Java Questions
Java Questions
Java Questions
a) -128 to 127
b) 0 to 256
c) 0 to 32767
d) 0 to 65535
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2. Which of these coding types is used for data type characters in Java?
d) None of the mentioned
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4. Which of these occupy first 0 to 127 in Unicode character set used for characters in Java?
c) None of the mentioned
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1. class array_output {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char array_variable [] = new char[10];
5. for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
6. array_variable[i] = 'i';
7. System.out.print(array_variable[i] + "" );
8. i++;
9. }
10. }
11. }
a) i i i i i
b) 0 1 2 3 4
c) i j k l m
d) None of the mentioned
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1. class mainclass {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char a = 'A';
5. a++;
6. System.out.print((int)a);
7. }
8. }
a) 66
b) 67
c) 65
d) 64
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1. class mainclass {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. boolean var1 = true;
5. boolean var2 = false;
6. if (var1)
7. System.out.println(var1);
8. else
9. System.out.println(var2);
10. }
11. }
a) 0
b) 1
c) true
d) false
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1. class booloperators {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. boolean var1 = true;
5. boolean var2 = false;
6. System.out.println((var2 & var2));
7. }
8. }
a) 0
b) 1
c) true
d) false
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1. class asciicodes {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char var1 = 'A';
5. char var2 = 'a';
6. System.out.println((int)var1 + " " + (int)var2);
7. }
8. }
1. class array_output {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int array_variable [] = new int[10];
5. for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
6. array_variable[i] = i;
7. System.out.print(array_variable[i] + " ");
8. i++;
9. }
10. }
11. }
a) 0 2 4 6 8
b) 1 3 5 7 9
c) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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1. class multidimention_array {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int arr[][] = new int[3][];
5. arr[0] = new int[1];
6. arr[1] = new int[2];
7. arr[2] = new int[3];
8. int sum = 0;
9. for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
10. for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j)
11. arr[i][j] = j + 1;
12. for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
13. for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j)
14. sum + = arr[i][j];
15. System.out.print(sum);
16. }
17. }
a) 11
b) 10
c) 13
d) 14
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1. class evaluate {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int arr[] = new int[] {0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
5. int n = 6;
6. n = arr[arr[n] / 2];
7. System.out.println(arr[n] / 2);
8. }
9. }
a) 3
b) 0
c) 6
d) 1
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1. class array_output {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char array_variable [] = new char[10];
5. for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
6. array_variable[i] = 'i';
7. System.out.print(array_variable[i] + "");
8. }
9. }
10. }
a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c) i j k l m n o p q r
d) i i i i i i i i i i
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1. class array_output {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int array_variable[][] = {{ 1, 2, 3}, { 4 , 5, 6}, { 7,
8, 9}};
5. int sum = 0;
6. for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
7. for (int j = 0; j < 3 ; ++j)
8. sum = sum + array_variable[i][j];
9. System.out.print(sum / 5);
10. }
11. }
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11
4. If an expression contains double, int, float, long, then whole expression will promoted into
which of these data types?
a) long
b) int
c) double
d) float
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1. class char_increment {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char c1 = 'D';
5. char c2 = 84;
6. c2++;
7. c1++;
8. System.out.println(c1 + " " + c2);
9. }
10. }
a) E U
b) U E
c) V E
d) U F
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a) 38 43
b) 39 44
c) 295 300
d) 295.04 300
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1. class A {
2. final public int calculate(int a, int b) { return 1; }
3. }
4. class B extends A {
5. public int calculate(int a, int b) { return 2; }
6. }
7. public class output {
8. public static void main(String args[])
9. {
10. B object = new B();
11. System.out.print("b is " + b.calculate(0, 1));
12. }
13. }
a) b is : 2
b) b is : 1
c) Compilation Error.
d) An exception is thrown at runtime.
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1. class main_arguments {
2. public static void main(String [] args)
3. {
4. String [][] argument = new String[2][2];
5. int x;
6. argument[0] = args;
7. x = argument[0].length;
8. for (int y = 0; y < x; y++)
9. System.out.print(" " + argument[0][y]);
10. }
11. }
a) 1 1
b) 1 0
c) 1 0 3
d) 1 2 3
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1. class c {
2. public void main( String[] args )
3. {
4. System.out.println( "Hello" + args[0] );
5. }
6. }
a) Hello c
b) Hello
c) Hello world
d) Runtime Error.
2. Which operator is used to invert all the digits in binary representation of a number?
a) ~
b) <<<
c) >>>
d) ^
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3. On applying Left shift operator, <<, on an integer bits are lost one they are shifted past
which position bit?
a) 1
b) 32
c) 33
d) 31
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1. class bitwise_operator {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int var1 = 42;
5. int var2 = ~var1;
6. System.out.print(var1 + " " + var2);
7. }
8. }
a) 42 42
b) 43 43
c) 42 -43
d) 42 43
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1. class bitwise_operator {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int a = 3;
5. int b = 6;
6. int c = a | b;
7. int d = a & b;
8. System.out.println(c + " " + d);
9. }
10. }
a) 7 2
b) 7 7
c) 7 5
d) 5 2
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1. class leftshift_operator {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. byte x = 64;
5. int i;
6. byte y;
7. i = x << 2;
8. y = (byte) (x << 2)
9. System.out.print(i + " " + y);
10. }
11. }
a) 0 64
b) 64 0
c) 0 256
d) 256 0
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1. class rightshift_operator {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int x;
5. x = 10;
6. x = x >> 1;
7. System.out.println(x);
8. }
9. }
a) 10
b) 5
c) 2
d) 20
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1. class Output {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int a = 1;
5. int b = 2;
6. int c = 3;
7. a |= 4;
8. b >>= 1;
9. c <<= 1;
10. a ^= c;
11. System.out.println(a + " " + b + " " + c);
12. }
13. }
a) 3 1 6
b) 2 2 3
c) 2 3 4
d) 3 3 6
1. class main_class {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int x = 9;
5. if (x == 9) {
6. int x = 8;
7. System.out.println(x);
8. }
9. }
10. }
a) 9
b) 8
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error
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1. class box {
2. int width;
3. int height;
4. int length;
5. }
6. class mainclass {
7. public static void main(String args[])
8. {
9. box obj = new box();
10. obj.width = 10;
11. obj.height = 2;
12. obj.length = 10;
13. int y = obj.width * obj.height * obj.length;
14. System.out.print(y);
15. }
16. }
a) 12
b) 200
c) 400
d) 100
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1. class box {
2. int width;
3. int height;
4. int length;
5. }
6. class mainclass {
7. public static void main(String args[])
8. {
9. box obj1 = new box();
10. box obj2 = new box();
11. obj1.height = 1;
12. obj1.length = 2;
13. obj1.width = 1;
14. obj2 = obj1;
15. System.out.println(obj2.height);
16. }
17. }
a) 1
b) 2
c) Runtime error
d) Garbage value
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a) 0
b) 1
c) Runtime error
d) classname@hashcode in hexadecimal form
2. Which of these operators can be used to concatenate two or more String objects?
a) +
b) +=
c) &
d) ||
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3. Which of these method of class String is used to obtain length of String object?
a) get()
b) Sizeof()
c) lengthof()
d) length()
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4. Which of these method of class String is used to extract a single character from a String
b) chatat()
c) charAt()
d) ChatAt()
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1. class String_demo {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char chars[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
5. String s = new String(chars);
6. System.out.println(s);
7. }
8. }
a) a
b) b
c) c
d) abc
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1. class String_demo {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. int ascii[] = { 65, 66, 67, 68};
5. String s = new String(ascii, 1, 3);
6. System.out.println(s);
7. }
8. }
a) ABC
b) BCD
c) CDA
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1. class String_demo {
2. public static void main(String args[])
3. {
4. char chars[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
5. String s = new String(chars);
6. String s1 = "abcd";
7. int len1 = s1.length();
8. int len2 = s.length();
9. System.out.println(len1 + " " + len2);
10. }
11. }
a) 3 0
b) 0 3
c) 3 4
d) 4 3
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1. class A {
2. int i;
3. int j;
4. A() {
5. i = 1;
6. j = 2;
7. }
8. }
9. class Output {
10. public static void main(String args[])
11. {
12. A obj1 = new A();
13. System.out.print(obj1.toString());
14. }
15. }
a) true
b) false
c) String associated with obj1
d) Compilation Error
2. Which of these can be used to fully abstract a class from its implementation?
a) Objects
b) Packages
c) Interfaces
d) None of the Mentioned.
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7. Which of the following package stores all the standard java classes?
a) lang
b) java
c) util
d) java.packages
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1. interface calculate {
2. void cal(int item);
3. }
4. class display implements calculate {
5. int x;
6. public void cal(int item) {
7. x = item * item;
8. }
9. }
10. class interfaces {
11. public static void main(String args[]) {
12. display arr = new display;
13. arr.x = 0;
15. System.out.print(arr.x);
16. }
17. }
a) 0
b) 2
c) 4
d) None of the mentioned
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1. interface calculate {
2. void cal(int item);
3. }
4. class displayA implements calculate {
5. int x;
6. public void cal(int item) {
7. x = item * item;
8. }
9. }
10. class displayB implements calculate {
11. int x;
12. public void cal(int item) {
13. x = item / item;
14. }
15. }
16. class interfaces {
17. public static void main(String args[]) {
18. displayA arr1 = new displayA;
19. displayB arr2 = new displayB;
20. arr1.x = 0;
21. arr2.x = 0;
24. System.out.print(arr1.x + " " + arr2.x);
25. }
26. }
a) 0 0
b) 2 2
c) 4 1
d) 1 4
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1. interface calculate {
2. int VAR = 0;
3. void cal(int item);
4. }
5. class display implements calculate {
6. int x;
7. public void cal(int item) {
8. if (item<2)
9. x = VAR;
10. else
11. x = item * item;
12. }
13. }
14. class interfaces {
16. public static void main(String args[]) {
17. display[] arr=new display[3];
19. for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
20. arr[i]=new display();
21. arr[0].cal(0);
22. arr[1].cal(1);
23. arr[2].cal(2);
24. System.out.print(arr[0].x+" " + arr[1].x + " " +
25. }
26. }
a) 0 1 2
b) 0 2 4
c) 0 0 4
d) 0 1 4
2. Which of these keywords is used to refer to member of base class from a sub class?
a) upper
b) super
c) this
d) None of the mentioned
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5. Which two classes use the Shape class correctly? (Choose two.)
a) B,E
b) A,C
c) C,E
d) T,H
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1. class A {
2. int i;
3. void display() {
4. System.out.println(i);
5. }
6. }
7. class B extends A {
8. int j;
9. void display() {
10. System.out.println(j);
11. }
12. }
13. class inheritance_demo {
14. public static void main(String args[])
15. {
16. B obj = new B();
17. obj.i=1;
18. obj.j=2;
19. obj.display();
20. }
21. }
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) Compilation Error
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1. class A {
2. int i;
3. }
4. class B extends A {
5. int j;
6. void display() {
7. super.i = j + 1;
8. System.out.println(j + " " + i);
9. }
10. }
11. class inheritance {
12. public static void main(String args[])
13. {
14. B obj = new B();
15. obj.i=1;
16. obj.j=2;
17. obj.display();
18. }
19. }
a) 2 2
b) 3 3
c) 2 3
d) 3 2
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1. class A {
2. public int i;
3. private int j;
4. }
5. class B extends A {
6. void display() {
7. super.j = super.i + 1;
8. System.out.println(super.i + " " + super.j);
9. }
10. }
11. class inheritance {
12. public static void main(String args[])
13. {
14. B obj = new B();
15. obj.i=1;
16. obj.j=2;
17. obj.display();
18. }
19. }
a) 2 2
b) 3 3
c) Runtime Error
d) Compilation Error
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1. class A {
2. public int i;
3. public int j;
4. A() {
5. i = 1;
6. j = 2;
7. }
8. }
9. class B extends A {
10. int a;
11. B() {
12. super();
13. }
14. }
15. class super_use {
16. public static void main(String args[])
17. {
18. B obj = new B();
19. System.out.println(obj.i + " " + obj.j)
20. }
21. }
a) 1 2
b) 2 1
c) Runtime Error
d) Compilation Error
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1. class A {
2. public int i;
3. protected int j;
4. }
5. class B extends A {
6. int j;
7. void display() {
8. super.j = 3;
9. System.out.println(i + " " + j);
10. }
11. }
12. class Output {
13. public static void main(String args[])
14. {
15. B obj = new B();
16. obj.i=1;
17. obj.j=2;
18. obj.display();
19. }
20. }
a) 1 2
b) 2 1
c) 1 3
d) 3 1