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Jurisdictional Issues In Cyberspace

Submitted to: Ms. Debmita Mondal

(Faculty,Cyber law)

Submitted by : Tanmay Meshram


Semester : VII, Roll No.:161

Section: C




Minimum Contacts Test
Purposeful Availment Test
The Zippo Sliding Scale Test
The Effects Test and Intentional targeting


Jurisdiction is the concept whereby in any legal system, the power to hear or determine a case
is vested in an appropriate court. The justice delivery system of any legal system operates
through structures called courts and the starting point of such functionality is that of
jurisdiction by which the verdict of the court becomes validated as a proper judgment to be
carried in accordance with law.

The traditional approach to jurisdiction invites a court to ask whether it has the territorial,
pecuniary, or subject matter jurisdiction to entertain the case brought before it. With the internet,
the question of territorial jurisdiction gets complicated largely on account of the fact that the
internet is borderless. Therefore, while there are no borders between one region and the other
within a country, there are no borders even between countries. The computer as a physical object
within which information is stored has given way to cyberspace1 where information is held and
transmitted to and from the web. So where is this place where the information is held?
There is a clear geographical limitation to IP rights. Where registration is granted, say, of a
trademark or a patent or copyright, it operates to prevent others from infringing those rights
within the territory of the state where the registration is granted. It prevents even those outside
the territory of the state from infringing those rights within the territory. The statutory law, as
enforced by courts of the territory, accords due recognition to this system. Outside of
infringement actions, courts have in passing off actions sought to protect trademarks and trade
names of users within the territory to the exclusion of those seeking to pass off their goods as
that of the holder of the right.
Where the goods are tangible and bought and sold within the territory, enforcement of such law
is not a problematic issue. However, a holder of IP rights accorded protection in a state cannot
enforce those rights in a foreign state within whose territory the infringer is located and the laws
of which do not acknowledge the activity to be an infringement. Further, all of the above
assumptions change in the context of transactions over the internet and even more so when the
products or services themselves are not in physical form but in a virtual world. Also, in a

The notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs.

borderless cyber world, the products and services can be transmitted easily across countries in a
flash. It then compounds the problem as the following example shows:
The product is a copyrighted song in the MP3 digital format. The transaction can begin with the
uploading of the product in one territory, being held on a server in another, being advertised for
sale on the website of a service provider in a third country, being bought by a click and pay
service hosted in yet another territory, and finally downloaded in another territory. The
complete transaction turns out to be a sale of a pirated product which per se is an infringement of
the copyright in the song in question. Does the court in each of these territories have jurisdiction
to entertain the dispute?
The notion of jurisdiction is rooted in territoriality from the point of view of both the court which
can properly assert jurisdiction and from the point of view of the law that should be applied
while deciding the dispute. A caveat at this stage would be in order. What is applicable to
international transactions involving the internet, could well apply to domestic transactions as
well. The law as developed in the USA has had to reckon with both situations, i.e., internet
transactions across countries and those across states. The enforcement issues would of course be
more complex when it comes to international transactions. However, the principles applied by
courts to assert or negate jurisdiction in either instance have remained more or less similar. In the
Banyan Tree Holding case2, the Delhi High Court was dealing with an inter-state issue of
jurisdiction and not an international dispute. Interestingly, the plaintiff was a foreign company
which had invoked the jurisdiction of an Indian court to seek an injunction against the alleged
violator of its trademark. The court by and large followed the development of common law in the
USA, the UK and some other Commonwealth countries. An indigenous law is yet to be
developed for India.
The inability of countries to effectively regulate the transactions on the internet originating or
ending within their territories stems from the nature of the technology itself. While countries can
seek to enforce their respective laws within their physical, geographical and political spaces
delineated on an atlas, a borderless cyber world, controlled by technology that is constantly
changing, throws up several challenges. Even while it was thought that one could fix the physical

Banyan Tree Holding (P) Ltd. v. A. Murali Krishna Reddy & Anr., CS(OS) 894/2008 (High Court of Delhi, 23
November 2009) (India).

location of the computer from where the transaction originates and the one where it ends, that too
can be bypassed or masked by technology.

On the question of the applicable law, the principle invoked is of sovereign equality within
international law. In the more traditional mode of dispute resolution involving two countries,
resort is had to public international law. Where the dispute is between entities and persons in
different countries, the sphere of private international law is meant to find a solution. In the area
of IPR violations and infringement across borders, there is yet to develop a universal law. The
TRIPS Agreement is not the uniform law in the area. Resort is still to be had to private
international law.
In circumstances of regulatory diversity involving geographically complex facts, domestic courts
must apply the law of one state to the exclusion of all others, notwithstanding that each state can
rightfully claim that some portion of the impugned activity has taken place within its territorial
borders. In choosing the law of a single State to govern the transaction or dispute, domestic
courts are effectively deeming the activity to have occurred within that state. The foundational
principle of sovereign equality within international law requires this legal fiction, as a States
authority to prescribe or enforce its laws does not extend beyond its territorial jurisdiction. Such
questions of jurisdiction are inevitable in disputes involving on-line activity, as the lack of
territorial precision in an on-line environment necessarily leads to geographically complex facts.
Accordingly, domestic courts addressing these disputes will first have to localize the transaction
prior to assuming jurisdiction. At issue is whether domestic courts will develop localization
processes which have unanticipated spillover effects in the international trade regime in relation
to the benefits and burdens allocated under the TRIPS Agreement. The need for local courts to
localize the transaction has posed a challenge.

This part will cover the development of the law first in the USA, through the minimum
contacts test, the purposeful availment test, the Zippo sliding scale test and the effects tests.
Minimum Contacts Test
In the U.S., states exercise jurisdiction over non-residents under their respective long-arm
statutes, the exercise of which must meet constitutional due process. In brief, to exercise
personal jurisdiction over a defendant, a U.S. court must undertake a two-step inquiry. First, the
court must apply the relevant state long-arm statute3 to see if it permits the exercise of personal
jurisdiction. Next, the court must apply the precepts of the Due Process Clause of the U.S.
Constitution. Personal jurisdiction under the Due Process Clause depends upon the relationship
among the defendant, the forum, and the litigation, Shaffer v. Heitner4.
Physical presence within the forum is not required to establish personal jurisdiction over a non-
resident defendant, Burger King Corp v. Rudzewicz5.
Instead, the plaintiff must show that the defendant has purposefully directed its activities toward
the residents of the forum state, or otherwise purposefully availed itself of the privilege of
conducting activities within the forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of its
laws, Hanson v. Denckla6. Where a plaintiffs claim is related to or arises out of the
defendants contacts with the forum, the court is said to exercise specific jurisdiction. In order
for specific jurisdiction to be properly exercised under the Due Process Clause, the plaintiff must
satisfy a two-part test. First, the plaintiff must show that the defendant has constitutionally
sufficient minimum contacts with the forum. For minimum contacts to be satisfied, the
plaintiffs cause of action must arise out of or result from the out-of-state defendants contacts
with the forum or the defendant must have purposely directed its activities relating to the

A state law that allows the state to exercise jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant, provided that the
prospective defendant has sufficient minimum contacts with the forum state.
433 U.S. 186 (1977).
471 U.S. 462 1985).
357 U.S. 235 (1985).

plaintiffs cause of action toward the forum or otherwise availed itself of the privilege of
conducting activities in the forum. Second, for jurisdiction to be exercised the court must
determine, in its discretion, that to do so would comport with traditional notions of fair play and
substantial justice, International Shoe Co. v. Washington7. This case has been understood as
to have performed two related, but distinguishable, functions.The first was to protect the
defendant from the burden of litigating in a distant or inconvenient forum. The second was to
ensure that the states do not reach out beyond the limits imposed on them by their status as
coequal sovereigns in a federal system.
However, the traditional minimum contacts approach is limited to the category of cases to which
International Shoe most directly applied, i.e., long-range commercial transactions. It would not
be applicable to cases involving remote torts or goods that were moved after purchase and cases
dealing with internet defamation and other non-commercial transaction cases.
Purposeful Availment Test
The US Supreme Courts focus on purposeful conduct of the defendant emerged in Hanson v.
Denckla8. The facts here were that a Florida court asserted jurisdiction over a Delaware trust
company, in an action challenging a Florida residents appointment of property of which the
Delaware Company was trustee. The settler had after the creation of the trust moved from
Pennsylvania to Florida. However, the trust company had not solicited or conducted business in
Florida other than routine correspondence with the settler. Holding that the Florida court did not
have jurisdiction, the US Supreme Court held that the trust company had not purposefully
undertaken to conduct business in Florida. It was connected with the state only because the
settler unilaterally moved to Florida subsequent to the contractual relationship being established.
In Burger King Corp v. Rudzewicz9, the Supreme Court held that the defendant did not have to
be physically present within the jurisdiction of the forum court and that the forum court may
exercise jurisdiction over a non-resident where an alleged injury arises out of or relates to actions
by the defendant himself that are purposefully directed towards residents of the forum state. It
was held that purposeful availment would not result from random or fortuitous contacts by
the defendant in the forum state. It requires the plaintiff to show that such contracts resulted from
the actions by the defendant himself that created a substantial connection with the forum state.

326 U.S. 310 (1945).
357 U.S. 235 (1958).
471 U.S. 462 (1985).

He must have engaged in significant activities within the forum state or created continuing
obligations between himself and the residents of the forum state. It was held on facts that the
twenty year relationship that the defendant had with the plaintiff reinforced his deliberate
affiliation with the forum state and the reasonable foreseeability of litigation there.
In Cybersell, Inc. v. Cybersell. Inc.10, the facts were that an Arizona Corporation that advertised
for commercial services over the internet under the service mark Cybersell, brought an
infringement action against a Florida Corporation that offered web-page construction services
over the internet. As part of its marketing effort, the Florida Corporation created a web-page that
had a logo at the top consisting of CyberSell over a depiction of the planet earth, with the
caption underneath Professional Services for the World Wide Web with a local telephone
number and a hypertext link allowing the internet surfer to introduce herself. That link invited a
company not on the web but interested in getting on the web to e-mail the Florida Corporation
for further information. Arizona had a long arm statute that permitted a court to exercise personal
jurisdiction over parties whether found within or outside the state to the maximum extent
permitted by the court in the United States.
It was held by the Court of Appeals that all that Cybersell FL (the Florida Corporation) had done
was to: post an essentially passive home page on the web, using the name CyberSell, which
Cybersell AZ (the Arizona Corporation) was in the process of registering as a federal service
mark. While there is no question that anyone, anywhere could access that home page and thereby
learn about the services offered, we cannot see how from that fact alone it can be inferred that
Cybersell FL deliberately directed its merchandising efforts toward Arizona residents.
It was further noticed that: the interactivity of its web page is limited to receiving the browsers
name and address and an indication of interest-signing up for the service is not an option, nor did
anyone from Arizona do so. No money changed hands on the Internet from (or through)
Arizona. It was held that Cybersell FLs contacts were insufficient to establish purposeful
The Zippo Sliding Scale Test
An extension of the purposeful availment test was attempted in Zippo Mfg. Co. v. Zippo Dot
Com, Inc.11. The plaintiff Zippo Manufacturing was a Pennsylvania corporation making cigarette

130 F.3d 414 (9th Cir. 1997).
952 F. Supp. 1119 (W.D. Pa. 1997).

lighters. The defendant was a California corporation operating an internet website and an internet
news service. It had offices only in California. Viewers who were residents of other states had to
go to the website in order to subscribe for the defendants news service by filling out an online
application. Payment was made by credit card over the internet or telephone. Around 3000 of the
defendants subscribers were residents of Pennsylvania who had contracted to receive the
defendants service by visiting its website and filling out the online application. Additionally the
defendant had entered into agreements with seven internet access providers in Pennsylvania to
permit their subscribers to access the defendants news service. The defendant was sued in a
Pennsylvania court for trademark dilution, infringement and false designation. After discussing
the development of the law till then, the District Court first observed that: The Constitutional
limitations on the exercise of personal jurisdiction differ depending upon whether a court seeks
to exercise general or specific jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant12. General jurisdiction
permits a court to exercise personal jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant for non-forum
related activities when the defendant has engaged in systematic and continuous activities in the
forum state13. In the absence of general jurisdiction, specific jurisdiction permits a court to
exercise personal jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant for forum-related activities
where the relationship between the defendant and the forum falls within the minimum
contacts framework of International Shoe Co. v. Washington14, and its progeny.15
The Zippo court then noted that:
A three pronged test has emerged for determining whether the exercise of specific personal
jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant is appropriate: (1) the defendant must have sufficient
minimum contacts with the forum state, (2) the claim asserted against the defendant must arise
out of those contacts, and (3) the exercise of jurisdiction must be reasonable.
The court in Zippo classified websites as (i) passive, (ii) interactive and (iii) integral to the
defendants business. On facts it was found that the defendants website was an interactive one.
Accordingly it was held that the court had jurisdiction to try the suit. The Zippo courts
observation that the likelihood that personal jurisdiction can be constitutionally exercised is

Mellon, 960 F.2d at 1221.
Helicopteos Nacionales de Colombia, S.A. v. Hall, 466 U.S. 408.
326 U.S. 310.
Mellon, 960 F.2d at 1221.
10 | P a g e

directly proportionate to the nature and quality of commercial activity that an entity conducts
over the internet has been compared by that court to a sliding scale.
In the Courts words:
At one end of the spectrum are situations where a defendant clearly does business over the
Internet. If the defendant enters into contracts with residents of a foreign jurisdiction that involve
the knowing and repeated transmission of computer files over the Internet, personal jurisdiction
is proper. At the opposite end are situations where a defendant has simply posted information on
an Internet Web site, which is accessible to users in foreign jurisdictions. A passive Web site that
does little more than make information available to those who are interested in it is not grounds
for the exercise of personal jurisdiction. The middle ground is occupied by interactive Web sites
where a user can exchange information with the host computer. In these cases, the exercise of
jurisdiction is determined by examining the level of interactivity and commercial nature of the
exchange of information that occurs on the Web site.
Zippo was welcomed by courts as offering a balance between a lawless internet and an
excessively regulated one. While an owner of a passive website could not be expected to foresee
being sued in multiple jurisdictions worldwide, the owner of an interactive one should expect
such an outcome. Also, it tacitly approved the protection of local consumers interests by local
courts applying the local law.
Soon, however, problems surfaced in applying the Zippo sliding scale test in terms of which the
assertion of a courts jurisdiction depended upon the level of interactivity and commercial
nature of the exchange of information as a result of the use of the website. The courts have been
finding it problematic in determining the degree of interactivity that should suffice for
jurisdiction to be attracted. Mere ability to exchange files with users through the internet has
been held not to be sufficiently interactive for the forum court to assume jurisdiction.16
In Millennium Enterprises Inc. v. Millennium Music L.P.17, the Oregon district court declined
to exercise jurisdiction over a South Carolina corporation that sold products both offline and on
the web. The court felt that something more than merely showing that the website was
interactive was required. The defendant should be shown to have consummated some transaction
within Oregon and to have made deliberate and repeated contacts with Oregon through the

Desktop Technologies v. Colourworks Reproduction & Designs Inc., 1999 WL 98572 (E.D. Pa. 1999).
33 F. Supp. 2d 907 (D. Or. 1999).
11 | P a g e

website so that it could be held that they ought to have anticipated being hauled into an Oregon
The Effects Test and Intentional targeting
The difficulty experienced with the application of the Zippo sliding scale test has paved the way
for application of the effects test. The courts have thus moved from a subjective territoriality
test to an objective territoriality or effects test in which the forum court will exercise
jurisdiction if it is shown that effects of the defendants website are felt in the forum state. In
other words it must have resulted in some harm or injury to the plaintiff within the territory of
the forum state. Since some effect of a website is bound to be felt in several jurisdictions given
the nature of the internet, courts have adopted a tighter version of the effects test, which is
intentional targeting. The effects test was first evolved in Calder v. Jones18.
In this case, Florida residents who had essentially no physical contacts with California wrote and
edited an article in the National Enquirer which defamed Jones, a well-known movie actress
residing in California. The Enquirer had greater circulation in California than any other state,
and the material in the article was based on California sources. The Supreme Court in a
relatively brief opinion found jurisdiction, holding that California was the focal point both of
the story and the harm suffered. The Court in doing so felt compelled to distinguish one of its
earlier decisions holding that foreseeability of an impact in the forum, standing alone, is not a
basis for specific personal jurisdiction. The Court held that the instant facts involved more than
foreseeability. Instead, allegedly defamatory articles were published under circumstances
sufficient to establish that the defendants actions were aimed at California: defendants knew
their article would have a potentially devastating impact on the California plaintiff and that
the brunt of that injury would be felt by her in California, hence the defendants could have
reasonably foreseen being brought into court in California.
Since the unanimous opinion by Justice Rhenquist in Calder contains minimal explication, it is
important to focus on exactly how and why the Court arrived at its result. First, the case
involved defamation, the gravamen19 of which is damage to a persons reputation in the
community. The community is therefore a factor in defining the tort. Second, presumably
because California is among jurisdictions that require malice as an element of libel when a public

465 U.S. 783 (1984).
the essence or most serious part of a complaint or accusation.
12 | P a g e

figure (such as television actress Jones) is involved, the Calder defendants were accused of
acting maliciously and with intent to injure, defame and disgrace Jones and cause her to
suffer humiliation and emotional and physical distress. Third, the general rule in California is
that everyone who takes a responsible role in a defamatory publication is liable. Fourth, the
Renquist opinion placed great stress on a fact not mentioned by the California court: that the
National Enquirers largest circulation was in California, where 600,000 copies (twice the level
of the next highest state) were sold. Fifth, defendant Calder not only edited the article in its final
form, but once it had been published, he refused to print a retraction. This unique blend of law
and facts produced an understandable result. It is also worth noting that in finding jurisdiction at
the state level, the California Court of Appeal had been obliged to distinguish a prior California
Supreme Court case holding that merely causing of an effect in California is not a basis for
jurisdiction, pointing out that the prior case was a contract action not involving an intent to
cause a tortious effect within the state.
Therefore it was held that the author and editor expressly aimed their tortuous actions at
California and that they knew that the article would have a devastating impact on the respondent
and that they should have reasonably anticipated that the brunt of that injury would be
reasonably felt by the defendant in the state in which she lived and worked.
Yahoo! Case
The effects test propounded in Calder has been applied with mixed results. One of the most
discussed decisions of a French court where the effects doctrine was applied is the Yahoo!
A French Jew while surfing on the net came across Nazi memorabilia being offered for sale on a
web page hosted by Yahoo!. The offering of Nazi memorabilia for sale was an offence under the
French penal law. Although the website of Yahoo! France did not host a similar web page, it
could be viewed on the Yahoo! website hosted from the US by anyone in France. LICRA, an
organization fighting racism and anti-Semitism, and the Union of Jewish students in France
(UJEF) sued Yahoo! and Yahoo! France in the courts in France. The French court ordered
Yahoo! to block access to its US website from France, in order to prevent internet users in
France from accessing the objectionable items offered for auction sale on that site. It found that

Tribunal de grande instance [T.G.I.] [ordinary court of original jurisdiction] Paris, May 22, 2000 and November
22, 2000, No RG:00/0538 (Fr.).
13 | P a g e

this was technologically feasible through a series of devices for which it examined experts. It
thus rejected Yahoo!s argument that the French courts order was not capable of being
implemented beyond the borders of France. The French court essentially applied the effects test
to assert jurisdiction. It held that by permitting internet users in France to participate in the sale
of such objects, Yahoo! had committed a wrong within the territory of France. Although the
website was capable of being viewed from anywhere in the world, the French court concluded
that it had caused harm to the two claimants located in France. The mere possibility of
downloading the objectionable information did not alone determine the question of jurisdiction.
The French court also considered the effect it would have on the public at large in France who
could access Yahoo!s website and who were targeted. Thus the court concluded from the fact
that Yahoo! displayed advertisements in French to visitors at the US based server and that
Yahoo! France provided a link to the US based Yahoo! server that Yahoo! did intend its services
to reach persons in France and also intended to profit from the visitors from France to its US
based website.

Casio India Co. Limited v. Ashita Tele Systems Pvt. Limited21 was a passing off action where
the defendant was carrying on business from Bombay. The defendant had managed to get a
registration of domain name and defendant no. 2 was the Registrar with
whom the domain name had been registered. The plaintiff, on the other hand, claimed to be a
100% subsidiary of Casio Computer Ltd., Japan (Casio Japan), which was the registered owner
of the trade mark Casio in India used for a large number of electronic and other products. He
had registered a large number of domain names in India like,,, etc. Defendant No. 1 had obtained the above domain names
during the time when it held a distributorship agreement with the plaintiff. It was held by the
learned single Judge after referring to the decisions in Rediff Communication Ltd. v. Cyber
Booth22 and Dow Jones & Co. Inc. v. Gutnick23that once access to the impugned domain name
website could be had from anywhere else, the jurisdiction in such matters cannot be confined to

2003 (27) P.T.C. 265 (Del.) (India), overruled by Banyan Tree Holding (P) Limited v. A. Murali Krishna Reddy,
CS(OS) 894/2008 (High Court of Delhi, 23rd November 2009) (India).
A.I.R. 2000 Bom. 27 (India).
(2002) H.C.A. 56 (Austl.).
14 | P a g e

the territorial limits of the residence of the defendant.According to the learned single Judge,
since a mere likelihood of deception, whereby an average person is likely to be deceived or
confused was sufficient to entertain an action for passing off, it was not at all required to be
proved that any actual deception took place at Delhi. Accordingly, the fact that the website of
Defendant No. 1 can be accessed from Delhi is sufficient to invoke the territorial jurisdiction of
this Court.
Both Casio and India TV Independent News Service Pvt. Limited v. India Broadcast Live Llc
& Ors.24, were decisions of single Judges and required proper reconciliation. The opportunity
presented itself in Banyan Tree Holding (P) Limited v. A. Murali Krishna Reddy25.The plaintiff
there was a company located in Singapore. It claimed that it was part of a group of companies
involved in the hospitality business. It claimed the use of the word mark Banyan Tree and also
the banyan tree device since 1994. The plaintiff maintained the websites
and since 1996. The websites were accessible in India. Its application
for the registration of the mark and the device were also pending. In October 2007, the plaintiff
learnt that the defendants, located in Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, had initiated work on a
project under the name Banyan Tree Retreat, which according to the plaintiff was deceptively
similar to that of the plaintiff. The plaintiff invoked the jurisdiction of the Delhi High Court on
the ground that the defendants website, which advertised
its products and services was accessible in Delhi. The display of the confusingly similar mark
and device was calculated to cause much confusion and deception among the public by passing
off the services of the defendants as that of the plaintiff. Accordingly, an injunction was sought.
The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court, while answering the referral order of the learned
Single Judge, affirmed the ruling in India TV and overruled Casio. It then remanded the case to
the single Judge for a decision on the preliminary issue of jurisdiction.
The answers given by the Division Bench in Banyan Tree to the questions of law referred to it
were as follows:
Question (i): For the purposes of a passing off action, or an infringement action

2007 (35) P.T.C. 177 (Del.) (India).
CS(OS) 894/2008 (High Court of Delhi, 23rd November 2009) (India).
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where the plaintiff is not carrying on business within the jurisdiction of a court, in what
circumstances can it be said that the hosting of a universally accessible website by the defendants
lends jurisdiction to such Court where such suit is filed (the forum court)?
Answer: For the purposes of a passing off action, or an infringement action where the plaintiff is
not carrying on business within the jurisdiction of a court, and in the absence of a long-arm
statute, in order to satisfy the forum court that it has jurisdiction to entertain the suit, the plaintiff
would have to show that the defendant purposefully availed itself of the jurisdiction of the
forum court. For this it would have to be prima facie shown that the nature of the activity
indulged in by the defendant by the use of the website was with an intention to conclude a
commercial transaction with the website user and that the specific targeting of the forum state
by the defendant resulted in an injury or harm to the plaintiff within the forum state.
Question (ii): In a passing off or infringement action, where the defendant is sought to be sued on
the basis that its website is accessible in the forum state, what is the extent of the burden on the
plaintiff to prima facie establish that the forum court has jurisdiction to entertain the suit?
Answer: For the purposes of Section 20(c) CPC, in order to show that some part of the cause of
action has arisen in the forum state by the use of the internet by the defendant the plaintiff will
have to show prima facie that the said website, whether euphemistically termed as passive plus
or interactive, was specifically targeted at viewers in the forum state for commercial
transactions. The plaintiff would have to plead this and produce material to prima facie show that
some commercial transaction using the website was entered into by the defendant with a user of
its website within the forum state resulting in an injury or harm to the plaintiff within the forum
It was held that merely having an interactive website was not sufficient to make the defendant
amenable to the jurisdiction of the forum court. Applying the principle of intentional targeting, it
was held that the plaintiff had to show the intention of the defendant to conclude a commercial
transaction with the website user.
Banyan Tree also dealt with the issue of trap orders. The question that was addressed was
whether a single trap transaction was sufficient to show that the defendant had purposefully
availed the forum Courts jurisdiction. It was held that a lone trap transaction will not be
sufficient evidence for the purposes of establishing that a part of the cause of action arose within
the jurisdiction of the court. The plaintiff would have to show that the defendant has purposefully
16 | P a g e

availed of the jurisdiction of the forum court by entering into a commercial transaction with an
internet user located within the jurisdiction of the forum court. This cannot possibly result from a
solitary trap transaction since that would not be an instance of purposeful availment by the
defendant. It would have to be a real commercial transaction that the defendant has with
someone and not a transaction set up by the plaintiff itself. If the only evidence is in the form of
a series of trap transactions, they have to be shown to be obtained using fair means. The plaintiff
seeking to establish jurisdiction on the basis of such trap transactions would have to aver
unambiguously in the plaint, and also place along with it supporting material that prima facie
proves that the trap transactions relied upon satisfy the above-mentioned test.
Banyan Tree has been later followed by the Karnataka High Court in Presteege Developers v.
Prestige Estates Projects Pvt. Ltd.26,a case involving a passing off action initiated by Prestige
Estates against Presteege Property Developers. The Single Judge noticed that the construction
activity of the defendant27 was exclusively in Kerala. It was further observed that though online
booking was indicated, the sale would not take place in Bangalore so as to constitute a part of the
cause of action in terms of passing off since even if the defendants were to pass off their property
riding on the reputation of the plaintiff as alleged, the same would take place only in Kerala.
Similarly in the case of the other defendant28, the activity of providing the services was observed
to be exclusively in Tamil Nadu. The court held that the test of concluding a commercial
transaction should be shown, to establish the level of activity indulged in by the defendants by
the use of the website. The test not being satisfied by the plaintiff, the learned single Judge held
that the court at Bangalore would lack jurisdiction.
The present state of the law in India may be summarized. A plaintiff, not having the benefit of
the limited long arm provision of either section 134 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 or section 62
of the Copyright Act, 1957 will not be able to persuade a court to exercise jurisdiction over a
defendant hosting a website containing the material purportedly violating the plaintiffs IP rights
unless it is shown that the defendant targeted its interactive website at viewers in the forum state
for the purpose of commercial transactions and in fact entered into such transactions using the
website. Further a lone trap transaction may not demonstrate the purposeful targeting by the

MFA 4954 & 13696/2006 (High Court of Karnataka, 2 nd December 2009) (India); see also Sholay Media
Entertainment & Anr. v. Yogesh Patel & Ors. CS (OS) 1714/2001 (High Court of Delhi, 27th January 2010) (India).
MFA 4954/2006 (High Court of Karnataka, 2nd December 2009) (India).
MFA 13696/2006 (High Court of Karnataka, 2nd December 2009) (India).
17 | P a g e

defendant of the forum state or of aiming at particular customers therein. A more systematic
behaviour over a series of transactions will have to be shown as having been entered into by the
defendant. It may be argued that the test evolved in Banyan Tree may not answer the problems in
a different factual setting and in a different context, for e.g., the tort of defamation or the crime
of cyber pornography. But then Banyan Tree does not deal with those contexts for which other
tests will have to be devised. Nevertheless the courts in India will have to guard against over-
protection of local interests and adopt a balanced approach to ensure that a middle path is found
in individual cases.

In a matter which is as unknown to a judge as a legislator, it is difcult to suggest whether a
common law or a civil law approach should be the preferred one. To favour the view to learn
with experience and time would mean allowing the common law courts enough time to decide
a good number of cases and attract the application of their doctrine of stare decisis. This would
jeopardise the harmonisation process at a later stage. To favour the other approach of laying
down some inexible rules (purporting to be comprehensive) comes with the risk of
compromising justice. While the desired harmonization is not reached and/or the states do not
legislate on the basis of the model laws referred to above, the difficulty will remain
paramount for the courts.
It is there that the important question will arise: in the absence of statutory and international
guidelines on cyber jurisdiction, how far would resorting to private international law norms, as
prevalent in different legal systems, be justied and/or feasible? This inquiry has a two-fold
concern: the inevitability of municipal courts decisions and the inappropriateness of conicts
rules being related to cyberspace. It must be understood and realised that the rules of jurisdiction,
just as any other concept of private international law, were framed or evolved in order to address
the then existing circumstances, political order, sense of justice and the targeted social order. No
rule of law can be t for all ages even in identical set of circumstances; a change in time,
accompanied by changing circumstances, socio-political order, therefore calls for modication,
and in some cases, abdication of the old in favour of a new rule. Thus, when any of the factors
that contributed to the formulation of a rule changes, so must also the response of law to them.
The main problem lies in attempting to extend to this new virtual world the existing rules of
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private international law, which were evolved to best suit the transactions of a traditional
politically divided real world. The new world is almost completely free from elements that led
to the evolution of conict rules. The only sustainable solution then seems to lie in framing new
rules, which answer the problems considering the peculiarities of this new world that the courts
are confronted with today. In such a case, a different approach may have to be devised, unique to
each legal system and in accordance with its own constitutional scheme and notions of fairness
and justice, in order to exercise jurisdiction over non-resident online users. To expect or require a
municipal court to uphold and apply an international norm of jurisdiction in complete disregard
of the notions of its own constitutional rights and wrongs, is doubtless impolitic and unrealistic.
Undoubtedly law, being a social science, cannot grow at the pace at which science and
technology grow. Nevertheless, every endeavour must be made to keep pace with their growth. It
is possible only when law modies itself in the light of new developments in science and
technology, progressing at both a micro, issue by-issue. level as well as a broad, trans-
substantive level. No single model solution is sufcient in itself to adequately address the
problem. Cyber jurisdiction can be addressed only by a proportionate contribution from all the
models, complementing and supplementing each other.
But, before adopting any one model or any combination of different models, it must be
remembered that the internet is here to stay, and so is its potential to commit and facilitate
unlawful acts, and the resultant litigation. Therefore it is necessary for each state to participate in
every attempt to harmonize the rules of jurisdiction and to codify such rules into domestic
legislations, even where no international harmonization is reached. This will ensure that both
sides of cyber litigation will be faced in a predictable forum with certain legal consequences the
prior knowledge of which would enable them to act accordingly.
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Primary sources
1. Duggal Pavan, Cyberlaw: The Indian Perspective (Saakshar Law Publications, 2002),
2. Singh Yatindra, Cyber Laws: A Guide To Cyber Laws, Information Technology And
Computer Software (Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2011),
3. Drucker Susan & Gumpert Gary, Real Law @ Virtual Space (Hampton Press, 1999)
Secondary sources
4. S. Muralidhar, Jurisdictional Issues in cyberspace, IJLT [2010] Vol.6,
5. Amit Sachdeva, International Jurisdiction In Cyberspace: A Comparative Perspective,
C.T.L.R[2007] 245,
6. Dan Svantesson, An introduction to jurisdictional issues in cyberspace (2004)
<> last accessed on 21st March 2014,
7. David Johnson and David Post, Law and Borders-The Rise of Law in Cyberspace,
(1996) 48 Stan. L. Rev. 1367,
8. Council Regulation on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements
in Civil and Commercial Matters, Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001, 22 December
2000, Official Journal L 012, 16.01.2001, <
lex/pri/en/oj/dat/2001/l_012/l_01220010116en00010023.pdf> last accessed on 12 Sept
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9. Julia Gladstone, determining jurisdiction in cyberspace: the zippo test or the effects
on.pdf> last accessed on 12 Sept 2015,
10. Elizabeth Roche & Moulishree Srivastava, India Believes In Complete Freedom Of
Cyberspace, Live Mint & The Wall Street Journal(New Delhi, 14th October 2013),
11. <> last accessed on 12
Sept 2015,
12. <>last
accessed on 12 Sept 2015,
13. <> last accessed on 12
Sept 2015,

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