64th Navamsa From The Vedic Horoscope
64th Navamsa From The Vedic Horoscope
64th Navamsa From The Vedic Horoscope
vedic astrology. It is a sensitive area in your birth chart which can trigger
some bad events in your life, its lord is also known as Chhidra planet and as
Khara Navamsh also. Khara was a demon in Hindu epic Ramayana and was
associated with evil. This particular name of 64th navamsha shows how
negative it can be. This article deals with everything about 64th navamsha.
For example if you want to calculate the 64th navamsha for ascendant than
check which sign is rising in 4th from it. Suppose I have Pisces ascendant
and Capricorn navamsha, then for 64th navamsha for ascendant will be 4th
sign from Capricon which is ARIES. Now sign Aries will be 64th navamsha for
my ascendant and its lord Mars will be called as Chiddra planet. Same way
you can calculate 64th navamsha for planets like VENUS, MARS etc and
when malefics transits over their 64th navamsha then the house they rule
suffers and significations which they represents also suffers.
This can be seen in chart of Indira Gandhi who was killed by her own security
people with no relatives on her side.
1. Transit of malefics over 64th navamsha can give severe negative events
especially when a malefic is posted there already.
2.A malefic placed in 64th navamsha of any planet creates harms to
signification of that planet and the house they rule. In indira gandhi
horoscope, Ketu & Saturn are placed in 64th navamsha from Venus and her
husband died at very young age.
Note 22nd drekkna is also a sensitive point in horoscope which acts samee
like 64th navamsha. Will talk on this in Drekkana chapter.
4.Native will have short age when lord of navamsha occupied by Moon is
inimical to its 64th navamsha.
5. Native will have medium age when lord of navamsha occupied by Moon is
neutral to its 64th navamsha.
6. Native will have long age when lord of navamsha occupied by Moon is
friendly to its 64th navamsha.
For example of application of 64th navamsha you can look into horoscope of
great astrologer DR B.V Raman. He died on 20th December 1998. In his
horoscope the 64th navamsha from ascendant is Aries which contains Saturn
in it. On day of his death Saturn was in Aries sign and in Aries Navamsha.
Same way you can also check 64th navamsha for your ascendant and other
planets and check when malefic are going to pass over them. Those periods
will prove bad especially slow moving malefics like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.