Decision Making Outline

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Decision Making

I. What is Decision Making?

A. Its the process we all use to find a way to solve a problem
B. Thoughtful and deliberate decision-making is essential to reaching your short and
long-term goals.

II. Facts About Decision Making

A. You have already made several decisions today. Many choices in our life are
automatic and
B. While some seem to struggle with choices, the great news is that the process of
decision making can be learned, BUT it must be practiced to be mastered.
C. While Few decisions need to be made by you aloneinput from other sources is
always helpful.
1. Ask your parents for advice.
2. Ask teachers and/or counselors for input.
3. Ask your friends what they would do if they were faced with your problem.
4. Check books & other printed materials for answers to problems that are
similar to yours. Read about the hard lessons of others before it becomes a
hard lesson for you.
D. Every decision contains riskthere is no guarantee that it is the right decision.
E. Some decisions will come closer to solving your problems than others.

III. Why you need to learn the Decision Making Process

A. Learning the decision making process does not erase the degree of risk, but it does
reduce the chance of making a decision that will not solve your problem.
B. Most decisions are made based on emotions, rather than thought.
C. You can take control of your liferather than letting your problems solve
D. You can build self-confidence by knowing you have thought of several possible ways
to solve your problems and have chosen the ones you felt was best. (Note: Most
people dont want to make decisions because they fear failure and/or change.)
E. The key measure of maturity is the ability to make decisions and accept the outcome,
good or bad, without shifting the blame onto others.
F. Decisions that will affect your life in an important way must be made very soon.
1. You will need to make decisions about the type of career to pursue.
2. You will need to make a decision as to what type of education/training will
best prepare you for it.
3. You will have to decide which courses in high school will assist you in
obtaining the career path you choose.
IV. Decision Making Steps
A. State the problem
1. Identify the result you would like to have
2. Describe the problem in a way that others could clearly understand.
3. Gather any information that relates to the problem
B. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem.
1. Do not reject any solutions at this point, no matter how extreme they may
2. Use action verbs to describe the solutions
C. Evaluate each possible solution
1. What is the outcome likely to be if I choose this solution?
a. Will it take care of the problem now or sometime in the near future?
b. Will it create other problems that will need solving?
c. Is it easier to do than the others I thought of?
2. Will it be the best possible solution of those I thought of?
D. To make it easier to evaluate each solution, you may want to list each solution and its
good and bad points.

V. Choose the best solution and act on it.

A. The solution you choose should be the one that both solves your problem and causes
the least conflict.
B. BE LEGIT! Commit yourself to a date and/or time to try the solution.

VI. Follow through & then evalulate the decision you make
A. The decision you make is not final until the problem is solved or the problem is no
longer a problem.
B. If the decision does not solve the problem in the way you wish, repeat each step
beginning with stating the problem.

VII. You Should Start Making Career Decisions Now!

A. Take advantage of the opportunities to acquire an understanding of yourself and to
investigate many of the career options available to you in the world of work.
B. It is now time for you to narrow the career options down to the occupational cluster
which best matches your personal traits.
C. By narrowing the many options down to a cluster, you can plan for courses and
experiences during your high school years which will assist you in determining the
best career choice for you.

VIII. Facts About Career Decision Making

A. Most people leave career decisions to chance; therefore, they never are really happy
with what they do for a living.
B. Career decision making is an ongoing process. You may want to change careers
several times during your lifetime.
C. There are no perfect careers; no one career totally matches everything about yourself
and everything you desire!
D. Change in both you and in the world of work is certain; learn to accept change, rather
than fight it.
E. Realize that the career decisions you make may be unattainable because the job
market may change, or you may run out of time, money, or motivation, or outside
forces such as marriage and family may prevent you from pursuing the careers for
which you plan.

Ignorance from
Causes of

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