Building Drifts in ETABS
Building Drifts in ETABS
Building Drifts in ETABS
Now in simple words, the maximum limit for seismic drift is:-
delta M shall not exceed 0.025 x story ht (if building seismic period is less than 0.7)
delta M shall not exceed 0.020 x story ht (if building seismic period is equal or greater than 0.7)
Important to note here is that it talks about SEISMIC drift so SEISMIC building period not the WIND period.
Now delta M = Max inelastic response displacement = 0.7R delta S 1/9
6/19/13 Building Drifts in ETABS | Its not about falling, its about getting back up . Dearborn MI.
This was all about seismic drift, but for wind drift code is mute. I will refer you to ASCE 2005 commentary CC.1.2
So we can understand that the limit for wind drift is "on the order of l/600 to l/400" for "common usage". This is common
thing, however, in reality this figure can be up or down depending upon the ductility of cladding material and finishes.
However for common usage value of l/400 is thought to be well satisfactory. Here l means story ht.
The concept of drift limits is same throughout all the governing codes, and the typical limits of story height by some
number is same, but obviously you have to take care of the process of calculating the wind force or seismic forces. You
should not calculate wind force from one code and apply limits of another code.
2) Load Combinations
Once the drift limit has been determined separately for seismic and wind forces, now is the need to check the actual
drift vs the limit. Determination of actual drift depends on the load combination and the period of recurrence. If not
properly calculated, this may dramatically increase or decrease the accepted drift values in model.
Seismic force E is always already factored so that's the reason its factor is always 1.0 in load combinations of ACI/ASCE
code. The recurrence period for seismic force is 50 years. In seismic drift we do not convert it into service seismic force.
Seismic drift is checked against the direct load case of EQx, EQy etc in ETABS.
For wind drift, we need to convert 50 year wind to service wind force. It has been recommended by ASCE commentary
To convert 50 year service wind force to 10 year service wind force it is multiplied by 0.7, as the equation says, and other
gravity loads; D and 0.5L are also added.
So in a nutshell we create following load combinations in ETABS to check our drift:- 2/9
6/19/13 Building Drifts in ETABS | Its not about falling, its about getting back up . Dearborn MI.
DRIFTWx1 = D+0.5L+0.7Wx
DRIFTWx2 = D+0.5L-0.7Wx
DRIFTWy1 = D+0.5L+0.7Wy
DRIFTWy2 = D+0.5L-0.7Wy
For seismic drift, as discussed earlier, we do not need any combination, drift will be checked just on EQx and EQy load
cases only.
Now we have obtained both the actual drift and the drift limit, but how can we do this in ETABS easily?
Well, after creating the drift combinations as discussed in step 2, we need to do as below:-
For seismic drift goto File>Print Tables>Summary Report
Scroll down to the end of the page, you will find out a section about drifts, similar to this one:- 3/9
6/19/13 Building Drifts in ETABS | Its not about falling, its about getting back up . Dearborn MI.
It displays the max drift for each lateral load case for each story. As we want the drift for wind to be on drift load
combinations and not on wind load cases, so we will not compare this wind drift without limits. In this table we are going
to check just the drift values of our ETABS model for individual seismic load cases; EQx and EQy.
As you noticed, this table shows us values in fraction format. For example 1/105 that becomes 0.009523809524. This
1/105 value is story drift divided by story ht. It means delta S / story ht.
Now this value is delta S. First we need to convert it to delta M by multiplying it with 0.7R. Assume R here is 3.5 so
delta M = 0.7 x 3.5 x 1/105 = 7/300 = 0.023333 which is less than 0.025 so safe ( if T<0.7).
So instead of calculating every time by 0.7R we can check these limits in other way.
If our limit is 0.025 then the limit we get is 0.025/R/0.7. Assume R=3.5. Now the values in ETABS are inverse so our limit is
0.7x3.5/0.025 = 98.
In ETABS the drift is reported as 1/x where x is some number. Now as long as x (some number) is greater than 98 our
limit of 0.025 x story ht is being satisfied. This way you can quickly check and compare seismic drifts.
Now for the wind drifts, goto Display>Show tables, select Point displacements>Story drifts and then select only drift
combinations for results. Click on and then copy the table to EXCEL. 4/9
6/19/13 Building Drifts in ETABS | Its not about falling, its about getting back up . Dearborn MI.
To save time you can right click on EXCEL taskbar and select maximum and minimum. Then just select the column H or I 5/9
6/19/13 Building Drifts in ETABS | Its not about falling, its about getting back up . Dearborn MI.
and see the maximum value that should be less than H/400 to H600 limit (0.0025 t0 0.00167). Again the values reported
in ETABS are divided by story ht.
sometimes you may face problem of excessively large values in drift tables in ETABS. Well we are not going to talk about
different measures and modeling techniques to control the drift values. We are going to talk about large numbers in drift
tables. Sometimes it happens that a point or node is free in the model or is connected to a NULL line or very flexible
section. Drift tables for example the story drift table in wind captures the maximum displaced points. Obviously the
displacement of several meters in tables is not what we are looking for. Drift values (relative) may be still okay for these
points, but it requires you to check the displacement values too before checking directly the drift. Unlock the model and
remove all free points, check for any discontinuity and modify your models to remove all the errors.
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6/19/13 Building Drifts in ETABS | Its not about falling, its about getting back up . Dearborn MI.
I have been working with Midas Gen and this drift calculation is automatic you just have to set the limits for
both seismic and wind drifts and the program will just automatically calculate the drift requirement and it will
show a remark of ok and fail and you also have the option to calculate the drift at the center of mass or the
maximum displacement that will normally occur around the perimeter node.
2) again refer to step 1...all output options are there in ETABS . you can select whatever you want
to report...
3) like midas gen now in new etabs 2013 there is better option to control and report drifts..
actually in ETABS when defining load cases...5% Ecc is already included so you dont have to
include it again. For irregularities and torsional amplification..yes you have to check it manually
as ETABS is just an anlysis is upon engineer..
shear force ratio I don't know if ETABS has this function already.
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