Stress Management Training For Schizophrenia
Stress Management Training For Schizophrenia
Stress Management Training For Schizophrenia
Address: Mashhad Nursing and Midwifery School, Ebn-e-Sina St., Mashhad, Iran
P.O.Box: 9137913199
Tel.: (098 51) 38591511-294
Fax: (098 51) 38539775
57 Evidence Based Care Journal, 6 (4): 57-65
Original Article
Received: 07/12/2016
Accepted: 05/01/2017 Evidence Based Care Journal, 6 (4): 57-65
Background: Living with schizophrenic patients and its associated stress and negative psychological
burden can bring about different experiences for their families. The provision of stress management
training for these families can be helpful in increasing self-confidence and enhancing interpersonal
communication in these caregivers, which can improve their mental health status and enhance the
quality of patient care.
Aim: Regarding this, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of stress management
training on positive experiences of the families giving care to patients suffering from schizophrenia.
Method: This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on 57 primary caregivers of
schizophrenic patients admitted to Ibn Sina Hospital in Mashhad, Iran in 2016. For the purpose of the
study, the participants were divided into the control (including 29 individuals) and experimental
groups (entailing 28 subjects). Subsequently, a stress management training program was administered
on the experimental group within six one-hour sessions. On the other hand, the control group only
received educational pamphlets on stress management at the end of the study. Additionally, the
standardized Experience of Caregiving Inventory developed by Szmukler et al. was filled out by the
caregivers before and three months after the intervention. The data analysis was performed using
independent-samples t-test and Mann-Whitney U test through SPSS version 11.5.
Results: The findings of this study revealed that 50% (14 cases) and 69% (20 subjects) of the
participants in the experimental and control groups were female, respectively. The results revealed no
significant differences in the total scores for positive experiences of the caregivers in the control
(61.217.3) and experimental groups (62.320.7) at the pre-intervention stage (P=0.40). Likewise, no
significant difference was observed between the total scores of the control group (64.514.3) and
experimental group (67.612.9) at the post-intervention stage (P=0.40).
Implications for Practice: Given the findings of the present study and considering that positive
experiences are taken into account as parts of high levels of needs and performance among the
caregivers, it seems that improving such positive experiences requires specific and complementary
Keywords: Patient care experience, Schizophrenia, Stress management
1. Instructor, Evidence Based Care Research Centre, Department of Psychology, School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
2. MS in Psychiatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
3. Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, psychiatry and behavioral sciences research center, Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
4. Instructor, Evidence Based Care Research Centre, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and
Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
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Nowadays, schizophrenia is considered as one of the most common and debilitating mental disorders
across the world (1). The symptoms experienced by the schizophrenic patients are often enervating (2).
Accordingly, poor social functioning, self-care deficiency, movement disorders, and thought disorders
are taken into account as the criteria for schizophrenia in most diagnostic systems (1). Given that the
performance of these patients is disrupted in various occupational, educational, social, interpersonal, and
self-care dimensions; they need permanent care in different and extensive aspects. Several studies have
shown that more than 70% of the schizophrenic patients in Asian countries are living with their own
families after getting discharged from hospital (3).
In the nursing profession, family is considered as the main agent promoting individual and public
health, which is of fundamental importance since the most significant function of this unit is to meet
the needs of its members during their evolutionary stages (4). Therefore, reviewing and recognizing
family issues are essential for the nursing care services, which require the identification of the
performance, strengths, and weaknesses of such a unit and also the health and welfare status of its
members (2). Family is considered as a social system, and the disruption of any of its members can
lead to disorders in the entire family system. This disrupted system can in turn intensify the disorders
in the members and lead to new challenges (3).
The families with patients should not only provide them with the necessary care, but also be able to
comply with diseases and their symptoms, and manage and control them (5). The caregivers
experiences of taking care of the patients living with mental diseases are very important since they
lead to the establishment of interactions between the disease of the family member and factors inside
or outside of the life of caregiver. These experiences cause anxiety, distress, as well as emotional,
psychological, social, and economic stress in the members of the family, especially the primary
caregivers. Such pressures can also reduce the quality of patient care and endanger the physical and
mental health status of the family members, particularly the primary caregivers (6).
Accordingly, the findings of a study carried out by Hares Abadi et al. (2012), investigating the amount
of the mental and psychological stress among the family caregivers of the patients with schizophrenia
demonstrated that 51.4%, 36.4%, and 12.2% of the caregivers had acute, mild, and slight stress,
respectively (5). The results of the aforementioned study also revealed that families experience much
more distress when faced with these kinds of stressful situations, which can disrupt family structure
and functioning unless they could cope with such a new situation (7).
Family functioning refers to the ability to deal with mental and psychological stress, conflicts, and
difficulties (8). Scholars believe that higher amounts of stress are directly correlated with poor family
functioning (9). The provision of unprincipled care for the schizophrenic patients by the family
members can deteriorate the conditions of these patients. Accordingly, the caregivers excessive
criticism, too much interference in patient life, infrequent positive talks, inattention to treatment, and
negative attitudes to these patients can lead to a decline in the mental and psychological abilities of
these patients and also affect the course of disease and the associated relapses (10).
In order to retrieve such families to their ordinary functioning, it is essential to remove or even deal
with the related problems through training programs (7). In this regard, stress management training to
families is of utmost importance. The cognitive-behavioral stress management technique can increase
the ability of the individuals to reduce stress and properly cope with stressful situations (11). Stress
management training refers to a set of techniques and methods that are used to lower stress
experienced by individuals or increase their ability to deal with life stressors (12).
The cognitive-behavioral approach to stress management is seeking positive modifications through an
emphasis on changing attitudes in order to modify and maintain behaviors via identification of thoughts,
situations, and excitements. In this method, it is believed that if therapists cannot modify the conditions,
they can change the clients attitudes towards life events and stressors. Using this method, the therapists
enhance the clients abilities to control stress and deal effectively with problematic situations, which in
turn strengthen their sense of self-efficacy and reduce their feelings of helplessness (13).
In this therapeutic approach, the clients are assisted to identify their distorted thinking patterns and
dysfunctional behaviors. To this aim, regular discussions and perfectly organized behavioral
assignments are applied and the clients are expected to actively participate in the discussions by
collecting information, providing feedbacks, and suggesting new strategies (14). The cognitive-
behavioral approach to stress management is built on a strong theoretical foundation, and its
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59 Evidence Based Care Journal, 6 (4): 57-65
effectiveness in reducing disease symptoms and improving patient quality of life has been
demonstrated (15).
Despite the benefits of stress management training, it has some drawbacks such as being time-
consuming and costly; however, these shortcomings can be tackled through holding group work (16).
Group therapy can be also beneficial as it can provide an opportunity for the information transfer,
altruism, growth in social skills, imitative behaviors, peer learning, corrective emotional experiences,
and emotional discharge (17).
Schizophrenia is a prevalent disorder, which leaves multiple effects and consequences on the family
functioning. The majority of the families with such patients lack the required knowledge and skills
regarding the patient care; as a result, they cannot make a balance between patient care and other
responsibilities (18). Regarding this, the employment of stress management training for families
becomes much more significant since this type of training has undeniable advantages including
assisting the caregivers to comply with the patients and patient care. Based on the searches in the
domestic and international databases, no similar study was found to investigate the issue discussed in
the present study; however, few investigations examined the effects of stress management on different
variables. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of stress management
training on positive experiences of patient care among the families with schizophrenic patients.
This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on the families (i.e., the primary caregivers of
patients) with schizophrenic patients admitted to Ibn Sina Hospital in Mashhad, Iran using non-
probability sampling method (i.e., convenience sampling). For the purpose of the study, the participants
were assigned into the experimental and control groups, and a pretest-posttest design was applied.
To calculate the sample size, a pilot study was administered on 20 primary caregivers and the
Comparing Two Population Means formula was employed. As a result, with the confidence interval
of 95% and statistical power of 80%, each group was estimated to entail 25 samples; however, to
accommodate the dropouts, 30 participants were assigned into each group (i.e., a total of 60 individuals).
One subject was removed from the control group due to not attending the post-test session.
Additionally, two participants were crossed out from the experimental group because of failing to
attend the training sessions and take the post-test. Accordingly, the control group and the
experimental group were comprised of 29 and 28 participants, respectively.
For data collection, the researchers referred to Units 1 and 2 for males, Training Units 1 and 2 for
males, Unit 1 for females, as well as Training Units 1 and 2 for females in Ibn Sina Hospital and
enrolled the caregivers of the schizophrenic patients who expressed willingness to participate in the
study and met the inclusion criteria. After selecting the study samples, they were divided into
experimental and control groups through random assignment using the SPSS version 11.5.
To this end, a list of all the caregivers of the schizophrenic patients was provided and they were
assigned numbers. Subsequently, the two right digits of the number randomly offered by the software
were considered. If the two right digits conformed to the number of the individuals in the list, that
person was selected as the first member in the first group, and then the subsequent numbers (in case of
conformity with the number of individuals in the list) were used to complete the 30 members. Then,
these 30 individuals were removed from the list and the second group was selected in the same
manner (out of the ones remaining in the list).
The inclusion criteria included: 1) a minimum literacy level of primary school, 2) age range of 18-60
years, 3) living with the patients, 4) lack of any known mental disorders or impairments causing
disruptions in the trainings, 5) no experience of severe crisis over the recent six months, 6) duration of
disease course 6 months , and 7) no history of prior admission to a psychiatric hospital. On the other
hand, the exclusion criteria entailed: 1) unwillingness to continue to participate in the study and attend
the training sessions, 2) absence in more than one training session, 3) reports on acute stress in the
final stage (i.e., after the completion of the training process and prior to the post-test), and 4)
participation in other training courses on stress management.
The data collection instrument in this study included a demographic information form and the
Adjusted Experience of Caregiving Questionnaire. The demographic information form contained six
items about personal characteristics of the caregivers and some information about the patients (e.g.,
age, gender, marital status, caregivers level of education, duration of disease course, and frequency of
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hospitalization). The Adjusted Experience of Caregiving Questionnaire was developed based on the
Experience of Caregiving Inventory developed by Szmukler et al. (19). This questionnaire was used
to evaluate the experiences of family caregivers with patients suffering from severe psychiatric
diseases as well as the effectiveness of psychological training on these caregivers (19).
This 14-item questionnaire was comprised of two sub-scales including positive personal experiences
and positive aspects of relationships. Each item was graded on a five-point Likert- scale (i.e., never,
rarely, sometimes, often, and almost always). The minimum and maximum scores for this instrument
were 0 and 56, respectively, and the higher score indicated stronger positive experiences.
The validities of all the research instruments were evaluated using content validity, verified by 10
faculty members of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. The reliability of the Adjusted
Experience of Caregiving Questionnaire was measured using Cronbachs alpha coefficient, which
rendered values of 0.75, 0.70, and 0.82 for the sub-scales of personal positive experiences, positive
aspects of relationships, and total instrument, respectively.
In the sampling stage, the research objectives were explained to the caregivers meeting the inclusion
criteria within 10 min according to a coordinated program. Subsequently, they completed the consent
forms in one of the visiting rooms of the hospital. Then, the Experience of Caregiving Questionnaire
was distributed among all the participants and they were asked to fill them out completely.
In the intervention stage, the experimental group were divided into three groups of 10 individuals and
received stress management training in Ibn Sina Hospital in Mashhad for three weeks. For more
coordination, the invited individuals were called the day before or on the same day of the training
session. The attendees were directed to the classroom where the training was held through the
installation of some guide sheets provided by certain staff. Consequently, the stress management
training was administered within six one-hour sessions (three sequential weeks) for 10-member
groups using cognitive-behavioral approach and the Life Skills booklet (chapter on stress and
excitement management) published by the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.
Training was in the form of workshops taught by a researcher who had fulfilled stress management
training courses and held certificates in terms of knowledge and ability to conduct such training
workshops through question and answer, lecture, and group discussion. The content of the first
session included the introduction of the group, explanation of the objectives, definition and diagnosis
of stress, and recognition of the sources and symptoms of stress. Topics in the second session were
focused on such issues as types of stress, ways of coping with stress, as well as primary and secondary
evaluation of stress.
The objectives of the third session included familiarity with adaptive coping, maladaptive coping, the
benefits of effective coping, event prediction and avoidance, thought-stopping techniques, and practices
for such techniques. The fourth session covered some issues like familiarity with stress management,
problem-solving method and its practices, as well as main solutions to cope with stress (e.g., time
management). The objectives of the fifth session included familiarity with recommendations and small
applicable points to cope with stress (e.g., increasing general power), physical methods to cope with
stress, sports and their benefits (psychological and physical), the impacts of sports on stress, and the
effects of nutrition, sports, and sleep on stress at the beginning of the training session.
The topics of the sixth session were preparations to cope with stress, encouraging behavior training,
coping with irrational thoughts, as well as relaxation and its related practices. The participants in both
groups were asked to attend the location of training sessions to fill out the Experience of Caregiving
Questionnaire. No intervention was administered on the control group; however, they were given
educational pamphlets about stress management training at the end of the data collection stage.
To follow the ethical considerations, a letter of introduction was submitted to the given authorities in the
research context. Furthermore, the researchers provided the necessary explanations to the participants
and ensured them about the confidentiality of their personal information. Subsequently, the consent
forms were obtained from the subjects and they were informed about their eligibility to leave the study
at any time and any stage along with the issues on the delivery of the study results to families.
To illustrate and summarize the demographic characteristics of the caregivers, descriptive statistics
(including mean, standard deviation, and absolute and relative frequency) were used. In terms of the
analytic statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests were initially employed to verify the
normal distribution of the quantitative data. Subsequently, the independent t-test, paired sample t-test,
and Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon signed-rank, Chi-square, and Fishers Exact tests, as well as
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61 Evidence Based Care Journal, 6 (4): 57-65
Spearmans rank-order correlation were employed to make the variables of the study homogeneous
and examine the relationships between the demographic and dependent variables. The data analysis
was performed through the SPSS version 11.5. The P-value less than 0.05 was considered to be
statistically significance.
The results showed that 50% (14 individuals) and 69% (20 individuals) of the caregivers in the
experimental and control groups were female. The results obtained from the Chi-square test indicated
that both groups were homogeneous in this respect (P=0.145). The mean ages of the experimental and
control groups were 44.79.8 and 39.811.7 years, respectively. The independent t-test revealed that
both groups were homogeneous in terms of age (P=0.094). Other demographic characteristics of the
participants in the experimental and control groups along with the results for their homogeneity are
presented in Table 1.
The results of the Mann-Whitney U test also suggested no statistically significant difference between
the two groups in terms of the mean scores for the sub-scale of positive personal experiences before
the intervention (P=0.707). Moreover, the independent t-test demonstrated that the mean scores for
positive personal experiences were not statistically different between the two groups (P=0.282) at the
post-intervention stage. The results of the within-group test also demonstrated that the scores for the
sub-scale of positive personal experiences obtained by the experimental (P=0.066) and the control
groups (P=0.426) were not significantly different in the pre- and post-intervention stages (Table 2).
Table 2. Comparing mean scores for the sub-scale of positive personal experiences among caregivers of
schizophrenic patients before and after intervention for both groups
Experimental Group Control Group Within-Group
Positive personal experience
(SDMean) (SDMean) Test
Before intervention 58.024.2 58.120.2 *P=0.70
After intervention 66.213.6 61.916.2 **P=0.28
Differences between pre-
8.223.8 3.825.2 **P=0.49
and post-intervention stages
Within-group test ***P=0.06 ****P=0.42
*Mann-Whitney U test, **Independent t-test, ***Wilcoxon signed-rank test, ****Paired sample t-test
Similarly, the results of the independent t-test revealed that the scores for the sub-scale of positive
aspects of relationships in the experimental and control groups were not significantly different both at
the pre- and post-intervention stages (P=0.621, P=0.661, respectively). Furthermore, the results of the
paired sample t-test showed that the mean scores for the sub-scale of positive aspects of relationships
obtained by the experimental (P=0.596) and the control groups (P=0.556) were not significantly
different in the pre-intervention stage, compared to those in the post-intervention stage (Table 3).
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Table 3. Comparing mean scores for the sub-scale of positive aspects of relationships among caregivers of
schizophrenic patients before and after intervention for both groups
Experimental group Control group
Positive points of relationship Within-group test
(SDMean) (SDMean)
Before intervention 67.120.4 64.321.4 *P=0.62
After intervention 69.015.1 67.215.7 *P=0.66
Difference between pre- and post-
2.524.7 2.826.2 *P=0.96
intervention stages
Within-group test **P=0.59 ***P=0.56
*Independent t-test, **Paired sample t-test
Additionally, the Mann-Whitney U test revealed that the means for the total score of the positive
personal experience in the experimental and control groups were not significant at the pre- and post-
intervention stages (P=0.429, P=0.401, respectively). Likewise, the results of the within-group test
showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the experimental and control
groups at both stages of the study in this regard (P=0.219, P=0.726, respectively) (Table 4). In
addition, the results of the Spearmans rank-order correlation suggested that only the level of
education among caregivers was significantly correlated with the sub-scale of positive personal
experience (P=0.026, r=0.298).
Table 4. Comparing means and standard deviations of total scores for positive experiences among
caregivers of schizophrenic patients before and after intervention for both groups
Total score of positive Experimental group Control group
Within-group test
experiences (SDMean) (SDMean)
Before intervention 62.320.7 61.217.3 *P=0.42
After intervention 67.612.9 64.514.3 **P=0.40
Difference between pre- and
5.321.9 3.322.5 *P=0.51
post-intervention stages
Within-group test ***P=0.21 ****P=0.76
*Mann-Whitney U test, **Independent t-test, ***Wilcoxon signed-rank test
The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of stress management training on positive
experiences of the families caring for patients suffering from schizophrenia. As the findings of this
study indicated, no significant difference was observed between the experimental and control groups
in terms of their total scores for positive experiences of caregiving for schizophrenic patients in the
post-intervention stage. However, the mean score of the positive experience of patient care in the
experimental group was higher than that in the control group.
Similarly, no significant difference was observed between the scores for the sub-scale of positive
personal experience and positive aspects of relationships between the two groups. Since no similar
studies were found in the domestic and international related literature, the results of the present study
were separately compared with those of other investigations in terms of their different dimensions.
Sheikholeslami et al. (2013) investigated the effectiveness of stress-coping skills training through
psycho-educational approach on family functioning and mental well-being among the schizophrenic
patient caregivers. They observed no significant difference between the experimental and control
groups in terms of the patients family functioning; nevertheless, the mean score for family
functioning in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group (20). The results of
the given study were consistent with the findings of the present investigation.
It was argued that stress management training was effective for the caregivers of patients with severe
mental disorders such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. These families were looking for solutions
to deal with their problems due to incomplete information about caring these patients; furthermore,
they faced with numerous emotional, psychological, and mental challenges; as a result, they would
welcome effective coping skills presented in the stress management training (11, 13). Moreover, these
types of training programs have their own problem-oriented benefits whose purpose is to modify
incorrect and irrational cognitions in individuals (21).
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63 Evidence Based Care Journal, 6 (4): 57-65
In a study conducted by Ozkan et al. (2013), it was revealed that the provision of the mental training
program for families and phone call follow-ups could lead to a significant decrease in the caregivers
psychological burden, expression of emotions, and depression and also more protection in terms of
patient care (22).The results of the mentioned study were not in line with those of the present study
due to factors such as duration of intervention and follow-ups, educational contents, types of research
instruments, and cultural differences. The aforementioned study was conducted in a Turkish context
using an eight-session intervention, a six-month follow-up, and educational contents different from
those used in the present study (due to its cultural differences with Iran). Consequently, the effects of
these factors on the results of the present study were not negligible.
Considering the sub-scale of positive personal experience, the results of the present study suggested
that the caregivers in the experimental group had higher levels of positive experiences than those in
the control group; nevertheless, this difference was not statistically significant. This sub-scale
highlights such experiences as increased self-confidence, more intimate relationships with family
members and other individuals, and exploration into ones strengths. More positive experiences in the
experimental group could be associated with the benefits of stress management training program
because such a program puts more emphasis on providing information about the disease, supports,
training, and coping skills to lower pressures on the caregivers (23, 24).
One of the reasons for observing a significant difference between the pre- and post-intervention stages
in terms of this sub-scale was cultural factors in Iran. In this respect, Mottaghipour et al. (2011)
suggested that the tendency to report positive aspects in Iranian culture is something that should be
considered. In other words, they investigated how family members paid attention to expressing
feelings and positive aspects in difficult conditions such as long-term care of the patients suffering
from chronic diseases (23). Furthermore, the education level of the participants was a contributing
factor to the results of each study (24).
The results of the present study showed that the education level was significantly and positively
correlated with caregivers personal experience because this factor could affect their perception of
training and the way to complete the questionnaire. It should be noted that in the present study, the
majority of the individuals in both groups had diploma or lower education degrees. In a study carried
out by Linacre (2011) it was demonstrated that long-term (more than six months) relationship
between patient and caregiver and their positive experiences could lead to significant changes (24),
which is inconsistent with the findings of the present study. Such discrepancy could be due to the
follow-up duration, study population, and research context.
Additionally, the results of this study demonstrated that the positive aspects of relationships among
caregivers in the experimental group were non-significantly higher than those in the control group.
This dimension of positive patient care experiences dealt with such issues as effective individuals in
the improvement of patient and the value of the presence of the patient in the family (23). It is also
natural that training the ways of managing stressful situations can affect the relationships between
patients and caregivers.
Accordingly, experts believe that family-oriented educational interventions may significantly enhance
the experiences of patient care in the family (25). The results of these studies clarified the importance
of education to families affected with functioning disorders; however, one of the reasons of observing
non-significant difference in the scores of these sub-scales could be associated with cultural
backgrounds. It should be noted that in the cultural context of Iran, people tend not to express positive
aspects of their relationships exactly or they may spell them out just unrealistically or falsely (23).
Moreover, the families of the patients with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia living with
difficult and stressful conditions need to be studied in terms of articulating positive aspects of their
relationships because such factors can affect the given interventions (23, 24).
Considering one of the reasons for the significant difference in the total scores of positive
experiences, it should be noted that positive experiences of caregivers (including personal positive
experiences and positive aspects of relationships) are classified as parts of high levels of needs and
performance among individuals, which can be obtained provided that the basic needs are fulfilled.
Likewise, the present study revealed that meeting and promoting this level of performance requires
long-term special and complementary interventions targeting the reduction of psychological and
mental stress and caregiving burden as well as the basic needs of the caregivers.
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One of the limitations of this study was the researchers trust in the accuracy of the answers given by
family caregivers. Furthermore, short-term follow-up was another limitation to this study which did
not allow the researchers to do more accurate comparisons in terms of the effects of the educational
This research paper was extracted from a masters thesis in psychiatric nursing approved by the Ethics
Committees of Mashhad University of Medial Sciences and Healthcare Service Center with the code
number of 940782. The present study was also confirmed and registered in the Iranian Registry of
Clinical Trials(IRCT2016122731248N2). Hereby, the authors of this study express their gratitude to
the Vice-Chancellors Office for Research and Technology in Mashhad University of Medial Sciences
for their funding. We also appreciate all the professors, staff, and authorities in Ibn Sina Psychiatric
Hospital in Mashhad and the respectable families participating in this study for their collaboration.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest in this study.
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