Script - Demerit Point System
Script - Demerit Point System
Script - Demerit Point System
Yes, this formula would apply anywhere youre driving. get a zero
on your sheets and be a hero on the streets.
Okay, funs over, let me get to the nitty-gritty bits of the demerit
point system. To sum it up as much as I can, its basically a
standard disciplinary policy for all drivers in Canada, simply put
together: you misbehave, you get naughty points. Earn enough
naughty points and you get a timeout or you lose your money
privileges, (suspension of license and a fine), earn even more
naughty points and you get sent into you room, or you get
grounded (go to prison).
The Demerit Point System is a standard disciplinary policy which applies to all
drivers in Canada as well as international drivers driving in Canada. It regulates
drivers to act in an orderly conduct on the road in order to protect other drivers and
pedestrian, and the driver himself whom are using it simultaneously. Demerit
Points are accumulated towards the drivers license if the driver is convicted of
violating Canadian driving laws by authorities (includes New York and Michigan
States). Therefore, it holds the driver responsible for their actions. These points
would remain in the license for two years and for insurance companies, five years
from the date of offense. After the two-year period, in which the driver has not gain
any additional demerit points during the two-year period, the demerit points return
to zero. Demerit Points range from 2 points for minor violations to 6 points for
major traffic convictions, and 7 points for criminal traffic convictions.
7 Points
6 Points
5 Points
4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
o The driver fails to wear a seatbelt
Different demerit point system applies for both new and fully-licensed drivers:
If you dont surrender your license Could Lose your license up to 2 Years