Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage Pregnancy
In our time, many young mothers might be noted in our society because of their growing
population carrying their infant that needs extreme care from a mother. But how could the infant
have that kind of care if the one who gave birth to them also needs help from the people around
Pregnancy is a very delicate phase of a womans life. At this point, the mother will take
full responsibility for the betterment of the future of her child in the right time. In this stage,
pregnancy brings different kinds of emotions. But despite all of these emotional aspects of life,
the mother should also her life in the society. In the case of a teenage mom, can she surpass all
According to research, most of the young Filipino nowadays have their own child in an
early age. According to census 2007, there are approximately 88,600 young Filipinos that got
pregnant in such a young age. Based from NSO, Manila City has the most cases of teenage
(NSO,POPCEN 2007).
Teenage pregnancy brings many different effects to young people, and one of it is the
discrimination. And most of all it brings bad effects to the health and minds of the person behind
this situation.
Specific Objectives
This study aims to know the effects of teenage pregnancy and if it is has a good
contribution or bad contribution to their lives. This study uses survey questionnaire as a
instrument for gathering reliable information about the teenage moms in Sanlagan Okiot, Bais
This study is very important to the society, especially to the readers so that they can see
the true meaning of teenage pregnancy in ones life. For the researchers who would like to
investigate this study further, I can assure them that they can get enough information about
teenage pregnancy in this study. And by this, they can help their fellow men and the society to
Not only for the researchers, but also this study is important to the teenagers in our
society. This study will give them lessons on what is right or wrong for their own good. And this
This study focuses only on what are the effects of teenage pregnancy to young girls in
Sanlagan Okiot, Bais City. This study only refers to what will be the effect of pregnancy in an
early age and if this is because of peer pressure and family problems that urge them to do such
things. And this study will be conducted at Sanlagan Okiot, Bais City with survey questionnaire
Definition of Terms
Sex education- is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual
Internet- is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that
consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to
global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking
females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. A pregnancy can take place in a
pubertal female before menarche (the first menstrual period), which signals the possibility
So we can call it teenage pregnancy when a girl gets pregnant within the age of 20 below
Based on the panel discussion, it was articulated that as much as it is a health issue,
adolescent pregnancy is a development issue. Its root causes are poverty, gender inequality, and
violence, power imbalances between adolescent girls and their male partners, lack of education
There are many causes of teenage pregnancy and any one of it can trigger the teenagers to
schools is still an issue to be debated on. And even though the different sectors of the
government have strong demands of having it, the Catholic Church and other conservative
Because of being that conservative of the Filipinos, the topic sex is not been tackled by
the parents to their children. And because of this, the parents cannot guide their children
especially during puberty when young people are curious about that kind of thing. And curiosity
A recent study by Robertson et al, usually in rich countries, teenage pregnancy is brings
And because of this reason, being pregnant in an early age can affect the teenagers
socialization with others. And this teenager will have a fear of going out from their house and be
Having a healthy lifestyle is very important especially to the pregnant ones because the
fetus or the baby also eats what theyre eating. Meaning, if the mother eats nutritious foods then
the baby will be healthy but if not, then the baby will possibly experience complications or
According to World Health Organization, maternal health is the health of a woman who
undergoes pregnancy. 3
While motherhood is often a positive and fulfilling experience, for too many women it is
associated with suffering, ill-health and even death. The major direct causes of maternal
morbidity and mortality include haemorrhage, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion,
and obstructed labour. We can see it here that pregnancy can greatly affect a womans health.
D. Robertson, R. Andrews, A. Buttner, G. Byrnes and R Spearel 2001 Teenage Pregnancy as a
Social Stigma in Delhi, India, Journal of Maternal and Child Care, pg. 33
II. Methodology
The instrument used for this study is a survey questionnaire that only adolescent mothers
that ranging ages 16-19 can answer. And these answers will serve as guide for the new discovery.
The given questions are not intended to offend feelings but aims to know what are the
Respondents, I get four (4) respondents serves as the whole body of the teenage moms in
Sanlagan Okiot, Bais City. These four (4) respondents are chosen because they are capable in
Questionnaire, I chose to have this kind of instrument because its easy to use, not too
The respondents of this study are the teenage mothers who got pregnant at the age
17 Primary/Elementary
18 Secondary/High school
19 Secondary/High school
Education is the key to success. This is the only treasure that our parents could give..
Because of this, our lives will develop by our profession. But how could we achieve such success
if there is a hindrance on our way to the top just like teenage pregnancy?
country can affect one's education. Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school. 1
It really proves that it is impossible to continue studying while you are pregnant and most
And according to studies in 2001, 10-12% of women who gave birth in such a young age
As we have observed, because of teenage pregnancy most of the students did not finish
their study. And there is a very low percentage of young women that finished their high school.
Yes No Reason
Yes No
1. During the time of your 3 1 Financial Problem My baby served as
pregnancy, did you stop your my inspiration.
Motherly duties
Finished High
Finished her
2. During the time of your early 2 2 Afraid of the Planned pregnancy
stage pregnancy, did you have
It can affect my
plans of abortion?
Hofferth, S. L.; Reid, L.; Mott, F. L. (2001). "The effects of early childbearing on schooling
Enclosed in the table are diverse opinions of the respondents. In the first question, the
most domineering answer was yes. In the second question, the answers were all equal.
Why is it important to socialize to the public? What benefits do we get from society? In
our times especially in the Philippines, most of the people are judgmental if we fail to do what is
right. Because of this, we cannot prevent ourselves from judging. There are even times that your
family themselves are the ones to abandon you because they dont want your situation to be the
siblings 1
That is the reason why parents are afraid that the same situation may also happen to their
other daughter/s.
East, P. L. (1996). "Do adolescent pregnancy and childbearing affect younger siblings?". Family
Yes No Reason
Yes No
1. What came to your mind the time
when you know you are pregnant?
Happy -2
Afraid -1 __ __ __ __
Worried -0
Bothered -1
2. Was your familys perception 2 2 regretted They like to have a
to you changed? Lack of trust That is life, we
cannot change what
already has
The table above tells us how their lives were changed because of early pregnancy. In the
first question happiness was the feeling after they know they are pregnant and one of them
experienced fear. In the second question, the answers were all equal. The last question on the
We are the ones who are responsible in making our future better. Nobody can help us
except our own selves. Thats why our parents really do their best in giving advices in every
actions we take because it will leave a mark in our future whether it will be good or bad.
Yes No Why
Yes No
1. Do you have plans that have 4 0 to finish my studies
been ended by teenage pregnancy? to help my parents
What are those? in their daily needs
to take up 0
5. Is it better to live with the father because life would because that person
of your child? easier to live with is irresponsible
someone wholl
take full
so that my child
would have a father
to be with
so that my family
would be complete
In the table above, it shows how teenage pregnancy changed the life of a teenager. And
what happened to them became their lesson for them to be guided towards a better future. And it
is proven in the fourth question that all these young mothers ever wanted is to continue their
education and finish it and they also wish to guide their children to the better road so that they
will not follow in their footsteps of being a mother at such a young age.
As a pregnant woman, eating nutritious food is a must especially for the babys health.
Yes No Why
Yes No
1. Are you having any difficulties 1 3
during your pregnancy? __ __
4. After giving birth did you 1 3 *no response
experience any health recieved
complications? What are those?
pregnancy of a woman be right and will born a healthy baby without any causing harm or any
The table above shows the different experiences of a woman during pregnancy. The early
pregnancy of a woman cannot only affect her education but can also affect the health of both the
adolescent mother and her child. There are some cases in which there is a possibility that the
newborn baby will be having complications because of lack of nutrition that can lead to sudden
death. And we can observe from the table above that Sanlagan Okiot, Bais City has a low chance
of having malnutrition.
III. Conclusions
This study aims to know the effects of having early pregnancy among women with ages
This is a descriptive research that uses survey questionnaire as instrument for getting
reliable informations and 4 woman respondents And the information gathered has been put into
Based on the information gathered, majority of cases of teenage pregnancy are girls with
ages 19 years old and most of them didnt continue their secondary education. And the following
First, about the effect of early pregnancy on ones education, most of them havent
finished their studies. Some of them wanted to continue but they dont have enough money and
because their child needs more attention and care. And some of them experienced the
discrimination in school. And because of this, they might be angry and can cause trouble in their
Second is about the effects of early pregnancy in the social environment of the teenage
mom. Most of the teenage moms are happy of the results yet the feeling of the people around her
is not good anymore. Many of them are disappointed especially the parents. And because of this,
Third is about the effects of early pregnancy on the future of the teenager. Because they
got pregnant in an early age, there are some plans of them that didnt come true because of the
hindrances. After they got pregnant, their life changed a lot and becomes more harder than they
thought because of the increasing demand of supplies. And because of this situation, they
And lastly, is about the effects of early pregnancy on ones health. Not all pregnant
mothers deliver their baby in a normal way, some of them suffer from different kind of method
that makes their delivery more harder and painful. Especially to teenage moms, we all know that
some of their body parts are not yet fully grown so it has been expected that they will experience
great pain during their delivery and it may lead to sudden death either to the mother or to the
Based on the results given, teenage pregnancy is one the hardest challenges of a girls
IV. Recommendation
To all teenage girls, always listen to the advices from your parents and please do enjoy
your life being a teenager because time will come that you will be a mature one. And try to heed
your parents advices because all of it is for your own good. Think about your decisions wisely
because you cant turn back time. Focus first to your studies and my dear young ones, love can
To the parents, guide your children in every step of the way. Dont let them feel
abandoned. Let them know that you are there; let them experience the unconditional love that
they may feel contented of what they have. Open their minds in every aspects of life. And teach
V. Apendiks
Survey Questionnaire
Age:_____________ If yes, why?
IV. My Future
Why: ___________________________________________
V. Our Health
VI. Bibliography
Robertson D., Andrews R., Buttner P., . Byrnes G. and Spearel, R,., et al. Teenage Pregnancy as
a Social Stigma in Delhi, India: Journal of Maternal and Child Care, pg. 33, 2001
East, P. L. Do adolescent pregnancy and childbearing affect younger siblings?: Family planning