Factors Affecting Farmers' Adoption of Technologies in Farming System: A Case Study in Omon District, Can Tho Province, Mekong Delta
Factors Affecting Farmers' Adoption of Technologies in Farming System: A Case Study in Omon District, Can Tho Province, Mekong Delta
Factors Affecting Farmers' Adoption of Technologies in Farming System: A Case Study in Omon District, Can Tho Province, Mekong Delta
Farmers changes of technology use are influenced by technical training,
meeting, oral transmission, trust on technician and belief level on technology. Men
usually use technologies for rice, fruit and fish production, and women use
technology for pig, chicken production. Factors that trigger adoption of new
technologies comprise of progressive, young and educated male farmers. Factors
limited adoption of technology included conservative old men, and weak belief on
ensure high yield of new technology. Though farmers have positive perception of
technology, they faced problems in technology application due to lack of capital,
lack the direction from the government and extension, lack compensation policy in
ensure of yield.
Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute, Omon, Cantho, Vietnam
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686 Japan
Factors affecting farmers adoption of technologies in farming system 95
two components, hardware and soft ware. ideas are invented, they are diffused and
The hardware consists of physical tool that adopted or rejected. We use the concept of
embodies technology. The software consists diffusion in our study in term of understanding
of information base for the tool. In Mumfords how many farmers know and use of
classification (1946), technologyasobjects technology. Valera et al. (1987) reported that
encompasses the entire range of fabricated the community is composed of different
items intended for some use or other, groups of people, in general, diffusion of
including tools, utensils, utilities, apparatus innovation will take place only within groups of
and machines. Mitcham (1978), technology people who are homogenous in terms of
asprocess, includes most importantly the problems, aspirations and needs. According
activities we commonly denote as making and to Cruz (1987), time is an important factors in
using. The key element here is that of skill the process of diffusion. The systems social
defined as proficiency in the use of artefact. structure can have an important influence on
Ingold (2002) distinguished technique from the spread of new ideas. It can impede or
technology. Technique refers to skills, facilitate the rate of diffusion and adoption of
regarded as capability of particular human new ideas. The norms, social statuses,
subjects, and technology means a corpus of hierarchy, and so on of a social system
generalized, objective knowledge, insofar as it influence the behavior of individual.
is capable of practical application.
There are number of factors that
Technology can be reached farmers influence the extent of adoption of technology
through technology transfer. Technology such as characteristics or attributes of
transfer refers to the general process of technology; the adopters or clientele, which is
moving information and skills from information the object of change; the change agent
or knowledge generators such as research (extension worker, professional, etc.); and the
laboratories and universities to clients such as socio-economic, biological, and physical
farmers (Valera et al. 1987). environment in which the technology take
place Cruz (1987). Farmers have been seen
The outcome of new technology
as major constraint in development process
transfer is the farmers adoption and bringing
(Cruz 1987). They are innovators or laggards.
this into practice and further diffusion to other
Socio-psychological trait of farmers is
individuals in the community.
important. The age, education attainment,
Regarding to adoption, farmers income, family size, tenure status, credit use,
sometimes discover problems in putting value system, and beliefs were positively
recommendation into practice, the extent of related to adoption. The personal
adoption, adjustment or rejection depends on characteristics of extension worker such as
farmers' behavior (Valera et al. 1987). Mosher credibility, have good relationship with
(1987, cited by Cruz, 1978) defined that farmers, intelligence, emphatic ability,
adoption of an innovation is the process by sincerity, resourcefulness, ability to
which a particular farmer is exposed to, communicate with farmers, persuasiveness,
considers, and finally rejects or practices a and development orientation. The biophysical
particular innovation. The innovation decision environment influences the adoption. The
model by Rogers (1983) shows the process conditions of the farm include its location,
through which an individual (or other decision availability of resources and other facilities
making unit) passes from first knowledge of such as roads, markets, transportation, pests,
an innovation to forming an attitude towards rainfall distribution, soil type, water, services,
the innovation, to a decision to adopt or reject, and electricity. For instance, farmers whose
to implement of the new idea, and to farms were irrigated were the earliest
confirmation of this decision. adopters of new rice varieties, while those
without water were the late adopters. The
Diffusion is the process by which an innovation diffuses slowly if product price is
innovation is communicated through certain low.
channels overtime among the members of a
social system (Rogers, 1983). When new
96 Truong Thi Ngoc Chi et al.
crops. For fruit tree, farmers are afraid of other materials. (At present they can
weather problems. Farmers want to be trained access small loan only for rice cultivation)
on treatment for flowering, technologies for So far there have been 3 times of
increasing rate of sitting fruits. For rice, training on aquaculture : (1) Training of raising
farmers want to have intensive course for pest carp, silver carp; (2) Training of raising Goby
management, rice production with using drum fish, (3) Training of raising Giant Fresh Water
seeder and leaf color chart. Though these Prawn. Contents of the training includes:
training courses for rice were already
- Pond preparation, sanitary.
organized, farmers are still not yet all believed
- Selection fingerlings (same size
Training is the most important factor for fingerlings)
adoption of technology. Since 1994, farmers - Caring: feeding, rate of food of about 5%
have been trained on Integrated Pest of releasing weight
Management (IPM) in rice production from - Density: fingerlings/ unit area.
extension workers. So far, there have been - Veterinary
45% of farmers who attended IPM training in - Storage
Thoi Thanh village. The adoption of this - Harvesting
strategy was only 20%. The rest did not.
Pig raising is mostly at household level
However, IPM technology was used by most
with very small extent (1-2 pigs per
of farmers in Thoi Lai village by applying the
household). There is only guidance on
simple rule of not spraying insecticide before
medicine for pig raising through training or
30 days after sowing.
meeting. The new pig varieties were also
For those farmers who adopted low introduced. Farmers like pig variety to shorten
seeding rate and less fertilizer through using duration of rearing and fast increasing of
leaf color chart to reduce nitrogen fertilizer in weight.
rice because they found that low seeding rate
and less fertilizer application reduce rice Reasons for not adoption of technology:
disease infestation. Haft of farmers adopted of - Farmers did not believe because it was
row seeding. The rest are afraid of low yield new to them.
from row seeding due to low seed rate in this - They have not yet seen the demonstration
technique. They are afraid of golden snail fields.
attacking the rice field with low seed rate, then - They worried of low yield
there is nothing to compensate. Farmers - Low education
easily adopt Jasmin rice variety because this - Old age farmers: did not believe new
is good quality rice and can be sold high price technology and only believe their own
at harvest. experience.
Training on aquaculture and husbandry: - Old behavior of cultivation practices
At the beginning, farmers practised fish embedded in farmers for long period:
cultivation based on their own experience. were not persuaded to use new
Later, training was organized by technicians technology. They only practised by their
from extension station. This technology was own practices such as using high rate of
adopted easily by farmers. Provincial seeds in directly broadcasting and
Agricultural Extension Center in co-ordination spraying pesticide for prevention of insect
with Extension of the village guided farmers occurrence.
in aquaculture and husbandry. However, there - Large land holding farmers: Farmers are
are not many farmers having aquaculture feeling that it is not so sure about new
because of the following reasons: technologies, particularly to those farmers
have large land. They said if the yield
- There is not yet dikes constructed to loss due to new technologies in larger
prevent water during flood season, and field, the amount of loss will be greater.
- They lack of capitals for constructing According to Lazaro et al. (1993), farmers
dikes to raise fish, buying fingerlings and usually overestimate the yield loss caused
by insects rather than the actual loss.
98 Truong Thi Ngoc Chi et al.
Technologies Likeness
Big raising 2
Fish cultivation 3rd
7. Gender issue
participation in technical training was only
Gender in training: Most of women do
not access to technical training. They are
Gender use of technology: Most of
busy with household chores and caring of
technologies were used by men. IPM
children. They had no time to attend the
technology is mostly used by male farmers
training. They obtained low education and
(70% of men and 30% of women). Row
they were not invited. For example, in Thoi
seeding (use of drum seeder) was used by
Thanh village, there is 30 % of women who
men only.
attended IPM training in the last two years (a
total of 25 participants, only 7-8 are women). Regarding to animal technologies,
In Thoi Lai village, the rate of women male farmers followed new technologies for
animal raising meanwhile female farmers
Factors affecting farmers adoption of technologies in farming system 99
followed traditional practices because their gradually change to new technologies from
education was lower than men which limits the traditional practices
them in adoption of new technologies. They
Husband knows technologies more
than wife. Wife usually practises in the field.
8. Farmers wealth : Farmers wealth may Farmers classify their wealth as rich, medium
have influence on technology adoption. and poor.