Biodiesel Production From Palm Oil Via Heterogeneous Transesterification

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biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 271276

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Biodiesel production from palm oil via heterogeneous


Jibrail Kansedo, Keat Teong Lee*, Subhash Bhatia

School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, Seri Ampangan,
14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

article info abstract

Article history: This paper presents the study of the transesterification of palm oil via heterogeneous
Received 1 November 2007 process using montmorillonite KSF as heterogeneous catalyst. This study was carried
Received in revised form out using a design of experiment (DOE), specifically response surface methodology
16 May 2008 (RSM) based on four-variable central composite design (CCD) with a (alpha) 2. The
Accepted 21 May 2008 transesterification process variables were reaction temperature, x1 (50190  C), reaction
Published online 16 August 2008 period, x2 (60300 min), methanol/oil ratio, x3 (412 mol mol1) and amount of catalyst,
x4 (15 wt%). It was found that the yield of palm oil fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) could
Keywords: reach up to 79.6% using the following reaction conditions: reaction temperature of 190  C,
Biodiesel reaction period at 180 min, ratio of methanol/oil at 8:1 mol mol1 and amount of catalyst
Transesterification at 3%.
Heterogeneous catalysts 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Montmorillonite KSF

1. Introduction liquidliquid separation process. The recovery of the homoge-

nous catalyst is also hard, thus resulting in loss of useful
The production of biodiesel or more commonly fatty acid material. On the other hand, heterogeneous method, which
methyl esters (FAME) has attracted significant attention lately uses solid catalyst, does not face the same limitations.
due to the increasing demand for a cleaner, safer and renew- Solidliquid separation process is relatively easy as compared
able energy. FAME is produced mainly from vegetable oil, to liquidliquid separation process, making the recovery of
which is a renewable and sustainable source. The production solid catalyst a lot easier. On the other hand, heterogeneous
of FAME can be categorized into homogenous, heterogeneous method eliminates the formation of soap, thus omitting the
and non-catalytic method depending on the type of catalyst need of wash water. By eliminating the formation of soap,
being used in the process. Traditionally, homogenous method heterogeneous method further prevents formation of emul-
is used in many commercial production of FAME. However, sion in the mixture which could complicate the separation
this method has many disadvantages. and purification processes.
As reported in the literature, heterogeneous transesterifi- Basically, there are three types of heterogeneous catalyst
cation method proved to be more superior as compared to being used in the transesterification process; i.e. acid, base
the homogenous transesterification method especially on (alkali) and enzyme [14]. The particular method, in which
the separation and purification of the product (FAME) [14]. these heterogeneous catalysts are being used, is generally
In the homogenous method, the reactants, catalyst and named after the type of the catalyst itself. For instance, acidic
FAME are all in the liquid phase, thus resulting in a complex process refers to heterogeneous transesterification using solid

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 60 4 5996467; fax: 60 4 5941013.

E-mail address: (K.T. Lee).
0961-9534/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
272 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 271276

acid catalyst. Currently there are many feasible heteroge- palm oil FAME (response). The four transesterification process
neous catalysts used in the transesterification process such variables studied are reaction temperature, reaction period,
as metal oxides [59], metal complexes [10], active metals ratio of oil to methanol and amount of catalyst. Table 2 lists
loaded on supports [11,12], zeolite [13], resins [14,15], the range and levels of the four independent variables studied.
membranes [16,17], and lipases [18,19]. Some of these hetero- The CCD comprises a two-level small factorial design (12
geneous catalysts are already patented and used in commer-  24 8), eight axial or star points and five center points. The
cial production of FAME, such as those invented by Axens value of a (alpha) for this CCD is fixed at 2. The complete
Technology [20]. These catalysts have been proven to have design matrix of the experiments employed and results are
high activity towards transesterification process. However, given in Table 3. All variables at zero level constitute to the
most of these catalysts are used on oils other than palm oil, center points and the combination of each of the variables
such as soybean oil and rapeseed oil. at either its lowest (2.0) level or highest (2.0) level with
Thus, the main objective of this study to produce fatty acid the other variables at zero level constitutes the axial points.
methyl esters (FAME) from palm oil using montmorillonite Each response of the transesterification process was used
KSF as heterogeneous catalyst. This study is aided with to develop a mathematical model that correlates the yield of
a statistical design of experiment using response surface palm oil FAME to the transesterification process variables
methodology (RSM) to accumulate and analyze information studied through first order, second order and interaction
on the effect of four process variables on the yield of transes- terms, according to the following second order polynomial
terification in a rapid and efficient manner using minimum equation,
number of experiments. X
4 X
4 X
Y bo bj xj bij xi xj bjj x2j (1)
j1 ij1 j1

2. Materials and methods where Y is the predicted yield of palm oil FAME, mol mol1, xi
and xj represent the variables or parameters, bo is the offset
2.1. Materials term, bj is the linear effect, bij is the first order interaction
effect and bjj is the squared effect.
Purified palm oil was purchased from Yee Lee Edible Oils Sdn
Bhd, Malaysia whereas methanol from R&M Chemicals, UK. 2.3. Model fitting and statistical analysis
Methyl heptadecanoate (used as internal standard) and stan-
dard references for FAME analysis: methyl myristate, methyl Design Expert software version 6.0.6 (STAT-EASE Inc., Min-
palmitate, methyl stearate, methyl oleate, methyl linoleate neapolis, USA) was used for regression analysis of the exper-
were obtained from Fluka Chemie, Germany. The catalyst, imental data to fit the second order polynomial equation
montmorillonite KSF (in powder form), also purchased from and also for evaluation of the statistical significance of the
Fluka Chemie, Germany, was used as received without any equation developed.
pretreatment. The given properties of montmorillonite KSF
were humidity of 12 %, free acid of 812%, and has its surface 2.4. Activity study
coated with sulfuric acid. Montmorillonite KSF has a limited
self-life, therefore it was stored in a freezer (below 18  C) to Transesterification reactions were carried out in a batch
maintain its properties prior to use. The properties of palm reactor with a magnetic stirrer, as shown in Fig. 1. Mixture
oil are given in the Table 1. of palm oil, catalyst and methanol was charged into the
reactor. The mixing intensity of the magnetic stirrer was set
2.2. Design of experiments at 190200 rpm. The reaction temperature, duration, ratio of
oil/methanol and amount of catalyst (montmorillonite KSF)
The experimental design selected for this study is a central were set according to the values proposed in the DOE as
composite design (CCD) that helps in investigating linear, shown in Table 3. The experiments were carried out in
quadratic, cubic and cross-product effects of the four transes- a random manner to minimize the effects of the uncontrolled
terification process variables (independent) on the yield of factors. The excess methanol from the samples was removed
using rotary evaporator. The upper layer of the sample was

Table 1 Properties of palm oil.

Fatty acids Percentage (%) Table 2 Levels of the transesterification process
variables chosen for this study.
Lauric, C-12:0 0.1
Myristic, C-14:0 1.0 Variable Coding Unit Levels
Palmitic, C-16:0 42.8
a 1 0 1 a
Stearic, C-18:0 4.5

Oleic, C-18:1 40.5 Reaction temperature x1 C 50 80 120 155 190
Linoleic, C-18:2 10.1 Reaction period x2 min 60 120 180 240 300
Linolenic, C-18:3 0.2 Ratio of oil/methanol x3 mol mol1 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:10 1:12
Other/unknown 0.8 Amount of catalyst x4 wt% 1 2 3 4 5
biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 271276 273

Table 3 Experimental design matrix and results (sorted out according to the order of catalyst code).
Catalyst code Experimental variables Yield
Reaction Reaction Ratio of oil/ Amount of
temperature ( C) period (min) methanol (mol mol1) catalyst (% g)

KSF 01 1 1 1 1 71.9
KSF 02 1 1 1 1 68.0
KSF 03 1 1 1 1 79.0
KSF 04 1 1 1 1 5.85
KSF 05 1 1 1 1 63.4
KSF 06 1 1 1 1 3.92
KSF 07 1 1 1 1 5.45
KSF 08 1 1 1 1 3.32
KSF 09 2 0 0 0 0.85
KSF 10 2 0 0 0 79.6
KSF 11 0 2 0 0 15.4
KSF 12 0 2 0 0 64.4
KSF 13 0 0 2 0 45.3
KSF 14 0 0 2 0 48.4
KSF 15 0 0 0 2 34.6
KSF 16 0 0 0 2 66.4
KSF 17 0 0 0 0 59.0
KSF 18 0 0 0 0 54.6
KSF 19 0 0 0 0 59.7
KSF 20 0 0 0 0 59.0
KSF 21 0 0 0 0 59.7

separated from the bottom layer and immediately quenched respectively. A quantity of 1 ml from each sample was injected
with n-hexane (dilution) prior to analysis of FAME content. into the column. The yield of palm oil FAME from the transes-
terification processes was calculated in similar method used
2.5. Analysis by Jitputti et al. [21].

The analysis of palm oil FAME content in the samples was

carried out using Gas Chromatography (GC) by means of Inert 3. Results and discussion
Cap WAX capillary column (30 mm  0.25 mm, I.D. 0.25 mm).
Helium was used as the carrier gas. Oven temperature at 3.1. Development of regression model equation
120  C was initially hold for 1 min and then increased to
220  C (hold 15 min) at a rate of 4  C min1. The temperatures The final equation in terms of coded factors after excluding
of the injector and detector were set at 220  C and 250  C, the insignificant terms (identified using Fishers test) is

Pressure Gauge Release
Metal Cover
Metal Cup Mixture of palm
oil with methanol
Teflon and catalyst
Magnetic Insulator

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up for the transesterification process (batch reactor).
274 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 271276

Y 58:42 19:70x1 12:23x2 7:95x4  5:39x21

Table 4 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the regression
 5:48x22  3:74x23  2:82x24 7:13x1 x2 12:04x1 x4 (2) model equation and coefficients after eliminating
 13:26x2 x4 ; with R 0:9846 insignificant terms.

(Only the terms that satisfied F  4.96 (F0.05(1,10)) were retained.) Source Sum of Degrees of Mean of F-test
squares freedom squares
Positive sign in front of the terms indicates synergistic
effect, while negative sign indicates antagonistic effect. Eq. Model 14822.47 10 1482.25 43.97
(2) shows that the yield of palm oil FAME has a linear and x1 3103.93 1 3103.93 92.08
quadratic effect on the four transesterification process vari- x2 1197.07 1 1197.07 35.51
x3 505.62 1 505.62 15.00
ables studied. Fig. 2 shows the experimental values versus
x21 729.83 1 729.83 21.65
predicted values using the model equation developed. A line x22 753.70 1 753.70 22.36
of unit slope, i.e. the line of perfect fit with points correspond- x23 350.59 1 350.59 10.40
ing to zero error between experimental and predicted values is x24 199.77 1 199.77 5.93
also shown in Fig. 2. This plot therefore visualizes the perfor- x1x2 203.42 1 203.42 6.03
mance of the model in an obvious way. The results in Fig. 2 x1x4 579.49 1 579.49 17.19
x2x4 703.44 1 703.44 20.87
demonstrated that the regression model equation provided
Residual 337.10 10 33.71
a very accurate description of the experimental data, indi-
cating that it was successful in capturing the correlation
between the four transesterification process variables to the
yield of palm oil FAME. KSF to catalyze the transesterification reactions, at any rate, is
due to the acidic properties of the catalyst itself. As mentioned
3.2. Effects of transesterification process variables earlier, montmorillonite KSF has free acid of 812%, and has
its surface coated with sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is known
From Table 4, it was observed that among the four individual as a typical strong acid, and since the transesterification reac-
variables studied, reaction temperature (x1) has the largest tions can be catalyzed with acid or base, hence the strong
effect on the yield of palm oil FAME (due to the highest F value) acidity of this montmorillonite KSF will definitely contribute
followed by reaction period (x2). Ratio of oil/methanol (x3) has to the high yield of palm oil FAME.
fairly significant effect whereas amount of catalyst (x4) has However, since the maximum yield occurs at the border of
otherwise insignificant effect. The quadratic term of (x1) and the experimental variables selected for this study, optimum
(x2) was fairly significant on the yield of palm oil FAME experimental conditions to obtain the highest yield cannot
compared to that of (x3) and (x4). The other significant terms be derived (except for the experimental conditions at the
include the effect of interaction between variables, particu- border of the design variables). This finding was also sup-
larly between variables (x2) and (x4) and between variables ported by the model developed using the DOE software
(x1) and (x4). Longer reaction period allows sufficient time for whereby no maximum yield was located within the experi-
the transesterification process to occur completely, or at least, mental domain examined. Therefore, the model developed
until the maximum level. by the DOE software was used to facilitate a straight forward
The results in Table 3 illustrate that there is a great possi- examination of the effects of the variables and their interac-
bility in improving the yield of palm oil FAME with proper tion towards the yield of the transesterification process.
selection of transesterification process variables using mont- Among the four interaction terms that were found to have
morillonite KSF as the catalyst. The ability of montmorillonite significant effect on the yield of palm oil FAME, emphasis
was given to the interaction between (x2) and (x4) and between
variables (x1) and (x4).
Fig. 3 shows the changes in yield with varying reaction
temperature at 2% and 4% catalyst. The other two process
variables: reaction period and ratio of oil to methanol were
kept constant at 180 min and 1:8, respectively. It is generally
perceived that higher percentage of catalyst used will result
in higher yield of triglycerides to fatty acid methyl esters
because of higher availability of active sites. However, this
perception may not always be true. Referring to Fig. 3, the
yield of oil to biodiesel was found to be lower at 4% catalyst
as compared to 2% catalyst when the reaction temperature
was lower than 95  C. This may suggest the real interactions
between the reaction temperature and the active site on the
catalyst itself.
Fig. 4 shows the changes in yield of palm oil FAME with
varying reaction period at 2% and 4% catalyst. The other two
process variables: reaction temperature and ratio of oil to
Fig. 2 Predicted versus experimental yield of palm oil methanol were kept constant at 120  C and 1:8, respectively.
FAME. As shown in Fig. 4, at a shorter reaction period, 2% catalyst
biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 271276 275

Fig. 3 Effect of reaction temperature and amount of

catalyst on the yield of palm oil to FAME: (a) response Fig. 4 Effect of reaction period and amount of catalyst on
surface plot and (b) two-dimensional drawing. the yield of palm oil to FAME: (a) response surface plot and
(b) two-dimensional drawing.

showed a significant lower yield of palm oil FAME compared to or reversed reaction, may directly be influenced by the total
that of 4% catalyst. However, the yield by 2% catalyst active sites of the catalyst, whereby higher active sites will
continues to steadily increase until it subsequently exceeds accelerate both reactions.
to that of 4% catalyst after 210 min of reaction. On the other
hand, the 4% catalyst showed a fairly constant yield for
most of the time and slightly dropped when the reaction 4. Conclusion
period is beyond 210 min. From this behavior, it can be said
that the equilibrium of the reactions is reached rapidly with Based on the experimental result obtained, it can be
4% catalyst, and after reaching the equilibrium, the transes- concluded that montmorillonite KSF could be used as an
terification reactions may become stagnant or start to reverse. effective catalyst for the conversion of palm oil to FAME.
The equilibrium of transesterification reactions by 2% catalyst However, future research on this catalyst is still required to
may only be reached after longer reaction time because of investigate wider range of the parameters, and also new
smaller active site availability, thus defines the staging incre- possible parameters which can be included in the reaction
ment of conversion by 2% catalyst from 120 min to 240 min. process such as the mixing intensity, reaction pressure and
After all, the total rate of reactions, be it transesterification so forth to properly commercialize this technology.
276 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 271276

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