Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and Expected Actions of Bridge Teams in Australian Pilotage Waters

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Marine Notice 11/2016

Supercedes16/2009 and 07/2009

Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and Expected Actions

of Bridge Teams in Australian Pilotage Waters

Purpose Navigational and operational tasks

responsibilities should be clearly defined
This Marine Notice reminds seafarers, and delegated.
shipowners/operators and pilots of the Dangers that may be encountered at
importance of well-planned Bridge Resource any stage of each voyage should be
Management (BRM) techniques, efficient identified as early as possible.
watchkeeping arrangements and passage
planning requirements which enhance safety Appropriate precautions and contingency
and reduce errors when navigating ships. arrangements necessary to manage
identified risks should be implemented.
Bridge Resource Management Navigational, operational and general
(BRM) and the Passage Plan safety priorities should be set and
constantly reviewed in the context of the
The Australian community is sensitive to
prevailing circumstances and conditions.
incidents that adversely affect the marine
environment such as collisions or groundings The vessels position, speed and
in ports, harbours, or other waterways heading with respect to other vessels
including the Great Barrier Reef, Torres and all navigation hazards, should be
Strait and other environmentally sensitive continuously monitored.
regions - particularly if such incidents result The vessels actual position should be
in pollution. continuously monitored against the
agreed passage plan.
To support safe navigation and minimise the Deviation from the agreed passage plan
potential for such incidents, mariners should or standard operating procedures should
be familiar with the provisions of: be noted and addressed immediately.
Marine Order 28 (Operations standards Onboard electronic aids, systems and
and procedures) 2015; and navigational equipment should only be
Part A-VIII/2 (Watchkeeping used by appropriately trained personnel.
arrangements and principles to be Masters, bridge watch keeping officers
observed) of Chapter VIII of the and crew onboard vessels which
Standards of Training, Certification and regularly undertake the same voyage /
Watchkeeping (STCW) Code (Part A). route should be mindful of the risks
associated with human performance
Effective BRM begins at the initial passage limitations (such as the effects of fatigue
planning stage and includes due preparation and workload on vigilance and
of berth-to-berth operational matters, monitoring tasks) and familiarity, in order
including the following considerations: to retain resilience.

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Expectations in pilotage waters Human performance
All vessels are required to prepare a berth to Masters are reminded that they are not
berth passage plan in accordance with: relieved of responsibility for the conduct and
safe navigation of a vessel when the vessel
Part 2 (Voyage Planning) to Part A-VIII/2 of
is under pilotage, in accordance with Section
Chapter VIII of the STCW Code (Part A).
326(3) of the Navigation Act 2012.
IMO resolution A.893(21).
SOLAS Chapter V (Regulation 34). Similarly, deck officers are reminded that
under the masters general direction, the
Early contact with a pilotage provider may officers of the navigational watch are
assist with the preparation of the passage responsible for navigating the ship safely
plan in Australian pilotage waters. during their periods of duty, in accordance
with paragraph 9 to Part 3 (Watchkeeping at
The agreed passage plan, its understanding Sea) of section A-VIII/2 of Chapter VIII of the
and the establishment of a shared mental STWC Code (Part A).
model by the entire bridge team forms the
basis of a safe voyage under pilotage It is essential that the pilot, master and
conditions. bridge team work together to ensure that
errors are detected early and corrected
It is essential that the vessel closely follows before the ship is put into any danger.
the passage plan which was discussed and
agreed with the pilot. It is equally important The bridge team should remain alert at all
that every member of the bridge team times and actively follow the progress of the
understands the part they play in ensuring vessel while in pilotage waters. In the event
the safe and effective execution of the that a deviation from the agreed plan (or a
agreed passage plan. potential navigational error) is identified by a
member of the bridge team, the team
The bridge team are expected to fully member should not hesitate to challenge the
participate in the use of BRM techniques and pilot in a timely manner and confirm if the
support safe navigation by closely following pilot is aware of the deviation or error.
the agreed passage plan while in Australian Appropriate challenge and response
pilotage waters. BRM techniques should be techniques are a very important aspect of
consistent with the recommendations in Part effective BRM.
3 (Guidance on Watchkeeping at Sea) of Use of standard marine
section B-VIII/2 of Chapter VIII of the STCW
Code (Part B). communication phrases
All verbal communication used by every
Training in the use of all member of the bridge team should always be
navigation equipment in accordance with the IMO Standard
The master and all bridge watch keepers Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) as
must be fully trained and proficient in the use required by Table A-II/1of the STCW code.
of all ship-specific navigation equipment
aboard the vessel, including radars and any Closed-loop communications should always
electronic navigation charting systems be used to eliminate any doubt or ambiguity.

If onboard training is provided, this may only Allan Schwartz

be adequate if all bridge navigation watch Acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer
keepers have the opportunity to obtain May 2016
complete competence in the use of the ships
navigation equipment, as required by GPO Box 2181
relevant sections of the STCW code, CANBERRA ACT 2601
including paragraph 6 (On-board training) to
section A-II/1 of Chapter II (Part A). File No: 2016/79

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