Syllabus Golden
Syllabus Golden
Syllabus Golden
Course Description:
Welcome to Reading/ ELA (English Language Arts). Students will be reading various
kinds of texts poetry, short stories, essays, informational texts, fiction, and nonfiction
text. Students will be reading independently, in pairs, in small groups, and as a whole
class. We will pursue the goal of independent reading of complex texts which means we
will be working on reading skills and vocabulary strategies. Students will be asked to
make inferences, analyze what they read, and support their claims with evidence from the
text. These skills will be demonstrated in short written responses to the texts that we read.
Additionally, they will continue to improve their writing skills and will produce a
minimum of four full essays (one each nine week period). These will include
argumentative and informative essays. Furthermore, students will be building their
language and grammar skills, working toward demonstrating command of the
conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking. The
many aspects of the ELA classroom will demand that we be busy, productive individuals
this year.
Warm Ups:
We begin each class by completing a warm-up. This is an essential part of the
Reading/ELA classroom. It allows students to practice key skills and prepare for the
days lesson. Warm-ups will be kept in the students notebook and collected weekly or
biweekly for grading purposes.
Class Expectations:
Come to class on time, in school uniform, and prepared with supplies, a smile and a
good attitude.
Listen when others are talking. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before
Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand if you have a
question or problem.
Stay seated, work quietly, and do not disturb others.
Show respect for school property and the property of others.
DO NOT bring colognes, perfumes, body sprays or strongly scented lotions to
school. If these products are used in class, I will take them and will only return them
to a parent or guardian.
Supplies Needed:
Binder (1 or 2 in)
Grading Policy
Parent Involvement:
It is important that you are aware of your students progress toward mastering Reading/
ELA standards. We will be sending home a grade and AR progress report midway
through each nine weeks. You will be asked to sign and return this form. Additionally,
you can access your childs grades on parent portal anytime. Even though all standards
are taught in the same classroom, there will a grade for reading standards and a grade for
language and writing standards.
Additionally, there has been a REMIND 101 set up for this class. Remind 101 allows
parents to join a class using their cell phone and receive class updates and reminders.
Parents will receive text about upcoming quizzes, tests, projects, papers, book
requirements, etc. We request that all parents join if possible. The information needed to
join is attached. Please see me if you have any questions.
Please complete the contact information on the attached form. By signing this form, you
acknowledge that you and your child have read and understand the information on this
Name: ______________________________________________________
My child and I have read and understand the syllabus for ELA.
_________________________________________________ __________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
_________________________________________________ __________
Student Signature Date