Beko Den - 477 - WD
Beko Den - 477 - WD
Beko Den - 477 - WD
This manual
Will help you use your appliance in a fast and safe way.
Read the manual before installing and operating your product.
Follow the instructions, especially those for safety.
Keep the manual in an easily accessible place as you may need it later.
Besides, read also the other documents provided with your product.
Please note that this manual may be valid for other models as well.
This product bears the selective sorting symbol for waste electrical and
Recycling electronic equipment (WEEE).
This means that this product must be handled pursuant to European Directive
2002/96/EC in order to be recycled or dismantled to minimize its impact on
the environment. For further information, please contact your local or regional
Electronic products not included in the selective sorting process are potentially
dangerous for the environment and human heatlh due to the presence of
hazardous substances.
2 Warnings 5
General safety............................................... 5
Starting Up.................................................... 6
If there are any children at home.................... 6
Intended use................................................. 6
Safety instructions......................................... 6
Things to be done for energy saving.............. 6
3 Installation 7
Preparation.................................................... 7
Points to be considered when re-transporting
your refrigerator............................................. 7
Before operating your refrigerator.................. 8
Electric connection........................................ 8
Disposing of the packaging........................... 8
Disposing of your old refrigerator................... 9
Adjusting the legs.......................................... 9
Installing the lower ventilation cover............... 9
Changing the illumination lamp ..................... 9
2 EN
6 17
C Figures that take place in this instruction manual are schematic and may not
correspond exactly with your product. If the subject parts are not included in the
product you have purchased, then it is valid for other models.
3 EN
Energy Class A+
Climate Class T
Weight (kg) 90
* (Actual consumption varies depending on where and how the appliance is used)
** (Power failure safety; it is recommended not to consume the food in freezer
compartment after this period.)
4 EN
5 EN
Safety instructions
Exposing the product to rain, snow,
sun and wind is dangerous with
respect to electrical safety.
6 EN
Electric connection
Connect your product to a grounded
socket which is being protected by a
fuse with the appropriate capacity. 8 EN
9 EN
4 11 13 12 6
3 5
1 7
2 10 9 8
1- Quick Freeze Function 2- Quick Freeze Indicator
Quick Freeze indicator will remain lit This icon flashes in an animated style
when the Quick Freeze function is when the Quick Freeze function is
enabled. To cancel this function press active.
Quick Freeze button again. Quick
Freeze indicator will turn off and return 3- Freezer Set Function
to its normal settings. If you do not This function allows you to make the
cancel it, Quick Freeze will cancel itself freezer compartment temperature
automatically after 4 hours or when the setting. Press this button to set
freezer compartment reaches to the the temperature of the freezer
required temperature. compartment to -18, -20, -22, -24
If you want to freeze large amounts respectively.
of fresh food, press the Quick Freeze
button before putting the food into the 4- Freezer Compartment
freezer compartment. Compressor Temperature Setting Indicator
will not start running immediately if Indicates the temperature set for the
you press the Quick Freeze button for Freezer Compartment.
more then once with short intervals
since the electronic circuit protection
5- Fridge Set Function
system will be activated.
This function allows you to make
the fridge compartment temperature
This function is not recalled when setting. Press this button to set the
power restores after a power failure. temperature of the fridge compartment
to 8, 6, 4, 2 respectively.
10 EN
9- Lock Function
Press Freezer Set and Fridge Set
buttons simultaneously for 3 sec. to
activate the Lock function. Not other
function can be selected from the
display panel when the lock function
is active. Press Freezer Set and Fridge
Set buttons simultaneously for 3 sec.
again to deactivate the Lock function.
11 EN
Do not fill water tank with any liquid
other than drinking water; beverages
such as fruit juice, carbonated fizzy
soda drinks, alcoholic drinks are not
Using the water dispenser suitable for use with water dispenser.
Push in the lever of the water If such liquids are used, the water
dispenser with your glass. By releasing dispenser will malfunction and may
the lever, you cut off the dispensing. be damaged beyond repair. The
guarantee does not cover such uses.
When operating the water dispenser,
Some chemical ingredients and
maximum flow is achieved by fully
additives in such drinks / beverages
depressing the lever. Please note, how
may also attack and damage water
much water flows from the dispenser
tank material.
depends on how far you
Only use clean pure drinking water.
depress the lever. As the level of water Capacity of water dispenser tank is 2.2
in your cup / glass rises, gently reduce litres [3.8 pints], do not overfill.
the amount of pressure on the lever to Push the water dispenser lever with a
avoid overflow. If you depress the lever rigid cup. If you are using a plastic
a small amount, then water will trickle; disposable cup, then push the lever
this is perfectly normal and is not a with your fingers from behind the
fault. cup.
Water tank and components of water
dispenser are not dishwasher-proof.
Water tray
Water that drips while using the water
dispenser accumulates in the drip
tray. Remove the drip tray by pulling
it towards yourself and empty it from
time to time.
13 EN
14 EN
15 EN
16 EN
17 EN
Your new refrigerator may be wider This is quite normal. Large refrigerators
than the previous one. operate for a longer period of time.
The fridge is running Large amounts of hot food might Hot food causes longer running of the
have been put in the refrigerator refrigerator until they reach the safe
frequently or for a long time. recently. storage temperature.
18 EN
Freezer temperature is The freezer temperature is adjusted Adjust the freezer temperature to a
very low while the fridge to a very low temperature. warmer degree and check.
temperature is sufficient.
Fridge temperature is
very low while the freezer The fridge temperature is adjusted to Adjust the fridge temperature to a
temperature is sufficient. a very low temperature. warmer degree and check.
Food kept in the fridge The fridge temperature is adjusted to Adjust the fridge temperature to a
compartment drawers are
freezing. a very low temperature. warmer degree and check.
Doors might have been opened Warm air rushes into the fridge or
frequently or left ajar for a long time. freezer when the doors are opened.
Open the doors less frequently.
Temperature in the fridge
or freezer is very high. The door might be left ajar. Close the door completely.
Large amounts of hot food might Wait until the fridge or freezer reaches
have been put in the refrigerator
recently. the desired temperature.
19 EN
Inside of the refrigerator must be Clean the inside of the refrigerator with a
cleaned. sponge, warm water or carbonated water.
Bad odor inside the
Some containers or packaging
materials might be causing the Use a different container or different brand
packaging material.
20 EN
21 EN
Acest manual
V va ajuta s folosii aparatul eficient i n siguran.
Citii manualul nainte de a instala i utiliza produsul.
Respectai instruciunile, n special cele referitoare la siguran.
Pstrai manualul ntr-un loc accesibil, pentru a-l putea consulta n viitor.
Citii i celelalte documente furnizate cu produsul.
Reinei c acest manual se poate adresa i altor modele.
This product bears the selective sorting symbol for waste electrical and
Recycling electronic equipment (WEEE).
This means that this product must be handled pursuant to European Directive
2002/96/EC in order to be recycled or dismantled to minimize its impact on
the environment. For further information, please contact your local or regional
Electronic products not included in the selective sorting process are potentially
dangerous for the environment and human heatlh due to the presence of
hazardous substances.
3 Instalare 7
Pregtire........................................................ 7
Instruciuni pentru transportul ulterior al
frigiderului...................................................... 7
nainte de a utiliza frigiderul............................ 8
Conexiunea electric..................................... 8
ndeprtarea ambalajului................................ 8
Depozitarea la deeuri a frigiderului vechi....... 9
Reglarea picioarelor....................................... 9
Montarea capacului ventilaiei inferioare......... 9
Schimbarea lmpii ........................................ 9
4 Utilizarea frigiderului 10
Panoul de afiaj........................................... 10
Dozatorul de ap......................................... 12
Filtru dezodorizant....................................... 14
Compartimente pentru gustri..................... 14
Fante de reglare a umiditii din lada
frigorific...................................................... 15
Utilizarea lzii frigorifice rotative (la
modele)......................................... 15
Aparatul Icematic i recipientul pentru
ghea......................................................... 16
2 RO
6 17
C Figurile din acest manual sunt schematice, fiind posibil s nu fie identice cu produsul
dvs. Componentele care nu exist n dotarea produsului achiziionat de dvs. sunt
prezente pe alte modele.
3 RO
Clas energetic A+
Consum de energie anual (kWh/an)* 355
Volum compartiment frigider (net-lt) 355
Volum total compartiment congelator (net-lt) 90
Clas stele
Durat cretere temperatur (ore)** 15
Capacitate congelare (kg/24 ore) 6
Clas climateric T
Nivel zgomot (dB(A)) 40
Volum net total (lt) 445
(H) nlime (cm) 189
(W) Lime (cm) 70
(D) Adncime (cm) 68
Greutate (kg) 90
4 RO
5 RO
6 RO
7 RO
ndeprtarea ambalajului
Ambalajele pot fi periculoase pentru
copii. Nu lsai ambalajele la ndemna
3. Curai interiorul frigiderului conform copiilor; depozitai-le la deeuri conform
recomandrilor din seciunea normelor n vigoare. Nu le depozitai
ntreinere i curare. mpreun cu deeurile menajere.
4. Conectai frigiderul la priz. La Ambalajul frigiderului este produs din
deschiderea uii, lampa frigiderului se materiale reciclabile.
va aprinde.
5. Vei auzi un zgomot la pornirea
compresorului. De asemenea, este
posibil s auzii alte sunete provenite
de la lichidele i gazele din sitemul de
rcire, indiferent dac compresorul
funcioneaz sau nu; aceste zgomote
sunt normale.
6. Este posibil ca muchiile frontale ale
frigiderului s se nclzeasc. Acest
fenomen este normal. Aceste zone se
nclzesc pentru a evita condensul.
8 RO
9 RO
4 11 13 12 6
3 5
1 7
2 10 9 8
1- Funcie de congelare rapid 2- Indicator de congelare rapid
Indicatorul de congelare rapid rmne Acest simbol clipete cnd funcia de
aprins ct timp funcia de congelare congelare rapid este activ.
rapid este activat. Pentru a anula
aceast funcie, apsai nc o dat 3- Funcie de reglare a
butonul Quick Freeze (Congelare rapid). congelatorului
Indicatorul de congelare rapid se va Aceast funcie permite reglarea
stinge, iar congelatorul va reveni la temperaturii din congelator. Apsai
funcionarea normal. Dac nu anulai acest buton pentru a regla temperatura
funcia de congelare rapid, aceasta se congelatorului la -18, -20, -22, respectiv
va dezactiva automat dup 4 ore sau -24.
dup ce compartimentul de congelare
ajunge la temperatura necesar. 4- Indicatorul temperaturii setate n
Pentru a congela cantiti mari de congelator
alimente, apsai butonul Quick Freeze Indic temperatura setat pentru
(Congelare rapid) nainte de a introduce congelator.
alimentele n congelator. Dac apsai
de mai multe ori butonul Quick Freeze
5- Funcie de reglare a frigiderului
(Congelare rapid) la intervale scurte de
Aceast funcie permite reglarea
timp, compresorul nu va porni imediat
temperaturii din frigider. Apsai acest
datorit activrii sistemului de protecie.
buton pentru a regla temperatura
frigiderului la 8, 6, 4, respectiv 2.
Funcia nu se reactiveaz dup o pan
de curent.
10 RO
9- Funcie de blocare
Apsai simultan timp de 3 secunde
butoanele Freezer Set (Reglare
congelator) i Fridge Set (Reglare frigider)
pentru a activa funcia de blocare. Cnd
funcia de blocare este activat, nu
putei selecta alte funcii de pe panoul
de afiaj. Apsai simultan timp de 3
secunde butoanele Freezer Set (Reglare
congelator) i Fridge Set (Reglare frigider)
pentru a dezactiva funcia de blocare.
11 RO
Alimentai rezervorul numai cu ap
potabil; nu introducei n dozator
sucuri de fructe, buturi carbogazoase
Utilizarea dozatorului de ap sau alcoolice. n cazul utilizrii acestor
Apsai cu paharul maneta dozatorului lichide, dozatorul de ap nu va
de ap. Pentru a opri apa, eliberai funciona corect i se poate defecta
maneta. definitiv. Astfel de situaii nu sunt
Debitul maxim de ap se obine prin acoperite de garanie. De asemenea,
apsarea complet a manetei. Reinei este posibil ca ingredientele acestor
ns c debitul apei variaz n funcie de buturi s atace i s deterioreze
gradul de materialele din interiorul rezervorului de
apsare a manetei. Pe msur ce ap.
paharul se umple, reducei treptat Folosii numai ap potabil.
apsarea manetei pentru a evita vrsarea Rezervorul dozatorului de ap are
apei. Dac apsai doar puin maneta, o capacitate de 2,2 litri; nu l
apa va picura; acest lucru este normal i supraalimentai.
nu reprezint o defeciune. mpingei maneta dozatorului de ap
cu un pahar rigid. Dac folosii un
pahar din plastic de unic folosin,
apsai maneta cu degetele din spatele
Curarea rezervorului de ap
Demontai rezervorul de ap, deschidei
blocajele din ambele pri i detaai
ansamblul capacului superior de pe
rezervorul de ap. Curai rezervorul
de ap cu ap cald, montai la loc
ansamblul capacului superior i cuplai
12 RO
Rezervorul de ap i componentele
dozatorului de ap nu pot fi splate n
maina de splat vase.
Tava pentru ap
Apa care picur n timpul utilizrii
dozatorului de ap se acumuleaz n
tava inferioar. Demontai tava trgnd-o
spre dvs. i golii-o periodic.
13 RO
14 RO
15 RO
16 RO
17 RO
Compresorul nu Frigiderul este n modul de Acest mod este normal pentru un frigider
funcioneaz dezgheare. cu dezgheare automat. Ciclul de
dezgheare are loc periodic.
Este posibil ca noul frigider s fie mai Acest fenomen este normal. Frigiderele
mare dect cel vechi. mari funcioneaz perioade lungi de timp.
18 RO
congelatorului este foarte Ai selectat o temperatur foarte Selectai o temperatur mai ridicat a
joas, iar temperatura joas a congelatorului. congleatorului.
frigiderului este adecvat.
Temperatura frigiderului
este foarte joas,
iar temperatura Ai selectat o temperatur foarte Selectai o temperatur mai ridicat a
congelatorului este joas a frigiderului. frigiderului.
Alimentele din sertarele Ai selectat o temperatur foarte Selectai o temperatur mai ridicat a
frigiderului nghea. joas a frigiderului. frigiderului.
Este posibil ca uile s fi fost Cnd uile sunt deschise, aerul cald
deschise frecvent sau lsate ptrunde n frigider sau n congelator.
ntredeschise mai mult timp. Deschidei mai rar uile.
Temperatura din frigider
sau congelator este foarte Este posibil ca ua s fie
mare. nchidei complet ua.
19 RO
Frigiderul emite un
sunet asemntor cu Acest zgomot este emis de valva Acesta este un fenomen normal i nu
secundarul unui ceas care controleaz temperatura reprezint o defeciune.
mecanic. frigiderului sau congelatorului.
asemntoare Funcionarea frigiderului se bazeaz Acesta este un fenomen normal i nu
curgerii sau pe circulaia gazelor i lichidelor. reprezint o defeciune.
pulverizrii lichidelor.
Zgomot similar cu Rcirea eficient este asigurat de Acesta este un fenomen normal i nu
uieratul vntului. ventilatoare. reprezint o defeciune.
Ap/condens/ghea n frigider.
Condens pe pereii
interiori ai frigiderului. Uile sunt ntredeschise. Asigurai-v c uile sunt nchise complet.
20 RO
Deschiderea i nchiderea
Ua/uile nu se nchide/ Este posibil ca alimentele s mpiedice Mutai alimentele care mpiedic nchiderea
nchid. nchiderea uii. uii.
Este posibil ca frigiderul s fie nclinat Ajustai picioarele de reglare.
sau instabil.
Podeaua este denivelat sau instabil. Asigurai-v c podeaua este plan i poate
susine greutatea frigiderului.
Lzile frigorifice sunt Este posibil ca alimentele s ating Rearanjai alimentele n sertar.
blocate. partea superioar a sertarului.
21 RO
Ez a hasznlati tmutat
Segt a kszlket gyors s biztonsgos mdon hasznlni.
A termk beszerelse s hasznlata eltt olvassa el a hasznlati tmutatt.
Tartsa be az utastsokat, fleg azokat, melyek a biztonsgra vonatkoznak.
A hasznlati tmutatt tartsa olyan helyen, ahol a jvben knnyen hozz tud frni.
Olvassa el a tbbi dokumentumot is, melyet a termkhez kapott.
Ne feledje, ez a hasznlati tmutat ms modellekre is rvnyes lehet.
Szimblumok s lersuk
Ez a hasznlati tmutat a kvetkez szimblumokat tartalmazza:
C Fontos informci vagy hasznos tippek.
A Figyelmeztets veszlyes krlmnyekre.
B Figyelmeztets elektromos feszltsg miatt.
This product bears the selective sorting symbol for waste electrical and
Recycling electronic equipment (WEEE).
This means that this product must be handled pursuant to European Directive
2002/96/EC in order to be recycled or dismantled to minimize its impact on
the environment. For further information, please contact your local or regional
Electronic products not included in the selective sorting process are potentially
dangerous for the environment and human heatlh due to the presence of
hazardous substances.
3 Bezemels 7
Elkszletek................................................ 7
A ht szlltsakor figyelembe vevend
dolgok........................................................... 7
A ht zembe helyezse eltt...................... 8
Elektromos sszekttets.............................. 8
A csomagols leselejtezse........................... 8
A rgi ht leselejtezse................................ 9
Tartlbak...................................................... 9
Az als szellztet burkolat felszerelse......... 9
Szagszr..................................................... 9
4 A ht hasznlata 10
Kijelz panel................................................ 10
Vzadagol................................................... 12
Szagszr................................................... 14
Tartrekeszek.............................................. 14
Fik nedvessg-ellenrz csszkk............. 15
A forgathat fik hasznlata (nem minden
modellnl)...................................... 15
Az Icematic s a jgtrol............................ 16
2 HU
6 17
3 HU
Energiaosztly A+
ves energiafogyaszts (kWh/v)* 355
A htszekrny rtartalma (Nett liter) 355
A fagyaszt rtartalma (Nett liter) 90
Hmrsklet Nvekedsi Id (ra) ** 15
Fagyasztkapacits (kg/24h) 6
Klmaosztly T
Zajszint (dB(A)) 40
Teljes nett rtartalom (liter) 445
(M) Magassg (cm) 189
(SZ) Szlessg (cm) 70
(M) Mlysg (cm) 68
Tmeg (kg) 90
4 HU
5 HU
Biztonsgi utastsok
Ne tegye ki a termket esnek, hnak,
napstsnek vagy szlnek, mert
ez krt tehet a termk elektromos
6 HU
7 HU
A csomagols leselejtezse
A csomagolanyagok veszlyt
jelenthetnek a gyermekekre nzve.
3. A ht belseje meg van tiszttva a
Ezrt tartsa a csomagolanyagokat
Karbantarts s tisztts c. fejezetben
gyermekektl tvol, vagy
foglaltak szerint.
selejtezze le azokat a hulladkokra
4. A ht be van dugva a konnektorba.
vonatkoz utastsok szerint. A
Ha az ajt nyitva van, a ht bels
csomagolanyagokat ne hztartsi
vilgtsa bekapcsol.
hulladkknt kezelje.
5. Hangot fog hallani, amint
a kompresszor beindul. A A ht csomagolanyaga
htrendszerben lv folyadkok s jrahasznosthat anyagokbl kszlt.
gzok hangja akkor is hallhat, ha a
kompresszor nem zemel.
6. Lehetsges, hogy a ht ells leit
melegnek rzi. Ez normlis jelensg.
Ezek a rszek azrt melegednek
fel, hogy gy elejt vegyk a
8 HU
Ha a ht dlngl:
A ht stabilizlshoz csavarja el az
ells lbakat az brn lthat mdon. A Szagszr
lb a fekete nyl irnyba csavarva lejjebb A ht rsz lgvezetkben tallhat
ereszkedik, mg az ellenkez irnyba szagszr megakadlyozza a
tekerve megemelkedik. A mveletet kellemetlen szagok felhalmozdst a
knyelmes elvgzshez kt emberre htszekrnyben.
van szksg.
9 HU
4 11 13 12 6
3 5
1 7
2 10 9 8
1 Gyorsfagyaszts funkci 2 Gyorsfagyaszts-jelz
Ha a gyorsfagyaszt funkci be van Ez az ikon animlva villog, ha a
kapcsolva, akkor a gyorsfagyaszt gyorsfagyaszts funkci be van
kijelzse megjelenik a panelen. A kapcsolva.
funkci kikapcsolshoz nyomja
meg ismt a Quick Freeze gombot. 3 Fagyaszt belltsa funkci
A gyorsfagyaszts-jelz ekkor Ennek a funkcinak a segtsgvel
kikapcsol, s a ht visszatr a norml bellthatja a fagyaszt rekesz
belltsokra. Ha nem kapcsolja ki hmrsklett. A gomb megnyomsval
a gyorsfagyaszts funkcit, akkor a a kvetkez hmrskletfokozatok
ht 4 ra elteltvel, ill. ha a fagyaszt kztt vlthat: -18, -20, -22, -24.
rekesz elrte a kvnt hmrskletet,
automatikusan megteszi ezt. 4 Fagyaszt rekesz
Ha sok friss telt szeretne lefagyasztani, hmrskletbellts jelzje
nyomja meg a Quick Freeze gombot A fagyaszt rekesz
mg mieltt az telt behelyezn a hmrskletbelltst mutatja.
fagyaszt rekeszbe. A kompresszor
a Quick Freeze gomb tbbszri
5 Htszekrny rekesz belltsa
megnyomsakor nem lp azonnal
mkdsbe, ugyanis ilyenkor aktivldik
Ennek a funkcinak a segtsgvel
az elektronikus ramkr vd rendszer.
bellthatja a htszekrny rekesz
hmrsklett. A gomb megnyomsval
Ez a funkci nem kerl visszalltsra a kvetkez hmrskletfokozatok
ramkimarads esetn. kztt vlthat: 8, 6, 4, 2.
10 HU
9 Zrols funkci
Tartsa nyomva egyszerre a Freezer Set
s a Fridge Set gombot 3 msodpercig
a zrols funkci aktivlshoz. Ha a
zrols funkci aktv, egyb funkci
nem elrhet a kijelzrl. Tartsa nyomva
egyszerre a Freezer Set s a Fridge Set
gombot 3 msodpercig a zrols funkci
11 HU
A vzadagolba ne tltsn ivvzen kvl
ms folyadkot. Olyan italok, mint
p.gymlcsl, sznsavas dtk,
szeszesitalok adagolsra a vzadagol
A vzadagol hasznlata nem alkalmas. Amennyiben ilyen
Nyomja meg a vzadagol karjt a folyadkokat hasznl, a vzadagol
pohrral. A kar elengedsvel, elzrja a hibsan fog mkdni s javthatatlann
vzadagolst vlhat. Az ilyen hasznlatra nem
A vzadagol hasznlatakor a vonatkozik a garancia. Az ilyen
legnagyobb ramls a kar teljes italokban / dtkben lv vegyi
lenyomsval rhet el. Ne feledje, a vz anyagok s adalkok megtmadhatjk
ramlsa attl fgg, mennyire s krosthatjk a vztartly anyagt.
nyomja meg a kart. Ahogy a vzszint Csak tiszta ivvizet hasznljon.
emelkedik a bgrben / pohrban, A vzadagol tartlynak rtartalma 2,2
lassan cskkentse a nyomst a karon, liter, ne tltse tl.
hogy elkerlje a tlfolyst. Ha csak Nyomja meg a vzadagol kart egy
kicsit nyomja meg a kart, a vz vkony kemny pohrral. Amennyiben
sugrban folyik, ez teljesen szablyos, manyag eldobhat poharat hasznl,
nem hiba. ujjval nyomja meg a kart a pohr
A vztartly tiszttsa
Tvoltsa el a vztartlyt, nyissa ki
mindkt oldalon a kapcsokat s vegye
le a tetszerkezetet rla. Mossa ki a
vztartlyt tiszta, meleg vzzel, tegye
vissza a tetszerkezetet s szortsa meg
a kapcsokat.
12 HU
A vztartly s a vzadagol alkatrszei
nem moshatak mosogatgpben.
A vzadagol hasznlata kzben
lecsepeg vz a vztlcn gylik ssze. A
vztlca eltvoltshoz hzza maga fel.
Idrl idre rtse ki.
13 HU
14 HU
15 HU
16 HU
17 HU
A kompresszor biztostka
hirtelen ramkimaradsok esetn A htszekrny kb. 6 perc utn fog
kiolvadt, illetve a folyamatos bekapcsolni. Krjk, hvja ki a szervizt,
rammegszaktsok utn a ha a 6 perc utn nem indul be a
htszekrny ht rendszere mg nem htszekrny.
kerlt egyenslyba.
18 HU
A hmrsklet tl alacsony
A fagyaszt hmrsklete
tl alacsony, mikzben A fagyaszt nagyon alacsony lltsa a fagyaszt hmrsklett
a ht hmrsklete hmrskletre lett lltva. magasabbra, s ellenrizze.
A ht hmrsklete tl
alacsony, mikzben a A ht nagyon alacsony lltsa a ht hmrsklett
fagyaszt hmrsklete hmrskletre lett lltva. magasabbra, s ellenrizze.
A hmrsklet tl magas.
19 HU
A padl nem egyenes vagy gyenge. Gyzdjn meg rla, hogy a padl
A ht a lass mozgs miatt ad ki egyenes-e, illetve elg ers-e ahhoz, hogy
hangot. elbrja a htszekrnyt.
Rezgs vagy zaj.
A zajt a htszekrny tetejre Az ilyen trgyakat el kell tvoltani a
helyezett trgyak is okozhatjk. htszekrny tetejrl.
A meleg vagy prs leveg nveli a Ez teljesen normlis, nem utal hibra.
jgkpzdst s a kondenzcit.
Kondenzci a
htszekrny bels Gyzdjn meg rla, hogy az ajtk
falain. Az ajtk nyitva vannak. megfelelen be vannak-e csukva.
20 HU
Az ajtk nyitsa s
Az ajt(k) nem nyl(nak) Az lelmiszerek csomagolsai Tvoltsa el azokat a csomagokat, melyek
ik ki. megakadlyozhatjk az ajt akadlyozzk az ajtt.
A htszekrny valsznleg nem lltsa be a szintbellt csavarokat.
teljesen ll fgglegesen a padln, s
a lass mozgs kvetkeztben ugrl.
A padl nem egyenes vagy nem elg Gyzdjn meg rla, hogy a padl
ers. egyenes-e, illetve elg ers-e ahhoz, hogy
elbrja a htszekrnyt.
A rcs beragadt. Az lelmiszer lehet, hogy hozzr a Rendezze t az lelmiszereket a fikban.
fik tetejhez.
21 HU