Bending Capacity of Steel Beams To BS 5400 PT
Bending Capacity of Steel Beams To BS 5400 PT
Bending Capacity of Steel Beams To BS 5400 PT
Beams in bending develop tension and compression in their flanges. The bending capacity of the
[Hold the mouse pointer over the diagrams for animation effects. (Scripts must be allowed to run
in Internet Explorer)]
The tension flange acts like the string in an archer's bow and the maximum force that can be
The compression flange acts like a strut and is susceptible to buckling before yield stress can be
developed. Unless the compression flange is fully restrained then the beam may fail by lateral
torsional buckling.
Clause 9.6.1 says if the second moment of area of a cross-section about the axis of bending (axis
Y-Y in diagram below) is smaller than that about an axis perpendicular to it (axis X-X), the cross-
section as a whole is stable against overall lateral torsional buckling and its effective length e may
be taken as zero.
Clause 9.6.1 requires all beams to be restrained at their supports. The strength and stiffness of
The restraint is required to hold the compression flange in place and is usually provided at the
support by use of the bearing stiffeners and a suitable bearing and/or a bracing system.
The restraining system is designed to resist the force FS (or FS + FL in the case of U-frames
subjected to vertical loading on cross-beams) together with any coexistent forces such as wind or
frictional forces.
The strength of the end restraint to resist FS is considered in isolation to the main beam(s) and
any distribution effects along the length of the beam(s) are ignored.
Where only the bearing stiffener provides the torsional restraint {case (a)} then the stiffener has
to be designed in accordance with Clause 9.14 as a load bearing support stiffener as well as
satisfying the stiffness criteria of Clause In cases (b) and (c) a bearing stiffener may be
Determine the effective length ( e) based on the support condition of the compression
flange. The Code requires the compression flange to be supported laterally at the beams
supports in accordance with Clause 9.12.5. This ensures that the compression flange can
be assumed to have at least a pinned end support so the maximum k1 (Clause 9.6.2) that
may be assumed is 1.0 for non-cantilever beams. If end diaphragms are provided to
prevent the compression flange from rotating in plan then a smaller value of k1can be
1. Intermediate restraints to the compression flange can be provided to further reduce the
a. Plan bracing
b. Torsional bracing
c. U-Frames
3. a) Plan Bracing
4. This is only generally used as temporary bracing as it obstructs the deck construction on
top of the beams. If the bracing is located on the underside of the compression flange then
1. If the plan bracing is fully effective {i.e. R R / (40 EIc) in accordance with Clause} then e = R
Intermediate torsional bracing does not prevent the compression flange from moving
If the deck slab is designed to restrain the compression flange, as in composite decks with
shear connectors, then the intermediate bracing will be redundant when the deck is
complete. The cost of removing the bracing and repairing the steelwork protection system
is usually more expensive than the reclaim value of the steelwork and is therefore usually
left in place. If the bracing is left in place then it will pick up load when the beams deflect
under traffic loading and will therefore need to be checked for this loading condition.
c) U-Frames
U-frames are a characteristic of the 'Half Through' deck construction. The 'U' shape of the
U-frame is formed by two vertical web stiffeners and the deck cross beam. The web
stiffeners are attached to the compression flanges of the main edge girders and are able to
resist the lateral buckling movement of the flange (see Clause
The stiffness of the U-frame is evaluated by adding the stiffness of its components due to a
unit force acting at the level of the compression flange and is determined using Clause
ii. The effect from the cross beam bending (ii = uBd22 / EI2).
iii. The flexibility of the joint between the cross beam and the vertical stiffeners (iii =
R = i + ii + iii
1. The effective length e is then calculated using Clause with R equal to the
An example of determining the effective length for beams with U-frame restraint is given
in the workshop section for BD 56/10 (The Assessment of Steel Highway Bridges).
Determine the slenderness (LT) using the geometrical parameters of the beam.
Determine the strength of the end restraint to provide adequate support to the
compression flange.
Steel Beam Design Example to British Standards
Design a simply supported beam which carries a 150mm thick concrete slab together
with a nominal live load of 10.0 kN/m2 . The span of the beam is 9.0m centre to centre
of bearings and the beams are spaced at 3.0m intervals. The slab will be assumed to be
laid on top of the beams with no positive connection to the compression flange.
conc. = 24kN/mm3
Load factors for ultimate limit state from BS 5400 Part 2 Table 1:
Dead Load:
fL steel = 1.05
fL concrete = 1.15
Live Load:
fL HA = 1.50
BS 5400 Pt. 3
1) Design for Bending
Use BS EN 10 025 steel grade S275, then nominal yield stress y = 265 N/mm2
Approximate modulus required:
= M m f3 / y
= 608 1.2 1.1 106 / 265 = 3.03 106 mm3
Try a 610 229 125kg/m UB (Z = 3.222 106, Zp = 3.677 106)
Check for compact section:
web depth = 547; and m = 0.5
34tw(355/yw)0.5/m = 34 11.9 (355/265)0.5/0.5 = 937
547 < 937 web OK
compression flange:
bfo = (229 - 11.9 - 2*12.7)/2 = 96
7tfo(355/yf)0.5 = 7 19.6 (355/265)0.5 = 159
96 < 159 flange OK
Hence section is compact.
Determine Effective Length:
le = k1 k2 ke
k1 L = 1.0 (flange is free to rotate in plan)
k2 = 1.0 (load is not free to move laterally)
ke = 1.0 (check later for initial value)
L= 9000mm
le = 1.0 1.0 1.0 9000 = 9000mm
Half wavelength of buckling = lw = L = 9000mm
Mpe = Zpe yc
Mpe = 3.677 106 265 10-6 = 974kNm
LT = le k4 / ry
k4 = 0.9
= 0.94 (From Fig. 9(b): MA/MM = MB/MA = 0)
F = le/ry(tf/D)
F = 9000/49.6 (19.6/611.9) = 5.81
i = Ic/(Ic+It)
i = 0.5
= 0.78 (from Table 9)
LT = 9000 0.9 0.94 0.78 / 49.6 = 120
Limiting moment of resistance: LT ((yc/355)(Mult/Mpe))0.5
Section is compact, hence Mult = Mpe = 974kNm
LT ((yc/355)(Mult/Mpe))0.5 = 120 ((265/355)(974/974))0.5 = 104
le/ lw = 1.0
From Fig.11(b) : MR/Mult = 0.42
MR = 0.42 Mult = 0.42 974 = 409 kN/m
MD = MR /m f3
MD = 409 / (1.2 1.1) = 310 kNm < 608 kNm
hence section too small.
{Note: If the compression flange is cast into the deck slab then le = 0 (cl.
which results in
MR = Mult = 974 kNm giving MD = 974 / (1.2 1.1) = 738 kNm > 608 kNm}
Approx. Zpe required = 608/310 3.677106 = 7.21 106 mm4
Use a 762 267 197kg/m UB
Zpe = 7.167 106 mm3
Mpe = 7.167 106 265 10-6
Mpe = Mult = 1899kNm
Repeating the procedure above will show :
Section is compact
F = 5.2
= 0.81
LT = 108
MR/Mult = 0.51
MD = 733 kNm > 608 hence OK
Check effect of assuming ke = 1 (cl.
MD / Mult = 733 / 1899 = 0.39
From fig. 11(b) : LT((yc/355)(Mult/Mpe))0.5 = 110
giving LT = 127
LT = le k4 / ry
approx le = (11057.1) / (0.90.940.81) = 9166
Hence ke maximum = 9166 / 9000 = 1.018
2 3 4
ke = 1/[1-(60EtftRv/(W[L/ry] ))]
Rv/W = 0.5 (load causing max moment in beam)
E = 205 000 (cl.6.6)
tf = 25.4
= 1.0
= 0.81
L/ry = 9000 / 57.1
Hence max t = 0.000378 mm
Effective section for bearing stiffener :
The ends of bearing stiffeners should be closely fitted or adequately connected to
both flanges (cl.9.14.1). Hence the compressive edge of the bearing stiffener is fully
restrained at the point of maximum bending. Therefore yield stress can be developed in
both tension and compression edges of the bearing stiffener (LT = 0).
Deflection of cantilever :
t = F a3 / 3 E I
0.000378 = 1(744.2)3 / (320500 I )
I = 1.773 106 mm4
I of end stiffener :
I = 25015.63/12 + t2503/12
t min = 1.3 mm
Use at least 10mm plate hence OK
Try 10mm end plate and check bearing stiffener :
I = 25015.63/12 + 102503/12 = 13.1106 mm4
t = 1(744.2)3 / (320500013.1106) = 5110-6 mm/N
End stiffeners have to be provided to support the compression flange for a pinned end
condition (k1 = 1.0 in cl.9.6.2).
Fs1 = 0.005(M/(df{1-(fc/ci) }))
df = 769.6 - 25.4 = 744mm
fc = M / Zxc = 608106 / 6.234106 = 97.5 N/mm2
ci = 2ES/LT2
S = Zpe/Zxc = 7.167 / 6.234 = 1.15
ci = 2 205000 1.15 / 1082 = 199 N/mm2
Fs1 = 0.005(608106/(744{1-(97.5/199)2}))10-3
Fs1 = 5.4 kN
Fs2 = (e1 + e2)fc / ((ci - fc))
e1 = e2 = D/200 = 769.6 / 200 = 3.848
= 2t = 2 5110-6 = 0.102 10-3
ci is to be determined using le from
le = k2(EIc(e1+e2)/L)0.5
Ic = 25.4 2683 / 12 = 40.7 106
le = 1.0(205000 40.7 106 2 51 10-6 / 9000)0.5 = 967mm
F = (le/ry)(tf/D) = (967/57.1)(25.4/769.6) = 0.559
= 0.993 (From Table 9)
LT = lek4/ry = 967 0.9 1.0 0.993 / 57.1 = 15.1
ci = 2ES/LT2
ci = 2 205000 1.15 / 15.12 = 10205 N/mm2
Fs2 = 3.848 97.5 / ((10205 - 97.5) 0.102 10-3) 10-3
Fs2 = 0.4 kN
Assume no camber is provided to the beams and the bearings are aligned square to the
longitudinal axis of the beam, then :
Fs3 = RdL(/D+Ltan)/D
R = 60 9 / 2 = 270 kN
dL = 810 say (allow 40mm for depth of bearing)
Fs3 = 270 0.81 ( 1/200 ) / 0.77 = 1.4 kN
Bearings are aligned square to the longitudinal axis of the beam :
Hence Fs4 = 0
Fs = 5.4 + 0.4 + 1.4 + 0 = 7.2 kN
Allowing additional effect for wind load ( which is generally small compared to Fs ) then
say Fs = 9 kN
Moment at base of stiffener = 9 ( D - 1.5 tf )
M = 9 ( 769.6 - 1.5 25.4 ) 10-3 = 6.6 kNm
Bending capacity of stiffener = Zxc yc / (m f3)
MD = 6.6 106 = Zxc 265 / ( 1.2 1.1 )
Zxc = 32.9 103 mm3
Portion of web plate = 16tw= 16 15.6 = 250mm
Zxc = tstiffener 2502/6 + 250 15.62/6
Hence tstiffener = 2.2mm < 10mm therefore 10mm plate is satisfactory.
Use 762 267 197 kg/m UB with 10mm thick end bearing stiffener.
Shear failure of a beam, with transverse web stiffeners, develops in three stages :
[Hold the mouse pointer over the diagrams for animation effects. (Scripts must be allowed to run
in Internet Explorer)]
Stage 2 A diagonal tension field is developed when the web has buckled.
Stage 3 Plastic hinges develop in the flanges which produce a mechanism for collapse to occur.
When the web buckles, at the limit of stage 1, the diagonal compressive stress in the web is
assumed to be at at its maximum. The diagonal tensile stress is usually far from its maximum at
this stage. If transverse web stiffeners are provided then the beam can carry additional load by
The web forms the tie members of the truss (with its spare tensile capacity), whilst the transverse
stiffeners form the strut members. The formation of this truss action is referred to in the Code as
The top and bottom flanges act as the top and bottom chords of the truss. Bending of these
members is increased as the tension in the web increases. Failure occurs when plastic hinges form
Figures 11 to 17 in the Code enable the web to be designed to achieve an ultimate capacity
utilising this mechaism failure. The term mfw in the graphs represents the plastic moment of
resistance of the flanges. If Figure 11 (mfw = 0) is used for design then this will ensure that the
The design rules for determining the initial web section are :
Use Figure 11 (mfw = 0); this ensures that the flanges are prevented from buckling by
Based on the moment capacity, what is the live load rating of a riveted plate girder with U-frame
restraint. ?
Carriageway = 6m wide
Web stiffeners are positioned at each cross girder and consist of 12mm gusset plates with 89 89
The main girders are bedded on 508 1118 12mm thick plates on large masonry pad stones.
Records show that the bridge was built in 1925 so, from BD 21/01 Clause 4.3, the matal shall be
BD 21/01
Dead Load :
Cl. 4.1. Table 4.1.
Infill concrete :
= 2Sin-1(635/700) = 130
Depth of Road construction above jack arch = (800 - 12 - 508 - 19) = say 260mm
Weight of verges (above fill) = 0.2 2300(Asphalt) 9.81 10-3 = 4.51 kN/m2
The load path for distributed loads on the deck to the main girders is via the cross girders. These
loads could be represented more accurately by point load reactions at the end of the cross girders,
however it will be sufficiently accurate to represent them as uniformly distributed loads to simplify
the calculation.
Reactions from the loads applied as a unifomly distributed load to each main girder:
Uniformly distributed reactions from the surfacing and verge loads to each main girder:
BD 56/10
Cl. 16A Fig. 16.1A
The Effective Span (not to be confused with the effective length e) of the main girders, for
calculating the load effects only , may be determined by calculating the position of the 'Centroid of
Pressure' in accordance with the pressure diagram shown in Fig. 16.1A of BD 56/10.
Assume only web stiffeners with gusset plates, at 3.251m centres, are effective in restraining the
compression flange.
Note: The 'T' stiffeners will act as web stiffeners but are unlikely to be strong enough to resist U-frame
forces FR and Fc (calculated below).
I1 = IXX:
B = 8148mm
R = [17663 / (3 205000 144.643 106)] + [0.5 8148 20172 / (205000 1.056 109)]
R = 3251mm
1 = (EIc RR)0.25
e = k2k3k5 1
Where intermediate restraints are not fully effective then, in accordance with Cl. the
Hence L / w = Integer(1.97) = 1
w = L = 17068mm
Cl. 9.7.2
LT = e k4 / ry
ry (gross) = 111 mm
h = 2286 + 38 = 2324 mm
k4 = [{4Z2pe(1-Iy/Ix)}/(A2h2)]1/4
A value of < 1.0 can be obtained from Figure 10b) using Example 4 then:
MB / MA = 0
MA / MM = 0
= [{4i(1-i)+0.05F2+ i2}0.5+i]-0.5
Hence Mult = the least of Zxc yc or Zxt yt (Web and flanges assumed to be of same steel grade
= 0.935
MD = MR / mf3
m = 1.05
f3 = 1.1
NOTE: The effective length e has been calculated assuming that the U-frames comply with Clause
BD 21/01
The live load capacity of the main girder for bending at mid span = MD - Dead Load Moment
KEL = 120 kN
Cl. 5.22
High Traffic Flows and Poor Road Surfacing (Hp Traffic Condition)
Footway Live Load for elements supporting footways and carriageway = 0.8 5 = 4.0 kN/m2
Cl. 5.26
Adjusted HA UDL and KEL shall be applied to a 2.5m width within the lane for the worst effect:
Proportion the live load UDL's to each main girder as uniformly distributed reactions.
W2 = 30.54 kN/m
HA UDL and KEL positioned in the notional lane as shown above will produce the worst load effects
Live Load Capacity of Main Girder = 6454 kNm > 2701 kNm Hence mid span section OK for
bending effects providing that the U-frames comply with Clause 9.12.3.
Note: If the moment capacity of the girder is insufficient for the dead + live load moment then a suitable
K factor (Clause 5.25) will need to be applied to the live live moment. The live load moment of 2701
kNm already includes a K factor of 0.91 so the revised K factor needs to be applied to the full moment of
2701 / 0.91 = 2968 kNm.
BD 56/10
The cross members of each U frame may be assumed to be restrained by the concrete infill against
Clause 9.12.2. Also a force Fc, from Clause, resulting from loads on the cross member,
w = 17068 mm
R = 34.189 10-5
R = 3251 mm
LT = 58.34
10-5) = 14.5 kN
[ fc / ( ci - fc )] (n + 1)EIc / (16.7n R = [ 94.8 / (584 - 94.8)] (5 + 1) 205000 415
Fc = d2 / [ 1.5R + { 3 / (12EIc)} ]
is the difference in rotation between a cross member and the mean rotations of the cross
As the dead load and HA UDL will have a similar effect on the rotaion for all cross members then
The KEL however will be applied to only one cross member so we need to determine for the KEL
To calculate we can use the Moment Area theorem which states: The change in slope of the
deflected shape of a beam between points A and B (A at end and B at mid-span) is equal to the
area under the M/EI diagram between those two points.
The bending moment M at the centre of the cross girder with the two KEL in the lanes at W2
shown above:
Mid-span moment M = [100.4 4.074] - [112.2 {1.25 + (4.074 - 3.004)}2 / (2.5 2)] = 288
= Area of M/EI diagram between mid-span and end = 2 4074 288 6 / (3 205000
d2 = 2017 mm
R = 34.189 10-5
R = 3251 mm
Fc = 3.613 10-3 2017 10-3 / [ 1.5 34.189 10-5 + { 32513 / (12 205000 415 106)}
] = 13.3 kN
Wind loading should be calculated in accordance with Clause 5.3 of BD 37/01 however a value of
6 kN/m2 may be used for general cases (see Clause 5.3.1 of BD 37/01).
Moment in stiffener at top of cross girder = (27.8 1.766) + (46.1 0.604) = 77 kNm
IYY = 9 2883/12 + 24 1903/12 + 154 363/12 + 321 123/12 = 32.279 106 mm4
34tw /m (355/yw) = [34 12 / 0.5] [(355/230)] = 1014 > 508 hence section is compact
Cl. 9.6.4 Table 8
LT = e k4 / ry
t f = 0 F = 0 and = 1.0
k4 = 1.0
Figure 10b)
MA = -M and MM = MB = 0:
LT = 2472 0.76 / 44 = 43
Cl. 9.8
e / w =1
Zpe = 2 [ (12 2542 / 2) + (24 93.52 / 2) + (154 16.52 / 2) + (98 16.52 / 2) = 1.053
106 mm3
LT = 2472 0.76 / 44 = 43
MR / Mult = 0.94
197 > 77 the intermediate stiffeners are strong enough to restrain the main girder compression
The main girders also need to be restrained at their supports.
Note: Where the restraint provided is less than required to resist force FS then the slenderness
parameter LT must be modified as described in the addition to Clause 6.1 in BD 56/10.
M = 5681 kNm
fc = 94.8 N/mm2
ci = 584 N/mm2
= 1.0
= t1 + t2
FS2 = 1.0 2 11.7 94.8 10-3/ ({584 - 94.8} 12.4 10-5) = 36.6 kN
FS3 = 0 as the load is applied directly through the bottom flange and bearing plate
FL = d2 / [2.5R + (e / 2) + { 3 / (3EIc)}]
d2 = 2017 mm
R = e = 34.189 10-5 mm
R = 3251mm
FL = 2017 3.613 10-3 10-3 / [(2.5 34.189 10-5) + (34.189 10-5 / 2) + {32513 / (3
Add in wind effects as for the internal U-frame, this is over-estimated as the end U-frames are
closer together.
Moment in stiffener at top of cross girder = (55.6 1.766) + (46.1 0.604) = 126 kNm
Capacity of end stiffener is the same as the internal stiffener = 197 kNm > 126 end U-frame is
Having established that the U-frames are adequate then the main girder mid span section is able
carry the full range of vehicles up to 40/44 tonnes gross weight as described in BD 21/01.
Note: All sections of the girder where plate sizes change (flange curtailment for example) or where
corrosion has reduced the plate thickness, need to be checked for adequacy. Web plates also need
to checked for shear effects; joints need to considered to ensure they can transfer loads to the
relevant elements.
The live load capacity is determined by the weakest element in the bridge and a comprehensive