Report Janatabank
Report Janatabank
Report Janatabank
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Origin of the report
1.3 Rationale of the study
1.4 Objectives of the report
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Methodology of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
Banking system occupies an important place in a nation's economy. A banking
institution is indispensable in a modern society. Financial institutions are very much
essential for the overall development of a country. Especially banks play an important
role in the field of promotion of capital, encouragement of entrepreneurship, generation
of employment opportunities etc. Market economy or free economy is widely used-
concept about the present economy of Bangladesh. The country adopted the concept in
the late seventies with the privatization of significant number of enterprises. The
practices of free market economy started from the eighties with the changing of the
world economy. A number of initiatives were taken from the nineties to increase the
competition and efficiency in money market, relaxation of unwanted rules and
regulations, improvement of loan related law and other situations and improve the
financial base of the banks of the country. In recent times the banking sector over the
world has been undergoing a lot of changes due to deregulation, technological
innovation, globalization etc. Banking sector in Bangladesh is lagging behind in
adopting these changes.
inflation rate. So it is the duty of the top management of the commercial banks to work
with the situation.
Specific objectives:
definition of credit management, policy of credit management, tools for managing
credit etc. I would analyze the data on the bank and various programs for loan recovery,
problems in loan in loan recovery, pattern of loan recovery and the performance of the
bank under study in loan recovery, the information in respect to the classification of
unsound credit and provision thereon and also concentrates on the performance of the
bank. And finally I would conclude with the critical evaluation of the credit
management under the guidelines of the Bank Companies Act 1991, IAS#30 and a
discussion on the major findings and recommendations.
b) Data Processing & Analysis:
Collected information have then processed & compiled with the aid of MS Word,
Excel & other related computer software. Necessary tables have been prepared on
the basis of collected data and various statistical techniques have been applied to
analyses on the basis of classified information. Detail explanation and analysis have
also been incorporated in the report.
Chapter Two
As Sonali Bank Ltd. is providing credit facility out of its total available
funds; it has to manage these credits very efficiently. An efficient credit
management system comprises many things and this cover the pre-sanction
activities to post-sanction activities. Credit management is important as it
helps the banks and financial institutions to understand various dimensions
of risk involved in different credit transactions.
Focus Group on Credit and Risk Management with some changes to meet
particular banks internal needs.
Credit management must be organized in such a process that the bank can
minimize its losses for payment of expected dividend to the shareholders.
The purpose of this process is to provide directional guidelines that will
improve the risk management culture, establish minimum standards for
segregation of duties and responsibilities, and assist in the ongoing
improvement of concerned bank.
The guidelines for credit management may be organized into the following
2.2.1. Policy guidelines
a. Lending guidelines: The lending guidelines include the following:
Industry and Business Segment Focus
Types of loan facilities
Single borrowers/ group limits/ syndication
Lending caps
Discouraged business types
Security arrangement
Any other risk or issue
Risk triggers and action plan-condition prudent, etc.
c. Approval Authority:
Approval authority may be as the following:
Credit approval authority has been delegated to Branch
Manager, Credit Committee by the MD/ Board
MD/ Board shall review delegated approval authorities
MD/ Board:
Approvals must be evidenced in writing. Approval records must
be kept on file with credit application
The aggregate exposure to any borrower or borrowing group
must be used to determine the approval authority required.
Any credit proposal that does not comply with Lending
Guidelines, regardless of amount, should be referred to Head
Office for approval.
d. Segregation of Duties:
Banks should aim at segregating the following lending function:
Credit approval/ risk management
Relationship management/ marketing
Credit administration
Managing Director
HO Business
Development / Corporate Credit Committee HO Credit / Risk
Banking / Marketing
Branch Manager
2.2.3. Program guidelines
approval process:
Pursue all options to maximize recovery, including placing customers
into receivership or liquidation as appropriate.
Ensure adequate and timely loan loss provisions are made based on
actual and expected losses.
For credit management, a firm may use tools available to them. Such tools
include Credit Risk Grading (CRG) and Financial Spread Sheet (FSS).
Credit risk grading is an important for credit risk management as it helps
the banks and financial institutions to understand various dimensions of
risk involved in different credit transactions. The aggregation of such
grading across the borrowers, activities and the lines of business can
provide better assessment of the quality of credit portfolio of a bank or
the Credit Risk Grading (CRG) is a collective definition based on the
pre- specified scale and reflects the underlying credit-risk for a given
A Credit Risk Grading deploys a number/ alphabet/ symbol as a
primary summary indicator of risks associated with a credit exposure.
Credit Risk Grading is the basic module for developing a Credit Risk
Management system.
Risk grading also be relevant for surveillance and monitoring,
internal MIS and assessing the aggregate risk portfolio level
At two of the client banks the FSRP consultants could not find
10 bad loans with 3 consecutive years of financial statements
Out of 25 good loans reviewed by the FSRP consultants, at two
of the client banks, 3 consecutive years of financial statements
were available on all of them.
The willingness of the customer to provide detailed financial
information and to answer question regarding that information, is
indication of the cooperation the bank will receive in the future.
Chapter Three
Sonali bank limited was incorporated on 3 June 2007 as a public limited
company under companies act, 1994 with its head office at Dhaka and is
governed by the banking companies act.1991 and subsequently on 15
November, 2007 the bank took over the business of Sonali Bank with all
its assets, benefits, rights, powers, authorities, privileges, liabilities,
borrowings and obligations as a going concern under a vendors agreement
signed between the government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
and the Sonali Bank limited.
Janata Bank Ltd. with its wide-ranging branch network and skilled
personnel provides prompt and personalized services like issuing:
a. Demand Draft
b. Telegraphic Transfer
c. Mail Transfer
d. Pay Order
e. Security Deposit Receipt
f. Transfer of fund by special arrangement,
i) Normal transfer
ii) Electronic transfer through Ready Cash Card.
boosting export & import of the country. The Bank finances exports within
the framework of the export policy of the country.
The bank has continued its lending operation in the productive and priority
sectors covering agriculture, industry, trade and commerce. Total loans and
advances of the bank as on 2005, 2006, and 2007 were tk. 22,700.96crore,
tk. 24102.93, tk. 20634.76 respectively.
Agricultural/rural credit:
With an aim to augment agricultural output, create employment
opportunities and generate income of the rural people, Sonali Bank
continued to extend credit facilities to all sections of rural population and
off-farming activities. Total disbursement of Agri/Rural credit at the end of
2006 and 2007 stood at tk.7021.00 crore and 7512.40 crore respectively.
The outstanding amount of tk.2849.72 crore in 2007 while it was tk.
3039.87 crore in 2006. The comparative position of rural credit are given
Year Total Outstanding(i
disbursement(incrore n crore)
2005 6504.70 3037.69
2006 7021.00 2849.72
2007 7512.41 3039.87
Micro credit
With a view to improving the socioeconomic condition through extending
trade and commerce and strengthening foundation of rural economy of our
country, RCD of head office has been performing a significant role since
its inception. Later on due to increasing scope of the activities the micro
credit system has been accepted and recognized worldwide as an effective
tool for poverty alleviation, self-employment, and rural economic
development. Up to December 2007, tk.3299.47 crore has been disbursed
in this sector under various projects whereas it was tk. 3056.63 crore up to
December 2006. The comparative position of the micro credit are shown
Year Total
n crore)
2005 2777.96
2006 3036.63
2007 3299.47
based industries by extending credit facilities under Agro based industries
credit scheme. The comparative position on agro based industries are given
Year Total
n crore)
2005 2644.54
2006 2659.47
2007 2708.03
Industrial finance:
While implementing govt. policies and goals to accelerate industrial
development program. Sonali Bank Limited has sanctioned a total term
loan of tk.329.74 crore to establish new industries in the year 2007 through
its 98 designated branches. The bank has thus created opportunity for
employment of 21600 persons by sanctioning credits in 2007.overall
industrial credit position of the bank as on 31 December, 2007 are given
Nature of loan Amount Amount Outstandin
sanctioned recovered g
Total deposit of the bank as on 31 December is tk.32899.72 crore which
shows an increase of tk. 2669.42 crore over that of the preceding year. The
rate of increase in deposit was 8.83%. Total deposit comprises demand
deposit tk.9437.25 crore and time deposit tk.23462.47 crore. In
government pubic and private sector, the deposits are tk 3014.29, 6882.30
and 23003.13 crore respectively. The breakup of total deposit by type
term and sector are presented in the following table:
Break up deposits by terms
Terms As on 31-12- As on 31-12- As on 31-12-
2005 2006 2007
Demand 7237.35 7920.44 9437.25
Time 20470.55 22309.86 23462.47
Total 27707.90 30230.30 32899.72
Total investment of the bank stood at tk. 8889.09 crore at the end of 2007.
Major investments were made in treasury bills, treasury bonds shares and
debentures. The sector wise summary of the investment as on 31
December, 2007 in Govt. pubic and private sectors is shown below:
Branches overseas - - 11.14 11.14
(kolkata & Siliguri)
Debentures - 64.04 11.39 75.43
Total 8676.67 71.04 141.38 8889.09
Import Business:
For the very beginning the Bank has embarked on extensive foreign
exchange business with a view to facilitating international trade
transactions of the country. The Bank has provided BDT 7650 million loan
as of December 31, 2007. Import mainly confined to consumer goods, capital
machineries and industrial raw materials.
Year Total
n crore)
2005 11853
2006 6776
2007 7650
Export Business:
The total export business handled by the bank amounted to tk. 7804.59
crore as of December 31, 2007 as compared to tk. 7969.50 crore in 2006.
Major export items were Readymade Garments, Shrimps, Tea & non-
traditional items. Import remained confined mainly to Consumer's goods,
capital machinery & Industrial raw materials.
Operating Revenue:
The operating revenue of the bank stood to 442.52 as on December2007
against tk.300.58 crore in 2006.
Chapter Four
4.5.2 Types of credit facilities
Delegation of authority of work from top level of management.
To check and balance the operational activities
its capital standpoint, defining ones market area is probably more
important in the lending function than in any other aspect of banking.
6. Loan Standard: This is a definition of the types of credit to be
expended, wherein the qualitative standards for acceptable loans are set
7. Credit Granting procedures: This subject may be covered in separate
manual, and usually is in larger banks. At any rate, it should not be
overlooked because proper procedures are essential in loan establishing
policy and standards. Without proper procedure for granting credit and
constant policing to ensure that these procedures are meticulous carried
out, the best conceived loan policy will not function and inevitable,
problems will develop.
Term financing for new project had BMRE of existing projects (large,
medium, SME, SCI).
Working capital for industries, trading services and others (large,
medium, SME, SCI).
Trade finance for import and export
Lease finance
Small loan for traders, micro enterprise and other productive small
Consumer finance
Fee business
Chapter Five
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Economic sector wise distribution of fund
5.3 Nature wise distribution of loans & advances
5.4 Maturity grouping of distribution loans & advances
5.5 Securities in credit management
The principal function of a bank is to lend. Lending is a dynamic activity. It is through
the medium of lending the banking industry promotes economic activity, instills and
encourages, at the individual level, the principal of self-reliance, and yield earnings for
the bank. It is lending alone that brings banking into a more meaningful and purposeful
contract with public and, therefore, has the greatest impact upon them.
over the economy such as agricultural credit program, industrial credit program and
commercial financing; the bank tries to achieve significant profit from its operations
and also to improve the economic conditions of the general public of the country.
Table: economic sector wise distribution of loans and advances during 1997-2006
Import credit 964.98 1273.06 1154.98 1507.85 1614.40 2730.50 3422.73
Industrial credit 894.72 1099.82 1146.35 1403.78 1381.90 1437.20 1496.53
Others 2266.15 2566.61 3036.99 2379.17 2850.90 3229.10 4124.78
7341. 10778.5 12446.7
Total 8095.29 9329.39 9974.87 1014619. 13849.25
00 0 0
Janata Bank Ltd. sanctions loans under the above mentioning category. It usually grants
short-term advances which are utilized to meet the working capital requirements of the
borrower. Only a small portion of the banks demand and time liability are advanced on
long-term basis where the banker usually insists on a regular repayment by the
borrower in installments. While lending fund, a banker follows a very cautious policy
and conducts his business on the basis of well-known principles of sound lending in
order to minimize the risk.
the fixed capital requirement, i.e., construction of building or purchase of fixed
deposits. A banker would be failing in his duty to safeguard the interest of his
depositors and shareholders if his credit policy does not provide a method of gradual
repayment and final recovery of the money advanced.
For liquidity reasons, Janata Bank0is giving credit on short period basis and against
security. Short-term loans ensure liquidity to a greater extent than long-term loan. We
can classify the bank loans and advances under the following maturity stage:
Payable on demand
Payable within 3 months
Payable within 3 months to 12 months
Payable within 1 year to 5 years
Payable in more than 5 years
Real estate
Stock exchange securities
Life insurance policies
Gold and gold ornaments
Documents of title of goods
Book debts
Supply bills
Janata Bank Ltd. keeps sufficient security before final sanctioning of loans and
Chapter Six
Janata Bank Ltd. collects credit information about the applicant to determine the credit
worthiness of the borrower. The bank collects the information about the borrower from
the following sources:
Personal investigation.
Confidential report from other bank Head Office/Branch/chamber of the commerce.
CIB Report from Central Bank.
recently introduced by Bangladesh Bank. According to Bangladesh Bank Rules, LRA
and SA are a must for the loan exceed of one crore.
If these two analyses reflect favorable condition and document submitted for the loan
appeared to be satisfactory, then bank goes for further action.
LRA is a very important and vital analysis for deciding whether the loan proposal is
potential or not. Many types of scientific, mathematical, statistical and managerial tools
and devices are required to perform this analysis. Janata Bank Ltd. maintains a
prescribed format for Lending Risk Analysis, which includes a spreadsheet to analyze a
lot of things. It is not possible to discuss the entire LRA in this report.
ii. Security Cover Risk- What is the risk that realized security value is
less than the exposure?
Purpose of the loans
Sources of repayment
Diversification of risk etc.
The most important measure of appraising a loan proposal is safety of proposal. Safety
is measured by the security offered by the borrower and repaying capacity of the
borrower. The attitude of the borrower is also important consideration. Liquidity means
the inflow of cash into the project in course of its operation. The profit is the blood of
any commercial institution. Before approval of any loan project the bank authority has
to ensure that the proposed project will be profitable venture. Profitability is assessed
from the projected Profit and Loss Statement. The security is the only tangible asset
remains with the banker. Securing of collateral is the only weapon to recover the loan
amount. So bank has to see that the collateral is easy to sale and sufficient to recover
the loan amount. Bank cannot sanction loan by only depending on collateral.
The sources of the payment of the project should be a feasible one. During sanctioning
any loan Bank has to be attentive about diversification of risk. All money must not be
disbursed amongst a small number of people. In addition any project must be
established for the national interest growth.
Janata Bank Ltd. is very cautious about valuation of the collateral. The bank officials
simultaneously evaluate the collateral of the party offered by the private firm. The
valuation of the collateral increases the accuracy of its value estimated. Three types of
value of the collateral are assumed:
Current market price
Distressed price
Price after five years
The legal officers of the bank check the document ascertain their impurity.
Stock Report: This report is used for SOD and CC. In this report information
about the quality and quantity of goods hypothecated have furnished.
Personal guarantee: It is the additional confirmation of the borrower to repay.
Guarantee of the Directors of the company.
Resolution of the board of directors: It is used to borrow the fund to execute
documents and complete other documents.
Letter of disclaimer: By this letter, the borrower withdraws his all claim on the
Letter of Acceptance: Letter indicating the acceptance of the sanction proposal
by the borrower.
Letter of Pledge: It is the written document of the goods pledge thus the
legality of holding the goods.
Letter of Disbursement: This is the document through which the payment of
sanctioned loan indicates.
Letter of partnership: In case of partnership firm, the partnership deeds are to
be provided.
Letter of Installment: The amount of installment that is to be paid at certain
Tax Paying Certificate.
Any document if described, as essential in the sanctioned advice sanctioned
by the Head Office.
b) Collateral Security-Any type of security on which the creditor has personal
right of action on the debtor in respect of advance.
Chapter Seven
Sources of loans and advances, allocations of such available funds, efficiency in fund
allocations were disclosed. All theses are the one side of sound credit management.
Besides, the most important part of sound credit management is of disclosing the
recovery of loans and advances, problems thereon defaulter patterns, provisioning
against bad and doubtful loans and advances etc. usually banks credit management
performance represents the recovery performance of loans and advances as against the
utilization of funds. Besides, it has substantial impact on the banks ultimate profit
Recovery: highest outstanding balance on any date during the reporting period
minus outstanding balance at the end of the recovery period.
Outstanding: Outstanding figures in the ledger at the end of the reporting
Overdue: Demand for recovery minus recovery.
Phase-1 Phase-2
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1821 2310 2468 3145 3214 3546 3632 5476 5925 6542
Demand for
4257 4365 4825 5154 5796 5986 6475 6849 7214 7544
Recovery 1618 1921 2127 2371 2492 2933 2590 3288 3607 3697
Overdue 2639 2444 2698 2783 3304 3053 3885 3561 3607 3847
Recovery as a
percentage of 38% 44% 47% 46% 43% 49% 40% 48% 50% 49%
Overdue as a
percentage of 62% 56% 53% 54% 57% 51% 60% 52% 50% 51%
Outstanding 5875 5295 5733 7341 8095 9329 9975 10146 10779 12447
A. Problems created by economic environment
The following problems arise from the effect of economic environment:
1. Changing in the management pattern: Changing of management patterns may
delay the recover of mature loan.
2. Changing in industrial patterns: The nationalized banks sometimes sanction
loan to the losing concern for further improvement of the respective sector, but
in most cases, they fail to achieve progress.
3. Operation of open market economy: In our country mainly industries become
sick and also close their business on account of emerging of open market
economy. The cost of production is high and the quality of goods is not of
required of standard. As a result, they become the losing concerns and the
amount of bad loan increases.
4. Rapid expansion of business: There are many companies, which expand their
business rapidly, but the expansion is for short time. In the long run, the amount
of classified loan increases.
C. Problems created by the bank:
The banks create the following problems:
1. Lack of analysis of business risk: Before lending, Janata Bank Ltd. does
not properly analyze the business risk of the borrowers and the bank
cannot forecast whether the business will succeed or fail. If it fails to run
well, the loan becomes classified.
2. Lack of proper valuation of security or mortgage property: In most
cases, bank fails to determine the value of security against the loan. As a
result, if the loan becomes classified, the bank cannot recover its loan
through the sale of mortgage.
13. Sometimes local borrowers are found so much compelled to grant them
loan without proper study due to some unexpected reasons. Since these
borrowers are capable of getting loan by exercising their influence, they
can also escape the repayment liability.
14. Problems responsible for non-implementation and delayed
implementation of project for which the entrepreneurs of the project
cannot repay the loan. The causes of failure may be:
Failure to ascertain the economic availability of the projects
Time lag between approval and sanctioning of the projects
Import of machinery and raw materials both are the problems of
paucity of foreign exchange and procedures of licensing.
All of these reasons discussed above are general reasons for problems loan recovery of
Janata Bank Ltd.. Besides these, there are some specific reasons for loan recovery
problems faced continuously by Janata Bank Ltd.. They are as:
Problems in loan recovery are the outcome of the default on loans disbursements in the
earlier period.
Chapter Eight
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Signs for classification
8.3 Loan classification guidelines from Bangladesh Bank
8.4 Performance of Janata Bank Ltd.
8.5 Impact of provision for loan on Bank's profit
Banks are financial service firm, producing and selling professional management of the
publics funds as well as performing many other roles in the economy. But now- a-days
commercial banks are not performing their activities smoothly for a large burden of
default loan. Every year Janata Bank Ltd. distributes thousand crore taka among
individuals, organizations etc. but a large sum of these distributed fund cannot be
recovered in due time. The Bank has to classify this loan. In this chapter I would like to
concentrate on classification procedure, provision making for particular classification,
performance of the bank regarding classified loan and recovery of such classified loan.
issued BCD circular No.34/1989 stating specific rules and conditions of loan
After that each schedule banks except BKB, RAKUB, and BSB would be responsible
for its own loan classification according to the guidelines are presented in the following
According to this circular loans and advances were classified on a loan-by-loan basis
rather sample classification. This process was continued till 1994. Bangladesh Bank
further issued a circular in1995 (BCD circular#20/1994). The title of the circular was
Revised rules of classification and provisioning of loans and advances, which came
into implementation from January 1, 1995.
Table: schedule of loan classification and provision program*
a. types of
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage 5th stage
Period Period Period Period Period
overdue overdue overdue overdue overdue
Less than Less than Less than Less than 6 Less than 3
18 months 12 months 19 months months months
18 months 12 months 9 months or 6 months or 3 months or
or more but or more but more but more but more but
less than 36 less than 24 less than 24 less than 12 less than 6
months months months months months
36 months 24 months 12 months 9 months or 3 months or
or more but or more but or more but more but more but
less than 48 less than 36 less than 24 less than 12 less than 6
months months months months months
More than 36 months 36 months 24 months 12 months
48 months or more or more or more or more
b. Rates of
Unclassified 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Substandard 10% 10% 15% 15% 20%
Doubtful 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Bad 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
c. Period of Annual Half yearly Half yearly Quarterly Quarterly
classification basis basis basis basis basis
*Source: BCD circular no. 20 of 27/12/1994
For loan classification Bangladesh Bank also issues circular time to time after
27/12/1994 like BPRD circular no 16,9,2,9 and 17 of 6/12/1998, 14/5/2001, 15/3/2005,
25/8/2005, and 6/12/2005 respectively. Some of these are as follows:
Status Loan type Definition of status
No security held, borrower
not traceable, time barred
loans, no hope of recovery
than 12 months
Loans overdue for
Bad/ loss 100%
12 months or more
*Source: Bangladesh Bank, BRPD Circular No. 9 of 2001
Status of Frequency of
Length of overdue Rate of provision
classification classification
Less than 3 months Unclassified 1%-5%
Loans overdue for
Sub standard (SS)
3 months but less 10%-25%
than 6 months
Loans overdue for
Doubtful (DF)
6 months but less 50%-75%
than 9 months
Loans overdue for
Bad/ loss 100%
9 months or more
*Source: Studies in Bangladesh Banking, BIBM, 2000
Loan (40) (38) (29) (30) (30) (22) (17) (11)
Source: annual report of Janata Bank Ltd. 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005
Bangladesh Bank provides specific guidelines for loan provisioning and bases for
calculating such provisions. Provisions for unclassified as well as classified loan are as
Bank and financial sector may be termed as the vital complementary power of the
economy. But the uncertainty in respect to effectiveness of this sector in the economy
continuously increases over time. Now a days it open secret that JB is under direct
control of the Finance Ministry. Credit management of JB was so meaningless and
corrupted as it is now assumed that more than Tk 30000 crore have become
unrealizable within the last 10 years.
Chapter Nine
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Quantitative Factors
9.3 Qualitative Factors
Bangladesh Bank has made mandatory from January-2007 for all banks to have
themselves credit rated by a credit rating agency vide BRPD Circular No.6 of July 5,
2006 for all banks. The first rating by an external independent rating agency will have
to be completed by June 2007. Accordingly, JB has appointed Credit Rating Agency of
Bangladesh (CRAB) to conduct Credit Rating of the bank, which will be completed
invariably by 30th June 2007. With this end and view memorandum of understanding
of signed in between our bank and CRAB on 14May 2007.
Credit Rating of Banks provides opinion on the types of risks associated with the
relative ability of a bank for timely servicing its debts and other obligations. The rating
exercise is done through a quantitative cum qualitative approach following a structured
c) Funding & Leverage
d) Liquidity Requirements
e) Earning Quality
f) Market Sensitivity
Chapter Ten
As per directives of the MOF Janata Bank Ltd. have completed all the processes
required to corporatise the bank. The detail chronological steps are as under:
Clearance regarding the nomenclature of the "Janata Bank Limited" has been
obtained from the Registrar "Joint Stock Companies & Firms" as on 11/04/07.
"No objection certificate collected from Bangladesh Bank" on 16/04/07.
On 24/04/07, SEC accorded approval that the paid up capital for Janata Bank
Ltd. would be Tk.259.39 crore.
All the related documents & papers including the Memorandum & Articles of
Association along with the prescribed fees were submitted to the offices of the
Registrar within the fixed date 22nd April 2007.
The certificate of Incorporation No. C-66933(4425)/07 dated 21/05/07 &
Certificate for commencement of Business dated 21/05/07 for "Janata Bank
Limited" approved & delivered on 21/05/07 by the Registrar Joint Stock
Companies & Firms.
License for Banking Business issued by Bangladesh bank in favor of "Janata
Bank Limited" on 31/05/07.
JB is now awaiting Vendor's Agreement & to issue a Gazette Notification as per
the Bangladesh Bank (Nationalization) Order 1972 (P.O.NO. of 1972) Clause
(1) of Article 27A for which a letter has already been written to the MCF.
Chapter Eleven
11.5 Investment
11.6 Write off loans & advances
General provision maintained on unclassified loans & advances 1%
General provision maintained on HF & LP 2%
General provision maintained on other than HF & LP 5%
General provision maintained on Short Term Agriculture Credit 5%
General provision maintained on Small Enterprise financing off 2%
Special Mention Account:
Special Mention account loans & advances 5%
Investments have been shown under two broad categories viz. government
securities & other investments.
Investments in shares & securities have not been revalued at the year-end.
The current & long term investment in securities have been shown separately
analyzing as per the remaining maturity grouping.
Loans & advances have been written off which has no realistic prospect of recovery,
against which full have been kept & legal cases are pending except the state owned
enterprises for which no legal actions have been initiated. However, this write off will
not reduce the claim of the Bank against borrower in any way. Detailed memorandum
records for all such written off accounts are maintained in note no. 7.00 f (xi) (a, b, c).
Chapter Twelve
Credit risk is fundamental to Janata Bank Ltd. & specially the risk that a third party will
not comply with the terms & conditions of the loan & therefore could not meet its
obligations to the Bank. It is a potential loss arising from the failure of a counter party
to perform as per contractual agreement with the Bank, basically failure in payment.
Credit constitutes 67% of Banks assets & this portfolio is by far the most important
objective of the Bank significantly of which about 12.81% is classified. The elaborate
status is as follows:
(Fig in Crore)
BL DF SS SMA Standard Total
1399.61 114.32 261.46 178.96 11894.90 13849.25
10.10% .83% 1.89% 1.30% 85.88% 100%
Loans & advances amounting to (i) Tk.31209.80 million to Bangladesh Petroleum
Corporation (BPC) (ii) Tk.7385.10 million to Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
(BJMC), (iii) Tk.360.10 million to Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation
(BSEC) (iv) Tk.150.80 million to Bangladesh Sugar & Food Corporation (BSFC) & (v)
Tk.1628.30 million to Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) against
Government guarantee of Tk.31186.40. investments in public sectors & Corporations
amounting to Tk.442.10 million were made against government guarantee of the
amount of Tk.1202.40 million.
The risk arises from loans & other transactions, some of which may not be recorded as
loans on the balance sheet. For example, Janata Bank Ltd. issue guarantee to a client's
performance under a contract in return for a fee. Elements that increase risk to Bank
may include:
Alarming industries, economic sectors or countries
Significant amount due from related parties
Lending to recently established businesses without a "credit" history, Credit
Information Bureau (CIB) reports, etc.
Lending with poor securities & wrong or weak business analysis.
Lending parties without credit worthiness.
Unwillingness of the counter party or decline in his /her financial condition.
Senior management monitoring process of the Bank's exposure limits on
regular basis
If applicable, effective security or insurance arrangements
Early Alert, Special mentioned & Non Performing Loan (NPL)/Bad accounts
Chapter Thirteen
There is no iron clad formula to fix and determine the sound guidelines for
credit management. As a central bank Bangladesh bank sets the guidelines
for commercial banks in their operations. Such types of guidelines are
general in nature. Commercial banks of Bangladesh are incorporated under
Companies Act 1994 and Bank Companies Act 1991. But none of this act
clearly mentions guidelines for managing credit in commercial banks.
Central bank is the controller of money market in any country. As central
bank, Bangladesh Bank controls money market in our country. Bangladesh
bank, time to time, issues some guidelines and regulations for operation of
a banking concern of the banks. Lending is most profitable business of a
commercial bank but at the same time it is highly risky. how Sonali bank is
following such guidelines in their credit management operations is
intended to be discussed in this chapter .
Section Contents
22(1)(a) Any bank other than new or
specialized bank will not declare
dividend on its share until the bank
as written off its previous losses
preliminary expenses and other
deferred revenue expenses.
Bank will declare dividend
whatever be stated elsewhere if and
only if bank will take proper steps
for their bad and doubtful credit in
27 accordance with the satisfaction of
their auditors.
Discuss on some limitations and
29 restrictions on the distribution of
loans and advances
Without prior approval of the
Bangladesh Bank, commercial
banks will not extend its credit
policy any way.
37 Bangladesh Bank can disclose
collectively or in any other form
the information about the overdue
loans and advances, which fall due
to the BB that that information are
required to be disclosed only in
public interests.
disclosures in the financial statements of bank. It enumerates the
accounting principles and disclosure requirements of published financial
statements of banking companies. It thereby provides definitive guidance
to corporate management with regard to the preparation and to independent
auditors for audit of financial information of banks.
Bangladesh Bank issued a circular entitled Amendment of First Scheduled
Forms of the Bank Companies Act 1991, (BRPD Circular No. 03 dated 18
April 2000). Under this circular, newly amended forms have been made
mandatory for all concerned banks and financial institutions since 30
March 2000 in Bangladesh. The new forms have been introduced with a
view to ensuring the discipline in the banking sector, to minimize the
unforeseeable risk, to provide true, relevant and reliable information to the
depositors and shareholders and to meet the financial disclosures in
compliance with the International Standards. However, the financial
institutions should be easy to understand, informative and transparent. The
new forms will reflect all these aspects in reporting financial information.
The features of the newly introduced formats of IAS 30 are as follows:
a. To provide vertical form of financial statements. This form
complies with the international accounting standards though the
heads of accounts are same as those of the previous forms;
b. To disclose the assets and liabilities according to their relative
c. To bring more transparency in reporting financial position of
banks and financial institutions, it is required to disclose gross
loans and advances and bills discounted and purchased after
charging the necessary provisions thereon. The new format of
balance sheet provides the relevant policies for this practice;
d. To disclose the required provisions on securities investments
under the new system;
e. To disclose the loan loss provisions on the profit and loss account
separately and then show the earning per share (EPS) of the
f. To show the contingent and contra items (i.e. off balance sheet
items) on separate statement and enclose with the balance sheet;
g. To make comparison between the performance of two financial
years, the immediate previous years financial statements to be
furnished along with the current years financial statements in the
annual report; and
h. To furnish one additional statements viz. cash flow statements as
per international accounting standards.
does not disclose relevant and comparable information about their credit
management operations.
Chapter Fourteen
Evaluation of credit management of Janata Bank Ltd. from the
customers point of view:
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1 10
2 Agree 7 70
3 Neutral 1 10
4 Disagree 1 10
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 10*5+70*4+10*3+10*2+0*1 = 380
The weighted average is 380/15 = 25.33
Table- 2
Banks relation with customers is good
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1 10
2 Agree 8 80
3 Neutral 0 0
4 Disagree 1 10
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 10*5+80*4+0*3+10*2+0*1 = 390
The weighted average is 390/15 = 26
Table- 3
The formalities followed by the bank-providing loan are necessary.
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1 10
2 Agree 2 20
3 Neutral 6 60
4 Disagree 1 10
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 10*5+20*4+60*3+10*2+0*1 = 330
The weighted average is 330/15 = 22
1 Strongly agree 0 0
2 Agree 1 10
3 Neutral 1 10
4 Disagree 7 70
5 Strongly disagree 1 10
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 0*5+10*4+10*3+70*2+10*1 = 220
The weighted average is 220/15 = 14.67
Table- 5
The bank keeps customers informed about when loans and advances are provided.
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 0 0
2 Agree 2 20
3 Neutral 7 70
4 Disagree 1 10
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 0*5+20*4+70*3+10*2+0*1= 310
The weighted average is 310/15 = 20.67
The banks authority tries to provide its services at the same time it promises to do so.
SL No. Parameters No. of respondents Percentage
1 Strongly agree 0 0
2 Agree 2 20
3 Neutral 7 70
4 Disagree 1 10
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 0*5+20*4+70*3+10*2+0*1 = 310
The weighted average is 310/15 = 20.67
You feel safe in your loan-transaction with JB.
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 2 20
2 Agree 7 70
3 Neutral 1 10
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 20*5+70*4+10*3+0*2+0*1= 410
The weighted average is 410/15 = 27.33
When problems arise from loan facilities, the JB authority shows sincere concern on it.
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 0 0
2 Agree 0 0
3 Neutral 7 70
4 Disagree 3 30
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 0*5+0*4+70*3+30*2+0*1=270
The weighted average is 270/15 = 18
Interpretation of the data:
In the point When problems arise from loan facilities, the JB authority shows sincere
concern on it as answer of this question, 70% is neutral, and 30% disagree with this.
The terms and conditions are flexible regarding loan sanction.
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 0 0
2 Agree 8 80
3 Neutral 2 20
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly disagree 0 0
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 0*5+80*4+20*3+0*2+0*1 = 380
The weighted average is 380/15 = 25.33
Interpretation of the data:
In the point The terms and conditions are flexible regarding loan sanction, as answer
of this question, 80% of the sample customers agree, 20% neutral with this.
Table- 10
Total points = 20*5+80*4+0*3+0*2+0*01= 420
The weighted average is 420/15 = 28
Interpretation of the data:
In the point The loan interest rate is competitive as answer of this question, 20% of
the sample customers strongly agree, and 80% agree with this.
Table- 11
No. Of
SL No. Parameters Percentage
1 Strongly agree 0 0
2 Agree 0 0
3 Neutral 0 0
4 Disagree 6 60
5 Strongly disagree 4 40
Source: survey of primary data
Total points = 0*5+0*4+0*3+60*2+40*1 =160
The weighted average is160/15 =10.67
Interpretation of the data:
In the point The amount of security against loan amount is tolerable as answer of this
question, 60% of the sample customers disagree, and 40% strongly disagree with this.
Table- 12
Total points = 20*5+50*4+30*3+0*2+0*1 = 390
The weighted average is 390/15 = 26
From the survey, we can conclude that sometimes without proper investigation, the
management values the security randomly, which is less than the actual value of the
security. The customers also criticize the margin rate of the bank.
From my survey, I also find that the customers, who are also involved in getting loan
from another private bank, complain the loan giving procedure of Janata Bank Ltd..
They comment that the procedure of getting loan is slower than the private bank. And
the cooperation of the private banks is comparatively better. Sometimes the customers
need lobbying with top management to get loan.
Though the customers complain the valuation process of security, which is pledged
against the loan, they choose Janata Bank Ltd. to get loan and advances because of its
competitive interest rate. Though the customers face the problems, they prefer Janata
Bank Ltd. for its comparative lower interest rate, safety of their security, and
availability of the branches of the bank.
So the decision-making body, i.e. BOD/ Top Management should take proper steps in
all aspects of loan giving procedures and overall banking systems. The security
valuation system must be transparent and accurate and verified by the independent and
the efficient persons. The terms and conditions must be flexible from now. The
authority may arrange different programs and publish bulletin for the loan providing
procedure and which sectors are emphasized more as most of the people do not know
the loan procedure of the Janata Bank Ltd.. In fine, all the employees must be more
amicable and cooperative.
Findings and analysis
Every bank has its own credit procedure. Bank under study possesses a standard credit
procedure. As the objective of my study is to make a comment on the credit
management of Janata Bank Ltd., I try my best to collect data for the study and find out
the reality. Based on the data generated during my study period I will sum up my
findings here and I think this will help me to achieve my objectives.
1. If we look at the historical background of Janata Bank Ltd., we see that, the
objective of JB is to earn profit as well as to improve the economic welfare of
the people as a whole.
2. Janata Bank Ltd. has a significant role in long term project financing in both
agriculture and industrial sectors. Again JB has a deep concern for rural
3. Private sector usually concentrates in the urban areas where as public sector i.e.
JB spread their banking network all over the world.
4. With a view to implementing government policies, JB has been maintaining its
position in extending credit to government bodies, sector corporations and
private enterprises.
5. Though bank required both quantitative and qualitative analysis but for big
loans bank emphasizes on the lending risk analysis (LRA). But LRA is not a
perfect measure of credit analysis. Because businessmen in our society are
usually tempted to take resort of window- dressing that means accounts are so
manipulated that the vital facts are concealed and facts presented are superficial.
So banks have to go through both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
6. According to the standard and banks credit procedure, credit operation is
started from the customer application to the branch for the loan. But in most
cases, many customers go directly to the directors of the bank and directors
send them to the branch offices with his/her reference. In these cases, proper
appraisal is not possible as directors the most powerful persons and bank
management must give priority towards the decision of the directors. This
phenomenon is very common in the bank, which hampers the spontaneous
procedure of credit appraisal.
7. Bangladesh Bank monitors all the policies of all the private and nationalized
banks of the country. According to the Bangladesh Banks strategy, all banks
must possess the standard policies, which are designed by the central bank.
Janata Bank Ltd. also possesses a standard credit proposal form. In that form all
necessary information are required to fill up. But in practice credit officers do
not fill up the proposal form properly. Most of the cases, they use assumption
rather than exact figure. This practice might end up with bad or classified one.
8. A standard policy starts from the customers direct application for the loan in
the branch office. But its a common phenomenon that most of the customers
directly contact with Head office and Head office chooses the branch offices to
disburse the loan. It hampers the normal procedure. Branches always stay under
pressure when they get order for disbursement from Head office. When
branches get order from the head office, then appraisal system loses its formal
track. So Head office should not send any order to the branch office without
prior appraisal.
9. Every bank has its own budget and plan regarding loan portfolio. This loan
portfolio must be diversified so that bank could diversify its risk. A proper and
preplanned portfolio can eliminate the risk of huge classified loan or bad loans,
as this aspect is very much sensitive toward many external and internal factors.
The bank under study i.e. Janata Bank Ltd. does not have any proper guide line
where to invest; moreover they do not do any future plan to maintain a well
structured portfolio to decrease the possibility of classified loan. This type of
practice is working as an obstacle in smooth credit disbursement as well as in
credit appraisal system.
10. Most of the loans that JB distributes are as cash credit hypothecation and JB
emphasizes less on demand loan.
11. JB distribute loans without sufficient security in some cases. This is violation of
the Bangladesh bank order.
12. In many cases bank face this problem because banks credit officer fails to value
collateral property. Proper valuation means collateral will exactly cover the risk
of bad loan. Officials must do it with due care.
13. The recovery performance of JB is not in a satisfactory level at all and the
position of those in that respect deteriorated heavily during last two phases. The
recovery performance in agriculture is worse than in other sectors. On the other
hand, as private sector banks distribute more loans on short-term basis and
relatively better than public sector. But if we compare it from the efficiency
point, then it is clear that they are not still efficient in credit management as they
are unable to recover half of their distributed loan in different sectors.
14. During first phase 15.71% of the total loan of JB became classified and this
classified loan came down to 23% in the second phase.
15. JB does not keep enough provisions against classified loans and advances.
16. Private sector banks are relatively efficient in processing and executing legal
actions against defaulters for their nonpayment of loans and advances in due
time that of public sector bank.
17. The credit management of JB are not fully conformity with the guidelines
prescribed in the bank companies Act 1991 and International Accounting
Standerd-30 (IAS-30)
Chapter Fifteen
Conclusion and
15.1 Conclusion
15.2 Recommendations
15.1 Conclusion
I have discussed so far about the different aspects of credit management Janata Bank
Ltd.. For my report, I have selected Janata bank Ltd. JB plays an important role in the
banking sector as well as in our economy. The success of a bank depends largely on the
efficient credit management. A successful credit management is not only need for a
banks own performance but also it is needed for the smooth development of an
economy. In any strategy of economic development, therefore, it is essential to
emphasize the evaluation of a sound and well-integrated credit management system
from the viewpoint of both resources mobilization and efficient allocation of funds. In
conclusion it can be suggested a number of recommendations in order to overcome the
problems and how to remove the causes of problem in credit management.
15.2 Recommendations
Since this an exploratory research, hence the recommendation given are not decisions
rather they are only suggestions to improve the default rate. The recommendations are
made on the basis of survey findings.
1. Central bank should take proper actions for ensuring equivalent distribution of loans
and advances.
2. Lending policies in our country should be geared to growth potential rather than
being determined by the pre-existing collateral.
3. Changes in lending policies will not suffice the purposes unless it is followed by a
change in the attitude and out look of both the borrowers and the bankers.
4. Improvement of credit management depends on the development of relevant,
adequate, proper and reliable database at the public sector banks as well as private
sector banks in Bangladesh.
5. For developing a reliable credit management system for the commercial banks
specially Janata Bank Ltd., it should require to introduce as improved information
system within bank as well as among the borrowers. Because ultimately it is what a
borrower does with money that should guide the credit plan, the borrowers also have to
know exactly where they are going, what their opportunities and how fast they can
6. The security must be valued properly by the independent values and constantly
watched so that the value of mortgage property becomes sufficient to recover the
default loan.
7. Publishing the names of defaulter as well as good and regular payers in various
dailies and granting various sorts of facilities to good borrowers will create a moral
persuasion on the borrowers. This may decrease the number of defaulters and the
volume of large outstanding loan amounts as well.
8. Pressure from outsider and influence extorted by borrowers are also a great
impediment in the smooth functioning of loan recovery process. The role of
government in this case is the most important factor required to solve these sorts of
9. More and more competent personnel must be recruited to reduce the weakness of
credit management. Competent executives will ensure the reduction of wrong appraisal
and evaluation of projects.
10. Prompt legal actions be taken against willful loan defaulters
11. The new entrepreneurs should be encouraged in disturbing loans and those who
have the records of regular payment, should be given preference.
12. Steps should be taken so that guarantors cannot avoid their responsibility.
13. It is observed that the defaulters generally get various sorts of exemptions as
declared by the government from time to time. Government must not show any kind of
mercy to the defaulters in any way, which may encourage the default culture. This type
of action may discourse the borrowers to become willful defaulters.
14. The existing huge amount of classified loans demand for special and corrective
attention for example:
By obtaining suitable reduction on amount.
Additional security.
More complete financial data concerning the obligors condition or
Other such action as the specific circumstances may require.
15. The attempt to encourage banks to require borrowers comply with banking laws and
regulations and clear up industrial properties prior to granting a loan.
16. JB should follow some straight ward mechanical procedures in assessing the risk of
a borrower.
17. The formulation of a sound credit policy in the possibility of default loans.
18. The formulation of a sound credit policy in the banking sector as a whole has to
take into account all these factors and each bank has to attempt to work out for itself
what it is capable of doing so as best as possible.
3. Managing Core Risk in Banking: Credit Risk Management, Janata Bank Ltd., Head
Office, Dhaka.
4. Md. Maksudur Rahman Sarder & Prashanto Kumer Banerjee (December 1996);
Journal of Business Studies; Break Even Point: A Project Appraisal Technique used in
Banking Sector.
7. Zikmund William, G., Business Research Methods; 7th Edition; Thomson South-
Western; 2003
8 Bangladesh Bank BCD &BPRD circulars
Questionnaire for Managements of Janata Bank Ltd:
11. What are the sectors in which JB gives more priority?
a) Industrial Financing Program
b) Import and Export Financing Program
c) Agricultural financing program
d) General Credit Program
12. In what maturing stages JB classifies the bank loans and advances?
a) According to Bangladesh Bank
b) Own procedure
13. Does Janata Bank Ltd. permit any loan without any collateral security?
a) Yes
b) No
14. Does the credit department supervise and monitor recovery performance of
the distributed loans and advances?
a) Yes
b) No
15. What are the main reasons to default loan?
a) Loan given to fictitious name
b) Loan given without sufficient securities
c) Political misuse of loan program
16. Is IAS # 30 strictly followed in preparing financial statements?
a) Yes
b) No
17. Are the forms of financial statements prescribed by Bank Companies Act
1991 followed?
a) Yes
b) No
18. Do you think that enough provision against classified loans and advances
are kept?
a) Yes
b) No
19. Is there any latest loan program?
a) Yes
b) No
20. Standard Credit Proposal Forms designed by Central Bank are filled up
Credit Officer with
a) Exact figure
b) Assumed figure
21. May the loan disbursement procedure be hampered arising from any
a) Yes
b) No