LizMedina QMSS Thesis
LizMedina QMSS Thesis
LizMedina QMSS Thesis
Elizabeth Medina
Columbia University
Masters of Arts
Fall 2012
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Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Literature Review............................................................................................................................ 5
Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention ................................................................................. 5
Job Satisfaction and Culture ................................................................................................... 6
Job Satisfaction, Culture and Turnover Intention ................................................................... 9
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 11
Data ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Sample and Data Collection...................................................................................................... 11
Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................................................. 12
Methodology and Results ............................................................................................................. 18
Initial Model.............................................................................................................................. 18
Results: Model 1 ................................................................................................................... 18
Results: Model 2 ................................................................................................................... 19
Results: Model 3 ................................................................................................................... 23
Results: Model 4 ................................................................................................................... 24
Final Model ............................................................................................................................... 26
Results: Model 5 ................................................................................................................... 26
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 30
Works Cited .................................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 36
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This study explores the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention in
the context of organizational culture, using data from the Quality of Work Life (QWL) module, a
sub-section of the General Social Survey (GSS). Job satisfaction, the independent variable,
assesses overall job satisfaction, while the dependent variable, turnover intention, measures
intent to find a new job, with another employer, within the next year. While organizational
culture varies by industry, employer and even by department, it is important in all working
environments. Organizational culture influences employees job satisfaction, and in prior
studies, high job satisfaction has been associated with better job performance. High performing
cultures have also been shown to produce excellent results, attract, motivate, and retain talented
employees, and adapt readily to change. Job satisfaction is inversely related to turnover intention
and low turnover has been shown to increase organizational productivity and performance. This
study finds that job satisfaction is inversely associated with turnover intention and that
organizational culture moderates the magnitude of this relationship. Sub-group analyses reveal
that job satisfaction is more predictive of turnover intention for younger workers. These findings
have significant implications for the changing composition of workforce due to the aging
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For the past few decades, employee retention has been of interest to researchers and
employers in various fields. To remain competitive in the rapidly expanding global economy
and to keep pace with technological advances requires a workforce with robust institutional
communities (Benko & Weisberg, 2007; Becker, 2007; The Future of Work 2020, 2007). Prior
research has shown that job satisfaction is strongly and inversely associated with employees
intention to leave an organization (Egan, Yang & Bartlett, 2004; Lambert, Hogan & Barton,
2001; MacIntosh & Doherty, 2010; Schwepker, 2001; Silverthorne, 2004). In other words, more
satisfied employees are less likely to seek a new job, with a new employer. For this reason,
studying the factors associated with job satisfaction is practical and valuable. Two general
categories are believed to influence employee job satisfaction: demographic characteristics and
organizational culture. Demographic characteristics include age, gender, education, income, and
described as the shared thoughts, feelings and behaviors of a group (Christensen, 1999; Schein,
1990; Schein, 1996; Sheridan, 1992; Sims, 2002). Research in a variety of settings suggests that
organizational culture has a meaningful influence on job satisfaction and, in turn, employee
turnover intention.
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between job satisfaction and
employee turnover intention in the context of organizational culture. More specifically, the
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o Do demographic characteristics, such as, age, influence the relationship
Does the level of satisfaction with organizational culture moderate the relationship
turnover intention?
While most studies exploring the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention
have examined employees in a single or handful of occupations, few have explored this
relationship across a variety of industries and occupations. This analysis contributes to the
literature by examining the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention
Additionally, this study explores how satisfaction with organizational culture influences job
Literature Review
process. As noted by Lambert et al. (2001), scholars speculate that employee turnover can be
predicted using comprehensive measures of job satisfaction; otherwise stated, high job
satisfaction is associated with low employee turnover. Moreover, research shows that the
relationship between job satisfaction and actual employee turnover is moderated by intentions.
Schwepker (2001) noted that positive and statistically significant relationships have been
reported in dozens of studies exploring leaving intentions and actual leaving behavior. In other
words, intention to leave a job is an immediate precursor to actually leaving. For this reason,
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turnover intention has been incorporated into most employee turnover models in the published
literature. Turnover intention is defined as an employees intent to find a new job with another
employer within the next year. Generally, it is accepted that job satisfaction and employee
The established, inverse relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover
intention is very important to research in organizational behavior. One of the main goals of
turnover research is to measure actual employee turnover, however, employee turnover data is
often inaccessible to researchers. Frequently, this data is unavailable because it is not accurately
or consistently collected. Thus, researchers must rely employee turnover intention as a proxy for
actual employee turnover. After all, stated Lambert et al. (2001), measuring turnover intention is
the next best method, because it is the variable that consistently and immediately precedes actual
employee turnover. Throughout this paper, employee turnover and turnover intention will be
used interchangeably.
Now that the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention has been
discussed, the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational culture will be explored.
The conceptual model presented herein proposes that satisfaction with organizational culture
moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention (see Figure
1). In other words, if there are two employees with equal job satisfaction but one employee has
high workplace cultural satisfaction and the other has low workplace cultural satisfaction, then
the employee with high workplace cultural satisfaction will have lower turnover intention. Since
no strong consensus has been formed on a definition of job satisfaction or organizational culture,
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Job satisfaction has been defined as an employees affective reactions to a job based on
comparing desired outcomes with actual outcomes (Egan et al., 2004, Pg. 5). To an extent,
employee job satisfaction is a reflection of how well an employees expectations of a job are
aligned with the reality of their work (Lund, 2003). Employees assess job satisfaction based on
intrinsic job elements, such as feelings of purpose at work, and extrinsic job elements, such as
compensation. The level of employee job satisfaction reflects the cumulative level of fulfilled job
expectations. That is, employees expect their job to provide a mix of these elements, for which
each employee has distinct preferential values (Egan et al., 2004). While the range and
importance of these preferences vary across employees, when the accumulation of unsatisfied
expectations reaches a critical threshold there is less job satisfaction and greater possibility of
behavior and it is useful in elucidating how organizations function (Silverthorne, 2004). There
exists a consensus regarding the existence of "culture" in every organization, although, the
concept of culture connotes a certain degree of imprecision and it is difficult to find a measure of
agreement (Schrodt, 2002; Schein, 1990). Organizational psychologist, Edgar Schein (1996),
suggested: A culture is a set of basic tacit assumptions about how the world is and ought to be
that a group of people share and that determines their perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and to
some degree, their overt behavior (Pg. 3). Organizational culture is the values, beliefs and
conduct that represent and reinforce those basic principles (Adkins & Caldwell, 2004; Lee & Yu,
strategy and decision-making, and daily work practices. The content of a company newsletter,
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participation in employer sponsored events, and interaction of employees in meetings and e-mail
exchanges all represent and create the culture of a workplace. In short, workplace culture is the
Culture is based on perceptions and feelings, rather than facts, making it different from
other organizational processes. The complex, and somewhat intangible nature of organizational
culture makes is difficult to operationalize; however, it is a powerful and pervasive force in all
organizations (Deery & Shaw, 1999; Silverthorne, 2004). Scholars of organizational behavior
have studied organizational culture with many different definitions and paradigms and have yet
work, smooth working environment and pride in employer. It is posited that the strength of the
relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention is dependent of the level of cultural
Employees are likely to assess elements of job satisfaction, especially intrinsic elements,
more precisely when the workplace culture is harmonious and supportive. In this way, the
components of culture, such as respectful treatment at work, are viewed by some researchers as
antecedents to job satisfaction (Johnson & McIntye, 1998; Knudsen, Johnson & Roman 2003;
Lund, 2003). A study by MacIntosh and Doherty (2010) showed that job satisfaction strongly
and inversely influenced intention to leave the organization for employees in the fitness industry;
furthermore, the authors found that that, of the dimensions shown to impact job satisfaction,
important indicator of job satisfaction in the study. Similarly, Schwepker (2001) found a
Satisfaction with workplace culture is similar to the definition of job satisfaction presented earlier, in that,
workplace cultural satisfaction is a reflection of how well an employees expectations of workplace culture are
aligned with the reality of the office culture.
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positive relationship between professionalism in the workplace and job satisfaction. In his
research, Schwepker (2001) also noted that statistically significant, negative relationships have
been found between turnover intention and climates that are innovative, as well as pleasant. In
lowest levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, relative to innovative cultures
and supportive cultures. It is easy to imagine that a workplace with a culture of respect,
harmony, trust, pride and productivity, lends itself to an environment hospitable to job
In the United States there are a variety of industries, employers and jobs, and
organizational culture varies across all of them. Culture is important in all organizations because
high performing cultures produce consistently excellent results, attract, motivate, and retain
talented employees, and adapt readily to change. Often, a company will find that several
candidates are at least minimally qualified for a position that they desire to fill. When faced with
comparably qualified candidates, the team will generally choose the single candidate who is the
best fit for the position and team. Silverthorne (2004) found that the better the fit an employee
is within the organization, the higher the job satisfaction, the higher the organizational
commitment and the lower the turnover rate. While cultural fit may vary across employers and
Due to the practical implications and potential to impact worker productivity, researchers
in a variety of disciplines have explored the relationship between job satisfaction, turnover
intention and productivity. Organizational scholars have shown that job satisfaction is positively
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associated with worker productivity and negatively associated with employee turnover (Egan et
al., 2004; Silverthorne, 2004). In other words, greater job satisfaction is associated with greater
employees (Silverthorne, 2004). These findings are aligned with research showing that job
satisfaction is positively related to employee engagement. Research has shown that more
satisfied employees are more engaged in their work, while less satisfied employees are less
engaged. Lower levels of engagement are associated with employee withdrawal, particularly in
terms of voluntary turnover (Lambert et al., 2001). Therefore, it is accepted that job satisfaction
and employee turnover intention are inversely related. For practical and performance reasons, it
is essential that organizations identify specific factors associated with employees job
Becker, 2007).
performance and a reduction in costs associated with losses of firm and job-specific knowledge,
hiring, and retraining of replacement employees. Furthermore, turnover is associated with many
indirect costs such as lower new employee productivity, additional time needed by managers in
support of new employees, and diminished productivity of established employees as they serve
as mentors to new employees. Similarly, Silverthorne (2004) noted that, turnover causes
indirect cost related to loss of experience and lowered productivity. These costs have important
implications for an organization, noted Silverthorne, and anything that can be done to reduce
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behavior and as a concept that is useful in helping to understand how organizations function
understanding an organizations culture is only fully appreciated when explored from multiple
angles (Schrodt, 2002). Scholars of organizational behavior have studied organizational culture
with many different definitions and paradigms, and from a variety of employee related variables.
commitment, productivity, and turnover intention (Lund, 2003; Sims, 2002). The purpose of this
paper is to contribute to the literature by exploring organizational culture in the context of job
The data used herein are from the General Social Survey (GSS), a sociological survey
used to collect data on demographic characteristics and attitudes of residents of the United
aged 18 and older. The survey is conducted by the National Opinion Research Center by phone
or in person. The Quality of Work Life (QWL) module, a special interest section in the GSS,
assesses the quality of work life and work experience, as well as, organizational issues and
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part of the GSS special-interest modules during 2002, 2006 and 2010.2 Though the participants
in each cohort differ each year, the GSS is a comprehensive and representative sample, so
This study uses respondents self-reported intent to leave ones current employer as an
indicator for turnover intention, the dependent variable. Higher scores on the turnover intention
scale indicate greater intent to leave ones current place of employment. Respondents self-
reported job satisfaction is the independent variable and higher scores on this scale indicate
greater job satisfaction. This study aims to explore culture in the context of job satisfaction and
employee turnover intention. It is proposed that employees scoring high on job satisfaction have
greater job satisfaction, and this is associated with lower turnover intention. In other words, the
greater job satisfaction reported, the less likely an employee intends to leave his or her current
employer. Moreover, high satisfaction with workplace culture will mediate the relationship
between job satisfaction and turnover intention; an individual with high cultural satisfaction will
be less likely to intend to leave compared to an individual with low cultural satisfaction.
Descriptive Statistics
The sample is almost equally male (48 percent) and female (52 percent), and the mean
and median age of survey respondents is 42 years, with standard deviation of about 13 years.
The sample is 76 percent white and 31 percent have at least a bachelors degree. The median
income of respondents is $28,668 (USD) and, of the 4,717 surveyed, 97.5 percent are part of the
labor force and 81.5 percent of these people are working full time.
The replicating core of the GSS was administered to approximately 9,319 Americans during 2002, 2006 and
2012; therefore, approximately half of respondents were surveyed to participate on the QWL special-interest
modules across the three years.
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Labor force
The majority of respondents are working and of those, 81.5 percent are working full time,
while 17.5 percent are working part time; about 2.5 percent of respondents are temporarily not
working. Exploring labor force status by sex reveals that 88 percent of men work full time,
compared to 76 percent of women, indicating that a greater portion of men work full time,
compared to women; however, the gender ratio is almost equal amongst full time workers (see
Table 1, below).
Exploring labor force status by race reveals that 81.5 percent of whites work full time, compared
to 83.7 percent of non-whites, indicating that a greater percentage of non-whites work full time,
compared to whites; however, the majority of those who work full time are white (see Table 2,
Exploring labor force status by age reveals that 81.6 percent of mature adults (ages 36-
88) and 82.6 percent of young adults (ages 18-35) work full time; however, 65 percent of those
who work full time are mature adults. The average age of people who work full time is 41.5
years, compared to 45 years for people who do not work full time. Graphing labor force status
by age illustrates trends in work status among the age groups (see Graph 1). The three age
categories between 28 and 57 (ages 28-37, 38-47 and 48-57) have the greatest percentage of
workers in the full time labor force. People between the ages of 68 and 88, lead the part time
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labor force; and, with 62.5 percent working part time, it the most popular category for this age
Higher Education
bachelors degree and higher education is divided almost equally between genders. Exploring
education by race reveals that 33.6 percent of whites have at least a bachelors degree, compared
to 23 percent of non-whites, indicating that a greater percentage of whites have obtained higher
education. The mean and median age of those who have at least a bachelors degree tend to be
slightly higher (by two years) than those who have not obtained higher education. Exploring
level of education by age reveals that 33 percent of mature adults (ages 36-88) and 27 percent of
young adults (ages 18-35) have obtained at least a bachelors degree; and, 69 percent of those
who have higher education are between the ages of 36 and 88. Of individuals holding a
bachelors degree or higher, 85 percent report working full time, while only 80.5 percent of
individuals without higher education report working full time. In the same vein, part-time work Commented [S1]: consistency with using "full time" vs.
"fulltime" -- same with "part time"
is most popular among those without higher education, while full time work is most popular
among those individuals holding bachelors degrees or higher. However, the majority of those
who work full time do not have a bachelors degree (see Table 3, below).
Interestingly, almost 32 percent of people with higher education (somewhat or strongly) agree
that satisfaction comes from work, compared to 26.7 percent of people without higher education.
While it is plausible that people with higher education have a positive affective reaction from
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working and therefore feel more satisfaction from their job compared to those without, this
seems unlikely. Analysis of the association between higher education and job satisfaction reveals
that 50 percent of those with higher education are (somewhat or very) satisfied with their job,
Income ranges from $486 (USD) to $235,707 (USD), with 25 percent of observations in
the sample falling below $15,056 (USD) and 75 percent falling below $48,516 (USD). The
median income of respondents is $28,668 (USD) with a mean income of $37,684 (USD) (see Commented [A2]: Is this for 2002, 2006, or 2010? Does it
change by time perios?
Chart 1). Time at current job ranges from 3 months to 60 years, with 25 percent of observations
in the sample falling below 1 year. The median time the respondents spent and their current job
is 4 years, with a mean of 7.4 years and a standard deviation of 8.5 years (see Table 5, below).
As expected, income increases with each additional year spent working and with level of
education, and full time workers report higher income than part time workers.
Turnover intention
People in the lowest income quartile, with income less than $15,056 (USD) have the
highest reported (66 percent) intent to try a new job (see Chart 1). It seems logical that 24
percent of bottom earners are very likely to seek new job opportunities, compared to 9 percent of
top earners. Analyzing job satisfaction by income reveals similar findings, only 43 percent of
earners in the lowest income quartile report that they are very satisfied with their jobs, compared
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to 55 percent of people in upper income quartile. In the same vein, 64.7 percent of people with
higher education (which is also associated with higher earnings) report that they are not at all
likely to look for a new job, compared to 59 percent of those without higher education. It makes
intuitive sense that people who are very satisfied with their work and belong to the upper income
The 18-27 age group has the highest reported intent to try a new job (31.4 percent,
followed by the 28-37 age group (31.4 percent, and 21 percent, respectively; see Graph 2). It
makes sense that two groups containing the youngest employees, who have recently embarked
on their careers, have the highest turnover intention. Young adults often have several jobs before
committing to a company. Moreover, fewer young adults report that they are somewhat or very
satisfied with their jobs compared older adults. The age group 68 and up has the lowest reported
intent to try a new job (87.4 percent), followed by the 58-67 age group. Similarly, it makes
sense that two groups containing the oldest employees, many of who are approaching retirement
Turnover intention was compared across the three survey years to explore whether
fluctuations in the economy during 2002 (recession year), 2006 (boom year) and 2010
(recession) influence peoples intentions. The following questions guided this analysis: Commented [S3]: Would encourage you to explore this type of
thinking -- check trends over time, and see if there are any unusual
breaks during these time periods.
Does turnover intention decrease during periods of slow economic growth?
Does increased level of education correlate with increased turnover intention during
Do increased level of education and/or male gender correlate with decreased turnover
intention during periods of sluggish economic growth, perhaps due to the sectors (e.g.:
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Exploration down this line of thought revealed no interesting trends across survey years or
Several variables were used to create a scale to proxy for workplace culture; for ease of
interpretation, the variable is divided into two categories, high culture and low culture. High
culture indicates strong satisfaction with workplace culture and low culture indicates poor
satisfaction with workplace culture. Job satisfaction is measured on a 4-point ordinal scale
ranging from not at all satisfied to very satisfied. Most respondents with high workplace culture
indicate the highest level of job satisfaction and fewer indicate the second highest level, and so
on, with the fewest people indicating the lowest level of job satisfaction. Graphing culture
against job satisfaction illustrates the positive relationship between high culture and high job
satisfaction (see Graph 3). Graphing low culture against job satisfaction illustrates the opposite
relationship. Most respondents with low workplace culture indicate the lowest level of job
satisfaction, and so on, with the fewest people indicating the highest level of job satisfaction.
Similarly, turnover intention is measured on a 3-point ordinal scale ranging from not at all likely
to very likely. Most respondents with low workplace culture indicate the highest level of
turnover intention, and fewer indicate the next level, and so on, with the fewest people indicating
the lowest level of turnover intention. Graphing culture against turnover intention illustrates a
positive relationship between low culture and high turnover intention (see Graph 4). Graphing
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Methodology and Results
Initial Model3
Running correlation matrices on variables from the Quality of Work Life module,
confirmed that, comparatively, job satisfaction is the variable most strongly correlated with
turnover intention.4 In response to the question, All in all, how satisfied would you say you are
with your job? participants select: (1) Not At All Satisfied, (2) Not Too Satisfied (3) Somewhat
corresponding decrease in turnover intention, which asks, Taking everything into consideration,
how likely is it you will make a genuine effort to find a new job with another employer within
the next year? with scale ordered: (1) Not at all likely, (2) Somewhat likely, and (3) Very likely.
The negative correlation coefficient indicates that participants scoring high on the job
satisfaction scale tend to be less inclined to try to find a new job. Therefore, the relationship
between job satisfaction and turnover intention was further explored, using a linear regression
Results: Model 15
independent variable, (job satisfaction); this simple regression illustrates the magnitude, the
direction and the statistical significance of the bivariate linear model. Results show that a one-
unit increase in job satisfaction corresponds with a 0.423-point decrease (-) in turnover
intention.*** In other words, respondents with very high job satisfaction score (almost a half-
point) less on intention to find a new job, compared to those with only somewhat high job
See Results Table 1
Pearsons correlation coefficient between turnover intention and job satisfaction is -0.409.
Equation for Model 1: Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + vi
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satisfaction. The R-squared of the model is 0.167, indicating that job satisfaction accounts for
Next, I re-ran the model with control variables. Controlling for variables that may
influence the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention helps to minimize
employee turnover intention and job satisfaction differs between groups, for example: men and
women, and full time and part time workers. Iterations leading up to this model included various
demographic and work characteristics observable in the GSS, such as age, gender, race, marital
status, income and education. But, for simplicity, the model described below includes a reduced
number of control variables: Working Full Time, Years on Job, Satisfaction Comes from Work,
Socio-Economic Index (SEI), Higher Education, Income (Lowest Quartile), White, Male, Age
Results: Model 26
The results of the multiple regression show that job satisfaction is a strong indicator of
turnover intention; although the coefficient in the new model is smaller than it was in the prior
model, it is still larger than the covariates coefficients. Each additional unit increase in job
satisfaction corresponds with a 0.375-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** In other words,
a person moving up one level on the job satisfaction scale scores fewer points on the turnover
intention scale, expressing decreasing intention to find a new job. Working Full Time, as
opposed to working part time, is associated with a 0.145-point decrease (-) in turnover
Equation for Linear Model 2: Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + 2 Working Full Timei + 3 Years on
Jobi + 4 Satisfaction Comes From Worki + 5 Socio-Economic Index (SEI)i + 6 Higher Educationi + 7 Income
(Lowest Quartile)i + 8 Whitei + 9 Malei + 10 Agei + 11 Survey Year (2006)i + vi
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intention.*** Years on Job, a numeric variable, is associated with a 0.011-point decrease (-) in
turnover intention.*** Satisfaction Comes from Work, which is ordered on a scale from (1)
Strongly Disagree to (4) Strongly Agree, is associated with a 0.039-point increase (+) in turnover
intention.*** Socio-Economic Index (SEI)7 is associated with a small, decrease (-) in turnover
intention (not statistically significant).+ Higher Education, in other words, holding a bachelors
or masters degree, is associated with a 0.034-point increase (+) in turnover intention (not
statistically significant).+ Income, a binary variable indicating membership to the lowest income
quartile, is associated with a 0.101-point increase (+) in turnover intention.*** White race, as
opposed to non-white race, is associated with a 0.209-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.***
Male, a binary variable indicating male gender, is associated with a 0.028-point increase (+) in
turnover intention (not statistically significant).+ Age, a numeric variable, is associated with a
0.008-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** Survey Year, a binary variable indicating that
the respondent was interviewed in 2006, 8 is associated with a 0.018-point decrease (-) in
turnover intention (not statistically significant).+ The adjusted R-squared of the model is 0.245,
indicating that, job satisfaction and covariates, account for almost 25 percent of the variation in
turnover intention.
In the multiple regression, the adjusted R-squared is 0.245, compared to 0.167 in the
bivariate regression; indicating that, in the bivariate model, job satisfaction accounts for almost
Socio-Economic Index (SEI) scores were originally calculated by regressing prestige scores for 45 occupational
titles on education and income to produce weights that would predict prestige. (The concept of prestige is defined as
respondents' estimation of the social standing of occupations). This algorithm was then used to calculate SEI scores
for all occupational categories employed in the 1950 Census.
I constructed the Survey Year (2006) variable because I thought that fluctuations in the economy during 2002
(recession year), 2006 (boom year), and 2010 (recession year), might have influenced peoples responses and
outlook on the job market.
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17 percent of the variation in turnover intention, whereas, in the multiple regression model, job
satisfaction and covariates, account for almost 25 percent of the variation.9 Thus, Model 2 is a
slightly better fit for understanding the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover
Next, I used variables from the Quality of Work Life module to construct a scale to
measure satisfaction with workplace culture. Creating a scale allows multiple variables to
approximate the concept of workplace culture, this, in turn, allows for a robust concept and
mitigates measurement error. Furthermore, creating a scale for variables measuring the same
underlying concept alleviates multicollinearity in regressions, and reduces the quantity of data.
Running correlation matrices confirmed that being treated with respect at work, having trust in
management at work, having pride in working for your employer, having work conditions that
allow for productivity, and having a workplace that runs in a smooth manner are moderately to
strongly correlated (see Results Table 2). Then, I used Cronbachs alpha to confirm that these
items (respect, trust, pride, productivity and smooth) measure the same underlying construct.
Cronbachs alpha is a tool for assessing the reliability of scales; in other words, it determines
internal consistency of items in a survey-instrument to gauge its reliability. The alpha coefficient
indicates the strength of correlation among these items, with a higher score indicating greater
scale reliability. The alpha coefficient on culture is approximately 0.858, which indicates that
the variables are highly correlated, and thus suitable for a scale. Finally, I tested the Pearson
It is worth noting that residuals for Models 1 and 2 were tested for homoscedasticity using the BreuschPagan test
and both violate the homoscedasticity assumption; in other words, heteroscedasticity, or unequal error variance, was
present. As economist Gregory Mankiw (1991) attests, heteroscedasticity has never been a reason to throw out an
otherwise good model; thus, robustness tests were performed to give greater weight to well-behaved observations
and very similar results were obtained.
It is also worth noting that Model 2 was formally tested for multicollinearity, using the variance inflation factor,
and multicollinearity did not appear to be an issue.
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correlation coefficient between culture and job satisfaction to measure the strength of their linear
For ease of interpretation, I created a binary variable to differentiate between high and
low culture, which I called culture (high).11 Then, I explored the hypothesis that the relationship
between job satisfaction and turnover intention varies according to level of culture. Initially, I ran
a regression identical to Model 2, only I included culture (high). This intermediary model (not
shown), revealed that high satisfaction with workplace culture is associated with a 0.281-point
decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** In other words, respondents who scored high on workplace
cultural satisfaction, scored statistically significantly fewer points on the turnover intention scale,
expressing lower intention to find a new job than to those with low workplace cultural
satisfaction. This finding prompted me to further pursue this idea by including the interaction
term: job satisfaction x culture (high) in my next model; interactions terms are useful for
exploring whether the affect of one independent variable depends on the magnitude of another
independent variable.12 I believe that the magnitude of the decrease in turnover intention, for
each unit increase in job satisfaction will be greater for people with high workplace cultural
satisfaction, compared to those with low cultural satisfaction. In addition, for my next model, I
experimented with interaction terms for other pairs of independent variables whose relationship
could potentially affect the magnitude of the dependent variable (not shown). For example, I
For all survey questions included on the culture scale (respect, trust, pride, productivity and smooth), participants
select 1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Agree, or (4) Strongly Agree; to create the binary variable, Culture
(High), I labeled the first two categories (Strongly Disagree and Disagree) as low culture, and the last two categories
(Agree and Strongly Agree) as high culture (0 and 1, respectively).
A simplified moderation model is illustrated in the equation:
Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + 2 Culture (High)i + 3 (Job Satisfaction x Culture (High))i + vi
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interacted survey year (2006) and higher education to understand whether the 2006 economic
described below includes only two interactions: job satisfaction culture (high), and job
satisfaction age. I also removed several covariates, which were not statistically significant in
Model 2, for example: Socio-Economic Index (SEI), Male and Survey Year (2006).14
The results of this multiple regression show that job satisfaction is still a strong indicator
of turnover intention; the coefficient in this model is larger than in prior models and is larger
than the coefficients of the covariates. Each additional unit increase in job satisfaction
corresponds with a 0.425-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** In other words, a person
moving up one level on the job satisfaction scale scores 0.425 fewer points on the turnover
intention scale, expressing decreasing intention to find a new job. Working Full Time, is
associated with a 0.148-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** Years on Job, is associated
with a 0.010-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** Satisfaction Comes from Work, is
associated with a 0.100-point increase (+) in turnover intention.** Income (Lowest Quartile), is
associated with a 0.121-point increase (+) in turnover intention.*** White race, is associated with
I interacted Survey Year (2006) and Higher Education because I thought that the economic boom in 2006 might
have impacted higher educated people differently than lower educated people. For example, I thought that having
higher education would statistically significantly impact the magnitude of turnover intention, during a boom year.
This line of thinking made sense to me, as corporate recruitment increases during economic expansions, and many
of the jobs added during 2006 required at least a bachelors degree; thus, affording those with higher education more
employment options.
It is worth noting that Higher Education was not removed; yet, it was not statistically significant in Model 2.
Higher Education was included in Model 3, because an iteration of Model 2 (not shown), that included Culture
(High), had similar coefficients to Model 2 and was statistically significant.
Equation for Linear Model 3: Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + 2 Working Full Timei + 3 Years
on Jobi + 4 Satisfaction Comes From Worki + 5 Higher Educationi + 6 Income (Lowest Quartile)i + 7 Whitei + 8
Agei + 9 Culture (High)i + 10 (Job Satisfaction x Culture (High))i + 11 (Job Satisfaction x Age)i + vi
Page | 23
a 0.283-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.*** Age, is associated with a 0.021-point decrease
(-) in turnover intention.** The interaction term, Job Satisfaction Age, is associated with a
0.004-point increase (+) in turnover intention;* the positive interaction indicates that as one
variable increases (age), it amplifies the other (job satisfaction). Culture (High), a binary
variable indicating high satisfaction with workplace culture, is associated with a 0.059-point
decrease (-) in turnover intention.+ The interaction term, Job Satisfaction x Culture (High), is
associated with a 0.092-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.+ In other words, high cultural
satisfaction is associated with a 0.425-point decrease (-) in turnover intention with each unit
increase in job satisfaction, compared to a 0.333-point decrease (-) for people with low cultural
satisfaction.*** The adjusted R-squared of the model is 0.235, which indicates that, job
satisfaction and covariates, account for almost 24 percent of the variation in turnover intention.
Next, I ran an intermediary model with an interaction term for job satisfaction and age,
with age cut into categories (not shown). The marginally statistically significant results on this
interaction in Model 3 prompted me to explore further the idea that the relationship between job
satisfaction and turnover intention varies by age group, for example, mature adults and young
adults. Iterations of this idea led to Model 4, which includes the interaction term: job satisfaction
x young age (18-35), a binary variable indicating membership to the young adult (18-35) group,
at the time of the survey response. This was the only statistically significant interaction found
Equation for Linear Model 4: Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + 2 Working Full Timei + 3 Years
on Jobi + 4 Satisfaction Comes From Worki + 5 Higher Educationi + 6 Income (Lowest Quartile)i + 7 Whitei + 8
Agei + 9 Culture (High)i + 10 (Job Satisfaction x Culture (High))i + 11 (Job Satisfaction x Young Age (18-35))i + vi
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The variables included in Model 4 are almost identical to those in Model 3, (with the
exception of the new age category in the interaction term), as are the results (see Results Table
3); thus, only the results of the new term are discussed. The interaction term, Job Satisfaction x
Young Age (18-35), is associated with a 0.035-point decrease (-) in turnover intention.* In other
words, young age is associated with a 0.250-point decrease (-) in turnover intention with each
unit increase in job satisfaction, compared to a by 0.215-point decrease (-) in turnover intention
for mature adults (36-88).* This result is noteworthy because the young adults group has a larger
decrease in turnover intention than the mature adults group. It is especially thought provoking,
given that Model 3 revealed a positive interaction between job satisfaction and age. It seems that
job satisfaction has a stronger impact on turnover intention for young adults, compared to mature
adults. In other words, for each unit increase in job satisfaction, being a young adult is
associated with a bigger decrease in turnover intention, compared to mature adults. The adjusted
R-squared of the model is 0.228, which indicates that, job satisfaction and covariates, account for
Use of linear regression models is limited in analyses where the dependent variable is
measured on an ordinal scale (e.g.: Not at all likely, Somewhat likely, and Very likely). Linear
regression models treat ordinal variables (e.g: turnover intention) as continuous, which can result
in a biased model, with little explanatory power. 17 Furthermore, statistical inference from linear
regression models is limited in cases were the assumptions (e.g.: homoscedasticity) of ordinary Commented [p4]: i.e. is only used if you are listing all other
constraints (id est)
least squares regression are not explicitly tested and confirmed. For these reasons, ordinal
It is worth noting that the adjusted R-squared decreased one percentage point each between models 2 and 3, and
models 3 and 4, respectively.
Page | 25
Final Model18
Finally, I re-ran Model 4 as an ordinal logistic regression, the results show that for each
additional unit increase in job satisfaction, the odds of moving up one category in turnover
intention, decrease (-) by 0.550.** Working Full Time, decreases (-) the odds of moving up one
category in turnover intention by 0.641.*** Years on Job, decreases (-) the odds of moving up
one category in turnover intention by 0.939.*** Satisfaction Comes from Work, increases (+) the
odds of moving up one category in turnover intention by 1.179.** Higher Education, increases
(+) the odds of moving up one category in turnover intention by 1.340.* Income (Lowest
Quartile), increases (+) the odds of moving up one category in turnover intention by 1.394.***
White race, decreases (-) the odds of moving up one category in turnover intention by 0.421.***
Age, decreases (-) the odds of moving up one category in turnover intention by 0.966.*** The
interaction term, Job Satisfaction x Culture (High), decreases the odds of moving up one
category in turnover intention by 0.594.* The interaction term, Job Satisfaction x Young Age (18-
35), decreases the odds of moving up one category in turnover intention by 0.859.** McFaddens
pseudo R-squared is 0.157, which indicates that, job satisfaction and covariates, account for
See Results Table 3
Equation for Model 5: Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + 2 Working Full Timei + 3 Years on Jobi +
4 Satisfaction Comes From Worki + 5 Higher Educationi + 6 Income (Lowest Quartile)i + 7 Whitei + 8 Agei + 9
Culture (High)i + 10 (Job Satisfaction x Culture (High))i + 11 (Job Satisfaction x Young Age (18-35))i + vi
Page | 26
The final model used ordinal logistic regression to estimate simultaneous logistic
equations between adjacent categories on the turnover intention scale. The equation for the final
model is as follows:
Turnover Intentioni = 0 + 1 Job Satisfactioni + 2 Working Full Timei + 3 Years on Jobi + 4 Satisfaction
Comes From Worki + 5 Higher Educationi + 6 Income (Lowest Quartile)i + 7 Whitei + 8 Agei + 9
Culture (High)i + 10 (Job Satisfaction x Culture (High))i + 11 (Job Satisfaction x Young Age (18-35))i + vi
Given that, each additional unit of job satisfaction reported is associated with a decrease in
turnover intention, then a one-unit increase in job satisfaction should correlate with a decrease in
employees intentions to leave his or her current employer. Results show that a person who is not
too satisfied with their job is about 12.6 percentage points more likely to move from one level of
turnover intention to the next level, compared to someone who is somewhat satisfied with their
job. Moreover, the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention is
moderated by level of satisfaction with workplace culture. High cultural satisfaction should have
a bigger decrease in turnover intention with each unit increase in job satisfaction, compared to
employees with low cultural satisfaction. Results show that, holding job satisfaction constant,
employees with low cultural satisfaction workers are about 11 percentage points more likely to
move from one level of turnover intention to the next level, compared employees with high
cultural satisfaction; it is worth noting that this relationship is statistically significant at the 90%
confidence interval. The results of this study confirm both of these hypotheses; in addition, the
findings show that full time work, increased tenure of employment, increased age and being of
white race is associated with statistically significant decreases in turnover intention, whereas,
having higher education, increased life satisfaction from work and low income status is
Page | 27
Labor Force Status
Part time workers are about 10 percentage points more likely to move from one level of
turnover intention to the next level, compared to full time workers. On average, full time workers
have higher income, and this may contribute to their decreased turnover intention. Moreover,
full time employees usually enjoy more benefits from working than do part time employees; for
example, full time employees typically have health insurance, life insurance and retirement
savings plans. Further research may reveal that full time workers have more difficulty finding
comparable work and have decreased turnover intentions as a result. Alternatively, job security
may play a role in the lower turnover intention among full time workers. It is easy to imagine
that full time workers have better job security than part time workers and are therefore less likely
Results show that young adults (18-35) are about 11 percentage points more likely to
move from one level of turnover intention to the next level, compared to a mature adults (36-88).
Moreover, it seems that job satisfaction has a stronger impact on turnover intention for young
adults, compared to mature adults. For each unit increase in job satisfaction, being a young adult
is associated with a bigger decrease in turnover intention, compared to mature adults. In other
words, job satisfaction is more predictive of turnover intention for young adults than for mature
adults. This finding has significant implications, as the composition of the workforce is
changing due to the aging population. Further research is needed to understand the dynamic
between job satisfaction and turnover intention for the increasing ratio of younger people
Page | 28
A person who has spent 4 years (the median amount of time) at their current job is about
1 percentage point more likely to move from one level of turnover intention to the next level,
compared to someone who has spent 5 years at their current job. Each additional year a person
stays with their employer likely corresponds with increased income, better retirement benefits,
more specialized institutional knowledge and skillset, and greater social status (e.g.: respect).
Therefore, with each additional year spent with an employer, the transition to another employer
becomes more risky, both financially and socially. Moreover, turnover intention decreases with
each additional year older of age, and older age corresponds with longer tenure of employment.
A non-white person is about 20 percentage points more likely to move from one level of
turnover intention to the next level, compared to someone who is white. Descriptive statistics
show that 33.6 percent of whites have at least a bachelors degree, compared to 23 percent of
non-whites. The higher level of education completed by whites may correspond with specialized
job training, which may contribute to the decreased likelihood of turnover intention.
Nonetheless, no sufficient explanation is readily available to explain this dynamic and further
research is needed to understand the relationship between race and turnover intention.
A person who disagrees that satisfaction comes from work is about 3.5 percentage points
less likely to move from one level of turnover intention to the next level, compared to someone
who agrees. It is plausible that people who agree that satisfaction comes from work have a
stronger professional network compared to those who disagree, and these connections provide
awareness and access to new opportunities, which corresponds with increased turnover intention.
Page | 29
Alternatively, people who agree that satisfaction comes from work may be more willing to deal
Higher Education
A person, who has not obtained higher education, is about 6 percentage points less likely
to move from one level of turnover intention to the next level, compared to someone who has
obtained higher education. It seems likely that a person who has higher education may have
access to more work opportunities and be more aware opportunities through social and academic
networks, compared to those who do not have higher education. Therefore, it is plausible that
people who have at least a bachelors degree have increased turnover intention, compared to
those who do not. It is worth noting that the relationship between higher education and turnover
A person who is not in the lowest quartile of income is about 7 percentage points less
likely to move from one level of turnover intention to the next level, compared to someone who
is in the lowest quartile of income. It is completely logical that being in the bottom 25 percent of
earners corresponds with increased turnover intention. People in this group likely intend to find
This paper supports the hypotheses that (1) job satisfaction is inversely associated with
turnover intention and (2) the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover
intention is moderated by satisfaction with workplace culture. Results show that, each additional
unit increase in job satisfaction is associated with a decrease in turnover intention; and, holding
Page | 30
job satisfaction constant, employees with high workplace cultural satisfaction have lower
turnover intention compared to employees with low workplace cultural satisfaction. Although the
findings of this study confirmed the research hypotheses and these findings have both theoretical
First, a causal relationship cannot be established from this analysis. The study did not
meet the basic requirements of a true experiment, such as random assignment and a dedicated
control group. Thus, it is possible, and in fact it is likely, that there were unobserved variables
mediating both job satisfaction and turnover intention. In practice, this type of study would be
difficult to implement in a controlled, experimental environment due to many factors, the most
concerning being research ethics. Second, the variables chosen to comprise the scale on which
culture is measured were only proxies. For example, pride in working for an employer was self-
reported by interviewees, but this variable in itself can reflect a variety of attitudes that a person
has towards working in general. Furthermore, the scale on which culture was measured was
constructed using only questions asked in the GSS. It is likely that some important factors of
culture were omitted from the scale because they were not included in the GSS. Third, a self-
reported measure was used for turnover intention, the dependent variable. Further examination
is needed to determine whether this variable truly measures an employees intent to stay at his or
her current job. It is possible that people reported that they were likely to remain with their
current employer because it was less cognitively demanding than thinking about finding a new
As I alluded to, this model was also subject to selectivity, on a few different fronts. To
begin, people who are employed in the workforce are often less likely to move, due to financial
and other constraints (e.g.: vested interest, pension, retirement and health benefits), regardless of
Page | 31
job satisfaction, especially during times of economic downturn. Furthermore, research shows
that people who have been employed with the same company for an extended period (about 5
years) are less likely to move. In addition, expectations of workplace culture vary widely by
industry and employer, and a participants cognitive weight on the variables that comprise the
culture scale may vary in unknown ways. Although future studies are needed to confirm and
extend the findings of this study, these findings are in alignment with the emerging field of
Statistically significant at the 99% confidence interval (p<0.01), ceteris paribus.
Statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval (p<0.05), ceteris paribus.
Statistically significant at the 90% confidence interval (p<0.10), ceteris paribus.
ceteris paribus
Page | 32
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Page | 35
Page | 36
Graph 1: Labor Force Status (%) by Age
83.8% 83.3% 84.1%
80% 76.9%
Labor Force Status (%)
13.5% 13.5% 12.8%
3.1% 3.5% 4.4%
2.8% 3.1%
18-27 28-37 38-47 48-57 58-67 68 and up
Temporarily Not
Age Full Time Part Time Total
Page | 37
Chart 1: Turnover Intention (%) by Income
Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not At All Likely
Upper Quartile (Q3) 20.4%
Lower Quartile (Q1) 54.6%
Lower Quartile
991 445 453 1889
Median (Q2) 706 204 144 1054
Upper Quartile
734 166 88 988
Total 2431 815 685 3,931
Page | 38
Graph 2: Turnover Intention (%) by Age
80% 79.2%
70% 70.7%
Turnover Intention (%)
27.3% 26.8%
Page | 39
Graph 3: Job Satisfaction (%) by Culture
High Culture Low Culture
Job Satisfaction (%)
0.4 39.3%
28.7% 28.7%
0 0.4%
Not At All Satisfied Not Too Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
Job Satisfaction (Response Scale)
Page | 40
Graph 4: Turnover Intention (%) by Culture
High Culture Low Culture
Turnover Intention (%)
0.2 19.8%
Not At All Likely Somewhat Likely Very Likely
Turnover Intention (Response Scale)
High Culture 22 26 45 93
Low Culture 1,114 332 234 1,680
Total 1,136 358 279 1,773
Page | 41
Results Table 1: Comparison of Initial Models on Turnover Intention
Page | 42
Results Table 2:
Correlation Matrix and Alpha Coefficients for Variables on Culture Scale
Cronbachs Alpha
Variables Observations Sign
Respect 4,539 + 0.839
Trust 4,539 + 0.818
Pride 4,539 + 0.820
Productivity 4,539 + 0.839
Smooth 4,539 + 0.823
Test Scale 0.858
Page | 43
Results Table 3: Comparison of Final Models on Turnover Intention
Model 4 Model 5
Multiple Regression Ordinal Logistic Regression
Variables Turnover Intention Turnover Intention
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