Pipeline Toolbox Info

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Comprehensive, integrated suite of design, analysis,

testing and integrity software applications.

The Pipeline Toolbox is a No other pipeline software

software suite that works suite offers the
on all Windows based comprehensive range of
platforms. It has all the functionality and the
functional engineering successful track record of
modules you need to the Pipeline Toolbox.
quickly solve your day-to-
day pipeline design, Cost and time-efficiency
analysis, integrity and are expectations for users
maintenance problems. of the Pipeline Toolbox.
More than 75 different With all
pipeline-specific programs pipeline professionals
and calculations are using the same software
integrated into one easy- tools and calculations, a
to-use package. company can get to the
'one pipeline' way of doing
This is real-world business and reduce their
software designed, proven operating costs in the
and tested by industry process. As one pipeline
leaders with inputs from executive concluded, "The
major transmission, bottom line for all of the
distribution and pipeline standardization initiatives is
engineering companies, as a more efficient and cost-
well as several top industry effective pipeline." The
gas, liquid and crude Pipeline Toolbox software
products pipeline can contribute to the
75+ SPECIALIZED TOOLS IN operators. Over the past bottom line.
ONE INTEGRATED 15 years it has become the
industry standard for
ENGINEERING SOLUTION pipeline engineering and
technical professionals.

713-630-0505 www.ttoolboxes.com
Pipeline Toolbox
The Pipeline Toolbox integrated pipeline industry software package consists of more than 75 software modules
designed specifically for the pipeline professional, and is available in Gas, Liquid and Enterprise(Liquid & Gas) versions.
The following functional engineering modules are included in the Pipeline Toolbox software:

Database of Liquids Commonly Transported by API RP 1104 Appendix A - Alternative

Pipelines (Liquid) User customizable. Acceptance Standards for Girth Welds

Liquid Properties Calculations Pipeline Design & Stress Analysis Calculations:

Volume Correction Factors (API 2540) Design Pressure/Wall Thickness- Steel Pipe
Viscosity-Temp for Hydrocarbons (ASTM D 341) Design Pressure/ Wall Thickness-Polyethylene Pipe
Viscosity-API Specific Gravity (ASTM 2161) Wall Thickness - Polyethylene Pipe
Compressibility Factor-Hydrocarbons (API MPMS) Restrained Pipeline Analysis
Adiabatic Bulk Modulus (ASTM 2161) Unrestrained Pipeline Stress Analysis
Wave Speed Calculation Flume Design - Rational Method
Buoyancy Analysis & Coating Requirements
Pipeline Facilities(Liquid) - Modules for sizing of Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Weights Spacing
pipeline facilities IAW ASME B31.4: Pipe Anchor Force Analysis
Pipeline Pumps (NEW) Max.Impact Load & Penetration Depth
Welded Branch Reinforcement Internal Pressure - % SMYS
Relief Valve Sizing (ASME & API RP 520) Hoop & Longitudinal Stress
Requirement to move Unpressured Pipe
Gas & Liquid PL Hydraulics Calculations based Bending Stress & Deflection
on selectable liquid or high/low pressure gas Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Linear Thermal Pipeline Expansion
Thrust at Blow-off
Pipeline Facilities(Gas) - Modules for sizing of PE Pipeline Applications:
pipeline facilities IAW ASME B31.8: Dead/Earth Load
Pipeline Compressors Surcharge Static/Live Load on Buried PE Pipe & PE
Welded Branch Reinforcement Pipeline Crossings
Regulator Sizing (AGA) Design/Stress Analysis Check - Pass/Fail Criteria:
Orifice Meter Sizing (AGA-3) Installation of PE pipe by HDD (ASTM F 1962-05)
Relief Valve Sizing (API RP 520) Allowable Tensile Load for PE Pipe installed by HDD
Relief Valve-Reaction Force in Open Discharge (ASTM F 1804)
Hot Tap Sizing
External Corrosion Direct Assessment Toolset
Longitudinal Stress in Movement of In-Service Calculate remaining life of corroded PL, potential
Pipelines (API 1117) impact radius and DCVG %IR drop.

Installation of Pipelines by HDD Calculations for Pipeline Testing & Maintenance - Pressure
pull-force and analysis of installation and testing, blowdown, & purging calculations.
operational stresses.
Pipeline Corrosion & CP - ASME B31G and other
Wheel & Track Load Analysis - Calculate corrosion and cathodic protection calculations
overburden and track loads on buried pipe for relating to pipelines.
wheeled and tracked vehicles.
Fully Integrated Pipe Databases Includes API
API 1102PC-PISCES Version 3.0 Includes 5L, ASTM/ANSI B36.10 steel pipe, API 15LE
design of uncased crossings and new interface and
database of pipe and soil properties. Updated DOT Standards & Regulations -
searchable pipeline regulations with all reporting
Pipeline Testing & Maintenance - Pressure forms and templates
testing, blowdown, & purging calculations.
Document & Application Management add
Accidental Release of Hydrocarbons Covers documents, spreadsheets to your Toolbox.
calculation of product loss through hole or rupture.
Technical Toolboxes PO Box 980550 Houston, TX 77098 Phone (713) 630-0505 Fax (713) 630-0560
info@ttoolboxes.com www.ttoolboxes.com

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