General Terms For Radiation Protection Calculation
General Terms For Radiation Protection Calculation
General Terms For Radiation Protection Calculation
As per NCRP 49, the computation of the primary barrier against primary radiation is
calculated according to the following formula:
(P) x (dpri)2
Kux = ---------------------------
(W) x (U) x (T)
dpri is the distance from the primary radiation source to person to be protected
dpri to be determined in meters according to layout of the room.
dsec is the distance from the radiation source to person to be protected dsec to be
determined according to the layout of the room.
Based on the dimensions of the room and the layout of the adjacent corridors, the
computed attenuation values will be taken from the graphs in NCRP 49, pages 91 & 93.
As per layout:
W = 200 mA/min
T = 0.25
Dpri = 1.68 m (distance of X-Ray source to outside wall including wall thickness)
U = 0.25
P = 0.01R
(0.01) x (1.68)2
Kux = -------------------------------------------
(200) x (0.25) x (0.25)
Kux = 0.0023
Which corresponds to 1.5 mm of Lead (Re. NCRP 49, page 91) or 13.838 cm of concrete
(density of 2.35 g/cm3) (Re. NCRP 49, page 93) or 15.86 cm of hard bricks (density of
2.05 g/cm3).
As per layout:
P = 0.01R
dsca = 0.8 m
d sec = 2.7 m (distance of X-Ray source to outside wall including wall thickness)
W = 200 mA/min
a = 0.0016
T = 0.25
F = 400
Kux = 0.5832
Which corresponds to 1.1 mm of Lead (Re. NCRP 49, page 91) or 10.15 cm of concrete
(density of 2.35 g/cm3) (Re. NCRP 49, page 93) or 11.65 cm of hard bricks (density of
2.05 g/cm3).