Criminal 2 Elements Penalties Table
Criminal 2 Elements Penalties Table
Criminal 2 Elements Penalties Table
a) The place is not inhabited;
b) The accused found there a person
wounded or in danger of dying;
c) The accused can render assistance
without detriment to himself;
d) The accused fails to render assistance.
Acts punished:
Acts punished:
1. In an uninhabited place;
2. By a band;
Article 295. Robbery 3. By attacking a moving train, street
with physical injuries,
car, motor vehicle, or airship;
committed in an The offender shall be punished by the
uninhabited place and 4. By entering the passengers maximum periods of the proper
by a band, or with the compartments in a train, or in any penalties prescribed in Article 294
use of firearm on a manner taking the passengers thereof
street, road or alley by surprise in the respective
conveyances; or
5. On a street, road, highway or alley,
and the intimidation is made with the
use of firearms.
Requisites for liability for the acts of the Maximum period of the
members of the band: corresponding penalty prescribed by
law if in the commission of the
Article 296. 1. He was a member of the band; offense, unlicensed firearm is used.
Definition of a band 2. He was present at the commission of (without prejudice to the criminal
and penalty incurred a robbery by that band; liability for illegal possession of
by the members 3. The other members of the band unlicensed firearm)
thereof committed an assault;
Shall be punished as principal if the
4. He did not attempt to prevent the
members of the band are present at the
commission of the robbery by a band
Article 297.
Reclusion temporal in its maximum
Attempted and
period to reclusion perpetua (17 years
frustrated robbery
4 months and 1 day to reclusion
committed under
perpetua) No. 34 Table of Penalties
certain circumstances
1. Offender has intent to defraud
Article 298.
2. Offender compels him to sign,
Execution of deeds
execute, or deliver any public
by means of violence
instrument or document.
or intimidation
3. The compulsion is by means of
violence or intimidation.
Robbery by the use of force upon things
Article 299. Robbery Subdivision (a): Reclusion temporal ((12 years and 1
in an inhabited house 1. Offender entered an inhabited house, day to 20 years) No. 28 Table of Penalties
or public building or public building; if ARMED and the value of the property
edifice devoted to 2. The entrance was effected by any of taken exceeds Php 250.00 and if
worship the following means: committed as specified in subdivision
a) Through an opening not (a)
intended for entrance or
egress; Prision Mayor (6 years and 1 day to 12
b) By breaking any wall, roof years) No. 19 Table of Penalties if
or floor, or breaking any UNARMED and the value of the
door or window; property taken exceeds Php 250.00
c) By using false keys,
picklocks or similar tools; Prision Mayor ( 6 years and 1 day to
or 12 years) No. 19 Table of Penalties if
d) By using any fictitious ARMED and the value of the property
name or pretending the taken does not exceeds Php 250.00
exercise of public authority.
3. Once inside the building, offender Prision Mayor in its minimum period
took personal property belonging to (6 years and 1 day to 8 years) No. 20
another with intent to gain. Table of Penalties if UNARMED and the
value of the property taken does not
Subdivision (b): exceeds Php 250.00
Article 301. What is Public building Includes every building owned by the government or belonging to a
an inhabited house, private person but used or rented by the government, although temporarily unoccupied
public building, or by the same.
building dedicated to
religious worship and Dependencies of an inhabited house, public building, or building dedicated to
their dependencies religious worship All interior courts, corrals, warehouses, granaries, barns, coach
houses, stables, or other departments, or enclosed interior entrance connected therewith
and which form part of the whole. Orchards and other lands used for cultivation or
production are not included, even if closed, contiguous to the building, and having direct
connection therewith.
1. Offender entered an uninhabited
place or a building which was not a
dwelling house, not a public
building, or not an edifice devoted to
religious worship;
It includes:
1. There are least four armed persons;
2. They formed a band of robbers; Prision Mayor in its medium period
3. The purpose is any of the following: to reclusion temporal in its minimum
a) To commit robbery in the period (8 years and 1 day to 14 years
highway; and 8 months) No. 25 Table of Penalties - if
Article 306. Who are
brigands b) To kidnap persons for the the acts committed are not punishable
purpose of extortion or to by higher penalties
obtain ransom; or
c) To attain by means of force Maximum period - if any of the arms
and violence any other carried be an unlicensed firearm
1. There is a band of brigands;
2. Offender knows the band to be of
3. Offender does any of the following
a) He in any manner aids,
Prision Correccional in its medium
Article 307. Aiding abets or protects such band period to prision mayor in its
and abetting a band of of brigands;
minimum period (2 years, 4 months
brigands b) He gives them information and 1 day to 8 years) No. 16 Table of
of the movements of the Penalties
police or other peace
officers of the government;
c) He acquires or receives the
property taken by such
Article 308. Who are Persons Liable: There is no crime of Frustrated Theft
liable for theft Theft is not a continuing offense
1. Those who with intent to gain, but
without violence against or Fencing under Presidential Decree No. 1612 is a
intimidation of persons nor force distinct crime from theft and robbery. If the
upon things, take personal property participant who profited is being prosecuted with
person who robbed, the person is prosecuted as an
of another without the latters accessory. If he is being prosecuted separately,
consent; the person who partook of the proceeds is liable
2. Those who having found lost for fencing.
property, fails to deliver the same to
the local authorities or to its owner;
1. The crime of robbery or theft has been
2. The accused, who is not a principal or
accomplice in the commission of the
crime of robbery or theft, buys,
3. Those who, after having maliciously receives, possesses, keeps, acquires,
damaged the property of another, conceals, sells or disposes, or buys
remove or make use of the fruits or and sells, or in any manner deals in
objects of the damage caused by any article, item, object or anything of
value, which has been derived from
them; the proceeds of the said crime;
4. Those who enter an enclosed estate 3. The accused knows or should have
or a field where trespass is forbidden known that the said article, item or
or which belongs to another and, object or anything of value has been
derived from the proceeds of the crime
without the consent of its owner, of robbery or theft;
hunt or fish upon the same or gather 4. There is, on the part of the accused,
fruits, cereals or other forest or farm intent to gain from himself or another.
The crime of cattle-rustling is defined and
punished under Presidential Decree No. 533, the
Elements of Theft: Anti-Cattle Rustling law of 1974, as the taking by
any means, method or scheme, of any large cattle,
1. There is taking of personal property; with or without intent to gain and whether
committed with or without violence against or
2. The property taken belongs to intimidation of person or force upon things, so
another; long as the taking is without the consent of the
owner/breed thereof. The crime includes the
3. The taking was done with intent to killing or taking the meat or hide of large cattle
gain; without the consent of the owner.
4. The taking was done without the
The Presidential Decree, however, does not
consent of the owner; supersede the crime of qualified theft of large
5. The taking is accomplished without cattle under Article 310 of the Revised Penal
the use of violence against or Code, but merely modified the penalties provided
for theft of large cattle and, to that extent,
intimidation of persons of force upon amended Articles 309 and 310. Note that the
things. overt act that gives rise to the crime of cattle-
rustling is the taking or killing of large cattle.
Elements (Par. 3, Art. 308) Where the large cattle was not taken, but received
by the offender from the owner/overseer thereof,
1. That there is an enclosed estate or a the crime is not cattle-rustling; it is qualified theft
field where trespass is forbidden or of large cattle.
which belongs to another;
2. That the offender enters the same; How to prove theft (Par.1 Art 308)
3. That the offender hunts or fishes 1. The time of the seizure of the thing
2. That it was lost property belonging to
upon the same or gathers fruits, another
cereals or other forest or farm 3. That the accused having had the
products in the estate or field opportunity to return or deliver the
4. That the hunting or fishing or lost property to its owner or to the
local authorities, refrained from doing
gathering of products is without the so.
consent of the owner
See also:
Presidential Decree No. 534
Presidential Decree No. 581
Prision Mayor in its minimum and medium periods (6 years and 1 day to 10 years) No. 23 Table of
Penalties - if the value of the thing stolen is more than Php 12,000.00 but does not exceed 22,000.00; if it
exceeds Php 22,000.00, the penalty imposed is the maximum period and one year of each additional ten
thousand pesos but the total penalty shall not exceed twenty (20) years
Prision Correccional in its medium and maximum periods (2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 6 years) No. 15
Table of Penalties if the value of the property stolen is more than Php 6,000.00 but does not exceed
Prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods (6 months and 1 day to 4 years and 2 months) No.
14 Table of Penalties if the value of the property stolen is more than Php 200.00 but does not exceed 6,000.00
Arresto Mayor in its medium to prision correccional in its minimum period (2 months and 1 day to 2 years
and 4 months) No. 7 Table of Penalties - if the value of the property stolen is over Php 50.00 but does not
exceed 200.00
Article 309. Penalties
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties - if the value of the property stolen
is over Php 5.00 but does not exceed 50.00
Arresto Mayor in its minimum and medium periods (1 month and 1 day to 4 months) No. 5 Table of
Penalties - if the value of the property stolen does not exceed Php 5.00
Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Php 200.00 - if the theft is committed under the ccircumstances
enumerated under par. 3 of the next preceding article and the value of the property stolen does not exceed Php
5.00; if such value exceeds Php 5.00, the provisions of any of the five preceding subdivision shall be made
Arresto menor in its minimum period (From 1 day to 10 days) or a fine not exceeding Php 50.00 if the
value of the property stolen is not over Php 5.00 and the offender have acted under the impulse of hunger,
poverty or difficulty of earning a livelihood for the support of himself or his family
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
Theft is qualified if:
Acts punished:
1. The thing disposed is a real property:
2. Offender knew that the real property was
encumbered, whether the encumbrance is
recorded or not;
3. There must be express representation by
offender that the real property is free from
4. The act of disposing of the real property is
made to the damage of another.
1. Offender is the owner of personal property;
2. Said personal property is in the lawful
possession of another;
3. Offender wrongfully takes it from its lawful
4. Prejudice is thereby caused to the possessor or
third person.
1. Offender is a surety in a bond given in a
criminal or civil action;
2. He guaranteed the fulfilment of such
obligation with his real property or properties;
3. He sells, mortgages, or in any manner
encumbers said real property;
4. Such sale, mortgage or encumbrance is
without express authority from the court, or
made before the cancellation of his bond, or
before being relieved from the obligation
contracted by him.
1. Offender takes advantage of the
inexperience or emotions or feelings
of a minor;
2. He induces such minor to assume an Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to
obligation or to give release or to 6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a
Article 317. execute a transfer of any property fine of a sum ranging from 10 to 50
Swindling a minor right; percent of the value of the obligation
3. The consideration is some loan of contracted by the minor
money, credit or other personal
4. The transaction is to the detriment of
such minor
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to
Acts punished: 6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a
fine of not less than the amount of the
damaged caused and not more than
1. Defrauding or damaging another by
twice such amount shall be imposed
any other deceit not mentioned in the
upon any person who shall defraud or
Article 318. Other preceding articles;
damage another by any other deceit
deceits 2. Interpreting dreams, by making
forecasts, by telling fortunes, or by Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding
taking advantage or the credulity of Php 200.00 - if any person who, for
the public in any other similar profit or gain, shall interpret dreams,
manner, for profit or gain. make forecasts, or take advantage of
the credulity of the public
Article 319. Removal, Acts punished: Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6
sale or pledge of 1. Knowingly removing any personal months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a fine
mortgaged property property mortgaged under the Chattel amounting to twice the value of the property
Mortgage law to any province or city
other than the one in which it was
located at the time of execution of the
mortgage, without the written consent of
the mortgagee or his executors,
administrators or assigns;
a. Personal property is mortgaged
under the Chattel Mortgage Law;
b. Offender knows that such property
is so mortgaged;
c. Offender removes such mortgaged
personal property to any province
or city other than the one in which
it was located at the time of the
execution of the mortgage;
d. The removal is permanent;
e. There is no written consent of the
mortgagee or his executors,
administrators or assigns to such
a. Personal property is already
pledged under the terms of the
Chattel Mortgage Law;
b. Offender, who is the mortgagor of
such property, sells or pledges the
same or any part thereof;
c. There is no consent of the
mortgagee written on the back of
the mortgage and noted on the
record thereof in the office of the
register of deeds.
(PD 1613 repealed Articles 320 to 326-B)
Kinds of arson
1. Simple Arson / Arson, under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1613;
2. Destructive arson, under Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659;
3. Other cases of arson, under Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1613.
Arson, under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1613
- When a person sets fire to his own property under the circumstances which
expose to danger the life or property of another
Destructive arson, under Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by
Republic Act No. 7659
Article 331. Arresto Mayor in its medium to prision correccional in its minimum period (2
Destroying or months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months) No. 7 Table of Penalties
damaging statutes,
public monuments or Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Php 200.00, or both - id any useful or
paintings ornamental painting of a public nature is destroyed or damaged
Article 332. Persons Crimes involved in the exemption
exempt from criminal 1. Theft;
liability 2. Estafa; and
3. Malicious mischief.