Cyclosporine II Therapeutic drug monitoring
Order information
Analyzer(s) on which cobasc pack(s) can be used
04340892 190 Cyclosporine II (100 tests) System-ID 0768227
Cyclosporine Calibrators
System-ID 0766305
20766305 122 0 ng/mL (1 2.5 mL)
50, 100, 200, 350, 500 ng/mL (5 2.0 mL)
Cyclosporine Calibrator
20766399 122 System-ID 0766399
0 ng/mL (3 2.5 mL)
COBAS INTEGRA Cyclosporine Sample
20766364 122 System-ID 0766364
Pretreatment Reagent (4 40 mL)
Cyclosporine II Therapeutic drug monitoring
Thaw and thoroughly mix frozen samples before testing. Repeated freeze- Reaction direction Increase
thaw cycles should be avoided. Insoluble materials that may form when
samples are frozen should be avoided when pipetting. Wavelength A/B 340/378 nm
ACTION REQUIRED Calc. first/last 74/170
Calibrators, controls, and/or samples must be pretreated with Postdilution factor No
COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine Sample Pretreatment Reagent,
Cat.No.20766364122, system-ID0766364, before analysis. Follow the Unit ng/mL
steps described in the instructions for use of the COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine is measured as long analysis test (duration approximately
Cyclosporine Sample Pretreatment Reagent to pretreat calibrators, 17minutes).
controls, and/or samples. The technical notes are an essential part of the
instructions and must be read thoroughly before completing each step. Pipetting parameters
Diluting high samples Diluent (H2O)
High samples (>500ng/mL) should be diluted with either the zero calibrator
or cyclosporine negative EDTA whole blood. R1 65 L 2 L
1. Invert or rock the high whole blood sample and the diluent (zero Sample 9 L 11 L
calibrator or cyclosporine negative EDTA whole blood) gently, but SR 26 L 14 L
thoroughly just before use.
Total volume 127 L
2. Combine one part high whole blood sample with two parts diluent.
3. Mix the diluted sample gently but thoroughly by repeated inversion. Calibration
4. Pretreat the diluted sample following the steps described in the Calibrator Cyclosporine Calibrators
instructions for use of the COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine Sample
Pretreatment Reagent. Cyclosporine conc. 0, 50, 100, 200, 350, 500 ng/mL
(0, 41.6, 83.3, 167, 291, 416 nmol/L)
5. Assay the sample and multiply the result by 3 to obtain an estimate of
the cyclosporine concentration. Calibration mode Logit/log 4
Materials provided Calibration replicate Duplicate recommended
See Reagents working solutions section for reagents. Deviation low/high <10%at50ng/mL(41.6nmol/L)
Materials required (but not provided) Calibration interval Each cobasc pack and as required
following quality control procedures
For pretreatment of calibrators, controls, and/or samples use A calibration curve must be prepared using the Cyclosporine Calibrators.
COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine Sample Pretreatment Reagent, Calibrators must be placed from the highest concentration(F) first, to the
Cat.No.20766364122, system-ID0766364. lowest(A) last, on the CAL/QC rack. This curve is retained in memory by
Assay the COBASINTEGRA systems and recalled for later use.
For optimum performance of the assay follow the directions given in this Traceability: The Cyclosporine Calibrators are prepared to contain known
document for the analyzer concerned. Refer to the appropriate operators quantities of cyclosporine in normal human serum and are traceable to USP
manual for analyzerspecific assay instructions. reference standards.
Application for whole blood Quality control
COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus test definition Quality Control BIO-RAD Lyphochek Whole Blood
Measuring mode Absorbance Immunosuppressant Controls
Abs. calculation mode Kinetic Control interval With each patient sample run
Reaction mode R1-S-SR Control sequence User defined
Reaction direction Increase Control after calibration Recommended
Wavelength A/B 340/378 nm The control intervals and limits should be adapted to each laboratorys
individual requirements. Values obtained should fall within the defined
Calc. first/last 50/102 limits. Each laboratory should establish corrective measures to be taken if
Postdilution factor No values fall outside the defined limits.
Follow the applicable government regulations and local guidelines for
Unit ng/mL quality control.
Cyclosporine is measured as long analysis test (duration approximately Calculation
COBASINTEGRAanalyzers automatically calculate the analyte
Pipetting parameters concentration of each sample. For more details, please refer to Data
Analysis in the Online Help (COBASINTEGRA400plus/800 analyzers).
Diluent (H2O) Conversion factor: ng/mL 0.833 = nmol/L
R1 65 L 2 L Limitations - interference
Sample 9 L 11 L See the Specific performance data section of this document for
SR 26 L 14 L information on substances tested with this assay. There is the possibility
that other substances and/or factors may interfere with the test and cause
Total volume 127 L erroneous results (e.g., technical or procedural errors).
The COBASINTEGRA CyclosporineII cobasc pack is for in vitro
COBAS INTEGRA 800 test definition diagnostic use in the measurement of cyclosporine in whole blood. This
Measuring mode Absorbance assay is not intended to be used for measuring cyclosporine in serum or
plasma. The effect of carry-over should be considered when evaluating a
Abs. calculation mode Kinetic low concentration sample that follows a sample with a cyclosporine
Reaction mode R1-S-SR concentration of 500ng/mL or higher. The amount of carry-over varies from
instrument to instrument. To minimize carry-over, properly maintain your
Cyclosporine II Therapeutic drug monitoring
instrument and sample handling equipment, and carefully follow the assay Repeatability Mean SD CV
procedures. ng/mL (nmol/L) ng/mL (nmol/L) %
Criterion: Recovery within 10% of initial value at a cyclosporine Level 3 346 (288) 18 (15.0) 5.1
concentration of 85ng/mL (70.8nmol/L).
Icterus: No significant interference up to a bilirubin concentration of Intermediate precision Mean SD CV
855mol/L or 50mg/dL.
ng/mL (nmol/L) ng/mL (nmol/L) %
Hemolysis: No significant interference over a hematocrit range from
1554%. Level 1 90.8 (75.5) 9.0 (7.5) 9.9
Lipemia: No significant interference up to a triglycerides concentration of Level 2 185 (154) 13 (10.8) 6.9
1500mg/dL. Level 3 346 (288) 24 (20.0) 6.9
Uric acid: No significant interference up to an uric acid concentration of
Cholesterol: No significant interference up to a cholesterol concentration of The following results were obtained on the COBASINTEGRA800analyzer:
In very rare cases, gammopathy, in particular type IgM (Waldenstrms Repeatability Mean SD CV
macroglobulinemia), may cause unreliable results.5 ng/mL (nmol/L) ng/mL (nmol/L) %
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in Level 1 92.8 (77.2) 6.9 (5.7) 7.5
conjunction with the patients medical history, clinical examination and other
findings. Level 2 191 (159) 10 (8.3) 5.2
ACTION REQUIRED Level 3 358 (298) 19 (15.8) 5.2
Special Wash Programming: The use of special wash steps is mandatory
when certain test combinations are run together on COBASINTEGRA Intermediate precision Mean SD CV
analyzers. Refer to the CLEAN Method Sheet for further instructions and for ng/mL (nmol/L) ng/mL (nmol/L) %
the latest version of the Extra wash cycle list.
Where required, special wash/carry-over evasion programming must Level 1 92.8 (77.2) 10 (8.3) 11.1
be implemented prior to reporting results with this test. Level 2 191 (159) 14 (11.7) 7.5
Limits and ranges Level 3 358 (298) 21 (17.5) 6.0
Measuring range
15500ng/mL (12.5416nmol/L)
Lower limits of measurement Method comparison
Lower detection limit of the test: The COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine and COBASINTEGRA CyclosporineII
15ng/mL (12.5nmol/L) assays with COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine Pretreatment Reagent were
compared to a commercially available EMIT assay using both a methanol
The lower detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level (MeOH) extraction method and a commercially available EMIT cyclosporine
that can be distinguished from the zero calibrator at a 95% confidence sample pretreatment reagent on the COBASMIRA analyzer.
level. It was determined using the zero calibrator. The result was obtained COBASINTEGRA Cyclosporine and COBASINTEGRA CyclosporineII
on all the COBASINTEGRA analyzers. assays showed equivalent performance compared to EMIT Cyclosporine
Expected values assay. The data shown below is representative of the comparisons.
No firm therapeutic range exists for cyclosporine in whole blood. The Samples used for method comparisons came from 277 whole blood
complexity of the clinical state, individual differences in sensitivity to samples collected from post-transplant patients. In some cases, more than
immunosuppressive and nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporine, one sample may have been drawn from the same patient at different post-
coadministration of other immunosuppressants, type of transplant, time transplant times. Samples were frozen at 20C and analyzed within a
post transplant, and a number of other factors contribute to different month of being drawn. Of these 277, 14samples from the MeOH
requirements for optimal blood levels of cyclosporine. Individual comparison, and 15samples from the new pretreatment comparison, were
cyclosporine values cannot be used as the sole indicator for making shown to contain cyclosporine concentrations of <40ng/mL (EMIT
changes in the treatment regimen. Each patient should be thoroughly sensitivity) or >500ng/mL (test limit), and were omitted from the statistical
evaluated clinically before treatment adjustments are made, and each analysis. The remaining sample population is comprised of three transplant
assay user must establish his or her ranges based on clinical experience. types, 24liver, 93heart, and 145kidney (for COBASINTEGRA700
analyzer Cyclosporine vs. EMIT with pretreatment reagent comparison) or
These ranges will vary according to the commercial in vitro diagnostic 146kidney (for COBASINTEGRA700 analyzer Cyclosporine vs. EMIT with
test used. Ranges must be established for each commercial test used. methanol extraction comparison).
Each laboratory should investigate the transferability of the expected values Statistical analysis using the Deming regression method is provided below.
to its own patient population and if necessary determine its own reference
ranges. EMIT
Specific performance data EMIT Sample
Representative performance data on the COBASINTEGRA analyzers are MeOH Pretreatment
given below. Results obtained in individual laboratories may differ. Reagent
Precision Number of samples 263 262
Precision was determined using Bio-Rad Lyphochek Whole Blood Controls Range of values min. 41 ng/mL 43 ng/mL
in accordance with the CLSI guidelines EP05A26 requirements with
repeatability (n=84) and intermediate precision (2aliquots per run, 2runs max. 489 ng/mL 485 ng/mL
per day, 21days). Slope 0.937 0.939
The following results were obtained on a COBASINTEGRA400 analyzer: 95 % confidence interval
Repeatability Mean SD CV lower limit 0.915 0.917
ng/mL (nmol/L) ng/mL (nmol/L) % upper limit 0.959 0.961
Level 1 90.8 (75.5) 6.1 (5.1) 6.7 Intercept (ng/mL) 12.9 13.3
Level 2 185 (154) 8 (6.7) 4.6 95 % confidence interval
Cyclosporine II Therapeutic drug monitoring
Cyclosporine II Therapeutic drug monitoring
Trimethoprim 20 ND
Vancomycin 630 ND
ND = Not Detectable Roche Diagnostics GmbH, SandhoferStrasse116, D-68305 Mannheim
Distribution in USA by:
To assess the linearity of the assay, a 7level dilution series was prepared Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN
using a whole blood sample from a patient taking cyclosporine diluted with US Customer Technical Support 1-800-428-2336
negative human whole blood. Results were evaluated by Passing/Bablok
y = 0.998x + 1.07
r = 1.0
Slope 95 % CI (0.971, 1.02)
Intercept 95 % CI (-0.610, 11.1)
Lower limit of the range = 28.1
Any modification of the instrument as set forth in this labeling requires
validation by the laboratory.
1 McMillan MA. Clinical pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine. Pharmac Ther
2 Kahan BD. Cyclosporine. N Engl J Med 1989;321:1725-1738.
3 Schran HF, Rosano TG, Hassell AE, et al. Determination of
cyclosporine concentrations with monoclonal antibodies. Clin Chem
4 Wong PY, Mee AV, Glenn J, et al. Quality assessment of cyclosporine
monitoring Canadian validations. Transplant Proc 1990;22:1216-1217.
5 Bakker AJ, Mcke M. Gammopathy interference in clinical chemistry
assays: mechanisms, detection and prevention.
6 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Evaluation of Precision of
Quantitative Measurement Methods:Approved Guideline, EP05A2
7 National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Interference
Testing in Clinical Chemistry; Proposed Guideline. Villanova, PA.:
NCCLS; 1986;6(13). NCCLS Publication EP7-P.
8 Bablok W, Passing H, Bender R, et al. A general regression procedure
for method transformation. Application of linear regression procedures
for method comparison studies in clinical chemistry, Part III. J Clin
Chem Clin Biochem 1988 Nov;26(11):783-790.
A point (period/stop) is always used in this Method Sheet as the decimal
separator to mark the border between the integral and the fractional parts of
a decimal numeral. Separators for thousands are not used.
Roche Diagnostics uses the following symbols and signs in addition to
those listed in the ISO 152231 standard.
Contents of kit
Volume after reconstitution or mixing
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