PMP Formula
PMP Formula
PMP Formula
Formulas and calculations take up roughly 10% of the PMP exam. Its hard to say the exact
number of calculation questions that you will get on your exam because the Prometrics software
selects 200 questions at random at the time of your exam. (This means you can be taking the
same exam as your neighbour but the two of you will have completely different exams.)
To me, the formulas are easy marks because all you need to do is memorize the formulas and
then plunk in the numbers from the questions.
Lets look at the complete list of 17 formulas you need to know for your PMP exam along with a
description for each. At the end of this article, there will be an option for you to download this
(It is a good idea to include all of these formulas on your cheatsheet before your exam. To
learn how to create your own cheatsheet, click here.)
LF = late finish
EF = early finish