Daa-2marks and 10 Marksdescriptive Questions

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2-marks and 10-marks questions

1. What is performance measurement?
2. What is an algorithm?
3. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?
4. Define Program.
5. What is recursive algorithm?
6. What is space complexity?
7. What is time complexity?
8. Define best-case step count.
9. Define the asymptotic notation Big on (0)


1) Give brief description about performance measurement.

2) Define an algorithm. Explain the different criteria that satisfy the algorithm.
3) Briefly explain about asymptotic notations.
4) What are the different techniques to represent an algorithm? Explain?
5) Give an example to solve the towers of Hanoi problem.
6) Explain how to identify the repeated elements.
7) Discus the different approaches to find the time complexity of algorithms.
8) Explain the sorting of elements by using merge sort technique?
9) Present an iterative algorithm for binary search?
10) Explain in detail about the stressens matrix multiplication?

1. What is Knapsack problem?
2. What is the Greedy choice property?
3. What is greedy method?
4. What are the steps required to develop a greedy algorithm?
5. Write the general algorithm for Greedy method control abstraction.
6. Define dynamic programming.
7. What are the drawbacks of dynamic programming?
8. Define principle of optimality.


1) Explain the scheme to construct bi-connected graph?

2) Explain spanning trees and minimum cost spanning trees with suitable examples?
3) Prove that the greedy method produces an optimal solution to the job sequencing problem?
4) Present greedy algorithm for sequencing unit time jobs with deadlines and profit?
5) Explain the general concept of dynamic programming?
2-marks and 10-marks questions
6) Find the solution for the knapsack problem. when n=3,(W1,W2,W3)=(18,15,10).
(P1,P2,P3)=(25,24,15) AND M=20.
7) Explain traveling sales person problem?
8) Explain about optimal binary search tress?
9) Take an example problem and solve All-Pairs shortest path?
10) Explain and give an example for single source shortest path?

1) What are the factors that influence the efficiency of the backtracking algorithm?
2) State 8 Queens problem.
3) What is BFS
4) Define DFS
5) What is bi-connected component?
6) Define articulation point?
7) Define chromatic number of the graph
8) Define explicit constraint.
9) Define answer states.
1) Write an algorithm to estimate the efficiency of backtracking?
2) Explain 4-queen problem using backtracking?
3) Explain spanning trees and minimum cost spanning trees with suitable example?
4) How many solutions are there to the eight queens problem? How many distinct solutions are
there if we do not distinguish solution that can be transformed into one another by rotations and
5) Explain about graph coloring and Hamiltonian cycles with examples?
6) Explain about knapsack problem with example?
7) Explain about techniques for binary trees and techniques for graphs?
8) Explan about DFS?



1.Define Branch-and-Bound method.

2.What are the searching techniques that are commonly used in Branch-and-Bound method.

3. Write a difference between branch and bound with backtracking.

4.what is TSP?

2-marks and 10-marks questions
5. What is FIFO?
10 -marks

1. Explain about travelling salesman problem with example.

2. Explain about 0/1 knapsack snapshot problem.

4. Explain FIFO branch and bound.

5. What do you mean by bounding? Explain how these bounds are useful in branch and bound method?

6. Explain lower bounds through reductions.

7. What is Triangular matrices ? Explain about multiplying triangular matrices.

8. Define briefly about the algorithms in Lower bound theory?

1.Define tractable and intractable problems
2.Explain the theory of computational complexity
3.Explain class P problems
4..Explain the halting problem
5..Explain class NP problems
1. Prove that any two NP complete problems are polynomial turning equivalent.
2. Give brief description about the cooks theorem and prove with example.
3. Give out the relation between NP hard and NP completeness problems.
4. Discuss NP hard and NP complete problems.
5. Discuss in detail the different classes in NP hard and NP complete.
6. Explain the non deterministic sorting and searching algorithms.
7. Explain about Reduction source problems.


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