Lok Adalat 3
Lok Adalat 3
Lok Adalat 3
(Constituted Under the 'Legal Services Authorities Act, L987', an Act of Parlioment)
Under the Administrative Control of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi
Room No.35, Ground Floor, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi
{"qqsqqe Ph. :22L0L335, Fax :22382490, Email : east-dlsa@nic.in
www.dslsa.org 24x7 Toll free Helpline Number: 1516
Respected Sir,
find enclosed
herewith Stories 'as
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Karkatdooma Courts, Delhi.
ENCL : As above.
fuc crs ( Trn,y
The Secretary
DLSA, East Distt.
Karkardoma Court
Respected Madam,
This has reference to telephonic cell i"eccive,i fi-om
you today
pertaining to captioned matter. A case
titled as Kalpana Devi vs. Tara singh
bearing cc no. 112rt14 which was fired by petitioner
(wife) craiming
maintenance from the respondent (husband)
on 02.03.2011 was pending in
which' after counseling the parties, matter was
referred to Lok Adalat for
settlement. The petitioner had also filed
a case HMA no. 105g/15 U/s g of HMA
on 07' 11"2015 which was also referred for
Lok Adalat atongwith cc no. 1127t14.
Ms. Nisha saxena (Ld. ADJ, East Derhi) sitting
as Lok Adarat Judge
settled the matter between the parties amicably
whereby the parties agreed to
take divorce by mutuar consent and for quashing
of FrR no. 1ogt2o11 ps:
Kalyanpuri uls 498N4o6l34lPC. Parties immediatel-v
filed first motion of divcrce
in which the joint statement has been made
and the order has been passed on
21'02'2017' ln this manner the parties have arrived
at final setilement in six
years old matter and their three cases
are finished through Lok Adarat.
This is for your kind information.
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Principal Judge, Family Court, East Delhi
Succae{ sroR\ oNE
rhe execution petition. The parties were pursuing the litigation inspite