The document lists information about various chemical reagents including their names, dates received, dates opened, expiration dates, and batch numbers. Specifically it mentions reagents for Ziehl-Neelsen staining including carbolic fuchsin, methylene blue, and acid alcohol as well as reagents for a Truk solution and ammonium oxalate. The information is presented in a table format with one reagents listed per row.
The document lists information about various chemical reagents including their names, dates received, dates opened, expiration dates, and batch numbers. Specifically it mentions reagents for Ziehl-Neelsen staining including carbolic fuchsin, methylene blue, and acid alcohol as well as reagents for a Truk solution and ammonium oxalate. The information is presented in a table format with one reagents listed per row.
The document lists information about various chemical reagents including their names, dates received, dates opened, expiration dates, and batch numbers. Specifically it mentions reagents for Ziehl-Neelsen staining including carbolic fuchsin, methylene blue, and acid alcohol as well as reagents for a Truk solution and ammonium oxalate. The information is presented in a table format with one reagents listed per row.
The document lists information about various chemical reagents including their names, dates received, dates opened, expiration dates, and batch numbers. Specifically it mentions reagents for Ziehl-Neelsen staining including carbolic fuchsin, methylene blue, and acid alcohol as well as reagents for a Truk solution and ammonium oxalate. The information is presented in a table format with one reagents listed per row.