Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator
Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator
Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator
Lesson Objective
15mins Introduction
1. Students go outside and sit on the floor in front of teacher on chair. Teacher explains to Sharing Jesus Special Meal- Year 3
students that the wind is a force of creation.
There are many forces in creation. We can often see or feel them, such as right now, we
can feel and hear the wind. Wind is a force of Gods creation.
2. Teacher asks students to identify the effects of the wind on the things in the environment
around them.
Lets look at the environment around us. What are some of the things we can see that
are being affected by the wind?
Possible answers include: the grass, trees, school flat, papers, people- hats, clothing,
3. Teacher asks students to spread out and lie down for a minute. Students are instructed to
close their eyes and listen to the wind, and feel it on their skin.
As you close your eyes, experience the wonders of the wind. Where do you think the wind
comes from? Why does the wind blow? Listen to the leaves or trees being blown around
by the wind. Feel the wind as it touches your skin. Is it a cool or warm breeze? Think
about times when you have enjoyed the wind.
4. Bring the class back inside, and have them seated on the mat.
Strategies for Learning and Teaching
We can experience the wind in different ways. In summer the wind is usually gentle isnt
it? (students can respond but dont have too, more about reflection). Particularly on a
warm summers day it feels nice to feel a cool breeze. But in winter the wind may get
more powerful and strong. Sometimes, it is strong enough to blow our clothes off the
washing line, or it may rattle and make noise against our windows. Has this ever
happened at your house? (students can respond but dont have too, more about
reflection). During storms, the wind can grow even stronger, so much so it may become
difficult to walk!
At times, people may experience the wind as a cyclone where it is strong enough to
destroy peoples homes and towns. This is why wind is a major force of creation.
In which parts of the book could we see the force or power of the wind?
Which characters were affected by the force or power of the wind?
Were there any characters who were using the wind for enjoyment?
4. Class is then to complete an interactive T Chart on the SmartBoard. Each student will be
given a picture card with a way someone can either enjoy the wind or a way the wind can
be destructive. They must then stick their picture under the correct section of the T Chart-
enjoyment vs destructive
T-chart on Smartboard with picture cards
As each student is placing their picture card in the T-chart, the rest of the class is required
to say whether they agree with where its being placed.
6. In their religion books students are to draw either themselves, or a cartoon character and
15mins write a wonder question in a speech bubble that they or the character would like to ask
the wind.
In their speech bubble theyll start with the prompt Wind, I wonder why.