Resume Builder

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Sai kiran

Phone 201-993-5685

Professional Summary

Over 3 years of comprehensive education and experience in the information technology

Work experience consists of working with varied teams from cross cultural platforms.
Can bridge the technical and functional teams by communication in the language
pertained to the domain.
Relevant Coursework:
Object orient programming language, Data Management, Operating system and computer
systems security, Business Intelligence, Web and Data Security, Analysis, Modeling and data
design, Data Communication and networking, IT Policy and strategy, planning for Information
Security, IT policy and Strategy.

BHEL, Hyderabad, INDIA

Software developer (Inter) Jan 2015 to May 2015
NFC, Hyderabad, INDIA
UI designer (Intern) April 2015 to Dec
Academic Project:
Student Data Management System:

The Objective of this project is to develop a web application for student data
management, the end user is college faculty, who can add, update and delete student
Used HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript for front end web page design.
Used PHP and MySQL data base for backend database connection.
Used CA education Rally in Agile development for sprint planning, creating user stories
and monitoring status in a team of 4.
Responsible for designing and developing Webpage and database using MySQL.
Online Results (Android app):
The main objective of this project to build an app where students can login to view their
grades at any time using android app. The faculty is given admin permission where he can
update he results of each student.

Used Java 1.7 for front end design.

Used PHP AND MySQL database for backend database connection.
Led the team and verified that project deliverables meet the requirements.
Current Project:
Self-Learning and working non-profit organization in India on developing responsive
webpage using React JS, Bootstrap, and Drupal 8.
Technical skills:
Wilmington University, Delaware Jan 2016 to May 2017
Masters of Science in Information Security and Technology
Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Hyderabad, India. July 2011 to May 2015
Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science.
Languages C, C++, Java, SQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Databases MySQL, SQL Server,
Tools Net Beans, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, MySQL Workbench, Android Studio, Rally
Testing Tools WinRunner, HP LoadRunner, Java Selenium
Server Xampp Server, Apache Tomcat, Wamp Server.
CMS WordPress, Joomla, Drupal 8.
Operating Systems Windows family

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