Focus On Pneumonia: Key Facts

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Focus on Pneumonia

February 2014

Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection affecting the lungs that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or
Although pneumonia can often be treated and cured, 1.1 million children under the age of five die due to
pneumonia every year (18% of all deaths of children under five years old worldwide)
Pneumonia is treatable and preventable. However, delays in recognizing pneumonia and accessing
appropriate care, as well as missed opportunities for immunization, contribute to pneumonia mortality


Pneumonia affects children and adults everywhere, however most child deaths occur in the worlds poorest regions with highest
incidence in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and respiratory syncytial virus are the most common causes of
pneumonia in healthy people. Pneumocystis jiroveci is one of the most common causes of pneumonia in immunocompromised infant and
it is responsible for one quarter of all pneumonia deaths in HIV-infected infants
Pertussis and measles have also a respiratory tract component and can complicate with pneumonia
The Philippines is one of the 15 countries that together account for 75% of childhood pneumonia cases worldwide. In children aged
under 5 years, pneumonia is the leading cause of mortality with a mortalitily rate of 23.4 x 100,000 population recorded in 2009
In Regions VI, VII and VIII of the Philippines, the total number of children under five years of age with pneumonia that have been seen
and given treatment from January to December 2012 were 89,221 and 85,923, respectively
Major risk factors for developing pneumonia are:
o a weakened immune system due to malnutrition or undernourishment (especially in infants not exclusively breastfed), HIV and
other pre-existing illnesses such as measles
o environmental factors including indoor air pollution (cooking/heating with wood, dung, or other biomass fuels), living in
crowded houses and parental smoking

Pneumonia can be spread by:
o Inhalation of viruses and bacteria that are commonly found in a childs nose or throat
o Inhalation of contaminated airborne droplets from someone elses cough or sneeze
o Bloodstream infections
o In newborns, contact with organisms in the birth canal or contaminated substances contacted during delivery
Most organisms that cause pneumonia are commonly encountered during day-to-day activities. Hence, it is not recommended that
otherwise healthy people wear masks to protect themselves from pneumonia


Pneumonia may have a range of symptoms depending on the age and the cause of
the infection
Viral and bacterial pneumonia have similar symptoms, although there may be
more symptoms with viral pneumonia
Cough and difficult and painful breathing are key symptoms of pneumonia; fever
is also common
In children under five years of age, difficult breathing manifests as:
o Rapid breathing (>50 bpm for 2-12 months old; >40 bpm for >12
months - 5years old)
o Lower chest indrawing, where chest moves in or retracts during
inhalation, also called retraction (Figure 1)
Figure 1: chest indrawing in an infant. In the image on the
o Flaring of the nostrils with every breath
left, the infant is exhaling. In the image on the right, he is
o Grunting with every exhalation
o Wheezing, more commonly with viral infections inhaling; note the triangular shadows at the borders of the
ribcage on the sides of the trunk.
Severely ill infants may be unable to feed or drink and may experience
unconsciousness, hypothermia, and convulsions


Chest x-rays and laboratory tests can be used to confirm the presence of pneumonia and to identify the causative pathogen
In resource-poor environments, pneumonia diagnosis is based on clinical signs and symptoms

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EWARN weekly summary| 16 to 22 February 2014

Treatment of pneumonia is with antibiotics. Treatment regimens need to be chosen based on their efficacy in local settings (e.i. level of
drug resistence) and accordingly to the patient risk factors (e.i. undernourished or HIV-positive children)
Children under two months are at highest risk for severe illness/death and they should be immediately referred to a hospital or clinic
for treatment


Public health interventions to prevent pneumonia include:
o Immunization against pathogens that directly cause pneumonia (S. pneumonia and H. influenza type b) and pathogens that lead
to pneumonia as complication of the infection (eg. measles and pertussis)
o The most important available vaccines to prevent pneumonia are pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Hib vaccine, measles and
pertussis vaccine
o Adequate nutrition to improve natural defense and strength of respiratory muscles (which aid in clearance of secretions)
o Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life
o Zinc supplementation
In children infected with HIV, the antibiotic cotrimoxazole is given daily to decrease the risk of contracting pneumonia


Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are range of respiratory disease that can affect the upper respiratory tract or lower respiratory tract.
The clinical manifestation of ARI (cough, colds and/or sore throat with or without fever) is common for several diseases such as the
common cold, influenza or pneumonia
Since the typhoon there have been over 101,417 consultations for ARI in the affected areas
The following charts and tables show information from SPEED consultations for ARI in select typhoon-affected areas (Regions VI and VIII)
from 10 Nov 2013 - 22 Feb 2014. Results shown are dependent upon facility reporting that varied over time

In Region VI, since 10 November 2013, there have been 22,477 consultations for acute respiratory infections reported through SPEED, mostly
from the Capiz province. The number of consultations for ARI peaked in the first week of December. ARI consuktations have represented
between 30% and 60% of all consultations since 10 November 2013.

In Region VIII, since 10 November 2013, there have been 78,940 consultations for ARI reported through SPEED, mostly from Leyte province. A
steady decrease in the proportion of ARI consultations has been reported in Leyte since the typhoon with some oscilations and a slight
increase in the last week. In Easter Samar the proportion of ARI consultations has been relatively constant since the typhoon.

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Addressing environmental factors such as indoor air pollution by providing affordable clean indoor stoves and encouraging good hygiene
in crowded homes can reduce the number of children who fall ill with pneumonia
Immunization against S. pneumonia, H. influenza type b, pertussis and measles are the most effective way to prevent pneumonia when
the cause of pneumonia has been identified
In 2013, WHO and UNICEF launched the integrated Global action plan for pneumonia and diarrhoea (GAPPD). The aim is to accelerate
pneumonia control with a combination of interventions to protect, prevent and treat pneumonia in children with actions to:
protect children from pneumonia include promoting exclusive breastfeeding and adequate complementary feeding
prevent pneumonia with vaccinations, hand washing with soap, reducing household air pollution, HIV prevention and
cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV-infected and exposed children
treat pneumonia which are focused on making sure that every sick child has access to the right kind of care -- either from a
community-based health worker, or in a health facility if the disease is severe -- and can get the antibiotics and oxygen they
need to get well

More information at: ,

This weekly EWARN Summary is published by the World Health Organization (WHO), Philippines. It is based on preliminary surveillance data from
multiple sources, including the Surveillance in Post-Extreme Emergencies and Disasters (SPEED) system, the Philippines Integrated Disease
Surveillance and Response System (PIDSR), and event-based reporting system.
WHO surveillance contact:
Weekly Summaries are available at:

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