for Naturopathy/Homeopathy deductible after deductible
consultations/office visits.
Diagnostic testing, treatments, medications and
therapies related to Naturopathy/Homeopathy
services are not covered.
Services are limited to medical consultations
performed by licensed practitioners in states that
recognize Naturopathy/Homeopathy credentials.
Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse In-network Out-of-network
Inpatient institutional and professional services Pre- 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
certification is required deductible after deductible
Residential treatment center and professional 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
services deductible after deductible
Pre-certification is required
Professional office visit 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
deductible after deductible
Marriage counseling 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
deductible after deductible
Inpatient care In-network Out-of-network
Hospital 10% coinsurance after 30% coinsurance
Pre-certification is required deductible after deductible
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EXTENSION OF BENEFITS............................................................................................................... 72
GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................... 73
BINDING ARBITRATION ................................................................................................................... 81
DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 82
YOUR RIGHT TO APPEALS .............................................................................................................. 92
FOR YOUR INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 96
GET HELP IN YOUR LANGUAGE .................................................................................................. 101
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Participating Providers. There are two kinds of participating providers in this plan:
PPO Providers are providers who participate in a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan. PPO
Providers have agreed to a rate they will accept as reimbursement for covered services that is
generally lower than the rate charged by Traditional Providers. Participating providers have agreed to
a rate they will accept as reimbursement for covered services.
Traditional Providers are providers who might not participate in a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield
Plan, but have agreed to a rate they will accept as reimbursement for covered services for PPO
The level of benefits paid under this plan is determined as follows:
If your plan identification card (ID card) shows a PPO suitcase logo and:
You go to a PPO Provider, you will get the higher level of benefits of this plan.
You go to a Traditional Provider because there are no PPO Providers in your area, you will get
the higher level of benefits of this plan.
If your ID card does NOT have a PPO suitcase logo, you must go to a Traditional Provider to get the
higher level of benefits of this plan.
How to Access Primary and Specialty Care Services
Your health plan covers care provided by primary care physicians and specialty care providers. To see a
primary care physician, simply visit any participating provider physician who is a general or family
practitioner, internist or pediatrician. Your health plan also covers care provided by any participating
provider specialty care provider you choose (certain providers services are covered only upon referral of
an M.D. (medical doctor) or D.O. (doctor of osteopathy), see Physician, below). Referrals are never
needed to visit any participating provider specialty care provider including a behavioral health care
Have your Member ID card handy. They may ask you for your group number, member I.D. number,
or office visit copay.
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After hours care is provided by your physician who may have a variety of ways of addressing your needs.
Call your physician for instructions on how to receive medical care after their normal business hours, on
weekends and holidays. This includes information about how to receive non-emergency care and non-
urgent care within the service area for a condition that is not life threatening, but that requires prompt
medical attention. If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Please call the toll-free BlueCard Provider Access number on your ID card to find a participating
provider in your area. A directory of PPO Providers is available upon request.
Certain categories of providers defined in this benefit booklet as participating providers may not be
available in the Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan in the service area where you receive services. See
Co-Payments in the SUMMARY OF BENEFITS section and Maximum Allowed Amount in the YOUR MEDICAL
BENEFITS section for additional information on how health care services you obtain from such providers
are covered.
Non-Participating Providers. Non-participating providers are providers which have not agreed to
participate in a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan. They have not agreed to the reimbursement rates
and other provisions.
The claims administrator has processes to review claims before and after payment to detect fraud, waste,
abuse and other inappropriate activity. Members seeking services from non-participating providers could
be balance billed by the non-participating provider for those services that are determined to be not
payable as a result of these review processes and meets the criteria set forth in any applicable state
regulations adopted pursuant to state law. A claim may also be determined to be not payable due to a
provider's failure to submit medical records with the claims that are under review in these processes.
Physicians. "Physician" means more than an M.D. Certain other practitioners are included in this term
as it is used throughout the plan. This doesn't mean they can provide every service that a medical doctor
could; it just means that the plan will cover expense you incur from them when they're practicing within
their specialty the same as if the care were provided by a medical doctor.
Other Health Care Providers. Other health care providers are neither physicians nor hospitals. See the
definition of "Other Health Care Providers" in the DEFINITIONS section for a complete list of those
providers. Other health care providers are not participating providers.
Reproductive Health Care Services. Some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or more of
the following services that may be covered under your plan and that you or your dependent might need:
family planning; contraceptive services, including emergency contraception; sterilization, including tubal
ligation at the time of labor and delivery; infertility treatments; or abortion. You should obtain more
information before you enroll. Call your prospective physician or clinic, or call the member services
telephone number listed on your ID card to ensure that you can obtain the health care services that you
Participating and Non-Participating Pharmacies. "Participating Pharmacies" agree to charge only the
prescription drug maximum allowed amount to fill the prescription. After you have met your Calendar
Year Deductible, you pay only your co-payment amount.
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"Non-Participating Pharmacies" have not agreed to the prescription drug maximum allowed amount. The
amount that will be covered as prescription drug covered expense is significantly lower than what these
providers customarily charge.
Centers of Medical Excellence and Blue Distinction Centers. The claims administrator is providing
access to Centers of Medical Excellence (CME) networks and Blue Distinction Centers for Specialty Care
(BDCSC). The facilities included in each of these networks are selected to provide the following specified
medical services:
Transplant Facilities. Transplant facilities have been organized to provide services for the following
specified transplants: heart, liver, lung, combination heart-lung, kidney, pancreas, simultaneous
pancreas-kidney, or bone marrow/stem cell and similar procedures. Subject to any applicable co-
payments or deductibles, CME and BDCSC have agreed to a rate they will accept as payment in full
for covered services.
Bariatric Facilities. Hospital facilities have been organized to provide services for bariatric surgical
procedures, such as gastric bypass and other surgical procedures for weight loss programs.
Care Outside the United StatesBlueCard Worldwide
Prior to travel outside the United States, call the member services telephone number listed on your ID
card to find out if your plan has BlueCard Worldwide benefits. Your coverage outside the United States is
limited and we recommend:
Before you leave home, call the member services number on your ID card for coverage details. You
have coverage for services and supplies furnished in connection only with urgent care or an
emergency when travelling outside the United States.
The BlueCard Worldwide Service Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week toll-
free at (800) 810-BLUE (2583) or by calling collect at (804) 673-1177. An assistance coordinator,
along with a medical professional, will arrange a physician appointment or hospitalization, if needed.
Payment Information
Participating BlueCard Worldwide hospitals. In most cases, you should not have to pay upfront
for inpatient care at participating BlueCard Worldwide hospitals except for the out-of-pocket costs you
normally pay (non-covered services, deductible, copays, and coinsurance). The hospital should
submit your claim on your behalf.
Doctors and/or non-participating hospitals. You will have to pay upfront for outpatient services,
care received from a physician, and inpatient care from a hospital that is not a participating BlueCard
Worldwide hospital. Then you can complete a BlueCard Worldwide claim form and send it with the
original bill(s) to the BlueCard Worldwide Service Center (the address is on the form).
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Claim Filing
Participating BlueCard Worldwide hospitals will file your claim on your behalf. You will have to
pay the hospital for the out-of-pocket costs you normally pay.
You must file the claim for outpatient and physician care, or inpatient hospital care not provided by
a participating BlueCard Worldwide hospital. You will need to pay the health care provider and
subsequently send an international claim form with the original bills to the claims administrator.
Additional Information About BlueCard Worldwide Claims.
You are responsible, at your expense, for obtaining an English-language translation of foreign country
provider claims and medical records.
International claim forms are available from the claims administrator, from the BlueCard Worldwide
Service Center, or online at:
The address for submitting claims is on the form.
Premise Health/One Medical Onsite Clinics. These are onsite clinic providers contracted by your
employer. Onsite clinical benefits are available to employees only and not family members.
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This summary provides a brief outline of your benefits. You need to refer to the entire benefit booklet for
complete information about the benefits, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your plan.
Second Opinions. If you have a question about your condition or about a plan of treatment which your
physician has recommended, you may receive a second medical opinion from another physician. This
second opinion visit will be provided according to the benefits, limitations, and exclusions of this plan. If
you wish to receive a second medical opinion, remember that greater benefits are provided when you
choose a participating provider. You may also ask your physician to refer you to a participating provider
to receive a second opinion.
After Hours Care. After hours care is provided by your physician who may have a variety of ways of
addressing your needs. You should call your physician for instructions on how to receive medical care
after their normal business hours, on weekends and holidays, or to receive non-emergency care and non-
urgent care within the service area for a condition that is not life threatening but that requires prompt
medical attention. If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Telehealth. This plan provides benefits for covered services that are appropriately provided through
telehealth, subject to the terms and conditions of the plan. In-person contact between a health care
provider and the patient is not required for these services, and the type of setting where these services
are provided is not limited. Telehealth is the means of providing health care services using information
and communication technologies in the consultation, diagnosis, treatment, education, and management
of the patients health care when the patient is located at a distance from the health care provider.
Telehealth does not include consultations between the patient and the health care provider, or between
health care providers, by telephone, facsimile machine, or electronic mail.
All benefits are subject to coordination with benefits under certain other plans.
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Calendar Year Deductibles Applicable to Medical and Prescription Drug Benefits
Member Deductible
Participating providers, other health care providers,
participating pharmacies and prescription home delivery ................................... $1,300
Family Deductible
Participating providers, other health care providers,
participating pharmacies and prescription home delivery ................................... $2,600
Non-participating providers and
non-participating pharmacies .............................................................................. $5,200
Exceptions: In certain circumstances, one or more of these Deductibles may not apply, as described
The Calendar Year Deductible will not apply to benefits for Preventive Care Services provided by a
participating provider or for Preventive Prescription Drugs and Other Items covered under YOUR
The Calendar Year Deductible will not apply to transplant travel expenses authorized by the claims
administrator in connection with a specified transplant procedure provided at a designated CME or a
Please see important note in Coordination of Benefits > Effect on Benefits: gHIP As Secondary
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Note: In addition to the Co-Payment shown above, you will be required to pay any amount in excess of
the maximum allowed amount for the services of an other health care provider or non-participating
There will be no Co-Payment for any covered services provided by a participating provider under
the Preventive Care benefit.
Your Co-Payment for non-participating providers will be the same as for participating providers for
the following services. You may be responsible for charges which exceed the maximum allowed
a. All emergency services;
b. An authorized referral from the claims administrator to a non-participating provider;
c. Charges by a type of physician not represented in a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan; or
d. Cancer Clinical Trials.
After you have met your Calendar Year Deductible, your Co-Payment for covered services
provided under the Hospice Care benefit will be 10%.
After you have met your Calendar Year Deductible, no Co-Payment will be required for online
visits provided by a participating provider.
After you have met your Calendar Year Deductible, no Co-Payment will be required for home
visits provided by a HEAL provider.
If you receive services from a category of provider defined in this benefit booklet as an other
health care provider but such a provider participates in the Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan in
that service area, your Co-Payment will be as follows:
a. if you go to a participating provider, your Co-payment will be the same as for participating
b. if you go to a non-participating provider, your Co-Payment will be the same as for non-
participating providers.
If you receive services from a category of provider defined in this benefit booklet as a participating
provider that is not available in the Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan in that service area, your
Co-Payment will be the same as for participating providers.
After you have met your Calendar Year Deductible, no Co-Payment will be required for specified
transplants (heart, liver, lung, combination heart-lung, kidney, pancreas, simultaneous pancreas-
kidney, or bone marrow/stem cell and similar procedures) determined to be medically necessary
and performed at a designated CME or BDCSC. See UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM.
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NOTE: No Co-Payment will be required for the transplant travel expenses authorized by the
claims administrator in connection with a specified transplant performed at a designated CME or
BDCSC. Transplant travel expense coverage is available when the closest CME or BDCSC is 75
miles or more from the recipients or donors residence.
Your Co-Payment for residential treatment center services when pre-certification is not obtained
(and services are approved by claims administrator) will be 50%.
**Non-Certification Penalty. The maximum allowed amount is reduced by 50% for hospital services
when prior authorization is not obtained. This penalty will be deducted from the maximum allowed
amount prior to calculating your Co-Payment amount, and any benefit payment by the claims
administrator will be based on such reduced maximum allowed amount. You are responsible for paying
this extra expense. This reduction will only be waived for the first 48 hours for emergency services. To
avoid this penalty, be sure to obtain prior authorization for any hospital admissions prior to the date of
Prescription Drug Co-Payments. The following co-payments apply for each prescription after you have
met your Medical and Prescription Drug Calendar Year Deductible:
Retail Pharmacies - For a 30-day supply of medication Note: Specified specialty drugs must be obtained
through the specialty pharmacy program. However, the first two month supply of a specialty drug may be
obtained through a retail pharmacy, after which the drug is available only through the specialty pharmacy
program unless an exception is made.
Participating Pharmacies
Please note that presentation of a prescription to a pharmacy or pharmacist does not constitute a
claim for benefit coverage. If you present a prescription to a participating pharmacy, and the
participating pharmacy indicates your prescription cannot be filled, your deductible, if any, needs to be
satisfied, or requires an additional Co-Payment, this is not considered an adverse claim decision. If you
want the prescription filled, you will have to pay either the full cost, or the additional Co-Payment, for the
prescription drug. If you believe you are entitled to some plan benefits in connection with the prescription
drug, submit a claim for reimbursement to the claims administrator.
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Non-Participating Pharmacies*
Home Delivery Prescriptions: The following co-payments apply for a 90-day supply of medication.
Specialty Drug Prescriptions The following co-payment will apply for a 30-day, 60-
day or 90-daysupply of medication obtained from the specialty drug program.
*Important Note About Prescription Drug Covered Expense and Your Co-Payment: Prescription
drug covered expense for non-participating pharmacies is significantly lower than what providers
customarily charge, so you will almost always have a higher out-of-pocket expense when you use a non-
participating pharmacy.
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Out-of-Pocket Amount*. After you have made the following total out-of-pocket payments for medical
and prescription drug Co-Payments during a calendar year, you will no longer be required to pay a Co-
Payment for the remainder of that year, but you remain responsible for costs in excess of the maximum
allowed amount or the prescription drug maximum allowed amount.
Per member:
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The plan will pay, for the following services and supplies, up to the maximum amounts, or for the
maximum number of days or visits shown below:
Skilled Nursing Facility
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Calendar Year Deductible. Under this plan there is a Calendar Year Deductible that must be satisfied in
each calendar year before the plan begins to pay medical or prescription drug benefits.
Subscriber. If only the subscriber is covered under this plan, each year such subscriber will be
responsible for satisfying the Member Deductible before benefits for medical or prescription drug are paid.
Dependents. If the subscriber and one or more members of the subscribers family are enrolled under
this plan, the members of the enrolled family must satisfy the Family Deductible. Once the Family
Deductible is satisfied, no further Calendar Year Deductible expense will be required for any enrolled
member of that family.
Prior Plan Calendar Year Deductibles. If you were covered under the prior plan any amount paid
during the same calendar year toward your calendar year deductible under the prior plan, will be applied
toward your Calendar Year Deductible under this plan; provided that, such payments were for charges
that would be covered expense under this plan.
Participating Providers and Other Health Care Providers. Covered charges up to the maximum
allowed amount for the services of all providers will be applied to the participating provider and other
health care provider Calendar Year and Family Deductibles. When these deductibles are met, however,
benefits will be paid only for the services of participating providers, and other health care providers. No
benefits will be paid for non-participating providers unless the separate non-participating provider
Calendar Year or Family Deductible (as applicable) is met.
Non-Participating Providers. Covered charges up to the maximum allowed amount for the services of
all providers will be applied to the non-participating provider Calendar Year and Family Deductibles.
Benefits will be paid for the services of non-participating providers only when the applicable non-
participating provider deductible is met.
gHIP As Secondary Coverage. See important note in Coordination of Benefits > Effect On Benefits.
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Satisfaction of the Out-of-Pocket Amount*. If, after you have met your Calendar Year Deductible, you
pay Co-Payments equal to your Out-of-Pocket Amount per member during a calendar year, you will no
longer be required to make Co-Payments for any covered expense you incur during the remainder of that
Covered charges applied to your Calendar Year Deductible will be applied to both the participating
provider, participating pharmacy and other health care provider Out-of-Pocket Amount and the non-
participating provider and non-participating pharmacy Out-of-Pocket Amount no matter where such
charges are incurred.
Participating Providers, Other Health Care Providers, Participating Pharmacies and Home Delivery
Pharmacies. Covered charges up to the maximum allowed amount for the services of all providers will
be applied to the participating provider, participating pharmacy and other health care provider Out-of-
Pocket Amount.
After this Out-of-Pocket Amount has been satisfied during a calendar year, you will no longer be required
to make any Co-Payment for the covered services provided by a participating provider, other health care
provider, participating pharmacy or home delivery pharmacy for the remainder of that year.
Non-Participating Providers and Non-Participating Pharmacies. Covered charges up to the
maximum allowed amount for the services of all providers will be applied to the non-participating provider
and non-participating pharmacy Out-of-Pocket Amount. After this Out-of-Pocket Amount has been
satisfied during a calendar year, you will no longer be required to make any Co-Payment for the covered
services provided by a non-participating provider or non-participating pharmacy for the remainder of that
Family Maximum Out-of-Pocket Amount*. When the subscriber and one or more members of the
subscribers family are insured under this plan, if members of an insured family satisfy the Family Out-of-
Pocket Amount during a calendar year, no further Out-of-Pocket Amount will be required for any insured
member of that family for expenses incurred during that year.
Charges Which Do Not Apply Toward the Out-Of-Pocket Amount. The following charges will not be
applied toward satisfaction of an Out-Of-Pocket Amount:
Charges for services or supplies not covered under this plan.
Charges which exceed the maximum allowed amount.
Charges which exceed the prescription drug maximum allowed amount.
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This section describes the term maximum allowed amount as used in this Benefit Booklet, and what the
term means to you when obtaining covered services under this plan. The maximum allowed amount is
the total reimbursement payable under your plan for covered services you receive from participating and
non-participating providers. It is the payment towards the services billed by your provider combined with
any Deductible or Co-Payment owed by you. In some cases, you may be required to pay the entire
maximum allowed amount. For instance, if you have not met your Deductible under this plan, then you
could be responsible for paying the entire maximum allowed amount for covered services. In addition, if
these services are received from a non-participating provider, you may be billed by the provider for the
difference between their charges and the maximum allowed amount. In many situations, this difference
could be significant.
Provided below are two examples, which illustrate how the maximum allowed amount works. These
examples are for illustration purposes only.
Example: The plan has a member Co-Payment of 30% for participating provider services after the
Deductible has been met.
The member receives services from a participating surgeon. The charge is $2,000. The maximum
allowed amount under the plan for the surgery is $1,000. The members Co-Payment responsibility
when a participating surgeon is used is 30% of $1,000, or $300. This is what the member pays. The
plan pays 70% of $1,000, or $700. The participating surgeon accepts the total of $1,000 as
reimbursement for the surgery regardless of the charges.
Example: The plan has a member Co-Payment of 50% for non-participating provider services after the
Deductible has been met.
The member receives services from a non-participating surgeon. The charge is $2,000. The
maximum allowed amount under the plan for the surgery is $1,000. The members Co-Payment
responsibility when a non-participating surgeon is used is 50% of $1,000, or $500. The plan pays the
remaining 50% of $1,000, or $500. In addition, the non-participating surgeon could bill the member
the difference between $2,000 and $1,000. So the members total out-of-pocket charge would be
$500 plus an additional $1,000, for a total of $1,500.
When you receive covered services, the claims administrator will, to the extent applicable, apply claim
processing rules to the claim submitted. The claims administrator uses these rules to evaluate the claim
information and determine the accuracy and appropriateness of the procedure and diagnosis codes
included in the submitted claim. Applying these rules may affect the maximum allowed amount if the
claims administrator determines that the procedure and/or diagnosis codes used were inconsistent with
procedure coding rules and/or reimbursement policies. For example, if your provider submits a claim
using several procedure codes when there is a single procedure code that includes all of the procedures
that were performed, the maximum allowed amount will be based on the single procedure code.
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Provider Network Status
The maximum allowed amount may vary depending upon whether the provider is a participating provider,
a non-participating provider or other health care provider.
Participating Providers. For covered services performed by a participating provider the maximum
allowed amount for this plan will be the rate the participating provider has agreed with the claims
administrator to accept as reimbursement for the covered services. Because participating providers have
agreed to accept the maximum allowed amount as payment in full for those covered services, they should
not send you a bill or collect for amounts above the maximum allowed amount. However, you may
receive a bill or be asked to pay all or a portion of the maximum allowed amount to the extent you have
not met your Deductible or have a Co-Payment. Please call the member services telephone number on
your ID card for help in finding a participating provider or visit ghealthcare.anthem.com.
If you go to a hospital which is a participating provider, you should not assume all providers in that
hospital are also participating providers. To receive the greater benefits afforded when covered services
are provided by a participating provider, you should request that all your provider services (such as
services by an anesthesiologist) be performed by participating providers whenever you enter a hospital.
If you are planning to have outpatient surgery, you should first find out if the facility where the surgery is
to be performed is an ambulatory surgical center. An ambulatory surgical center is licensed as a
separate facility even though it may be located on the same grounds as a hospital (although this is not
always the case). If the center is licensed separately, you should find out if the facility is a participating
provider before undergoing the surgery.
Note: If an other health care provider is participating in a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan at the time
you receive services, such provider will be considered a participating provider for the purposes of
determining the maximum allowed amount.
If a provider defined in this benefit booklet as a participating provider is of a type not represented in the
local Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan at the time you receive services, such provider will be
considered a non-participating provider for the purposes of determining the maximum allowed amount.
Non-Participating Providers and Other Health Care Providers.*
Non-participating providers or other health care providers, subject to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
rules governing claims filed by certain ancillary providers. For covered services you receive from a non-
participating provider or other health care provider, the maximum allowed amount will be based on the
applicable non-participating provider rate or fee schedule for this plan, an amount negotiated by the
claims administrator or a third party vendor which has been agreed to by the non-participating provider,
an amount derived from the total charges billed by the non-participating provider, an amount based on
information provided by a third party vendor, or an amount based on reimbursement or cost information
from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). When basing the maximum allowed
amount upon the level or method of reimbursement used by CMS, the claims administrator will update
such information, which is unadjusted for geographic locality, no less than annually.
Providers who are not contracted for this product, but are contracted for other products, are also
considered non-participating providers. For this plan, the maximum allowed amount for services from
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these providers will be one of the methods shown above unless the providers contract specifies a
different amount.
For covered services rendered outside the Anthem Blue Cross service area by non-participating
providers, claims may be priced using the local Blue Cross Blue Shield plans non-participating provider
fee schedule / rate or the pricing arrangements required by applicable state or federal law. In certain
situations, the maximum allowed amount for out of area claims may be based on billed charges, the pricing used if
the healthcare services had been obtained within the Anthem Blue Cross service area, or a special
negotiated price.
Unlike participating providers, non-participating providers and other health care providers may send you a
bill and collect for the amount of the non-participating providers or other health care providers charge
that exceeds the maximum allowed amount under this plan. You may be responsible for paying the
difference between the maximum allowed amount and the amount the non-participating provider or other
health care provider charges. This amount can be significant. Choosing a participating provider will likely
result in lower out of pocket costs to you. Provider network status may change without notice and even
though the provider finder tool is updated frequently, it is recommended that you verify provider status by
calling member services. Please call the member services number on your ID card for help in finding a
participating provider or visit the website ghealthcare.anthem.com. Member services is also available to
assist you in determining this plans maximum allowed amount for a particular covered service from a
non-participating provider or other health care provider.
Please see the Inter-Plan Arrangements provision in the section entitled GENERAL PROVISIONS for
additional information.
Cancer Clinical Trials. The maximum allowed amount for services and supplies provided in
connection with Cancer Clinical Trials will be the lesser of the billed charge or the amount that
ordinarily applies when services are provided by a participating provider.
If Medicare is the primary payor, the maximum allowed amount does not include any charge:
1. By a hospital, in excess of the approved amount as determined by Medicare; or
2. By a physician who is a participating provider who accepts Medicare assignment, in excess of the
approved amount as determined by Medicare; or
3. By a physician who is a non-participating provider or other health care provider who accepts
Medicare assignment, in excess of the lesser of maximum allowed amount stated above, or the
approved amount as determined by Medicare; or
4. By a physician or other health care provider who does not accept Medicare assignment, in
excess of the lesser of the maximum allowed amount stated above, or the limiting charge as
determined by Medicare.
You will always be responsible for expense incurred which is not covered under this plan.
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For certain covered services, and depending on your plan design, you may be required to pay all or a part
of the maximum allowed amount as your cost share amount (Deductibles or Co-Payments). Your cost
share amount and the Out-Of-Pocket Amounts may be different depending on whether you received
covered services from a participating provider or non-participating provider. Specifically, you may be
required to pay higher cost-sharing amounts or may have limits on your benefits when using non-
participating providers. Please see the SUMMARY OF BENEFITS section for your cost share responsibilities
and limitations, or call the member services telephone number on your ID card to learn how this plans
benefits or cost share amount may vary by the type of provider you use.
The claims administrator will not provide any reimbursement for non-covered services. You may be
responsible for the total amount billed by your provider for non-covered services, regardless of whether
such services are performed by a participating provider or non-participating provider. Non-covered
services include services specifically excluded from coverage by the terms of your plan and services
received after benefits have been exhausted. Benefits may be exhausted by exceeding, for example,
Medical Benefit Maximums or day/visit limits.
In some instances you may only be asked to pay the lower participating provider cost share percentage
when you use a non-participating provider. For example, if you go to a participating hospital or facility
and receive covered services from a non-participating provider such as a radiologist, anesthesiologist or
pathologist providing services at the hospital or facility, you will pay the participating provider cost share
percentage of the maximum allowed amount for those covered services. However, you also may be
liable for the difference between the maximum allowed amount and the non-participating providers
In some circumstances the claims administrator may authorize participating provider cost share amounts
(Deductibles or Co-Payments) to apply to a claim for a covered service you receive from a non-
participating provider. In such circumstance, you or your physician must contact the claims administrator
in advance of obtaining the covered service. It is your responsibility to ensure that the claims
administrator has been contacted. If the claims administrator authorizes a participating provider cost
share amount to apply to a covered service received from a non-participating provider, you also may still
be liable for the difference between the maximum allowed amount and the non-participating providers
charge. Please call the member services telephone number on your ID card for authorized referral
information or to request authorization.
After you satisfy your Medical and Prescription Drug Deductible, your Co-Payment will be subtracted and
the plan will pay benefits up to the maximum allowed amount, not to exceed any applicable Medical
Benefit Maximum. The Co-Payments and Medical Benefit Maximums are set forth in the SUMMARY OF
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After you have satisfied any applicable deductible, your Co-Payment will be subtracted from the
maximum allowed amount remaining.
If your Co-Payment is a percentage, the applicable percentage will apply to the maximum allowed amount
remaining after any deductible has been met. This will determine the dollar amount of your Co-Payment.
If you are on temporary assignment or a dependent who is a student studying abroad (as determined by
Google in its sole discretion) outside of the United States and need medical services, coverage will be
provided at the non-participating provider benefit level. You must obtain an itemized bill* containing the
Employee Name
Patient Name
Type of Service/Procedure Code
Provider Name/Credentials
Provider Address
Provider Identification Number (if available)
Date of Service (mm/dd/yy)
Diagnosis Code (ICD-9 format)
Charge for each service (no lump sums)
*If the itemized bill is in a foreign language, you will need to have it translated into English.
The plan does not make benefit payments for any member in excess of any of the Medical Benefit
Prior Plan Maximum Benefits. If you were covered under the prior plan, any benefits paid to you under
the prior plan will reduce any maximum amounts you are eligible for under this plan which apply to the
same benefit.
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The following conditions of coverage must be met for expense incurred for services or supplies to be
covered under this plan.
1. You must incur this expense while you are covered under this plan. Expense is incurred on the date
you receive the service or supply for which the charge is made.
2. The expense must be for a medical service or supply furnished to you as a result of illness or injury or
pregnancy, unless a specific exception is made.
3. The expense must be for a medical service or supply included in MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Additional limits on covered charges are included under specific benefits and in the SUMMARY OF
4. The expense must not be for a medical service or supply listed in MEDICAL CARE THAT IS NOT
COVERED. If the service or supply is partially excluded, then only that portion which is not excluded
will be covered under this plan.
5. The expense must not exceed any of the maximum benefits or limitations of this plan.
6. Any services received must be those which are regularly provided and billed by the provider. In
addition, those services must be consistent with the illness, injury, degree of disability and your
medical needs. Benefits are provided only for the number of days required to treat your illness or
7. All services and supplies must be ordered by a physician.
Subject to the Medical Benefit Maximums in the SUMMARY OF BENEFITS, the requirements set forth under
CONDITIONS OF COVERAGE and the exclusions or limitations listed under MEDICAL CARE THAT IS NOT
COVERED, the plan will provide benefits for the following services and supplies:
Urgent Care. Services and supplies received to prevent serious deterioration of your health or, in the
case of pregnancy, the health of the unborn child, resulting from an unforeseen illness, medical condition,
or complication of an existing condition, including pregnancy, for which treatment cannot be delayed.
Urgent care services are not emergency services. Services for urgent care are typically provided by an
urgent care center or other facility such as a physicians office. Urgent care can be obtained from
participating providers or non-participating providers.
1. Inpatient services and supplies, provided by a hospital. The maximum allowed amount will not
include charges in excess of the hospitals prevailing two-bed room rate unless your physician orders,
and the claims administrator authorizes, a private room as medically necessary.
2. Services in special care units.
3. Outpatient services and supplies provided by a hospital, including outpatient surgery.
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Hospital services are subject to pre-service review to determine medical necessity. Please refer to
UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM for information on how to obtain the proper reviews.
Skilled Nursing Facility. Inpatient services and supplies provided by a skilled nursing facility, for up to
100 days per calendar year. The amount by which your room charge exceeds the prevailing two-bed
room rate of the skilled nursing facility is not considered covered under this plan.
Skilled nursing facility services and supplies are subject to pre-service review to determine medical
necessity. Please refer to UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM for information on how to obtain the proper
If covered charges are applied toward the Calendar Year Deductible and payment is not provided, those
days will be included in the 100 days for that year.
Home Health Care. The following services provided by a home health agency:
1. Services of a registered nurse or licensed vocational nurse under the supervision of a registered
nurse or a physician.
2. Services of a licensed therapist for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or
respiratory therapy.
3. Services of a medical social service worker.
4. Services of a health aide who is employed by (or who contracts with) a home health agency.
Services must be ordered and supervised by a registered nurse employed by the home health
agency as professional coordinator. These services are covered only if you are also receiving the
services listed in 1 or 2 above.
5. Medically necessary supplies provided by the home health agency.
Home health care services are not covered if received while you are receiving benefits under the
"Hospice Care" provision of this section.
Hospice Care. The services and supplies listed below are covered when provided by a hospice for the
palliative treatment of pain and other symptoms associated with a terminal disease. You must be
suffering from a terminal illness as certified by your physician and submitted to the claims administrator.
Covered services are available on a 24-hour basis for the management of your condition.
1. Interdisciplinary team care with the development and maintenance of an appropriate plan of care.
2. Short-term inpatient hospital care when required in periods of crisis or as respite care. Coverage of
inpatient respite care is provided on an occasional basis and is limited to a maximum of five
consecutive days per admission.
3. Skilled nursing services provided by or under the supervision of a registered nurse. Certified home
health aide services and homemaker services provided under the supervision of a registered nurse.
4. Social services and counseling services provided by a qualified social worker.
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5. Dietary and nutritional guidance. Nutritional support such as intravenous feeding or
6. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and respiratory therapy provided by a
licensed therapist.
7. Volunteer services provided by trained hospice volunteers under the direction of a hospice staff
8. Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and supplies necessary for the management of your condition.
Oxygen and related respiratory therapy supplies.
9. Bereavement services, including assessment of the needs of the bereaved family and development of
a care plan to meet those needs, both prior to and following the subscribers or the dependents
death. Bereavement services are available to surviving members of the immediate family for a period
of one year after the death. Your immediate family means your spouse, children, step-children,
parents, and siblings.
10. Palliative care (care which controls pain and relieves symptoms, but does not cure) which is
appropriate for the illness.
Your physician must consent to your care by the hospice and must be consulted in the development of
your treatment plan. The hospice must submit a written treatment plan to the claims administrator every
30 days.
Infusion Therapy. The following services and supplies when provided by a home infusion therapy
provider in your home for the intravenous administration of your total daily nutritional intake or fluid
requirements, including but not limited to Parenteral Therapy and Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN),
medication related to illness or injury, chemotherapy, antibiotic therapy, aerosol therapy, tocolytic therapy,
special therapy, intravenous hydration, or pain management:
1. Medication, ancillary medical supplies and supply delivery, (not to exceed a 14-day supply); but
medication which is delivered but not administered is not covered;
2. Pharmacy compounding and dispensing services (including pharmacy support) for intravenous
solutions and medications;
3. Hospital and home clinical visits related to the administration of infusion therapy, including skilled
nursing services including those provided for: (a) patient or alternative caregiver training; and (b)
visits to monitor the therapy;
4. Rental and purchase charges for durable medical equipment (as shown below); maintenance and
repair charges for such equipment;
5. Laboratory services to monitor the patients response to therapy regimen.
6. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), Enteral Nutrition Therapy, antibiotic therapy, pain management,
chemotherapy, and may also include injections (intra-muscular, subcutaneous, or continuous
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Ambulatory Surgical Center. Services and supplies provided by an ambulatory surgical center in
connection with outpatient surgery.
Retail Health Clinic. Services and supplies provided by medical professionals who provide basic medical
services in a retail health clinic including, but not limited to:
1. Exams for minor illnesses and injuries.
2. Preventive services and vaccinations.
3. Health condition monitoring and testing.
Online Visits. When available in your area, covered services will include medical consultations using the
internet via webcam, chat, or voice.
Non-covered services include, but are not limited to, the following:
Benefit precertification.
Professional Services
1. Services of a physician.
2. Services of an anesthetist (M.D. or C.R.N.A.).
Reconstructive Surgery. Reconstructive surgery performed to correct deformities caused by congenital
or developmental abnormalities, illness, or injury for the purpose of improving bodily function or
symptomatology or creating a normal appearance. This includes medically necessary dental or
orthodontic services that are an integral part of reconstructive surgery for cleft palate procedures. Cleft
palate means a condition that may include cleft palate, cleft lip, or other craniofacial anomalies
associated with cleft palate.
Ambulance. Ambulance services are covered when you are transported by a state licensed vehicle that
is designed, equipped, and used to transport the sick and injured and is staffed by Emergency Medical
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Technicians (EMTs), paramedics, or other licensed or certified medical professionals. Ambulance
services are covered when one or more of the following criteria are met:
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Air ambulance will not be covered if you are taken to a hospital that is not an acute care hospital (such a
skilled nursing facility), or if you are taken to a physicians office or to your home.
Hospital to hospital transport: If you are being transported from one hospital to another, air ambulance
will only be covered if using a ground ambulance would endanger your health and if the hospital that first
treats you cannot give you the medical services you need. Certain specialized services are not available
at all hospitals. For example, burn care, cardiac care, trauma care, and critical care are only available at
certain hospitals. For services to be covered, you must be taken to the closest hospital that can treat you.
Coverage is not provided for air ambulance transfers because you, your family, or your physician prefers
a specific hospital or physician.
If you have an emergency medical condition that requires an emergency response, please call the
911 emergency response system if you are in an area where the system is established and operating.
Diagnostic Services. Outpatient diagnostic imaging and laboratory services. This does not include
services covered under the "Advanced Imaging Procedures" provision of this section.
Advanced Imaging Procedures. Imaging procedures, including, but not limited to, Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT scans), Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan),
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS scan), Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA scan),
Echocardiography and nuclear cardiac imaging.
Radiation Therapy
Hemodialysis Treatment.
Prosthetic Devices
1. Breast prostheses following a mastectomy.
2. Prosthetic devices to restore a method of speaking when required as a result of a covered medically
necessary laryngectomy.
3. The plan will pay for other medically necessary prosthetic devices, including:
a. Surgical implants;
b. Artificial limbs or eyes;
c. The first pair of contact lenses or eye glasses when required as a result of a covered medically
necessary eye surgery;
d. Therapeutic shoes and inserts for the prevention and treatment of diabetes-related foot
e. Orthopedic footwear used as an integral part of a brace; shoe inserts that are custom molded to
the patient;
f. Wigs and cranial prosthesis for cancer patients; and
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g. Orthotics for treatment of flat feet.
Durable Medical Equipment. Rental or purchase of dialysis equipment; dialysis supplies. Rental or
purchase of other medical equipment and supplies which are:
1. Of no further use when medical needs end;
2. For the exclusive use of the patient;
3. Not primarily for comfort or hygiene;
4. Not for environmental control or for exercise; and
5. Manufactured specifically for medical use.
Pediatric Asthma Equipment and Supplies. The following items and services when required for the
medically necessary treatment of asthma in a dependent child:
1. Nebulizers, including face masks and tubing. These items are covered under the plan's medical
benefits and are not subject to any limitations or maximums that apply to coverage for durable
medical equipment (see "Durable Medical Equipment").
2. Inhaler spacers and peak flow meters. These items are covered under your prescription drug
benefits and are subject to the copayment for brand name drugs (see YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG
3. Education for pediatric asthma, including education to enable the child to properly use the items listed
above. This education will be covered under the plan's benefits for office visits to a physician.
Blood. Blood transfusions, including blood processing and the cost of unreplaced blood and blood
products. Charges for the collection, processing and storage of self-donated blood are covered, but only
when specifically collected for a planned and covered surgical procedure.
Dental Care
1. Admissions for Dental Care. Listed inpatient hospital services for up to three days during a hospital
stay, when such stay is required for dental treatment and has been ordered by a physician (M.D.) and
a dentist (D.D.S. or D.M.D.). The claims administrator will make the final determination as to whether
the dental treatment could have been safely rendered in another setting due to the nature of the
procedure or your medical condition. Hospital stays for the purpose of administering general
anesthesia are not considered necessary and are not covered except as specified in #2, below.
2. General Anesthesia. General anesthesia and associated facility charges when your clinical status
or underlying medical condition requires that dental procedures be rendered in a hospital or
ambulatory surgical center. This applies only if (a) the member is less than seven years old, (b) the
member is developmentally disabled, or (c) the members health is compromised and general
anesthesia is medically necessary. Charges for the dental procedure itself, including professional
fees of a dentist, are not covered.
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3. Dental Injury. Services of a physician (M.D.) or dentist (D.D.S. or D.M.D.) solely to treat an
accidental injury to natural teeth. Coverage shall be limited to only such services that are medically
necessary to repair the damage done by the accidental injury and/or restore function lost as a direct
result of the accidental injury. Damage to natural teeth due to chewing or biting is not accidental
injury unless the chewing or biting results from a medical or mental condition.
4. Cleft Palate. Medically necessary dental or orthodontic services that are an integral part of
reconstructive surgery for cleft palate procedures. Cleft palate means a condition that may include
cleft palate, cleft lip, or other craniofacial anomalies associated with cleft palate.
Important: If you decide to receive dental services that are not covered under this plan, a participating
provider who is a dentist may charge you his or her usual and customary rate for those services. Prior to
providing you with dental services that are not a covered benefit, the dentist should provide a treatment
plan that includes each anticipated service to be provided and the estimated cost of each service. If you
would like more information about the dental services that are covered under this plan, please call the
member services telephone number listed on your ID card. To fully understand your coverage under this
plan, please carefully review this benefit booklet document.
Pregnancy and Maternity Care
1. All medical benefits for an enrolled member when provided for pregnancy or maternity care, including
the following services:
a. Prenatal, postnatal and postpartum care;
b. Ambulatory care services (including ultrasounds, fetal non-stress tests, physician office visits, and
other medically necessary maternity services performed outside of a hospital);
c. Involuntary complications of pregnancy;
d. Diagnosis of genetic disorders in cases of high-risk pregnancy; and
e. Inpatient hospital care including labor and delivery.
Inpatient hospital benefits in connection with childbirth will be provided for at least 48 hours following
a normal delivery or 96 hours following a cesarean section, unless the mother and her physician
decide on an earlier discharge. Please see the section entitled FOR YOUR INFORMATION for a
statement of your rights under federal law regarding these services.
Midwife services are covered if: a) provided by a licensed and certified participating midwife who has
a collaborative relationship with a participating physician, b) acting within the scope of his/her license,
and c) the services are provided in a participating facility such as a hospital or birthing center and in
2. Medical hospital benefits for routine nursery care of a newborn child, if the childs natural mother is an
enrolled member. Routine nursery care of a newborn child includes screening of a newborn for
genetic diseases, congenital conditions, and other health conditions provided through a program
established by law or regulation.
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3. Certain services are covered under the Preventive Care Services benefit. Please see that provision
for further details.
Infertility Treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of infertility, as medically necessary, provided you are
under the direct care and treatment of a physician.
Coverage for infertility treatment and cryopreservation of eggs (ovum), embryo and sperm is limited to a
lifetime maximum of $20,000 for any member. Acupuncture services provided for infertility treatment and
testing and treatment services performed in connection with an underlying medical condition are not
subject to the lifetime payment maximum.
Cryopreservation of Eggs (Ovum), Embryo and Sperm. Covered services for elective egg (ovum),
embryo and sperm freezing and storage as follows:
For egg (ovum)/embryo freezing:
Initial consultation, including onsite labs
In-cycle lab tests and ultrasounds
Cycle management
Retrieval (follicular aspiration) with anesthesia
Oocyte identification
Preparation and cryopreservation
Coverage for infertility treatment and cryopreservation of eggs (ovum), embryo and sperm is limited to a
lifetime maximum of $20,000 for any member.
Transplant Services. Services and supplies provided in connection with a non-investigative organ or
tissue transplant, if you are:
1. The recipient; or
2. The donor.
If you are the recipient, an organ or tissue donor who is not a member is also eligible for services as
described. Benefits are reduced by any amounts paid or payable by that donor's own coverage. The
maximum allowed amount for a donor, including donor testing and donor search, is limited to expense
incurred for medically necessary medical services only. The maximum allowed amount for services
incident to obtaining the transplanted material from a living donor or a human organ transplant bank will
be covered. Such charges, including complications from the donor procedure for up to six weeks from
the date of procurement, are covered. Services for treatment of a condition that is not directly related to,
or a direct result of, the transplant are not covered. An unrelated donor search may be required when the
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patient has a disease for which a transplant is needed and a suitable donor within the family is not
Covered services are subject to any applicable deductibles, co-payments and medical benefit maximums
set forth in the SUMMARY OF BENEFITS. The maximum allowed amount does not include charges for
services received without first obtaining the claims administrator's prior authorization or which are
provided at a facility other than an approved transplant center. See UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM for
Specified Transplants
You must obtain the claims administrator's prior authorization for all services including, but not limited to,
preoperative tests and postoperative care related to the following specified transplants: heart, liver, lung,
combination heart-lung, kidney, pancreas, simultaneous pancreas-kidney, or bone marrow/stem cell and
similar procedures. Call the toll-free telephone number for pre-service review on your identification card if
your physician recommends a specified transplant for your medical care. A case manager transplant
coordinator will assist in facilitating your access to a CME or BDCSC. See UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM
for details.
Transplant Travel Expense
Certain travel expenses incurred in connection with an approved, specified transplant (heart, liver, lung,
combination heart-lung, kidney, pancreas, simultaneous pancreas-kidney, or bone marrow/stem cell and
similar procedures) performed at a designated CME or BDCSC that is 75 miles or more from the
recipients or donors place of residence are covered, provided the expenses are authorized by the claims
administrator in advance. The plan's maximum payment will not exceed $10,000 per transplant for the
following travel expenses incurred by the recipient and one companion* or the donor:
Ground transportation to and from the CME or BDCSC when the designated CME or BDCSC is 75
miles or more from the recipients or donors place of residence.
Coach airfare to and from the CME or BDCSC when the designated CME or BDCSC is 300 miles or
more from the recipients or donors residence
Other reasonable expenses. Tobacco, alcohol, drug expenses, and meals are excluded.
*Note: When the member recipient is under 18 years of age, this benefit will apply to the recipient and
two companions or caregivers.
The Calendar Year Deductible will not apply and no co-payments will be required for transplant travel
expenses authorized in advance by the claims administrator. The plan will provide benefits for lodging
and ground transportation, up to the current limits set forth in the Internal Revenue Code.
Expense incurred for the following is not covered: interim visits to a medical care facility while waiting for
the actual transplant procedure; travel expenses for a companion and/or caregiver for a transplant donor;
return visits for a transplant donor for treatment of a condition found during the evaluation; rental cars,
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buses, taxis or shuttle services; and mileage within the city in which the medical transplant facility is
Details regarding reimbursement can be obtained by calling the member services number on your
identification card. A travel reimbursement form will be provided for submission of legible copies of all
applicable receipts in order to obtain reimbursement.
Bariatric Surgery. Services and supplies in connection with medically necessary surgery for weight loss,
only for morbid obesity.
Mental or Nervous Disorders or Substance Abuse. Covered services shown below for the medically
necessary treatment of mental or nervous disorders or substance abuse, or to prevent the deterioration of
chronic conditions.
1. Inpatient hospital services and services from a residential treatment center as stated in the "Hospital"
provision of this section, for inpatient services and supplies. Coverage for services that are not
considered medically necessary may be covered if approval is obtained.
2. Partial hospitalization, including intensive outpatient programs and visits to a day treatment center.
Partial hospitalization is covered as stated in the Hospital provision of this section, for outpatient
services and supplies. Coverage for services that are not considered medically necessary may be
covered if approval is obtained.
2. Physician visits during a covered inpatient stay.
3. Physician visits (including online visits) for outpatient psychotherapy or psychological testing for the
treatment of mental or nervous disorders or substance abuse. This includes nutritional counseling for
the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
4. Behavioral health treatment for pervasive developmental disorder or autism. See the section
are covered.
Treatment for substance abuse does not include smoking cessation programs, nor treatment for nicotine
dependency or tobacco use.
Preventive Care Services. Preventive care includes screenings and other services for adults and
children. All recommended preventive services will be covered as required by the Affordable Care Act
(ACA) and applicable state law. This means for preventive care services, the calendar year deductible
will not apply to these services or supplies when they are provided by a participating provider. No co-
payment will apply to these services or supplies when they are provided by a participating provider.
Certain benefits for members who have current symptoms or a diagnosed health problem may be
covered under a different benefit instead of this benefit, if the coverage does not fall within the state or
ACA-recommended preventive care services.
1. A physician's services for routine physical examinations.
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2. Immunizations prescribed by the examining physician. This includes flu immunizations and the
following travel vaccinations: Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (TDP), Polio, MMR (measles,
mumps, rubella), Typhoid, Hepatitis A & B, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis,
and Zoster).
3. Radiology and laboratory services and tests ordered by the examining physician in connection with a
routine physical examination, excluding any such tests related to an illness or injury. Those radiology
and laboratory services and tests related to an illness or injury will be covered as any other medical
service available under the terms and conditions of the provision Diagnostic Services.
4. Health screenings as ordered by the examining physician for the following: breast cancer, including
BRCA testing if appropriate (in conjunction with genetic counseling and evaluation), cervical cancer,
including human papillomavirus (HPV), prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and other medically
accepted cancer screening tests, blood lead levels, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
cholesterol, obesity, and screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
5. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing, regardless of whether the testing is related to a primary
6. Counseling and risk factor reduction intervention services for sexually transmitted infections, human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), contraception, tobacco use, and tobacco use-related diseases.
7. Additional preventive care and screening for women provided for in the guidelines supported by the
Health Resources and Services Administration, including the following:
a. All FDA-approved contraceptive drugs, devices and other products for women, including over-the-
counter items, if prescribed by a physician. This includes contraceptive drugs, injectable
contraceptives, patches and devices such as diaphragms, intra uterine devices (IUDs) and
implants, as well as voluntary sterilization procedures, contraceptive education and counseling. It
also includes follow-up services related to the drugs, devices, products and procedures, including
but not limited to management of side effects, counseling for continued adherence, and device
insertion and removal.
At least one form of contraception in each of the methods identified in the FDAs Birth Control
Guide will be covered as preventive care under this section. If there is only one form of
contraception in a given method, or if a form of contraception is deemed not medically advisable
by a physician, the prescribed FDA-approved form of contraception will be covered as preventive
care under this section.
In order to be covered as preventive care, contraceptive prescription drugs must be either a
generic or single-source brand name drug (those without a generic equivalent). Multi-source
brand name drugs (those with a generic equivalent) will be covered as preventive care services
when medically necessary according to your attending doctor, otherwise they will be covered
under your plans prescription drug benefits (see YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS).
b. Breast feeding support, supplies, and counseling. One breast pump will be covered per
pregnancy under this benefit.
c. Gestational diabetes screening.
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d. Preventive prenatal care.
8. Preventive services for certain high-risk populations as determined by your physician, based on
clinical expertise.
This list of preventive care services is not exhaustive. Preventive tests and screenings with a rating of A
or B in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), or
those supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will be covered with no
copayment and will not apply to the calendar year deductible.
See the definition of Preventive Care Services in the DEFINITIONS section for more information about
services that are covered by this plan as preventive care services.
You may call member services using the number on your ID card for additional information about these
services. You may also view the federal governments web sites:
Breast Cancer. Services and supplies provided in connection with the screening for, diagnosis of, and
treatment for breast cancer whether due to illness or injury, including:
1. Diagnostic mammogram examinations in connection with the treatment of a diagnosed illness or
injury. Routine mammograms will be covered initially under the Preventive Care Services benefit.
2. Breast cancer (BRCA) testing, if appropriate, in conjunction with genetic counseling and evaluation.
When done as a preventive care service, BRCA testing will be covered under the Preventive Care
Services benefit.
3. Mastectomy and lymph node dissection; complications from a mastectomy including lymphedema.
4. Reconstructive surgery of both breasts performed to restore and achieve symmetry following a
medically necessary mastectomy.
5. Breast prostheses following a mastectomy (see Prosthetic Devices).
This coverage is provided according to the terms and conditions of this plan that apply to all other medical
Clinical Trials. Coverage is provided for routine patient costs you receive as a participant in an
approved clinical trial. The services must be those that are listed as covered by this plan for members
who are not enrolled in a clinical trial.
Routine patient care costs include items, services, and drugs provided to you in connection with an
approved clinical trial that would otherwise be covered by the plan.
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An approved clinical trial is a phase I, phase II, phase III, or phase IV clinical trial that studies the
prevention, detection, or treatment of cancer or another life-threatening disease or condition, from which
death is likely unless the disease or condition is treated. Coverage is limited to the following clinical trials:
1. Federally funded trials approved or funded by one or more of the following:
a. The National Institutes of Health,
b. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
c. The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality,
d. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,
e. A cooperative group or center of any of the four entities listed above or the Department of
Defense or the Department of Veterans Affairs,
f. A qualified non-governmental research entity identified in the guidelines issued by the National
Institutes of Health for center support grants, or
g. Any of the following departments if the study or investigation has been reviewed and approved
through a system of peer review that the Secretary of Health and Human Services determines (1)
to be comparable to the system of peer review of investigations and studies used by the National
Institutes of Health, and (2) assures unbiased review of the highest scientific standards by
qualified individuals who have no interest in the outcome of the review:
i. The Department of Veterans Affairs,
ii. The Department of Defense, or
iii. The Department of Energy.
2. Studies or investigations done as part of an investigational new drug application reviewed by the
Food and Drug Administration.
3. Studies or investigations done for drug trials that are exempt from the investigational new drug
Participation in the clinical trial must be recommended by your physician after determining participation
has a meaningful potential to benefit you. All requests for clinical trials services, including requests that
are not part of approved clinical trials, will be reviewed according to the plans Clinical Coverage
Guidelines, related policies and procedures.
Routine patient costs do not include the costs associated with any of the following:
1. The investigational item, device, or service itself.
2. Any item or service provided solely to satisfy data collection and analysis needs and that is not used
in the clinical management of the patient.
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3. Any service that is clearly inconsistent with widely accepted and established standards of care for a
particular diagnosis.
4. Any item, device, or service that is paid for, by the sponsor of the trial or is customarily provided by
the sponsor free of charge for any enrollee in the trial.
Note: You will be financially responsible for the costs associated with non-covered services.
Physical Therapy, Physical Medicine and Occupational Therapy. The following services provided by
a physician under a treatment plan:
1. Physical therapy and physical medicine provided on an outpatient basis for the treatment of illness or
injury including the therapeutic use of heat, cold, exercise, electricity, ultra violet radiation,
manipulation of the spine, or massage for the purpose of improving circulation, strengthening
muscles, or encouraging the return of motion. (This includes many types of care which are
customarily provided by chiropractors, physical therapists and osteopaths. It does not include
massage therapy services at spas or health clubs.)
2. Occupational therapy provided on an outpatient basis when the ability to perform daily life tasks has
been lost or reduced by, or has not been developed due to, illness or injury including programs which
are designed to rehabilitate mentally, physically or emotionally handicapped persons. Occupational
therapy programs are designed to maximize or improve a patient's upper extremity function,
perceptual motor skills and ability to function in daily living activities.
Benefits are not payable for care provided to relieve general soreness or for conditions that may be
expected to improve without treatment. For the purposes of this benefit, the term "visit" shall include any
visit by a physician in that physicians office, or in any other outpatient setting, during which one or more
of the services covered under this benefit are rendered, even if other services are provided during the
same visit.
Contraceptives. Services and supplies provided in connection with the following methods of
Injectable drugs and implants for birth control, administered in a physicians office, if medically
Professional services of a physician in connection with the prescribing, fitting, and insertion of
intrauterine contraceptive devices or diaphragms.
Contraceptive supplies prescribed by a physician for reasons other than contraceptive purposes for
medically necessary treatment such as decreasing the risk of ovarian cancer, eliminating symptoms of
menopause or for contraception that is necessary to preserve life or health may also be covered.
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If your physician determines that none of these contraceptive methods are appropriate for you based on
your medical or personal history, coverage will be provided for another prescription contraceptive method
that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and prescribed by your physician.
Certain contraceptives are covered under the Preventive Care Services benefit. Please see that
provision for further details.
Hearing Aid Services. The following hearing aid services are covered when provided by or purchased
as a result of a written recommendation from an otolaryngologist or a state-certified audiologist.
1. Audiological evaluations to measure the extent of hearing loss and determine the most appropriate
make and model of hearing aid. These evaluations will be covered under plan benefits for office visits
to physicians and limited to one visit per calendar year. Additional diagnostic hearing exams will be
covered if medically necessary.
2. Hearing aids (monaural or binaural) including ear mold(s), the hearing aid instrument, batteries, cords
and other ancillary equipment.
3. Visits for fitting, counseling, adjustments and repairs for a one year period after receiving the covered
hearing aid.
No benefits will be provided for the following:
1. Charges for a hearing aid which exceeds specifications prescribed for the correction of hearing loss.
2. Surgically implanted hearing devices (i.e., cochlear implants, audient bone conduction devices).
Medically necessary surgically implanted hearing devices may be covered under this plans benefits
for prosthetic devices (see Prosthetic Devices).
Outpatient Speech Therapy. Speech Therapy Services are covered when diagnosed and ordered by a
Physician and provided by an appropriately licensed speech therapist when rendered in the providers
office or Outpatient department of a Hospital. Prior authorization for Speech Therapy Benefit is not
required from the Claims Administrator. Services are provided for the correction of, or clinically significant
improvement of, speech abnormalities that are the likely result of a diagnosed and identifiable medical
condition, illness, or injury to the nervous system or to the vocal, swallowing, or auditory organs
Acupuncture. The services of a physician for acupuncture treatment to treat a disease, illness or injury,
including a patient history visit, physical examination, treatment planning and treatment evaluation,
electroacupuncture, cupping and moxibustion.
Naturopathy/Homeopathy. Naturopathy/Homeopathy consultations when provided by licensed
practitioners in states that recognize Naturopathy/Homeopathy credentials. The plan does not cover
diagnostic testing, treatments, medications or therapies related to Naturopathy/Homeopathy services.
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Diabetes. Services and supplies provided for the treatment of diabetes, including:
1. The following equipment and supplies:
a. Blood glucose monitors, including monitors designed to assist the visually impaired, and blood
glucose testing strips.
b. Insulin pumps.
c. Pen delivery systems for insulin administration (non-disposable).
d. Visual aids (but not eyeglasses) to help the visually impaired to properly dose insulin.
e. Podiatric devices, such as therapeutic shoes and shoe inserts, to treat diabetes-related
Items a through d above are covered under your plans benefits for durable medical equipment (see
Durable Medical Equipment). Item e above is covered under your plan's benefits for prosthetic
devices (see "Prosthetic Devices").
2. Diabetes education program which:
a. Is designed to teach a member who is a patient and covered members of the patient's family
about the disease process and the daily management of diabetic therapy;
b. Includes self-management training, education, and medical nutrition therapy to enable the
member to properly use the equipment, supplies, and medications necessary to manage the
disease; and
c. Is supervised by a physician.
Diabetes education services are covered under plan benefits for office visits to physicians.
3. The following items are covered under your prescription drug benefits:
a. Insulin, glucagon, and other prescription drugs for the treatment of diabetes.
b. Insulin syringes, disposable pen delivery systems for insulin administration.
c. Testing strips, lancets, and alcohol swabs.
These items must be obtained either from a retail pharmacy or through the home delivery program
4. Screenings for gestational diabetes are covered under your Preventive Care Services benefit. Please
see that provision for further details.
Jaw Joint Disorders. The plan will pay for splint therapy or surgical treatment for disorders or conditions
directly affecting the upper or lower jawbone or of the joints linking the jawbones and the skull (the
temporomandibular joints), including the complex of muscles, nerves and other tissues related to those
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Special Food Products. Special food products and formulas that are part of a diet prescribed by a
physician for the treatment of phenylketonuria (PKU). Most formulas used in the treatment of PKU are
obtained from a pharmacy and are covered under this plans prescription drug benefits (see YOUR
PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS). Special food products that are not available from a pharmacy are
covered as medical supplies under this plans medical benefits.
Nutritional Evaluation.
Prescription Drug for Abortion. Mifepristone is covered when provided under the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approved treatment regimen.
Prescription Drugs Obtained From Or Administered By a Medical Provider. Your plan includes
benefits for prescription drugs when they are administered to you as part of a physician visit, services
from a home health agency, or at an outpatient hospital. This includes drugs for infusion therapy,
chemotherapy, specialty pharmacy drugs, blood products and any drug that must be administered by a
physician. This section describes your benefits when your physician orders the medication and
administers it to you. Benefits are also available for prescription drugs that you receive under your
prescription drug benefits, if included.
Benefits for drugs that you inject or get at a retail pharmacy (i.e., self-administered drugs) are not covered
under this section. Benefits for those and other covered drugs are described under YOUR PRESCRIPTION
DRUG BENEFITS, if included.
Non-duplication of benefits applies to pharmacy drugs under this plan. When benefits are provided for
pharmacy drugs under the plans medical benefits, they will not be provided under your prescription drug
benefits, if included. Conversely, if benefits are provided for pharmacy drugs under your prescription drug
benefits, if included, they will not be provided under the plans medical benefits.
Prior Authorization. Certain specialty pharmacy drugs require written prior authorization of benefits in
order for you to receive them. Prior authorization criteria will be based on medical policy and the
pharmacy and therapeutics process. You may need to try a drug other than the one originally prescribed
if it's determined that it should be clinically effective for you. However, if it's determined through prior
authorization that the drug originally prescribed is medically necessary and is cost effective, you will be
provided the drug originally requested. If, when you first become a member, you are already being
treated for a medical condition by a drug that has been appropriately prescribed and is considered safe
and effective for your medical condition, the claims administrator will not require you to try a drug other
than the one you are currently taking.
In order for you to get a specialty pharmacy drug that requires prior authorization, your physician must
make a request to the claims administrator for you to get it. The request may be made by either
telephone or facsimile. At the time the request is initiated, specific clinical information will be requested
from your physician based on medical policy and/or clinical guidelines, based specifically on your
diagnosis and/or the physicians statement in the request or clinical rationale for the specialty pharmacy
If the request is not for urgently needed drugs, after the claims administrator gets the request from your
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Based on your medical condition, as medically necessary, the claims administrator will review it and
decide if they will approve benefits within 5-business days. The claims administrator will tell you and
your physician what has been decided in writing - by fax to your doctor, and by mail, to you.
If more information is needed to make a decision, the claims administrator will tell your physician in
writing within 5-business days after they get the request what information is missing and why a
decision cannot be made. If, for reasons beyond the claims administrator's control, they cannot tell
your physician what information is missing within 5-business days, the claims administrator will tell
your physician that there is a problem as soon as they know that they cannot respond within 5-
business days. In any event, the claims administrator will tell you and your physician that there is a
problem by telephone, and in writing by facsimile, to your physician, and in writing to you by mail.
As soon as the claims administrator can, based on your medical condition, as medically necessary,
within 5-business days after they have all the information they need to decide if they will approve
benefits, the claims administrator will tell you and your physician what has been decided in writing -
by fax to your physician and by mail to you.
If you have any questions regarding whether a specialty pharmacy drug requires prior authorization,
please call 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821).
If a request for prior authorization of a specialty pharmacy drug is denied, you or your prescribing
physician may appeal the decision by calling 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821).
Transgender Benefits. This plan provides benefits for many of the charges incurred by you or your
family member for transgender services (including sex reassignment surgery). Not all charges are eligible
and some are only eligible to a limited extent. Transgender surgery must be performed at a facility
designated and approved by the claims administrator for the type of transgender surgery requested and
must be authorized prior to being performed. Cryopreservation and storage for sperm and embryo are
covered. Charges for services that are not authorized, or which are provided in a facility other
than which the claims administrator has designated and approved for the transgender benefits
requested, will not be considered covered under this plan. See UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM for
Benefits follow the Current World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards
of Care.
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Crime or Nuclear Energy. Conditions that result from: (1) your commission of or attempt to commit a
felony, as long as any injuries are not a result of a medical condition or an act of domestic violence; or (2)
any release of nuclear energy, whether or not the result of war, when government funds are available for
treatment of illness or injury arising from such release of nuclear energy.
Uninsured. Services received before your effective date or after your coverage ends, except as
specifically stated under EXTENSION OF BENEFITS.
Non-Licensed Providers. Treatment or services rendered by non-licensed health care providers and
treatment or services for which the provider of services is not required to be licensed. This includes
treatment or services from a non-licensed provider under the supervision of a licensed physician, except
as specifically provided or arranged by the claims administrator. This exclusion does not apply to the
medically necessary treatment of pervasive developmental disorder or autism, to the extent stated in the
Waived Cost-Shares Non-Participating Provider. For any service for which you are responsible under
the terms of this plan to pay a co-payment or deductible, and the co-payment or deductible is waived by a
non-participating provider.
Excess Amounts. Any amounts in excess of maximum allowed amounts or any Medical Benefit
Work-Related. Work-related conditions if benefits are recovered or can be recovered, either by
adjudication, settlement or otherwise, under any workers' compensation, employer's liability law or
occupational disease law, even if you do not claim those benefits.
Government Treatment. Any services actually given to you by a local, state, or federal government
agency, or by a public school system or school district, except when payment under this plan is expressly
required by federal or state law. The plan will not cover payment for these services if you are not required
to pay for them or they are given to you for free. You are not required to seek any such services prior to
receiving medically necessary health care services that are covered by this plan.
Services of Relatives. Professional services received from a person who lives in your home or who is
related to you by blood or marriage, except as specifically stated in the "Home Infusion Therapy"
Voluntary Payment. Services for which you are not legally obligated to pay. Services for which you are
not charged. Services for which no charge is made in the absence of insurance coverage, except
services received at a non-governmental charitable research hospital. Such a hospital must meet the
following guidelines:
1. It must be internationally known as being devoted mainly to medical research;
2. At least 10% of its yearly budget must be spent on research not directly related to patient care;
3. At least one-third of its gross income must come from donations or grants other than gifts or
payments for patient care;
4. It must accept patients who are unable to pay; and
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5. Two-thirds of its patients must have conditions directly related to the hospitals research.
Not Specifically Listed. Services not specifically listed in this plan as covered services.
Private Contracts. Services or supplies provided pursuant to a private contract between the member
and a provider, for which reimbursement under the Medicare program is prohibited, as specified in
Section 1802 (42 U.S.C. 1395a) of Title XVIII of the Social Security Act.
Inpatient Diagnostic Tests. Inpatient room and board charges in connection with a hospital stay
primarily for diagnostic tests which could have been performed safely on an outpatient basis.
Orthodontia. Braces and other orthodontic appliances or services, except as specifically stated in the
Reconstructive Surgery or Dental Care provisions of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Dental Services or Supplies. For dental treatment, regardless of origin or cause, except as specified
below. Dental treatment includes but is not limited to preventative care and fluoride treatments; dental x
rays, supplies, appliances, dental implants and all associated expenses; diagnosis and treatment related
to the teeth, jawbones or gums, including but not limited to:
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symptomatology or to create a normal appearance), including surgery performed to restore symmetry
following mastectomy. Cosmetic surgery does not become reconstructive surgery because of
psychological or psychiatric reasons. This exclusion does not apply to transgender surgery.
Varicose Vein Treatment. Treatment of varicose veins or telangiectatic dermal veins (spider veins) by
any method (including sclerotherapy or other surgeries) when services are rendered for cosmetic
Commercial Weight Loss Programs. Weight loss programs, whether or not they are pursued under
medical or physician supervision, unless specifically listed as covered in this plan.
This exclusion includes, but is not limited to, commercial weight loss programs (Weight Watchers, Jenny
Craig, LA Weight Loss) and fasting programs.
This exclusion does not apply to medically necessary treatments for morbid obesity or dietary evaluations
and counseling, and behavioral modification programs for the treatment of anorexia nervosa or bulimia
nervosa. Surgical treatment for morbid obesity will be covered only when criteria is met as recommended
by the claims administrators Medical Policy.
Sterilization Reversal. Reversal of an elective sterilization.
Infertility Treatment. Any services or supplies furnished in connection with the diagnosis and treatment
of infertility, except as specifically stated in the infertility Treatment provision of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS
Surrogate Mother Services. For any services or supplies provided to a person not covered under the
plan in connection with a surrogate pregnancy (including, but not limited to, the bearing of a child by
another woman for an infertile couple).
Orthopedic Supplies. Orthopedic shoes and shoe inserts. This exclusion does not apply to orthopedic
footwear used as an integral part of a brace, shoe inserts that are custom molded to the patient, or
therapeutic shoes and inserts designed to treat foot complications due to diabetes, as specifically stated
in the Prosthetic Devices provision of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Air Conditioners. Air purifiers, air conditioners, or humidifiers.
Custodial Care or Rest Cures. Inpatient room and board charges in connection with a hospital stay
primarily for environmental change or physical therapy. Custodial care or rest cures, except as
specifically provided under the "Hospice Care" or "Home Infusion Therapy" provisions of MEDICAL CARE
THAT IS COVERED. Services provided by a rest home, a home for the aged, a nursing home or any similar
facility. Services provided by a skilled nursing facility, except as specifically stated in the "Skilled Nursing
Facility" provision of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Health Club Memberships. Health club memberships, exercise equipment, charges from a physical
fitness instructor or personal trainer, or any other charges for activities, equipment or facilities used for
developing or maintaining physical fitness, even if ordered by a physician. This exclusion also applies to
health spas.
Personal Items. Any supplies for comfort, hygiene or beautification.
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Educational or Academic Services. This plan does not cover:
1. Educational or academic counseling, remediation, or other services that are designed to increase
academic knowledge or skills.
2. Educational or academic counseling, remediation, or other services that are designed to increase
socialization, adaptive, or communication skills.
3. Academic or educational testing.
4. Teaching skills for employment or vocational purposes.
5. Teaching art, dance, horseback riding, music, play, swimming, or any similar activities.
6. Teaching manners and etiquette or any other social skills.
7. Teaching and support services to develop planning and organizational skills such as daily activity
planning and project or task planning.
Food or Dietary Supplements. Nutritional and/or dietary supplements and counseling, except as
provided in this plan or as required by law. This exclusion includes, but is not limited to, those nutritional
formulas and dietary supplements that can be purchased over the counter, which by law do not require
either a written prescription or dispensing by a licensed pharmacist.
Telephone, Facsimile Machine, and Electronic Mail Consultations. Consultations provided using
telephone, facsimile machine, or electronic mail.
Routine Exams or Tests. Routine physical exams or tests which do not directly treat an actual illness,
injury or condition, including those required by employment or government authority, except as
specifically stated in the "Preventive Care Services" provision of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture treatment except as specifically stated in the "Acupuncture" provision of
MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED. Acupressure, or massage to control pain, treat illness or promote health
by applying pressure to one or more specific areas of the body based on dermatomes or acupuncture
Eye Surgery for Refractive Defects. Any eye surgery solely or primarily for the purpose of correcting
refractive defects of the eye such as nearsightedness (myopia) and/or astigmatism. Contact lenses and
eyeglasses required as a result of this surgery.
Physical Therapy or Physical Medicine. Services of a physician for physical therapy or physical
medicine, except when provided during a covered inpatient confinement, or as specifically stated in the
"Home Health Care", "Hospice Care", "Home Infusion Therapy" or "Physical Therapy, Physical Medicine
and Occupational Therapy" provisions of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Outpatient Prescription Drugs and Medications. Outpatient prescription drugs or medications and
insulin, except as specifically stated in the Infusion Therapy or Home Infusion Therapy, Prescription
Drug for Abortion, or Preventive Care Services provisions of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED or under
YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS section of this booklet. Non-prescription, over-the-counter patent or
proprietary drugs or medicines, except as specifically stated in this benefit booklet. Cosmetics, health or
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beauty aids. However, health aids that are medically necessary and meet the requirements for durable
medical equipment as specified under the Durable Medical Equipment provision of MEDICAL CARE THAT IS
COVERED, are covered, subject to all terms of this plan that apply to that benefit.
Specialty drugs. Specialty drugs that must be obtained from the specialty drug program, but, which are
obtained from a retail pharmacy are not covered by this plan. You will have to pay the full cost of the
specialty drugs you get from a retail pharmacy that you should have obtained from the specialty
drug program.
Contraceptive Devices. Contraceptive devices prescribed for birth control except as specifically stated
in the Contraceptives provision in MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
Private Duty Nursing. Private duty nursing services.
Lifestyle Programs. Programs to alter ones lifestyle which may include but are not limited to diet,
exercise, imagery or nutrition. This exclusion will not apply to cardiac rehabilitation programs approved
by the claims administrator.
Clinical Trials. Services and supplies in connection with clinical trials, except as specifically stated in the
Clinical Trials provision under the section MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED.
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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) means the design, implementation, and evaluation of systematic
instructional and environmental modifications to promote positive social behaviors and reduce or
ameliorate behaviors which interfere with learning and social interaction.
Intensive Behavioral Intervention means any form of Applied Behavioral Analysis that is
comprehensive, designed to address all domains of functioning, and provided in multiple settings
depending on the individual's needs and progress. Interventions can be delivered in a one-to-one ratio or
small group format, as appropriate.
Qualified Autism Service Provider is either of the following:
A person, entity, or group that is certified by a national entity, such as the Behavior Analyst
Certification Board, that is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies, and who
designs, supervises, or provides treatment for Pervasive Developmental Disorder or autism, provided
the services are within the experience and competence of the person, entity, or group that is
nationally certified; or
A person licensed as a physician and surgeon (M.D. or D.O.), physical therapist, occupational
therapist, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, educational psychologist, clinical social worker,
professional clinical counselor, speech-language pathologist, or audiologist pursuant to state law,
who designs, supervises, or provides treatment for Pervasive Developmental Disorder or autism,
provided the services are within the experience and competence of the licensee.
The network of participating providers may be limited to licensed Qualified Autism Service Providers who
contract with a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan and who may supervise and employ Qualified Autism
Service Professionals or Qualified Autism Service Paraprofessionals who provide and administer
Behavioral Health Treatment.
Qualified Autism Service Professional is a provider who meets all of the following requirements:
Provides treatment according to a treatment plan developed and approved by the Qualified Autism
Service Provider,
Has training and experience in providing services for Pervasive Developmental Disorder or autism
pursuant to applicable state law.
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Qualified Autism Service Paraprofessional is an unlicensed and uncertified individual who meets all of
the following requirements:
Provides treatment and implements services pursuant to a treatment plan developed and approved
by the Qualified Autism Service Provider,
Meets the criteria set forth in any applicable state regulations adopted pursuant to state law
concerning the use of paraprofessionals in group practice provider behavioral intervention services,
Has adequate education, training, and experience, as certified by a Qualified Autism Service
The behavioral health treatment services covered by this plan for the treatment of Pervasive
Developmental Disorder or autism are limited to those professional services and treatment programs,
including Applied Behavior Analysis and evidence-based behavior intervention programs, that develop or
restore, to the maximum extent practicable, the functioning of an individual with Pervasive Developmental
Disorder or autism and that meet all of the following requirements:
The treatment must be prescribed by a licensed physician and surgeon (an M.D. or D.O.) or
developed by a licensed clinical psychologist,
The treatment must be provided under a treatment plan prescribed by a Qualified Autism Service
Provider and administered by one of the following: (a) Qualified Autism Service Provider, (b) Qualified
Autism Service Professional supervised and employed by the Qualified Autism Service Provider, or
(c) Qualified Autism Service Paraprofessional supervised and employed by a Qualified Autism
Service provider, and
The treatment plan must have measurable goals over a specific timeline and be developed and
approved by the Qualified Autism Service Provider for the specific patient being treated. The
treatment plan must be reviewed no less than once every six months by the Qualified Autism Service
Provider and modified whenever appropriate, and must be consistent with applicable state law that
imposes requirements on the provision of Applied Behavioral Analysis services and Intensive
Behavioral Intervention services to certain persons pursuant to which the Qualified Autism Service
Provider does all of the following:
Designs an intervention plan that includes the service type, number of hours, and parent
participation needed to achieve the intervention plan's goal and objectives, and the frequency at
which the patient's progress is evaluated and reported,
Provides intervention plans that utilize evidence-based practices, with demonstrated clinical
efficacy in treating Pervasive Developmental Disorder or autism,
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Discontinues Intensive Behavioral Intervention services when the treatment goals and objectives
are achieved or no longer appropriate, and
The treatment plan is not used for purposes of providing or for the reimbursement of respite care,
day care, or educational services, and is not used to reimburse a parent for participating in the
treatment program. No coverage will be provided for any of these services or costs. The
treatment plan must be made available to the claims administrator upon request.
You may avoid higher out-of-pocket expenses by choosing a participating pharmacy, or by utilizing the
home delivery program whenever possible. In addition, you may also reduce your costs by asking your
physician, and your pharmacist, for the more cost-effective generic form of prescription drugs.
Prescription drug covered expense will always be the lesser of the billed charge or the prescription drug
maximum allowed amount. Expense is incurred on the date you receive the drug for which the charge is
When you choose a participating pharmacy, the pharmacy benefits manager will subtract any expense
which is not covered under your prescription drug benefits. The remainder is the amount of prescription
drug covered expense for that claim. You will not be responsible for any amount in excess of the
prescription maximum allowed amount for the covered services of a participating pharmacy.
When the pharmacy benefits manager receives a claim for drugs supplied by a non-participating
pharmacy, they first subtract any expense which is not covered under your prescription drug benefits, and
then any expense exceeding the prescription maximum allowed amount. The remainder is the amount of
prescription drug covered expense for that claim.
You will always be responsible for expense incurred which is not covered under this plan.
After the pharmacy benefits manager determines prescription drug covered expense, they will subtract
your Medical and Prescription Drug Deductible from the total amount they consider prescription drug
covered expense. After that deductible has been satisfied, they will subtract your Prescription Drug Co-
Payment for each prescription during the remainder of the year.
If your Prescription Drug Co-Payment includes a percentage of prescription drug covered expense, then
the pharmacy benefits manager will apply that percentage to such expense. This will determine the dollar
amount of your Prescription Drug Co-Payment.
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The Medical and Prescription Drug Deductible and Prescription Drug Co-Payments are set forth in the
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Claim forms and member services are available by calling 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-
9821). Mail your claim with the appropriate portion completed by the pharmacist to the claims
administrator within 90 days of the date of purchase. If it is not reasonably possible to submit the claim
within that time frame, an extension of up to 12 months will be allowed.
Important Note: If the claims administrator determines that you may be using prescription drugs in a
harmful or abusive manner, or with harmful frequency, your selection of participating pharmacies may be
limited. If this happens, the plan may require you to select a single participating pharmacy that will
provide and coordinate all future pharmacy services. Benefits will only be paid if you use the single
participating pharmacy. The claims administrator will contact you if they determine that use of a single
participating pharmacy is needed and give you options as to which participating pharmacy you may use.
If you do not select one of the participating pharmacies that the plan offers within 31 days, the claims
administrator will select a single participating pharmacy for you. If you disagree with the claims
administrators decision, you may file complaint as described in the COMPLAINT NOTICE.
When You Order Your Prescription Through the Home Delivery Program. You can order your
prescription through the home delivery prescription drug program. Not all medications are available
through the home delivery pharmacy.
The prescription must state the drug name, dosage, directions for use, quantity, the physicians name and
phone number, the patient's name and address, and be signed by a physician. You must submit it with
the appropriate payment for the amount of the purchase, and a properly completed order form. You need
only pay the cost of your Co-Payment.
Your first home delivery prescription must also include a completed Patient Profile questionnaire. The
Patient Profile questionnaire can be obtained by calling the toll-free number shown on your ID card. You
need only enclose the prescription or refill notice, and the appropriate payment for any subsequent home
delivery prescriptions, or call the toll-free number. Co-payments can be paid by check, money order or
credit card.
Order forms can be obtained by contacting 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821) to request
one. The form is also available on-line at ghealthcare.anthem.com.
When You Order Your Prescription Through Specialty Drug Program. Certain specified specialty
drugs must be obtained through the specialty pharmacy program unless you are given an exception from
the specialty drug program (see PRESCRIPTION DRUG CONDITIONS OF SERVICE). These specified specialty
drugs that must be obtained through the Specialty Drug Program are limited up to a 30-day supply. The
Specialty Drug Program will deliver your medication to you by mail or common carrier (you cannot pick up
your medication at Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health).
The prescription for the specialty drug must state the drug name, dosage, directions for use, quantity, the
physician's name and phone number, the patient's name and address, and be signed by a physician.
You or your physician may order your specialty drug by calling 1-800-700-2541. When you call Anthem
Blue Cross Life and Health Specialty Drug Program, a Dedicated Care Coordinator will guide you
through the process up to and including actual delivery of your specialty drug to you. (If you order your
specialty drug by telephone, you will need to use a credit card or debit card to pay for it.) You may also
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submit your specialty drug prescription with the appropriate payment for the amount of the purchase (you
can pay by check, money order, credit card or debit card), and a properly completed order form to
Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company Specialty Drug. Once you have met your
deductible, if any, you will only have to pay the cost of your Co-Payment.
The first time you get a prescription for a specialty drug you must also include a completed Intake
Referral Form. The Intake Referral Form is to be completed by calling the toll-free number below. You
need only enclose the prescription or refill notice, and the appropriate payment for any subsequent
specialty drug prescriptions, or call the toll-free number. Co-payments can be made by check, money
order, credit card or debit card.
You or your physician may obtain order forms or a list of specialty drugs that must be obtained through
specialty pharmacy program by contacting Member Services at the number listed on your ID card or
online at ghealthcare.anthem.com.
Specified specialty drugs must be obtained through the Specialty Pharmacy Program. When
these specified specialty drugs are not obtained through the Specialty Pharmacy Program, and
you do not have an exception, you will not receive any benefits for these drugs under this plan.
Your prescription drug benefits include utilization review of prescription drug usage for your health and
safety. Certain drugs may require prior authorization. If there are patterns of over-utilization or misuse of
drugs, the claims administrators medical consultant will notify your personal physician and your
pharmacist. The claims administrator reserves the right to limit benefits to prevent over-utilization of
The claims administrator uses a prescription drug formulary to help your physician make prescribing
decisions. The presence of a drug on the plans prescription drug formulary list does not guarantee that
you will be prescribed that drug by your physician. This list of outpatient prescription drugs is developed
by a committee of physicians and pharmacists to determine which medications are sound, therapeutic
and cost effective choices. These medications, which include both generic and brand name drugs, are
listed in the prescription drug formulary. The committee updates the formulary quarterly to ensure that
the list includes drugs that are safe and effective. Note: The formulary drugs may change from time to
Some drugs may require prior authorization. If you have a question regarding whether a particular drug is
on the formulary drug list or requires prior authorization please call 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-
Prior Authorization.
Physicians must obtain prior authorization in order for you to get benefits for certain prescription drugs.
At times, your physician will initiate a prior authorization on your behalf before your pharmacy fills your
prescription. At other times, the pharmacy may make you or your physician aware that a prior
authorization or other information is needed. In order to determine if the prescription drug is eligible for
coverage, the following criteria has been established.
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The criteria, which are called drug edits, may include requirements regarding one or more of the
Specific clinical criteria including, but not limited to, requirements regarding age, test result
requirements, and/or presence of a specific condition or disease,
Specific physician qualifications including, but not limited to, REMS certification (Risk, Evaluation
and Mitigation Strategies),
Step therapy requiring one prescription drug, a prescription drug regimen or another treatment be
used prior to use of another prescription drug or prescription drug regimen for safety and/or
affordability when clinically similar results may be anticipated and one option is less costly than
The claims administrator will review it and decide if they will approve benefits within 72-hours. (As
soon as the claims administrator can, based on your medical condition, as medically necessary, they
may take less than 72-hours to decide if they will approve benefits.) The claims administrator will tell
you and your physician what they have decided in writing - by fax to your physician and by mail to
If more information is needed to make a decision, or the claims administrator cannot make a decision
for any reason, they will tell your physician, within 24-hours after they get the form, what information
is missing and why they cannot make a decision. If, for reasons beyond the claims administrator's
control, they cannot tell your physician what information is missing within 24-hours, they will tell your
physician that there is a problem as soon as they know that they cannot respond within 24-hours. In
either event, the claims administrator will tell you and your physician that there is a problem always
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in writing by facsimile and, when appropriate, by telephone to your physician and in writing by mail to
As soon as the claims administrator can, based on your medical condition, as medically necessary,
but, not more than 48-hours after they have all the information they need to decide if they will approve
benefits, the claims administrator will tell you and your physician what they have decided in writing -
by fax to the physician and by mail to you.
If the request is not for urgently needed drugs, after the claims administrator gets the Outpatient
Prescription Drug Prior Authorization of Benefits form:
Based on your medical condition, as medically necessary, the claims administrator will review it and
decide if they will approve benefits within 5-business days or a shorter period as applicable by state
or federal law. The claims administrator will tell you and your physician what they have decided in
writing - by fax to your physician, and by mail, to you.
If more information is needed to make a decision, the claims administrator will tell your physician in
writing within 5-business days or a shorter period as applicable by state or federal law after they get
the request what information is missing, and why they cannot make a decision. If, for reasons
beyond the claims administrator's control, they cannot tell your physician what information is missing
within 5-business days, they will tell your physician that there is a problem as soon as they know that
they cannot respond within 5-business days. In any event, the claims administrator will tell you and
your physician that there is a problem in writing by facsimile, and when appropriate, by telephone to
your physician, and in writing to you by mail.
As soon as the claims administrator can, based on your medical condition, as medically necessary,
within 5-business days or a shorter period as applicable by state or federal law, and after they have
all the information they need to decide if they will approve benefits, the claims administrator will tell
you and your physician what they have decided in writing - by fax to your physician and by mail to
While the claims administrator is reviewing the Outpatient Prescription Drug Prior Authorization of
Benefits form, a 72-hour emergency supply of medication may be dispensed to you if your physician or
pharmacist determines that it is appropriate and medically necessary. You may have to pay the
CO-PAYMENTS for the 72-hour supply of your drug. If the claims administrator approves the request for the
drug after you have received a 72-hour supply, you will receive the remainder of the 30-day supply of the
drug with no additional copayment.
You may need to try a drug other than the one originally prescribed if the claims administrator determines
that it should be clinically effective for you. However, if the claims administrator determines through prior
authorization that the drug originally prescribed is medically necessary, you will be provided the drug
originally requested at the applicable co-payment. (If, when you first become a member, you are already
being treated for a medical condition by a drug that has been appropriately prescribed and is considered
safe and effective for your medical condition, and you underwent a prior authorization process under the
prior plan which required you to take different drugs, the claims administrator will not require you to try a
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drug other than the one you are currently taking.) If approved, drugs requiring prior authorization for
benefits will be provided to you after you make the required co-payment.
If you have any questions regarding whether a drug in on the prescription drug formulary, or requires prior
authorization, please call 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821).
If the claims administrator denies a request for prior authorization of a drug that is not part of the
formulary drug list, you or your prescribing physician may appeal the decision by calling 1-800-700-2541
(or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821).
Revoking or modifying a prior authorization. A prior authorization of benefits for prescription drugs
may be revoked or modified prior to your receiving the drugs for reasons including but not limited to the
You reach a benefit maximum that applies to prescription drugs, if the plan includes such a maximum;
Your prescription drug benefits under the plan change so that prescription drugs are no longer
covered or are covered in a different way.
A revocation or modification of a prior authorization of benefits for prescription drugs applies only to
unfilled portions or remaining refills of the prescription, if any, and not to drugs you have already received.
New drugs and changes in the prescription drugs covered by the plan. The outpatient prescription
drugs included on the list of formulary drugs covered by the plan is decided by the Pharmacy and
Therapeutics Process, which is comprised of independent nurses, physicians and pharmacists. The
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Process meets quarterly and decides on changes to make in the formulary
drug list based on recommendations from the claims administrator and a review of relevant information,
including current medical literature.
Your prescription drug benefits include certain preventive drugs, medications, and other items as listed
below that may be covered under this plan as preventive care services. In order to be covered as a
preventive care service, these items must be prescribed by a physician and obtained from a participating
pharmacy or through the home delivery program. This includes items that can be obtained over the
counter for which a physicians prescription is not required by law.
When these items are covered as preventive care services, the Calendar Year Deductible, if any, will not
apply and no co-payment will apply. In addition, any separate deductible that applies to prescription
drugs will not apply.
All FDA-approved contraceptives for women, including oral contraceptives, diaphragms, patches, and
over-the-counter contraceptives. In order to be covered as a preventive care service, in addition to
the requirements stated above, contraceptive prescription drugs must be generic drugs or single
source brand name drugs.
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Vaccinations prescribed by a physician and obtained from a participating pharmacy.
Tobacco cessation drugs, medications, and other items for members age 18 and older as
recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force including:
Prescription drugs to eliminate or reduce dependency on, or addiction to, tobacco and tobacco
products. FDA-approved smoking cessation products including over-the-counter (OTC) nicotine
gum, lozenges and patches when obtained with a physicians prescription and you are at least 18
years old.
Prescription drugs and OTC items are limited to a no more than 180 day supply per year.
Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, for men ages 45-79 and women ages 55-79.
Aspirin after 12 weeks of gestation in pregnant women who are at high risk for preeclampsia.
Folic acid supplementation for women age 55 years and younger (folic acid supplement or a
Medications for risk reduction of primary breast cancer in women (such as tamoxifen or raloxifene) for
women who are at increased risk for breast cancer and at low risk for adverse medication effects.
Fluoride supplements for children from birth through 6 years old (drops or tablets).
Dental fluoride varnish to prevent tooth decay of primary teeth for children from birth to 5 years old.
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c. Vitamins, supplements, and health aids as specified under PREVENTIVE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS
AND OTHER ITEMS, subject to all terms of this plan that apply to those benefits.
4. It must be dispensed from a licensed retail pharmacy, through the home delivery program or through
the specialty drug program.
5. If it is an approved compound medication, be dispensed by a participating pharmacy. Call 1-
800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821) to find out where to take your prescription for an
approved compound medication to be filled. (You can also find a participating pharmacy at
ghealthcare.anthem.com.) Some compound medications must be approved before you can get
them (See PRESCRIPTION DRUG FORMULARY: PRIOR AUTHORIZATION). You will have to pay the full
cost of the compound medications you get from a pharmacy that is not a participating
6. If it is a specialty drug, be obtained by using the specialty drug program. See the section HOW
DRUG PROGRAM for how to get your drugs by using the specialty drug program. You will have to pay
the full cost of any specialty drugs you get from a retail pharmacy that you should have
obtained from the specialty drug program. If you order a specialty drug that must be obtained
using the specialty pharmacy program through the home delivery program, it will be
forwarded to the specialty drug program for processing and will be processed according to
specialty drug program rules.
Exceptions to specialty drug program. This requirement does not apply to:
a. The first two months supply of a specified specialty drug which is available through a
participating retail pharmacy;
b. Drugs, which due to medically necessity, must be obtained immediately;
c. A member who is unable to pay for delivery of their medication (i.e., no credit card); or
d. A member for whom, according to the Coordination of Benefit rules, this plan is not the primary
How to obtain an exception to the specialty drug program. If you believe that you should not be
required to get your medication through the specialty drug program, for any of the reasons listed
above, except for d., you must complete an Exception to Specialty Drug Program form to request an
exception and send it to the claims administrator. The form can be faxed or mailed to the claims
administrator. If you need a copy of the form, you may call 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-
9821) to request one. You can also get the form on-line at ghealthcare.anthem.com. If the claims
administrator has given you an exception, it will be good for a limited period of time based on the
reason for the exception. When the exception period ends, if you believe that you should still not be
required to get your medication through the specialty drug program, you must again request an
exception. If your request for an exception is denied, it will be in writing and will tell you why they did
not approve the exception.
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Urgent or emergency need of a specialty drug subject to the specialty drug program. If you are
out of a specialty drug which must be obtained through the specialty drug program, the claims
administrator will authorize an override of the specialty drug program requirement for 72-hours, or
until the next business day following a holiday or weekend, to allow you to get an emergency supply
of medication if your doctor decides that it is appropriate and medically necessary. You may have to
pay the applicable co-payment shown SUMMARY OF BENEFITS: PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS:
PRESCRIPTION DRUG CO-PAYMENTS for the 72-hour supply of your drug.
If you order your specialty drug through the specialty drug program and it does not arrive, if your
physician decides that it is medically necessary for you to have the drug immediately, the claims
administrator will authorize an override of the specialty drug program requirement for 30-day supply
or less, to allow you to get an emergency supply of medication from a participating pharmacy near
you. A Dedicated Care Coordinator from the specialty drug program will coordinate the exception and
you will not be required to make an additional co-payment.
7. It must not be used while you are confined in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, rest home, sanitorium,
convalescent hospital, or similar facility. Also, it must not be dispensed in or administered by a
hospital, skilled nursing facility, rest home, sanitorium, convalescent hospital, or similar facility. Other
drugs that may be prescribed by your physician while you are confined in a rest home, sanitarium,
convalescent hospital or similar facility, may be purchased at a pharmacy by the member, or a friend,
relative or care giver on your behalf, and are covered under this prescription drug benefit.
8. For a retail pharmacy or specialty drug program, the prescription must not exceed a 30-day supply.
Prescription drugs federally-classified as Schedule II which are FDA-approved for the treatment of
attention deficit disorder must not exceed a 60-day supply. If the physician prescribes a 60-day
supply for drugs classified as Schedule II for the treatment of attention deficit disorders, the member
has to pay double the amount of co-payment for retail pharmacies. If the drugs are obtained through
the home delivery program, the co-payment will remain the same as for any other prescription drug.
FDA-approved smoking cessation products and over-the-counter nicotine replacement products are
9. Certain drugs have specific quantity supply limits based on the claims administrators analysis of
prescription dispensing trends and the Food and Drug Administration dosing recommendations.
10. For the home delivery program, the prescription must not exceed a 90-day supply.
11. The drug will be covered under YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS only if it is not covered under
another benefit of your plan.
12. Drugs for the treatment of impotence and/or sexual dysfunction are limited to six tablets/units for a
30-day period and are available at retail pharmacies only. Documented evidence of contributing
medical condition must be submitted to the claims administrator for review.
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1. Outpatient drugs and medications which the law restricts to sale by prescription, except as specifically
stated in this section. Formulas prescribed by a physician for the treatment of phenylketonuria.
These formulas are subject to the copayment for brand name drugs.
2. Insulin.
3. Syringes when dispensed for use with insulin and other self-injectable drugs or medications.
4. Drugs with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling for self-administration.
5. All compound prescription drugs when a commercially available dosage form of a medically
necessary medication is not available, all the ingredients of the compound drug are FDA approved, a
prescription to dispense is required, and the compound drug is not essentially the same as an FDA
approved product from a drug manufacturer. Non-FDA approved non-proprietary, multisource
ingredients that are vehicles essential for compound administration may be covered.
6. Diabetic supplies (i.e. test strips and lancets).
7. Inhaler spacers and peak flow meters for the treatment of pediatric asthma. These items are subject
to the copayment for brand name drugs.
8. Prescription drugs, vaccinations (including administration), vitamins, supplements, and certain over-
the-counter items as specified under PREVENTIVE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND OTHER ITEMS, subject to
all terms of this plan that apply to those benefits.
9. Prescription drugs for treatment of impotence and/or sexual dysfunction are limited to organic (non-
psychological) causes.
10. Drugs used for the purpose of treating infertility.
In addition to the exclusions and limitations listed under YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS
NOT COVERED, prescription drug benefits are not provided for or in connection with the following:
1. Hypodermic syringes and/or needles except when dispensed for use with insulin and other self-
injectable drugs or medications. While not covered under this prescription drug benefit, these items
are covered under the Home Health Care, Hospice Care, Infusion Therapy or Home Infusion
Therapy, and Diabetes provisions of YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see
Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to those benefits.
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2. Drugs and medications used to induce spontaneous and non-spontaneous abortions. While not
covered under this prescription drug benefit, FDA approved medications that may only be dispensed
by or under direct supervision of a physician, such as drugs and medications used to induce non-
spontaneous abortions, are covered as specifically stated in the Prescription Drug for Abortion
subject to all terms of this plan that apply to the benefit.
3. Drugs and medications dispensed or administered in an outpatient setting; including, but not limited
to, outpatient hospital facilities and physicians' offices. While not covered under this prescription drug
benefit, these services are covered as specified under the Hospital, Home Health Care, Hospice
Care, and Infusion Therapy or Home Infusion Therapy provisions of YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS:
MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to
those benefits.
4. Professional charges in connection with administering, injecting or dispensing of drugs. While not
covered under this prescription drug benefit, these services are covered as specified under the
Professional Services and Infusion Therapy or Home Infusion Therapy provisions of YOUR MEDICAL
BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this plan
that apply to those benefits.
5. Drugs and medications which may be obtained without a physicians written prescription, except
insulin or niacin for cholesterol reduction.
Note: Vitamins, supplements, and certain over-the-counter items as specified under PREVENTIVE
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND OTHER ITEMS are covered under this plan only when obtained with a
physicians prescription, subject to all terms of this plan that apply to those benefits.
6. Drugs and medications dispensed by or while you are confined in a hospital, skilled nursing facility,
rest home, sanitorium, convalescent hospital, or similar facility. While not covered under this
prescription drug benefit, such drugs are covered as specified under the Hospital, Skilled Nursing
Facility, and Hospice Care, provisions of YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED
(see Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to those benefits. While you are
confined in a rest home, sanitarium, convalescent hospital or similar facility, drugs and medications
supplied and administered by your physician are covered as specified under the Professional
Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to the benefit. Other drugs that may be
prescribed by your physician while you are confined in a rest home, sanitarium, convalescent hospital
or similar facility, may be purchased at a pharmacy by the member, or a friend, relative or care giver
on your behalf, and are covered under this prescription drug benefit.
7. Durable medical equipment, devices, appliances and supplies, even if prescribed by a physician,
except prescription contraceptives as specified under PREVENTIVE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND OTHER
ITEMS. While not covered under this prescription drug benefit, these items are covered as specified
under the Durable Medical Equipment, Hearing Aid Services, and Diabetes provisions of YOUR
MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this
plan that apply to those benefits.
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8. Services or supplies for which you are not charged.
9. Oxygen. While not covered under this prescription drug benefit, oxygen is covered as specified under
the Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Home Health Care and Hospice Care provisions of YOUR
MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this
plan that apply to those benefits.
10. Cosmetics and health or beauty aids. However, health aids that are medically necessary and meet
the requirements for durable medical equipment as specified under the Durable Medical Equipment
provision of YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see Table of Contents), are
covered, subject to all terms of this plan that apply to that benefit.
11. Drugs labeled "Caution, Limited by Federal Law to Investigational Use" or Non-FDA approved
investigational drugs. Any drugs or medications prescribed for experimental indications. If you are
denied a drug because the claims administrator determines that the drug is experimental or
investigative, you may appeal the decision by calling 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-9821)
12. Any expense incurred for a drug or medication in excess of: prescription drug maximum allowed
13. Drugs which have not been approved for general use by the Food and Drug Administration. This does
not apply to drugs that are medically necessary for a covered condition.
14. Drugs used primarily for cosmetic purposes (e.g., Retin-A for wrinkles). However, this will not apply to
the use of this type of drug for medically necessary treatment of a medical condition other than one
that is cosmetic.
15. Anorexiants and drugs used for weight loss except when used to treat morbid obesity (e.g., diet pills
and appetite suppressants). This exclusion does not apply to drugs used for weight loss which are
listed as covered under the PreventiveRx program, if included.
16. Allergy desensitization products or allergy serum. While not covered under this prescription drug
benefit, such drugs are covered as specified under the Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, and
Professional Services provisions of YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL CARE THAT IS COVERED (see
Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to those benefits.
17. Infusion drugs, except drugs that are self-administered subcutaneously. While not covered under this
prescription drug benefit, infusion drugs are covered as specified under the Professional Services
and Infusion Therapy or Home Infusion Therapy provisions of YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MEDICAL
CARE THAT IS COVERED (see Table of Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to those
18. Herbal supplements, nutritional and dietary supplements. However, formulas prescribed by a
physician for the treatment of phenylketonuria that are obtained from a pharmacy are covered as
products that are not available from a pharmacy are covered as specified under the Special Food
Contents), subject to all terms of this plan that apply to the benefit. Also, vitamins, supplements, and
174134-3 2017
certain over-the-counter items as specified under PREVENTIVE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND OTHER
ITEMS are covered under this plan only when obtained with a physicians prescription, subject to all
terms of this plan that apply to those benefits.
19. Prescription drugs with a non-prescription (over-the-counter) chemical and dose equivalent except
insulin. This does not apply if an over-the-counter equivalent was tried and was ineffective.
20. Onychomycosis (toenail fungus) drugs except to treat members who are immuno-compromised or
21. Compound medications unless all the ingredients are FDA-approved and require a prescription to
dispense, and the compound medication is not essentially the same as an FDA-approved product
from a drug manufacturer. Exceptions to non-FDA approved compound ingredients may include
multi-source, non-proprietary vehicles and/or pharmaceutical adjuvants. Compound medications
must be obtained from a participating pharmacy. You will have to pay the full cost of the
compound medications you get from a non-participating pharmacy.
22. Specialty drugs that must be obtained from the specialty pharmacy program, but, which are obtained
from a retail pharmacy or through the home delivery program. Unless you qualify for an exception,
these drugs are not covered by this plan (please see YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS:
PRESCRIPTION DRUG CONDITIONS OF SERVICE). You will have to pay the full cost of the specialty
drugs you get from a retail pharmacy that you should have obtained from the specialty
pharmacy program.
If you order a specialty drug through the home delivery program, it will be forwarded to the
specialty pharmacy program for processing and will be processed according to specialty
pharmacy program rules.
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If you are covered by more than one group medical plan, your benefits under This Plan will be
coordinated with the benefits of those Other Plans, as shown below. These coordination provisions apply
separately to each member, per calendar year. Any coverage you have for medical or dental benefits will
be coordinated as shown below.
The meanings of key terms used in this section are shown below. Whenever any of the key terms shown
below appear in these provisions, the first letter of each word will be capitalized. When you see these
capitalized words, you should refer to this Definitions provision.
Allowable Expense is the plans maximum allowed amount. If the claims administrators liability is
greater than what the plan would have paid as primary, the claims administrator will pay what would have
been paid if the plan were primary. However, if the claims administrators liability is less than what the
plan would have paid as the primary plan, then the lesser of the two amounts would be paid. An expense
that is not covered by any plan covering the person for whom a claim is made is not an Allowable
The following are not Allowable Expense:
1. Use of a private hospital room is not an Allowable Expense unless the patient's stay in a private
hospital room is medically necessary in terms of generally accepted medical practice, or one of the
plans routinely provides coverage for hospital private rooms.
2. If you are covered by two plans that calculate benefits or services on the basis of a reasonable and
customary amount or relative value schedule reimbursement method or some other similar
reimbursement method, any amount in excess of the higher of the reasonable and customary
3. If a person is covered by two plans that provide benefits or services on the basis of negotiated rates
or fees, an amount in excess of the lower of the negotiated rates.
4. If a person is covered by one plan that calculates its benefits or services on the basis of a reasonable
and customary amount or relative value schedule reimbursement method or some other similar
reimbursement method and another plan provides its benefits or services on the basis of negotiated
rates or fees, any amount in excess of the negotiated rate.
5. The amount of any benefit reduction by the Principal Plan because you did not comply with the plans
provisions is not an Allowable Expense. Examples of these types of provisions include second
surgical opinions, utilization review requirements, and network provider arrangements.
6. If you advise us that all plans covering you are high deductible health plans as defined by Section 223
of the Internal Revenue Code, and you intend to contribute to a health savings account established in
accordance with Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code, any amount that is subject to the primary
high deductible health plans deductible.
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Other Plan is any of the following:
1. Group, blanket or franchise insurance coverage;
2. Group service plan contract, group practice, group individual practice and other group prepayment
3. Group coverage under labor-management trusteed plans, union benefit organization plans, employer
organization plans, employee benefit organization plans or self-insured employee benefit plans.
4. Medicare. This does not include Medicare when, by law, its benefits are secondary to those of any
private insurance program or other non-governmental program, including a self-insured program.
5. Any other benefit option that covers you, even if such option might be considered, along with this
plan, as a single plan for purposes of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA). For example, where two individuals who are employed by the same employer each elect a
separate benefit option that covers such individual and the other individual, each individual has a
Principal Plan and an Other Plan for purposes of this Coordination of Benefits provision, even though
both benefit options may be considered one plan for ERISA purposes.
The term "Other Plan" refers separately to each agreement, policy, contract, or other arrangement for
services and benefits, and only to that portion of such agreement, policy, contract, or arrangement which
reserves the right to take the services or benefits of other plans into consideration in determining benefits.
Principal Plan is the plan which will have its benefits determined first.
This Plan is that portion of this plan which provides benefits subject to this provision.
This provision will apply in determining a persons benefits under This Plan for any calendar year if the
benefits under This Plan and any Other Plans, exceed the Allowable Expenses for that calendar year.
1. If This Plan is the Principal Plan, then its benefits will be determined first without taking into account
the benefits or services of any Other Plan.
2. If This Plan is not the Principal Plan, then its benefits may be reduced so that the benefits and
services of all the plans do not exceed Allowable Expense.
3. The benefits of This Plan will never be greater than the sum of the benefits that would have been paid
if you were covered under This Plan only.
4. gHIP As Secondary Coverage. Because this high-deductible health plan portion of gHIP is intended
to meet certain federal tax code and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements allowing you to
make tax-free contributions to the health savings account portion of gHIP, including the requirement
that this plan maintain its own, separate high-deductible, please note that the Coordination of
Benefit rules may work differently for this plan than in other situations. Specifically, the Coordination
of Benefit rules may be applied in a manner that maintains the separate and independent high
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deductible of this plan and preserves your eligibility to make tax-free contributions to the health
savings account portion of gHIP, in the claims administrators sole discretion.
Example: If two married individuals, who work for the same employer, each separately elect family
coverage under this plan (i.e., the family has two high-deductible health plans, each of which covers
(i) the individual, as participant, and (ii) her/his spouse, as dependent), then each spouse has a
Principal Plan and an Other Plan for purposes of this Coordination of Benefits provision. No portion
of the amount that has been applied to the deductible of a Principal Plan may be credited again to the
Other Plans deductible.
Assume G1 and G2 are married. They both work for the same employer. During open enrollment,
they each elect family coverage under this plan. On January 15th, G1 incurs a $400 covered
expense. Neither G1 nor G2 have incurred any prior expenses under this plan during the plan
year. While the $400 maximum allowable amount will be applied to the deductible of G1s Principal
Plan, it will not be applied to G1s Other Plan (i.e., G2s Principal Plan).
This example is illustrative only and may not represent the only set of facts that demonstrate the
operation of the general Coordination of Benefits rule described above. For example, this
Coordination of Benefits rule would apply the same way even if G1 and G2 did not work for the same
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Exception to rule 3: For a dependent child of parents who are divorced or separated, the following
rules will be used in place of Rule 3:
a. If the parent with custody of that child for whom a claim has been made has not remarried, then
the plan of the parent with custody that covers that child as a dependent pays first.
b. If the parent with custody of that child for whom a claim has been made has remarried, then the
order in which benefits are paid will be as follows:
i. The plan which covers that child as a dependent of the parent with custody.
ii. The plan which covers that child as a dependent of the stepparent (married to the parent with
iii. The plan which covers that child as a dependent of the parent without custody.
iv. The plan which covers that child as a dependent of the stepparent (married to the parent
without custody).
c. Regardless of a and b above, if there is a court decree which establishes a parent's financial
responsibility for that childs health care coverage, a plan which covers that child as a dependent
of that parent pays first.
4. The plan covering you as a laid-off or retired employee or as a dependent of a laid-off or retired
employee pays after a plan covering you as other than a laid-off or retired employee or the dependent
of such a person. But if either plan does not have a provision regarding laid-off or retired employees,
provision 6 applies.
5. The plan covering you under a continuation of coverage provision in accordance with state or federal
law pays after a plan covering you as an employee, a dependent or otherwise, but not under a
continuation of coverage provision in accordance with state or federal law. If the order of benefit
determination provisions of the Other Plan do not agree under these circumstances with the Order of
Benefit Determination provisions of This Plan, this rule will not apply.
6. When the above rules do not establish the order of payment, the plan on which you have been
enrolled the longest pays first unless two of the plans have the same effective date. In this case,
Allowable Expense is split equally between the two plans.
Responsibility For Timely Notice. We are not responsible for coordination of benefits unless timely
information has been provided by the requesting party regarding the application of this provision.
Reasonable Cash Value. If any Other Plan provides benefits in the form of services rather than cash
payment, the reasonable cash value of services provided will be considered Allowable Expense. The
reasonable cash value of such service will be considered a benefit paid, and our liability reduced
Facility of Payment. If payments which should have been made under This Plan have been made under
any Other Plan, we have the right to pay that Other Plan any amount we determine to be warranted to
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satisfy the intent of this provision. Any such amount will be considered a benefit paid under This Plan,
and such payment will fully satisfy our liability under this provision.
Right of Recovery. If payments made under This Plan exceed the maximum payment necessary to
satisfy the intent of this provision, we have the right to recover that excess amount from any persons or
organizations to or for whom those payments were made, or from any insurance company or service plan.
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When level of care, setting or place of service is part of the review, services that can be safely given to
you in a lower level of care or lower cost setting / place of care, will not be medically necessary if they are
given in a higher level of care, or higher cost setting / place of care.
Certain services must be reviewed to determine medical necessity in order for you to get benefits.
Utilization review criteria will be based on many sources including medical policy and clinical guidelines.
The claims administrator may decide that a service that was asked for is not medically necessary if you
have not tried other treatments that are more cost-effective.
If you have any questions about the information in this section, you may call the Member Services phone
number on the back of your Identification Card.
Coverage for or payment of the service or treatment reviewed is not guaranteed. For benefits to
be covered, on the date you get service:
1. You must be eligible for benefits;
2. The service or supply must be a covered service under your plan;
3. The service cannot be subject to an exclusion under your plan (please see MEDICAL CARE THAT IS
NOT COVERED for more information); and
4. You must not have exceeded any applicable limits under your plan.
Continued Stay / Concurrent Review A utilization review of a service, treatment or admission for
a benefit coverage determination which must be done during an ongoing stay in a facility or course of
Both pre-service and continued stay / concurrent reviews may be considered urgent when, in the
view of the treating provider or any physician with knowledge of your medical condition, without
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such care or treatment, your life or health or your ability to regain maximum function could be
seriously threatened or you could be subjected to severe pain that cannot be adequately
managed without such care or treatment. Urgent reviews are conducted under a shorter
timeframe than standard reviews.
Post-service Review A review of a service, treatment or admission for a benefit coverage that is
conducted after the service has been provided. Post-service reviews are performed when a service,
treatment or admission did not need a precertification, or when a needed precertification was not
obtained. Post-service reviews are done for a service, treatment or admission in which the plan has a
related clinical coverage guideline and are typically initiated by the claims administrator.
Services for which precertification is required (i.e., services that need to be reviewed by the claims
administrator to determine whether they are medically necessary) include, but are not limited to, the
Scheduled, non-emergency inpatient hospital stays and residential treatment center admissions.
Exceptions: Pre-service review is not required for inpatient hospital stays for the following services:
Maternity care of 48 hours or less following a normal delivery or 96 hours or less following a
cesarean section, and
Mastectomy and lymph node dissection.
Inpatient services provided by Other Health Care Facilities, including skilled nursing facilities,
rehabilitation hospitals and sub-acute facilities.
Transgender benefit services and related covered services will be provided as follows:
i. You meet the Conditions for Coverage listed for the Transgender Benefits;
ii. The services are medically necessary and appropriate; and
iii. The physicians on the surgical team and the facility in which the surgery is to take place
are approved for the transgender surgery requested.
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Occupational Therapy with a diagnosis of developmental delay
For a list of current procedures requiring precertification, please call the toll-free number for Member
Services printed on your Identification Card.
If you proceed with any services that have been determined to be not medically necessary and
appropriate at any stage of the utilization review process, benefits will not be provided for those services.
In order for the full benefits of this plan to be payable, the following criteria must be met:
1. The appropriate utilization reviews must be performed in accordance with this plan. When pre-
service review is not performed as required for an inpatient hospital or residential treatment center
admission, the benefits to which you would have been otherwise entitled will be subject to the Non-
Certification Penalty shown in the SUMMARY OF BENEFITS.
2. Services that are not reviewed prior to or during service delivery will be reviewed retrospectively when
the bill is submitted for benefit payment. If that review results in the determination that part or all of
the services were not medically necessary and appropriate, benefits will not be provided for those
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Typically, participating providers know which services need precertification and will get any
precertification when needed. Your physician and other participating providers have been given detailed
information about these procedures and are responsible for meeting these requirements. Generally, the
ordering provider, hospital or attending physician (requesting provider) will get in touch with the claims
administrator to ask for a precertification. However, you may request a precertification or you may
choose an authorized representative to act on your behalf for a specific request. The authorized
representative can be anyone who is 18 years of age or older. The table below outlines who is
responsible for precertification and under what circumstances.
Member may be
financially responsible for
charges or costs related
to the service and/or
setting in whole or in part
if the service and/or
setting is found to not be
medically necessary.
Member may be
financially responsible for
charges or costs related
to the service and/or
setting in whole or in part
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Provider Responsibility to Comments
Network Status Get
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The claims administrator will review requests for medical necessity according to the timeframes listed
below. The timeframes and requirements listed are based on state and federal laws. Where state laws
are stricter than federal laws, the plan will follow state laws. If you live in and/or get services in a state
other than the state where your plan was issued, other state-specific requirements may apply. You may
call the phone number on the back of your identification card for more details.
Request Category Timeframe Requirement for
If more information is needed to make a decision, the claims administrator will tell the requesting
physician of the specific information needed to finish the review. If the plan does not get the specific
information it needs by the required timeframe identified in the written notice, the claims administrator will
make a decision based upon the information received.
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The claims administrator will notify you and your physician of the plans decision as required by state and
federal law. Notice may be given by one or more of the following methods: verbal, written and/or
For a copy of the medical necessity review process, please contact Member Services at the telephone
number on the back of your Identification Card.
Revoking or modifying a Precertification Review decision. The claims administrator will determine in
advance whether certain services (including procedures and admissions) are medically necessary and
are the appropriate length of stay, if applicable. These review decisions may be revoked or modified prior
to the service being rendered for reasons including but not limited to the following:
Your benefits under the plan change so that the service is no longer covered or is covered in a
different way.
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In addition, the claims administrator may assist in coordinating care with existing community-based
programs and services to meet your needs. This may include giving you information about external
agencies and community-based programs and services.
Alternative Treatment Plan. In certain cases of severe or chronic illness or injury, the plan may provide
benefits for alternate care that is not listed as a covered service. The claims administrator may also
extend services beyond the benefit maximums of this plan. A decision will be made case-by-case, if in
the claims administrators discretion the alternate or extended benefit is in the best interest of the member
and the plan and you or your authorized representative agree to the alternate and extended benefit in
writing. A decision to provide extended benefits or approve alternate care in one case does not obligate
us to provide the same benefits again to you or to any other member. The claims administrator reserves
the right, at any time, to alter or stop providing extended benefits or approving alternate care. In such
case, the claims administrator will notify you or your authorized representative in writing.
From time to time, the claims administrator may waive, enhance, modify, or discontinue certain medical
management processes (including utilization management, case management, and disease
management) if, in the claims administrator's discretion, such a change furthers the provision of cost
effective, value based and quality services. In addition, the claims administrator may select certain
qualifying health care providers to participate in a program or a provider arrangement that exempts them
from certain procedural or medical management processes that would otherwise apply. The claims
administrator may also exempt claims from medical review if certain conditions apply.
If the claims administrator exempts a process, health care provider, or claim from the standards that
would otherwise apply, they are in no way obligated to do so in the future, or to do so for any other health
care provider, claim, or member. The claims administrator may stop or modify any such exemption with
or without advance notice.
The claims administrator also may identify certain providers to review for potential fraud, waste, abuse or
other inappropriate activity if the claims data suggests there may be inappropriate billing practices. If a
provider is selected under this program, then the claims administrator may use one or more clinical
utilization management guidelines in the review of claims submitted by this provider, even if those
guidelines are not used for all providers delivering services to this plans members.
You may determine whether a health care provider participates in certain programs by checking the
claims administrator's online provider directory on the website at ghealthcare.anthem.com or by calling
the member services telephone number listed on your ID card.
Utilization review programs are monitored, evaluated, and improved on an ongoing basis to ensure
consistency of application of screening criteria and medical policy, consistency and reliability of decisions
by reviewers, and compliance with policy and procedure including but not limited to timeframes for
decision making, notification and written confirmation. The claims administrators Board of Directors is
responsible for medical necessity review processes through its oversight committees including the
Strategic Planning Committee, Quality Management Committee, and Physician Relations Committee.
Oversight includes approval of policies and procedures, review and approval of self-audit tools,
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procedures, and results. Monthly process audits measure the performance of reviewers and Peer Clinical
Reviewers against approved written policies, procedures, and timeframes. Quarterly reports of audit
results and, when needed, corrective action plans are reviewed and approved through the committee
See the accompanying Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan Summary Plan Description for information about
eligibility for employees and their dependents, including enrollment, when coverage begins and ends and
continuation of coverage, such as under COBRA.
If you are a totally disabled subscriber or a totally disabled dependent and under the treatment of a
physician on the date of discontinuance of the plan, your benefits may be continued for treatment of the
totally disabling condition. This extension of benefits is not available if you become covered under
another group health plan that provides coverage without limitation for your disabling condition.
Extension of benefits is subject to the following conditions:
1. If you are confined as an inpatient in a hospital or skilled nursing facility, you are considered totally
disabled as long as the inpatient stay is medically necessary, and no written certification of the total
disability is required. If you are discharged from the hospital or skilled nursing facility, you may
continue your total disability benefits by submitting written certification by your physician of the total
disability within 90 days of the date of your discharge. Thereafter, we must receive proof of your
continuing total disability at least once every 90 days while benefits are extended.
2. If you are not confined as an inpatient but wish to apply for total disability benefits, you must do so by
submitting written certification by your physician of the total disability. We must receive this
certification within 90 days of the date coverage ends under this plan. At least once every 90 days
while benefits are extended, we must receive proof that your total disability is continuing.
3. Your extension of benefits will end when any one of the following circumstances occurs:
a. You are no longer totally disabled.
b. The maximum benefits available to you under this plan are paid.
c. You become covered under another group health plan that provides benefits without limitation for
your disabling condition.
d. A period of up to 12 months has passed since your extension began.
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Providing of Care. We are not responsible for providing any type of hospital, medical or similar care, nor
are we responsible for the quality of any such care received.
Independent Contractors. The claims administrators relationship with providers is that of an
independent contractor. Physicians, and other health care professionals, hospitals, skilled nursing
facilities and other community agencies are not the claims administrators agents nor is the claims
administrator, or any of the employees of the claims administrator, an employee or agent of any hospital,
medical group or medical care provider of any type.
Non-Regulation of Providers. The benefits of this plan do not regulate the amounts charged by
providers of medical care, except to the extent that rates for covered services are regulated with
participating providers.
Inter-Plan Arrangements
Out-of-Area Services
Overview. The claims administrator has a variety of relationships with other Blue Cross and/or Blue
Shield Licensees. Generally, these relationships are called Inter-Plan Arrangements. These Inter-Plan
Arrangements work based on rules and procedures issued by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
(Association). W henever you access healthcare services outside the geographic area we serve (the
Anthem Blue Cross Service Area), the claim for those services may be processed through one of these
Inter-Plan Arrangements. The Inter-Plan Arrangements are described below.
When you receive care outside of the Anthem Blue Cross Service Area, you will receive it from one of two
kinds of providers. Most providers (participating providers) contract with the local Blue Cross and/or Blue
Shield Plan in that geographic area (Host Blue). Some providers (non-participating providers) do not
contract with the Host Blue. See below for an explanation of how both kinds of providers are paid.
Inter-Plan Arrangements Eligibility Claim Types
Most claim types are eligible to be processed through Inter-Plan Arrangements, as described above.
Examples of claims that are not included are prescription drugs that you obtain from a pharmacy and
most dental or vision benefits.
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A. BlueCard Program
Under the BlueCard Program, when you receive covered services within the geographic area served by
a Host Blue, the claims administrator will still fulfill the plans contractual obligations. But, the Host Blue is
responsible for: (a) contracting with its providers; and (b) handling its interactions with those providers.
When you receive covered services outside the Anthem Blue Cross Service Area and the claim is
processed through the BlueCard Program, the amount you pay is calculated based on the lower of:
- The billed charges for covered services; or
- The negotiated price that the Host Blue makes available to the claims administrator.
Often, this negotiated price will be a simple discount that reflects an actual price that the Host Blue pays
to the provider. Sometimes, it is an estimated price that takes into account special arrangements with that
provider. Sometimes, such an arrangement may be an average price, based on a discount that results in
expected average savings for services provided by similar types of providers. Estimated and average
pricing arrangements may also involve types of settlements, incentive payments and/or other credits or
Estimated pricing and average pricing also take into account adjustments to correct for over- or
underestimation of past pricing of claims, as noted above. However, such adjustments will not affect the
price we used for your claim because they will not be applied after a claim has already been paid.
B. Negotiated (nonBlueCard Program) Arrangements
With respect to one or more Host Blues, instead of using the BlueCard Program, Anthem Blue Cross may
process your claims for covered services through Negotiated Arrangements for National Accounts.
The amount you pay for covered services under this arrangement will be calculated based on the lower of
either billed charges for covered services or the negotiated price (refer to the description of negotiated
price under Section A. BlueCard Program) made available to Anthem Blue Cross by the Host Blue.
C. Special Cases: Value-Based Programs
BlueCard Program
If you receive covered services under a Value-Based Program inside a Host Blues Service Area, you will
not be responsible for paying any of the provider Incentives, risk-sharing, and/or Care Coordinator Fees
that are a part of such an arrangement, except when a Host Blue passes these fees to Anthem Blue
Cross through average pricing or fee schedule adjustments. Additional information is available upon
Value-Based Programs: Negotiated (nonBlueCard Program) Arrangements
If Anthem Blue Cross has entered into a Negotiated Arrangement with a Host Blue to provide Value-
Based Programs to the group on your behalf, Anthem Blue Cross will follow the same procedures for
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Value-Based Programs administration and Care Coordinator Fees as noted above for the BlueCard
D. Inter-Plan Programs: Federal/State Taxes/Surcharges/Fees
Federal or state laws or regulations may require a surcharge, tax or other fee. If applicable, the claims
administrator will include any such surcharge, tax or other fee as part of the claim charge passed on to
E. Non-participating Providers Outside Our Service Area
1. Allowed Amounts and Member Liability Calculation
When covered services are provided outside of Anthem Blue Crosss Service Area by non-
participating providers, the claims administrator may determine benefits and make payment based
on pricing from either the Host Blue or the pricing arrangements required by applicable state or
federal law. In these situations, the amount you pay for such services as deductible or co-payment
will be based on that allowed amount. Also, you may be responsible for the difference between the
amount that the non-participating provider bills and the payment the claims administrator will make
for the covered services as set forth in this paragraph. Federal or state law, as applicable, will
govern payments for out-of-network emergency services.
2. Exceptions
In certain situations, the claims administrator may use other pricing methods, such as billed
charges or the pricing we would use if the healthcare services had been obtained within the Anthem
Blue Cross Service Area, or a special negotiated price to determine the amount we will pay for
services provided by non-participating providers. In these situations, you may be liable for the
difference between the amount that the non-participating provider bills and the payment we make
for the covered services as set forth in this paragraph.
F. BlueCard Worldwide Program
If you plan to travel outside the United States, call Member Services for information about your BlueCard
Worldwide benefits. Benefits for services received outside of the United States may be different from
services received in the United States. Remember to take an up to date health ID card with you.
When you are traveling abroad and need medical care, you can call the BlueCard Worldwide Service
Center any time. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll free number is (800)
810-BLUE (2583). Or you can call them collect at (804) 673-1177.
If you need inpatient hospital care, you or someone on your behalf, should contact the claims
administrator for preauthorization. Keep in mind, if you need emergency medical care, go to the nearest
hospital. There is no need to call before you receive care.
Please refer to the Utilization Review Program section in this booklet for further information. You can
learn how to get pre-authorization when you need to be admitted to the hospital for emergency or non-
emergency care.
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How Claims are Paid with BlueCard Worldwide
In most cases, when you arrange inpatient hospital care with BlueCard Worldwide, claims will be filed for
you. The only amounts that you may need to pay up front are any co-payment or deductible amounts
that may apply.
You will typically need to pay for the following services up front:
- Physician services;
- Inpatient hospital care not arranged through BlueCard Worldwide; and
- Outpatient services.
You will need to file a claim form for any payments made up front.
When you need BlueCard Worldwide claim forms you can get international claims forms in the following
- Call the BlueCard Worldwide Service Center at the numbers above; or
- Online at www.bcbs.com/bluecardworldwide.
You will find the address for mailing the claim on the form.
Nondiscrimination. No person who is eligible to enroll will be refused enrollment based on health status,
health care needs, genetic information, previous medical information, disability, sexual orientation or
identity, gender, or age.
Terms of Coverage
1. In order for you to be entitled to benefits under the plan, both the plan and your coverage under the
plan must be in effect on the date the expense giving rise to a claim for benefits is incurred.
2. The benefits to which you may be entitled will depend on the terms of coverage in effect on the date
the expense giving rise to a claim for benefits is incurred. An expense is incurred on the date you
receive the service or supply for which the charge is made.
3. The plan is subject to amendment, modification or termination according to the provisions of the plan
without your consent or concurrence.
Protection of Coverage. We do not have the right to cancel your coverage under this plan while: (1)
this plan is in effect; (2) you are eligible; and (3) your required monthly contributions are paid according to
the terms of the plan.
Free Choice of Provider. This plan in no way interferes with your right as a member entitled to hospital
benefits to select a hospital. You may choose any physician who holds a valid physician and surgeon's
certificate and who is a member of, or acceptable to, the attending staff and board of directors of the
hospital where services are received. You may also choose any other health care professional or facility
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which provides care covered under this plan, and is properly licensed according to appropriate state and
local laws. But your choice may affect the benefits payable according to this plan.
Medical Necessity. The benefits of this plan are provided only for services which the claims
administrator determines to be medically necessary. The services must be ordered by the attending
physician for the direct care and treatment of a covered condition. They must be standard medical
practice where received for the condition being treated and must be legal in the United States. The
process used to authorize or deny health care services under this plan is available to you upon request.
Expense in Excess of Benefits. We are not liable for any expense you incur in excess of the benefits of
this plan.
Benefits Not Transferable. Only the member is entitled to receive benefits under this plan. The right to
benefits cannot be transferred.
Notice of Claim. You or the provider of service must send the claims administrator properly and fully
completed claim forms within 12 months of the date you receive the service or supply for which a claim is
made. The plan administrator is not liable for the benefits of the plan if you do not file claims within the
required time period. The plan administrator will not be liable for benefits if the claims administrator does
not receive written proof of loss on time.
Services received and charges for the services must be itemized, and clearly and accurately described.
Claim forms must be used; canceled checks or receipts are not acceptable.
To obtain a claim form you or someone on your behalf may call the member services phone number
shown on your ID Card or go to the website at www.anthem.com/ca and download and print one.
Timely Payment of Claims. Any benefits due under this plan shall be due once the claims administrator
has received proper, written proof of loss, together with such reasonably necessary additional information
the claims administrator may require to determine our obligation. Fully completed claims are processed
in the order they are received by the claims administrator, not necessarily in the order services were
rendered. If you have questions regarding what is required for a fully completed claim, please review
guidelines under this section. Final determination regarding the order in which claims are processed is at
the discretion of the claims administrator.
Payment to Providers. The benefits of this plan will be paid directly to participating providers and
medical transportation providers. Also, other providers of service will be paid directly when you assign
benefits in writing. If another party pays for your medical care and you assign benefits in writing, the
benefits of this plan will be paid to that party. These payments will fulfill our obligation to you for those
covered services.
Exception: Under certain circumstances the claims administrator will pay the benefits of this plan directly
to a provider or third party even without your assignment of benefits in writing. To receive direct payment,
the provider or third party must provide them with the following:
1. Proof of payment of medical services and the provider's itemized bill for such services;
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2. If the subscriber does not reside with the patient, either a copy of the judicial order requiring the
subscriber to provide coverage for the patient or a state approved form verifying the existence of such
judicial order which would be filed with us on an annual basis;
3. If the subscriber does not reside with the patient, and if the provider is seeking direct reimbursement,
an itemized bill with the signature of the custodian or guardian certifying that the services have been
provided and supplying on an annual basis, either a copy of the judicial order requiring the subscriber
to provide coverage for the patient or a state approved form verifying the existence of such judicial
4. The name and address of the person to be reimbursed, the name and policy number of the
subscriber, the name of the patient, and other necessary information related to the coverage.
Right of Recovery (erroneous payments, overpayments, etc.). Whenever payment has been made in
error, the claims administrator will have the right to recover such payment from you or, if applicable, the
provider, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In the event the claims administrator
recovers a payment made in error from the provider, except in cases of fraud or misrepresentation on the
part of the provider, the claims administrator will only recover such payment from the provider within 365
days of the date the payment was made on a claim submitted by the provider. The claims administrator
reserve the right to deduct or offset any amounts paid in error from any pending or future claim.
Under certain circumstances, if the claims administrator pays your healthcare provider amounts that are
your responsibility, such as deductibles, co-payments or co-insurance, the claims administrator may
collect such amounts directly from you. You agree that the claims administrator has the right to recover
such amounts from you.
The claims administrator has oversight responsibility for compliance with provider and vendor and
subcontractor contracts. The claims administrator may enter into a settlement or compromise regarding
enforcement of these contracts and may retain any recoveries made from a provider, vendor, or
subcontractor resulting from these audits if the return of the overpayment is not feasible.
The claims administrator has established recovery policies to determine which recoveries are to be
pursued, when to incur costs and expenses, and whether to settle or compromise recovery amounts. The
claims administrator will not pursue recoveries for overpayments if the cost of collection exceeds the
overpayment amount. The claims administrator may not provide you with notice of overpayments made
by them or you if the recovery method makes providing such notice administratively burdensome.
Plan Administrator - COBRA and ERISA. In no event will the claims administrator be plan administrator
for the purposes of compliance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) or
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). The term "plan administrator" refers to Google
Inc. or to a person or entity other than the claims administrator, engaged by Google Inc. to perform or
assist in performing administrative tasks in connection with the plan. Except where delegated to the
claims administrator, the plan administrator is responsible for satisfaction of notice, disclosure and other
obligations of administrators under ERISA.
Workers' Compensation Insurance. The plan does not affect any requirement for coverage by workers'
compensation insurance. It also does not replace that insurance.
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Prepayment Fees. The plan administrator may require that you contribute all or part of the costs of
these required monthly contributions. Please consult your plan administrator for details.
Liability to Pay Providers. In the event that the plan does not pay a provider who has provided benefits
to you, you will be required to pay that provider any amounts not paid to them by the plan.
Renewal Provisions. The plan is subject to renewal at certain intervals. The required monthly
contribution or other terms of the plan may be changed from time to time.
Financial Arrangements with Providers. The claims administrator or an affiliate has contracts with
certain health care providers and suppliers (hereafter referred to together as Providers) for the provision
of and payment for health care services rendered to its members and members entitled to health care
benefits under individual certificates and group policies or contracts to which claims administrator or an
affiliate is a party, including all persons covered under the plan.
Under the above-referenced contracts between Providers and claims administrator or an affiliate, the
negotiated rates paid for certain medical services provided to persons covered under the plan may differ
from the rates paid for persons covered by other types of products or programs offered by the claims
administrator or an affiliate for the same medical services. In negotiating the terms of the plan, the plan
administrator was aware that the claims administrator or its affiliates offer several types of products and
programs. The members, members and plan administrator are entitled to receive the benefits of only
those discounts, payments, settlements, incentives, adjustments and/or allowances specifically set forth
in the plan.
Also, under arrangements with some Providers certain discounts, payments, rebates settlements,
incentives, adjustments and/or allowances, including, but not limited to, pharmacy rebates, may be based
on aggregate payments made by the claims administrator or an affiliate in respect to all health care
services rendered to all persons who have coverage through a program provided or administered by the
claims administrator or an affiliate. They are not attributed to specific claims or plans and do not inure to
the benefit of any covered individual or group, but may be considered by the claims administrator or an
affiliate in determining its fees or subscription charges or premiums.
Continuity of Care after Termination of Provider: Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below,
benefits will be provided at the participating provider level for covered services (subject to applicable
copayments, coinsurance, deductibles and other terms) received from a provider at the time the
provider's contract is terminated by a Blue Cross or Blue Shield plan (unless the provider's contract is
terminated for reasons of medical disciplinary cause or reason, fraud, or other criminal activity). This
does not apply to a provider who voluntarily terminates his or her contract.
You must be under the care of the participating provider at the time the providers contract terminates.
The terminated provider must agree in writing to provide services to you in accordance with the terms and
conditions of his or her agreement with the Blue Cross or Blue Shield plan prior to termination. The
provider must also agree in writing to accept the terms and reimbursement rates under his or her
agreement with the Blue Cross or Blue Shield plan prior to termination. If the provider does not agree
with these contractual terms and conditions, the providers services will not be continued beyond the
contract termination date.
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Benefits for the completion of covered services by a terminated provider will be provided only for the
following conditions:
1. An acute condition. An acute condition is a medical condition that involves a sudden onset of
symptoms due to an illness, injury, or other medical problem that requires prompt medical attention
and that has a limited duration. Completion of covered services shall be provided for the duration of
the acute condition.
2. A serious chronic condition. A serious chronic condition is a medical condition caused by a disease,
illness, or other medical problem or medical disorder that is serious in nature and that persists without
full cure or worsens over an extended period of time or requires ongoing treatment to maintain
remission or prevent deterioration. Completion of covered services shall be provided for a period of
time necessary to complete a course of treatment and to arrange for a safe transfer to another
provider, as determined by the claims administrator in consultation with you and the terminated
provider and consistent with good professional practice. Completion of covered services shall not
exceed twelve (12) months from the date the provider's contract terminates.
3. A pregnancy. A pregnancy is the three trimesters of pregnancy and the immediate postpartum
period. Completion of covered services shall be provided for the duration of the pregnancy.
4. A terminal illness. A terminal illness is an incurable or irreversible condition that has a high probability
of causing death within one (1) year or less. Completion of covered services shall be provided for the
duration of the terminal illness.
5. The care of a newborn child between birth and age thirty-six (36) months. Completion of covered
services shall not exceed twelve (12) months from the date the provider's contract terminates.
6. Performance of a surgery or other procedure that the claims administrator has authorized as part of a
documented course of treatment and that has been recommended and documented by the provider
to occur within 180 days of the date the provider's contract terminates.
Such benefits will not apply to providers who have been terminated due to medical disciplinary cause or
reason, fraud, or other criminal activity.
Please contact member services at the telephone number listed on your ID card to request continuity of
care or to obtain a copy of the written policy. Eligibility is based on your clinical condition and is not
determined by diagnostic classifications. Continuity of care does not provide coverage for services not
otherwise covered under the plan.
You will be notified by telephone, and the provider by telephone and fax, as to whether or not your
request for continuity of care is approved. If approved, you will be financially responsible only for
applicable deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments under the plan. Financial arrangements with
terminated providers are negotiated on a case-by-case basis. The terminated provider will be asked to
agree to accept reimbursement and contractual requirements that apply to participating providers,
including payment terms. If the terminated provider does not agree to accept the same reimbursement
and contractual requirements, that providers services will not be continued. If you disagree with the
determination regarding continuity of care, you may file a complaint as described in the COMPLAINT
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Protecting your privacy
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law governing the
privacy of individually identifiable health information. We are required by HIPAA to notify you of the
availability of our Notice of Privacy Practices. The notice describes our privacy practices, legal duties and
your rights concerning your Protected Health Information. We must follow the privacy practices described
in the notice while it is in effect (it will remain in effect unless and until we publish and issue a new notice).
Please refer to the Notice of Privacy Practices in the Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan Wrap Summary
Plan Description.
Note: Any dispute involving an adverse benefit decision must be resolved under ERISAs claims
procedure rules, and is not subject to mandatory binding arbitration. You may pursue voluntary binding
arbitration after you have completed an appeal under ERISA. If you have any other dispute which does
not involve an adverse benefit decision, this BINDING ARBITRATION provision applies.
Any dispute or claim, of whatever nature, arising out of, in connection with, or in relation to this plan, or
breach or rescission thereof, or in relation to care or delivery of care, including any claim based on
contract, tort or statute, must be resolved by arbitration if the amount sought exceeds the jurisdictional
limit of the small claims court. Any dispute regarding a claim for damages within the jurisdictional limits of
the small claims court will be resolved in such court.
The Federal Arbitration Act shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of all proceedings under this
BINDING ARBITRATION provision. To the extent that the Federal Arbitration Act is inapplicable, or is
held not to require arbitration of a particular claim, state law governing agreements to arbitrate shall
The member and the plan administrator agree to be bound by this Binding Arbitration provision and
acknowledge that they are each giving up their right to a trial by court or jury.
The member and the plan administrator agree to give up the right to participate in class arbitration against
each other. Even if applicable law permits class actions or class arbitrations, the member waives any
right to pursue, on a class basis, any such controversy or claim against the plan administrator and the
plan administrator waives any right to pursue on a class basis any such controversy or claim against the
The arbitration findings will be final and binding except to the extent that state or Federal law provides for
the judicial review of arbitration proceedings.
The arbitration is begun by the member making written demand on the plan administrator. The arbitration
will be conducted by Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (JAMS) according to its applicable
Rules and Procedures. If, for any reason, JAMS is unavailable to conduct the arbitration, the arbitration
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will be conducted by another neutral arbitration entity, by mutual agreement of the member and the plan
administrator, or by order of the court, if the member and the plan administrator cannot agree.
The meanings of key terms used in this benefit booklet are shown below. Whenever any of the key terms
shown below appear, it will appear in italicized letters. When any of the terms below are italicized in your
benefit booklet, you should refer to this section.
Accidental injury is physical harm or disability which is the result of a specific unexpected incident
caused by an outside force. The physical harm or disability must have occurred at an identifiable time
and place. Accidental injury does not include illness or infection, except infection of a cut or wound.
Ambulatory surgical center is a freestanding outpatient surgical facility. It must be licensed as an
outpatient clinic according to state and local laws and must meet all requirements of an outpatient clinic
providing surgical services. It must also meet accreditation standards of the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Health Care Organizations or the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care.
Authorized referral occurs when you, because of your medical needs, require the services of a
specialist who is to a non-participating provider, or require special services or facilities not available at a
contracting hospital, but only when the referral has been authorized by us before services are rendered
and when the following conditions are met:
1. there is no participating provider who practices in the appropriate specialty, or there is no contracting
hospital which provides the required services or has the necessary facilities; and
2. that meets the adequacy and accessibility requirements of state or federal law.
You or your physician must call the toll-free telephone number printed on your identification card prior to
scheduling an admission to, or receiving the services of, a non-participating provider.
Such authorized referrals are not available to bariatric surgical services.
Benefit Booklet (benefit booklet) is this written description of the benefits provided under the plan.
Blue Distinction Centers for Specialty Care (BDCSC) are health care providers designated by the
claims administrator as a selected facility for specified medical services. A provider participating in a
BDCSC network has an agreement in effect with the claims administrator at the time services are
rendered or is available through their affiliate companies or our relationship with the Blue Cross and Blue
Shield Association. BDCSC agree to accept the maximum allowed amount as payment in full for covered
services. A participating provider is not necessarily a BDCSC.
Brand name prescription drug (brand name drug) is a prescription drug that has been patented and is
only produced by one manufacturer.
Centers of Medical Excellence (CME) are health care providers designated by the claims administrator
as a selected facility for specified medical services. A provider participating in a CME network has an
agreement in effect with the claims administrator at the time services are rendered or is available through
their affiliate companies or their relationship with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. CME agree
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to accept the maximum allowed amount as payment in full for covered services. A participating provider
is not necessarily a CME.
Child meets the plans eligibility requirements for children as outlined under the Summary Plan
Claims administrator refers to Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company. On behalf of
Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem Blue Cross shall perform all
administrative services in connection with the processing of claims under the plan.
Compound Medication is a mixture of prescription drugs and other ingredients, wherein one or more
ingredients are FDA-approved, a prescription is required to dispense, and the compound medication is
not essentially the same as an FDA-approved product from a drug manufacturer.
Creditable coverage is any individual or group plan that provides medical, hospital and surgical
coverage, including continuation or conversion coverage, coverage under Medicare or Medicaid,
TRICARE, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, programs of the Indian Health Service or of
a tribal organization, a state health benefits risk pool, coverage through the Peace Corps, the State
Children's Health Insurance Program, or a public health plan established or maintained by a state, the
United States government, or a foreign country. Creditable coverage does not include accident only,
credit, coverage for on-site medical clinics, disability income, coverage only for a specified disease or
condition, hospital indemnity or other fixed indemnity insurance, Medicare supplement, long-term care
insurance, dental, vision, workers' compensation insurance, automobile insurance, no-fault insurance, or
any medical coverage designed to supplement other private or governmental plans. Creditable coverage
is used to set up eligibility rules for children who cannot get a self-sustaining job due to a physical or
mental condition. In addition, eligible children were covered under one of the above types of health
coverage on his or her own and not as a dependent child.
If your prior coverage was through an employer, you will receive credit for that coverage if it ended
because your employment ended, the availability of medical coverage offered through employment or
sponsored by the employer terminated, or the employer's contribution toward medical coverage
terminated, and any lapse between the date that coverage ended and the date you become eligible under
this plan is no more than 180 days (not including any waiting period imposed under this plan by the
If your prior coverage was not through an employer, you will receive credit for that coverage if any lapse
between the date that coverage ended and the date you become eligible under this plan is no more than
63 days (not including any waiting period imposed under this plan by the employer).
Custodial care is care provided primarily to meet your personal needs. This includes help in walking,
bathing or dressing. It also includes: preparing food or special diets; feeding by utensil, tube or
gastrostomy; suctioning and administration of medicine which is usually self-administered or any other
care which does not require continuing services of medical personnel.
If medically necessary, benefits will be provided for feeding (by tube or gastrostomy) and suctioning.
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Day treatment center is an outpatient psychiatric facility which is licensed according to state and local
laws to provide outpatient programs and treatment of mental or nervous disorders or substance abuse
under the supervision of physicians.
Dependent meets the plans eligibility requirements for dependents as outlined under the Summary Plan
Domestic partner meets the plans eligibility requirements for domestic partners as outlined under the
Summary Plan Description.
Drug (prescription drug) means a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for general use
by the public which requires a prescription before it can be obtained. For the purposes of this plan,
insulin will be considered a prescription drug.
Effective date is the date your coverage begins under this plan.
Emergency is a sudden, serious, and unexpected acute illness, injury, or condition (including without
limitation sudden and unexpected severe pain), or a psychiatric emergency medical condition, which the
member reasonably perceives could permanently endanger health if medical treatment is not received
immediately. The claims administrator will have sole and final determination as to whether services were
rendered in connection with an emergency.
Emergency services are services provided in connection with the initial treatment of a medical or
psychiatric emergency.
Experimental procedures are those that are mainly limited to laboratory and/or animal research.
Formulary drug is a drug listed on the prescription drug formulary.
Full-time employee meets the plans eligibility requirements for full-time employees as outlined under the
Summary Plan Description.
Generic prescription drug (generic drug) is a pharmaceutical equivalent of one or more brand name
drugs and must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration as meeting the same standards of
safety, purity, strength, and effectiveness as the brand name drug.
Home health agencies are home health care providers which are licensed according to state and local
laws to provide skilled nursing and other services on a visiting basis in your home, and recognized as
home health providers under Medicare and/or accredited by a recognized accrediting agency such as the
Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
Home infusion therapy provider is a provider licensed according to state and local laws as a pharmacy,
and must be either certified as a home health care provider by Medicare, or accredited as a home
pharmacy by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations.
Hospice is an agency or organization primarily engaged in providing palliative care (pain control and
symptom relief) to terminally ill persons and supportive care to those persons and their families to help
them cope with terminal illness. This care may be provided in the home or on an inpatient basis. A
hospice must be: (1) certified by Medicare as a hospice; (2) recognized by Medicare as a hospice
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demonstration site; or (3) accredited as a hospice by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals.
A list of hospices meeting these criteria is available upon request.
Hospital is a facility which provides diagnosis, treatment and care of persons who need acute inpatient
hospital care under the supervision of physicians. It must be licensed as a general acute care hospital
according to state and local laws. It must also be registered as a general hospital by the American
Hospital Association and meet accreditation standards of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health
Care Organizations.
For the limited purpose of inpatient care, the definition of hospital also includes: (1) psychiatric health
facilities (only for the acute phase of a mental or nervous disorder or substance abuse), and (2)
residential treatment centers.
Infertility is: (1) the presence of a condition recognized by a physician as a cause of infertility; or (2) the
inability to conceive a pregnancy or to carry a pregnancy to a live birth after a year or more of regular
sexual relations without contraception.
Investigative procedures or medications are those that have progressed to limited use on humans, but
which are not widely accepted as proven and effective within the organized medical community.
Maximum allowed amount is the maximum amount of reimbursement the claims administrator will allow
for covered medical services and supplies under this plan. See YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS: MAXIMUM
Medically necessary procedures, supplies, equipment or services are those considered to be:
1. Appropriate and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of the medical condition;
2. Clinically appropriate in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration and considered effective
for the patients illness, injury or disease
3. Provided for the diagnosis or direct care and treatment of the medical condition;
4. Within standards of good medical practice within the organized medical community;
5. Not primarily for your convenience, or for the convenience of your physician or another provider;
6. Not more costly than an equivalent service or sequence of services that is medically appropriate and
is likely to produce equivalent therapeutic or diagnostic results in regard to the diagnosis or treatment
of the patients illness, injury, or condition; and
7. The most appropriate procedure, supply, equipment or service which can safely be provided. The
most appropriate procedure, supply, equipment or service must satisfy the following requirements:
a. There must be valid scientific evidence demonstrating that the expected health benefits from the
procedure, supply, equipment or service are clinically significant and produce a greater likelihood
of benefit, without a disproportionately greater risk of harm or complications, for you with the
particular medical condition being treated than other possible alternatives; and
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b. Generally accepted forms of treatment that are less invasive have been tried and found to be
ineffective or are otherwise unsuitable.
Member is the subscriber or dependent. A member may enroll under only one medical plan provided by
the plan administrator, or any of its affiliates.
Mental or nervous disorders, including substance abuse are conditions that are listed in the most
current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders. Mental or nervous
disorders include severe mental disorders.
Multi-source brand name drugs are drugs with at least one generic substitute.
Non-participating pharmacy is a pharmacy which does not have a contract in effect with the pharmacy
benefits manager at the time services are rendered. In most cases, you will be responsible for a larger
portion of your pharmaceutical bill when you go to a non-participating pharmacy.
Non-participating provider is one of the following providers which is NOT participating in a Blue Cross
and/or Blue Shield Plan at the time services are rendered:
A hospital
A physician
An ambulatory surgical center
A home health agency
A facility which provides diagnostic imaging services
A durable medical equipment outlet
A skilled nursing facility
A clinical laboratory
A home infusion therapy provider
An urgent care center
A retail health clinic
A hospice
A licensed ambulance company
A licensed qualified autism service provider
They are not participating providers. Remember that the maximum allowed amount may only represent a
portion of the amount which a non-participating provider charges for services. See YOUR MEDICAL
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Participating pharmacy is a pharmacy which has a Participating Pharmacy Agreement in effect with the
pharmacy benefit manager at the time services are rendered. Call your local pharmacy to determine
whether it is a participating pharmacy or call the toll-free member services telephone number.
Participating provider is one of the following providers or other licensed health care professionals who
are participating in a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan at the time services are rendered:
A hospital
A physician
An ambulatory surgical center
A home health agency
A facility which provides diagnostic imaging services
A durable medical equipment outlet
A skilled nursing facility
A clinical laboratory
A home infusion therapy provider
An urgent care center
Centers for Medical Excellence (CME)
Blue Distinction Centers for Specialty Care (BDCSC)
A retail health clinic
A hospice
A licensed ambulance company
A licensed qualified autism service provider
Participating providers agree to accept the maximum allowed amount as payment for covered services. A
directory of participating providers is available upon request.
Pharmacy means a licensed retail pharmacy.
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Process is a process in which health care professionals including nurses,
pharmacists, and physicians determine the clinical appropriateness of drugs and promote access to
quality medications. The process also reviews drugs to determine the most cost effective use of benefits
and advise on programs to help improve care. The programs include, but are not limited to, drug
utilization programs, prior authorization criteria, therapeutic conversion programs, cross-branded
initiatives, and drug profiling initiatives.
Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) is the entity with which the claims administrator has contracted with
to administer its prescription drug benefits. The PBM is an independent contractor and not affiliated with
the claims administrator.
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Physician means:
1. A doctor of medicine (M.D.) or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) who is licensed to practice medicine or
osteopathy where the care is provided; or
2. One of the following providers, but only when the provider is licensed to practice where the care is
provided, is rendering a service within the scope of that license and such license is required to render
that service, and is providing a service for which benefits are specified in this booklet:
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*Note: The providers indicated by asterisks (*) are covered only by referral of a physician as defined in 1
Plan is the Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan. The terms and conditions of the Plan are set forth in the
formal Plan Documents, Google Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan SPD, insurance policies (as applicable), and
Benefits Booklets (as applicable, including this Benefits Booklet) related to benefits under the Plan.
Together, these documents are incorporated by reference into the formal Plan Documents and constitute
the written instruments under which the Plan is established and maintained. An amendment to one of
these documents constitutes an amendment to the Plan.
Plan administrator refers to Google Inc., the entity which is responsible for the administration of the plan.
Prescription means a written order or refill notice issued by a licensed prescriber.
Prescription drug covered expense is the expense you incur for a covered prescription drug, but not
more than the prescription drug maximum allowed amount. Expense is incurred on the date you receive
the service or supply.
Prescription drug formulary (formulary) is a list which the claims administrator has developed of
outpatient prescription drugs which may be cost-effective, therapeutic choices. Any participating
pharmacy can assist you in purchasing drugs listed on the formulary. You may also get information about
covered formulary drugs by calling 1-800-700-2541 or going to the internet website
Prescription drug maximum allowed amount is the maximum amount allowed for any drug. The
amount is determined by using prescription drug cost information provided to the claims administrator by
the pharmacy benefits manager. The amount is subject to change. You may determine the prescription
drug maximum allowed amount of a particular drug by calling 1-800-700-2541 (or TTY/TDD 1-800-905-
Preventive Care Services include routine examinations, screenings, tests, education, and immunizations
administered with the intent of preventing future disease, illness, or injury. Services are considered
preventive if you have no current symptoms or prior history of a medical condition associated with that
screening or service. These services shall meet requirements as determined by federal and state law.
Sources for determining which services are recommended include the following:
1. Services with an A or B rating from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF);
2. Immunizations recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention;
3. Preventive care and screenings for infants, children, and adolescents as provided for in the
comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration; and
4. Additional preventive care and screening for women provided for in the guidelines supported by the
Health Resources and Services Administration.
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Please call the member services number listed on your ID card for additional information about services
that are covered by this plan as preventive care services. You may also refer to the following websites
that are maintained by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Prior plan is a plan sponsored by the plan administrator which was replaced by this plan within 60 days.
You are considered covered under the prior plan if you: (1) were covered under the prior plan on the date
that plan terminated; (2) properly enrolled for coverage within 31 days of this plans Effective Date; and
(3) had coverage terminate solely due to the prior plan's termination.
Prosthetic devices are appliances which replace all or part of a function of a permanently inoperative,
absent or malfunctioning body part. The term "prosthetic devices" includes orthotic devices, rigid or semi-
supportive devices which restrict or eliminate motion of a weak or diseased part of the body.
Psychiatric emergency medical condition is a mental or nervous disorder that manifests itself by acute
symptoms of sufficient severity that the patient is either (1) an immediate danger to himself or herself or to
others, or (2) immediately unable to provide for or utilize food, shelter, or clothing due to the mental or
nervous disorder.
Psychiatric health facility is an acute 24-hour facility operating within the scope of a state license, or in
accordance with a license waiver issued by the State. It must be:
1. Qualified to provide short-term inpatient treatment according to state law;
2. Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations; and
3. Staffed by an organized medical or professional staff which includes a physician as medical director.
Psychiatric mental health nurse is a registered nurse (R.N.) who has a master's degree in psychiatric
mental health nursing, and is registered as a psychiatric mental health nurse with the state board of
registered nurses.
Residential treatment center is an inpatient treatment facility where the patient resides in a modified
community environment and follows a comprehensive medical treatment regimen for treatment and
rehabilitation as the result of a mental or nervous disorder or substance abuse. The facility must be
licensed to provide psychiatric treatment of mental or nervous disorders or rehabilitative treatment of
substance abuse according to state and local laws.
Retail Health Clinic - A facility that provides limited basic medical care services to members on a walk-
in basis. These clinics normally operate in major pharmacies or retail stores.
Single source brand name drugs are drugs with no generic substitute.
Skilled nursing facility is an institution that provides continuous skilled nursing services. It must be
licensed according to state and local laws and be recognized as a skilled nursing facility under Medicare.
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Special care units are special areas of a hospital which have highly skilled personnel and special
equipment for acute conditions that require constant treatment and observation.
Specialty drugs are typically high-cost, injectable, infused, oral or inhaled medications that generally
require close supervision and monitoring of their effect on the patient by a medical professional. Certain
specified specialty drugs may require special handling, such as temperature controlled packaging and
overnight delivery, and therefore, certain specified specialty drugs will be required to be obtained through
the specialty pharmacy program, unless you qualify for an exception.
Spouse meets the plans eligibility requirements for spouses as outlined under the Summary Plan
Stay is inpatient confinement which begins when you are admitted to a facility and ends when you are
discharged from that facility.
Subscriber is the person who, by meeting the plans eligibility requirements for employees, is allowed to
choose membership under this plan for himself or herself and his or her eligible dependents. Such
requirements are outlined in the Summary Plan Description. A person may enroll as a subscriber under
only one medical plan provided by the plan administrator, or any of its affiliates.
Totally disabled dependent is a dependent who is unable to perform all activities usual for persons of
that age.
Totally disabled subscriber is a subscriber who, because of illness or injury, is unable to work for
income in any job for which he/she is qualified or for which they become qualified by training or
experience, and who are in fact unemployed.
Urgent care is the services received for a sudden, serious, or unexpected illness, injury or condition,
other than one which is life threatening, which requires immediate care for the relief of severe pain or
diagnosis and treatment of such condition.
Urgent care center is a physician's office or a similar facility which meets established ambulatory care
criteria and provides medical care outside of a hospital emergency department, usually on an
unscheduled, walk-in basis. Urgent care centers are staffed by medical doctors, nurse practitioners and
physician assistants primarily for the purpose of treating patients who have an injury or illness that
requires immediate care but is not serious enough to warrant a visit to an emergency room.
To find an urgent care center, please call the member services number listed on your ID card or you can
also search online using the Find a Doctor function on the website at ghealthcare.anthem.com.
Please call the urgent care center directly for hours of operation and to verify that the center can help with
the specific care that is needed.
We (us, our) refers to Google Inc.
Year or calendar year is a 12 month period starting January 1 at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.
You (your) refers to the subscriber and dependents who are enrolled for benefits under this plan.
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For purposes of these Appeal provisions, claim for benefits means a request for benefits under the plan.
The term includes both pre-service and post-service claims.
A pre-service claim is a claim for benefits under the plan for which you have not received the benefit
or for which you may need to obtain approval in advance.
A post-service claim is any other claim for benefits under the plan for which you have received the
If your claim is denied or if your coverage is rescinded:
you will be provided with a written notice of the denial or rescission; and
you are entitled to a full and fair review of the denial or rescission.
The procedure the claims administrator will satisfy following the minimum requirements for a full and fair
review under applicable federal regulations.
Notice of Adverse Benefit Determination
If your claim is denied, the claims administrators notice of the adverse benefit determination (denial) will
a reference to the specific plan provision(s) on which the claims administrators determination is
a description of the plans review procedures and the time limits that apply to them, including a
statement of your right to bring a civil action under ERISA (if applicable) if you appeal and the claim
denial is upheld;
information about any internal rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion relied upon in making
the claim determination and about your right to request a copy of it free of charge, along with a
discussion of the claims denial decision;
information about the scientific or clinical judgment for any determination based on medical necessity
or experimental treatment, or about your right to request this explanation free of charge, along with a
discussion of the claims denial decision; and
the availability of, and contact information for, any applicable office of health insurance consumer
assistance or ombudsman who may assist you.
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For claims involving urgent/concurrent care:
the claims administrators notice will also include a description of the applicable urgent/concurrent
review process; and
the claims administrator may notify you or your authorized representative within 24 hours orally and
then furnish a written notification.
You have the right to appeal an adverse benefit determination (claim denial or rescission of coverage).
You or your authorized representative must file your appeal within 180 calendar days after you are
notified of the denial or rescission. You will have the opportunity to submit written comments, documents,
records, and other information supporting your claim. The claims administrator's review of your claim will
take into account all information you submit, regardless of whether it was submitted or considered in the
initial benefit determination.
The claims administrator shall offer a single mandatory level of appeal and an additional voluntary
second level of appeal which may be a panel review, independent review, or other process consistent
with the entity reviewing the appeal. The time frame allowed for the claims administrator to complete
its review is dependent upon the type of review involved (e.g. pre-service, concurrent, post-service,
urgent, etc.).
For pre-service claims involving urgent/concurrent care, you may obtain an expedited appeal. You
or your authorized representative may request it orally or in writing. All necessary information, including
the claims administrators decision, can be sent between the claims administrator and you by telephone,
facsimile or other similar method. To file an appeal for a claim involving urgent/concurrent care, you or
your authorized representative must contact the claims administrator at the phone number listed on your
ID card and provide at least the following information:
the service or supply for which approval of benefits was sought; and
any reasons why the appeal should be processed on a more expedited basis.
All other requests for appeals should be submitted in writing by the Member or the Members
authorized representative, except where the acceptance of oral appeals is otherwise required by the
nature of the appeal (e.g. urgent care). You or your authorized representative must submit a request for
review to:
Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company
ATTN: Appeals
174134-3 2017
P.O. Box 54159, Los Angeles, CA 90054
Upon request, the claims administrator will provide, without charge, reasonable access to, and copies of,
all documents, records, and other information relevant to your claim. Relevant means that the
document, record, or other information:
was submitted, considered, or produced in the course of making the benefit determination; or
demonstrates compliance with processes and safeguards to ensure that claim determinations are
made in accordance with the terms of the plan, applied consistently for similarly-situated claimants; or
is a statement of the plans policy or guidance about the treatment or benefit relative to your
The claims administrator will also provide you, free of charge, with any new or additional evidence
considered, relied upon, or generated in connection with your claim. In addition, before you receive an
adverse benefit determination on review based on a new or additional rationale, the claims administrator
will provide you, free of charge, with the rationale.
How Your Appeal will be Decided
When the claims administrator considers your appeal, the claims administrator will not rely upon the initial
benefit determination or, for voluntary second-level appeals, to the earlier appeal determination. The
review will be conducted by an appropriate reviewer who did not make the initial determination and who
does not work for the person who made the initial determination. A voluntary second-level review will be
conducted by an appropriate reviewer who did not make the initial determination or the first-level appeal
determination and who does not work for the person who made the initial determination or first-level
appeal determination.
If the denial was based in whole or in part on a medical judgment, including whether the treatment is
experimental, investigational, or not medically necessary, the reviewer will consult with a health care
professional who has the appropriate training and experience in the medical field involved in making the
judgment. This health care professional will not be one who was consulted in making an earlier
determination or who works for one who was consulted in making an earlier determination.
Notification of the Outcome of the Appeal
If you appeal a claim involving urgent/concurrent care, the claims administrator will notify you of the
outcome of the appeal as soon as possible, but not later than 72 hours after receipt of your request for
If you appeal any other pre-service claim, the claims administrator will notify you of the outcome of the
appeal within 15 days after receipt of your request for appeal.
If you appeal a post-service claim, the claims administrator will notify you of the outcome of the appeal
within 15 days after receipt of your request for appeal.
174134-3 2017
Appeal Denial
If your appeal is denied, that denial will be considered an adverse benefit determination. The
notification from the claims administrator will include all of the information set forth in the above
subsection entitled Notice of Adverse Benefit Determination.
the service or supply for which approval of benefits was sought; and
any reasons why the appeal should be processed on a more expedited basis.
174134-3 2017
All other requests for External Review should be submitted in writing unless the claims administrator
determines that it is not reasonable to require a written statement. Such requests should be submitted by
you or your authorized representative to:
Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company
ATTN: Appeals
P.O. Box 54159, Los Angeles, CA 90054
This is not an additional step that you must take in order to fulfill your appeal procedure obligations
described above. Your decision to seek External Review will not affect your rights to any other benefits
under this health care plan. There is no charge for you to initiate an independent External Review. The
External Review decision is final and binding on all parties except for any relief available through
applicable state laws or ERISA (if applicable).
Requirement to file an Appeal before filing a lawsuit
No lawsuit or legal action of any kind related to a benefit decision may be filed by you in a court of law or
in any other forum, unless it is commenced within three years of the Plan's final decision on the claim or
other request for benefits. If the Plan decides an appeal is untimely, the Plan's latest decision on the
merits of the underlying claim or benefit request is the final decision date. You must exhaust the Plan's
internal Appeals Procedure but not including any voluntary level of appeal, before filing a lawsuit or taking
other legal action of any kind against the Plan.
If your appeal as described above results in an adverse benefit determination, you have a right to bring a
civil action under Section 502(a) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
The claims administrator reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures and timeframes in
this section upon further clarification from Department of Health and Human Services and
Department of Labor.
The claims administrator has made identity protection services available to members. To learn more
about these services, please visit www.anthem.com/resources.
174134-3 2017
Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health introduced its Language Assistance Program to provide certain
written translation and oral interpretation services to California members with limited English proficiency.
The Language Assistance Program makes it possible for you to access oral interpretation services and
certain written materials vital to understanding your health coverage at no additional cost to you.
Written materials available for translation include grievance and appeal letters, consent forms, claim
denial letters, and explanations of benefits. These materials are available in the following languages:
Oral interpretation services are available in additional languages.
Requesting a written or oral translation is easy. Just contact Member Services by calling the phone
number on your ID card to update your language preference to receive future translated documents or to
request interpretation assistance. Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health also sends/receives TDD/TTY
messages at 866-333-4823 or by using the National Relay Service through 711.
For more information about the Language Assistance Program visit ghealthcare.anthem.com.
Under federal law, group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group health insurance
coverage generally may not restrict benefits for any hospital length of stay in connection with childbirth for
the mother or newborn child to less than 48 hours following a vaginal delivery or less than 96 hours
following a delivery by cesarean section. However the plan or issuer may pay for a shorter stay if the
attending physician (e.g., your physician, nurse midwife, or physician assistant), after consultation with
the mother, discharges the mother or newborn earlier.
Also, under federal law, plans and issuers may not set the level of benefits or out-of-pocket costs so that
any later portion of the 48 hour (or 96 hour) stay is treated in a manner less favorable to the mother or
newborn than any earlier portion of the stay.
In addition, a plan or issuer may not, under federal law, require that a physician or other health care
provider obtain authorization for prescribing a length of stay of up to 48 hours (or 96 hours). However, to
use certain providers or facilities, or to reduce your out-of-pocket costs, you may be required to obtain
pre-certification. For information on pre-certification, please call the member services telephone number
listed on your ID card.
174134-3 2017
This plan, as required by the Womens Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, provides benefits for
mastectomy-related services including all stages of reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry
between the breasts, prostheses, and complications resulting from a mastectomy (including
lymphedema). If you have any questions about this coverage, please call the member services telephone
number listed on your ID card.
Non-Urgent Care Pre-Service (when care has not yet been received). The Claims Administrator must
notify you within 15 days after they receive your request for benefits that they have it and what they have
determined your benefits to be. If they need more than 15 days to determine your benefits, due to
reasons beyond their control, they must notify you within that 15-day period that they need more time to
determine your benefits. But, in any case, even with an extension, they cannot take more than 30 days to
determine your benefits. If you do not properly submit all the necessary information for your request for
benefits to them, they must notify you, within 5 days after they get it and tell you what information is
missing. You have 45 days to provide them with the information they need to process your request for
benefits. The time period during which the Claims Administrator is waiting for receipt of the necessary
174134-3 2017
information is not counted toward the time frame in which the Claims Administrator must make the benefit
If your request for benefits is denied in whole or in part, you will receive a written notice of the denial
within the time frame stated above after the Claims Administrator has all the information they need to
process your request for benefits, if the information is received within the time frame noted above. The
written notice will explain the reason for the adverse benefit determination and the plan provisions upon
which the denial decision is based. You have 180 days to appeal their adverse benefit determination.
Your appeal must be in writing. Within 30 days after they receive your appeal, they must notify you of
their decision about it. Their notice of their decision will be in writing.
Concurrent Care Decisions:
Reduction of Benefits If, after approving a request for benefits in connection with your illness or
injury, the Claims Administrator decides to reduce or end the benefits they have approved for you, in
whole or in part:
They must notify you sufficiently in advance of the reduction in benefits, or the end of benefits, to
allow you the opportunity to appeal their decision before the reduction in benefits or end of
benefits occurs. In their notice to you, the Claims Administrator must explain their reason for
reducing or ending your benefits and the plan provisions upon which the decision was made.
To keep the benefits you already have approved, you must successfully appeal the Claims
Administrators decision to reduce or end those benefits. You must make your appeal to them at
least 24 hours prior to the occurrence of the reduction or ending of benefits. If you appeal the
decision to reduce or end your benefits when there is less than 24 hours to the occurrence of the
reduction or ending of benefits, your appeal may be treated as if you were appealing an urgent
care denial of benefits (see the section Urgent Care, above), depending upon the circumstances
of your condition.
If the Claims Administrator receives your appeal for benefits at least 24 hours prior to the
occurrence of the reduction or ending of benefits, they must notify you of their decision regarding
your appeal within 24 hours of their receipt of it. If the Claims Administrator denies your appeal of
their decision to reduce or end your benefits, in whole or in part, they must explain the reason for
their denial of benefits and the plan provisions upon which the decision was made. You may
further appeal the denial of benefits according to the rules for appeal of an urgent care denial of
benefits (see the section Urgent Care, above).
Extension of Benefits If, while you are undergoing a course of treatment in connection with your
illness or injury, for which benefits have been approved, you would like to request an extension of
benefits for additional treatments:
You must make a request to the Claims Administrator for the additional benefits at least 24 hours
prior to the end of the initial course of treatment that had been previously approved for benefits. If
you request additional benefits when there is less than 24 hours till the end of the initially
prescribed course of treatment, your request will be handled as if it was a new request for
benefits and not an extension and, depending on the circumstances, it may be handled as an
Urgent or Non-Urgent Care Pre-service request for benefits.
174134-3 2017
If the Claims Administrator receives your request for additional benefits at least 24 hours prior to
the end of the initial course of treatment, previously approved for benefits, they must notify you of
their decision regarding your request within 24 hours of their receipt of it if your request is for
urgent care benefits. If the Claims Administrator denies your request for additional benefits, in
whole or in part, they must explain the reason for their denial of benefits and the plan provisions
upon which the decision was made. You may appeal the adverse benefit determination
according to the rules for appeal for Urgent, Pre-Service or Post-Service adverse benefit
determinations, depending upon the circumstances.
Non - Urgent Care Post-Service (reimbursement for cost of medical care). The Claims Administrator
must notify you, within 30 days after they receive your claim for benefits, that they have it and what they
determine your benefits to be. If they need more than 30 days to determine your benefits, due to reasons
beyond their control, they must notify you within that 30-day period that they need more time to determine
your benefits. But, in any case, even with an extension, they cannot take more than 45 days to determine
your benefits. If you do not submit all the necessary information for your claim to them, they must notify
you, within 30 days after they get it and tell you what information is missing. You have 45 days to provide
them with the information they need to process your claim. The time period during which the Claims
Administrator is waiting for receipt of the necessary information is not counted toward the time frame in
which the Claims Administrator must make the benefit determination.
If your claim is denied in whole or in part, you will receive a written notice of the adverse benefit
determination within the time frame stated above, or after the Claims Administrator has all the information
they need to process your claim, if the information is received within the time frame noted above. The
written notice will explain the reason for the adverse benefit determination and the plan provisions upon
which the denial decision is based. You have 180 days to appeal their decision. Your appeal must be in
writing. Within 15 days after they receive your appeal, they must notify you of their decision about it.
Their notice to you or their decision will be in writing.
Note: You, your beneficiary, or a duly authorized representative may appeal any denial of a claim
for benefits with the Claims Administrator and request a review of the denial. In connection with such a
Documents pertinent to the administration of the Plan may be reviewed free of charge; and
174134-3 2017
Get help in your language
Curious to know what all this says? We would be too. Heres the English version:
You have the right to get this information and help in your language for free. Call the Member Services
number on your ID card for help. (TTY/TDD: 711)
.)TTY/TDD: 711(
: (TTY/TDD: 711)
(TTY/TDD: 711).
174134-3 2017
(TTY/TDD: 711)
Koj muaj cai tau txais qhov lus qhia no thiab kev pab hais ua koj hom lus yam tsis xam tus nqi. Hu rau tus nab
npawb xov tooj lis Cov Kev Pab Cuam Rau Tswv Cuab nyob rau ntawm koj daim ID txhawm rau thov kev pab.
(TTY/TDD: 711)
(TTY/TDD: 711)
ID (TTY/TDD: 711)
ID . (TTY/TDD: 711)
(TTY/TDD: 711)
. (TTY/TDD: 711)
May karapatan kayong makuha ang impormasyon at tulong na ito sa ginagamit ninyong wika nang
walang bayad. Tumawag sa numero ng Member Services na nasa inyong ID card para sa tulong.
(TTY/TDD: 711)
(TTY/TDD: 711)
Qu v c quyn nhn min ph thng tin ny v s tr gip bng ngn ng ca qu v. Hy gi cho s
Dch V Thnh Vin trn th ID ca qu v c gip . (TTY/TDD: 711)
174134-3 2017
Its important we treat you fairly
Thats why we follow federal civil rights laws in our health programs and activities. We dont discriminate,
exclude people, or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
For people with disabilities, we offer free aids and services. For people whose primary language isnt
English, we offer free language assistance services through interpreters and other written languages.
Interested in these services? Call the Member Services number on your ID card for help (TTY/TDD: 711).
If you think we failed to offer these services or discriminated based on race, color, national origin, age,
disability, or sex, you can file a complaint, also known as a grievance. You can file a complaint with our
Compliance Coordinator in writing to Compliance Coordinator, P.O. Box 27401, Richmond, VA 23279 or
by email to compliance.coordinator@anthem.com. Or you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights at 200 Independence Avenue, SW; Room 509F,
HHH Building; Washington, D.C. 20201 or by calling 1-800-368-1019 (TDD: 1- 800-537-7697) or online at
https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf. Complaint forms are available at
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