OLC Engineering 2014 2015
OLC Engineering 2014 2015
OLC Engineering 2014 2015
2014-2015 Calendar
Table of Contents
Dean's Message 3
Important Notices 4
Sessional Dates 6
Overview of the Faculty 10
Admissions 31
Scholarships and Financial Aid 32
Fees and Expenses 68
Student Services and Resources 72
Academic Regulations 82
Curriculum 98
Engineering Programs 106
Course Descriptions 164
Errata 232
As a student at U of T Engineering, you benefit directly from the expertise and devotion of our faculty as they prepare you to stand out, and stand apart,
as a global engineering leader, innovator and entrepreneur. We are so glad that you have chosen to join our vibrant community.
As the premier engineering school in Canada (according to all international rankings) and 12th globally (as determined by the 2013 Academic Ranking of
World Universities), we continually seek opportunities to build on our strengths, collaborate across fields and create innovative learning environments to
inspire the next generation of engineers.
Our graduate attributes, co- and extra-curricular activities, certificates and minors are all mechanisms designed to ensure you graduate with the skills
and competencies necessary to begin your thriving careers. As we move into the latter half of our Academic Plan, we continue to make significant
progress towards achieving our goals to educate future engineers and enhance the student experience.
I encourage you to take advantage of the substantial opportunities and resources available to you. The advice, guidance, counselling and other services
provided by our First Year, departmental undergraduate (for upper-year students) and Registrars Offices are there when you need them.
This calendar outlines the curriculum for each of our nine undergraduate programs, information on scholarships and financial aid, as well as policies and
procedures for moving from session to session.
In addition, we seek to keep you informed through our e-newsletters, Town Halls, information sessions, the Engineering Societys website, and digital
signage displays. Your feedback is important to us and we look forward to hearing from you.
Cristina Amon
Dean, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
The Undergraduate Academic Calendar of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering is now published online. In the case of any discrepancy, the
online version shall apply. Any post-publication corrections and/or updates to the Undergraduate Academic Calendar will be posted on the Registrars
website at www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca. Students are strongly advised to check back regularly to keep informed of changes.
The University reserves the right to change, without notice, any information contained in this calendar, including any rule or regulation pertaining to the
standards for admission, the requirements for the continuation of study in, or the requirements for the granting of degrees or diplomas in any or all of its
programs. The publication of information in this calendar does not bind the University to the provision of courses, programs, schedules of studies, or
facilities as listed herein.
The University will not be liable for any interruption in, or cancellation of, any academic activities as set forth in this calendar and related information
where such interruption is caused by fire, strike, lock-out, inability to procure materials or trades, restrictive laws or governmental regulations, actions
taken by faculty, staff or students of the University or by others, civil unrest or disobedience, or any other cause of any kind beyond the reasonable
control of the University.
The University is required to report student-level enrolment-related data to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities as a condition of its receipt
of operating grant funding. The Ministry collects this enrolment data, which includes limited personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers,
student characteristics and educational outcomes, in order to administer government postsecondary funding, policies and programs, including planning,
evaluation and monitoring activities.
For each program of study offered by the University through the Faculty, the courses necessary to complete the minimum requirements of the program
will be made available annually. We must, however, reserve the right otherwise to change the content of courses, instructors and instructional
assignments, enrolment limitations, pre-requisites and co-requisites, grading policies, requirements for promotion and timetables without prior notice.
The University has several policies that are approved by the Governing Council and which apply to all students. Each student must become familiar with
the policies. The University will assume that he or she has done so. The rules and regulations of the Faculty are listed in this calendar. In applying to the
Faculty, the student assumes certain responsibilities to the University and the Faculty and, if admitted and registered, shall be subject to all rules,
regulations and policies cited in the calendar.
More information about students rights and responsibilities can be found at: life.utoronto.ca/get-help/rights-responsibilities.htm
The University makes every reasonable effort to plan and control enrolment to ensure that all of our students are qualified to complete the programs to
which they are admitted, and to strike a practicable balance between enrolment and available instructional resources. Sometimes such a balance cannot
be struck and the number of qualified students exceeds the instructional resources that we can reasonably make available while at the same time
maintaining the quality of instruction. In such cases, we must reserve the right to limit enrolment in the programs, courses or sections listed in the
calendar, and to withdraw courses or sections for which enrolment or resources are insufficient. The University will not be liable for any loss, damages or
other expenses that such limitations or withdrawals might cause.
May 5 Monday First Year T-Program classes begin. F Session Engineering Minor courses begin
(including APS/CHE/JRE courses). LIEP Program courses begin
May 16 Friday Last day for waitlists for F Engineering Minor courses
May 19 Monday Deadline for students to enrol in F/Y/S Engineering Minor or LIEP courses on SWS;
Deadline for students to be enrolled in T-Program courses
June 9 Monday Last day to drop F courses (T-Program/F Session Engineering Minor) without academic
penalty* Requests to drop T-Program courses must be submitted to the First Year Office
(GB170) by 4 p.m.
June 20 Friday First Year T-Program/F Session Engineering Minor classes end
June 23 to June 27 Monday to Friday Final examinations for First Year T-Program courses/F Session Minor courses
*For LIEP courses, study break may vary by course.
July 6 Sunday Last day for waitlists for S Engineering Minor courses
July 20 Sunday Last day to drop Y Session courses without academic penalty*
July 29 Tuesday Last day to drop S Session courses without academic penalty*
August 18 to August 22 Monday to Friday Final examination period for S Session Engineering Minor/LIEP courses
The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are
eligible for a refund. Check the refund schedules for refund dates, which are available at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
July 20 Sunday Last day to drop Y Session courses without academic penalty*
July 29 Tuesday Last day to drop S Session courses without academic penalty*
The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are
eligible for a refund. Check the refund schedules for refund dates, which are available at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
July 22 Tuesday First day for Engineering students to add Arts and Science (A&S) courses with reserved
seating (6:00am)
August 13 Wednesday First day for Engineering students to enrol in all Arts and Science (A&S) courses
September 4 Thursday Last day for Engineering students to enrol in A&S courses with reserved seating
September 8 Monday Arts & Science lectures in F and Y Session courses begin
September 21 Sunday Last day for students to add or substitute any Fall Session (F) or Full Year (Y) courses on
the SWS
September 22 to Monday Late enrolment for Y Section code courses only (Registrar's Office only)
September 26 Friday
October 1 Wednesday Last day for students to apply to re-enrol for 2015 Winter Session
November 3 Monday Last day for students to drop F Session courses without academic penalty including Fall
Session courses taken in the Faculty of Arts and Science
Last day for students to transfer to part-time studies
Last day for students to withdraw from the Fall Session without academic penalty*
November TBA Fall Convocation ceremony for the conferring of the Bachelor of Applied Science and
Engineering Science degrees Please check (www.convocation.utoronto.ca) for details
December 2 Tuesday Last day of Arts & Science classes; Last day to apply for a late withdrawal (LWD) from an
A&S HSS/CS/Free Elective classes
December 3 Wednesday Last day of lectures in F Session; All session work should be submitted by this date.
The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are
eligible for a refund. Check the refund schedules for refund dates, which are available at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
January 5 Monday Lectures begin in S courses and resume in Y Session courses for Engineering
January 18 Sunday Last day for students to add or substitute S Sesssion courses
February 16 Monday Last day to drop Y (full year) courses without academic penalty*
Note: A student who is taking a full year core course will not be allowed to drop this course
in the Winter Session if a recalculation of his or her Fall Session load shows that dropping
the course will reduce the F Session course load to fewer than 2.5 credits
February 28 Saturday Examination timetable for S and Y Session courses posted (tentative)
March 8 Sunday Last day for students to drop S Session courses without academic penalty, including S
Session courses taken in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Last day for students to transfer to part-time studies.
Last day for students to withdraw from S Session without academic penalty*
Last day for students to apply to re-enrol for 2015 Fall Session
April 2 Thursday (Arts & Science only) End of classes for S and Y Session courses in the Faculty of Arts
& Science. Last day to apply for late withdrawal (LWD) from Arts and Science
HSS/CS/Free Elective courses
April 10 Friday Last day for lectures in S Session; All session work should be submitted by this date
April 14 Tuesday S and Y Session examinations (April 30 is reserved for examinations postponed by
to general emergency)
April 29 Wednesday Note: Examinations in courses offered by other faculties may be held outside of this period
April 8 to Wednesday S and Y session examination period for Arts & Science courses
April 30 Thursday
The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are
eligible for a refund. Check the refund schedules for refund dates, which are available at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
Executive Director: Jim Dawson, B.Mus., A.M., D.M.A.
Founded in 1873, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering community includes more than 5,000 undergraduate and more than 1,900 graduate
students, about 230 professors, 290 staff and has more than 44,000 alumni. Our graduates have pursued careers in all engineering fields throughout
Canada and the world. They contribute towards resource industries, manufacturing, transportation, communications, as well as law, finance and health
care systems. SkuleTM alumni are employed by governments, in private enterprise, and throughout our educational system. Many have become leaders
in major corporations, businesses and develop new companies as technological entrepreneurs.
The Faculty offers a wide range of undergraduate and post-graduate studies in engineering. Students will qualify for the Bachelor of Applied Science
degree (B.A.Sc.) in any one of the following programs:
Students enrolled in Engineering Science will qualify for the Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science (B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science) in one
of the following majors:
Curricula for all programs of study are set out in detail in Curriculum and Programs section of this calendar.
Most of Engineering's undergraduate students' teaching is provided by 230 professors across the Faculty's five Departments and two Institutes: the
departments of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies and the Institute of Biomaterials and
Biomedical Engineering.
The Faculty is fortunate to be part of a great University that provides access to a vast range of resources. The departments of Computer Science,
The Engineering Alumni Association to which all graduates belong, supports the ongoing work of the Faculty, and, through representative membership
on the Faculty Council, participates in governance. The buildings of the Faculty are located primarily at the southern end of the University's St. George
Campus. The Faculty's decanal offices are located in the Bahen Centre for Information Technology, University of Toronto, 44 St. George Street.
Students seeking information about any aspect of study in the Faculty are encouraged to visit the Office of the Registrar, located in the Galbraith
Building, room 157, 35 St. George Street.
Every Engineering undergraduate is a member of the Engineering Society. Founded in 1885, the Society is the oldest formal Engineering organization in
Canada. Together with its constituent "course clubs" (one for each program), the Society plans and operates many student activities and services. It is
the focal point for the traditional SkuleTM spirit that exists among Engineering students; the envy of other groups in the University. This sense of spirit and
community continues throughout our graduates' professional careers. The Society operates the Engineering stores where students purchase most of
their school supplies and instruments; additionally, it deals with matters of policy relating to student academic affairs and has representation on Faculty
Council and its Standing Committees.
After completion of the BASc degree, and upon acceptance by the School of Graduate Studies, students can extend the topic of his or her coordinated
program thesis to a Masters thesis, which is normally under the supervision of the same thesis advisor. This program permits a significant reduction in
the time it would typically take a student to complete his or her Masters degree requirements.
A student who wishes to enrol in a coordinated program thesis should consult the Departmental Graduate Coordinators about the academic
requirements for the MASc or MEng degrees and obtain approval from his or her thesis topic from the BASc Thesis Coordinator. The Thesis Coordinator
will require assurance that the BASc thesis project provides a suitable preparation for the proposed MASc thesis or MEng project and that satisfactory
arrangements have been made for supervision of both the coordinated program thesis and the proposed Masters program.
The Faculty offers the following four degrees at the graduate level:
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.): professional degree in engineering with certificate options in ELITE (Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation, and
Technology in Engineering), EPP (Engineering and Public Policy) Robotics and Mechatronics, and Globalization
Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.): traditional, full-time, research-intensive master's degree
Master of Health Science in Clinical Engineering (M.H.Sc.): combines the fields of engineering, life sciences, medicine and clinical application
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): highest degree in engineering
Persons wishing to enrol as Special Students (not proceeding to a degree) should consult the Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Office at 416-978-
0120 regarding admission requirements and the procedure for application.
Fees must be paid by the first day of classes. Failure to pay by this date will result in the cancellation of registration.
Full-Time Enrolment
Lassonde Mineral
34 34 42 16 126
Part-Time Enrolment
Chemical Engineering 3 13 1 4 21
Civil Engineering 1 0 2 6 9
Computer Engineering 3 5 4 8 20
Electrical Engineering 4 9 3 11 27
Engineering Science 1 0 1 5 7
Industrial Engineering 1 7 2 3 13
Lassonde Mineral
1 0 1 1 3
Materials Engineering 3 0 0 0 3
Mechanical Engineering 2 3 9 10 24
Special Students 6
Foundation Program
Experience Year
S.P. Sampath, B.Eng.(MYSORE), M.Eng. (IISc), Ph.D. (Sask), MBA
(McGill), F.C.A.E., NSERC/Pratt & Whitney Canada Executive
Engineering PROFESSORS
B.L. Bardakjian, B.Sc.(ALEXANDRIA), B.Ed.(TORONTO),
J.P. Santerre, B.Sc. (DALHOUSIE), M.Sce. (UNB), Ph.D. W.C. Chan, B.Sc. (U of ILLINOIS-URBANA CHAMPAIGN), Ph.D.
(McMASTER), Dentistry; Chemical Engineering and Applied (INDIANA UNIVERSITY), Materials Science & Engineering,
Chemistry; Materials Science and Engineering Chemical Engineering, Canada Research Chair in
T. Chau, B.A.Sc. (TORONTO), M.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D.
STUDIES, IBBME (WATERLOO), P.Eng, Canada Research Chair in Pediatric
J. Audet, B.Sc. (LAVAL), M.Sc. (LAVAL), Ph.D. (BRITISH Rehabilitation Engineering, Director, Bloorview Research
COLUMBIA), Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Institute
J.E. Davies, B.Sc. (CARDIFF), B.D.S. (WALES), Ph.D. (LONDON),
D.Sc. (LONDON), Dentistry, Material Science and Engineering,
M.S. Shoichet, B.Sc., (MIT), M.Sc., Ph.D. (MASSACHUSETTS), G.R. Fernie, B.Sc. (SUSSEX), Ph.D. (STRATHCLYDE), MIMECHE.,
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, C.Eng., P.Eng., CCE, Surgery, Mechanical and Industrial
Canada Research Chair in Tissue Engineering Engineering
ENGINEERING PROGRAM, IBBME R.A. Kandel, M.D., Materials Engineering, Laboratory Medicine and
A. Mihailidis, B.A.Sc. (TORONTO), M.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D. Pathobiology
(STRATHCLYDE), Occupational Science & Occupational M. Popovic, B.Sc. (YUGOSLAVIA), M.Sc., Ph.D. (TORONTO),
Therapy, Barbara G. Stymiest Research Chair in Rehabilitation Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Technology, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute D.A. Steinman, B.A.Sc. (TORONTO), M.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D.
(TORONTO), P.Eng., Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
C.M. Yip, B.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D. (MINNESOTA), P.Eng.,
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry,
P. Zandstra, B.Eng. (McGILL), Ph.D. (UBC), Chemical Engineering
Canada Research Chair in Molecular Imaging
and Applied Chemistry, Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell
A.C. Easty, B.Sc. (SUSSEX), Ph.D. (LONDON), University Health
Network, Baxter Chair in Health Technology
M. Eizenman, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D. (TORONTO),
C.A. Simmons, B.Sc. (GUELPH), S.M. (MIT), Ph.D. (TORONTO),
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ophthalmology
P.Eng. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Dentistry,
M. Radisic, B.Eng. (MCMASTER), Ph.D. (MIT), Chemical
Canada Research Chair in Mechanobiology * Currently on
Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Canada Research Chair in
sabbatical leave
Functional Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
K. T. Truong, B.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D. (TORONTO), Electrical
A. Wheeler, BS. (FURMAN U), Ph.D. (STANFORD), Chemistry,
and Computer Engineering, Interim Co-Chair Biomedical
Banting and Best Department of Medical Research, Canada
Engineering Undergraduate Option
Research Chair in Bioanalytical Chemistry
W. Wong, B.Sc., (TORONTO) M.Sc., (TORONTO) Ph.D.
PROFESSORS EMERITI (TORONTO), Electrical and Computer Engineering
R.S.C. Cobbold, B.Sc. (LONDON), M.Sc. (SASK), Ph.D. (SASK), L. You, B.Sc. (BEIJING), M.Sc. (BEIJING), Ph.D., (NEW YORK),
F.R.S.C., Electrical & Computer Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
R.C. Frecker, B.Sc. (MEM), M.D. (DALHOUSIE), Ph.D. (TORONTO),
Electrical and Computer Engineering
J. Andrysek, B.Sc. (GUELPH), M.A.Sc (TORONTO), Ph.D.
M.L.G. Joy, B.Sc. (TORONTO), M.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D.
(UTRECHT), Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
(TORONTO), P.Eng., Electrical and Computer Engineering
E. Biddiss, B.A.Sc, (TORONTO), M.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D.
H. Kunov, M.Sc. (DENMARK), Ph.D. (DENMARK), P.Eng., Electrical
(TORONTO), Rehabilitation Sciences, Bloorview Research
& Computer Engineering
M. Milner, Ph.D. (WITS), D.Sc. (QUEENS). P.Eng., C.C.E., MARS
R. Fernandez-Gonzalez, B.Sc. (MADRID), Ph.D. (BERKELEY), Cell
and Systems Biology
K.H. Norwich, M.D., B.Sc., M.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D.(TORONTO),
D. Kilkenny-Rocheleau, B.Sc. (WESTERN), Ph.D. (WESTERN),
R. Pilliar, B.A.Sc. (TORONTO), Ph.D. (LEEDS), P.Eng, Dentistry
P.Y. Wang, B.Sc. (McGILL), Ph.D. (McGILL)
TITLED PROFESSOR S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
M.V. Sefton, B.A.Sc., Sc.D. (MIT), P.Eng., F.C.I.C., F.B.S.E., K. Masani, B.Ed. (TOKYO), M.Ed. (TOKYO), Ph.D. (TOKYO),
F.R.S.C., University Professor, Michael E. Charles Professor, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
D.D. Perovic, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., FCAE, P.Eng., Celestica
B.W. Karney, B.A.Sc. (UBC), M.Eng. (UBC), Ph.D. (UBC), P.Eng.,
Chair in Materials for Microelectronics
F.A.A.A.S., Professor of Civil Engineering
H.E. Ruda, B.Sc.(LOND), ARSM, Ph.D.(MIT), FRSC, Stan L. Meek
Chair in Advanced Nanotechnology
M.P. Collins, B.E.(CANTERBURY), Ph.D.(N S W), D.Eng. (NSW),
F.R.S.C., F.A.C.I., F.C.S.C.E., P.Eng., University Professor and
U. Erb., DIPL.Ing., Dr.rer.nat(SAARLAND)
Bahen-Tanenbaum Professor of Civil Engineering
Z.H. Lu, B.Sc.(CHINA), M.Sc., Ph.D. CRC Chair in Organic
M.J. Roorda, B.Eng. & SOCIETY (MCM), M.A.Sc.,Ph.D.
(TORONTO), P.Eng., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
H. Naguib, B.Sc. (ALEXANDRIA), M.Eng (ACAD OF SC & TECH,
EGYPT), Ph.D., FCMSE, FIMMM, CRC Chair in Smart and
Functional Materials P.Eng.
Z. Wang, B.Eng.(Jiao-Tong), M.Sc., Ph.D.(Polytech. Univ. N.Y.)
S. J. Thorpe, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 21
Overview of the Faculty
M. Barati, B.Sc., M.Sc. (ISFAHAN), Ph.D. (McMASTER), P.Eng.
Mechanical and Industrial
T.W. Coyle, B.Sc., B.A.(ALFRED), Sc.D.(MIT) Engineering
N.P. Kherani, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng
K.K. Lian, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.
B.D. Hatton, B.Sc.E. (QUEEN'S), M.Sc.E. (MCMASTER), Ph.D. P.Eng., F.A.S.M.E., F.E.I.C., F.C.S.M.E., F.A.A.A.S., F.C.A.E.
C.V.Singh, B.Sc. (Dayalbagh), M.Tech. (IIS), Ph.D. (Texas A & M)
E.D.Sone, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D. (NORTHWESTERN)
S. Chandra, B.Tech.(IND.INST.TECH.KANPUR),
T.P. Bender, B.Sc., Ph.D. (CARLETON), M.C.I.C., F.A.S.M.E.
M.A.C.S.,Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
K.S. Burch, B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (CALIFORNIA), Physics
W.C. Chan, B.Sc (ILLINOIS-UC), Ph.D (INDIANA), Biomaterials and
Biomedical Engineering
M. Bussmann, B.A.Sc.(WAT), M.A.Sc.(WAT), Ph.D.(TORONTO),
C. Goh, B.S. (PHILIPPINES), Ph.D. (CALIFORNIA), Chemistry
Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
R.A. Kandel, M.D., Laboratory Medicine and Pathology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AND ASSOCIATE CHAIR
O. Kesler, B.S.E. (PENN), S.M. (MIT),Sc.D. (MIT), Mechanical and (UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES)
Industrial Engineering C-G Lee, B.S.(SEOUL NAT UNIV), M.S.(KAIST), Ph.D.(MICH)
D.W. Kirk, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng., Chemical Engineering
M.T. Kortschot, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.(CANTAB), P.Eng., Chemical J. C. Beck, M.Sc.(ST. FRANCIS XAVIER), M.Sc.(TORONTO),
Engineering and Applied Chemistry Ph.D.(TORONTO), L.E.L.
J. Mostaghimi, B.Sc.(SHARIF, IRAN), M.Sc., Ph.D.(MINNESOTA),
P.Eng., FASME, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A.H. Abdelmessih, B.M.E.(CAIRO), M.S.(OKLAHOMA STATE),
D.Sc.(MANCHESTER), Chemical Engineering and Applied
Ph.D.(TORONTO), P.Eng.
W.D. Baines, B.Sc.(ALTA), M.S., Ph.D.(IOWA), P.Eng.
W.T. Ng, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng., Electrical and Computer
I.G. Currie, B.Sc.(STRATHCLYDE), M.A.Sc.(U B C),
Ph.D.(CALTECH), F.C.S.M.E., P.Eng.
G.A. Ozin, B.Sc., D.Phil., FRSC, FCIC, University Professor,
R.G. Fenton, DIPL.Ing.(BUD), Ph.D.(N S W), P.Eng.
A.A. Goldenberg, B.Sc., M.Sc.(TECHNION), Ph.D.(TORONTO),
V.G. Papangelakis, Dipl.Eng.(ATHENS), M.Eng., Ph.D.(McGILL),
P.Eng., Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
F.C. Hooper, B.A.Sc., D.I.C., F.E.I.C., P.Eng.
E.H. Sargent, B.Sc.Eng. (QUEEN'S), Ph.D., P.Eng., Electrical and
D.F. James, B.Sc.(QU), M.S.(CALTECH), Ph.D.(CALTECH),
Computer Engineering
M.A.(CANTAB), P.Eng.
J.K. Spelt, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., M.E.(CALTECH), Ph.D., P.Eng.,
A.K.S. Jardine, B.Sc., M.Sc.(STRATH), Ph.D.(BIRM), C.Eng.,
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., P.Eng.
T.L. Willett, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (QUEEN'S), Ph.D. (DALHOUSIE),
J.F. Keffer, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.
D. McCammond, B.Sc.(QU BELFAST), Ph.D.(QU BELFAST),
F.C.S.M.E., P.Eng.
ADJUNCT PROFESSORS A.W. Neumann, B.A., DR.RER.NAT.(MAINZ) Northrup Frye Scholar
M. Baghbanan, B.Sc.,M.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D. M.J.M. Posner, B.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.
W. Baker, PH.D., P.ENG. J.S. Rogers, B.Sc (ENG.PHYS.) (DAL), M.S. (STAN), Ph.D. (STAN),
R.A. Bergman, B.A.SC., M.A.SC., P.ENG., Adjunct Professor P.Eng
W. Curlook, C.M., B.A.SC., M.A.SC., PH.D., DSC., FCAE., P.ENG., J.W. Senders, A.B.(HARV), Ph.D.(TILBURG)
Distinguished Adjunct Professor I.B. Turksen, B.S.(PITTS), M.S.(PITTS), Ph.D.(PITTS), P.Eng.
S. Das Gupta, B.SC.(CALCUTTA), M.SC., PH.D., D.I.C.(LOND), J. Van de Vegte, DIPL.Ing.(DELFT), M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.
Adjunct Associate Professor R.D. Venter, B.Sc.(RAND), M.Eng.(MCM), Ph.D.(MCM), P.Eng.
V.I. Lakshmanan, PH.D., MIMM., FCIM, Adjunct Professor C.A. Ward, B.Sc.(TEX), Ph.D.(NORTHWESTERN), P.Eng.
S.V. Nair, M.SC.(COCHIN), PH.D.(INDORE), Adjunct Professor
G. Palumbo, B.A.SC., M.A.SC., PH.D., Adjunct Professor
S. Ramsay, B.A.SC., M.A.SC., PH.D.
C. Ravindran, B.Sc., B.ENG., M.SC., PH.D., Adjunct Professor
Industrial Research Chair In Enterprise Integration
A.Y. Shik, B.SC., PH.D.(LENINGRAD), Head of Nanoelectronics
J. Mostaghimi, B.Sc.(SHARIF, IRAN) M.Sc.(MINNESOTA),
Lab, IOFFE Institute,
Ph.D.(MINNESOTA), P.Eng., F.A.S.M.E., Canada Research
R. Sridhar, PH.D., DIC., Adjunct Professor
Chair in Advanced Coatings
F.M. Wheeler, M.SC., PH.D. (VSB Ostrava), P.ENG.
R. Williams, PH.D.(LONDON), Adjunct Professor
TECH.), Ph.D.(MIT), P.Eng., F.C.S.M.E., Canada Research
B. Yacobi, B.SC., PH.D., Adjunct Professor
Chair in Advanced Polymer Processing Technologies
22 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Overview of the Faculty
O. Kesler, B.S.E.(PENN), S.M.(MIT), Sc.D(MIT), Canada Research
Chair of Fuel Cell Materials and Manufacturing
A. Bilton, B.A.Sc.(TORONTO), M.S.(MIT), Ph.D.(MIT)
EGYPT), Ph.D.(TORONTO), P.Eng.,Canada Research Chair of
T. Chan, B.Sc.(UBC), Ph.D.(MIT)
Smart and Functional Polymers
E. Diller, B.S.(CWRU), M.S.(CWRU), Ph.D.(CMU)
C.A. Simmons, B.Sc.Eng.(GUELPH), S.M.(MIT), Ph.D.(TORONTO),
B. Donmez, B.S.(BOGAZICI), M.S.(IOWA), Ph.D.(IOWA)
P.Eng., Canada Research Chair of Mechanobiology
BioZone is a centre for collaborative and interdisciplinary bioengineering research that brings together researchers, students and industry partners to
develop and deploy technically, socially and economically viable technologies. We work to find solutions to optimize the use of natural resources, reuse
waste material, remediate contaminated water and land, sustain robust and healthy ecosystems, curtail disease and offer renewable fuels and products
that foster the long-term sustainability our planet. Our mission is to advance and capitalize on the dramatic progress in biology that has been made in
recent years particularly in genome science and genome analysis tools while focusing on urgent societal needs in energy, environment and health.
BioZone arose from informal collaborations within the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry and across the campus. It has grown
to include nine Faculty members, which includes their research groups and collaborators. Extensive renovations on the third and fourth floor of Wallberg
were recently completed; the changes add significant and enhanced research space and strength in areas of protein characterization, mass
spectrometry, enzymology, bioprocess engineering and biocatalysis.
The Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT) was established in 1998 as a collaborative effort by researchers from the departments of
mechanical engineering and materials science. The Centre now has over 35 researchers, including professors from both departments, research staff
members, post-doctoral fellows, visiting scientists and graduate students.
CACT conducts fundamental researchboth numerical and experimentalin the areas of thermal spray coating and plasma processing. CACT works
closely with industries, universities and research institutions. Research partners have included Pratt & Whitney Canada, Sulzer-Metco, Plasco Energy
Group, GE Global R&D, Questor Technology Inc. and leading universities in Canada, United States, Japan, France, Italy and Germany.
Coatings Technology
Components in aircraft, automobiles, power plants or chemical reactors are frequently exposed to severe heat, abrasion and corrosion. A thin layer of a
ceramic or super-alloy is often the best way to protect and extend the life of such components. Thermal spray technology is widely used as an efficient,
economical and environmentally-friendly method of applying metal or ceramic coatings.
Think of spray painting using molten metal or ceramic instead of paint! Thermal spray coatings are produced by introducing powders of wires into high
temperature, high velocity gas jets created using an electric arc or by burning a fuel. A spray of molten droplets are propelled towards the work-piece
where they impact the substrate and solidify to produce dense, fine-grained layers.
Thermal spray coatings technologies give much higher deposition rates than other chemical or physical vapour deposition techniques and create little or
no environmental problems. They can be used to coat components varying in size from a few millimeters to several meters.
At the core of the Center for Advanced Diffusion-Wave Technologies (CADIFT) are the unique diagnostic capabilities of diffusion waves, which include a
wide range of physical fields and phenomena: thermal, electronic, photonic and atmospheric to name a few.
CADIFT activities offer opportunities in interdisciplinary research that encompass physics, mathematics, engineering, instrumental implementation and
applications of novel laser-based analytical inspection and monitoring techniques, high-precision measurement methodologies, environmental sensor
development, analytical, non-destructive and spectroscopic methodologies, signal processing and measurement science and imaging techniques for
industrial and health sector applications. For a full description of current CADIFT research visit our website.
The Centre for Advanced Nanotechnology (CAN) is based on a multidisciplinary team of faculty and researchers from various departments including
Applied Science & Engineering, Arts and Sciences, and Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. CAN is Canadas first centre for nanotechnology
research, and it is closely tied to industry and other key nanotechnology research institutions throughout the world.
The main objectives of the Centre, which was established in 1997, include: advances in research in both theoretical and experimental methods for a new
generation of nanoelectronic and nanophotonic materials, structures and devices; the education and training of a new generation of highly-qualified
personnel for industry and academia; collaboration with other members of the academic and industrial community; and the establishment of specialized
resources and expertise in this expanding field for the scientific community and government.
The Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) was created to identify the role of engineering in addressing some of the world's most complex problems. In
particular, CGEN is working to enhance the Faculty's global impact by working with undergraduate and graduate students; non-profit, non-governmental
and for-profit organizations; academic institutions and other partners to research appropriate and sustainable solutions for challenging problems in
international development and globalization.
The Centre's primary areas of focus are in the design of appropriate technologies to meet global needs, sustainable development, innovation diffusion
and knowledge translation. Creating innovations in the engineering curriculum to incorporate issues related to globalization is also a major component of
CGEN's work.
Interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature, the Centre for Management of Technology and Entrepreneurships researchers work to measure and
improve service industries with a focus on the financial service industry. To meet global competition, this industry needs to conduct research into
improvements in productivity, efficiency and effectiveness while developing new technology for the future. The way that technological change in the
environment, jobs, education, global competitiveness and society will be best served in the future is through entrepreneurship and innovation.
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering has pioneered the institution of a teaching program for students who want to start businesses and
create wealth and employment for Canadiansthere are eight such courses now. The Centre operates research programs in management of
technology, innovation, productivity improvements and financial engineering. Founded in 1991, this initiative can now stake claim to over 220 completed
projects at all levels of complexity and intellectual challenge (BASc, MASc and PhD). The entrepreneurial development of studentsboth at
undergraduate and graduate levelsis a priority.
All of the Centres research projects involve industrial sponsors; the work has a significant practical component and could lead to direct benefits to
industry and Canadians. The Centre also carries out mathematical modelling and financial engineering research.
The Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) is a catalyst that facilitates interactions and collaborations to advance the development of cleaner and more
efficient energy in Canada. The motivation behind the Institute was the tremendous amount of research already underway throughout the University in a
wide variety of energy-related fields.
The ISE is open to students, faculty, industry and government members involved in increasing energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact
of energy use and conversion, whether through net technologies, policy work, computational sustainability, materials science or other routes.
The Institute is a focal point for energy research, collaboration, news and events. An increasingly important role for the unit is the coordination and
administration of funding initiatives and connecting researchers to Canadian energy companies.
The Centre for Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering's (C-MORE) research is driven by close interactions with industryin particular,
with MORE consortium members and researchers at universities world-wide. Our focus is on real-world research in engineering asset management in
the areas of condition-based maintenance, spares management, failure-finding intervals for protective devices and whole-life costing. These strong
industry connections not only benefit the companies we work with, but also our graduate students. Since 2000 C-MORE, has offered an annual eight-
day certificate program in Physical Asset Management to reliability and maintenance professionals.
The University of Toronto houses Canadas flagship state of the art Intelligent Transportation Systems Centre and Testbed. ITS, a growing global
phenomenon, combines a broad range of diverse technologies which are applied to transportation to save lives, money and time. The range of
technologies involved includes micro-electronics, communications and computer informatics. Additionally, ITS cuts across disciplines such as
transportation engineering, telecommunications, computer science, financing, electronic and automobile manufacturing. The new face of the
transportation industry as shaped by ITS is no longer restricted to civil engineers nor is it restricted to a single department or agency. Instead, the ITS
field is multi-departmental, multi-agency and even multi-jurisdictional. Furthermore, the ITS market is rapidly expanding worldwide. Access to this market
is vital to the transportation and related technology sectors. In addition to direct transport benefits, a healthy ITS industry would also have other non-
traffic-related fringe societal benefits which include the stimulation of new information technology based industries and the creation of new markets and
jobs. ITS is more than just intelligent solutions on the road, but rather a new strategic direction for national and international economies. To train the next
generation of ITS professionals, the University of Toronto offers a comprehensive ITS Research and Development program which includes the ITS
Testbed. The Testbed is composed of a university-based R&D center equipped with state of the art capabilities for designing traffic analysis and
decision-support tools, and real-time communication links to sensors and control devices all over the physical Toronto transportation network via the two
major traffic operation centres in the Greater Toronto Area. The Testbed is designed to be a meeting ground for practitioners and researchers from the
public, academic and private sectors to research new approaches to transportation systems management, and to accelerate ITS deployment through
advanced technology research. The Testbed is the only such multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency, public-private intelligent transportation research facility in
Biomedical engineering applies is an interdisciplinary field that integrates the principles of biology with those of engineering, physical sciences, and
mathematics in order to create solutions to problems in the medical/life sciences. Through its faculty (90+), staff and students, and through close
collaboration with the faculty of related departments, hospitals and other institutions, the Institute serves as the centre for both Direct Entry and
Collaborative Graduate Programs in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. An undergraduate degree in engineering is not a prerequisite
for admission into the MASc/PhD graduate program. The Institute also educates undergraduate-level engineering science and bio-minor students in
biomedical engineering. An active undergraduate summer student program offers both employment and a structured educational experience, within the
Institutes research laboratories.
Graduate students registered directly into the Institute, or in collaborating graduate departments, proceed towards M.A.Sc., M.Sc., M.H.Sc., or Ph.D.
degrees in engineering, dentistry, medicine, or the physical or life sciences, enabling careers in industry, government and universities. The Institute has
a Clinical Engineering concentration within its PhD program, which complements its 2 year M.H.Sc professional degree program in Clinical Engineering.
Graduates from the Clinical Engineering specialization programs normally find employment in health-care institutions or in the medical devices industry
both in Canada and internationally. The Institutes core laboratories are principally located in the Rosebrugh Building, the Lassonde Mining Building, the
Banting Building, and the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research on the St. George Campus however approximately 50% of our core
Faculty have laboratories located in other University Departments and the Hospitals. These laboratories serve as centres for development of
experimental and clinical techniques and instrumentation; real-time and interactive computer applications; innovative biomaterials; functional
replacements for biological tissues; and simulations for electrochemical and physiological models. Many faculty hold appointments in IBBME and in
Torontos hospital research institutes.
The Toronto Nanofabrication Centre (TNFC) is the University of Torontos main centre for micro- and nanofabrication. The Centre promotes collaborative
research with strategic partners and provides researchers with access to state-of-the-art equipment.
Key research areas include nanotechnology and nanofabrication, photonic materials and devices, micro- and nano-electromechanical systems
(M/NEMS), biotechnology, microwave devices, micro- and nano-electronic devices, integrated optics and photovoltaic devices.
The Lassonde Institute of Mining is an interdisciplinary research institute within the University of Toronto. At the forefront of mining research, the Institute
focuses on a wide range of issues, which include, but are not limited to, mineral resource identification through mine planning and excavation, extraction
and processing.
The Institute is an international center of excellence in mining engineering that brings together mining, civil, materials and chemical engineers,
geophysicists, geologists, geochemists, materials scientists and environmental scientists. Each undertakes research that crosses disciplines and
traditional boundaries.
Created with the financial assistance of the Canadian mineral industry and Dr. Pierre Lassonde, the Institute conducts leading edge research and trains
graduate students and professionals in mineral, mining and process engineering.
The Lassonde Institute of Mining is housed in the newly renovated Goldcorp Mining Innovation Suite in the Lassonde Mining Building (170 College St.).
ILead offers transformative learning opportunities so engineering students can enhance their leadership capabilities. We empower the whole engineer to
maximize their potential and contribution. ILead recognizes that complex human relationships are critical to effective engineering practice. Through a
suite of academic courses and workshops, we engage students on four levels of leadership learning: self, relational, organizational and societal
leadership. Beginning in September 2014 for the first time in Canada, undergraduate students will be able to earn a Certificate in Engineering
Leadership. Our vision is for engineers leading change to build a better world.
Robotics and mechatronics are key, rapidly growing fields in research and industry. The aim of the Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics (IRM) is to
bring world-class expertise to the University to advance the fields of robotics and mechatronics through collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects
and innovative training programs. One of the primary objectives of IRM is to coordinate the large number of academic and research activities already
underway in the Faculty. The assembly of a number of research groups will enhance cross-disciplinary research and initiatives, as well as enhance the
visibility of our researchers and our Faculty nationally and internationally. IRM also facilitates the commercialization of technology and the design of high-
caliber training programs focused on robotics and mechatronics at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
A strategic material produced from a renewable resource, paper is critical to our civilization. Paper has been of paramount importance in the
transmission and storage of information necessary to science and literature. It has also enabled the creation of modern business and industry. Even in
the modern world, paper, in partnership with electronic information systems, is essential. The Pulp & Paper Centre is an opportunity for the creation of
new science and technology to benefit the Canadian economy and to win the hearts and minds of students and faculty toin collaboration with industry
and governmentdo the job.
Wood pulp is raw material not only for paper, but for thousands of structural, absorbent and packaging products that are so completely embedded in our
lives that we often overlook them. Canada is one of the largest suppliers of pulp and newsprint and has a long tradition of scientific and technological
leadership. These factors make our country a major force in the pulp and paper world.
Since it was founded in 1987, the Centre has experienced exceptional expansion in student and faculty involvement and research support. In 2008-
2009, there were 60 graduate students, 16 undergraduate students, 27 faculty and 28 associated staff from several departments within and outside U of
T, and three operating industrial research consortia. Thirty-two companies from eight countries provided financial support to research projects in pulp
and paper processing, energy recovery systems and environmental research. The Centre has extensive student involvement at the graduate and
undergraduate levels and continues to enrich students educational experience through interesting and relevant research projects, seminar programs,
professional development programs and international exchanges and tours.
The Southern Ontario Centre for Atmospheric Aerosol Research (SOCAAR) is an interdisciplinary research centrehosted in the Faculty of Applied
Science and Engineeringdedicated to the study of air quality, with a focus on the effects of aerosol on human health, the environment and climate.
SOCAAR promotes collaborative research through access to state-of-the-art facilities and partnerships with government and industry. In addition, the
Centre offers opportunity for student involvement at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Recent research projects include: exposure of urban populations to particulate matter; toxicity of vehicle emissions; influence of particles on cloud
formation and climate; and the development of novel methods to analyze atmospheric pollutants.
SOCAAR represents the Canadian Aerosol Research Network (CARN), a new initiative that formally unites the collective expertise of leading Canadian
aerosol researchers from the University of Toronto, Dalhousie University and the University of British Columbia.
The Division of Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems administers and coordinates the Graduate Collaborative Program in Environmental
Engineering in conjunction with the Departments of Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Materials Science
and Engineering and the School of the Environment.
The Collaborative Program is an interdisciplinary, collaborative program designed for students who are interested in taking a concentration of courses
and conducting research in environmental engineering. It is open to MASc, MEng and PhD students in the graduate programs listed above.
Approximately 30 full-time faculty members carry out advanced research and teach postgraduate courses in a wide range of environmental engineering
Originally established in 1970 in partnership with York University as a cooperative research centre under the name "Joint Program in Transportation,"
the program was reorganized as an engineering research centre exclusive to the University of Toronto in 1990. In the fall of 2007, the program
was reorganized and renamed the Urban Transportation Research and Advancement Centre (UTRAC).
UT-IMDI provides students with real-life training opportunities by involving them in practical, industry-based projects. It is a vehicle to promote
awareness of design and development challenges facing the industry with emphasis on its multi-disciplinary nature and evolving technology.
Through the networking opportunities provided by the institute, students develop links with industry, and, as a result, better position themselves for future
careers. The design experience gained from the Institute is complementary to the experience gained through the capstone design courses.
Admission to the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering is competitive as each year we receive more applications than the number of places
available. The Faculty selects students by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria including marks, subjects taken and supplementary
information obtained through the mandatory Student Profile Form. Possession of the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission.
Applicants who have been out of studies for more than five years will generally not be considered for admission. Detailed admission requirements can
be found online at the Admissions and Awards website www.adm.utoronto.ca. Information can also be found on the Faculty website:
Canadian Students
Applicants from Quebec must present 12 academic C.E.G.E.P. courses. Candidates from other provinces and territories of Canada must present grade
12 matriculation, including English, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. For more information, visit: www.discover.engineering.utoronto.ca.
Other Applicants
Information on admission requirements for applicants from outside of Canada is available on the Enrolment Services website:
www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm. All applicants are required to have completed senior level courses in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
Transfer Students
Candidates with acceptable standing at other post-secondary institutions will be considered for admission with transfer credit on a case-by-case basis.
Transfer credits are assessed at the time of admission. Candidates who already hold a recognized degree in engineering will not be permitted to
proceed to a second undergraduate degree in engineering.
Non-degree students must meet any prerequisites for the courses they wish to take. Candidates whose first language is not English are required to meet
an appropriate standard in a recognized Test of English Facility (e.g. TOEFL, MELAB) in addition to meeting the academic requirements. Individuals
interested in taking courses as a non-degree student should contact the Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Office at ask@ecf.utoronto.ca, or
call 416-978-0120.
Scholarship Scholarships
Edward L. Donegan Scholarship in Engineering The FCCP - John Hin Chung Tsang Memorial
John Pearson Duncan Admission Award (Brant Admission Scholarship
Engineering Alumni Association Admission OSOTF IN-COURSE
Engineering Science Alumni Admission APSC Award
Scholarships T. Christie Arnold Scholarship
Enwave Leadership Awards Anthony A. Brait Memorial Scholarship
The ERCO Worldwide Leadership Scholarships Paul Cadario Scholarship
John Dixon Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
BASc/MBA Scholarships
Chachra Family Scholarship in Engineering
Chemical Engineering Alumni In-Course Awards
Class of 3T7 Scholarships
Class of 5T0 Engineering Leadership Award
Class of 8T3 Vince Volpe Memorial Award
Class of 9T7 Award
William Bernard Silverston Scholarship Canadian Society of Industrial Engineering ERCO Worldwide Leaders of Tomorrow Award
Christopher Skrok Memorial Scholarships Scholarship Etkin Medal for Excellence
Gordon R. Slemon Scholarship Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Kenneth Carless Smith Award in Engineering Medal Leadership Award(s)
Science Centennial Senior Project Awards Manual A. Fine Scholarship
Kenneth Ward Smith Scholarships The Wallace G. Chalmers Engineering Design J.A. Findlay Scholarships
Robert M. Smith Scholarships Scholarship The Denis Flynn Memorial Scholarship
SNC-Lavalin Scholarship Chemical Institute of Canada Book Prize Andrew Forde Polymath Award
The St. George's Society of Toronto Endowment (Toronto Section) The James Franceschini Foundation
Fund CISC/Walters Inc. Scholarship Scholarship
Peter K. Strangway Scholarship 5T6 Civils Scholarship Laura Chizuko Fujino Scholarship in Engineering
The Maurice Stren Memorial Scholarship Ross L. Clark Memorial Scholarship Science
Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Class of 2004 Grant Hugh Gall Award
James M. Toguri Memorial Scholarship Class of 4T3 Engineering James Ham Award Vern Gomes Memorial Award
The Trenwith and Galipeau Aerospace Science Class of 4T7 Bursaries The Blake H. Goodings Memorial Award
Award Class of 5T5 Civil Engineering Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
William Ian MacKenzie Turner Scholarship Class of 5T9 Chemical Engineering Leaders of Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain
in Industrial Engineering Tomorrow Award Contractors Association Award in Civil
University of Toronto Women's Association Consulting Engineers of Ontario(CEO) Engineering
Scholarship Scholarship H.J. Greeniaus ESROP Fellowship
Lloyd George Webber Memorial Scholarship Dan Cornacchia/Ernst & Young Scholarship The George A. Guess Scholarships
Julie Wilkinson Memorial Scholarship Crocker Foundation Bursaries Frank Howard Guest Admission Bursary
Yolles-Bergmann Scholarship The Alfredo DaCunha Memorial Foundation Frank Howard Guest In-Course Bursary
Gavin Dass Memorial Scholarship B. Conrad Hansen Memorial Award Fund
NON-OSOTF IN-COURSE SCHOLARSHIPS Davis + Henderson Hatchery Award Sydney George Harris Bursary
AND GRANTS Hanna Wejtko De Angelis CIV6T0 Scholarship Glenn P. Hauck Memorial Scholarship
Henry G. Acres Medal Roger E. Deane Memorial Scholarship Dr. Arthur Herrmann Memorial Award
Harvey Aggett Memorial Scholarship Delcan Scholarship in Civil Engineering Mackay Hewer Memorial Prize
Aloha Innovation Fund Joseph A. Devine Bursary Hill & Schumacher Entrepreneur Award
AMD Electrical and Computer Engineering Satinder Kaur Dhillon Memorial Scholarship General D.M. Hogarth Bursary
Scholarship G.W. Ross Dowkes Memorial Prize Otto Holden Scholarship
American Concrete Institute, Ontario Chapter William J. Dowkes Undergraduate Summer William V. Hull Scholarship
Scholarship Research Grant Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. Award(s)
Anchor Shoring & Caissons Ltd. Scholarship Earl H. Dudgeon Bursary Neil B. Hutcheon Building Science Scholarship
Ardagh Scholarship Duhamel Helsing Environmental Engineering IEEE Canada-Toronto Section Scholarship
Wellington Thomas Ashbridge Memorial Award IEEE Canada-Toronto Section
Bursaries Stuart Ellam Grant Bruno N. Di Stefano Scholarship
The Babb Bursary Fund The John M. Empey Scholarships IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarship
Steven Ballan Scholarship in Civil Engineering Enbridge Scholarship in Engineering Inspec-Sol Scholarship
Baptie Scholarship Engineering Alumni Centennial Bursaries Sue Joel CIV6T5 Scholarship
Jack and Barbara Baron Scholarship 5T3 Engineering Award The L.E. (Ted) Jones Award in Distinction
Ben Bernholtz Memorial Prize in Operational Engineering 8T4 Leadership Award Margaret Kende CIV6T0 Scholarship
Research Engineering Class of 5T6 Award of Merit KGHM International Ltd. Scholarship
APWA Ontario Chapter Bruce Brunton Award Engineering Science Chairs' Scholarship Konrad Group Scholarship
The Edith Grace Buchan Summer Research Engineering Science Foundation Scholarship Lacavera Prize for Entrepreneurship
Fellowship Enwave Design Awards Lassonde Scholarships
The Burge-Connell Bursary Enwave Graduating Awards of Distinction Lassonde Bursaries
Carman Burton Bursary Stavros Leventis Award
Norman E. Byrne Award Charles A. Lowry Prize
John Dixon Campbell Memorial Prize The Earl Charles Lyons Memorial Award
#2 Canadian Army University Course Award James Turner MacBain Scholarship
The Elsie Gregory MacGill Memorial Scholarship
The Alexander MacLean Scholarship
MacLennan-MacLeod Memorial Prize
Salim Majdalany Scholarship
Steven Mann Award in Wearable Computing
The Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Frank H.R. Pounsett Memorial Scholarship Kenneth Carless Smith Engineering Science
Scholarship in Engineering Science Florence Evelyn and William Leonard Prideaux Research Fellowship
The Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Award Prof. James W. Smith Chemical
Geophysics Scholarships Professional Engineers Ontario Foundation for Engineering Leaders of Tomorrow Award
The First Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Education In-course Scholarships Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award
Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarships Professional Engineers Ontario Foundation for Murray F. Southcote Scholarship
The Second Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Education Gold Medal for Academic C.H.E. Stewart Bursaries
Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarships Achievement Kenneth H. Sullivan/Pratt & Whitney Canada
Marlene Metzger CIV6T0 Scholarship Ewing Rae Undergraduate Scholarship Scholarship
Hugh Middleton Bursary Ransom Scholarship in Chemical Engineering James D. Todd Memorial Scholarship
R.W. Missen Memorial Prize in Thermodynamics Reginald J. Redrupp Award Gordon F. Tracy Scholarship
Kiyoharu and Kiyoaki Momose Memorial J.E. Reid Memorial Prize Charles Edwin Trim Scholarship
Scholarship Russell Reynolds Scholarship in Engineering Troost Family Leaders of Tomorrow Award
R.F. Moore Thesis Award Science Marjorie Hilda Merrick Turner
James L. Morris Memorial Prize Dagmar Rinne Scholarship Dr. Chris Twigge-Molecey Scholarship in
Joseph G. Monkhouse Memorial Bursary in The Bertrand G.W. Robinson Award Mechanical Engineering
Engineering The Richard Rowland Memorial Scholarship James W. and H. Grattan Tyrrell Memorial
Peter L. Munro Memorial Scholarship Mary and Mario Ruggiero Scholarship Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Henry and Mary Nahrgang Bursaries Don Salt Memorial Scholarships UMA Scholarship in Civil Engineering
NACE International, Toronto Section, Prize Paul Santerre Undergraduate Biomedical University of Toronto Womens Association
Nortel Institute Undergraduate Scholarships Engineering Legacy Scholarship Scholarship
Ontario Power Generation Award Frederick W. Schumacher Scholarship U.S. Steel Canada Undergraduate Scholarships
PACE Project Design Award Marcia Lamont Scott CIV4T7 Scholarship The Lorne Wagner Memorial Bursary
Gary L. Palmer Memorial Scholarship Second Mile Engineer Award Wallberg Undergraduate Scholarships
Dr. John Hamilton Parkin Adel S. Sedra Bursary Fund Irene Gordon Warnock Memorial Scholarship
Paulin Memorial Scholarship Adel S. Sedra Gold Medal The Stewart Wilson Award
A.B. Platt Award, Toronto Section of the Society Rudolph Seidl Memorial Award In Mechanical W.S. Wilson Medals
of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Engineering William R. Worthington Memorial Scholarship
The Joseph Seidner Bursary Fund Barbara Zdasiuk Memorial Scholarship
Som Seif Scholarship
John W. Senders Award in Imaginative Design
The Shaw Design Scholarships
Gordon R. Slemon Capstone Design Award in
Electrical & Computer Engineering
The awards are listed alphabetically in four sections: OSOTF Admission Scholarships/Awards and non-OSOTF Admission Scholarships (starting on
page 36), for students entering their first year in the Faculty, and OSOTF In-Course Scholarships/Awards and non-OSOTF In-Course Scholarships and
Grants (starting on page 49).
Approximately ten National Scholarships will be awarded in a given year. The National Scholarships will cover tuition and incidental fees for four years of
undergraduate study, residence support in first year and include an additional, renewable monetary award. The annual value of each student's
scholarship will be determined on the basis of individual financial circumstances.
Awards under the University of Toronto Scholars Program are not renewable. Outstanding students, however, may be eligible for consideration for
University of Toronto (in-course) Scholarships at the end of the first, second and third year of their programs. There are approximately 100 scholarships
at each level. These in-course awards are worth $1,500 and are tenable with other in-course scholarships.
Additional features may be offered by the admitting Faculty; these will be communicated explicitly in the letter of admission. Outstanding students are
considered automatically for these scholarships. The scholarship is tenable only in the Faculty that makes the offer. Payment of the award is conditional
on full-time registration at the University in the fall of the year the award is granted; retention of the higher year opportunities attached to the award
requires a students continuing full-time registration in good standing.
The Federal Government has established a loan and grant program for part-time students enrolled in course loads of less than sixty percent. Unlike
OSAP loans, the interest on part-time Canada Student Loans becomes repayable thirty days after the loan is received. Federal grants for educational
expenses are also available for high-need part-time students.
The Ontario Special Bursary Plan provides assistance to part-time students in receipt of social assistance. The bursary assists with direct educational
expenses such as tuition, books, transportation and babysitting.
Further information and application forms may be obtained from Enrolment Services.
International students entering Canada or currently in Canada on student authorization are not eligible for government assistance and must ensure that
they have sufficient funds to cover all probable expenses. Such students cannot depend on gaining part-time employment in Canada to help their
Please see the "OSOTF" and "Non-OSOTF" Admission Scholarships sections later in this Chapter for details.
To be eligible for any scholarship or award granted solely on academic standing, a student must normally have completed not less than the normal full
load (approximately 5.0 credits units) within the two sessions upon which the award is based. A student whose program in these two sessions contains
repeated courses will only be eligible if the aggregate of new courses is equal to or greater than 5.0 credits.
Scholarships, medals and prizes based solely upon academic standing will be awarded only to students who have achieved honours in the work upon
which the award is granted, unless otherwise specified in the terms of award. If the award is based on a single course or on part of the work of the
session, the candidate must obtain unconditional pass standing in the work of the session, but not necessarily honours standing, unless the terms of the
award so specify.
A candidate will not be permitted to hold more than one award in a session unless the statute of each of the awards concerned or the Calendar specifies
Tuition and residence fees are a first charge against awards. After the deduction of the applicable charges, any balance remaining will be paid to the
recipient in November. Payment will be made only if the candidate is in regular attendance in the Faculty and, if the Calendar so specifies, in the course
in which the award is established or granted.
Awards granted to members of graduating classes, other than awards for graduate study and research, will be paid in one installment as soon as
possible after the granting of the awards.
The Governing Council may, on the recommendation of the Faculty, permit a candidate to whom an award has been granted to postpone attendance in
the Faculty for one year. Further postponement may be permitted on application.
Note: The value of an endowed scholarship or prize is dependent on the actual income of the fund; it is possible that the value of certain scholarships
and prizes at the time of payment may be greater or less than the amount stated in the Calendar.
In those cases where the amount of the award is not payable from income earned on an endowed fund, payment will be dependent on the receipt of the
amount of the annual award from the donor.
Lassonde Scholarships
(see listing later is in this Chapter)
The scholarships are awarded to students entering, full-time, the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering on the basis
of academic achievement and extra-curricular activities. Some awards may be renewable.
To qualify for the scholarship a candidate must achieve an average of at least 75% in the subjects prescribed for admission and must register in the
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. The scholarship will not be awarded to a student who has spent more than five years in an Ontario
Secondary school or its equivalent unless evidence can be provided satisfactory to Council that this extended attendance was for reasons beyond the
students control.
Lisa's personality and qualities never failed to inspire and encourage individuals with whom she came into contact with. She excelled in a business
environment that is often difficult and challenging for female professionals and earned the respect of those she worked with around the world from
Korea, China and Japan, to Kenya, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. She chaired the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Nuclear Society for two
years, committed to the promotion of nuclear energy and its benefits to society and the electrical industry.
Lisa promoted an athletic lifestyle while at Ontario Hydro, organizing the annual fun runs and multi-team participation at the YMCA Corporate Challenge.
Outside of work, she was an active member of the Ontario Association of Triathletes. She competed for many years and twice successfully completed
the Ironman Canada Triathlon, a gruelling endurance race consisting of a 2k swim, 180k bike ride and full marathon run.
This endowment fund, created through generous contributions from family, friends and colleagues, has a capital value of approximately $30,000. The
annual income will generate an award to be presented to a female student in third or fourth year of Mechanical Engineering. The recipient is chosen on
the basis of good academic standing, demonstrated leadership ability, commitment to a healthy and athletic lifestyle, involvement in community activities
and financial need. It is hoped that through this Award, Lisas values, courage and accomplishments can become a beacon and opportunity for other
women to pursue a career in the field of engineering.
In 1997, Diana L. MacFeeters, Elizabeth D. Hamilton and David C. Hamilton augmented the fund through a generous gift. The award is granted to a
third-year student in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of financial need and who has shown academic ability at the annual examinations of the third
The award, derived from the annual income, is made on the recommendation of the Department Chair to a student completing third year in Industrial
Engineering on the basis of financial need, academic ability and contribution to, and involvement in the activities of the Department and the University.
SNC-Lavalin Scholarship
This Scholarship was established in 1997 through the generosity of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. and is awarded to a student entering Second year of either
the Lassonde Mineral or Materials Engineering Program on the basis of financial need. Academic standing will also be considered.
The scholarship, derived from the annual income, is awarded to the student on the basis of financial need who, having obtained Honours standing, ranks
in first place on the results of the annual examinations in the third year of the Industrial Engineering Program. Should the candidate hold an award of
greater value, the award may be made to the next ranking candidate. The first award, under these terms, was made in the 1998 - 1999 Session.
In honour of her memory, the scholarship is awarded to a student registered in any year of Industrial Engineering on the basis of financial need, extra-
curricular activities, demonstrated involvement in the Engineering Society and academic standing. Recommendations will be made by the Departmental
Chair, in consultation with the Engineering Society president.
Yolles-Bergmann Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 in Civil Engineering through the generosity of Yolles Partnership Inc. in recognition of the significant
accomplishments of the Yolles Group, and, in particular, the contribution made to structural engineering by Mr. Morden Yolles and Mr. Roland
Bergmann. The award is made to a student proceeding to the fourth year of the program who achieves a high academic standing and who has
successfully completed a structural design project in their third year that demonstrates a creative interest and talent in linking structure and architecture.
The evaluation of potential candidates is based on academic standing, a 250-word application to Yolles Partnership Inc., performance on a third-year
project, interview with principals of Yolles and financial need.
The Departmental nomination is made in consultation with Mr. Morden Yolles and Mr. Andrew Bergmann, President of Yolles Group Inc.
50 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Scholarships and Financial Aid
The Henry G. Acres Medal was established in 1950 by Mrs. Henry G. Acres in memory of her late husband, Henry G. Acres, M.E., D.Sc., a graduate of
the School of Practical Science in the class of 1903. From 1981 onward, continuation of the award has been possible through the generosity of Acres
International Limited who also provide an honorarium of $500 to the recipient of the medal.
Throughout his professional life, Dr. Acres was associated with major power developments in Canada and abroad. As chief hydraulic engineer for the
Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario from 1911 to 1923, he was responsible for the design and construction of nearly twenty power plants,
including the Queenston-Chippewa development. In 1924 he formed H.G. Acres and Company Ltd., now known as Acres International Limited, and until
his death in 1945, he continued to widen and extend his interests. He became chief engineer of the Grand River Conservation Commission and was
responsible for the design and construction of the Shand dam and related work. Later, he was consulting engineer for the extensive power
developments at Shipshaw on the Saguenay River, which were vital to the production of aluminum for war purposes. Many of the provinces of Canada
sought his services and he advised with respect to work in Newfoundland, South America and India.
This annual scholarship is awarded to a student of the second year in this Faculty who, obtaining honours and being ranked one of the first three in the
annual examinations, has been adjudged highest of the three in general student activities and service in the University during first year. The annual
value of the scholarship is the income from the fund.
When regulations do not permit the winner to hold this scholarship, the students considered for the award shall be the first three in the year exclusive of
any student who holds a scholarship of higher value.
Ardagh Scholarship
The Ardagh Scholarship has been provided by Professor E.G.R. Ardagh, B.A.Sc., F.R.S.C., formerly professor of Applied Chemistry, in memory of his
parents. It is awarded to a student completing second year of Chemical Engineering who has demonstrated academic achievement and exemplary
leadership within the University or broader community. The first award was made on the results of the annual examination in 1946.
Baptie Scholarship
The Baptie Scholarship is derived from a bequest under the will of the late Mrs. Margaret W. Baptie of Ottawa. The Governing Council has directed that
a Scholarship of one half the annual income shall be awarded annually to an engineering student on the record of his or her first year. The Board of
Governors also authorizes a remission of fees in the case of the holder of the scholarship, up to $75.
The conditions of the award are that the scholarship be awarded to the student who, in the annual examinations of first year, enrolled in any of the
programs of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Materials Engineering,
obtains the highest aggregate percentage of marks in those subjects which are common to the first year curricula of those courses. The first award was
made in the 1925 - 1926 Session.
The prize was established in 1980 by colleagues and friends of the late Dr. Ben Bernholtz, twice Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering and a
founder of the Canadian Operational Research Society. Should the candidate be qualified for another award of higher value, the award may be reverted
to the student with the next highest aggregate mark in the specified courses.
Wallace Chalmers graduated in 1950 from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Throughout his career, Mr. Chalmers
demonstrated a keen interest in design and perceived the need to place greater emphasis on the design aspect of engineering education.
The three awards (one issued in second year, one in third year, and one in fourth year) are given to students (or a team of students) in Mechanical or
Industrial Engineering who demonstrate strong academic performance and design capabilities in design-intensive courses. Department recommendation
and financial need will also be considered.
This award is granted to a student entering either third or fourth year of any undergraduate program. The recipient must have achieved an average of
70% or higher. In addition, the award will be made on the basis of demonstrated leadership qualities as exhibited through participation in athletics,
community involvement and/or student council activity. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
The scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department to a student entering the Fourth year of the Civil Engineering
Program who has achieved high standing, with Honours, on the examinations of the third year, and who has demonstrated qualities of character and
leadership indicative of becoming a worthy member of the profession. The scholarship is not tenable with other awards of greater value. Application is
not required.
Candidates are nominated by the Chair of the respective department or designate. Selection is made on the basis of academic performance* in the
fourth year and the following:
*for Chemical Engineering: preference given to students who demonstrate a particular aptitude for studies related to alternative energy technologies
*for Electrical Engineering: preference given to students who demonstrate an aptitude for studies related to power generation and distribution
*for Environmental Engineering (Minor): preference given to students who demonstrate an aptitude for studies related to environmental sustainability and
sustainable development
*for Sustainable Energy (Minor): preference given to students who demonstrate an aptitude for studies related to sustainable energy
*academic performance in the designated areas may be determined through specific course work and/or intellectual quality of the fourth-year thesis
The selection is made on recommendation of the Chair of the Department from the four students with the highest average percentage of marks at the
annual examinations in second and third year respectively. The students general character, fitness for the profession and financial circumstances are
given consideration. If a student wins one of the scholarships and changes program, or does not attend this University during the next following session,
the award shall be made to another eligible student.
The award is made to a student who, having completed first year with a general average of at least 66% without conditions, has entered the second year
and needs financial assistance to continue. It is desirable, but not necessary, that the recipient not have already been given any other scholastic award
or scholarship applicable to the second year and shows indications of a firm intention and ability to follow successfully the profession of engineering.
Applications should be made on the In-course Bursary Form.
Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association Award in Civil Engineering
The Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association provides this award of the value of $5,800. It is granted to a student entering the
fourth year of Civil Engineering who has demonstrated academic excellence and who has shown significant interest in municipal, environmental and
construction engineering through summer employment and choice of elective courses. Recommendation for the award is made by the Chair of the
Department in consultation with the donor. In addition to academic standing, qualities of character and leadership as evidenced by involvement in
University and extracurricular activities will be considered.
The annual income of the fund is used to provide graduate fellowships; summer studentships and an undergraduate fund in the Department; and two
kinds of undergraduate scholarships: the Guess Admission Scholarship and the Guess In-Course Scholarships in recognition of academic achievement
in the Faculty.
The Guess Admission Scholarship is awarded to student(s) with high standing in the subjects needed for admission to the first year of the Materials
Engineering Program. The Guess In-Course Scholarships are awarded to students completing first, second or third year of Materials Engineering and
are made on the basis of achieving a minimum average of 75%. Extra-curricular/leadership qualities may also be considered.
Dr. Herrmann won international recognition as an expert on plywood and its applications; he invented a machine for the manufacture of plywood pipes or
tubes, and was a well-known researcher, lecturer and author.
Sponsored by the Engineering Alumni Association, the award consists of a certificate of recognition presented annually at the Grad Ball and
subsequently at Spring Reunion. Nominations for the award may be submitted to the Engineering Alumni Office by undergraduate students, members of
the Faculty, or alumni by January 31 of the year in which the award is to be given. Nominations should include sufficient information for the Committee to
determine the merits of the nominee. The Committee reserves the right to suspend presentation of the award if suitable candidates are not identified in
any year. The selection Committee will comprise the Director of Alumni Relations, a member of the Faculty, the President and first Vice-President of the
Engineering Alumni Association, the President and the fourth-year Chair of the Engineering Society. The first award was presented in the spring of 1997.
Lassonde Bursaries
In addition to the above scholarships, Lassonde Bursaries have also been established. The bursaries are granted on the basis of financial need to
students in any year of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program. Applicants must complete the regular Undergraduate Grant Application form.
The prize, of the value of approximately $25, is awarded to the first-year student in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering who ranks highest in
Calculus among those who obtain standing without condition at the annual examinations; or, in the event of more than one student obtaining equally
high rank in Calculus, to the one of these who also has the highest standing in some other subject common to the competitors, such as Algebra, such
subject to be determined by the Council of the Faculty.
An award will not be made in any year in which, in the opinion of the Council, no student obtains a sufficiently high standing in Calculus to merit the
award. If in any year no award is made, a second award will be available in the subsequent year.
If, in any year there is no student who has fulfilled the condition as laid down for the Second Lachlan Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarship, it shall be
awarded to the student in the second year of Engineering Science who achieves the second highest aggregate standing at the examinations of the first
and second years of that course, provided the student obtains honours standing in second-year examinations.
Gary, a former student of the Engineering Physics program at the University of Toronto, went on to enjoy a successful career in computer engineering
and telecommunications. A lifelong passion for cycling led Gary to race competitively in Canada, the United States and France. He also shared his
enthusiasm for aviation through his involvement with the EAA, ultimately holding the position of president of his local chapter for 13 years. Gary was a
man blessed with great intellect, a rich sense of humor, compassion and a desire to contribute. A natural leader, he was always eager to share his
knowledge and help others.
The award is presented to a student who is entering the Third year of Engineering Science and who has
demonstrated financial need and promise in their field as evidenced by academic improvement from year to year.
His class of 1908-11 was the last in the S.P.S. Diploma course with degree option. From the mechanical field he moved to a pioneering role in
aeronautics on staff in the University of Torontos new Mechanical Department from 1912 until 1929 (Associate Professor), with a three-year wartime
leave to the chemical industry. He set up Canadas first university wind tunnel (1919), initiated Canadas first undergraduate Aeronautical Program
(1928) and began a lifelong career in applied research.
Moving to Ottawa, he gave strong leadership at the National Research Council, becoming Director, Division of Mechanical Engineering (1937), and
founding Director, National Aeronautical Establishment (1951). His authorship was prolific and his career accomplishments have been widely
acknowledged through distinguished honours and awards, including C.B.E. and F.R.S.C.
The award, the value of which is the annual income of a donation, is given to a student completing the third year of the Aerospace Option in the
Engineering Science Program on the basis of financial need, academic standing and a demonstrated sincere interest in the aerospace field. This award
is tenable with other awards.
A. B. Platt Award, Toronto Section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Funded in perpetuity by a capital donation from the Toronto Section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), this prize is
awarded annually to the student in the fourth year of either Mechanical, Chemical or Materials Engineering Program whose work in tribology (friction,
wear, lubrication, wear resistant coatings) is considered to be of suitable quality and the most satisfactory. The award has a value of $100, of which $75
is presented to the student, and $25 to the Department for the purchase of publications on tribology.
Professional Engineers Ontario Foundation for Education Gold Medal for Academic Achievement
The Professional Engineers Ontario Foundation for Education has established in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering an award in the form of
a medal. The award will be made to the student in the final undergraduate year in any program who, obtaining Honours, achieves the highest weighted
average percentage in the practical work and written examination of the year.
Small loans can be made to students who are in urgent need of assistance. The funds are not large and the loans must be restricted both in amount and
number. Inquiries for loans should be made in the Office of the Registrar, Galbraith Building, room 153.
Method of Payment
Students will individually receive detailed instructions regarding the payment of fees in the summer. Students may also check the fees information
available on the Student Accounts website at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
Invoice Payment
An invoice detailing the fees payable will be posted to the student's account on the Student Web Service (SWS) (www.rosi.utoronto.ca). Students may
pay this invoice in-person at their banking institution through a teller or a banking machine.
* For instructions on how to use ROSI see the Student Services and Resources section.
Electronic Payment:
Students may also pay through telephone or online banking if your bank offers this service. Contact your financial institution via the appropriate method
and provide them with your account number and payee information. Your account number is displayed on the invoice format of your account on ROSI. It
consists of the first five characters of your surname (in capital letters) and ten numbers, which is your student number with leading zeroes. Make sure
you distinguish between the letter "O" and the number "zero." The payee for the transaction is "University of Toronto."
Official Registration
A minimum first installment of tuition fees (65% of the total fee) must be paid or fees must be deferred (through scholarship or OSAP) by a deadline in
August (listed in the "Sessional Dates" section of this calendar and on the Office of the Registrar's website at www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca) in
order for a student to be considered "registered" on ROSI, thereby ensuring courses are secure and "locked" into the student's account. Students who
have not paid their fees by this date will have their courses removed. Requests for reinstatement into courses are subject to the "Late Registration Fee"
and course availability (see "Late Registration" below).
OSAP Deferrals
Students in financial need may apply for OSAP online at www.osap.gov.on.ca. If you are an approved OSAP recipient, you may request a fees deferral
provided that you have no outstanding fees from previous sessions. Once your fees are deferred you are considered "registered" and your courses will
not be removed on ROSI.
Outstanding Balances
All fees are posted to your student account. Monthly payments towards any outstanding account balance are required and the balance of the account
must be cleared by the end of the session (April 30 of each year). The outstanding balance of the account is subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5%
(19.56% per annum). For more information, please refer to www.fees.utoronto.ca. Please note that when you make your tuition/fees payment at a bank,
it takes at least five to seven business days from within Canada and 10 to 14 days from outside of Canada for it to be processed and received by the
University. You are responsible for additional interest charges incurred for payments processed after deadlines have passed.
All payments are applied to outstanding charges from previous sessions first, then to the current session. Fees and other charges set forth in this
Calendar are subject to change by the Governing Council.
The new fees for the 2014 - 2015 session will be available on the Student Accounts website at www.fees.utoronto.ca in July 2014. Check
www.fees.utoronto.ca for the finalized session fees once these are available. For reference, below are the amounts from the 2013 - 2014 academic year.
Academic Fee
$12,363.00 $12,246.00 $11,792.00 $11,354.00
Incidental Fees*
$1,473.56 $1,473.56 $1,473.56 $1,473.56
Total Fee
(If paid in one installment) $13,836.56 $13,719.56 $13,265.56 $12,827.56
Academic Year
Academic Fee
$35,982.00 $33,634.00 $32,033.00 $30,578.00
Incidental Fees*
$1,473.56 $1,473.56 $1,473.56 $1,473.56
Total Fee
(If paid in one installment) $38,139.56 $35,791.56 $34,190.56 $32,735.56
*Non-academic incidental fees include: campus fees; student society fees; Engineering Career Centre; OSOTIF Student Aid, Endowment Fund Fee;
Temporary study levy; ROSI access fee.
PEY Registration Fee (subject to annual approval - see
www.engineeringcareers.utoronto.ca for details)
Registration Letter $7
* Please note that under University of Toronto policy transcripts, letters of permission, and registration letters cannot be issued by fax.
Check with individual residence offices for details. Information on Student Housing is available on the Student Housing website:
Students who withdraw from the University (see section below regarding withdrawal penalty) may be eligible for a fees refund depending on the date of
withdrawal from the institution. Further information about refund schedules are listed on the Student Accounts website at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
Withdrawal from the University
Students who withdraw entirely from the University, thereby canceling their registration in a program (Degree POSt) on or after the published date for the
first day of classes in the session will be assessed a minimum charge of $235 in respect of academic fees.
Further information about the minimum charge is listed on the Student Accounts website at www.fees.utoronto.ca.
Academic Sanctions
The following academic sanctions will be imposed on students who have outstanding University obligations:
1. Transcripts of academic record will not be issued
2. Registration will be refused to a continuing or returning student
For a listing of all services provided by the Registrars Office, please visit our website at www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca. In addition, if you have
questions regarding any aspect of your undergraduate experience, you can email the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ecf.utoronto.ca.
Jane Chung
Room 216A, Wallberg Building, 416-978-5336
72 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Student Services and Resources
Shayni Curtis-Clarke
Room 105, Galbraith Building, 416-978-5905
Hana Lee (first- & second-year students)
Room 2110, Bahen Centre, (416) 946-7351
Maria Fryman
Room 140, Wallberg Building (416) 978-3012
You should set up the PIN reactivation feature. If you forget your PIN in the future and you have set up the PIN reactivation feature, you can then
retrieve your PIN through the question prompts ROSI gives you through this feature. If you try to log into ROSI unsuccessfully three times in a row, your
account will be suspended until your PIN is reset. If you are not set up for PIN reactivation and your account is suspended, you must come to the
Engineering Registrars Office in GB157 with your T-card.
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 73
Student Services and Resources
If you cannot come to the Registrars Office in person, then you must fax a request for ROSI PIN reset form to the Office in order to verify that you are
the one requesting a PIN reset. This allows the Registrars Office to verify that you are the one requesting a PIN reset. The PIN reset form can be found
at: uoft.me/rosipin. The fax number for the Registrars Office is 416-978-1866. PIN reset requests cannot be made by telephone.
The Portal connects you to the services and information you want, and making it easier to interact with your friends and the University. The Portal is
about making connections between students, faculty and staff.
The student photo identification card is a wallet-sized card bearing the students photograph and signature; the card serves as evidence of registration in
the Faculty. It is used for identification purposes within the University, such as Faculty examinations, University libraries, student activities and Athletic
Association privileges. There is a fee of $12.00 to replace a lost card.
If a current or former student of the Faculty requires a letter that confirms their registration, they can make such a request from the Registrars Office.
Letters of Registration are $7.00 with tax included. Payment must accompany the request; pocessing takes up to five business days. The Office of the
Registrar cannot be responsible for letters lost or delayed in the mail.
The transcript of a students record reports the standing in all courses attempted, information about the students academic status including record of
suspension and refusal of further registration and completion of degree requirements. Course results are added to each students record at the end of
the session. Individual courses from which a student withdraws within the normal time limit are not shown. Transcript requests should be submitted on
the web at: www.rosi.utoronto.ca. Requests may also be made in person or by writing the University of Toronto Transcript Centre at Room 1006, 100 St.
George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3. A fee of $10.00, which includes PST and GST, is charged for each transcript. Cheques and money orders should
be made payable to the "University of Toronto." Transcripts are not issued for students who have outstanding financial obligations with the University.
The University is not responsible for transcripts lost in the mail.
The Engineering Career Centre (ECC) has connected students with employers for over 30 years. We take great pride in our students and their abilities,
which is why we work with each one to support their development into emerging professionals at every stage of their education through workshops,
counselling and coaching. ECC offers unique career development programs to introduce the countrys best and most innovative students to industries.
These internship programs are beneficial to all parties involved. For employers, it means having eager and highly capable individuals on their team and
is also an excellent way to access prospective employees. For students, these programs provide invaluable professional experience along with an
opportunity to chart their career paths. In the last five years, more than 700 employers from over 24 countries have hired our students.
To learn more about our programs and services, see the Curriculum & Programs section and visit www.engineeringcareers.utoronto.ca
Student Life Programs and Services are dedicated to enhancing the student experience by providing academic, health and personal support services
and opportunities to participate in the campus and wider community. The following is a list of the services and programs that fall under Student Life.
Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services provides services and programs for students with a documented disability, be it a physical, sensory, learning disability or mental
health disorder. Students with a temporary disabilities (i.e. broken arm or leg) also qualify. Services include alternative test and exam arrangements,
note-taking services, on-campus transportation, adaptive equipment, assistive devices and skills development.
Accessibility Services
Robarts Library
130 St. George Street, First Floor
TTY: 416-978-1902
Fax: 416-978-8246
Career Centre
The Career Centre offers a variety of services to help students with the career development process. Services include 24 hour online access to
thousands of part-time, full-time, summer and volunteer job postings, resource library, resume clinic, personal counselling, career exploration programs
and workshops on topics such as conducting an affective employment search, writing proper resumes and preparing for employment interviews.
Career Centre
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street
Counselling and Psychological Services also assists students with psychological and emotional concerns including depression anxiety, depression,
obsessions and compulsions, phobias, relationship difficulties, eating and body image issues, attention and/or concentration problems, problems with
sleep, and substance abuse. All services are confidential.
Hart House
Hart House has great spaces to relax, read, listen to music, study...to just be. Boasting a full service Athletics Centre, the Arbor Room (great food at fair
prices), a renowned art collection, Hart House Theatre, a hair salon, catering and event planning, and a beautiful farm, Hart House offers a broad range
of services, activities, events, programming and involvement opportunities.
Hart House
7 Hart House Circle
Health Service
The multidisciplinary team at the Health Service offers U of T students and their partners the same services as a family doctor's office and more. We
provide confidential, student-centred health care, including comprehensive medical care, travel education, immunization, counselling and referrals.
Health Service
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street, 2nd Floor
Multi-Faith Centre
The Multi-Faith Centre exists to support the spiritual well-being of students, staff and faculty and to increase our understanding and respect of religious
beliefs and practices. It does so by providing opportunities for members of the community to reflect, worship, contemplate, teach and learn, read and
study, celebrate, mourn, engage in dialogue and interact on a daily basis.
76 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Student Services and Resources
Multi-Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue
Other Resources:
Academic Integrity, Resources for Students
Antiracism and Cultural Diversity Office
Campus Community Police
Centre for International Experience
Equity Offices
Family Care Office
Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Office
Information Commons
Online Harassment
Report Homophobia
Sexual & Gender Diversity Office
Sexual Harassment Office
Summer Abroad Programs
University Ombudsperson
Walk Safer
All institutions of higher learning place a strong emphasis on integrity in both their teaching and research. This certainly holds true for the University of
Toronto, which is governed by both a Code of Student Conduct and Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. The University of Toronto is committed to
ensuring academic integrity at all levels and relies on both faculty and students to fulfill this goal.
The office also provides training and education, complaint management and resolution in issues relating to race, ancestry and place of origin, culture
and ethnicity; it advises individuals and groups in taking responsibility for creating safe spaces in classrooms, residences, workspaces where ethnic,
racial, cultural and religious differences are respected.
The University of Toronto Police Service is dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors.
In fulfilling this purpose, the Campus Police work in partnership with the community in developing programs and conducting activities to promote safety
and security on campus.
The Community Safety Office addresses personal and community safety issues for students, staff and faculty across all three campuses. They can
assist you with issues such as personal safety, harassment, stalking, abusive relationships, assaults, bullying, self defense courses and much more.
They also offer workshops and other resources. All consultations are confidential.
The Co-op Japan Program is a Canadian-based, international co-op/internship program linking undergraduate students in engineering, science,
business and the arts with Japanese businesses. The Co-op Japan Program formally integrates an undergraduate students Canadian academic studies
with valuable work experience in a Japanese company. The program is open to universities and colleges nationally and is currently administered from
the University of British Columbia. The program is only open to undergraduate students who have completed at least the Fall session of their third year
and meet certain eligibility requirements.
Our Equity Offices provide the U of T Community with the resources, education and awareness initiatives that support the Universitys goal to eliminate,
reduce or mitigate the effects of any barriers to full participation in University Life. Our Equity Officers also provide advice, guidance and support on
specific issues as they arise.
Many students balance family obligations with their studies. The University is committed to fostering a family-friendly learning and working environment.
The Family Care Office provides information, guidance and referral services to students requiring child care (facilities, programs, or subsidies), elder
care and assistance with other family matters. Additional services include support groups and workshops such as Choosing Child Care that Works for
The University of Toronto respects your privacy. The University is committed to the requirements of FIPPA. Established University of Toronto values and
long-standing practices for privacy and access are consistent with FIPPA principles. These principles were reflected in University practice and policy
long before FIPPA applied to the University. The University continues to support access and privacy through its commitment to the requirements of
The Information Commons (IC) provides front-line support/help through our Help Desk to students, faculty and staff for several institutional services such
as institutional email (UTmail+) and general Internet access (browsers, wireless, UTORid password changes, etc.).
Free AntiVirus Software Available! Antivirus software is available for free for all students, faculty and staff at U of T: www.antivirus.utoronto.ca.
Cumberland House
Global Lounge, 33 St. George Street
Tel: (416) 978-1800
If you wish to study abroad during the academic year, you should visit the Global Lounge at the Centre for International Experience. The assistants in
the Lounge can give you information and advice about the Student Exchange Program which organizes international and Canadian exchanges, and
summer research opportunities for U of T students. Exchange programs operate under formal agreements between the University of Toronto and
partner universities around the world and in Canada. The student exchange programs offer students a variety of opportunities to study at partner
institutions while gaining academic credit and an understanding of different cultures, heritages, values and lifestyles found across borders. While
studying on exchange at a host university, University of Toronto students pay the full-time tuition and compulsory incidental fees of the University of
Toronto, and not the tuition fees of the host university. Applications for most programs are due each year between December and February, depending
on the program you choose. For more information please see the International Student Exchanges section in "Curriculums and Programs."
The University of Toronto has set up a website, named "Enough," to deal with online harassment and provide help on how to safeguard your online
The Report Homophobia program provides a way for you to report incidents and behaviour on campus motivated by intolerance and hatred toward
lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and queer people. The program is run by the Office of LGBTQ Resources Programs and is specifically
designed for reporting hate incidents relating to sexual minority, sexual orientation, gender and sex.
The Sexual & Gender Diversity Office works with students, staff and faculty to provide programs, services, training resources and outreach on issues
related to the LGBTQ population at the University of Toronto. The Office develops initiatives and programming that support the lives of individuals at the
The Sexual Harassment Office handles complaints of harassment based on sex or sexual orientation at the University of Toronto. Sexual harassment is
unwanted sexual attention or unwanted emphasis on your sex or sexual orientation. It includes any unwelcome pressure for sexual favours, any
comments, gestures or other conduct which places an offensive focus on the sex or sexual orientation of another person, and any gender-based conduct
that is directed at you and that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment for you.
The Status of Women Office works toward full gender equity for women students, staff and faculty on all three campuses by developing relevant policies,
providing advice, identifying key issues to those in senior administration, organizing events and generally being an effective catalyst for change.
Administered by Woodsworth College and the Faculty of Arts & Science, the University of Torontos Summer Abroad program is designed to enrich
students academic lives by providing an exciting and educational international experience. Students complete a University of Toronto undergraduate
credit course that is relevant to the location in which the course is taught. The program takes place over 4 - 6 weeks in the summer. The courses offered
through the Summer Abroad program are typically all Arts & Science courses, but Engineering students are still welcome to apply and use the credit as
a possible elective.
As part of the University's commitment to ensure the rights of its individual members are protected, the University Ombudsperson investigates
complaints from any member of the University not handled through regular University channels. The Ombudsperson is independent of all administrative
structures of the University and is accountable only to Governing Council. In handling a complaint, the Ombudsperson has access to all relevant files
and information and to all appropriate University officials. All matters are in strict confidence, unless the individual involved approves otherwise. The
Ombudsperson offers advice and assistance and can recommend changes in academic or administrative procedures where this seems justified. For
additional information, please visit our website. The services of the Office are available by appointment at all three U of T campuses.
Telephone: 416-978-7233(SAFE)
Walk Smart is a police or student escort service where you can request that someone walk with you at night to locations on the U of T Campus such as
between campus buildings, to parking lots and TTC transit stops near the campus. To request an escort, please call 416-978-7233 (SAFE). When
dialing this number your call will be received promptly by the Walk Safer dispatcher; they are available Monday to Friday, 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. from
80 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Student Services and Resources
September to April.
Every undergraduate in the Faculty is a member of the Engineering Society. Founded in 1885, it is the oldest formal Engineering organization in
Canada. Together with its constituent course clubs (one for each program), the Society plans and operates many student activities and services. It is
the focal point for that traditional unity of spirit among Engineering students, which is the envy of other groups in the University and which continues
throughout its members professional careers. The Society operates the Engineering Stores in the basement of the Sandford Fleming building, which
supplies students with most of their school supplies and instruments. In addition, the Society deals with matters of policy relating to student academic
affairs and has representation on the Facultys governing body, the Council and its working committees.
All part-time undergraduate students on all three campuses of the University of Toronto are members of the Association of Part-time Undergraduate
Students. The mission of the Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students (APUS) is to ensure that part-time undergraduate students have access
to the full range of programs, services and resources at the University of Toronto in order to improve the quality of the part-time undergraduate
educational experience. APUS works to ensure that a variety of post-secondary educational opportunities are available for students who, for any reason,
choose to study part-time. APUS believes that education can be combined with work, family and other activities and that part-time study represents a
viable option for students who cannot study full-time. To this end, APUS promotes the concepts of life-long learning, evening, weekend and summer
study and flexible academic programming across the University. The objectives of APUS services are to improve the quality of the total educational
experience, in its broadest sense.
Students are responsible for making themselves familiar with the information in the Calendar. Remember: a minimum first installment or deferral of fees
must be paid before a student is considered registered. Please refer to the Fees and Expenses section of this Calendar.
Students are responsible for ensuring that their course enrolment is accurate and complete and that the courses in which they enrol meet the
requirements for graduation. Course prerequisites and any restrictions on enrolment should be noted carefully prior to registration. Whenever the
requirements are not understood, a student should consult their department's undergraduate counsellor/advisor or the Associate Chair of
Undergraduate Studies.
Students are required to attend the courses of instruction and the examinations in all subjects prescribed.
Students must conform to all lecture, tutorial and laboratory regulations.
Students shall comply with all due dates and manner of submission for all work submitted for credit in a course. Consequences for failure to comply
shall be specified and announced by the instructor. All session work must be submitted no later than the last day of lectures in the session as
published in this Calendar.
If a student is unable to complete any portion of their course work due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, they should inform
the instructor by submitting a "Petition for Consideration in Course Work", with supporting documents (e.g., U of T Medical Certificate). Please refer to
"Section I - Petitions," in this chapter.
A student has the right to withdraw from a course or program without academic penalty before the published deadline (see "Sessional Dates" listing at
the beginning of the Calendar) with approval from their department's undergraduate counsellor/advisor. A student who does not complete the course
or write the final examination will receive final marks in the course consisting of the sum of their earned session marks with zero for the uncompleted
work and examination. These marks will be included in the calculation of session averages. A student who in any session withdraws from the Faculty
after the deadline to withdraw without academic penalty (as specified in the calendar) is deemed to have failed the session.
It is generally desirable for students to engage in extracurricular activities to a reasonable extent so that they do not become too narrowly academic in
interest and outlook but no academic credit can be given for such activities. Extracurricular activities require considerable time for the proper
performance of the duties connected with them. A student on probation, or with marginal academic records, should not undertake such activities.
Students will not be given any special consideration for conflicts resulting from such activities and are responsible for meeting the requirements of all
aspects of his or her academic work.
These regulations are designed to promote an atmosphere in which all students can pursue their academic programs, as well as discourage waste of
computer resources. Violators are subject to having all their U of T computer accounts closed down, and/or other disciplinary action under the provisions
of the University of Toronto Code of Student Conduct. Maintaining the integrity of the Faculty's computer facilities is everyone's responsibility. If you see
an individual using computer equipment anywhere in this Faculty in a manner that you believe to be inconsistent with the regulations, please record the
time, date, room number, workstation number (if in a facility with more than one terminal or computer) and the exact nature of the offence (description of
what is being displayed). Send the information to the Director, Engineering Computing Facility, Engineering Annex Room 206 or send an email to
office@ecf.utoronto.ca. The Director will then determine the identity of the user and the type of activity in which the user was engaged at the time it was
The academic program consists of a consecutive sequence of sessions. There are three sessions per academic year:
- Fall Session (September - December) - Winter Session (January - April) - Summer Session (May - August)
With permission of the responsible division or department, courses may be taken in summer sessions. The evaluation period for the purpose of
promotion is the Fall Session or the Winter Session.
The notations 1F, 1W, 2F, 2W, etc., are used to represent the Fall Session and the Winter Session for the respective year of study.
2. Sessional Averages
The following course marks and grades relate to the performance of a student in the work of a particular course. A course grade or mark should not be
interpreted as an assessment of status within a program of studies since this is determined by the Promotional Regulations set out in Section III, IV and
V. In particular, please refer to Section III, Part 8 regarding credit for courses.
The equivalents of the Numerical Scale of Marks in the refined Letter Grade Scale and the Grade Point Value are as follows:
* The grade point values below apply to marks earned in individual courses; grade point averages are weighted sums of the grade points earned (see
below), and thus do not necessarily correspond exactly to the scale below. For example, a B+ average would include grade point averages from 3.20 to
3.40, while the lowest B- average would be 2.50.
90-100 A+ 4.0
85-89 A 4.0
80-84 A- 3.7
77-79 B+ 3.3
73-76 B 3.0
70-72 B- 2.7
67-69 C+ 2.3
63-66 C 2.0
60-62 C- 1.7
57-59 D+ 1.3
53-56 D 1.0
50-52 D- 0.7
0-49 F 0.0
Note: the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering does not promote students on the basis of the GPA but on the basis of the weighted sessional
The Grade Point Average is the weighted sum of the grade points earned, divided by the number of courses in which grade points were earned.
Courses noted AEG are not included in the average, nor are transfer credits, courses taken elsewhere on a Letter of Permission, nor courses
designated as extra.
Three types of grade point averages are shown on the Official Student transcript:
The Sessional GPA (SGPA) is based on courses taken in a single session (Fall, Winter or Summer)
The Annual GPA (AGPA) is based on courses taken in the Fall-Winter Sessions
The Cumulative GPA (CGPA) takes into account all courses taken for degree credit in the Faculty
5. Non-grade Symbols
The following non-grade symbols may appear on grade reports and transcripts instead of course marks and /or equivalent letter grades. They have no
grade point or term sessional average values:
AEG - Aegrotat standing granted on the basis of session work and medical or similar evidence where the student was not able to write the final
examination in the course. AEG is assigned by a division upon approval of a student's petition. It carries credit for the course but is not considered for
averaging purposes.
CR/NCR Credit/No Credit. Used to report results for academic requirements such as practical experience, English proficiency, field camps, etc. The
grades CR and NCR have no numerical equivalence and are not included in the calculation of Sessional Averages.
DNW - Did not write/did not attend/did little work (when used as final course result, DNW is assigned by the instructor and must be changed to another
grade/symbol during the divisional grade review.
GWR - Grade withheld pending review under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.
IPR - (Course) in progress.
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 83
Academic Regulations
LWD - Permitted to withdraw from a course without academic penalty. Applies only to courses taken as humanities and social science electives,
complementary studies or free electives from the Faculty of Arts and Science (See VII, 8).
NGA - No grade available.
SDF - Standing deferred on the basis of incomplete course work because of medical or similar reasons (to be replaced by a regular mark before the
expiry of a specified extension period).
WDR - Granted privilege of late withdrawal without academic penalty from a course caused by circumstances beyond the students control.
The following non-grade statements may appear on grade reports and transcripts in conjunction with the course mark and letter grade:
Assessed - Indicates that an assessed mark has been granted through petition to the Committee on Examinations on the basis of session work and
medical or similar evidence.
EXT - Extra course - Not for degree credit; course has no effect on status or grade point average. Refer to section VII., 9. Promotion Regulations.
INC (incomplete) - Notwithstanding the mark obtained by a student in a course, the instructor may report the designation "incomplete" in addition to the
students final course mark, if:
a) a student has not made a reasonable attempt to complete major session assignments, projects laboratories, tutorials or the thesis, and
b) the instructor has made a reasonable effort to inform the student as early as possible in the session that an important part of the session work is
incomplete. If the instructors report is confirmed by the Committee on Examinations, the student will be required to clear the incomplete status to receive
credit for the course, although the original course mark will not be altered.
An incomplete status may be cleared by obtaining an evaluation of 50% or greater on the required course work which must be completed within a time
period specific by the professor but not later than the end of the next corresponding session. A student who does not clear an incomplete course
designation in the manner prescribed above will not receive credit for the course and the result will be treated as an F grade, i.e., Regulation IV-8
pertaining to the repeating or replacing of courses with F grades will apply.
More information about students rights and responsibilities can be found at: life.utoronto.ca/get-help/rights-responsibilities.htm.
A) Academic
Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
The Governing Council of the University of Toronto has approved a Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, which applies to students and members of
the teaching staff of the University. The full text of the Code is available from the Office of the Registrar, however, excerpts are shown below for
convenience. Where ever in this Code an offence is describe as depending on knowing, the offence shall likewise be deemed to have been committed
if the person ought reasonably to have known.
Academic Offences
The University and its members have a responsibility to ensure that a climate that might encourage, or conditions that might enable cheating,
misrepresentation or unfairness not be tolerated. To this end, all must acknowledge that seeking credit or other advantages by fraud or
misrepresentation, or seeking to disadvantage others by disruptive behaviour is unacceptable, as is any dishonesty or unfairness in dealing with the
work or record of a student.
Parties to Offences
Every member is a party to an offence under this Code who knowingly:
i) actually commits it;
ii) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding or assisting another member to commit the offence;
iii) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding or assisting any other abets, counsels, procures or conspires with another member to commit
or be a party to an offence; or
v) abets, counsels, procures or conspires with any other person who, if that person were a member, would have committed or have been a party to the
Every party to an offence under this Code is liable upon admission of the commission thereof, or upon conviction, as the case may be, to the sanctions
applicable to that offence. Every member who, having an intent to commit an offence under this Code, does or omits to do anything for
the purpose of carrying out that intention (other than mere preparation to commit the offence) is guilty of an attempt to commit the offence and liable
upon conviction to the same sanctions as if he or she had committed the offence. When a group is found guilty of an offence under this Code, every
officer, director or agent of the group, being a member of the University, who directed, authorized or participated in the commission of the offence is a
party to and guilty of the offence and is liable upon conviction to the sanctions provided for the offence.
Note: Where a student commits an offence, the Faculty in which the student is registered has responsibility over the student in the matter.
a) Where an instructor has reasonable grounds to believe that an academic offence has been committed by a student, the instructor shall so inform the
student immediately after learning of the act or conduct complained of, giving reasons, and invite the student to discuss the matter.
Nothing the student says in such a discussion may be used nor may be receivable in evidence against the student.
b) If after such discussion, the instructor is satisfied that no academic offence has been committed, he or she shall so inform the student and no further
action shall be taken in the matter by the instructor, unless fresh evidence comes to the attention of the instructor, in which case he or she
may again proceed in accordance with (a) above.
c) If after such discussion, the instructor believes that an academic offence has been committed by the student, or if the student fails or neglects to
respond to the invitation for discussion, the instructor shall make a report of the matter to the department chair or through the department chair
to the Dean.
d) When the Dean or the department chair, as the case may be, has been so informed, he or she shall notify the student in writing accordingly, provide
him or her with a copy of the Code and subsequently afford the student an opportunity for discussion of the matter. In the case of the Dean being
informed, the chair of the department and the instructor shall be invited by the Dean to be present at the meeting with the student. The Dean shall
conduct the interview.
e) Before proceeding with the meeting, the Dean shall inform the student that he or she is entitled to seek advice, or to be accompanied by counsel at
the meeting, before making, and is not obliged to make, any statement or admission, but shall warn that if he or she makes any statement of admission
in the meeting, it may be used or be receivable in evidence against the student in the hearing of any charge with respect to the offence or alleged
offence in question. The Dean shall also advise the student, without further comment or discussion, of the sanctions that may be imposed (see
Sanctions below) that the Dean is not obliged to impose a sanction but may instead request that the Provost lay a charge against the student. Where
such advice and warning have been given, the statements and admissions, if any, made in such a meeting may be used or received in evidence against
the student in any such hearing.
f) If the Dean, on the advice of the department chair and the instructor, or if the department chair on the advice of the instructor, subsequently decides
that no academic offence has been committed and that no further action in the matter is required, the student shall be so informed in writing and the
students work shall be accepted for normal evaluation or, if the student was prevented from withdrawing from the course by the withdrawal date, he or
she shall be allowed to do so. Thereafter, the matter shall not be introduced into evidence at a Tribunal hearing for another offence.
g) If the student admits the alleged offence, the Dean or the department chair may either impose the sanction(s) that he or she considers appropriate
(see Sanction below) or refer the matter to the Dean or Provost, as the case may be, and in either event shall inform the student in writing accordingly.
No further action in the matter shall be taken by the instructor, the department chair or the Dean if the Dean imposes a sanction.
h) If the student is dissatisfied with a sanction imposed by the department chair or the Dean, as the case may be, the student may refer the matter to the
Dean or Provost, as the case may be, for consideration.
i) If the student does not admit the alleged offence, the Dean may, after consultation with the instructor and the department chair, request that the
Divisional Sanctions
1. In an assignment worth 10% or less of the final grade, the department chair may handle the matter if:
i) the student admits guilt; and
ii) the assignment of a penalty is limited to at most a mark of zero for the piece of work.
If the student does not admit guilt, or if the department chair chooses, the matter shall be brought before the Dean.
2. One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed by the Dean where a student admits to the commission of an offence:
a) an oral and/or written reprimand;
b) an oral and/or written reprimand and, with the permission of the instructor, the resubmission of the piece of academic work, in respect of which the
offence was committed, for evaluation. Such a sanction shall be imposed only for minor offences and where the student has committed no previous
c) assignment of a grade of zero or a failure for the piece of academic work in respect of which the offence was committed;
d) assignment of a penalty in the form of a reduction of the final grade in the course in respect of which the offence was committed;
e) denial of privileges to use any facility of the University, including library and computer facilities;
f) a monetary fine to cover the costs of replacing damaged property or misused supplies in respect of which the offence was committed;
g) assignment of a grade of zero or a failure for the course in respect of which the offence was committed;
h) suspension from attendance in a course or courses, a program, an academic division or unit, or the University for a period of not more than twelve
months. Where a student has not completed a course or courses in respect of which an offence has not been committed, withdrawal from
the course or courses without academic penalty shall be allowed.
3. The Dean shall have the power to record any sanction imposed on the students academic record and transcript for such length of time as he or she
considers appropriate. However, the sanctions of suspension or a notation specifying academic misconduct as the reason for a grade of
zero for a course shall normally be recorded for a period of five years.
4. The Provost shall, from time to time, indicate appropriate sanctions for certain offences. These guidelines shall be sent for information to the
Academic Board and attached to the Code as Appendix C.
Tribunal Sanctions
1. One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed by the Tribunal upon the conviction of any student:
a) an oral and/or written reprimand;
b) an oral and/or written reprimand and, with the permission of the instructor, the resubmission of the piece of academic work, in respect of which the
offence was committed, for evaluation. Such a sanction shall be imposed only for minor offences and where the student has committed no
previous offence;
c) assignment of a grade of zero or a failure for the piece of academic work in respect of which the offence was committed;
d) assignment of a penalty in the form of a reduction of the final grade in the course in respect of which the offence was committed;
e) denial of privileges to use any facility of the University, including library and computer facilities;
f) a monetary fine to cover the costs of replacing damaged property or misused supplies in respect of which the offence was committed;
g) assignment of a grade of zero or a failure for any completed or uncompleted course or courses in respect of which any offence was committed;
h) suspension from attendance in a course or courses, a program, an academic division or unit, or the University for such a period of time up to five
years as may be determined by the Tribunal. Where a student has not completed a course or courses in respect of which an offence has not been
committed, withdrawal from the course or courses without academic penalty shall be allowed;
i) recommendation of expulsion from the University. The Tribunal has power only to recommend that such a penalty be imposed. In any such case, the
recommendation shall be made by the Tribunal to the President for a recommendation by him or her to the Governing Council. Expulsion shall mean that
The normal full academic load is 2.50 credits per session. Students in second or higher years may, in exceptional cases, increase their academic load to
a maximum of 3.00 credits. Full-time students may take a CS or HSS elective course in any term starting in the summer after their initial registration, and
subject to the rule above.
Part-time students may take a CS or HSS elective course in any term. Students taking a full-year core course will not be allowed to drop this course in
the Winter Session. A full-time student may reduce their academic load below the full academic load by 0.50 credits by dropping a CS, HSS or
technical/free elective course if it is possible to take the same or a replacement course in a summer or subsequent session. It is recommended that a
student consult their undergraduate counsellor/advisor for advice on how this may impact their ability to complete their degree requirements within the
expected period of time.
Reducing the academic load to less than a full load as defined by a students year and program of study will make the student ineligible for certain
scholarships and Deans Honours list. Full-time students with reduced course loads are still required to pay the full-time program fee, and will not be
entitled to any tuition fee refunds.
A full undergraduate program consists of eight Fall and Winter Sessions taken in order. To gain credit for a session a student must:
a) satisfy the academic regulations to proceed to the succeeding session as described herein, and
b) not be subsequently required to repeat the session for which credit is to be gained, and
c) not have any outstanding designations of "standing deferred," "incomplete," "No Grade Available," or GWR (Grade Withheld pending Review under
Code of Conduct on Academic Matters) for any course in any session (see Regulations I-5 and I-7).
2. Final Session
To be eligible to graduate, a student must attain a weighted Session Average of 60% or greater in their final session. Any student who does not achieve
a weighted Session Average of 60% in their final session (4W), but has attained a weighted Session Average that allows them to proceed to the next
session on probation, shall repeat the final session and achieve a weighted Session Average of 60% or greater to graduate.
An academic standing of Proceeding on Probation, or On Repeat Probation will be removed and changed to Pass (or Honours if applicable) at the
conclusion of the final session during which all requirements for graduation are satisfied.
Proceeding On Probation: A student is placed on Probation the first time the Session Average is between 55% to 60%. Probation is a warning that
academic performance is not satisfactory.
On Repeat Probation: A student placed on Repeat Probation must withdraw from the Faculty for a prescribed period of time in accordance to the
promotion regulations. A second instance of Repeat Probation will result in refusal of further registration in the Faculty.
2. Honours Standing:
a) i) In sessions 1F, 1W, 2F, 2W and 3F or 3W, Honours standing in the work of session is granted to students carrying a full academic load (2.50
credits per session), if the session is not being repeated and if the weighted Session Average is 80% or greater. Note that extra (EXT) courses are not
included in the academic load.
ii) During fourth year, a student may reduce their course load in either 4F or 4W (but not both) and be eligible for Honours Standing if the session is not
being repeated and if the weighted Session Average is 80% or greater.
b) i) To obtain Honours upon graduation a full-time student must achieve a cumulative average across years 2, 3 and 4 of between 79.5% and 87.49%
and a weighted sessional fourth year average of 74.5% or higher, excluding any required first year courses, repeated courses and courses marked as
ii) To obtain High Honours upon graduation, a full-time student must achieve a cumulative average across years 2, 3 and 4 of 87.5% or higher, and a
weighted sessional fourth-year average of 82.5% or higher, excluding any required first year courses, repeated courses or courses marked as "Extra."
1. Removing Probation:
A full-time student who has two successive sessions (excluding summer sessions) with a weighted Session Average of 70% or greater, none of which is
a repeated session, will have their status improved by one step. For example: a student who has an academic status of Repeat Probation after two
successive full-time sessions with a weighted Session Average of 70% or better will have a new academic status of Proceeding On Probation.
Therefore, a student who is on Repeat Probation and who is entering third year can improve their status to Clear by graduation (four successive full-
time sessions with a weighted Session Average of 70% or greater). Note full time session means four or more courses.
An academic standing of Proceeding on Probation, or On Repeat Probation will be removed and changed to Pass (or Honours if applicable) at the
conclusion of the final session during which all requirements for graduation are satisfied.
2. Required Withdrawal:
A student who has failed a session is required to withdraw and must discontinue their studies as soon as grades are made official This applies whether
or not the student is enrolled in courses that continue in the following session. In all cases where a full year course is dropped, the student will not
receive credit for any work already done in the course. A student who is required to withdraw after a Fall Session will be withdrawn by the Registrars
Office and will receive a refund for the Winter Session. A student who wishes to withdraw voluntarily must complete a withdrawal form at the Registrars
Office. A student who is required to withdraw after a Winter Session need not complete a withdrawal form.
3. Repetition of a Session:
A student is not permitted to repeat the same session more than once. Thus, any student who would otherwise be required to repeat a session more
than once is given the status "Failed - will not be considered for re-admission." In permitting a student to proceed to the next session, it is assumed by
the Faculty that the student has both the ability and necessary background to obtain a weighted Session Average of 60% or greater.
a) In a repeated session, no credit is retained for courses previously taken in which a mark of less than 70% was achieved. Courses in which a mark of
70% or greater has been achieved need not be repeated. A student who is repeating a session may choose elective courses different from those he or
she chose on the previous attempt.
b) A first year student may not improve his or her academic standing by voluntarily repeating a session, for example; if a student is on academic
probation and the promotional standing of the student will not be improved by the results of the voluntarily repeated session if his or her weighted
Session Average for the session is 60% or greater.
The deadline for requesting any credit course be changed to an extra course is the same as that for dropping a course. The deadline for requesting an
extra course be changed to a credit course (if applicable) is the same as that for adding a course.
Session Average
* A student who is part-time or has more than three course marks below 50% will be required to withdraw and is eligible to return to repeat 1F in a
subsequent session on probation
Session Average
*Students cannot proceed to second year if more than two first year courses are outstanding.
Session Average
*Condition: No repeated course may have a final mark less than 50%
Session Average
*Students cannot proceed to second year if more than two first year courses are outstanding.
First Year Engineering Science Fall Session - 1F Newly admitted First Year Students
Session Average
*55-60% Options:
a) Remain in Engineering Science and proceed to 1W subject to Engineering Science promotion rules
b) Voluntarily transfer to another Engineering program with space and be unconditionally accepted
c) Voluntarily transfer to another Engineering program. Acceptance in a program of choice in 1W is conditional upon receiving a Winter Session average
of 60% or greater
d) Students who transfer into Track One are subject to Track One 1W transfer regulations
Session Average
*No first-year Engineering Science student transferring to a Core 8 program shall proceed to second year (2F) with more than two outstanding Core 8
course equivalents.
Session Average
Session Average
1. Transfer within the Faculty
A student may apply to transfer from one program to another within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Students must submit an online
"Request to Transfer" application available via the Registrars Office website. Program transfers at the completion of first year will not normally involve
any additional courses to remedy deficiencies.
ii) Students who wish to transfer between the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering programs will be allowed to do so if admitted directly to the first-
year Fall Session of the Mechanical or Industrial Engineering program.
iii) Students not in category (ii) above will be allowed to transfer if places are available.
7. Re-Checking of Marks
Within the period ending February 15 or October 15 (whichever comes first), following the session in which the course was taken, a student may have
the final mark in any course listed in the Faculty Calendar re-checked by submitting an online request and making payment of $13 (by credit card or
cash) for each course to be re-checked.
The instructor will review the students examination paper (if a final examination was held in the course) to ensure that all questions were properly
marked in accordance with the marking procedure used for the entire class, that the addition of marks was correct, that the session marks were correctly
compiled, and that the clerical operations involved in the computation and reporting of the final mark were correct. Mark adjustments based upon lenient
reconsideration of the students work will not be made. If an adjustment is required it may be positive or negative.
If the instructor finds an error which results in any change in the students final mark, the fee for re-checking the mark will be refunded.
2. After the final date to add or substitute courses, the composition of the final mark in a course cannot be changed without the consent of a simple
majority of students attending the class, provided the vote is announced no later than in the previous class. Any changes must be reported to the
Committee on Examinations. The only exception to this is in the case of the declaration of a disruption.
4. a) All written session work must normally be returned to students after evaluation with what the instructor considers to be appropriate commentary. At
least one piece of session work worth at least 10% of a students performance, whether lab report, assignment, essay, etc., shall be returned to the
student prior to the last day for withdrawal from the course without academic penalty.
b) After evaluating and returning items of session work, the instructor or the teaching assistant(s) shall be available as appropriate to meet with each
student who wishes to discuss the work and/or the commentary offered.
c) Final examination papers are not returned to students. The instructor shall deliver the marked examination papers in alphabetical order to the Office
of the Registrar for storage. The papers will be stored until February 15 or October 15 (whichever comes first) following the session in which the course
was offered, after which they will be destroyed.
5. The following rules and guidelines apply to the evaluation of student performance in all courses offered within the Faculty. Where appropriate,
however, an instructor may apply to the Committee on Examinations for permission to deviate from the rules.
a) The composition of final marks may be based upon
i) a final examination
ii) independent term work performed under supervision, i.e., session tests or any other work which, in the judgment of the instructor, is a reliable
measure of the performance of the student evaluated, and;
iii) session work not closely supervised;
b) The dates of session tests should be announced in advance. Unannounced session tests, if used, should not count for more than a minor fraction of
the total mark for independent session work, and the value of this fraction should be specified early in the session when the details of the composition of
the final course mark are announced in class.
Type A Papers for which no data are permitted other than the information printed on the examination paper.
Type B Papers for which separate special aids or data, as specified at the top of the examination paper, are provided by the examiner for distribution
to the candidates by the Registrar of the Faculty.
Type C Papers for which the candidate may prepare, bring to the examination and use, a single aid sheet, such aid sheet being on a standard form
supplied to the examiner by the Registrar of the Faculty. Students may enter on both sides of the aid sheet any information they desire, without
restriction, except that nothing may be affixed or appended to it.
Type D Papers for which the candidate may bring to the examination and use such aids (in the form of printed or written material) as the examiner
may specify. The nature of the permitted aids must be clearly specified at the top of the examination paper, and must be announced to the class by the
examiner in advance of the examination.
Type X Papers for which the candidate may bring to the examination and use, any books, notes or other printed or written material, without restriction.
j) Any variation from the normal Faculty examination procedures (e.g. take-home examinations, pre-distribution of examination questions, zero-weight,
low-weight, or no examinations in lecture courses, oral examinations, confidential examinations, multiple examinations in multi-section courses,
examinations which are not of the standard 2.50-hour duration) requires on an annual basis the prior approval of the Committee on Examinations.
Requests for approval of special examination arrangements should be made as early as possible in the session, and announcement to the class may
not be made until the approval of the Committee on Examinations is obtained.
k) Normally multiple-choice questions are not used in final examinations conducted in the Faculty. In any event the Committee on Examinations must
give its prior approval if the value of multiple choice questions exceed 25% of the total marks for any examination.
l) Group Evaluation
(i) In situations where a students performance is evaluated by a student peer group, the results of such evaluation shall not constitute more than 25%
of the final course mark.
(ii) In courses in which group work or group assignments are performed, the proportion of a students final mark derived from undiscriminated
evaluation of such group work or submission shall not exceed 25%, unless the Committee on Examinations has granted approval for a higher weighting
of the undiscriminated group component. When such approval has been granted it shall remain in force so long as there is no change in the
circumstances on which the original application was based or until the instructor requests approval for the arrangements.
m) Under no circumstances will students be permitted to evaluate their own work for credit in a course.
6. Instructors are responsible for the grading of the final exam and are expected to exercise their best judgment in assessing answers to examination
questions and in determining final course marks. Any assessment of the performance of students is not to be based on any system of quotas or
predetermined arbitrary limits.
7. a) Instructors shall submit their final course marks to the Committee on Examinations via the Registrar of the Faculty in conformity with a prescribed
b) The Chair of each department or division of the Faculty may elect to appoint a departmental marks review committee, to review results in courses
offered by the department. If such a marks review procedure is carried out, instructors, after having submitting their marks to the Registrar of the Faculty,
shall also report their results to the departmental committee. The departmental marks review committees are not authorized to make recommendations
directly to instructors but may make recommendations to the Facultys Committee on Examinations.
c) A students final course mark is unofficial until approved by the Committee on Examinations.
The full text of the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy is available at the following link:
Students may petition with respect to the applicability to them of any academic regulation of the Faculty. These petitions must show the grounds on
which they believe that the regulation should be waived or altered. Students should consult their undergraduate counsellor/advisor before submitting
such petitions through the Engineering Portal website. Petitions requesting the alteration of marks or promotional regulations will not be considered.
II. Appeals
1. A student wishing to appeal a decision with respect to any petition should submit an appeal in written form to the Faculty Academic Appeal Board
via the Registrars Office. Appeals to the Faculty Academic Appeals Board must be made within thirty days of the date of notification of a petition
decision from a standing Committee of Council. The Faculty Academic Appeal Board Chair will appoint a hearing panel which will consist of at least
three members of the Board of whom at least one shall be a student member. Normally, the Chair of the Academic Appeals Board acts as the Chair of
the hearing panel. Hearings will be called by the Chair as required, but not later than ninety business days after the submission of the appeal. Both
parties to the appeal are entitled to present throughout the hearing, to make opening statements, call evidence and make closing submissions. After
hearing the appeal, the hearing panel may dismiss the appeal, allow the appeal and render the decision that it believes should have been made, or remit
the matter back to the decision-maker for consideration. The decision of the Faculty Academic Appeals Board is considered the final decision of the
2. A student wishing to appeal against a final decision of the Faculty may appeal to the Governing Council of the University. In that event, the student
should consult the Director, Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances, Office of the Governing Council, about the preparation and submission of the
appeal. Appeals to the Governing Council must be made within ninety days of the date of notification of the final decision of the Faculty.
As part of the Universitys commitment to ensuring that the rights of its individual members are protected, the University Ombudsperson investigates
complaints from any member of the University not handled through regular University channels. The Ombudsperson offers advice and assistance and
can recommend changes in academic or administrative procedures where this seems justified. In handling a complaint, the Ombudsperson has access
to all relevant files and information and to all appropriate University Officials. The Ombudsperson handles all matters in strict confidence, unless the
individual involved approves otherwise. The Ombudsperson is independent of all administrative structures of the University and is accountable only to
Governing Council.
All programs listed in this Calendar are accredited and evaluated regularly by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) of the Canadian
Council of Professional Engineers; therefore, graduation from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering may lead to registration as a Professional
Engineer in the provincial Associations of Professional Engineers, in accordance with their individual policies.
No student will be permitted to graduate who does not meet these requirements as this would jeopardize accreditation for the program.
Detailed information about the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers can be found at www.ccpe.ca.
The curricula, regulations and course information contained in this Calendar are valid for the current academic year only and so, over the course of a
students attendance in the Faculty, curricula, regulations and course information may change. All such changes will be posted on the Undergraduate
Engineering website.
The Faculty reserves the right to withdraw any course for which there is insufficient enrolment or resources and to limit the enrolment in any course.
Weight Factor
Weight Factors are associated with every course and are intended to help students determine the relative weight of every course, in terms of time spent
in class. Most courses in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are weighted 0.5, but some (full-year courses) are weighted at 1.0 and others
(quarter courses) are weighted at 0.25. Weight factors for courses outside of the Faculty may vary.
Weight factors are used to calculate what is referred to as the "weighted session average" used in promotions. A regular program normally consists of
five courses per session with a total weight of 2.5 credits; with prior approval of the Chair of their Department, full-time students may elect to increase
their loads to a maximum of 3.0 credits per session.
To be eligible for any scholarship or award granted solely on academic standing, a student must have completed not less than the normal full load (2.5
credits per term) within the two sessions upon which the award is based. A student whose program in these two sessions contains repeated courses will
only be eligible if the aggregate of new courses is equal to or greater than 2.5 credits per term.
Core Course
A core course is defined as any course in a program of study that is expressly required by a department or division in order to fulfill degree requirements.
Elective courses fall into three categories: technical, free and complementary studieses. In general, students must not select elective courses that would
involve excessive duplication of material covered elsewhere in their programs. As the promotion of engineering students is based on weighted session
averages, honours/pass/fail or credit/no-credit courses may not be taken as electives.
Technical Electives
Each program has a selection of technical electives carefully designed to enhance students technical knowledge in specific areas. Details regarding
technical electives can be found under each program listing.
Free Electives
Some programs require students to take a free elective. A free elective has few restrictions: any degree credit course listed in the current calendars of
the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Arts and Science and the School of Graduate Studies is acceptable as a free elective
provided it does not duplicate material covered in courses taken or to be taken.
Complementary Studies
All students are required to take Complementary Studies electives at some point during their program.
Complementary studies is broadly defined as studies in humanities, social sciences, arts, management, engineering economics and communication that
complement the technical content in the curriculum. Language courses may be included within complementary studies provided they are not taken to
fulfill an admission requirement.
Within this context of complementary studies, the Faculty is aware of the heavy responsibility that lies on the shoulders of engineers in our modern
technological society, and it strives to educate engineers with a strong sense of responsibility to others. The Faculty requires students build a firm
foundation of engineering ethics, familiarity with their heritage and history and sensitivity to the social context in which they function. To this end, in
addition to developing competence in appropriate aspects of mathematics, the physical sciences and design, aspiring engineers must acquire an
understanding of the humane aspects of engineering.
Some areas of study under the heading of complementary studies are considered to be essential in the education of an engineer, namely these four
elements (described in more detail below):
1. Introduction to the methodologies and thought process of the humanities and social sciences
2. Basic knowledge of engineering economics
3. Competence in oral and written communications,
4. Awareness of the impact of technology on society
Some of these elements have been incorporated into the set curriculum for each program; others are introduced through the selection of Humanities and
Social Science (HSS) and Complementary Studies (CS) electives. We urge students to plan their complementary studies electives in accordance with
their career aspirations; however, to ensure eligibility for registration as a professional engineer, HSS/CS electives must fit set definitions as outlined
below. Please note that HSS electives are a sub-set of CS electives, so while all HSS electives can count towards CS requirements, not all CS electives
can be considered HSS electives. A listing of appropriate HSS and CS electives can be found on the Engineering website, at: uoft.me/electives.
The HSS courses that are available to students are listed online at uoft.me/hss,
Students seeking a broader choice in their Humanities and Social Sciences electives can obtain more information about appropriate courses and
enrolment procedures from the Faculty Registrars Office or their departmental office. Enrolment may involve submission of a ballot or consultation with
the offering department.
2. Engineering Economics
Each program includes at least one required course on engineering economics. These courses provide an opportunity for students to become familiar
with the basic tools used to assess the economic viability of proposed engineering projects. The program-required courses are CHE249H1 F,
CME368H1 S, MIE258H1 F, ECE472H1 F/S and CHE374H1 F.
Letters of Permission
A Letter of Permission is required for engineering students seeking to take a course from another university. The Letter of Permission will outline the
course(s) the student has permission to take, the transfer credit(s) that can be granted and how they will be applied to the degree (as extra credit,
technical elective, HSS/CS, etc).
Students may request any course from a recognized Canadian university, or from an international university that the University of Toronto has an
exchange agreement with. Students who wish to take a course from an institution not listed in one of these two categories should note that the course
To receive credit for completing a course on Letter of Permission, the student must achieve at least one full letter grade above a pass at the host
institution, or 60% using the University of Toronto grading scale.
The Letter of Permission request form can be found at the Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Office, located within the Galbraith building at 35 St.
George Street (room 153). This form must be submitted with a copy of the official course description from the host institutions academic calendar. A
non-refundable processing fee of $30 per letter of permission will be charged.
Please note that a Letter of Permission does not apply to courses taken while participating in an official International Exchange.
This experience may be obtained at any time during the program or through the Engineering Summer Internship Program (eSIP) or Professional
Experience Year (PEY) Program, but work done before entering the Faculty may also meet the requirement. Participation in the Professional Experience
Year or the Engineering Summer Internship Program automatically satisfies the practical experience requirement, provided that students complete and
submit the requisite reports.
Practical experience certificate forms may be obtained from the Registrars website and shall be signed by the employer or supervisor. Students should
return completed forms to their departmental counsellors office. The satisfaction or non-satisfaction of this requirement for graduation will be indicated
on the students grade report in the fourth year winter session as a grade of CR (Credit) or NCR (No Credit).
The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) may allow pre-graduation experience to count towards 12 months of the four-year engineering
experience required for eligibility for the P.Eng. designation. For further information visit the PEO web site www.peo.on.ca. Please note that the records
required by the PEO are separate and distinct from the 600 hours practical experience required for completion of a degree program in the Faculty of
Applied Science and Engineering.
Students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation (normally during their summer
vacation periods). Students registered within this program, may elect to enrol and participate in the Engineering Summer Internship Program (eSIP) and
the Professional Experience Year (PEY) program. The eSIP program is a paid 4-month summer program open to qualified students and serves as an
introductory career development program to the PEY. The PEY program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12 - 16 month
continuous work period with a participating company.
The Engineering Summer Internship Program (eSIP) is a paid summer co-op program offered through the Engineering Career Centre. It is available to
eligible engineering students in year two or three of study, including engineering international students. eSIP is more akin to a traditional co-op
placement, where students work for four months and thus serves as an introductory career development program for participants. Through formalized
and interactive workshops and individual counseling appointments, students are introduced to concepts and tools to prepare them for the
workplace. The majority of applicants are in their year two of study, for which eSIP holds particular value in preparing students to be competitive for
future opportunities, such as the intensive model of the PEY internship.
The Professional Experience Year (PEY) Internship Program offered through the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) allows students to apply their
engineering knowledge to a 12 - 16 month project-based professional internship. The length of the internship offers students sufficient time to become
involved in large-scale projects, build relationships with employers and reach professional milestones. Students who elect to participate in this optional
program make industry contacts, gain valuable career skills and significant professional experience prior to graduation.
The PEY internship program is more than 30-years old and has earned an outstanding reputation in both academic and industry circles. The program
offers students an exceptional education, a range of engineering related career paths to choose from and strong, established industry partnerships. It
also provides a strong practical foundation for individuals interested in completing graduate studies.
Students from a wide range of faculties and departments Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Commerce, and other Arts & Science programs participate in PEY. Students register for the program in their second or third year of study and
complete their internship during the following academic year. Over 800 students are in placements at over 300 companies for the current PEY 2013-
2014 internship year. Some of our past out-of-province and international placement locations include Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland, Belgium,
Chile, India, Japan, Taiwan, Switzerland, United States, China, Hong Kong, Finland, Singapore, UK and Indonesia. The average internship salary for
2013 - 2014 was $45,000.
The Engineering Communication Programs mission is to help students recognize the role of communication in effective engineering. We create
practices, programs and partnerships that enable students to become more confident and effective communicators, and thus, better engineers. We
collaborate with students, faculty and industry to develop discipline-specific communication instruction that is integrated into the engineering curriculum
and delivered through the Programs own credit and non-credit courses. The Engineering Communication Program also offers students a one-to-one (or
one-to-team) tutoring service to help develop ideas and improve communication skills.
The program genesis dates back to the mid-1990s and clearly followed from the wide recognition that engineering and management provide an
important combination of skills and understanding. The method to address this recognized need having a combined program between the two
cognizant faculties (the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering and the Rotman School of Management) is a well understood strategic goal, in
particular given the highly competitive employment environment that pervades the market.
Following an extensive review of the Skoll Program, a number of enhancements have been implemented to improve the overall student experience,
provide stronger student services, and allow students to maintain a connection to each faculty as they complete their studies.
First-year Students
First-year students who are registered on a full-time basis may request to transfer to part-time studies by the deadline indicated under the Fall Sessional
Dates. Permission to make this transfer must be obtained from either the Chair, First Year or the Faculty Registrar. Transfers from part-time to full-time
studies will normally be permitted only after completion of an entire program year (usually 10 courses).
Upper-year Students
Students who have completed first, second or third year as full-time students may apply to transfer to part-time studies by submitting a transfer form by
the deadline indicated under the Winter Sessional Dates.
The selection of courses must satisfy the prerequisite and co-requisite structure specified in the course descriptions.
Students admitted with advanced standing who require the equivalent of at least 18 one-session courses to complete the requirements for a degree may
register in a part-time program subject to the same conditions as other students. Students who require the equivalent of fewer than 18 one-session
courses must attend on a full-time basis.
Promotion Regulations
Part-time students are governed by the promotion regulations described in Chapter 6.
Degree Requirements
To qualify for a degree, a student must complete a full undergraduate program within nine calendar years of first registration, exclusive of mandatory
absences from their program.
Exchange programs operate under formal agreements between the University of Toronto and partner universities abroad and in Canada. University of
Toronto students who participate in exchange programs will pay full-time tuition and compulsory incidental fees to the University of Toronto. Students
can then study at one of the University of Torontos partner universities without paying tuition fees to the host university.
Please note that many of the universities in countries where English is not the host countrys official language still offer many, if not all, courses in
English. Notable examples include universities in Hong Kong, Singapore and Sweden.
Applications deadlines occur between December and February each year, depending on your program of choice.
When considering going on exchange, one of the first decisions you will have to make is about the type of exchange pathway you will follow. As an
Applied Science and Engineering student, you have two pathways to choose between the structured exchange pathway or the traditional non-
structured exchange pathway.
The structured exchange pathway is pre-arranged between your department and the host institution. You will still have some choice in selecting your
courses, but you will be doing so from a pre-approved course list. This option requires less academic planning on your part and simplifies the transfer
credit process.
The traditional non-structured exchange pathway is one that you arrange yourself at any of CIEs partner institutions. In choosing this option, you are
able to design the exchange that is right for you. This option requires additional planning and discussion with your department to reduce the academic
risk in terms of transfer credits. Many students follow non-structured exchange pathways to pursue minors in Arts & Science disciplines. See "Self-
Initiated Minors" for more details.
CIE also offers two- to four-month international summer research opportunities for qualified students.
Funding is available on a needs basis for international opportunities. Select partner institutions offer guaranteed bursaries to students. Additional
information is available through the CIE office. Detailed information about the exchange pathways can be found online.
Engineering Minors
Students wishing to pursue an Engineering minor must take a minimum of six courses.
The Undergraduate Bioengineering Minor is a collaborative effort across the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering and is open to Engineering
students interested in learning more about biology and its application to engineering. Our definition of bioengineering is broad, reaching to all areas at
the interface of engineering and biology. This includes bioprocess engineering, environmental microbiology, biomaterials, tissue engineering,
bioelectricity, biomedical imaging, biomechanical engineering, nanotechnology related to medicine and the environment, and engineering design for
human interfaces. All undergraduate Engineering students except students in the Engineering Science Biomedical Option are eligible to participate in
this minor course of study.
The requirements for a Bioengineering Minor in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the following courses:
1. CHE353H1 OR BME205H1**
2. One of:
i) CHE354H1 OR BME395H1**, or
ii) MIE331H1 OR BME350H1**
3. Four (4) other electives from the list of Bioengineering designated courses or departmental thesis and design courses subject to the following
a. Of the 6 (half year) bioengineering courses required, one (half year) course can also be a core course in a students Program, if applicable.
b. Of the 4 elective courses, at least 2 must be from the Advanced category.
c. Either a Thesis or Design course can count for up to two (half year) courses towards the 6 required courses IF the Thesis or Design course is strongly
related to bioengineering. This requires approval by the Bioengineering Minor Director.
d. Some Departments may require students to select their electives from a pre-approved subset. Please contact your Departmental Advisor for details.
e. Arts and Science Courses listed below may be considered eligible electives for students taking the Bioengineering Minor (to be counted at a weight of
0.50 only), subject to the student meeting any prerequisite requirements. Students must also seek the approval of their home program to ensure that
they meet their degree requirements. In situations where these courses don't meet those of their home program, students can elect to take these as
extra courses.
1. For those Engineering Science students who transferred into another program, BME105H1/BME205H1 can replace CHE353H1 and is an eligible
prerequisite for CHE354H1 and MIE331H1.
2. If a student takes both CHE354H1 and MIE331H1, one of these courses can be counted as one of the four electives.
3. BME440H1 and BME455H1 are open to all students in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, except those in Engineering Science, so long
as the pre-requisites for each have been met.
4. BME205H1, BME350H1, BME395H1, BME396H1, CHE391H1 and CHE393H1 are only open to Engineering Science Students.
Specifically designed for undergraduate engineering students interested in applying their engineering knowledge to applications in health care, the
Biomedical Engineering Minor is a specialized program that emphasizes opportunities in fields ranging from pharmaceutical and therapeutic
technologies, medical devices, medical diagnostics, health care delivery, health regulatory and policy development, medical diagnostic technologies, to
biomedical devices and bioinformatics. The Biomedical Engineering minor will prepare students for direct entry into the applied biomedical engineering
industry with a particular specialization in biomedical technologies. Students who successfully complete the Biomedical Engineering Minor will be trained
and specialize in areas of bioinstrumentation, biostatistics, biomedical laboratory techniques, biological and biomedical imaging, biomaterials
development and processing, biomechanics and rehabilitation technologies, biosystems and quantitative physiology, and cellular, tissue and molecular
engineering. To help select complementary BME courses that are best aligned with their career objectives, students are provided with a faculty mentor
upon registration in the minor. All Engineering undergraduates starting from Year 1 through to degree completion are eligible to pursue the Biomedical
Engineering Minor, with the exception of students in the Engineering Science Biomedical Systems Engineering Option.
Students in the Biomedical Engineering minor must successfully complete the following 5 mandatory courses:
1. CHE353H1 - Engineering Biology
2. MIE331H1 - Physiological Control Systems
3. BME440H1 - Bio-Instrumentation
4. MIE439H1 - Biomechanics
5. BME499Y1 - Innovation and Applied R&D in Biomedical Engineering
For those Engineering Science student who transferred into another program, BME205H1 can replace CHE353H1 and is an eligible pre-requisite for
This minor is for students interested in learning more about the business dimension of engineering, from finance and economics to management and
leadership. Courses reach to areas of wealth production and creation, accounting, research and development, management, economics and
entrepreneurship, all within a global context. Students in the Engineering Science Mathematics, Statistics and Finance Option are not eligible to take
this minor.
The requirements for an Engineering Business Minor in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the following
5. Two (2) Course Electives from the list of Engineering Business designated courses. A Departmental Thesis course may be counted as 1 elective (if
an H course) or 2 electives (if a Y course) IF strongly related to Engineering Business. This requires approval of the Director of the Minor.
Effective the summer term of 2014, GGR221H1 New Economic Spaces is no longer an eligible elective for the Engineering Business Minor. If you took
the course prior to the summer term of 2014, you may still request to count this towards your minor. If the course is taken after this time, it will not count
towards the minor.
This minor is for students interested in learning more about energy, its sustainable use, energy demand management, and the public policy context in
which energy use and production is regulated. Our courses reach all areas of energy use, production, distribution, transmission, storage, and
development. This includes energy use and production for transportation, for space cooling and heating demands, and electrical production (from both
alternative and conventional sources), energy distribution and storage, and extends to energy conservation, price, greenhouse gas production and
control, and aspects of public policy. Students in the Engineering Science Energy System Option are not allowed to take this minor.
The requirements for a Sustainable Energy Minor in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the following
1. CIV300H1
2. One of:
i) APS305H1
ii) ENV350H1
3. Four (4) other electives from the list of Sustainable Energy designated courses or departmental thesis and design courses subject to the following
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 109
Engineering Programs
a. Of the 6 (half year) sustainable energy courses required, one (half year) course can also be a core course in a students Program, if applicable.
b. Of the 4 elective courses, at least 2 must be from the Advanced category.
c. Either a Thesis or Design course can count for up to two (half year) courses towards the 6 required courses IF the Thesis or Design course is strongly
related to sustainable energy. This requires approval by the Sustainable Energy Minor Director.
d. Some Departments may require students to select their electives from a pre-approved subset. Please contact your Departmental Advisor for details.
e. Arts and Science Courses listed below may be considered eligible electives for students taking the Sustainable Energy Minor, subject to the student
meeting any prerequisite requirements. Students must also seek the approval of their home program to ensure that they meet their degree requirements.
In situations where these courses don't meet those of their home program, students can elect to take these as extra courses.
Students interested in learning more about ecology, sustainable design, risk assessment and environmental impact may be interested in this minor. Our
definition of environmental engineering is broad, reaching to all areas at the interface of engineering and the environment. This includes ecology and
ecological impacts, waste management, water and wastewater treatment, environmental microbiology, water resources engineering, hydrology,
preventive engineering, life cycle analysis, design for the environment, and extends to the social and environmental impacts of technology.
All undergraduate Engineering students are eligible to participate in this minor course of study.
The requirements for an Environmental Engineering Minor in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the
following courses.
110 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Engineering Programs
1. Two (2) courses from the following:
(If you take more than 2, the extra course may be able to count as an elective below)
1. APS301H1
2. CIV220H1
3. CIV440H1
4. CHE460H1
5. CHE467H1
2. Four (4) other electives from the list of Environmental Engineering designated courses or departmental thesis and design courses subject to the
following constraints:
a. Of the 6 (half year) environmental engineering courses required, one (half year) course can also be a core course in a students Program, if
b. Of the 4 elective courses, at least 2 must be from the Advanced category.
c. Either a Thesis or Design course can count for up to two (half year) courses towards the 6 required courses IF the Thesis or Design course is strongly
related to environmental engineering. This requires approval by the Environmental Engineering Minor Director.
d. Some Departments may require students to select their electives from a pre-approved subset. Please contact your Departmental Advisor for details.
e. Arts and Science Courses listed below may be considered eligible electives for students taking the Environmental Engineering Minor, subject to the
student meeting any prerequisite requirements. Students must also seek the approval of their home program to ensure that they meet their degree
requirements. In situations where these courses don't meet those of their home program, students can elect to take these as extra courses.
The Minor in Robotics and Mechatronics is a collaborative effort among The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, the Institute for Aerospace Studies, and the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering.
It is open to all students in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering who are interested in learning more about robotics and mechatronics. The
minor in robotics and mechatronics exposes students to the fundamental paradigms, the enabling technologies, the design, and the applications of
robotics and mechatronics. The program is intended to give a comprehensive view to these fields by drawing together relevant courses from all of the
engineering departments. The emphasis is on giving the student a systems view rather than a narrowly focused study of one area. Courses examine the
areas of sensing and actuation, control and signal processing, computer vision,intelligent algorithms, computation, and system integration. The minor
prepares students for careers in industries that have a growing investment in automation, autonomy, and intelligent systems. It is open to all students in
the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.
The requirements for a Robotics and Mechatronics Minor in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the
following courses:
1. One of:
(i) CHE322H1
(ii) ECE311H1
(iii) ECE356H1
(iv) MIE404H1
(v) AER372H1
(vi) BME344H1
2. One of:
(i) AER525H1
(ii) ECE470H1
(iii) MIE422H1
(iv) MIE443H1
(v) MIE444H1
3. Four (4) other electives from the list of robotics and mechatronics-designated courses or a departmental thesis or design course subject to the
following contstraints:
a. Of the 6 (half year) courses required, one (half year) course can also be a core course in a student's Program, if applicable.
b. Of the four elective courses, at least two must be from the Advanced category.
c. A thesis course can count for up to two electives (2 HCEs) toward the six required Minor courses if the thesis is strongly related to robotics or
mechatronics. This requires approval by the Director of the Minor.
d. Of the six Minor courses required, not all can have the same course prefix.
Introductory Courses
Fall Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Dynamics AER301H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Communication Systems ECE316H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Biomedical Systems BME350H1 F 3 1 2 0.50 Algorithms and Data ECE345H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Engineering I: Organ Structures
Systems Systems Software ECE353H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Communication Systems ECE316H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Foundations of Computing ECE358H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Algorithms and Data ECE345H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Physiological Control Systems MIE331H1 S 3 1 1 0.50
Structures Mechanical Engineering MIE341H1 S 3 3 1 0.50
Kinematics and Dynamics of MIE301H1 F 3 3 2 0.50 Design
Machines Analog and Digital Electronics MIE346H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
for Mechatronics
Computer Science courses may have limited enrollment.
Courses requiring special approval must be approved by the undergraduate Associate Chair of the students home department.
Students may be eligible to receive acknowledgement of an Arts and Science minor upon completion of its associated course requirements within
specific disciplines (political science, cinema studies etc.). Information regarding minor requirements for each discipline may be found in the Arts and
Science Calendar. A student must complete all requirements within nine calendar years of first registration, exclusive of mandatory absences from their
Students are advised that pursuing a self-initiated minor may extend their studies by a term or year in order to complete all program requirements.
Students must obtain documentation from the relevant department within the Faculty of Arts and Science so as to provide the Faculty with evidence that
all requirements will have been completed. Successful completion will result in the annotation of the students transcripts as to the completion of the
Students may use any of their HSS elective credits, any of their CS elective credits, any Free Electives credits and/or any 2 other courses (2 Half Course
Equivalents) towards their Arts and Science Minor. All other courses taken for the Minor designation must be taken as Extra courses.
Students who have IB, AP, GCE, FB or CAPE credits may apply to the Engineering Registrars Office to have the Faculty of Arts and Science equivalent
courses listed on their transcript as Extra courses; the course equivalencies are those in place at the time of first registration. These credits may be
counted towards any Arts and Science degree designation and may be used as pre-requisites for any higher level course in the Faculty of Arts and
Students wishing to pursue a Major or Specialist designation must apply to the Faculty of Arts and Science for admission for a 2nd degree.
Note: In some disciplines, the Faculty of Arts and Science has found it necessary to restrict enrolment in upper-level courses to their own students.
Students planning to pursue minors should consultthe department concerned regarding the availability of courses.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
The Undergraduate Engineering Business Certificate is a collaborative effort across the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering and the Rotman
School of Management and is open to Engineering students interested in learning more about the business dimension of engineering, from finance and
economics to management and leadership. Courses focus on economics and accounting fundamentals, with a choice between marketing and strategy,
management and organizational behaviour, or entrepreneurship.
The requirements of an Engineering Business Certificate in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the
following courses:
Economics Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Choose one of: Choose two of :
Engineering Economic CHE249H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Fundamentals of Accounting JRE300H1 3 - 1 0.50
Analysis and Finance F/S
Economic Analysis and CHE374H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Markets and Competitive JRE410H1 2 2 - 0.50
Decision Making Strategy F/S
Engineering Economics and CME368H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 People Management and JRE420H1 3 1 - 0.50
Decision Making Organizational Behaviour F/S
Engineering Economic ECE472H1 3 - 2 0.50 One choice above can be
Analysis F/S replaced by one of the
&Entrepreneurship following:
Engineering Economics and MIE258H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Entrepreneurship and CHE488H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Accounting Business for Engineers
Entrepreneurship and CIV488H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Business for Engineers
Entrepreneurship and ECE488H1 F 3 - 2 0.50
Business for Engineers
Entrepreneurship and MIE488H1 F 3 - 2 0.50
Business for Engineers
Entrepreneurship and MSE488H1 F 3 - 2 0.50
Business for Engineers
Students may only receive credit on thier transcript for one of the Engineering Business Certificate or the Entrepreneurship Certificate, or the
Engineering Business Minor.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
Leadership education is about learning how to effectively handle complex, human challenges that often mean the difference between success and
failure. Engineers are taught to think analytically and systematically. Leadership skills build on these strengths to make you a more effective engineer.
More than just important, they are critical. This certificate recognizes a demonstrated focus in leadership courses provided jointly through the Faculty of
Applied Science and Engineering and the Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering. Students in all disciplines are eligible to participate in this
Students in the Engineering Leadership Certificate must successfully complete a minimum of 3 courses from the list outlined below:
Availability of the courses (including the foundational courses) for timetabling purposes is not guaranteed; the onus is on the student to ensure
compatibility with their timetable.
Students must secure approval from their home department before selecting any elective outside their departmental approved list.
If a student is pursuing both the Engineering Leadership Certificate and the Engineering Business Minor, the courses listed above can only be
counted towards either the certificate or the minor, not both.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, engineers have been amongst the most successful entrepreneurs, and this is especially true in todays
global economy. The enormous growth of the e-Economy has enabled many young people to be successful even earlier than the previous generation
did. Wealth creation is a legitimate aspiration today and many of you will be successful in this endeavor. Furthermore, strategic uses of technology in all
sorts of businesses make the difference between success and failure for these firms. The entrepreneurial spirit together with drive and persistency are
requirements for success. Also, to participate effectively in this global economy, large and medium sized corporations are desperately seeking
intrapreneurs, entrepreneurial individuals who prefer to work inside a larger firm rather than to start or run their own business. Owning a business has
many advantages. Entrepreneurs can control their own lives, structure their own progress, be accountable for their own success and can see the fruit of
their labours in the wealth they create. After all, engineers are the most capable people to be in the forefront of this drive which will depend on the on-line
e-Business environment fostered by the Internet and the Web in the new millennium. The development of these talents is addressed in a set of two
courses but be forewarned that these courses require a substantial effort on the part of the student and the instructors. They are unusual in that, to be
accepted into them, a student has to possess some of the prerequisite personality traits and some unique abilities required to become a successful
Prior to being accepted into APS234H1, a short test is offered to those who believe that they have the drive and talents to start their own business.
APS234H1 is available in the Fall semester in any but the first year of study. APS432H1 is offered in the Winter and can be taken in the same or a later
year. The courses are sequential and the first is the pre-requisite of the second.
Required Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Economics Elective Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Entrepreneurship and Small APS234H1 F 4 - 1 0.50 Choose one of:
Business Engineering Economic CHE249H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Entrepreneurship and APS432H1 S 4 - 1 0.50 Analysis
Business Management Economic Analysis and CHE374H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Decision Making
Engineering Economics and CME368H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Decision Making
Engineering Economic ECE472H1 3 - 2 0.50
Analysis F/S
Engineering Economics and MIE258H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Students may only receive credit on thier transcript for one of the Engineering Business Certificate or the Entrepreneurship Certificate, or the
Engineering Business Minor.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
The Undergraduate Certificate in Global Engineering is open to Engineering students interested in developing their knowledge of global issues and how
engineers can influence and improve conditions around the world. The courses focus on a variety of concepts such as effects of emerging and
appropriate technologies in both developed and developing economies, global energy systems, innovative finance techniques, current theories in
international development and foreign aid. All undergraduate Engineering students are eligible to participate in this minor course of study.
The requirements for a Global Engineering Certificate in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the following
Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Choose two of: Choose one of:
Innovative Technologies and APS510H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Anthropology of the ANT204H1 - - - 0.50
Organizations in Global Contemporary World
Energy Systems (formerly ANT204Y1)
Technology, Engineering APS520H1 S 3 - - 0.50 Ecological Worldviews ENV333H1 - - - 0.50
and Global Development Global Cities GGR216H1 - - - 0.50
Appropriate Technology APS530H1 S 3 - - 0.50 Globalization and Urban JGI216H1 - - - 0.50
&Design for Global Change
If a student is pursuing both the Global Engineering Certificate and either the Sustainable Energy Minor or the Environmental Engineering Minor, the
courses listed above can only be counted towards either the certificate or the minor, not both.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
The Lassonde Institute of Mining is an interdisciplinary research institute within the University of Toronto created to be at the forefront of leading edge
research in the whole spectrum of mining activities, ranging from mineral resource identification, through mine planning and excavation, to extraction and
processing. There is a real demand for qualified professionals in all engineering sectors (electrical, mechanical, materials, chemical, civil, environmental,
etc.) to be integrated into the mining sectors. The proposed Mineral Resources Certificate aims to provide an exposure to the mineral resources sector
of interested candidates. It further aims to bring closer together Lassonde Mineral Engineering students with other students and provides a window to
state of the art research in mining.
Students in all disciplines except the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program are eligible to participate in this Certificate.
Note: All three courses are technical courses, not CS or HSS. Students may take these as either a Free Elective or as a Technical Elective with the
approval of their home department.
Students will receive the Mineral Resources Certificate upon completion of the following 3 courses as outlined below:
Required Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Introduction to the Resource MIN225H1 F 3 2 1 0.50
Surface Mining MIN250H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Underground Mining MIN351H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Special Consideration: Some students undertake significant experiences, such as internships, and arguably learn more about mineral resource
engineering during those placements than in a typical course. On a case-by-case basis, the LMEP office will permit such placements to replace a course
in fulfilling the requirements of the Mineral Resources Certificate. In all cases when such an exception is to be made, a major report documenting the
students activities, duties, learnings, and reflections during the placement will be required. The final decision for the acceptability of this experience
requirement will be made through the LMEP Programs Office.
Availability of the courses (including the foundational courses) for timetabling purposes is not guaranteed; the onus is on the student to ensure
compatibility with their timetable.
Students must secure approval from their home department before selecting any elective outside their departmental approved list.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
Nuclear energy constitutes an important component of the energy mix in most national energy strategies, and its proportion will likely increase in
response to growing challenges related to fossil-driven climate change. Modular nuclear systems power space craft and remote sites on earth. Future
nuclear power systems will address current concerns regarding safety and the environment, and significant breakthroughs are likely in fusion
technology. This certificate provides recognition for an interdisciplinary focus on nuclear systems. Students in all disciplines are eligible to participate in
this Certificate.
The requirements for a Nuclear Engineering Certificate in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering are the successful completion of the following
Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Introduction to Nuclear CHE566H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Choose two of:
Introduction to Fusion AER507H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Nuclear Engineering CHE568H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Nuclear Reactor Theory and MIE407H1 F 3 - 2 0.50
* Thermal and Machine MIE408H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Design of Nuclear Power
Availability of the courses (including the foundational courses) for timetabling purposes is not guaranteed; the onus is on the student to ensure
compatibility with their timetable.
Students must secure approval from their home department before selecting any elective outside their departmental approved list.
If a student is pursuing both the Nuclear Engineering Certificate and the Sustainable Energy Minor, the courses listed above can only be counted
towards either the certificate or the minor, not both.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
The Certificate in Preventive Engineering and Social Development is designed to help future engineers become as socially and environmentally literate
as they are technically competent by enabling them to anticipate the consequences of their design and decision-making and to apply this knowledge in a
negative-feedback mode to prevent or greatly reduce undesired and harmful effects on human life, society and the biosphere. The results of such a
preventive orientation are, almost always, much more cost-effective than their conventional counterparts. Studies of the career paths of engineers show
that they quickly move into administrative and managerial functions for which a broader perspective is required. An understanding of how technology
interacts with human life, society and the biosphere (the ecology of technology) is essential to complement their understanding of how the inputs of
materials, labour, knowledge and capital are converted to desired outputs (the economy of technology).
Students who successfully complete these three courses are eligible for the Certificate. For further information, please refer to the description of the
Centre for Technology and Social Development in this Calendar. Students should register for this elective sequence when they begin the third course.
Successful completion of an Engineering Certificate will be included on transcripts beginning in the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Note that no course
counted for degree credit, can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.
The Faculty of Forestry has expertise in sustainable resource management and bio-economics, sustainable energy production, green manufacturing
and sustainable communities. This grouping of courses developed for engineering students reflects the strong interconnections between their work and
various branches of Engineering. The Certificate provides recognition for a demonstrated focus in renewable resources. Students in all disciplines are
eligible to participate in this Certificate.
Students in the Renewable Resources Engineering Leadership Certificate must successfully complete a minimum of 3 courses from the list outlined
Courses Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Choose three of:
Biocomposites: Mechanics CHE475H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
and Bioinspiration
Discovering Wood and its FOR308H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Role in Societal
Green Urban Infrastructure: FOR421H1 F 2 - - 0.50
Sustainable City Forests
Innovation and FOR424H1 S 3 - - 0.50
Manufacturing of
Sustainable Materials
Bioenergy and Biorefinery FOR425H1 S 2 - 2 0.50
Availability of the courses (including the foundational courses) for timetabling purposes is not guaranteed; the onus is on the student to ensure
compatibility with their timetable.
Students must secure approval from their home department before selecting any elective outside their departmental approved list.
If a student is pursuing both the Renewable Resources Engineering Certificate and a Minor that lists the course, the courses listed above can only be
counted towards either the certificate or the minor, not both.
First Year
Senior Lecturer Micah Stickel, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.
The first-year Engineering curriculum is designed for students continuing in one of the following programs in second year: Chemical, Civil, Computer,
Electrical, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical or Mineral Engineering. Students are admitted to one of these programs or TrackOne on entering first year.
This guarantees a place in a program in subsequent years, subject to maintenance of satisfactory standing. Students who complete first year with a
clear record in one of the above programs may request to transfer to another program (see Academic Regulations for details). Students in TrackOne or
who wish to transfer at the end of first year must submit their requests to the First Year Office no later than the deadline as listed in the Sessional Dates.
The academic year consists of two sessions, Fall (September through December) and Winter (January through April). Students typically take five
courses per session. Timetables, detailing which courses students will take in each session, will be provided to students in August. The first-year
curriculum is shown in each program section, with the TrackOne General Engineering first-year curriculum shown below:
TrackOne is the general First Year curriculum of the Faculty. Students admitted to this program transfer to one of eight Engineering Programs, including
Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Mineral, or Materials Science Engineering, after the successful completion of the First Year
curriculum, as listed below.
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
Students who must repeat MSE101H1 or CHE112H1 will enrol in one of the sections offered in the Winter Session, if scheduling permits.
Courses to be dropped from the Winter Session and courses to be taken in the Summer Session will depend on the students program of study and will
be decided by the First Year Office.
For details regarding the T-Program Promotional Regulations, please see the Academic Regulations portion of the calendar.
The University of Toronto offers a comprehensive program of study in Aerospace Science and Engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate
levels. The undergraduate program is offered through the Division of Engineering Science, while the graduate program is offered at the University of
Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS). All Engineering Science students follow a common curriculum during the first two years, with emphasis
on mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals. The final two years in the Aerospace Option focus on aeronautics and space engineering, with
courses delivered primarily by faculty from UTIAS.
The undergraduate aerospace curriculum reflects the diverse and dynamic activities associated with the aerospace industry in Canada and abroad.
Students are exposed to courses associated with aeronautical and space sciences and engineering, and also gain practical experience in laboratory and
design courses. Capstone design courses in fourth year include Space Systems Design, where student teams design hardware associated with a space
mission, such as a Hubble telescope repair mission, or a Europa landing probe. Engineers from MDA Space Missions play a major role in the delivery of
this course. In the Aircraft Design course, student teams design and build model aircraft with various configurations, which are then flown in a fly-off
competition at the end of the term.
The aerospace field has progressed extensively since the record-setting flights by F.W. Baldwin and J.A.D. McCurdy - both University of Toronto
engineering graduates - during the early 1900s. It has evolved into a multi-disciplinary activity that finds itself at the cutting edge of high technology
research and development. Consequently, the field is rich with technological and engineering challenges in diverse areas such as hypersonic
aerodynamics, multi-disciplinary optimization, and space exploration. Students at the fourth year level will have opportunities to select courses and work
on thesis projects related to the many specialized areas of active research at UTIAS.
While the undergraduate program prepares students for immediate entry into a professional engineering career, many students continue to the graduate
level in order to enhance their qualifications and employment opportunities.
For further information regarding undergraduate aerospace studies please refer to the Engineering Science program in this Calendar, the website
www.engsci.utoronto.ca or contact the Engineering Science Administrative Office at 416-978-2903.
UTIAS offers graduate programs leading to research intensive M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees and a professionally oriented M.Eng. degree. Graduate
research areas include aircraft flight systems and control, flight simulation, computational fluid dynamics, combustion and propulsion, aerodynamic
shape optimization, experimental fluid dynamics, flow control, structural mechanics, advanced composite materials, multidisciplinary optimization of
aircraft, multifunctional systems, spacecraft dynamics and control, autonomous space robotics, microsatellites, space mechatronics, plasma-materials
interactions and materials for fusion reactors. Details of entrance regulations and courses of study are given in the calendar of the School of Graduate
Studies and on the website www.utias.utoronto.ca.
It should be noted that a student who has graduated in another branch of engineering, mathematics, physics or chemistry, and wishes to pursue
graduate work at the Institute for Aerospace Studies, may be admitted to the graduate program. In that case the courses leading to the M.A.Sc. or
M.Eng. degree will be arranged on an individual basis to make up for deficiencies in undergraduate training.
Biomedical engineering applies to an interdisciplinary field that integrates the principles of biology with those of engineering. It applies methods,
principles, and tools of engineering, physical sciences, and mathematics to the solution of problems in the medical and life sciences.
Through its faculty, staff and students, and through close collaboration with the faculty of related departments, hospitals and other institutions, the
Institute serves as the centre for the direct entry and collaborative Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. The
Institute educates graduate-level engineering, dentistry, and medical sciences personnel to meet societal needs. The Institute also educates
undergraduate-level engineering science students in the biomedical engineering option as well as undergraduate students with interests in biomedical
engineering through other collaborative departments and programs, such as the bioengineering minor.
The Institutes faculty researchers have strong backgrounds in one or more of engineering, dentistry, medical and biological sciences disciplines.
Augmenting this faculty are part-time members, many of whom act as supervisors of students at the Institute. Graduate students registered in the
Institute, or in collaborating graduate departments, proceed towards M.Eng., M.A.Sc., M.Sc., M.H.Sc., or Ph.D. degrees in engineering dentistry,
medicine, or the physical or life sciences.
The Faculty offers a two-year professional degree program for specialized training in Clinical Engineering. These graduates normally find employment
in health-care institutions or in the medical devices industry both in Canada and internationally.
An active summer student program offers both employment and a structured educational experience, within the Institutes research laboratories, for
approximately twenty undergraduate students each year. The graduates from this program often find employment in various engineering industries, as
well as some to the healthcare industry. Some will proceed to graduate studies.
The Institutes laboratories are principally located in the Rosebrugh Building, the Mining Building, the Banting Building, and the Donnelly Centre for
Cellular and Biomolecular Research on the St. George Campus. These laboratories serve as centres for development of experimental and clinical
techniques and instrumentation; real-time and interactive computer applications; innovative biomaterials; functional replacements for biological tissues;
and simulations for electrochemical and physiological models. Since many members of the Institute hold appointments in the nearby teaching hospitals
and medical research centres, a significant amount of research is also carried out in these hospitals and centres.
Chemical Engineering is that primary engineering discipline based on the fundamental sciences of chemistry, physics, biochemistry and mathematics, in
which processes are conceived, designed and operated to effect compositional changes in materials of all kinds. Chemical engineers play an important
role in the development of a healthier environment and safer and healthier industrial workplaces. They develop new industrial processes that are more
energy-efficient and environmentally friendly and create products that improve the quality of life. They are responsible for improvements in technologies
and in evaluating and controlling hazards. In addition to the basic sciences, chemical engineers use a well-defined body of knowledge in the application
of the conservation laws which determine mass flow and energy relations; thermodynamics and kinetics which determine whether reactions are feasible
and the rate at which they occur; and the chemical engineering rate laws which determine limits to the transfer of heat, mass and momentum.
Graduating chemical engineers are skilled problem solvers. A strong background in applied chemistry furnishes the chemical engineer with the
knowledge to participate in the broadest range of engineering activities, and indeed to pursue other professional careers in management, medicine, law,
teaching and government. Instruction in important aspects of economic analysis is also included. In the Fall Session of Fourth Year, students participate
in small teams in either the design of a chemical plant. 4th year students may undertake an individual full year research project. This project, the
culmination of which is a thesis, serves in many cases as an introduction to research, and provides an opportunity to apply the principles developed
during the first three years of the program to problems of engineering interest. A thesis project may, for example, concern an experimental laboratory
investigation, the design of a process, or a computer study of a complex chemical system.
The Technical Elective subjects available in the Third and Fourth Years cover a wide range of fundamental and application areas of Chemical
Engineering and Applied Chemistry. By choosing electives from a restricted list, it is possible for students to complete the requirements for an
Engineering Minor. A minor signifies that a student has gained an enhanced understanding of a specific field of study. For more information on the
various Minors, please see the sections of the Calendar relating to these programs
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
1 In years 3 and 4, two of the four Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences elective courses must be from the Humanities and Social
Sciences category. Students may take their Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences electives in any order in years 3 and 4.
CHE499Y1Y Thesis
Full-year (Fall and Winter Sessions) thesis requires approval of the department and research project supervisor.
Students are required to select their technical electives from the list of approved courses below. Technical Electives outside the group of courses below
must first be approved by the Chemical Engineering UG Coordinator.
Students wishing to pursue an Engineering Minor should take their core courses as technical electives in terms 3F and 3S. The organization of the
minors and the sets of eligible electives are presented below.
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering exists at the intersection of the human, built, and natural environments. Civil Engineers have historically been the professionals
leading the design, construction, maintenance and eventual decommissioning of society's physical infrastructure, including: transportation networks,
water supply and wastewater treatment systems, the structures for energy generation and distribution systems, buildings and other constructed works,
land and water remediation, and more.
Although civil engineering is a highly technical profession, responsible engineering today also requires that engineers understand the impact of their
decisions and their constructed works on society at large, including issues of environmental stewardship and life-cycle economic responsibility. For
example, significant proportions of the world's energy and raw materials production goes into the construction and operations of our buildings and
transportation systems. Civil Engineers have a significant role to play in making these systems more sustainable for future generations. The
undergraduate program is therefore designed to complement technical training with learning opportunities that address these challenges.
Students enhance their undergraduate experience through a number of enriched programs. The undergraduate courses have been deliberately
sequenced so that students can take advantage of the Minors in Bioengineering, Environmental Engineering or Sustainable Energy; the Certificate
Programs in Preventative Engineering and Social Development or in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business; co-op work opportunities through
the Professional Experience Year Internship Program; and post-graduate academic opportunities through the Jeffrey Skoll BASc/MBA Program or
through fast-tracked Master's degree programs.
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
Students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation (normally during their summer
vacation periods). Satisfactory completion of CME358H1 - Survey CAMP (Civil and Mineral Practicals), will contribute 100 hours towards this
requirement. Satisfactory completion of the Professional Experience Year (PEY) will also completely fulfill the Practical Experience Requirement.
CIV201H1 - Introduction to Civil Engineering, is a three-day field-based course. The course will be held immediately after Labour Day. Students are
required to bring and wear their Personal Protective Equipment. The results of this course are used in computing the student's Second Year Fall
Session average. An extra fee is charged to cover a transportation fee and accommodation.
Students are required to complete 4 half-courses of CS/HSS, at least two of which must be HSS, before graduation. The core course APS301H1 -
Technology in Society and the Biosphere I, counts as one half-course towards this requirement. Note that valid HSS courses are more restrictive in
scope than are CS courses. A list of pre-approved CS and HSS courses can be found on the Registrar's website.
Successful completion of APS302H1 - Technology and Society in the Biosphere II and APS304H1 - Preventive Engineering and Social Development,
both HSS electives, will satisfy the requirements for the Certificate Program in Preventative Engineering and Social Development.
CME358H1 - Survey CAMP (Civil and Mineral Practicals), is a two-week field-based course taken in the month prior to starting Third Year. The results
of this course are used in computing the student's Third Year Fall Session Average. An extra fee is charged to cover part of the costs of food and
The Jeffrey Skoll Combined BASc/MBA Program allows qualified and selected students in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering to complete
both a BASc and an MBA in a reduced time. Students will be admitted to the program prior to entering their fourth year of studies in the BASc program.
Interested students should contact the Registrar's Office early in the Third Year to obtain important information including application deadlines.
Students may take CIV499H1 - Individual Project in either the F term or the S term, but not in both terms.
Ms. Karen Irving
Ms. Mary Miceli
Email: askece@ecf.utoronto.ca
Office: Room B600, Sandford Fleming Building
The computer engineering undergraduate program is distinctive as it is based on the broad areas of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
These foundations are used in the design and organization of computer systems, the design of programs that turn these systems into useful
applications, and the use of computers in communication and control systems. The design includes hardware, as well as, operating systems and
software. Computer engineering students will learn how computer systems work and how they can be integrated into larger systems that serve a wide
range of users and businesses. As a result, the program also ensures that our students will gain experience in communication, problem-solving and
team management skills.
A computer engineer may be involved in the design of computers and computer systems. They may also be engaged in the design of computer-based
communications and control systems or in the design of microelectronic circuits, including computer-aided design and manufacturing. Computer system
analysis and the design of both hardware and software for applications, such as artificial intelligence and expert systems, database systems, wireless
networks, computer security and robotics, are included in the scope of the computer engineers work.
The first two years of study provide the essential background in basic science and mathematics, and also introduces the student to the important
concepts in Electrical and Computer Engineering such as circuits, digital systems, electronics, and communication systems. These two years of study
are identical to Electrical Engineering.
In third and fourth year, the curriculum allows flexibility in a students course selection, subject to program and accreditation requirements described
below. A student has greater choice from a broad array of courses in six areas of study that would appeal to their individual strengths and interests. A
number of streams or course packages called Public/Built-In Profiles have been developed by the departments Curriculum Matters Committee (CMC)
members to serve as course selection examples. These can be used as inspiration for a student to help develop more concrete decisions on their own.
A student is also free to use one of the public profiles as their template. The example course packages can be found at:
http://www.ece.utoronto.ca/curriculum-streams. An on-line program called Magellan is available to facilitate the course selection process. All second
year students will have access to Magellan by the end of their fall term . If at any time a student has questions about their curriculum decisions, contact
information can be found at: https://magellan.ece.toronto.edu
Graduates of the program may decide to go directly into careers in a wide range of fields, and continue to learn by direct experience and through the
opportunities of company-sponsored education. Students may also decide to pursue studies at the graduate level with studies in most areas of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, or Computer Science. More detailed information can be found at: http://www.ece.utoronto.ca/graduates-home/
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
Fall Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Operating Systems ECE344H1 F 3 3 - 0.50 Operating Systems ECE344H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Algorithms and Data ECE345H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Algorithms and Data ECE345H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Structures Structures
Programming Languages CSC326H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Introduction to Databases CSC343H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Introduction to Databases CSC343H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Computer Graphics CSC418H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Computer Graphics CSC418H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Distributed Systems ECE419H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Software Engineering I CSC444H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Software Engineering II ECE450H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Compilers and Interpreters CSC467H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Optimizing Compilers ECE540H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Biocomputation ECE448H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Computer Security ECE568H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Computer Systems ECE454H1 F 3 3 - 0.50
Internetworking ECE461H1 F 3 1.50 0.50 0.50
1. BREADTH REQUIREMENT: A minimum of four kernel courses, each in a different area, must be chosen.
2. DEPTH REQUIREMENT: Select at least two areas from which one kernel course has been chosen. In each of these two areas, two additional
technical courses must be chosen. Kernel courses may also be chosen to meet this requirement.
3. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS REQUIREMENTS: ECE472H1 must be chosen. Course can be taken in either third or fourth year.
4. CAPSTONE REQUIREMENT: The Design Project, ECE496Y1, must be taken in fourth year. To be eligible to register for the capstone course, you
must have at least 7 technical electives or 6 technical electives plus ECE472H1.
5. MATH/SCIENCE REQUIREMENT: At least one course from the Math/Science area must be chosen.
6. TECHNICAL ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: A minimum of three additional ECE technical courses must be chosen from any of the six areas of study.
With approval from ECE, one of the technical electives can be taken from another department. Only 300, 400 and 500 level courses can be used as a
technical elective.
7. FREE ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: One is required, and may be a technical or a non-technical course.
8. COMPLEMENTARY STUDIES REQUIREMENT: In each of terms 3F, 3S, 4F, and 4S, a complementary studies course must be taken. Of the four
complementary studies courses, a minimum of two must be humanities and social science (HSS) courses chosen from an approved list on the
Registrar's website: http://www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/Office_of_the_Registrar/Electives.htm
9. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT: Students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience
before graduation (normally during their summer vacation periods). Students registered within this program, may elect to enrol and participate in the
Professional Experience Year (PEY) program. The PEY program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12-16 month continuous
work period with a participating company. Details are described at the beginning of this chapter. For more information, consult the PEY Office early in
session 2F or 3F.
A sample course selection arrangement for third and fourth year is shown in the table below.
3F Technical Elective Other Science/Math Area Kernel Area Kernel Complementary Studies
Degree Designation
If, among the eight courses required to satisfy the Breadth requirement (1) and the Depth requirement (2), at least four are selected from Areas 5 and 6,
then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering. If, among these eight courses, at least five are selected from Areas 1 to 4,
then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. By appropriate choice of kernel courses as technical or free electives, it may
be possible to satisfy these requirements simultaneously; in this case, the student must choose one of the two designations.
In addition to the above program requirements, all CEAB requirements, including the minimum number of accreditation units (AU's) in the various CEAB
categories, must be met in order to graduate.
CEAB Requirements
To satisfy CEAB requirements, students must accumulate, during four years of study, a minimum number of academic units in six categories:
complementary studies, mathematics, basic science, engineering science, engineering design, combined engineering science and design. For details
on how to verify satisfaction of CEAB requirements, students are referred to the ECE Undergraduate website:
It is recognized that the course selection process can be complex in the flexible curriculum for third and fourth year. Students are advised to consult the
ECE Undergraduate Office on questions related to course selection. In addition, tools will be provided to assist students to ensure satisfaction of all
requirements in their course selection. For complete details, students are referred to the ECE Department Undergraduate Studies office at
A student who selects a course of study that does not meet ECE and CEAB requirements will not be eligible to graduate.
Ms. Karen Irving
Ms. Mary Miceli
Email: askece@ecf.utoronto.ca
Office: Room B600, Sandford Fleming Building
Electrical engineering is an exciting and extensive field that applies the principles of science and mathematics with engineering fundamentals which are
then used to develop a students skills needed to analyze, design and build electrical, electronic and photonics systems. The program includes diverse
areas of study such as microelectronics, digital communications, wireless systems, photonics systems, signal processing, control, microprocessors,
computer technology, energy systems and electronic device fabrication. This breadth is unique to Electrical Engineering and opens a wide range of
career possibilities. As a result, the program also ensures that through their course work, a student gains experience in communication, problem-solving
and team management skills.
An electrical engineer may be involved in the design, development and testing of electrical and electronic equipment such as telecommunication
systems, industrial process controls, signal processing, navigation systems, power generation, transmission systems, wireless and optical
communications and integrated circuit engineering.
The first two years of study provide the essential background in basic science and mathematics and also introduces the student to the important
concepts in Electrical and Computer Engineering such as circuits, digital systems, electronics, and communication systems. These two years of study
are identical to Computer Engineering.
In third and fourth year, the curriculum allows flexibility in a students course selection, subject to program and accreditation requirements described
below. A student has greater choice from a broad array of courses in six areas of study that would appeal to their individual strengths and interests. A
number of streams or course packages called Public/Built-In Profiles have been developed by the department's Curriculum Matters Committee (CMC)
members to serve as course selection examples. These can be used as inspiration for a student to help develop more concrete decisions on their own.
A student is also free to use one of the public profiles as their template, the example course packages can be found at:
http://www.ece.utoronto.ca/curriculum-streams. An on-line program called Magellan is available to facilitate the course selection process. All second
year students will have access to Magellan by the end of their fall term. If at any time a student has questions about their curriculum decisions, contact
information can be found at: https://magellan.ece.toronto.edu.
Graduates of the program may decide to go directly into careers in a wide range of fields and continue to learn by direct experience and through the
opportunities of company-sponsored education. Students may also decide to pursue studies at the graduate level and can find more detailed
information at: http://www.ece.utoronto.ca/graduates-home/
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
Fall Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Operating Systems ECE344H1 F 3 3 - 0.50 Operating Systems ECE344H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Algorithms and Data ECE345H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Algorithms and Data ECE345H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Structures Structures
Programming Languages CSC326H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Introduction to Databases CSC343H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Introduction to Databases CSC343H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Computer Graphics CSC418H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Computer Graphics CSC418H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Distributed Systems ECE419H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Software Engineering I CSC444H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Software Engineering II ECE450H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Compilers and Interpreters CSC467H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Optimizing Compilers ECE540H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Biocomputation ECE448H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Computer Security ECE568H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Computer Systems ECE454H1 F 3 3 - 0.50
Internetworking ECE461H1 F 3 1.50 0.50 0.50
Fall Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Partial Differential Equations APM384H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Biomedical Engineering BME440H1 F 2 4 - 0.50
Cellular and Molecular BME455H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Technology and
Bioengineering II Investigation
Engineering Biology CHE353H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Cellular and Molecular Biology CHE354H1 S 3 1 2 0.50
Urban Engineering Ecology CIV220H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Terrestrial Energy Systems CIV300H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Terrestrial Energy Systems CIV300H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Probability and Applications ECE302H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Probability and Applications ECE302H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Evolution and Adaptation EEB214H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Biocomputation ECE448H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Physiological Control Systems MIE331H1 S 3 1 1 0.50
Materials Physics MSE235H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Introduction to Quantum PHY335H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Physics of the Earth PHY395H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
1. BREADTH REQUIREMENT: A minimum of four kernel courses, each in a different area, must be chosen.
2. DEPTH REQUIREMENT: Select at least two areas from which one kernel course has been chosen. In each of these two areas, two additional
technical courses must be chosen. Kernel courses may also be chosen to meet this requirement.
3. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS REQUIREMENTS: ECE472H1 must be chosen. Course can be taken in either third or fourth year.
4. CAPSTONE REQUIREMENT: The Design Project, ECE496Y1, must be taken in fourth year. To be eligible to register for the capstone course, you
must have at least 7 technical electives or 6 technical electives plus ECE472H1.
5. MATH/SCIENCE REQUIREMENT: At least one course from the Math/Science area must be chosen.
6. TECHNICAL ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: A minimum of three additional ECE technical courses must be chosen from any of the six areas of study.
With approval from ECE, one of the technical electives can be taken from another department. Only 300, 400 and 500 level courses can be used as a
technical elective.
7. FREE ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: One is required, and may be a technical or a non-technical course.
8. COMPLEMENTARY STUDIES REQUIREMENT: In each of terms 3F, 3S, 4F, and 4S, a complementary studies course must be taken. Of the four
complementary studies courses, a minimum of two must be humanities and social science (HSS) courses chosen from an approved list on the
Registrar's website: http://www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/Office_of_the_Registrar/Electives.htm
136 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Engineering Programs
9. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT: Students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience
before graduation (normally during their summer vacation periods). Students registered within this program, may elect to enrol and participate in the
Professional Experience Year (PEY) program. The PEY program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12-16 month continuous
work period with a participating company. Details are described at the beginning of this chapter. For more information, consult the PEY Office early in
session 2F or 3F.
A sample course selection arrangement for third and fourth year is shown in the table below.
3F Technical Elective Other Science/Math Area Kernel Area Kernel Complementary Studies
Degree Designation
If, among the eight courses required to satisfy the Breadth requirement (1) and the Depth requirement (2), at least four are selected from Areas 5 and 6,
then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering. If, among these eight courses, at least five are selected from Areas 1 to 4,
then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. By appropriate choice of kernel courses as technical or free electives, it may
be possible to satisfy these requirements simultaneously; in this case, the student must choose one of the two designations.
CEAB Requirements
To satisfy CEAB requirements, students must accumulate, during four years of study, a minimum number of academic units in six categories:
complementary studies, mathematics, basic science, engineering science, engineering design, combined engineering science and design. For details
on how to verify satisfaction of CEAB requirements, students are referred to the ECE Undergraduate website:
It is recognized that the course selection process can be complex in the flexible curriculum for third and fourth year. Students are advised to consult the
ECE Undergraduate Office on questions related to course selection. In addition, tools will be provided to assist students to ensure satisfaction of all
requirements in their course selection. For complete details, students are referred to the ECE Department Undergraduate Studies office at
A student who selects a course of study that does not meet ECE and CEAB requirements will not be eligible to graduate.
Engineering Science
Professor Mark Kortschot, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Room 2110, Bahen Centre, 416-978-2903
Email: chair.engsci@ecf.utoronto.ca
Engineering Science is an enriched program that provides excellent preparation for postgraduate studies in engineering and science as well as for other
professional degree programs such as business, law and medicine. Graduates of the program are also well qualified to immediately embark on
professional engineering-related careers.
The Engineering Science program shares elements of the Facultys Engineering programs, but is distinct in many respects, with the key differences
The Engineering Science program is designed and delivered at a level that is more academically demanding;
The Engineering Science program contains more mathematics, science and engineering science, with greater focus on deriving results using a first
principles approach;
The Engineering Science program has a distinct 2+2 curriculum structure, namely a 2-year foundation curriculum followed by a 2-year specialization
curriculum in a diverse range of fields, many of which are unique to the Engineering Science program; and
The Engineering Science program requires that all students complete an independent research-based thesis project.
Engineering Science students in years 1, 2 and 3 are required to maintain a full course load, unless they gain permission from their academic counsellor
in the Division of Engineering Science to pursue part time studies or less than a normal/full course load due to medical or personal reasons. Students
entering year 4 are expected to maintain a full course load, but students with medical or personal reasons or who have completed program requirements
prior to Year 4 may go part time or less than a full course load in 4F and/or 4W. This is subject to the approval of their academic counsellor. Please note
that a reduced course load in 4F or 4W may impact award assessments. Please refer to the academic calendar under "Academic Regulations VII:
Academic Standing" for Honours Standing criteria related to course load, and consult with your academic counsellor for more information.
Transfers in Year 1 from Engineering Science to one of the Facultys Engineering programs are permitted early in the Fall Session (towards the end of
September), at the end of the Fall Session, and at the end of the Winter Session. Continuation into the Winter Session of Year 1 requires a minimum
average of 55% in the Fall Session and continuation into Year 2 requires a minimum average of 65% in the Winter Session of Year 1. Students who do
not meet these requirements are required to transfer into one of the Facultys Engineering programs, subject to the requirements and provisions outlined
in the section on Academic Regulations in this Calendar.
The curriculum for the first two years and the curricula for the eight Options are presented on the pages that follow.
Degree Designation
Engineering Science students graduate with the degree Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science. On their official transcript, their chosen
Option is indicated as their Major, e.g. Major in Aerospace Engineering.
If a student is deficient in terms of the Program of Study or falls short in any of the CEAB categories, the student must adjust their course selection
accordingly in order to graduate.
1. All students must graduate with 1.0 credit in Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS). Students will gain 0.5 HSS credit from ESC203H1.
2. Please note that additional lectures may be scheduled for AER201H1 in place of laboratory and test times in the first few weeks of the Winter Session.
Technical Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Technical Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Systems and Synthetic Neuro Sensory and Rehab
Biology Engineering
Regulatory Networks and CSB435H1 F 2 - - 0.50 Communication Systems ECE363H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Systems in Molecular Neural Bioelectricity ECE445H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Biology Sensory Communication ECE446H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Proteomics in Systems CSB450H1 F 2 - - 0.50 Robot Modeling and Control ECE470H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Biology Systems Control ECE557H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Biocomputation ECE448H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Introduction to Neuroscience HMB200H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Modelling in Biological and CHE471H1 S 3 - 1 0.50 * Design of Innovative MIE440H1 F 2 2 1 0.50
Chemical Systems Products
Regenerative Medicine and Sensors,
Biomaterials Nano/Microsystems and
Biomaterial and Medical BME460H1 F 2 - 2 0.50 Instrumentation
Device Product Medical Imaging BME595H1 S 2 3 1 0.50
Development Fundamentals of Optics ECE318H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Regenerative Medicine BME510H1 S 4 - - 0.50 Real-Time Computer ECE411H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Biocomposites: Mechanics CHE475H1 S 3 - 1 0.50 Control
and Bioinspiration Introduction to Micro- and ECE442H1 F 3 2 1 0.50
Applied Chemistry IV CHE562H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Nano-Fabrication
Applied Polymer Technologies
Chemistry, Science and Digital Signal Processing ECE455H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Engineering * MEMS Design and MIE506H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
* Design of Innovative MIE440H1 F 2 2 1 0.50 Microfabrication
Biotransport Phenomena MIE520H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Surgical and Dental Implant MSE442H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
1. Students are required to take a minimum of two technical electives from one focus area (Systems and Synthetic Biology; Regenerative Medicine and
Biomaterials; Neuro, Sensory and Rehab Engineering; or Sensors, Nano/Microsystems and Instrumentation).
1. While a full-year thesis is recommended, students may substitute with a half-year thesis and an ECE or Technical elective.
2. ECE electives or Technical electives can be taken in Year 3 or Year 4 provided that course pre-requisites have been met. Contact the Division of
Engineering Science for clarification of course pre-requisites.
ECE Electives
ECE Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. ECE Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Photonics and Control, Communications,
Semiconductor Physics Signal Processing
Fundamentals of Optics ECE318H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50 Medical Imaging BME595H1 S 2 3 1 0.50
Semiconductor Electronic ECE350H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50 Communication Systems ECE363H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Devices Real-Time Computer ECE411H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Introduction to Micro- and ECE442H1 F 3 2 1 0.50 Control
Nano-Fabrication Digital Communication ECE417H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Technologies Neural Bioelectricity ECE445H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Optical Communications ECE469H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50 Sensory Communication ECE446H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
and Networks Digital Signal Processing ECE455H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Lasers and Detectors ECE525H1 S 3 - 2 0.50 Multimedia Systems ECE462H1 S 3 2 - 0.50
Photonic Devices ECE527H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Wireless Communication ECE464H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Quantum Mechanics I PHY356H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Robot Modeling and Control ECE470H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Quantum Mechanics II PHY456H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Intelligent Image Processing ECE516H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Condensed Matter Physics PHY487H1 F 2 - - 0.50 Inference Algorithms ECE521H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Random Processes ECE537H1 F 3 - 2 0.50
Systems Control ECE557H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
ECE Electives
ECE Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. ECE Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Software Software (continued)
Programming on the Web CSC309H1 2 - 1 0.50 Database System CSC443H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
F/S Technology
The Design of Interactive CSC318H1 2 - 1 0.50 Software Engineering I CSC444H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Computational Media F/S Compilers and Interpreters CSC467H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Programming Languages CSC326H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Foundations of Computing ECE358H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Introduction to Databases CSC343H1 2 - 1 0.50 Distributed Systems ECE419H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
F/S Software Engineering II ECE450H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Introduction to Artificial CSC384H1 2 - 1 0.50 Computer Systems ECE454H1 F 3 3 - 0.50
Intelligence F/S Programming
Natural Language CSC401H1 S 2 - 1 0.50 Internetworking ECE461H1 F 3 1.50 0.50 0.50
Computing Inference Algorithms ECE521H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Machine Learning and Data CSC411H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Optimizing Compilers ECE540H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Mining Computer Security ECE568H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Computer Graphics CSC418H1 2 - 1 0.50
Human-Computer CSC428H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
Technical Electives
Technical Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
ECE Electives, or any of the
Scientific Computing AER336H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Introduction to Fusion AER507H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Mobile Robotics and AER521H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Robotics AER525H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Partial Differential Equations APM384H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
Groups and Symmetries MAT301H1 3 - - 0.50
Elements of Analysis MAT336H1 S 3 - - 0.50
Structure and MSE358H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Characterization of
Nanostructured Materials
Physics of the Earth PHY395H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
1. APS305H1, a core course within the Energy curriculum, counts towards the Complementary Studies requirement.
1. Students may take a half-year thesis ESC499H1 and an additional 0.5 credit from the electives list instead of a full-year thesis ESC499Y1.
Domain Courses
Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Infrastructure Manufacturing
Structural Design 1 CIV352H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 Robotics AER525H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50
Structural Design 2 CIV357H1 S 3 - 2 0.50 Risk Based Safety CHE561H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Road Transportation CIV360H1 S 3 - 1 0.50 Management
Performance Manufacturing Engineering MIE221H1 S 3 2 1 0.50
Engineering Project Finance CIV460H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Automated Manufacturing MIE422H1 F 2 3 - 0.50
and Management * Design of Innovative MIE440H1 F 2 2 1 0.50
Public Transit Operations CIV516H1 S 3 - 1 0.50 Products
and Planning Reliability and MIE469H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Transport Planning CIV531H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Maintainability
Mining Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering I CME321H1 F 3 1 1 0.50 * Product Design MIE540H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Mineral Reserve and MIN401H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Mineral Resource
Mining Environmental MIN430H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
1. Students who do not wish to specialize may take courses from either the Transportation or Structures List.
2. Students may take a half year thesis in the spring term, if they shift a specialty elective into the fall term.
3. Senior students may take 1000-series (graduate level) courses as Specialty Electives, provided they obtain the approval of the Department of Civil
Engineering and the Divison of Engineering Science. In particular, courses on Travel Survey Methods, Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete, Infrastructure
Economics, Simulation, Freight Transportation and ITS Applications, Airport Planning, Transportation and Development, Transportation Demand
Analysis, Bridge Engineering, Principles of Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Design, and Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics may be of
interest to Infrastructure Option students.
4. The Technical Elective may be chosen from any 400 or 500 level technical course offered in Engineering provided students have taken the pre-
requisite course(s). Other non-Engineering courses may be taken with the approval of the Division of Engineering Science.
Fall Session - Year 3 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Session - Year 3 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Economic Analysis and CHE374H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Introduction to Inorganic and CHM325H1 S 2 - - 0.50
Decision Making Polymer Materials
Physical and Inorganic CHE390H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Chemistry
Chemistry Semiconductor Electronic ECE350H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Organic Chemistry and CHE391H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Devices
Biochemistry Structure and Characterization MSE358H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Quantum Mechanics I PHY356H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 of Nanostructured Materials
Engineering Science Option ESC301H1 Y - - 1 0.25 Advanced Physics Laboratory PHY327H1 S - 6 - 0.50
Seminar Atoms, Molecules and Solids PHY358H1 S 2 - 1 0.50
and one of: Engineering Science Option ESC301H1 Y - - 1 0.25
Partial Differential Equations APM384H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Seminar
Complex Analysis MAT389H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
1.It is highly recommended that students take one of ECE342H1, ECE350H1, ECE455H1, MSE358H1 or CHE568H1 to reduce accreditation constraints
in Year 4.
2. Students who take 3 Group A electives in the Winter Session must complete 1 Group A elective in the Fall Session. Students must obtain a total of
5.75 credits in Year 3.
3. Students must take PHY427H1 in 3S, 4F, or 4S.
4. Students may take APM346H1 in place of APM384H1.
5. Students may take MAT334H1 in place of MAT389H1.
6. Students may take CHE374H1 in 4F.
The goal of the materials engineering undergraduate curriculum is to provide an understanding of the underlying principles of synthesis, characterization
and processing of materials and of the interrelationships among structure, properties, and processing. The program prepares students for professional
careers in a wide variety of industries, as well as for advanced study in this field. It also provides students with the opportunity to broaden their education
in engineering and science or to expand their knowledge in a particular technical area by offering course foundations in four core areas: nanomaterials,
materials in manufacturing, biomaterials, materials processing and sustainable development.
The first year of the program establishes basic fundamentals in math, chemistry, and physics with an introduction to design, communications, and
societal issues in Engineering. In the second year, the students are introduced to the structural and analytical characterization of materials, electrical
and quantum mechanical properties of matter, thermodynamics, fundamentals and processing of organic and inorganic materials, engineering statistics
and materials selection in design. The third year is devoted to a series of introductory courses in the four theme areas. Other courses include heat and
mass transfer, phase transformations, process design, mechanical behaviour and environmental degradation of materials. The fourth year focuses on
in-depth study of the selected theme areas plus an additional materials selection in design course. The fourth year also culminates in a senior design
course in which the students integrate the knowledge obtained during their prior studies. The technical aspects of the curriculum are complemented by
communication, humanities and social sciences courses and by material on leadership, ethics, team building and environmental responsibility that are
distributed throughout the curriculum.
For those students interested in pursuing an Engineering Minor, please read the detailed information provided at the beginning of this chapter. By
selecting courses which meet both MSE requirements and the requirements of the respective Minor, it is possible for a student to complete a Minor
during the normal course of study.
For those students interested in pursuing the Jeffrey Skoll BASc/MBA (SKOLL) Program, please read the detailed information provided at the beginning
of this chapter.
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1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
Practical Experience Requirement - As described in the beginning pages of this chapter, students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours
of acceptable practical experience, before graduation, (normally acquired during summer vacation periods).
HSS/CS Requirement - In order to fulfill degree and Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) requirements, each student must take a total of
4 half year (or 2 full year) Complementary Studies (CS) Electives. Two of those CS electives must be Humanities/Social Sciences (HSS) courses. In
MSE, these courses are taken in 2nd and 3rd years. (Note: Students may choose to take technical electives in 3rd year instead; and, then take their
HSS/CS courses in 4th year.) Since students are responsible for ensuring that each HSS/CS elective taken is an approved course, be sure to consult
the electives list on the APSC Registrars website.
To satisfy the CEAB requirements, students must accumulate, during their studies, a minimum total number of "accreditation units" (AUs) as well as a
minimum number of AUs in six specific categories: complementary studies, mathematics, natural science, engineering science, engineering design, and
combined engineering science & design. MSE now provides students with a planning tool, the "AU Tracker", to help students to ensure that all
requirements are met. Using the AU Tracker, a student can list all successfully completed courses, as well as all the courses enrolled in for the current
academic year. The Tracker confirms whether or not students are on track to meet or exceed the CEAB requirements.
The 5 required Technical Electives selected must include courses from at least 2 of the themes listed below. Note that, of the 5 courses, at least 2 of
those courses must be selected from a single theme. A minimum of 3 courses must be chosen from the MSE themes.
A maximum of 2 Technical Electives may be chosen from other Engineering departments, with the prior approval of the MSE Associate Chair,
Undergraduate Studies. Note that all courses may not be offered every year.
Biomaterials Theme:
Fall Session - Year 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Session - Year 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Biomaterial Processing and MSE440H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Surgical and Dental Implant MSE442H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Properties Design
Engineering Biology CHE353H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Cellular and Molecular Biology CHE354H1 S 3 1 2 0.50
Applied Chemistry IV CHE562H1 F 2 - 1 0.50
Applied Polymer Chemistry,
Science and Engineering
Nanomaterials Theme:
Fall Session - Year 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Session - Year 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Introduction to Micro- and ECE442H1 F 3 2 1 0.50 Advanced Physical Properties MSE550H1 S 3 2 1 0.50
Nano-Fabrication of Structural Nanomaterials
Technologies Nanotechnology in Alternate MSE558H1 S 3 0.50 1 0.50
Electronic Materials MSE430H1 F 2 - 1 0.50 Energy Systems
Synthesis of Nanostructured MSE459H1 F 3 2 - 0.50
The research equipment includes modern facilities for optical, electron and X-ray microscopy, mechanical testing, particle characterization, the
production of high temperatures and controlled atmospheres, calorimetric and other thermodynamic measurements at high temperatures, crystal growth,
Research interests in the Department include process development, computer-aided materials engineering, physical chemistry of metal extraction,
mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, powder metallurgy, solidification and crystal growth, welding, structure and mechanical
(Offered by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. For a listing of Academic Staff in the Department, please refer to Chapter 1).
Industrial Engineering (IE) is a discipline that applies engineering principles to the design and operation of organizations. Industrial Engineering students
learn to analyze, design, implement, control, evaluate, and improve the performance of complex organizations, taking into consideration people,
technology, and information systems. Industrial engineers use operations research, information engineering, and human factors tools and methods to
improve and optimize systems operations and performance.
Industrial engineers share the common goal of increasing an organizations efficiency, profitability and safety in a variety of industries including health
care, finance, retail, entertainment, government, information technology, transportation, energy, manufacturing, and consulting. Unlike traditional
disciplines in engineering and the mathematical sciences, IE addresses the role of the human decision-maker as a key contributor to the inherent
complexity of systems and the primary benefactor of the analyses.
Industrial Engineering bears close resemblance to: Management Science, Management Engineering, Operations Research, Operations Management,
and Systems Engineering.
The objective of the Industrial Engineering program curriculum is to educate engineers who:
Employ effective analysis and design tools;
Integrate perspectives into a systems view of the organization; and
Understand both the theory and the practice of Industrial Engineering.
In the first two years of the curriculum, emphasis is placed on fundamental principles of engineering and core industrial engineering concepts. Tools
taught in second year include: probability, psychology for engineers, fundamentals of object oriented programming, engineering economics and
accounting, operations research, differential equations, statistics, human centered systems design, and data modeling.
In the third year, students learn various perspectives on the operation of organizations, including productivity, information, ergonomics, and economics.
They also select technical electives allowing them to specialize in information engineering, operations research and human factors, and investigate other
IE areas such as business process engineering, design of information systems and facility planning. These same courses may be taken as fourth-year
technical electives (schedule permitting). Therefore, students may use their fourth year electives to pursue their specialization further in depth, or to
investigate other IE areas.
In fourth year, the central theme is the design and management of an organization as an integrated system. All students participate in an Integrated
Systems Design course to design the business processes of an organization, and a Capstone Design course that requires students to draw on
knowledge from all years of the IE program to tackle a real-world project with an industry partner. There is also a research thesis option.
Job opportunities for IE graduates are very diverse and offer challenging careers in a wide variety of industries, including consulting. Three prototypical
jobs for new graduates include:
Manage an organizational supply chain to ensure new products can be successfully introduced into global sales channels.
Test the interaction features of a new software application.
Identify increased capacity requirements necessary to accommodate the expected surgical volume of hospitals.
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
1. Practical Experience Requirement - As described in the beginning pages of this chapter, students are required to have completed a total of 600
hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation (normally during their summer periods).
2. At least two of the four (0.5 credit) Complementary Studies Electives to be taken between third and fourth year must be Humanities/Social
Sciences courses (see the Complementary Studies section at the beginning of this chapter). Students are responsible for ensuring that each
elective taken is approved. Please consult the electives list available on the Engineering Office of the Registrar's website.
3. Students may choose an alternative Natural Science course to the three listed. A list of approved alternative Natural Science courses offered by
the Faculty of Arts & Science is available on the Engineering Office of the Registrar's website.
1. The Department is not able to schedule all fourth-year courses without conflict. However, students are required to select courses that allow for a
conflict-free timetable.
2. At least one technical elective in each of the 4F and 4W session must be chosen from the provided listings. Students who want to take a technical
elective substitute are required to obtain formal Departmental approval from the Undergraduate Office.
3. Industrial Engineering students are required to complete a two-term Capstone Design project, MIE490Y1, supervised by a licensed member of the
University of Toronto teaching staff.
4. At least two of the four (0.5 credit) Complementary Studies Electives to be taken between third and fourth year must be Humanities/Social
Sciences courses (see the Complementary Studies section at the beginning of this chapter). Students are responsible for ensuring that each
elective taken is approved. Please consult the electives list available on the Engineering Office of the Regisrtar's website.
5. Approval to register for the fourth-year thesis course (MIE498H1 or MIE498Y1) must be obtained from the Associate Chair - Undergraduate, and is
normally restricted to students with an overall average of at least B in their second and third years.
The Mechanical Engineering profession faces unprecedented challenges and exciting opportunities in its efforts to serve the needs of society. The broad
disciplinary base and design orientation of the field will continue to make the skills of the mechanical engineer crucial to the success of virtually all
technical systems that involve energy, motion, materials, design, automation and manufacturing. The explosive growth in the availability of lower-cost,
compact and high speed computing hardware and software is already revolutionizing the analysis, design, manufacture and operation of many
mechanical engineering systems. Mechanical engineering systems are part of automotive engineering, robotics, fuel utilization, nuclear and thermal
power generation, materials behaviour in design applications, transportation, biomechanical engineering, environmental control and many others.
To prepare Mechanical Engineers for the challenges of such a broad discipline, the program is designed to:
(i) Provide fundamental knowledge of the various subdisciplines;
(ii) Teach methodology and systems analysis techniques for integrating this knowledge into useful design concepts, and
(iii) Make graduates fully conversant with modern facilities, such as CAD/CAM and microprocessor control, by which design concepts can be
produced and competitively manufactured.
The knowledge component includes the key subdisciplines of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, control theory, dynamics, material science
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1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
1. In 4F, students will be required to take one additional course from each of the same two streams followed in third-year.
2. The Departments is not able to schedule all third-year, stream courses without conflict. However, students are required to select courses that allow
for a conflict-free timetable.
3. Students may choose an alternative Natural Science course to the three listed. A list of approved alternative Natural Science courses offered by the
Faculty of Arts & Science is available on the Engineering Office of the Registrar's website.
Students who are interested in completing a minor (6 courses) in Bioengineering should consult the beginning of this chapter for more information, and
should also meet with the Undergradaute Student Counsellor. Students may complete this minor by the end of the fourth-year, Mechanical program by
taking the following courses, however other combinations are possible:
CHE353H1, Engineering Biology
MIE331H1, Physiological Control Systems, and/or CHE354H1, Cellular and Mollecular Biology
ECE445H1, Neural Bioelectricity or ECE446H1, Sensory Communication or MIE343H1, Industrial Ergonomics & the Workplace or MIE439H1,
Biomechanics I or MIE448H1, Engineering Psychology & Human Performance or MSE440H1, Biomaterial Processing and Properties
MSE442H1, Surgical and Dental Implant Design
Fall Session - Year 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt. Winter Session - Year 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
Core Rquired Course: Core Required Course:
Capstone Design MIE491Y1 Y - - 4 1.00 Capstone Design MIE491Y1 Y - - 4 1.00
Stream Courses (two of): Technical Electives (three
Manufacturing of):
Automated Manufacturing MIE422H1 F 2 3 - 0.50 Biocomposites: Mechanics CHE475H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Mechatronics and Bioinspiration
Control Systems I MIE404H1 F 3 3 2 0.50 Environmental Impact and CIV440H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Solid Mechanics &Design Risk Assessment
Machine Design MIE442H1 F 3 1.50 3 0.50 Operating Systems ECE344H1 S 3 3 - 0.50
Energy &Environment Innovation and FOR424H1 S 3 - - 0.50
Thermal Energy Conversion MIE411H1 F 3 3 - 0.50 Manufacturing of
Bioengineering Sustainable Materials
Biotransport Phenomena MIE520H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Vibrations MIE402H1 S 3 1 2 0.50
Technical Electives (one of): * Thermal and Machine MIE408H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
Aerodynamics AER307H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Design of Nuclear Power
Robotics AER525H1 F 3 1.50 1 0.50 Reactors
Operating Systems ECE344H1 F 3 3 - 0.50 Microprocessors and MIE438H1 S 2 3 - 0.50
Industrial Ergonomics and MIE343H1 F 3 3 - 0.50 Embedded
the Workplace Microcontrollers
Systems Modelling and MIE360H1 F 3 2 1 0.50 Biomechanics I MIE439H1 S 3 2 - 0.50
Simulation * Design Optimization MIE441H1 S 3 2 - 0.50
Nuclear Reactor Theory and MIE407H1 F 3 - 2 0.50 * Mechatronics Systems: MIE443H1 S 2 5 - 0.50
Design Design and Integration
* Applied Fluid Mechanics MIE414H1 F 3 3 1 0.50 Reliability and MIE469H1 S 3 - 2 0.50
* Design of Innovative MIE440H1 F 2 2 1 0.50 Maintainability
Products Engineering
* Mechatronics Principles MIE444H1 F 2 3 - 0.50 Research Thesis MIE498H1 S - - 4 0.50
Engineering Psychology and MIE448H1 F 3 3 - 0.50 Research Thesis MIE498Y1 Y - - 4 1.00
Human Performance Applied Computational Fluid MIE504H1 S 3 - - 0.50
Research Thesis MIE498H1 F - - 4 0.50 Dynamics
Research Thesis MIE498Y1 Y - - 4 1.00 * MEMS Design and MIE506H1 S 3 1.50 1 0.50
Combustion and Fuels MIE516H1 F 3 - 1 0.50 Microfabrication
Materials Selection in MSE401H1 F 2 2 1 0.50 Alternative Energy Systems MIE515H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Design II Fuel Cell Systems MIE517H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Complementary Studies * Product Design MIE540H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Elective (one): Advanced Momentum, Heat MIE550H1 S 3 - - 0.50
CS Elective 0.50 and Mass Transfer
Engineering Analysis II MIE563H1 S 3 3 2 0.50
Macromolecular Materials MSE432H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Surgical and Dental Implant MSE442H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
Complementary Studies
Elective (one):
CS Elective 0.50
1. In 4F, students must take one required course (indicated above) from each of the same two streams followed in 3W.
2. Students are required to include at least one of the engineering design courses marked with a star (*) during the fourth year. It may be taken in either
4F or 4W.
3. In 4F, students may select an additional course from the Stream Courses list (above) to substitute for the technical elective.
4. Students may take only one of MIE422H1 (Automated Manufacturing) or AER525H1 (Robotics). AER525H1 (Robotics) is Limited Enrolment.
5. The Department is not able to schedule all fourth-year courses without conflict. However, students are required to select courses that allow for a
conflict-free timetable.
6. Students are permitted to take at most two technical elective substitutes in their fourth-year, but are required to obtain formal Departmental approval
from the Undergraduate Office.
7. At least two of the four (0.5 credit) Complementary Studies Electives to be taken between second and fourth year must he Humanities/Social
Sciences courses (see the Complementary Studies section at the beginning of this chapter). An equivalent 1.0 course is also acceptable. Students
are responsible for ensuring that each elective taken is approved. Please consult the electives list available on the Engineering Office of the
Registrar's website.
8. Approval to register for the fourth-year thesis course (MIE498H1 or MIE498Y1) must be obtained from the Associate Chair - Undergraduate, and is
normally restricted to students with an overall average of at least B in their second and third years.
Mineral Engineering
The first year of the four-year curriculum is similar to that of other engineering programs at the University. All subsequent years are unique to the
Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program, with transfer into Year 2 of Mineral Engineering being permitted from both the General Engineering first year
and other engineering programs. Year 2 concentrates on minerals engineering fundamentals, and years 3 and 4 comprise a minerals engineering core
supplemented by technical electives. A wide range of technical electives are available, thereby allowing students to specialise should they so wish in one
particular branch of minerals engineering. Students also study humanities and complementary studies electives in the final two years. Practical aspects
of the program are presented through laboratory sessions, and students attend one survey and one geology field camp, each of two weeks duration.
Students are encouraged and helped to obtain industrial experience during summer vacations, and have the opportunity to take a Professional
Experience Year between years 3 and 4. Attractive entrance and in-course scholarships and bursaries are available, including the prestigious,
competitively awarded Lassonde Scholarships.
Graduates obtain a comprehensive training in minerals engineering, and are well prepared for future challenges in the planning and financing of mineral
and related engineering projects as well as for graduate study in mining, geological, or civil engineering. The program is accredited with the Canadian
Engineering Accreditation Board.
There will be many occasions where students are required to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including safety footwear bearing the CSA
Green Patch, hard hats, protective eyewear with side shields, tear away safety vests and ear protection. Students are required to purchase their own
PPE. All field trips, laboratories, and other events require advance briefing on the nature of potential hazards and students are required to attend these
briefings and to follow the provided instructions.
Students are required to have completed at least 600 hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation. This is normally acquired during the
summer vacation periods or during a Professional Experience Year (PEY) internship.
Several Engineering Minors and Certificate Programs are available and generally require the student to successfully complete a carefully selected slate
of electives in their Fourth Year. Late in the Third Year Winter Session, students use an on-line pre-registration tool to indicate their preferred fourth-
year electives. Students should review the various minor and certificate program requirements and attend the department's information sessions in
Third Year to ensure that the appropriate electives are taken in Fourth Year. Students should note that they can also complete the requirements of a
minor or certificate program even after they have graduated, as long as the additional requirements are met within nine years of their initial registration in
the BASc program. If completed after graduation, additional fees will be assessed, and a transcript will be issued with the amended courses and
indication of completed minor or certificate program requirements.
Students with the necessary qualifications (generally at least a B+ average in the final year of the undergraduate program) who wish to proceed to
graduate studies may do so through the Lassonde Institute, an interdisciplinary research institute for engineering geoscience. The Department of Civil
Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Department of Geology, and the
Collaborative Program in Geophysics are all collaborators in the Lassonde Institute.
The Engineering Departments offer programs leading to the MASc, MEng, and PhD degrees. Other Departments offer MSc and PhD degree programs.
Additional information may be obtained at www.lassondeinstitute.utoronto.ca or the websites of the collaborating Departments.
1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
Students must acquire two half or one full-year course equivalent of both CS and HSS credits by the end of Fourth Year.
CME358H1 - Survey CAMP (Civil and Mineral Practicals), is a two-week field-based course taken in the month prior to starting Third Year. The results
of this course are used in computing the student's Third Year Fall Session Average. An extra fee is charged to cover part of the costs of food and
Technical Electives must be chosen from the list shown under the Fourth Year curriculum table.
Students must acquire two half or one full-year course equivalent of both CS and HSS credits by the end of Fourth Year.
Explanation of course descriptions
On the following pages are brief outlines of the courses prescribed for students in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, listed in alphabetical
order of the prefixes. The suffix following the course number indicates the session in which the course is given; the second line of the description shows
the program and year for which the course is prescribed, the number of hours of lectures, laboratory and tutorial work per week, and the weight units
assigned to the course.
ECE461H1 S
IV- AECPEBASCC; IV - AECPEBASC, AEESCBASEC (elective) 3/3a/1a/0.50
F/S would indicate that the course given in the first session is repeated in the second session (a student may take one or the other, but not both); Y
would indicate a course that continues
over both sessions, i.e., a year-long course.
For determination as to whether a course is considered core or a technical elective for your program, consult your program curriculum outline in Chapter
If a component of the course (ie lecture, laboratory or tutorial) timing is followed by an 'm', this means the component does not follow a weekly or
alternating format. The professor of the course will explain the timing of the component in class.
In addition to the 100-, 200-, 300- and 400-series courses, this Calendar also lists courses in the 500- and 1000-series. The 500-series courses are
undergraduate courses that are also intended for graduate students; 1000-series are graduate courses that are open to undergraduate students by
Many course descriptions include a statement of exclusions, prerequisites and co-requisites. The absence of such a statement does not imply that the
course does not have such conditions. In these statements, the oblique symbol (/) means OR, and the comma (,) means AND.
Any recommendation for textbooks should be considered as tentative only, and is subject to change. Students should therefore not purchase textbooks
until they have been in attendance in the course, unless informed otherwise by their department.
Note: Selected Arts and Science courses appear in this calendar. Requisite and exclusion information listed for Arts and Science course may
not apply to Engineering students. If you are unsure if you meet the requirement for a course you should speak with the Arts and Science
department offering the course or your departmental counsellor. Further, Breadth and Distribution requirements listed for Arts and Science
courses apply only to students registered in the Faculty of Arts and Science and do not apply to students registered in the Faculty of Applied
Science and Engineering.
For a complete course listing of Arts and Science courses please refer to the Arts and Science Academic Calendar.
Actuarial Science
AER507H1 F
Introduction to Fusion Energy Applied Mathematics
IV-AEESCBASER, I-AEMINENR Partial Differential Equations
Nuclear reactions between light elements provide the energy source for 3/-/1/0.50
the sun and stars. On earth, such reactions could form the basis of an III-AEESCBASEA, III-AEESCBASEF,
essentially inexhaustible energy resource. In order for the fusion III-AEESCBASEO, III-AEESCBASEP,
reactions to proceed at a rate suitable for the generation of electricity, the IV-AEESCBASER, III-AEESCBASET
fuels (usually hydrogen) must be heated to temperatures near 100 million Boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville theory for ordinary
Kelvin. At these temperatures, the fuel will exist in the plasma state. This differential equations. Partial differential equations of first order,
course will cover: (i) the basic physics of fusion, including reaction cross- characteristics,Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Diffusion equations; Laplace
sections, particle energy distributions, Lawson criterion and radiation transform methods. Harmonic functions, Greens functions for Laplaces
balance, (ii) plasma properties including plasma waves, plasma equation, surface and volume distributions; Fourier transforms. Wave
transport, heating and stability, and (iii) fusion plasma confinement equation, characteristics; Greens functions for the wave equation;
methods (magnetic and inertial). Topics will be related to current Huygens principle.
experimental research in the field.
APM446H1 F
AER510H1 S Applied Nonlinear Equations
Aerospace Propulsion 3/-/-/0.50
3/-/1/0.50 IV-AEESCBASEA
IV-AEESCBASEA Partial differential equations appearing in physics, material sciences,
Scope and history of jet and rocket propulsion; fundamentals of air- biology, geometry, and engineering. Nonlinear evolution equations.
breathing and rocket propulsion; fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of Existence and long-time behaviour of solutions. Existence of static,
propulsion including boundary layer mechanics and combustion; traveling wave, self-similar, topological and localized solutions. Stability.
principles of aircraft jet engines, engine components and performance; Formation of singularities and pattern formation. Fixed point theorems,
principles of rocket propulsion, rocket performance, and chemical spectral analysis, bifurcation theory. Equations considered in this course
rockets; environmental impact of aircraft jet engines. may include: Allen-Cahn equation (material science), Ginzburg-Landau
Recommended Preparation: AER310H1 equation (condensed matter physics), Cahn-Hilliard (material science,
biology), nonlinear Schroedinger equation (quantum and plasma physics,
water waves, etc). mean curvature flow (geometry, material sciences),
Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov (combustion theory, biology),
Keller-Segel equations (biology), and Chern-Simmons equations (particle
and condensed matter physics).
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 167
Course Descriptions
Prerequisite: APM346H1/APM351Y1 APS111H1 F
Engineering Strategies & Practice I
Mathematical Theory of Finance I-AECPEBASC, I-AEELEBASC,
Introduction to the basic mathematical techniques in pricing theory and
risk management: Stochastic calculus, single-period finance, financial This course introduces and provides a framework for the design process.
derivatives (tree-approximation and Black-Scholes model for equity Students are introduced to communication as an integral component of
derivatives, American derivatives, numerical methods, lattice models for engineering practice. The course is a vehicle for understanding problem
interest-rate derivatives), value at risk, credit risk, portfolio theory. solving and developing communications skills. This first course in the two
Prerequisite: APM346H1, STA347H1 Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces
Corequisite: STA457H1 students to the process of engineering design, to strategies for
successful team work, and to design for human factors, society and the
environment. Students write team and individual technical reports and
give presentations within a discussion group.
APS105H1 F
Computer Fundamentals APS150H1 F
3/2m/1m/0.50 Ethics in Engineering
An introduction to computer systems and problem solving using I-AEENGBASC, I-AEINDBASC,
computers. Topics include: the representation of information, I-AELMEBASC, I-AEMECBASC,
programming techniques, programming style, basic loop structures, I-AEMMSBASC
functions, arrays, strings, pointer-based data structures and searching An introduction to professional ethics and the Academic Code of
and sorting algorithms. The laboratories reinforce the lecture topics and Conduct. Topics include: the theory of ethics, professional code of ethics,
develops essential programming skills. ethics in the profession, proper use of intellectual property in the
professional and in academic settings, plagiarism, the Academic Code of
APS106H1 S Conduct, and application of ethics in practice.
Fundamentals of Computer Programming
3/2/1/0.50 APS160H1 F/S
An introduction to computer systems and software. Topics include the The principles of statics are applied to composition and resolution of
representation of information, algorithms, programming languages, forces, moments and couples. The equilibrium states of structures are
operating systems and software engineering. Emphasis is on the design examined. Throughout, the free body diagram concept is emphasized.
of algorithms and their implementation in software. Students will develop Vector algebra is used where it is most useful, and stress blocks are
a competency in the C programming language. Laboratory exercises will introduced. Shear force diagrams, bending moment diagrams and stress-
explore the concepts of both Structure-based and Object-Oriented strain relationships for materials are discussed. Stress and deformation
programming using examples drawn from mathematics and engineering in axially loaded members and flexural members (beams) are also
applications. covered.
A broad range of global energy systems are presented including The formation, equilibrium and evolution of structure on all astronomical
electricity generation, electricity end use, transportation and scales from the largest to the smallest: universe, clusters of galaxies,
infrastructure. Discussions are based on two key trends: (a) the galaxies, clusters of stars, gas clouds and stars.
increasing ability to deploy technologies and engineering systems Prerequisite: PHY252H1/PHY294H1; AST221H1,AST222H1 (or
globally, and (b) innovative organizations, many driven by equivalent AST readings; consult the instructor)
entrepreneurship (for profit and social) and entrepreneurial finance
techniques. The course considers these types of innovations in the AST325H1 F
context of developed economies, rapidly developing economies such as Introduction to Practical Astronomy
India and China, and the developing world. The course will interweave a -/3m/-/0.50
mix of industry examples and more in-depth case studies. The examples IV-AEESCBASEP
and cases are examined with various engineering, business and Through experiment and observation, develop the core skills to collect,
environmental sustainability analysis perspectives. reduce, and interpret astronomical data. Develop understanding and
Prerequisite: Undergraduate economics course usage of telescopes, instruments, and detectors; reduction and analysis
Exclusion: APS310H1 methods; simulations and model fitting; data and error analysis.
Prerequisite: AST221H1,AST222H1 (or equivalent readings, consult the
APS520H1 S
Exclusion: AST326Y1
Technology, Engineering and Global Development
Recommended Preparation: basic programming/scripting, numerical
I-AECERGLOB, I-AEMINBUS techniques (e.g., through CSC108H1/CSC148H1, CSC260H1).
Humanities and Social Science Elective
BME510H1 S
Regenerative Medicine
IV-AEESCBASET Chemical Engineering and
This course integrates relevant aspects of physiology, pathology,
developmental biology, disease treatment, tissue engineering, and Applied Chemistry
biomedical devices. The first part of the course will stress basic principles
in each of these disciplines. The second portion of the course will CHE112H1 F/S
integrate these disciplines in the context of specific organ systems. For Physical Chemistry
example, the physiology of the cardiovascular system, the development 3/1/1/0.50
of the system, cardiovascular disease, the relationship between I-AECHEBASC, I-AECIVBASC,
developmental defects and adult disease, current disease treatment,
cardiovascular devices, and the current progress in cardiovascular tissue A course in physical chemistry. Topics discussed include systems and
engineering will be presented. The teaching material will be gathered their states, stoichiometry, the properties of gases, the laws of chemical
from various textbooks and scientific journals. Whenever possible, thermodynamics (calculations involving internal energy, enthalpy, free
CHE204H1 Y
Applied Chemistry III - Laboratory CHE220H1 F
-/6/-/0.50 Applied Chemistry I - Inorganic Chemistry
II-AECHEBASC 3/-/1/0.50
This full year laboratory course will survey aspects of inorganic, organic
and analytical chemistry from a practical point of view in a The Chemistry and physical properties of inorganic compounds are
comprehensive laboratory experience. Theory, where applicable, will be discussed in terms of atomic structure and molecular orbital treatment of
interwoven within the laboratories or given as self-taught modules. bonding. Topics include acid-base and donor-acceptor chemistry,
Topics to be covered are inorganic and organic synthesis and analysis crystalline solid state, chemistry of main group elements and an
and will include elements of process and industrial chemistry and introduction to coordination chemistry. Emphasis is placed on second
practice (including Green Chemistry). row and transition metal elements.
CHE208H1 F CHE221H1 F
Process Engineering Calculus and Numerical Methods
3/-/2/0.50 3/2/2/0.50
An introduction to mass and energy (heat) balances in open systems. A Introduction to partial differentiation, multiple integrals, vector analysis,
quantitative treatment of selected processes of fundamental industrial and numerical techniques with applications to process calculations, fluid
and environmental significance involving phase equilibria, reaction and mechanics and other transport phenomena. Topics covered include
transport phenomena under both steady state and unsteady state partial derivatives, chain rule, exact differentials, vector operators,
conditions. Examples will be drawn from the chemical and materials Greens Theorem, divergence theorem and Stokes Theorem. Computer
processing industries, the energy and resource industries and laboratory work involves the application of numerical techniques and
environmental remediation and waste management. computer calculations to chemical engineering problems.
Prerequisite: MAT188H1
CHE222H1 S
CHE210H1 S
Applied Differential Equations
Heat and Mass Transfer 3/-/2/0.50
II-AECHEBASC Solution of differential equations using the D-operator, Laplace transform
Fundamentals of heat and transfer, including conduction, convective heat methods and vector-matrix techniques. Application of these techniques to
transfer, natural convection, design of heat exchangers, Ficks law of problems of chemical engineering interest. Considerable emphasis will
diffusion, analysis of mass transfer problems using Ficks law and mass be placed on the formulation of the relevant differential equations and the
balances, and effect of chemical reactions on mass transfer. Particular identification of the appropriate boundary conditions.
attention is focused on convective heat and mass transfer coefficients as Prerequisite: MAT186H1, MAT187H1
obtained in laminar flow, or from turbulent heat transfer correlations and
Prerequisite: CHE221H1
CHE375H1 S CHE430Y1 F
Engineering Finance and Economics Chemical Plant Design
3/-/1/0.50 2/-/6/1.00
This course consists of three modules: 1) managerial accounting, 2) Students work in teams to design plants for the chemical and process
corporate finance and 3) macro economics. The first module, managerial industries and examine their economic viability. Lectures concern the
accounting, will consist of an introduction to financial statements and details of process equipment and design.
double entry recordkeeping, then delve deeper into aspects of revenue, Prerequisite: CHE249H1, CHE324H1, and two of CHE311H1,
expenses, assets, debt and equity.The second module, corporate CHE322H1, CHE333H1 or equivalent)
finance, will introduce the concept of risk and return, and the Capital Exclusion: APS490Y1
Asset Pricing Model, and then delve deeper into capital budgeting,
corporate financing, financial statement analysis and financial valuation.
The third model, macro economics, will introduce global aspects of CHE451H1 F
business, including economic, political, societal and technological, then
Petroleum Processing
discuss factors such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, IV-AECHEBASC, IV-AEESCBASEJ,
foreign exchange rates, fiscal debt/surplus and balance of payments, and I-AEMINENR
their impact on the financials of a given country. This course is aimed at surveying the oil industry practices from the
perspective of a block flow diagram. Oil refineries today involve the large
CHE390H1 F scale processing of fluids through primary separation techniques,
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry secondary treating plus the introduction of catalyst for molecular
3/-/1/0.50 reforming in order to meet the product demands of industry and the
III-AEESCBASEO public. Crude oil is being shipped in increasing quantities from many
The objective of this course is to introduce fundamental chemistry parts of the world and refiners must be aware of the properties and
required in order to understand environmental systems. The chemistry of specifications of both the crude and product slates to ensure that the
inorganic compounds will be introduced in terms of atomic orbitals, crude is a viable source and that the product slate meets quality and
molecular structure, periodic trends and coordination chemistry. The quantity demands thus assuring a profitable operation. The course
impact of pH, oxidation potential and complexation on chemical content will examine refinery oil and gas operations from feed, through to
speciation will be described and related to chemistry in natural waters. products, touching on processing steps necessary to meet consumer
Intermediate level concepts relevant to chemical kinetics such as rate demands. In both course readings and written assignments, students will
laws and mechanisms will be presented and applied to photochemistry be asked to consider refinery operations from a broad perspective and
and atmospheric chemistry. Partitioning in multiphase systems will be not through detailed analysis and problem solving.
discussed with emphasis on adsorption and chemistry in water/soil
CHE460H1 S
Environmental Pathways and Impact Assessment
CHE391H1 F 3/-/2/0.50
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry IV-AECHEBASC, I-AEMINENR,
3/1.50/1/0.50 I-AEMINENV
III-AEESCBASEO, III-AEESCBASET, Review of the nature, properties and elementary toxicology of metallic
I-AEMINBIO and organic contaminants. Partitioning between environmental media
This course examines the sources, structures, properties and reactions (air, aerosols, water, particulate matter, soils, sediments and biota)
of organic chemicals with reference to their interactions with the including bioaccumulation. Degradation processes, multimedia transport
environment. Industrial organic chemistry, biochemical compounds and and mass balance models. Regulatory approaches for assessing
relevant biochemical reactions will be discussed. possible effects on human health and ecosystems.
CHE469H1 S
Fuel Cells and Electrochemical Conversion Devices CHE488H1 S
3/-/1/0.50 Entrepreneurship and Business for Engineers
The objective of this course is to provide a foundation for understanding A complete introduction to small business formation, management and
the field of electrochemical conversion devices with particular emphasis wealth creation. Topics include: the nature of the Entrepreneur and the
on fuel cells. The topics will proceed from the fundamental Canadian business environment; business idea search and Business
thermodynamic in-system electodics and ionic interaction limitations to Plan construction; Buying a business, franchising, taking over a family
mass transfer and heat balance effects,t o the externalities such as business; Market research and sources of data; Marketing strategies
economics and system integration challenges. Guest lecturers from the promotion, pricing, advertising, electronic channels and costing; The
fuel cell industry will be invited to procide an industrial perspective. sales process and management, distribution channels and global
Participants will complete a paper and in-class presentation. marketing; Accounting, financing and analysis, sources of funding, and
Exclusion: MIE517H1 financial controls; The people dimension: management styles, recruiting
and hiring, legal issues in employment and Human Resources; Legal
forms of organization and business formation, taxation, intellectual
CHE470H1 F/S
property protection; the e-Business world and how businesses
Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
participate; Managing the business: location and equipping the business,
IV-AECHEBASC suppliers and purchasing, credit, ethical dealing; Exiting the business and
A course covering selected topics in Chemical Engineering, not covered succession, selling out. A full Business Plan will be developed by each
in other electives. Different topics may be covered each year depending student and the top submissions will be entered into a Business Plan
on the interest of the Staff and students. May not be offered every year. competition with significant cash prices for the winners. Examples will be
Limited enrolment: permission of the Department required. drawn from real business situations including practicing entrepreneurs
making presentations and class visits during the term. (Identical courses
are offered: ECE488H1F, MIE488H1F, MSE488H1F and CIV488H1S.)
CHE507H1 S CHE565H1 F
Data-based Modelling for Prediction and Control Aqueous Process Engineering
3/-/1/0.50 3/-/1/0.50
This course will teach students how to build mathematical models of
Application of aqueous chemical processing to mineral, environmental
dynamic systems and how to use these models for prediction and control
and industrial engineering. The course involves an introduction to the
purposes. The course will deal primarily with a system identification
theory of electrolyte solutions, mineral-water interfaces, dissolution and
approach to modelling (using observations from the system to build a
crystallization processes, metal ion separations, and electrochemical
model). Both continuous time and discrete time representations will be
processes in aqueous reactive systems. Applications and practice of (1)
treated along with deterministic and stochastic models. This course will
metal recovery from primary (i.e. ores) and secondary (i.e. recycled)
make extensive use of interactive learning by having students use
sources by hydrometallurgical means, (2) treatment of aqueous waste
computer based tools available in the Matlab software package (e.g. the
streams for environmental protection, and (3) production of high-value-
System Identification Toolbox and the Model Predictive Control Toolbox).
added inorganic materials.
*This course will not be offered in 2011-2012*
CHE566H1 F
CHE561H1 S Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
Risk Based Safety Management 3/-/1/0.50
A first course in nuclear engineering intended to introduce students to all
This course provides an introduction to Process Safety Management.
aspects of this interdisciplinary field. Topics covered include nuclear
The historical drivers to improve safety performance are reviewed and
technology, atomic and nuclear physics, thermonuclear fusion, nuclear
the difference between safety management and occupational health and
fission, nuclear reactor theory, nuclear power plants, radiation protection
safety is discussed. National and international standards for PSM are
and shielding, environment and nuclear safety, and the nuclear fuel
reviewed. Risk analysis is introduced along with techniques for process
hazard analysis and quantification. Consequence and frequency
modelling is introduced. Rsik based decision making is introduced, and
the course concludes with a discussio of the key management systems CHE568H1 S
required for a successful PSM system. Nuclear Engineering
Applied Chemistry IV Applied Polymer Chemistry, Science I-AEMINENR
and Engineering Fundamental and applied aspects of nuclear engineering. The structure
2/-/1/0.50 of the nucleus; nuclear stability and radioactive decay; the interaction of
IV-AEESCBASET, I-AEMINBIO, radiation with matter including radiological health hazards; the interaction
IV-AEMMSBASC of neutrons including cross-sections, flux, moderation, fission, neutron
This course serves as an introduction to concepts in polymer chemistry, diffusion and criticality. Poison buildup and their effects on criticality.
polymer science and polymer engineering. This includes a discussion of Nuclear engineering of reactors, reactor accidents, and safety issues.
the mechanisms of step growth, chain growth and ring-opening Exclusion: MIE414H1
polymerizations with a focus on industrially relevant polymers and
processes. The description of polymers in solution as well as the solid
state will be explored. Several modern polymer characterization
techniques are introduced including gel permeation chromatography,
differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis and others.
Exclusion: CHM426H1
Recommended Preparation: CHE213H1, CHE220H1 or equivalents.
CHM434H1 F
CHM310H1 S Advanced Materials Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry 2/-/-/0.50
2m/-/-/0.50 IV-AEESCBASEO
A comprehensive investigation of synthetic methods for preparing diverse
This course considers carbon-containing molecules in the environment classes of inorganic materials with properties intentionally tailored for a
from a variety of perspectives: the carbon cycle, climate change and particular use. Begins with a primer on solid-state materials and
ocean acidification; fossil fuels and alternative energy sources; and the electronic band description of solids followed by a survey of archetypical
partitioning and degradation pathways of organic chemicals. solids that have had a dramatic influence on the materials world, some
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1, (MAT135H1, new developments in materials chemistry and a look at perceived future
MAT136H1)/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1 developments in materials research and technology. Strategies for
synthesizing many different classes of materials with intentionally
CHM325H1 S designed structures and compositions, textures and morphologies are
Introduction to Inorganic and Polymer Materials Chemistry then explored in detail emphasizing how to control the relations between
2/-/-/0.50 structure and property of materials and ultimately function and utility. A
III-AEESCBASEO number of contemporary issues in materials research are critically
Fashioned to illustrate how inorganic and polymer materials chemistry evaluated to appreciate recent highlights in the field of materials
can be rationally used to synthesize superconductors, metals, chemistry - an emerging sub-discipline of chemistry.
semiconductors, ceramics, elastomers, thermoplastics, thermosets and Prerequisite: CHM325H1, CHM338H1
polymer liquid crystals, with properties that can be tailored for
applications in a range of advanced technologies. Coverage is fairly
CHM446H1 S
broad and is organized to crosscut many aspects of the field. Organic Materials Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHM220H1/CHM225Y1/CHM222H1, CHM238Y1, 2/-/-/0.50
This course covers design, synthesis, characterization and application of
CHM410H1 F organic materials. Emphasis is placed on classic examples of organic
Analytical Environmental Chemistry materials including semiconducting polymers, molecular devices, self-
2/4/-/0.50 assembled systems, and bioconjugates, as well as recent advances from
I-AEMINENV the literature.
An analytical theory, instrumental, and methodology course focused on Prerequisite: CHM247H1/CHM249H1,
the measurement of pollutants in soil, water, air, and biological tissues CHM220H1/CHM222H1/CHM225Y1
and the determination of physical/chemical properties including vapour Recommended Preparation: CHM325H1, CHM342H1/CHM343H1
pressure, degradation rates, partitioning. Lab experiments involve
application of theory. (Lab Materials Fee: $25).
Prerequisite: CHM217H1, CHM210H1/CHM310H1
Recommended Preparation: CHM317H1
Civil Engineering
CHM415H1 S
Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry CIV100H1 F
2/-/-/0.50 Mechanics
This course builds upon the introductory understanding of atmospheric I-AECPEBASC, I-AEELEBASC,
chemistry provided in CHM210H. In particular, modern research topics in I-AEENGBASC, I-AEINDBASC,
the field are discussed, such as aerosol chemistry and formation I-AELMEBASC, I-AEMECBASC,
mechanisms, tropospheric organic chemistry, the chemistry of climate
including cloud formation and geoengineering, biosphere-atmosphere The principles of statics are applied to composition and resolution of
interactions, the chemistry of remote environments. Reading is from the forces, moments and couples. The equilibrium states of structures are
scientific literature; class discussion is emphasized. examined. Throughout, the free body diagram concept is emphasized.
Prerequisite: (CHM220H1/CHM222H1/CHM225Y1),CHM210H1 Vector algebra is used where it is most useful, and stress blocks are
Recommended Preparation: PHY138Y1/PHY140Y1/(PHY131H1, introduced. Shear force diagrams, bending moment diagrams and stress-
PHY132H1)/(PHY151H1, PHY152H1) strain relationships for materials are discussed. Stress and deformation
in axially loaded members and flexural members (beams) are also
CIV282H1 F CIV313H1 S
Engineering Communications I Reinforced Concrete I
1/-/1/0.20 3/-/2/0.50
This course develops students communications skills focusing on the This course provides an introduction to the design of reinforced concrete
specific skills required for work in foundational civil engineering. Target structures. Concrete technology, properties of concrete and reinforcing
communication areas include: Oral Presentation; Logical Argument; steel, construction practice, and general code requirements are
Document Development; Sentence and Discourse Control; and Visual discussed. Analysis and design of members under axial load, flexure,
Design. The course will build capacity in support of specific assignments shear, and restraint force are examined in detail. Other aspects of design
delivered in other courses in the same term. covered include control of cracks, minimum and maximum reinforcement
ratios, fire resistance, durability, distress and failure. A major design
project, done in teams of two and accounting for 15% of the final mark,
CIV300H1 F/S
Terrestrial Energy Systems requires students to formulate a complete design for a structural system
3/-/2/0.50 such as a pedestrian bridge or floor system. Project requirements include
IV-AECHEBASC, IV-AECIVBASC, consideration of alternative designs in terms of structural efficiency and
Core Course in the Sustainable Energy Minor Various earth systems for CIV324H1 S
energy transformation, storage and transport are explored. Geological, Geotechnical Engineering II
hydrological, biological, cosmological and oceanographic energy systems 3/1/1/0.50
are considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, including III-AECIVBASC, IV-AELMEBASC
the variation of solar energy received by the planet and the redistribution Building on CME321, more complex aspects of geotechnical analysis
of this energy through various radiative, latent and sensible heat transfer and design are considered. Topics include: mineralogy; soil identification
mechanisms. It considers the energy redistribution role of large scale and classification; laboratory- and field-based soil index tests;
atmospheric systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the correlations of index test results to engineering properties; vertical stress
polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological systems. The distribution; soil-foundation interaction; volume change and consolidation
contribution and influence of tectonic systems on the surface systems is of clay and settlement. Shear strength of soil and slope stability analysis
briefly introduced, as well the important role of energy storage processes are also discussed. Laboratories are held for soil identification and
in physical and biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil classification, and confined triaxial compression tests of clay and sand.
fuel reserves. Prerequisite: CIV321H1 or CME321H1.
Exclusion: EDV300H1. Exclusion: CIV424H1.
CIV301H1 S CIV331H1 F
Design of Hydro and Wind Electric Plants Transport I - Introduction to Urban Transportation Systems
3/-/2/0.50 3/-/1/0.50
Introduction to the applications of turbo-machinery. Description of typical This course introduces the fundamentals of transportation systems and
wind and hydroelectric plants; different types of turbo-machines. the application of engineering, mathematical and economic concepts and
Fundamental fluid mechanics equations, efficiency coefficients, velocity principles to address a variety of transportation issues in Canada.
triangles, characteristic curves, similarity laws, specific speed, vibration, Several major aspects of transportation engineering will be addressed,
cavitation of hydraulic turbines, pump/turbines; variable speed machines. including transportation planning, public transit, traffic engineering,
Estimation of main dimensions of machine units, machine house, geometric design, pavement design and the economic, social and
waterways, electrical and civil structure; transients and stability. Layout of environmental impacts of transportation. The course focuses on urban
electric and storage plants. Major and auxiliary equipments and systems. transportation engineering problems.
Small and mini plants. Case studies.
Exclusion: EDV301H1.
CIV340H1 S CIV357H1 S
Municipal Engineering Structural Design 2
3/-/2/0.50 3/-/2/0.50
Municipal service systems for water supply and wastewater disposal, Building on the "Structural Design I" course, further analysis tools for
land development, population forecasting, and demand analysis. Water indeterminate structural systems are studied with generalized flexibility
supply: source development, transmission, storage, pumping, and and stiffness methods. Loadings due to force, support displacement,
distribution networks. Sewerage and drainage, sewer and culvert temperature change and member prestrain are covered. Timber design
hydraulics, collection networks, and storm water management. aspects include material properties, beams, compression members and
Maintenance and rehabilitation of water and wastewater systems, and simple connections. The behaviour and design of basic reinforced
optimization of network design. Design projects. concrete elements covers concrete properties and members under axial
Prerequisite: EDV250H1 or CIV250H1. load, shear and bending. Other practical aspects of design incorporated
are crack control, minimum and maximum reinforcement ratios,
durability, formwork and shoring. The aptitude for structural analysis and
CIV342H1 F
Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes concrete design is then tested in a low-rise, reinforced concrete building
3/1/-/0.50 design project.
Principles involved in the design and operation of water and wastewater
CIV360H1 S
treatment facilities are covered, including physical, chemical and Road Transportation Performance
biological unit operations, advanced treatment and sludge processing. 3/-/1/0.50
A deep understanding of the behaviour and performance of road systems
CIV352H1 F is fundamental to transportation engineering and planning. This course
Structural Design 1 provides an in-depth exploration of the performance characteristics of
3/-/2/0.50 highway and street systems that provides the basis for the design of road
IV-AEESCBASEF, III-AEESCBASEI networks and operating systems, including Intelligent Transportation
The course covers the analysis of determinate and indeterminate Systems for real-time control of roadways. Theoretical principles and
structures, with application of the principles to the design of steel bridges. practical applications concerning roadway performance are discussed,
The nature of loads and structural safety is considered, with reference to including facility capacity, speed-flow relationships, operational control,
the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Shear and bending moment measurement of performance and safety. Driver behaviour and route
diagrams for beams and frames are reviewed, as is the deflection of choice and the demand-supply relationship between driver behaviour and
beams (by various methods) and the deflection of trusses. Classical system performance are examined in detail. Non-motorized (walking and
bridge types, such as arches, trusses and suspension bridges are cycling) system performance is also introduced.
analyzed. Analysis tools studied include: Influence Lines, virtual work,
fatigue, displacement methods for the analysis of indeterminate
CIV375H1 F
structures (including moment distribution for continuous beams), plus Building Science
solution by computer frame analysis programs. The behaviour and 3/0.33/2/0.50
design of basic steel members covers: tension members, compression IV-AECHEBASC, III-AECIVBASC,
members, beams, beam-columns and simple connections. Plastic I-AEMINENR, I-AEMINENV
analysis is introduced and applied to continuous beams. The expertise The fundamentals of the science of heat transfer, moisture diffusion, and
gained in structural analysis and steel design is then applied in a steel air movement are presented. Using these fundamentals, the principles of
bridge design project. more sustainable building enclosure design, including the design of walls
Prerequisite: CIV102H1 or equivalent. and roofs are examined. Selected case studies together with laboratory
investigations are used to illustrate how the required indoor temperature
and moisture conditions can be maintained using more durable and more
sustainable designs.
Exclusion: CIV575H1.
CIV416H1 F CIV456H1 S
Reinforced Concrete II Collaborative Design Project II
3/-/2/0.50 1/3/-/0.50
This course covers the behaviour and ultimate strength of reinforced The second of two integrated design project courses that are focussed
concrete structures. Members subjected to flexure, axial load, shear and on a single problem that has both transportation and structural design
torsion are treated. Detailing of reinforcement, the design of floor elements. This course emphasizes structural engineering design.
systems and the design of shear walls are covered. An introduction to the However, consideration of transportation engineering aspects are
seismic design of reinforced concrete structures is made. Emphasis is included, which are related to the first course in the series. Emphasis is
given to the relationship between recent research results and current on an integrated design process from conceptual design through to a
building codes. A brief treatment of the behaviour and design of masonry constructible plan which addresses the functional, economic, aesthetic
walls is included. and environmental aspects of the problem.
Prerequisite: CIV313H1. Prerequisite: CIV455H1
CIV420H1 F CIV460H1 F
Construction Engineering Engineering Project Finance and Management
3/-/2/0.50 3/-/1/0.50
This course considers the engineering aspects of construction including This course deals with the structuring, valuing, managing and financing
earthmoving, equipment productivity, fleet balancing, formwork design, of infrastructure projects. The financing portion builds on material
shoring, hoisting, aggregate production, equipment operating costs, and covered in Engineering Economics. Key topics include; structuring
modular construction. Several construction projects will be reviewed to projects, valuing projects, the rationale for project financing (types of
demonstrate methods and processes. Students will be expected to visit funds and financing), project viability and financial modeling, risk
construction sites, so safety boots and hard hats are required. analysis, externalities and social cost benefit analyses. Financing of large
scale projects by the public and private sectors as well as through
public/private partnerships is treated in detail. Project management
concepts, issues, and procedures are introduced. A series of case
studies analyzing both successful and unsuccessful projects are
Enrolment Limits: Civil Engineering students may take this course with
prior permission from the Division of Engineering Science and the
Department of Civil Engineering.
186 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Course Descriptions
CIV477H1 F/S CIV510H1 S
Special Studies in Civil Engineering Solid Mechanics II
3/-/1/0.50 3/-/2/0.50
A course covering selected topics in Civil Engineering not covered in This course provides a continuing study of the mechanics of deformable
other electives. The topics, which may be different every year, are solids. Stress and equilibrium conditions, strain and compatibility
selected by Staff. Course may not be offered every year and there may conditions, stress-strain relations and yield/failure criteria are considered
be limited enrolment in particular years. in the context of civil engineering materials. Two-and three-dimensional
Enrolment Limits: Permission of the Department of Civil Engineering is elasticity theory is developed, with an introduction to the use of tensor
required. notation. Advanced topics in bending, shear and torsion of beams are
also covered, as is elementary plate bending theory. The course
concludes with a further development and application of energy methods
CIV488H1 S
Entrepreneurship and Business for Engineers including virtual work, potential energy, strain energy, and related
3/-/2/0.50 approaches.
I-AECERBUS, I-AEMINBUS Prerequisite: CIV210H1 or CME210H1.
A complete introduction to small business formation, management and
wealth creation. Topics include: the nature of the Entrepreneur and the CIV513H1 S
Canadian business environment; business idea search and Business Collaborative Engineering and Architectural Design Studio
Plan construction; Buying a business, franchising, taking over a family 1/5/-/0.50
business; Market research and sources of data; Marketing strategies Engineering and Architecture students are paired to form a design team
promotion, pricing, advertising, electronic channels and costing; The for a specified building design project. Lectures are given on design
sales process and management, distribution channels and global development, aspects of structural system design, the relationship of
marketing; Accounting, financing and analysis, sources of funding, and structure to program and function, modeling and drawing, digital
financial controls; The people dimension: management styles, recruiting modeling, as well as topics related to the specific term design project.
and hiring, legal issues in employment and Human Resources; Legal Studio design experience to familiarize students with both the synergistic
forms of organization and business formation, taxation, intellectual and divergent goals of the engineering and architectural design and to
property protection; the e-Business world and how businesses develop collaboration skills for optimizing the outcome of the
participate; Managing the business: location and equipping the business, interdisciplinary professional interaction. Architecture students in this joint
suppliers and purchasing, credit, ethical dealing; Exiting the business and studio are enrolled in ARC3016Y S.
succession, selling out. A full Business Plan will be developed by each Prerequisite: CIV313H1/CIV352H1, CIV357H1.
student and the top submissions will be entered into a Business Plan Enrolment Limits: Enrolment will be limited to students enrolled in the
competition with significant cash prices for the winners. Examples will be Yolles Design section of CIV498H. Graduate students may take this
drawn from real business situations including practicing entrepreneurs course by application only.
making presentations and class visits during the term. (Identical courses
are offered in other Departments: MSE488H1, MIE488H1, ECE488H1
CIV514H1 F
and CHE488H1.)
Concrete Technology
Exclusion: APS234H1, APS432H1.
CIV498H1 S Material aspects of concrete production will be dealt with in the context of
Group Design Project various performance criteria with emphasis on durability. The process of
-/-/3/0.50 material selection, proportioning, mixing, transporting, placing and curing
concrete will be the framework within which topics such as: the use of
The Group Design Project is a significant design experience that admixtures, choice of cements, environmental influences, methods of
integrates the mathematics, basic sciences, engineering sciences, consolidation and testing techniques will be studied.
complementary studies, and detailed design aspects of the different civil Prerequisite: CIV209H1
engineering sub-disciplines.
Prerequisite: CIV497H1.
CIV515H1 F
Exclusion: APS490Y1
Introduction to Structural Dynamics
Individual Project The concept of dynamic equilibrium and corresponding equation of
-/-/3/0.50 motion will be introduced. The theoretical solution of a songle degree of
freedom system will be derived and the effects of verious types of loads,
Individual Projects are arranged between the student and a supervising such as impulse load, sinusoidal load, or random vibration on the
faculty member. The individual project can have either a design project structural response will be discussed. To solve dynamic problems of
focus or a research focus. If the focus is on design then the design multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) systems, concepts of mass, stiffness,
project can be either motivated by the CIV498H1 Group Design Project and damping matrix will be introduced, which will be followed by eigen
experience, or it can be entirely new. The students work must culminate value analysis and modal analysis. The concepts of Fourier
in a final design report or a thesis, as well as an oral presentation. The Transformation will be introduced, which will be used to interpret dynamic
grading of both the final written submission as well as the oral responses of structures or dynamic nature of applied loads. Dynamic
presentation is carried out by the supervising faculty member. The experiments of elastic systems will be demonstrated using an
Individual Project may be undertaken in either the Fall (F) or Winter (S) educational shaking table.
Session, but not both (i.e., the Individual Project carries a maximum Prerequisite: CIV312H1 and CIV313H1 or equivalent
weight of 0.5; it cannot be made into a full year course)
CIV550H1 F
Water Resources Engineering
Civil and Mineral Engineering
Global and national water problems, law and legislation. Hydraulic Earth Systems Science
structures. Reservoir analysis. Urban drainage and runoff control: 3/2/1/0.50
meteorologic data analysis, deterministic and stochastic modelling I-AECIVBASC, I-AELMEBASC
techniques. Flood control: structural and nonstructural alternatives. This course introduces students to the basic earth sciences with an
Power generation: hydro and thermal power generation. Low flow emphasis on understanding the impact of humans on the natural earth
augmentation. Economics and decision making. systems. Beginning with a study of the lithosphere, principles of physical
Prerequisite: CIV250H1/EDV250H1, CIV340H1 S or equivalent geology will be examined including the evolution and internal structure of
the earth, dynamic processes that affect the earth, formation of minerals
and rocks and soil, ore bodies and fossil- energy sources. Next, the
CIV575H1 F
Studies in Building Science biosphere will be studied, including the basic concepts of ecology
3/-/2/0.50 including systems ecology and biogeochemical cycles. The influence of
IV-AEESCBASEI, IV-AEESCBASEJ humans and the built environment on these natural systems will also be
This course examines the basic principles governing the control of heat, examined with a view to identifying more sustainable engineering
moisture and air movement in buildings and presents the fundamentals practices. Finally, students will study the oceans and the atmosphere and
of building enclosure design. With this background, students are required the physical, chemical and thermodynamic processes involved in climate
to research advanced topics related to emerging areas of Building change.
Science, and to write and present to the class an individual
comprehensive paper related to their research. Lectures for this course CME210H1 F
will be jointly offered with those of CIV375H1. Solid Mechanics I
Exclusion: CIV375H1. 3/1.50/1.50/0.50
An introduction to the mechanics of deformable bodies. General biaxial
CIV576H1 S
Sustainable Buildings and triaxial stress conditions in continua are studied, as are elastic
3/-/1/0.50 stress, strain and deformation relations for members subjected to axial
IV-AECIVBASC, IV-AEESCBASEI, load, bending and shear. Properties of plane sections, moment-area
IV-AEESCBASEJ, I-AEMINENR, theorems for calculating deflection, and Mohrs circle representation of
I-AEMINENV stress and of moment of inertia are examined, followed by a look at
Building systems including the thermal envelope, heating and cooling stability.
systems, as well as water and lighting systems are examined with a view Prerequisite: CIV100H1/CIV101H1, MAT186H1, MAT187H1
to reducing the net energy consumed within the building. Life-cycle Exclusion: CIV210H1
economic and assessment methods are applied to the evaluation of
various design options including considerations of embodied energy and
CME261H1 F
carbon sequestration. Green building strategies including natural
Engineering Mathematics I
ventilation, passive solar, photovoltaics, solar water heaters, green roofs 3/1/1/0.50
and geothermal energy piles are introduced. Following the application of II-AECIVBASC, II-AELMEBASC
these methods, students are introduced to efficient designs including This course deals with both numerical methods for engineering analysis
LEED designs that lessen the impact of buildings on the environment. (solution of linear and non-linear equations, interpolation, numerical
Exemplary building designs will be presented and analyzed. integration) and advanced topics in analytical calculus (multiple integrals
Prerequisite: CIV375H1/CIV575H1 or equivalent. and vector analysis). Within the numerical methods portion of the course
emphasis is placed on problem formulation, solution algorithm design
and programming applications. Within the analytical calculus portion
emphasis is placed on the mathematical foundations of engineering
practice and the interrelationship between analytical and numerical
solution methods.
Prerequisite: MAT188H1, MAT187H1
Exclusion: CIV261H1
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 189
Course Descriptions
CME263H1 S CME362H1 S
Probability Theory for Civil and Mineral Engineers Engineering Mathematics II
3/-/2/0.50 3/-/2/0.50
Probability theory as the study of random phenomena in Civil and Mineral This course continues the study of numerical and analytical methods for
Engineering systems, including the definition of probability, conditional civil engineering analysis. Analytical and numerical methods for solving
probability, Bayes theorem in discrete and continuous sample spaces. ordinary differential equations are treated in some detail, followed by
Common single and multivariate distributions. Mathematical expectation numerical solution methods for partial differential equations. The final
including mean and variance. Independence. An introduction to major topic of the course deals with an introduction to optimization.
realizations of probability models and parameter estimation. Emphasis is placed throughout the course on problem formulation,
Exclusion: CIV263H1 solution algorithm design and programming applications.
Exclusion: CIV362H1
CME270H1 F
Fluid Mechanics I CME368H1 F
3/1.50/1/0.50 Engineering Economics and Decision Making
Fluid and flow characteristics, applications, dimensions and units. Fluid I-AECERBUS, I-AECERENTR,
statics. One-dimensional flow including conservation of mass, energy I-AEMINBUS
and momentum. Introduction to dimensional analysis and similitude,
The incorporation of economic and non-monetary considerations for
laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer concept, and flow about
making decision about public and private sector engineering systems in
immersed objects. Calculation of flow in closed conduits and open
urban and other contexts. Topics include rational decision making; cost
concepts; time value of money and engineering economics;
Exclusion: CIV270H1
microeconomic concepts; treatment of risk and uncertainty; and public
project evaluation techniques incorporating social and environmental
CME321H1 F impacts including benefit cost analysis and multi-objective analysis.
Geotechnical Engineering I Exclusion: CIV368H1
An introduction to elements of geotechnical analysis and design. Shear
strength at constant volume; ultimate limit state design of retaining walls,
shored excavations, rafts, strip and spread footings, and piles and
caissons. Compaction of granular soil; engineered fills for earth dams,
roads, and backfills. Consolidation of fine grained soil; construction RSM430H1 F
Fixed Income Securities
preloads and ultimate settlement predictions. Permeability, seepage
analysis, and internal stability of granular soil; internal hydraulic design of IV-AEESCBASEF
coffer dams and zoned earth dams; construction dewatering. Site
Describes important fixed income securities and markets. The course
investigation and monitoring techniques in support of geotechnical
emphasizes traditional bond and term structure concepts crucial to
design. Laboratories for unconfined compression, direct shear,
understand the securities traded in these markets. Students are required
groundwater flow models, and reinforced earth models.
to work in the Rotman Financial Research & Trading Lab to solve the
Prerequisite: CIV270H1/CME270H1, CIV210H1/CME210H1
assigned problems using real time data. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.
Exclusion: CIV321H1
Contact Rotman Commerce for details.
Prerequisite: Rotman Commerce: RSM332H1; Actuarial Science:
CME358H1 F ACT349H1
Survey CAMP (Civil and Mineral Practicals)
Risk Management for Financial Managers
This two-week August field camp provides students with the opportunity
to further their understanding of the vital interactions between the natural IV-AEESCBASEF
and the built environments. Through fieldwork, students gain hands-on
This course examines the ways in which risks are quantified and
experience in the use of various field instruments used by Civil and
managed by financial institutions. The principal risks considered include
Mineral Engineers. The essentials of land surveying and the use of
market risk, credit risk and operational risk. The course also covers the
surveying instruments including Global Positioning Systems are taught
evolution of bank regulation and the regulatory limits on risk taking. Not
as students carry out a series of field exercises that include route
eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details.
surveys, topographic surveys and construction surveys. Survey
Prerequisite: RSM333H1
calculations, sources of error, corrections and adjustments are also
introduced. In order to better understand our impact on the natural
environment, students also perform several additional exercises. These RSM434H1 S
may include the measurement of river flows, remote sensing of soil and Financial Trading Strategies (formerly RSM412H1 Financial
Trading Strategies)
rock, remediation of a borrow pit, and the evaluation of the renewable
energy potential of the wind and solar radiation. Note: This course IV-AEESCBASEF
requires payment of an extra fee for room and board.
This course will use finance theory applied with Excel applications to
Exclusion: CIV358H1
understand potential returns and risks inherent in particular
investment/trading strategies. Learning-by-doing will be facilitated by
simulation-based Rotman Interactive Trader cases focused on particular
190 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Course Descriptions
risks. This training will be analogous to using a flight simulator for CSC309H1 F/S
learning to fly. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Programming on the Web
Commerce for details. 2/-/1/0.50
Prerequisite: RSM332H1
Exclusion: RSM412H1 Financial Trading Strategies An introduction to software development on the web. Concepts
underlying the development of programs that operate on the web; survey
of technological alternatives; greater depth on some technologies.
Operational concepts of the internet and the web, static client content,
dynamic client content, dynamically served content, n-tiered
Computer Science architectures, web development processes, and security on the web.
Assignments involve increasingly more complex web-based programs.
CSC180H1 F Guest lecturers from leading e-commerce firms will describe the
Introduction to Computer Programming architecture and operation of their web sites.
3/3/-/0.50 Prerequisite: CSC209H1, CSC343H1
The first of two courses that introduces students to programming and CSC318H1 F/S
computational thinking, and prepares them for additional study across a The Design of Interactive Computational Media
breadth of programming fields. Students will learn to use the Python 2/-/1/0.50
programming language to design and implement computational solutions IV-AEESCBASER
to problems drawn from their 1F courses, with specific focus on User-centred design of interactive systems; methodologies, principles,
algorithms, data structures, problem decomposition, and the use of and metaphors; task analysis. Interdisciplinary design; the role of graphic
programming paradigms appropriate to the problems being solved. design, industrial design, and the behavioural sciences. Interactive
Specifically, this course aims to have students work with and understand hardware and software; concepts from computer graphics. Typography,
profiling and runtime analysis, searching and sorting algorithms, and the layout, colour, sound, video, gesture, and usability enhancements.
use of recursion. Classes of interactive graphical media; direct manipulation systems,
extensible systems, rapid prototyping tools. Students work on projects in
CSC190H1 S interdisciplinary teams. Enrolment limited, but non-computer scientists
Computer Algorithms and Data Structures welcome.
3/3/-/0.50 Prerequisite: Any CSC half-course
I-AEESCBASE Recommended Preparation: CSC300H1 provides useful background for
The second of two courses that introduces students to programming and work in CSC318H1, so if you plan to take CSC300H1 then you
computational thinking, and prepares them for additional study across a should do it before CSC318H1
breadth of programming fields. Students will learn to use the C
programming language to design and implement computational solutions CSC326H1 F
to problems drawn from their 1S courses, and will explore new Programming Languages
programming paradigms, algorithm design techniques, and data 3/1.50m/1m/0.50
structures appropriate to these challenges. Specifically, this course aims III,IV-AECPEBASC, III,IV-AEELEBASC,
to have students work with and understand linked lists, stacks, queues, IV-AEESCBASER
trees, heaps, hashing, pointers (including function pointers) and arrays, Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are object-
data types and bit operations, and dynamic memory management. oriented scripting functional and logic-based approaches. Languages that
support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated
include Python, Lisp or Scheme and Prolog.
CSC192H1 F
Exclusion: CSC324H1
Computer Programming, Algorithms, Data Structures and
3/3/-/0.50 CSC343H1 F/S
An accelerated and combined version of CSC180H1 and CSC190H1 Introduction to Databases
intended for students who have some previous programming experience 2/-/1/0.50
(e.g. one year programming in Turing, Pascal, Java, C or similar IV-AEESCBASER
languages.) Students will focus on problem decomposition and the use of
Introduction to database management systems. The relational data
programming paradigms appropriate to the problems being solved.
model. Relational algebra. Querying and updating databases: the query
Computational thinking is introduced as a means to solve problems
language SQL. Application programming with SQL. Integrity constraints,
through a focus on algorithm, data, and models of computation. Students
normal forms, and database design. Elements of database system
will design and implement computational solutions to problems drawn
technology: query processing, transaction management.
from their 1F courses, and will explore new programming paradigms
Prerequisite: CSC165H1/CSC240H1/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)
appropriate to these challenges. More advanced forms of computational
/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; CSC207H1Prerequisite for
thinking suitable for understanding and solving a wider variety of
Engineering students only: ECE345/CSC190/CSC192
problems are introduced.
Exclusion: CSC434H1
ESS222H1 S
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Origin and classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
and their associated ore deposits. Emphasis is placed on formation of EEB214H1 S
rock types in the context of plate tectonic theory, and the practical Evolution and Adaptation
aspects of rock identification in hand sample and thin section. 2/-/1/0.50
Prerequisite: ESS221H1
Exclusion: GLG207H1 Evolution and adaptation of life on Earth. Introduction to the theory of
evolution by natural selection. Topics may include: evidence supporting
the fact of evolution, and how evolutionary theory can help explain the
ESS241H1 F world around us, such as how species are formed, and the evolution of
Geologic Structures and Maps sex, infanticide, and disease.
III-AELMEBASC Exclusion: BIO120H1/BIO150Y1
Field observations, description and classification of geological structures:
stratigraphic and intrusive contacts, unconformities; relative age
determination; folds and fold systems; faults and fault systems;
boudinage, foliations and lineations; spherical projections and Electrical and Computer
mechanical principles (stress, strain, rheology). Practical work focuses on
reading geological maps, constructing cross-sections, and interpreting Engineering
both in terms of geological processes and histories.
Exclusion: GLG345H1 ECE101H1 F
Recommended Seminar Course: Introduction to Electrical and Computer
Preparation: (PHY131H1,PHY132H1)/(PHY151H1,PHY152H1) Engineering
ESS331H1 F This is a seminar series that will introduce first year students to the
Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
wealth of subjects within the field of Electrical and Computer
IV-AELMEBASC Engineering. Instructors will be drawn from the various research groups
within the Department. This course will be offered on a credit/no-credit
Formal principles of stratigraphy, types of stratigraphic unit, methods of
basis. Credit will not be given to students who attend fewer than 70% of
dating and correlation (biostratigraphic methods, magnetostratigraphy,
the seminars. Students who receive no credit for the course must re-take
radiometric dating). Methods of study in surface and subsurface (outcrop
it in their 2F session. Students who have not received credit for this
measurement, elementary introduction to wireline logs, seismic
course at the end of their 2F session will not be permitted to register in
methods). The principles of facies analysis; sediment transport -
session 2S.
sedimentary structures, the flow regime, and sediment gravity flows. The
carbonate factory and carbonate rock classification. Trace fossils.
ECE241H1 F
Digital Systems
ECE201H1 F 3/3m/-/0.50
Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar II-AECPEBASC, II-AEELEBASC
1/-/-/0.15 Digital logic circuit design with substantial hands-on laboratory work.
II-AECPEBASC, II-AEELEBASC Algebraic and truth table representation of logic functions and variables.
This seminar introduces second year students to the various career Optimizations of combinational logic, using dont cares. Multi-level logic
pathways within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. optimization. Transistor-level design of logic gates; propagation delay
Instructors from the various third and fourth year ECE courses will offer a and timing of gates and circuits. The Verilog hardware description
weekly seminar lecture to help guide students to select a set of practical language. Memory in digital circuits, including latches, clocked flip-flops,
and worthwhile upper year courses for their intended career. This and Static Random Access Memory. Set-up and hold times of sequential
courses will be offered on a credit/no credit basis. Credit will not be logic. Finite state machines - design and implementation. Binary number
given to students who attend fewer than 70% of the seminars. Students representation, hardware addition and multiplication. Tri-state gates, and
who receive no credit for the course must re-take it in their 3F session. multiplexors. There is a major lab component using Complex
Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) and Field-Programmable Gate
3F session will not be permitted to register for their 3S session. Arrays (FPGAs) and associated computer-aided design software.
ECE212H1 F ECE243H1 S
Circuit Analysis Computer Organization
3/1.50m/2m/0.50 3/3m/-/0.50
Nodal and loop analysis and network theorems. Natural and forced Basic computer structure. Design of central processing unit. Hardwired
response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. and microprogrammed control. Input-output and the use of interrupts.
Frequency response; resonance phenomena; poles and zeros; Arithmetic circuits. Assembly language programming. Main memory
applications of the Laplace transform. organization. Peripherals and interfacing. Microprocessors. System
design considerations. The laboratory will consist of experiments
ECE216H1 S involving logic systems and microprocessors. Design activity constitutes
Signals and Systems a major portion of laboratory work.
ECE244H1 F
Fundamental discrete- and continuous-time signals, definition and Programming Fundamentals
properties of systems, linearity and time invariance, convolution, impulse 3/2m/1m/0.50
response, differential and difference equations, Fourier analysis, II-AECPEBASC, II-AEELEBASC
sampling and aliasing, applications in communications. Provides a foundation in programming using an object-oriented
programming language. Topics include: classes and objects, inheritance,
exception handling, basic data structures (lists, tree, etc.), big-O
complexity analysis, and testing and debugging. The laboratory
assignments emphasize the use of object-oriented programming
constructs in the design and implementation of reasonably large
ECE358H1 S
ECE352H1 F Foundations of Computing
Computer Organization 3/-/1/0.50
A continuation of some of the topics introduced in ECE253F, Digital and Fundamentals of algorithm design and computational complexity,
Computer Systems. Synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, including: analysis of algorithms, graph algorithms, greedy algorithms,
pipelining, integer and floating-point arithmetic, RISC processors. divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, network flow, approximation
algorithms, the theory of NP-completeness, and various NP-complete
ECE353H1 S
Systems Software
3/3/-/0.50 ECE360H1 F
Operating system structure, processes, threads, synchronization, CPU IV-AEESCBASEF, III-AEESCBASEP,
scheduling, memory management, file systems, input/output, multiple III-AEESCBASER
processor systems, virtualization, protection, and security. The laboratory An introduction to electronics. Basic electronic circuits: introductory
exercises will require implementation of part of an operating system. frequency analysis, operational amplifiers, diodes, bipolar junction
transistors, field-effect transistors, small-signal analysis, frequency
response of single-stage circuits.
ECE354H1 S
Electronic Circuits
3/1.50/0.50/0.50 ECE361H1 F/S
III-AEESCBASER Computer Networks I
A course on analog and digital electronic circuits. Topics include single- 3/1.50m/1m/0.50
stage amplifiers, current mirrors, cascode amplifiers and differential pairs. III,IV-AECPEBASC, III,IV-AEELEBASC,
Amplifier frequency response, feedback and stability are also covered.
Digital CMOS logic circuits are introduced. Layered network architectures; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite.
Introduction to sockets; introduction to application layer protocols. Peer-
to-Peer Protocols: ARQ; TCP reliable stream service; flow control. Data
ECE355H1 F Link Controls: Framing; PPP; HDLC. Medium access control and LANs:
Signal Analysis and Communication
Aloha; Ethernet; Wireless LANs; Bridges. Packet Switching: Datagram
IV-AEESCBASEF, III-AEESCBASER and virtual circuit switching; Shortest path algorithms; Distance vector
and link state algorithms.
An introduction to continuous-time and discrete-time signals and
Prerequisite: STA286H1 or ECE302H1
systems. Topics include characterization of linear time-invariant systems,
Corequisite: ECE302H1. (Students must take the co-requisite,
Fourier analysis, linear filtering, sampling of continuous-time signals, and
ECE302H1 in the same term as ECE361H, OR in a term before
modulation techniques for communication systems.
taking ECE361H1.)
ECE356H1 S
Linear Systems and Control ECE363H1 S
3/1.50/1/0.50 Communication Systems
An introduction to dynamic systems and their control. Differential
An introductory course in analog and digital communication systems.
equation models of physical systems using transfer functions and state
Analog and digital signals. Probability and random processes. Energy
space models. Linearization. Initial and input response. Stability theory.
and power spectral densities; bandwidth. Distortionless analog
Principle of feedback. Internal Model Principle. Frequencey response.
communication; amplitude, frequency and phase modulation systems;
Nyquist stability. Loop shaping theory. Computer aided design using
frequency division multiplexing. Sampling, quantization and pulse code
MATLAB and Simulink.
modulation (PCM). Baseband digital communication; intersymbol
Prerequisite: ECE355H1
interference (ISI); Nyquists ISI criterion; eye diagrams. Passband digital
communications; amplitude-, phase- and frequency-shift keying; signal
constellations. Performance analysis of analog modulation schemes in
the presence of noise. Performance analysis of PCM in noise.
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 197
Course Descriptions
Prerequisite: MAT389H1 and ECE355H1 ECE419H1 S
Distributed Systems
Control Systems IV-AEESCBASER
3/1.50m/1m/0.50 Design issues in distributed systems: heterogeneity, security,
I-AEMINRAM transparency, concurrency, fault-tolerance; networking principles;
request-reply protocol; remote procedure calls; distributed objects;
State space analysis of linear systems, the matrix exponential,
middleware architectures; CORBA; security and authentication protocols;
linearization of nonlinear systems. Structural properties of linear systems:
distributed file systems; name services; global states in distributed
stability, controllability, observability, stabilizability, and detectability. Pole
systems; coordination and agreement; transactions and concurrency
assignment using state feedback, state estimation using observers, full-
control; distributed transactions; replication.
order and reduced-order observer design, design of feedback
Prerequisite: ECE344H1 or ECE353H1
compensators using the separation principle, control design for tracking.
Control design based on optimization, linear quadratic optimal control,
the algebraic Riccati equation. Laboratory experiments include computer- ECE422H1 S
aided design using MATLAB and the control of an inverted pendulum on Radio and Microwave Wireless Systems
a cart. 3/1.50m/1m/0.50
Prerequisite: ECE311H1 IV-AEESCBASER
Exclusion: ECE557H1
Analysis and design of systems employing radio waves, covering both
the underlying electromagnetics and the overall system performance
ECE411H1 S aspects such as signal-to-noise ratios. Transmission/reception
Real-Time Computer Control phenomena include: electromagnetic wave radiation and polarization;
3/1.50m/1m/0.50 elementary and linear dipoles; directivity, gain, efficiency; integrated,
IV-AEESCBASER, IV-AEESCBASET, phased-array and aperture antennas; beam-steering; Friis transmission
I-AEMINRAM formulas. Propagation phenomena include: diffraction and wave
Digital Control analysis and design by state-space methods. Introduction propagation over obstacles; multipath propagation in urban
to scheduling of control tasks using fixed-priority protocols. Labs include environments; atmospheric and ionospheric effects. Receiver design
control design using MATLAB and Simulink, and computer control of the aspects include: receiver figures of merit, noise in cascaded systems,
inverted pendulum using a PC with real-time software. noise figure, and noise temperature. System examples are: fixed wireless
Prerequisite: ECE311H1 or ECE356H1 access; mobile and personal communication systems; wireless cellular
concepts; satellite communications; radar; radiometric receivers; GPS.
Prerequisite: ECE320H1 or ECE357H1
ECE413H1 S
Energy Systems and Distributed Generation
3/1.50m/1m/0.50 ECE431H1 F/S
Three-phase systems; steady-state transmission line model; symmetrical I-AEMINRAM
three-phase faults; power system stability; symmetrical components; An introductory course in digital filtering and applications. Introduction to
unsymmetrical faults and fault current calculation; distribution network; real-world signal processing. Review of sampling and quantization of
equivalent steady-state model of voltage-sourced converter; distributed signals. Introduction to the discrete Fourier transform and its properties.
energy resources (DR); distributed energy storage; interface between DR The fast Fourier transform. Fourier analysis of signals using the discrete
and power system. Fourier transform. Structures for discrete-time systems. Design and
Prerequisite: ECE314H1 or ECE315H1 or ECE349H1 or ECE359H1 realization of digital filters: finite and infinite impulse response filters. DSP
applications to communications: decimators and interpolators, estimation,
ECE417H1 S equalization. DSP applications to multimedia: DCT and video coding.
Digital Communication
3/1.50m/1m/0.50 ECE442H1 F
III,IV-AECPEBASC, III,IV-AEELEBASC, Introduction to Micro- and Nano-Fabrication Technologies
Basic concepts of digital communication. Baseband data transmission, IV-AECPEBASC, III,IV-AEELEBASC,
intersymbol interference, Nyquist pulse shaping, equalization, line IV-AEESCBASEO, IV-AEESCBASER,
coding, multi-path fading, diversity. Binary and M-ary modulation
schemes, synchronization. Signal space concepts, optimum receivers, An introduction to the fundamentals of micro- and nano-fabrication
coherent and noncoherent detectors. Information theory, source processes with emphasis on cleanroom practices. The physical principles
encoding, error control coding, block and convolutional codes. of optical lithography, electron-beam lithography, alternative
Prerequisite: ECE302H1 and ECE316H1, or STA286H1 nanolithography techniques, and thin film deposition and metrology
methods. The physical and chemical processes of wet and dry etching.
Cleanroom concepts and safety protocols. Sequential micro-fabrication
processes involved in the manufacture of microelectronic and photonic
devices. Imaging and characterization of micro- and nano-structures.
Examples of practical existing and emerging micro- and nano-devices.
Limited enrollment.
Prerequisite: ECE335H1 or ECE350H1
ESC103H1 F
ECE568H1 S Engineering Mathematics and Computation
Computer Security
3/3m/-/0.50 I-AEESCBASE
IV-AEESCBASER This course is designed to introduce students to mathematics in an
As computers permeate our society, the security of such computing engineering context, while exposing students to computational
systems is becoming of paramount importance. This course covers techniques. Topics include: vectors, lines and planes; 3-D visualization;
principles of computer systems security. To build secure systems, one matrices and transformations; matrix inverses, eigenvalues and
must understand how attackers operate. This course starts by teaching determinants; solving linear systems; curve fitting and least squares;
students how to identify security vulnerabilities and how they can be numerical integration and numerical solutions to differential equations.
exploited. Then techniques to create secure systems and defend against Course content is complemented with the use of MATLAB computational
such attacks will be discussed. Industry standards for conducting security software.
audits to establish levels of security will be introduced. The course will
include an introduction to basic cryptographic techniques as well as ESC203H1 F
hardware used to accelerate cryptographic operations in ATMs and Engineering, Society & Critical Thinking
webservers. 3/-/1/0.50
Prerequisite: ECE344H1 or ECE353H1 II-AEESCBASE
Through this course, students will examine the interrelations of science,
technology, society and the environment (STSE), emphasizing a
humanities and social sciences perspective. Using topics in STSE as the
context, students will consider established models of critical thinking and
develop their own framework for analyzing socio-technical issues.
Engineering Science Students will have the opportunity to apply tools learned through
persuasive writing and formal debate. Upon completion of the course,
students will have an understanding of how structured models of thinking
can aid in the analysis and evaluation of thought, and should be able to
ESC472H1 S
ESC401H1 S
Electrical and Computer Capstone Design
Technology & Society Student Directed Seminar
3/-/1/0.50 IV-AEESCBASER
Humanities and Social Science elective. A half-year capstone design course in which students work in small
Through this course, students have the opportunity to propose a topic for teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication
exploration in the realm of technology and society studies to run as a skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and
student-led seminar course. Accepted course topics in any given year will project management. The course focus is on innovative, entrepreneurial
be based on student interest. The student course leader(s) are expected engineering design, that results in a functional prototype. Students
to work with the course coordinator to create a full course plan, including identify, frame, and design solutions to problems that align with that
learning objectives, course topics and methods of assessment. All focus, and the resulting designs are assessed on their engineering
participants are expected to contribute to the learning experience, quality and design credibility. In addition, each student engages in
through presentations, suggestions of readings and subtopics. The individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance,
student directed seminar provides an opportunity to explore a topic of and on their growth as an engineering designer across their
interest, and gain experience in course planning and delivery in a undergraduate program. Students are supported by a teaching team
collaborative learning environment. Suggested topics may include comprising both design and domain experts.
engineering & international development, engineering education Exclusion: APS490Y1
& outreach, the politicization of science, gender & technology, or cross-
profession collaboration; however, students may propose any topic in the ESC490H1 F/S
broad realm of technology and society studies. Deadlines for student Engineering Science Independent Study
directed seminar proposals and seminar registration will be publicized by -/-/6/0.50
the Division of Engineering Science. Independent study courses are student initiated projects, open to
Engineering Science students, which allow students to work one-on-one
ESC470H1 S with a division faculty member. The student and supervising faculty
Energy Systems Capstone Design member will develop a learning plan for the semester within the first week
-/-/5/0.50 of term (Limited Enrollment).
A half-year capstone design course in which students work in teams to ESC499H1 F/S
apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills Thesis
learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project 3/2/-/0.50
management. The course focus is on context-appropriate energy IV-AEESCBASEA, IV-AEESCBASEI
systems design and simulation, incorporating generation, transmission Every student in Fourth Year Engineering Science is required to prepare
and storage of energy from across a range of traditional and alternative a thesis on an approved subject. Instructions concerning the thesis
energy sources. Students identify, frame, and design solutions to requirements are issued during the Winter Session of Third Year and
problems that align with that focus, and the resulting designs are copies may be obtained in the Division office. The weight allocated to the
assessed on their engineering quality and design credibility. In addition, thesis in each option is shown in the Fourth Year curriculum. Full year
each student engages in individual critical reflection on their course theses are graded after submission in the Winter Session and the grade
activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering included in the weighted average for that session only.
designer across their undergraduate program. Students are supported by
a teaching team comprising both design and domain experts.
Exclusion: APS490Y1
FOR308H1 F FOR425H1 S
Discovering Wood and its Role in Societal Development Bioenergy and Biorefinery Technology
3/-/1/0.50 2/-/2/0.50
Trees and their components have been used through the centuries for
shelter, heat, entertainment, weapons, sport, furnishings, communication, Technological advances and approaches in deriving biofuels, chemical
food and medicines. This course explores the co-evolution of nature and feedstocks from forest and other biomass resources. Fundamental
culture by examining the social and economic impacts that the forest chemical attributes of biomass, as they affect the fuel value and potential
HPS281H1 F/S
History of Technology and Engineering Pre-Industrial
Human Biology
The origins of technology and engineering, from the civilizations of the HMB200H1 S
Ancient World, Greece and Rome, through the Medieval World and the
Introduction to Neuroscience
Renaissance. Emphasis on the developments of techniques and IV-AEESCBASET
machines with an indication of the context in which these occur. (To be
A survey of brain systems, including evolution and development of the
offered in the Winter Session ).
nervous system, brain stem system for defensive and approach
responses, limbic and cortical systems for learning, and higher brain
HPS282H1 F/S functions. Techniques for study of brain systems including pharmacology,
History of Technology and Engineering gene targeting and human brain imaging are introduced.
2/-/1/0.50 Prerequisite: (BIO120H1+BIO130H1)/BIO150Y1, PSY100H1
The development of technology and engineering from the Industrial Corequisite: Pre- or co-requisite:
Revolution to the present. An historical overview emphasizing new PSL300H1/PSL302Y1/(BIO270H1+BIO271H1)
machines, power sources, materials and processes, as well as Exclusion: PSY290H1/HMB220H1
communications. Some stress is laid on innovation within historical
contexts, the changing relationship between science and technology, and
HMB265H1 F
the nature of engineering in history. (HPS281H1 S coordinates with this General & Human Genetics
course, but it is not a pre-requisite.) 2/-/1/0.50
An introduction to classical and modern methods of genetic analysis.
HPS283H1 S Topics include Mendelian genetics, the genetics of human population
The Engineer in History and disease, genomics, and applications of genetics to human society.
2/-/1/0.50 Prerequisite: (BIO120H1+BIO130H1)
I-AEMINBUS Corequisite: BIO230H1/BIO255H1/(BIO240H1+BIO241H1)
The emphasis in this course will be more on the history of engineers as Exclusion: BIO260H1, BIO207H5
workers, members of professional groups, and managers rather than
engineering proper, although obviously engineering cannot be ignored
when we talk about engineers work. The aim of the course is to give an
understanding of the heritage of engineers as participants in the
economy and society. Joint Courses
HPS308H1 F/S JRE300H1 F/S
Technology and Prosperity Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
2/-/1/0.50 3/-/1/0.50
The systemic nature of modern technology suggests that it has intimate Complementary Studies elective
interactions with society, human values, ideologies, and the economy.
This course introduces a brief overview of essential concepts in
We will attempt to examine these interactions in history in order to
accounting and corporate finance. The first part of the course covers the
promote reflection on ways in which technology and its evolution could
fundamentals of accounting. We start by exploring the basic language of
be managed for the benefit of humankind.
accounting and the fundamental concepts of financial reporting. Students
Recommended Preparation: any half course in HPS at the 200-level
learn to read and analyze basic financial statements including the
statements of financial position, comprehensive income, changes in
equity, and cash flows. We then introduce key management accounting
concepts and explore various methods of costing for decision-making.
The second part of the course covers the fundamentals of corporate
finance. In the second half, students will learn how to make financial
projections and how to value complex investment opportunities.
MAT185H1 S
Linear Algebra MAT195H1 S
3/-/1/0.50 Calculus II
I-AEESCBASE 3/-/1/0.50
Topics include: include: linear systems, matrix algebra, Rn as a vector
space, a normed space and an inner-product space, linear An introduction to differential equations, techniques of integration,
transformations on Rn, eigenvalues, applications to circuits, mechanics improper integrals, sequences, series, Taylors theorem, as well as an
and an introduction to computer methods. introduction to functions of several variables and partial derivatives.
MAT186H1 F MAT234H1 S
Calculus I Differential Equations
3/-/1/0.50 3/-/1.50/0.50
I-AECPEBASC, I-AEELEBASC, Ordinary differential equations. Classification. Equations of first order and
I-AEENGBASC, I-AEINDBASC, first degree. Linear equations of order n. Equations of second order.
I-AEMMSBASC Bessels equation. Legendres equation. Series solutions. Systems of
simultaneous equations. Partial differential equations. Classification of
Topics include: limits and continuity; differentiation; applications of the
types. The diffusion equation. Laplaces equation. The wave equation.
derivative related rates problems, curve sketching, optimization
208 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Course Descriptions
Solution by separation of variables. Exclusion: MAT347Y1
MAT290H1 F MAT336H1 S
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Elements of Analysis
3/-/2m/0.50 3/-/-/0.50
An introduction to complex variables and ordinary differential equations.
Topics include: Laplace transforms, ordinary higher-order linear This course provides the foundations of analysis and rigorous calculus
differential equations with constant coefficients; transform methods; for students who will take subsequent courses where these mathematical
complex numbers and the complex plane; complex functions; limits and concepts are central of applications, but who have only taken courses
continuity; derivatives and integrals; analytic functions and the Cauchy- with limited proofs. Topics include topology of Rn, implicit and inverse
Riemann equations; power series as analytic functions; the logarithmic function theorems and rigorous integration theory.
and exponential functions; Cauchy's integral theorem, Laurent series, Prerequisite: MAT223H1/MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1
residues, Cauchy's integral formula, the Laplace transform as an analytic Exclusion: MAT257Y1, MAT337H1
function. Examples are drawn from electrical systems.
MAT363H1 S
MAT291H1 F Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Calculus III 3/-/-/0.50
II-AECPEBASC, II-AEELEBASC Curves and surfaces in 3-spaces. Frenet formulas. Curvature and
The chain rule for functions of several variables; the gradient. Maxima geodesics. Gauss map. Minimal surfaces. Gauss-Bonnet theorem for
and minima, Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integrals; change of surfaces. Surfaces of constant curvature.
variables, Jacobians. Line integrals, independance of path, Green's Prerequisite: MAT224H1/MAT247H1, MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1
theorem. The gradient, divergence and curl of a vector field. Surface Exclusion: MAT367H1
integrals; parametric representations, applications from electromagnetic
fields, Gauss' theorem and Stokes' theorem. MAT389H1 F
Complex Analysis
II-AEESCBASE Course examines the following: analytic functions, Cauchy-Reimann
equations, contour integration, Cauchys theorem, Taylor and Laurent
Existence and uniqueness of solution for first-order differential equations,
series, singularities, residue calculus, conformal mapping, harmonic
general second-order linear ODEs, homogeneous equations,
functions, Dirichlet and Neumann problems and Poisson integral
nonhomogeneous equations, variable coefficients, variation of
formulas. Course includes studies of linear differential equations in the
parameters ODEs in matrix form, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace
complex plane, including Bessel and Legendre functions.
transforms, optimization, single-variable functions, interpretation of
Exclusion: MAT290H1
problems in mathematical terms, multivariable functions, hessians,
optimization in the presence of constraints, Lagrange multipliers,
introduction to numerical methods, introduction to numerical and MAT401H1 F
computational methods. Polynomial Equations and Fields
MAT294H1 F Commutative rings; quotient rings. Construction of the rationals.
Calculus and Differential Equations
Polynomial algebra. Fields and Galois theory: Field extensions,
II-AEMMSBASC adjunction of roots of a polynomial. Constructibility, trisection of angles,
construction of regular polygons. Galois groups of polynomials, in
Partial differentiation, grad, div, curl, multiple integrals, line integrals,
particular cubics, quartics. Insolvability of quintics by radicals.
surface integrals, differential equations, first order differential equations,
Prerequisite: MAT301H1
homogeneous linear differential equations, boundary conditions.
Exclusion: MAT347Y1
Formulation of various problems relevant to materials and mining
engineering - the concepts above are used.
MAT402H1 S
Classical Geometries
MAT301H1 F/S 3/-/-/0.50
Groups and Symmetries IV-AEESCBASEP
IV-AEESCBASEP, IV-AEESCBASER Euclidean and non-euclidean plane and space geometries. Real and
complex projective space. Models of the hyperbolic plane. Connections
Congruences and fields. Permutations and permutation groups. Linear
with the geometry of surfaces.
groups. Abstract groups, homomorphisms, subgroups. Symmetry groups
Prerequisite: MAT301H1/MAT347Y1,
of regular polygons and Platonic solids, wallpaper groups. Group actions,
class formula. Cosets, Lagrange theorem. Normal subgroups, quotient
groups. Classification of finitely generated abelian groups. Emphasis on
examples and calculations.
Prerequisite: MAT224H1/MAT247H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1,
MAT246H1/CSC236H1/CSC240H1. (These Prerequisites will be Materials Science and
waived for students who have MAT257Y1)
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 209
Course Descriptions
MSE101H1 F/S Experimental techniques for characterizing materials structure and
Introduction to Materials Science chemistry will be described including: optical and electron microscopy, x-
3/1/1/0.50 ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy,
I-AEINDBASC, I-AELMEBASC, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry.
This is an introductory course in materials science examining the MSE235H1 S
fundamentals of atomic structure, the nature of bonding in materials, Materials Physics
crystal structure and defects, and phase equilibria. These basic principles 3/-/1/0.50
provide the foundation for an exploration of structure-property III,IV-AECPEBASC, III,IV-AEELEBASC,
relationships in metals, ceramics, and polymers, with emphasis on
mechanical properties. The properties of materials then form the basis for Application of solid state physics to describe properties of materials.
an introduction to materials selection in design. Thermal properties of solids: lattice vibrations (phonons), heat capacity,
Prerequisite: OAC/Grade 12 U Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus thermal conductivity. Electrical properties of metals: simple circuits,
resistivity of metals (classical and quantum descriptions), Seebeck,
Peltier, and Thomson effects. Electrical properties of semiconductors:
MSE160H1 S band structure and occupancy, conductivity, Hall effect, simple devices.
Molecules and Materials Electrical properties of insulators: polarization, capacitance, optical
I-AEESCBASE properties, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. Magnetic properties:
diamagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic
This course will cover both the fundamentals and applications of
materials, magnetic domains, B-H curves.
molecular chemistry as it relates to the properties of materials.
Fundamental topics will include: (1) the design of chemical structures and
their relationship to optical and electronic properties; (2) the chemistry MSE238H1 S
and physics of covalent and non-covalent bonding; (3) the relationship of Engineering Statistics and Numerical Methods
atomic bonding to molecular geometry and local symmetry; (4) crystal 3/-/2/0.50
structures of extended solids; and (5) extension of these principles to
electronic structure, elasticity, and vector and tensor descriptions of This course will teach engineering statistics and numerical methods with
materials properties. Applications to diverse areas of engineering will be MATLAB. Topics on statistics will include probability theory, hypothesis
discussed. testing, discrete and continuous distribution, analysis of variance,
Exclusion: MSE260H1 sampling distributions, parameter estimation and regression analysis.
The topics on numerical methods will include curve fitting and
interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, solution of
MSE202H1 F ordinary and partial differential equations, initial and boundary value
Thermodynamics problems, finite difference and finite element methods.
Enthalpy and energy balances of reactions and processes. Gibbs free
energy and its use to determine equilibrium compositions for single
MSE244H1 F
phase and two phase systems. Introduction of Ellingham and pre-
Inorganic Materials Chemistry and Processing
dominance area diagrams for solid-gas systems. Treatment of ideal and
non-ideal solutions with the introduction of the concept of activity and II-AEMMSBASC
activity coefficient. Binary and ternary phase diagrams and their An introduction to atomic and molecular structures, acid-base and redox
applications to materials processing and materials properties. reactions, transition metal complexes, systematic chemistry and physical
properties of metals and elements in the periodic table. Examples of
MSE217H1 S industrial practice from the metal processing industry and energy
Diffusion and Kinetics generation and storage technologies will also be discussed. The
3/-/2/0.50 fundamentals of chemical analysis of inorganic compounds, by both
II-AEMMSBASC classical wet volumetric analysis and instrumental methods are covered
The diffusion mechanisms in solids, liquids and gases are reviewed. The in the experiments.
effects of imperfections in solids on diffusion rates are discussed. Topics
include diffusion coefficient, Ficks law, steady state and unsteady state
MSE245H1 S
diffusion. The course covers factors affecting the rate at which chemical
Organic Materials Chemistry and Properties
reactions take place. The effects that temperature, concentration,
pressure and catalysts have on reaction rates are discussed. Topics II-AEMMSBASC
such as homogeneous versus heterogeneous reactions, order or Introduction to organic chemistry and organic materials. Naming of
reaction, and activation energy are also covered. organic compounds. Properties and reactions of organic compounds.
Bonding and shapes of organic molecules. Analysis of organic
MSE219H1 F compounds including IR and mass spectroscopy. Introduction to natural
Structure and Characterization of Materials and bio-molecules. Principles of structure of polymer molecules. Polymer
3/3/1/0.50 synthesis. Structure of polymeric materials including amorphous,
II-AEMMSBASC crystalline, elastomeric and fibre reinforced. Mechanical and thermal
Both the theoretical and experimental interpretation of the structure and properties of polymers.
chemistry of inorganic materials on various length scales will be
examined. Crystalline and amorphous structure is discussed in terms of
electronic structure of atoms, atomic bonding, atomic coordination and
packing. Extended defects in crystalline solids will be covered.
MIE375H1 F
MIE363H1 S Financial Engineering
Resource and Production Modelling 3/-/1/0.50
This course provides a background in the fundamental areas in financial
Features of production/service systems and methods of modelling their engineering including relevant concepts from financial economics. Major
operation; the material flow, information flow and control systems. Topics topics include interest rate theory, fixed income securities, bond portfolio
include process design, supply chain management, line balancing, construction term structure of interest rates, mean-variance optimization
material requirements planning, distribution requirements planning, and theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), arbitrage pricing theory
aggregate production planning. Basic deterministic and probabilistic (APT), forwards and futures, and introduction to option pricing and
inventory models will be covered, as well as the application of structured finance.
optimization methods to capacity planning decisions. Emphasis will be
placed on the modelling aspects of operations management, as well as
MIE376H1 S
the application of analytical approaches in the solution of systems
Mathematical Programming (Optimization)
Prerequisite: MIE231H1 / MIE236H1, and MIE262H1 or equivalent III-AEESCBASEF
This course deals with the formulation of optimization models for the
MIE364H1 S design and operation of systems that produce goods and services, and
Quality Control and Improvement the solution of such problems with mathematical programming methods,
3/1/2/0.50 including linear programming: the simplex method, sensitivity analysis,
III-AEMECBASC duality, the revised simplex, column generation, Dantzig-Wolfe
decomposition and linear programming with recourse; minimum cost
In manufacturing and service industries alike, quality is viewed as an
network flows; dynamic programming; integer programming; non-linear
important strategic tool for increasing competitiveness. Continuous
programming models.
quality improvement is a key factor leading to a companys success. With
more emphasis on quality, the cost and the product cycle time are
reduced and the communication between producer and customer is MIE377H1 S
improved. The course focuses on the following topics: introduction to Financial Optimization Models
quality engineering, TQM, quality standards, supplier-producer relations 3/1/1/0.50
and quality certification, costs of quality, statistical process control for
long and short production runs, process capability analysis and This course deals with the formulation of optimization models for the
acceptance sampling, quality certification, six sigma quality, quality design and selection of an optimal investment portfolio. Topics include
improvement using designed experiments and an overview of the Risk Management, Mean Variance Analysis, Models for Fixed Income,
Taguchi Methods. Scenario Optimization, Dynamic Portfolio Optimization with Stochastic
Prerequisite: MIE231H1/MIE236H1 or equivalent, MIE237H1 Programming, Index Funds, Designing Financial Products, and Scenario
Generation. These concepts are also applied to International Asset
Allocation, Corporate Bond Portfolios and Insurance Policies with
MIE365H1 F Guarantees.
Operations Research III: Advanced OR
Design of operations research models to solve a variety of open-ended Design Portfolio
problems. Linear programming extensions are presented: goal -/-/-/0.00
programming, column generation, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, and
interior point solution methods. Non-linear programming solution Students will assemble a comprehensive design portfolio with items
methods are developed: optimality conditions, quadratic programming drawn from engineering courses and extra-curricular experience. The
and bi-level programming. Solutions to advanced stochastic models: portfolio will articulate and demonstrate an understanding and application
stochastic programming, 2-person and n-person game theory, and of basic and advanced principles of engineering design through a
Markov Decision Processes. showcase of the students best work. The portfolio shall also anticipate
Prerequisite: MIE262H1, MIE263H1 continued development of design skills through the capstone design
courses and reflect on the transition to a career in engineering. The
portfolio will demonstrate competence in written and oral communication
through a brief summary of each item and an introduction to the portfolio.
Students whose communication work is not up to standard will be
provided with opportunities for remediation. The course will be offered
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 219
Course Descriptions
on a credit/no credit basis; students who receive no credit must retake systems includes fuel cells.
the course in year 4. Prerequisite: MIE210H1, MIE313H1
MIE402H1 S MIE414H1 F
Vibrations * Applied Fluid Mechanics
3/1/2/0.50 3/3/1/0.50
Fundamental concepts of vibration of mechanical systems. Free vibration This course builds upon the material introduced in Fluid Mechanics I and
single degree of freedom systems. Various types of damping. Forced connects it to a wide range of modern technical applications of fluid flow.
vibrations. Vibration measuring instruments. Steady state and transient Applications include the design of pipe and microfluidic networks,
vibrations. Vibration of multi-degree of freedom systems. Vibration transient flow phenomena, compressible flow and shocks, characteristics
isolation. Modal analysis. Lagrange equations and Hamiltons principle. of pumps, open channel flow and an overview of flow measurement
Vibration of continuous systems. Special topics. techniques. Lectures are complemented by laboratory experiments on
Prerequisite: MAT186H1, MAT187H1, MAT188H1, MIE100H1, topics such as centrifugal pumps, flow transients and fluid flow in
MIE222H1 microfluidic chips.
Prerequisite: MIE312H1
MIE404H1 F
Control Systems I MIE422H1 F
3/3/2/0.50 Automated Manufacturing
IV-AEMECBASC 2/3/-/0.50
Analysis of stability, transient and steady state characteristics of dynamic IV-AEESCBASEF, IV-AEMECBASC
systems. Characteristics of linear feedback systems. Design of control Introduction to Computer Integrated Manufactuing. Definitions,
laws using the root locus method, frequency response methods and state terminology. Organization of manufacturing systems. Introduction to NC
space methods. Digital control systems. Application examples. machines. Introduction to robotics. Types of robot motion. Robot
kinematics. Jacobians, singularities. Robot motion trajectories.
Interpolation, spline fits. Robot joint control. Flexible manufacturing
MIE407H1 F
Nuclear Reactor Theory and Design systems, justification. Robot cell design. Group technology. Design of
3/-/2/0.50 group technology cell. Programmable logic controllers. Limited
IV-AEMECBASC, I-AEMINENR Prerequisite: MIE221H1 or equivalent
This course covers the basic principles of the neutronic design and
analysis of nuclear fission reactors with a focus on Generation IV nuclear
MIE438H1 S
systems. Topics include radioactivity, neutron interactions with matter, Microprocessors and Embedded Microcontrollers
neutron diffusion and moderation, the fission chain reaction, the critical 2/3/-/0.50
reactor equation, reactivity effects and reactor kinetics. Multigroup IV-AEMECBASC, I-AEMINRAM
neutron diffusion calculations are demonstrated using fast-spectrum Review (number systems, CPU architecture, instruction sets and
reactor designs. subroutines); Interfacing Memory; Interfacing Techniques; Transistors
and TTL/CMOS Logic; Mechanical Switches & LED Displays; Interfacing
Prerequisite: MIE230H1 or equivalent Analog, A/D & D/A Conversions; Stepper Motors & DC Motors; RISC
Recommended Preparation: CHE566H1 Technology and Embedded Processors; DAS Systems; Embedded
Microcontroller System Design; CPU-based Control.
MIE408H1 S Exclusion: ECE243H1, ECE352H1
* Thermal and Machine Design of Nuclear Power Reactors
This course covers the basic principles of the thermo-mechanical design III-AEESCBASET, IV-AEMECBASC,
and analysis of nuclear power reactors. Topics include reactor heat I-AEMINBIO
generation and removal, nuclear materials, diffusion of heat in fuel Introduction to the application of the principles of mechanical engineering
elements, thermal and mechanical stresses in fuel and reactor - principally solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and dynamics - to living
components, single-phase and two-phase fluid mechanics and heat systems. Topics include cellular mechanics, blood rheology, circulatory
transport in nuclear reactors, and core thermo-mechanical design. mechanics, respiratory mechanics, skeletal mechanics, and locomotion.
Prerequisite: MIE407H1/MIE222H1, MIE312H1, MIE313H1 or Applications of these topics to biomimetic and biomechanical design are
equivalents emphasized through a major, integrative group project.
Recommended Preparation: CHE566H1
MIE440H1 F
MIE411H1 F * Design of Innovative Products
Thermal Energy Conversion 2/2/1/0.50
Engineering applications of thermodynamics in the analysis and design Recently developed methods applied at different stages of the design
of heat engines and other thermal energy conversion processes within an process include: Identification of unmet/underserved user needs through
environmental framework. Steam power plants, gas cycles in internal a modified definition of lead users (those who experience needs in
combustion engines, gas turbines and jet engines. Refrigeration, advance of the mainstream population) including identifying/studying lead
psychrometry and air conditioning. Fossil fuel combustion and advanced users, identifying which lead-user needs are relevant to the general
220 2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Course Descriptions
population; Roles of function and affordance in successful products; MIE444H1 F
Obstacles of fixation and cognitive bias to creativity; Concept generation * Mechatronics Principles
methods including TRIZ/TIPS (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, use 2/3/-/0.50
of unrelated stimuli and analogy (e.g., from biology); Configuration design
methods including design for transformation, design for assembly and This course provides students with the tools to design, model, analyze
end-of-life, e.g., reuse, repair and recycling. Hands-on experience of and control mechatronic systems (e.g. smart systems comprising
these topics in lectures, tutorials, and labs support successful application electronic, mechanical, fluid and thermal components). This is done
of the methods for the course project, as well as future design activities. through the synergic combination of tools from mechanical and electrical
engineering, computer science and information technology to design
systems with built-in intelligence. The class provides techniques for the
MIE441H1 S modeling of various system components into a unified approach and
* Design Optimization
tools for the simulation of the performance of these systems. The class
IV-AEMECBASC also presents the procedures and an analysis of the various components
needed to design and control a mechatronic system including sensing,
Problem definition and formulation for optimization, optimization models,
actuating, and I/O interfacing components.
and selected algorithms in optimization. Design for Tolerancing, Design
Prerequisite: MIE342H1, MIE346H1
for Manufcaturing, and Design for Assembly. State of the are Computer
Aided Design packages are introduced with case studies. Emphasis is
placed on gaining practical skills by solving realistic design problems. MIE448H1 F
Prerequisite: MIE341H1, MIE222H1 or equivalents Engineering Psychology and Human Performance
Machine Design An examination of the relation between behavioural science and the
3/1.50/3/0.50 design of human-machine systems, with special attention to advanced
I-AEMINRAM control room design. Human limitations on perception, attention, memory
and decision making, and the design of displays and intelligent machines
Introduction to the fundamental elements of mechanical design including
to supplement them. The human operator in process control and the
the selection of engineering materials, load determination and failure
supervisory control of automated and robotic systems. Laboratory
analysis under static, impact, vibration and cyclic loads. Surface failure
exercises to introduce techniques of evaluating human performance.
and fatigue under contact loads, lubrication and wear. Consideration is
Prerequisite: MIE231H1/MIE236H1/STA286H1 or equivalent required;
given to the characteristics and selection of machine elements such as
MIE237H1 or equivalent recommended
bearings, shafts, power screws and couplings.
Prerequisite: MIE320H1
MIE451H1 F
Decision Support Systems
MIE443H1 S 3/1/1/0.50
* Mechatronics Systems: Design and Integration IV-AEINDBASC
IV-AEMECBASC, I-AEMINRAM This course provides students with an understanding of the role of a
decision support system in an organization, its components, and the
The course aims to raise practical design awareness, provide pertinent
theories and techniques used to construct them. The course will cover
project engineering methodology, and generate a know-how core in
basic technologies for information analysis, knowledge-based problem
integration of complex automation. This course has mainly practical
solving methods such as heuristic search, automated deduction,
content, and is integral and useful in the training and education of those
constraint satisfaction, and knowledge representation.
students who plan to be employed in areas related to intelligent
Prerequisite: MIE253H1, MIE350H1
automation, as well as to the breadth of knowledge of all others. Although
emphasis will be on robotic-based automation (mechatronics), the
learning will be useful in all domains of system integration. This course MIE457H1 S
will introduce students to the basics of integration, methodology of Knowledge Modelling and Management
design, tools, and team project work. The course will be monitored based 3/1/1/0.50
on projects from a selected list of topics. The lectures will be in format of
tutorials as preparation and discussions on project related issues. A main This course explores both the modelling of knowledge and its
goal is to bring the methods, means and spirit of the industrial design management within and among organizations. Knowledge modelling will
world to the class room. Emphasis will be on understanding the elements focus on knowledge types and their semantic representation. It will
of integration, methodology and approaches, and will involve numerous review emerging representations for knowledge on the World Wide Web
case studies. Specifically the course will provide a practical step-by-step (e.g., schemas, RDF). Knowledge management will explore the
approach to integration: specifications, conceptual design, analysis, acquisition, indexing, distribution and evolution of knowledge within and
modeling, synthesis, simulation and bread-boarding, prototyping, among organizations. Emerging Knowledge Management System
integration, verification, installation and testing. Issues of project software will be used in the laboratory.
management, market, and economics will be addressed as well. Limited Prerequisite: MIE253H1, MIE350H1
Prerequisite: MIE346H1
MIE542H1 S MIE563H1 S
Human Factors Integration Engineering Analysis II
3/-/2/0.50 3/3/2/0.50
The integration of human factors into engineering projects. Human This course explores exact solution techniques for common engineering
factors integration (HFI) process and systems constraints, HFI tools, and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), such as separation of variables,
HFI best practices. Modelling, economics, and communication of HFI superposition, eigenfunctions, orthogonal functions, complex functions.
problems. Examples of HFI drawn from energy, healthcare, military, and Other topics include: derivation of common engineering PDEs,
software systems. Application of HFI theory and methods to a capstone introduction to methods of weighted residuals for deriving finite element
design project, including HFI problem specification, concept generation, formulations and limitations of exact solutions relative to approximate
and selection through an iterative and open-ended design process. solutions.
Prerequisite: MIE240H1/ MIE1411H1/ equivalent or permission from the Prerequisite: MIE230H1, MAT234H1, MIE334H1
MIE566H1 F
MIE550H1 S Decision Analysis
Advanced Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer 3/-/2/0.50
IV-AEMECBASC The purpose of this course is to provide a working knowledge of methods
This course observes: conservation of mass, momentum, energy and of analysis of problem and of decision making in the face of uncertainty.
species; diffusive momentum, heat and mass transfer; dimensionless Topics include decision trees, subjective probability assessment, multi-
equations and numbers; laminar boundary layers; drag, heat transfer and attribute utility approaches, goal programming, Analytic Hierarchy
mass transfer coefficients; transport analogies; simultaneous heat and Process and the psychology of decision making.
mass transfer; as well as evaporative cooling, droplet evaporation and Prerequisite: MIE231H1 / MIE236H1 or equivalent
diffusion flames.
Prerequisite: MIE313H1
Mineral Engineering
MIN301H1 S MIN401H1 S
Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimation Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimation
3/-/1/0.50 3/-/1/0.50
Introduction to Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation is an Introduction to Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation is an
advanced level course that focuses on the stages of a mineral resource advanced level course that focuses on the stages of a mineral resource
and mineral reserve estimation program from assembling the database and mineral reserve estimation program from assembling the database
through to reporting under industry guidelines. Major course topics through to reporting under industry guidelines. Major course topics
include: statistical analysis of sampling data, geologic interpretation and include: statistical analysis of sampling data, geologic interpretation and
deposit models; mineral resources estimation approaches and methods, deposit models; mineral resources estimation approaches and methods,
mineral reserve estimation, classification of resources and reserves, and mineral reserve estimation, classification of resources and reserves, and
reporting under regulatory standards and industry guidelines for reporting under regulatory standards and industry guidelines for
professional practice. professional practice.
MIN320H1 S MIN429H1 F
Explosives and Fragmentation in Mining Engineering Rock Mechanics
3/-/1/0.50 3/1/1/0.50
Efficient drilling and blasting is important to successful mining in rock This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of rock
formations. This course studies the planning, design, and economics of mechanics and their application to rock engineering. The following rock
rock blasting for a full range of surface and underground, mining and mechanics topics are covered: stress and strain; in situ stress; intact rock
construction projects. Emphasis will be on optimization of fragmentation strength; discontinuity geometry, strength and stiffness; rock mass
using blast geometry and those variables available to the field engineer. behavious; anisotropy, heterogeneity and the size effect; rock mass
This course covers the selection of modern industrial explosives, their classifcation schemes. Rock engineering topics include: rock excavation;
history, physical properties, and safe handling, including an introduction rock stabilisation; instability mechanisms in foundationas and slopes;
to the theory of detonation, and rock response. Safety procedures in rock slope design methods; underground openings in discontinuous and
storage and transportation will be studied along with the monitoring and continuous rocks; rock-support interaction; synopsis of numerical
control of blast side effects. A field trip is associated with this course. methods. Associated laboratory sessions involve stress measurement,
core logging, compressive strength determination and index testing.
Exclusion: CIV529H1.
PHY180H1 F
Molecular Genetics and Classical Mechanics
Microbiology I-AEESCBASE
PHY427H1 F/S
PHY456H1 F
Advanced Physics Laboratory
Quantum Mechanics II
Experiments in this course are designed to form a bridge to current
Quantum dynamics in Heisenberg and Schrdinger Pictures; WKB
experimental research. A wide range of experiments are available using
approximation; Variational Method; Time-Independent Perturbation
contemporary techniques and equipment. In addition to the standard set
Theory; Spin; Addition of Angular Momentum; Time-Dependent
of experiments, a limited number of research projects may be available.
Perturbation Theory; Scattering.
This laboratory is a continuation of PHY327.
Prerequisite: PHY356H1
Prerequisite: PHY327H1
Exclusion: PHY457H1
PHY428H1 F/S
PHY460H1 S
Advanced Practical Physics II
Nonlinear Physics
IV-AEESCBASEP 2/-/-/0.50
This course is a continuation of PHY426H1, but students have more
The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems with applications to many
freedom to progressively focus on specific areas of physics, do extended
areas of physics. Topics include stability, bifurcations, chaos,
experiments, projects, or computational modules.
universality, maps, strange attractors and fractals. Geometric, analytical
Prerequisite: PHY426H1
and computational methods will be developed.
Prerequisite: PHY354H1
PHY429H1 F/S
Advanced Practical Physics III
PHY483H1 F
IV-AEESCBASEP Relativity Theory I
This course is a continuation of PHY428H1, but students have more IV-AEESCBASEP
freedom to progressively focus on specific areas of physics, do extended
Basis to Einstein's theory: differential geometry, tensor analysis,
experiments, projects, or computational modules.
gravitational physics leading to General Relativity. Theory starting from
Prerequisite: PHY428H1
solutions of Schwarzschild, Kerr, etc.
PHY450H1 S
PHY484H1 S
Relativistic Electrodynamics
Relativity Theory II
IV-AEESCBASEP 2/-/-/0.50
The course illustrates, using classical electromagnetism, how symmetry
Applications of General Relativity to Astrophysics and Cosmology.
principles and scaling arguments combine to determine the basic laws of
Introduction to black holes, large-scale structure of the universe.
physics. It is shown that the electromagnetic action (from which follow the
equations of motion) is uniquely fixed by the principles of special
relativity, gauge invariance, and locality. Additional topics include motion PHY485H1 F
of relativistic particles in external electric and magnetic fields, radiation Advanced Classical Optics
from point charges, and the breakdown of classical electromagnetism. 2/-/-/0.50
Prerequisite: PHY350H1
Interference effects in coherent light requires a description beyond ray
Exclusion: PHY353H1
optics or simple plane waves. The first half of this course builds on your
foundation of electromagetic theory and basic optics to develop
PHY452H1 S advanced topics such as interference, spatial coherence, temporal
Statistical Mechanics coherence, and diffraction of light. The second half of the course
IV-AEESCBASEO, IV-AEESCBASEP discusses lasers, which are the brightest sources of coherent radiation.
Our treatment includes Gaussian beams, resonant cavities, threshold
Classical and quantum statistical mechanics of noninteracting systems;
criteria, and a comparison to thermal radiation.
the statistical basis of thermodynamics; ensembles, partition function;
Prerequisite: PHY350H1, PHY356H1, PHY385H1
thermodynamic equilibrium; stability and fluctuations; formulation of
quantum statistics; theory of simple gases; ideal Bose and Fermi
Prerequisite: PHY252H1, PHY256H1
2015 University of Toronto - Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 229
Course Descriptions
PHY487H1 F PHY495H1 F
Condensed Matter Physics Research Topic in Geophysics
2/-/-/0.50 2/-/-/0.50
A research project done in consultation with an individual staff member
Introduction to the concepts used in the modern treatment of solids. The on a geophysics-related topic leading to a detailed written report and oral
student is assumed to be familiar with elementary quantum mechanics. presentation. The course will also involve weekly lectures where the
Topics include: crystal structure, the reciprocal lattice, crystal binding, the student will be introduced to various geophysical research methods and
free electron model, electrons in periodic potential, lattice vibrations, current research topics in geophysics. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.
electrons and holes, semiconductors, metals. Corequisite: PHY395H1/PHY493H1/PHY494H1
PHY489H1 F
Introduction to High Energy Physics
This course introduces the basics of fundamental particles and the
strong, weak and electromagnetic forces that govern their interactions in PSL300H1 F
the Standard Model of particle physics. Topics include relativistic Human Physiology I
kinematics, conservation laws, particle decays and scattering processes, 3/-/1m/0.50
with an emphasis on the techniques used for calculating experimental I-AEMINBIO
observables. Principles of neurophysiology, endocrinology and reproductive
physiology for students enroled in Life Science programs.
Prerequisite: BIO130H1/BIO150Y1; CHM138H1/CHM151Y1; and 1 FCE
PHY492H1 F
Advanced Atmospheric Physics from any of the following: MAT135H1, MAT136H1, MAT135Y1,
2/-/-/0.50 MAT137Y1, MAT157Y1, PHY131H1, PHY132H, PHY151H1,
A preparatory course for research in experimental and theoretical Exclusion: PSL201Y1, PSL302Y1
atmospheric physics. Content will vary from year to year. Themes may
include techniques for remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere and
surface; theoretical atmosphere-ocean dynamics; the physics of clouds,
precipitation, and convection in the Earth's atmosphere.
Exclusion: PHY498H1
PHY493H1 F
Seismology STA286H1 S
2/-/-/0.50 Probability and Statistics
IV-AEESCBASEP 3/-/1/0.50
Why do earthquakes occur and how are they related to tectonic motion of II-AEESCBASE
the earth's surface? What is the physics behind the propagation of A course in probability and statistics for Engineering Science students
seismic waves through the earth, and how can it be used to determine focusing on building solid probabilistic and statistical foundations. Topics
the internal structures of the earth? This introductory course is aimed at include: sample space, events, definitions of probability, conditional
understanding the physics behind seismic wave propagation, as well as probability, Bayes' theorem, important classes of discrete and continuous
asymptotic and numerical solutions to the elastodynamic equation. random variables and their distributions, joint, conditional, and marginal
Traveltime and amplitude of seismic waves are discussed based on distributions, expectation, moment generating and characteristic
seismic ray theory, while numerical methods are introduced to obtain functions, transformations of random variables, central limit theorem and
accurate solutions to more complex velocity structures. Seismic approximations. Graphical methods, quantile plots, point and interval
tomographic methods, including their applications to hydrocarbon estimation of population parameters, method of maximum likelihood.
reservoir imaging, are also covered. Hypotheses testing, simple and multiple regression, correlation analysis,
Recommended Preparation: PHY395H1 and introduction to Bayesian statistics. Minitab software is used to solve
some assignment problems in the course.
PHY494H1 F
Geophysical Imaging: EM and Potential Fields STA302H1 F
2/-/-/0.50 Methods of Data Analysis I
IV-AEESCBASEP 3/-/-/0.50
How to investigate Earth structure at depths ranging from metres to tens III-AEESCBASEF
of kilometres using gravity, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic and Introduction to data analysis with a focus on regression. Initial
nuclear geophysical methods. Current methodologies and the theoretical Examination of data. Correlation. Simple and multiple regression models
basis for them are presented. using least squares. Inference for regression parameters, confidence and
prediction intervals. Diagnostics and remedial measures. Interactions and
dummy variables. Variable selection. Least squares estimation and
inference for non-linear regression.
Prerequisite: STA248H1/STA255H1/STA261H1/ECO220Y1(70%)/
Exclusion: ECO375H1
STA410H1 F
Statistical Computation
Programming in an interactive statistical environment. Generating
random variates and evaluating statistical methods by simulation.
Algorithms for linear models, maximum likelihood estimation, and
Bayesian inference. Statistical algorithms such as the Kalman filter and
the EM algorithm. Graphical display of data.
Prerequisite: STA302H1, CSC108H1/CSC120H1/CSC148H1
STA447H1 S
Stochastic Processes (formerly STA348H1)
Discrete and continuous time processes with an emphasis on Markov,
Gaussian and renewal processes. Martingales and further limit theorems.
A variety of applications taken from some of the following areas are
discussed in the context of stochastic modeling: Information Theory,
Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Analyses of Stochastic Processes,
Population Growth Models, Reliability, Queuing Models, Stochastic
Calculus, Simulation (Monte Carlo Methods).
Prerequisite: STA347H1
Exclusion: STA348H1
Program AECERBUS was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERLEAD was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERENTR was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERGLOB was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERMINR was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERNUC was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERPESD was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AECERRRE was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Feb 24, 2014
Program AEMMSBASC was modified in section Materials Science and Engineering on Feb 27, 2014
Course MSE250H1 was modified in section Materials Science and Engineering on Feb 27, 2014
Program AEMMSBASC was modified in section Materials Science and Engineering on Feb 27, 2014
Course MIE464H1 was modified in section Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on Mar 3, 2014.
Course MSE490H1 was modified in section Materials Science and Engineering on Mar 6, 2014
Program AEENGBASC was modified in section First Year on Mar 17, 2014
Program AECPEBASC was modified in section Electrical and Computer Engineering on Mar 17, 2014
Program AEELEBASC was modified in section Electrical and Computer Engineering on Mar 17, 2014
Course MIE464H1 was modified in section Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on Mar 19, 2014
Course CIV375H1 was modified in section Civil Engineering on Mar 19, 2014
Course CME321H1 was modified in section Civil and Mineral Engineering on Mar 19, 2014
Program AEMECBASC was modified in section Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on Mar 19, 2014
Course ECE363H1 was modified in section Electrical and Computer Engineering on Apr 1, 2014
PRA hours adjusted to read 1.5 hours per week (erronesouly entered as 3 hours per week).
Program AEMMSBASC was modified in section Materials Science and Engineering on Apr 8, 2014
Course MIE407H1 was modified in section Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on Apr 9, 2014
Course MIE515H1 was modified in section Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on Apr 9, 2014
Program AEMINENR was modified in section Minors in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Apr 9, 2014
Program AECERNUC was modified in section Certificate Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Apr 9, 2014
Program AEMECBASC was modified in section Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on Apr 9, 2014
Program AEMINENV was modified in section Minors in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on Apr 9, 2014
Program AECHEBASC was modified in section Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry on Apr 9, 2014
Course CHE562H1 was modified in section Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry on May 29, 2014
Course APS101H1 was modified in section Applied Science and Engineering (Interdepartmental) on Jun 11, 2014
AU update
Course CIV332H1 was modified in section Civil Engineering on Aug 13, 2014
Course APS446H1 was modified in section Applied Science and Engineering (Interdepartmental) on Nov 17, 2014
Course APS446H1 was modified in section Applied Science and Engineering (Interdepartmental) on Nov 17, 2014
Course APS446H1 was modified in section Applied Science and Engineering (Interdepartmental) on Nov 17, 2014
Course CHE299H1 was modified in section Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry on Nov 17, 2014
Course CHE299H1 was modified in section Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry on Nov 17, 2014
Program AECHEBASC was modified in section Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry on Nov 17, 2014
Program AECHEBASC was modified in section Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry on Nov 17, 2014