V10 12d NZ - W03 Network Analysis

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12d Model Manual W03: Network Analysis

12d Model Training Notes

W03: Network Analysis

12d NZ Ltd

Version 10.0
January 14

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12d Model Training W03: Network Analysis

12d Model V10.0 W03: Network Analysis Training Notes

V10.0 January 14

12d Model is supplied without any express or implied warranties whatsoever.
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12d Model Manual W03: Network Analysis

Table of Contents
1.1 Key points in Catchments 2
1.2 Importing Catchment Data 2
1.3 Preparing for Catchments 3
Linking Rules ..............................................................3

1.4 Setting the Catchments 3

Catchment File ...........................................................3

1.5 Manual Catchment Linking 5

1.6 Reset all Catchments to Start Over 5
1.7 Catchment Parameters 6
Impervious Percentage Set #2 ................................6
Impervious Percentage Set #3 ................................6


2.1 12d Rational Method Hydrology - Drainage Rainfall Editor
Design > Drainage-Sewer > Rainfall editor ................7

2.2 Storm Analysis 8

Design Results ...........................................................9


Check the Output Window for Warnings ..................11

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12d Model Training W03: Network Analysis

1.0 Catchments
A maximum of 3 catchments can be assigned to a 12d Model Pit, except at outlets, pits that
have 0 inlet capacity specified in the drainage.4d, or those that have an Inlet config set to
Manhole in the Pit tab. It is up to the user to decide how they are to be used (roads, lots and park
land for example). Often set 1 will be all the impervious areas and set 2 the pervious and set 3 for
special areas. Each set has its own percent impervious. The 3 catchment sets are drawn in three
different models.
The catchment strings may be created (drawn) inside 12d Model or can be drawn in a CAD
package and then imported into 12d.
When a catchment string is created to define the area for an inlet then all other data entry types will
be ignored and the area from the string will be used.
1.1 Key points in Catchments
3 catchment sets are available and all catchment polygons must be in these models.
You can enter the catchment area manually (ha or acres) and have no catchment string.
When drawing catchment polygons, start near the inlet for auto linking.
Specify catchment models via Network Editor->Global->Utility Models Catchment file.
Network Editor Set Catchment button links the polygons and calculates the areas
Once a string has been linked to an inlet, it will remain linked until it is deleted or the link
has been cleared (Clear Catchment Links on the Globals->Utility Models tab).
Manual linking available via Network Editor->Catchments->Pick button.
Manholes (set via cap_config M in drainage.4d or Inlet config Manhole on the Pit > Main
tab cannot have linked catchments.
Use the CAD polygon tool for drawing catchments OR close the string for SAG pits
You can disable the auto selection of a string via Right mouse on the pick button then
select <Clear>.

1.2 Importing Catchment Data

I this exercise we will bring in a Cad DWG file which contains the Models (layers) and polygons
which will define the catchments for our network.
This file contains three layers (Models) which are named in line with the standard 12d NZ naming
conventions. As noted in the introduction it is up to the user to determine what each catchment
model represents specific to their design parameters.

Model Name Catchment Area Represented

SW CTM SET 1 Roads and Impervious Areas

SW CTM SET 2 Urban Lots with a percentage of impervious area

SW CTM SET 3 Reserves and other grassed areas

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12d Model Manual W03: Network Analysis

File I/O > Data Input > DWG/DXF/DXB

C:\12d\10.00\Customer_Lib\W03 Catchments.dwg

Select, walk-right over

Customer Lib and select
W03 Catchments.dwg

Select <Read>

1.3 Preparing for Catchments

In each set/model, 12d will automatically link the catchment string to the inlet that is closest to the
first point on your catchment string. This is the preferred method. If this is not possible, then an
inlet may be manually linked to a catchment string using the Catchment manual link.
Linking Rules
1. If an area is typed in before Set Catchments is selected, a catchment string will not be
linked to this inlet-catchment set. Erase the typed input if you want a link to occur.
2. Strings will link to the inlet closest its vertex 1.
3. If more than one string tries to link to an inlet, the closest vertex 1 point will be linked.
4. If an inlet has a string linked and a new string is drawn with a closer vertex 1, the new string
will NOT replay the old string. Use the manual pick or Network Editor->Global->Utility
Models Clear Catchment Links to start new.

1.4 Setting the Catchments

Catchment File
In the DNE, go to Global > Utility Models.

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12d Model Training W03: Network Analysis

1. Key in a new file name Catchments .

2. Key in a new Model name for the labels.
3. Select the text style Catchment Label

Select the yellow folder and choose Open

Right-click on the cell and select

the model SW CTM SET 1.
Repeat for next 2 rows.

Right-click on the cell and select a


Select <Write>

Select <Set Catchments> to automatically link the catchment polygons

Add the Model SW CTM LABELS

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12d Model Manual W03: Network Analysis

1.5 Manual Catchment Linking

The manual links are used when the first point on the catchment string is closest to the wrong inlet.
Note that the following restrictions still apply.
1. The string selected for catchment 1 must be in the model for set 1. To check if you have
selected a valid string select the Set Catchments button.
2. If the catchment string has already been linked to another inlet (automatic or manual) then
the new link will be created and the old link erased.
3. If you change the catchment model for one of the sets on the Network Editor->Global-
>Utility Models->catchments than all of the manual links in that set will be erased.

Use the options to navigate to the pit that the catchment will be assigned to.

Go to the Catchment Tab

Choose the catchment Set number

Select the pick button and pick the catchment polygon to be linked

Select <Set Catchments> to assign the catchment polygon

1.6 Reset all Catchments to Start Over

Go to Global > Utility Models

Select <Clear Catchment Links>

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12d Model Training W03: Network Analysis

1.7 Catchment Parameters

The default settings for the catchments have been discussed in W02: Network Editor. In this
section we will look closer at the time of concentration settings.
Go to Defaults > Catchments Tab.

Enter the default percent impervious

Select the default Tc method

Time of Concentration (Tc) Methods

1. Direct method requires minor and major tc values.
2. Friend, Kinematic Wave, Bransby Williams and QDUM methods require the retardance,
length and slope of the catchments to be entered. Default values must be entered but the
optional explicit settings for slope and length can be entered on the catchment tabs or a
catchment characteristic strings may be drawn. The length of this string is used for the
length parameter and the design tin is used with the string to calculate the slope using the
equal area method.
3. Data for the remaining methods is entered in a similar fashion.

Impervious Percentage Set #2

Go to Set #2 Tab and enter a default

percentage impervious of 65

Impervious Percentage Set #3

Go to Set #3 Tab and enter a default

percentage impervious of 35

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12d Model Manual W03: Network Analysis

2.0 Storm Analysis

Now that we have catchment polygons and our catchment parameters assigned we can undertake
a hydrological and hydraulic analysis of the network. 12d has a sophisticated rational method
hydrology and hydraulic grade line pipe design engine which we will use to analyze and size the
2.1 12d Rational Method Hydrology - Drainage Rainfall Editor
The Drainage Rainfall Editor is used to input rainfall IFD data using several methods. The data is
stored in Meteorology files (each file is for a specific location) that can be shared between 12d
projects. The data is edited using an editor similar to those used for the plot parameter files (ppf).
Select Rainfall File Editor or;
Design > Drainage-Sewer > Rainfall editor
Select and walk right over
Lib. Select
NZ SCS.12dhydro

You must select <Read> to

load the rainfall information

IFD tables are often available from meteorological services. The table input format follows. The first
row is used to define up to 9 return periods and the following rows list the rainfall intensities for the
duration entered in the first column.

Select IFD Table

Return Period (years)

Time of Concentration (mins)

Note: The other settings in the Rainfall File are for the Dynamic Drainage Analysis.

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12d Model Training W03: Network Analysis

2.2 Storm Analysis

The Storm Analysis button on the Network Editor executes the 12d drainage design, plots the
drainage long section and plan annotation and prepares the hydrology and hydraulic design tables.

Select <Storm Analysis>

Storm Factors
Average Recurrence Interval: The valid ARI will depend of the method selected but you cannot
extrapolate beyond your data.
Rainfall Location File: Select the folder icon on the Rainfall location file and then select the
design rainfall file. If the file has only one type of rainfall definition then the Rainfall method field will
be completed. Otherwise select the Rainfall method desired.
Storm event type determines which set of design values (minor or major) will be used for this run.
Pipe travel time method should be set to the authorities requirements.

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12d Model Manual W03: Network Analysis

Partial Area: Enable the 12d rational method engine partial area calculations by selecting the
Partial area effects box.
Network Design Factors
Modify Pipe Sizes: These values control the values to be designed in the run. Consider bypass
flows causes the engine to use the bypass flow routes and inlet capacity data from the drainage.4d
Ensure Pipe Q < Qcap: will increase the pipe size if the criteria is violated.
Modify pipe inverts: will allow the design engine to shift the inverts if required (usually pipe size
If Modify pipe sizes is selected then a files containing the available pipe sizes must be supplied.
The pipe sizes in this file are in the Units specified in the drainage network editor. To create a new
file, enter the file name and then select the folder icon followed by the Edit line. The following panel
will appear.
The Upsize only selection will stop pipes in the system from being reduced in the design.
Regardless of this selection, the 12d design engine will not allow a smaller pipe to be selected in
the downstream direction.

Select <Run>

Design Results
Results from the design runs are shown in several forms:
1. Hydrology and hydraulic reports
2. Drainage plan annotations
3. Drainage longsections
4. Hydraulic Grade line on the Section view
5. Output window data - Service/utility clashes
Hydrology & Hydraulics Reports

To view the report, select and

select Open

To view the report, select and

select Open

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12d Model Training W03: Network Analysis

3.0 Utility Models Service Clash Checking

The DNE can check for crossing and clashing services automatically through a clash check file. If
a pipe thickness is entered in the drainage.4d file, pipe thicknesses will be taken into account. If
not then clearances must include an extra amount for the thickness of the drainage pipe. If the
service model contains other drainage/sewer strings, you must add the thickness of these pipes as
12d service clash routines notify the user of crossing services but not parallel services that are
close to each other. The clearance values are vertical distances at the centre line of the drainage
and service strings. The minimum clearance may be less than the vertical clearance if the drainage
or services are on very steep slopes.
File I/O > Data Input > 12da/4da data
C:\12d\10.00\Customer_Lib\ W01 Centrelines.12da

Select, walk-right over

Customer Lib and select
W03 Services.12da

Select <Read>

Go to Global > Utility Models Tab

Select the folder from the Service clash file and from the User_lib select
12d NZ Service Clash.clash

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Remove the User_lib path

Select the models to check

for clashes and key in the
required clearance values for
each model

Select <Write>

Select <Set Pit Details>

Check the Output Window for Warnings

To quickly move to the section view of the string, Double click on the message in the output
window (note the green! mark). The DNE will move to the pipe and with auto profile button enables
the section view will update to this string.

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