Jesus, Son and Servant of The Father: Parish Priest'S Sunday
Jesus, Son and Servant of The Father: Parish Priest'S Sunday
Jesus, Son and Servant of The Father: Parish Priest'S Sunday
6 August 2017
As they were coming down May the exemplary behavior of sacrifice at your hands, for the
from the mountain, Jesus its members be a source of inspi- praise and glory of his name,
charged them, Do not tell the ration and enlightenment to the for our good and the good of all
vision to anyone until the Son rest of mankind. Let us pray! R. his holy Church.
of Man has been raised from C For the Holy Father and all
the dead. our religious leaders: May they Prayer over the Offerings
The Gospel of the Lord! succeed in their efforts to incul- P Sanctify, O Lord, we pray,
All Praise to you, Lord Jesus cate love for prayer and obedi- these offerings here made to cel-
Christ! ence to the teaching of the Gos- ebrate the glorious Transgura-
pel. Let us pray! R. tion of your Only Begotten Son,
Homily C For the terminally sick who and by his radiant splendor,
Profession of Faith are tempted to despair: May they cleanse us from the stains of sin.
(Nicene Creed) nd in the transguration of Je- Through Christ our Lord.
sus the encouragement and the All Amen!
All I believe in one God, the strength they need to prepare
Father almighty, maker of heaven themselves for their nal en- Preface
and earth, of all things visible and counter with him. Let us pray! of the Transfiguration
invisible. R.
I believe in one Lord Jesus P The Lord be with you!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of C For the youth who feel that All And with your spirit!
God, born of the Father before all their parents and teachers do not P Lift up your hearts!
ages. God from God, Light from understand them: May they nd All We lift them up to the Lord!
Light, true God from true God, the solution to their relational P Let us give thanks to the
begotten, not made, consubstan- problems in the teaching and Lord our God!
tial with the Father; through him example of Jesus. Let us pray! R. All It is right and just!
all things were made. For us men C For our parish priest, (name), P It is truly right and just,
and for our salvation he came his assistant(s) and the other our duty and our salvation, al-
down from heaven, (bow)* and priests who exercise their min- ways and everywhere to give
by the Holy Spirit was incarnate istry in our parish: May the Lord you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
of the Virgin Mary, and became reward them for the generosity mighty and eternal God, through
man. * For our sake he was cru- with which they look after our Christ our Lord.
cied under Pontius Pilate, he spiritual needs by breaking for us For he revealed his glory in
suffered death and was buried, the supernatural bread of Gods the presence of chosen witnesses
and rose again on the third day in Word, the Eucharist, and all the and lled with the greatest splen-
accordance with the Scriptures. dor that bodily form which he
other sacraments. Let us pray! R. shares with all humanity, that
He ascended into heaven and is
seated at the right hand of the C For our community: May the scandal of the Cross might
Father. He will come again in we all respond with gratitude be removed from the heart of his
glory to judge the living and the and generous cooperation to the disciples and that he might show
dead and his kingdom will have priestly ministry of our parish how in the Body of the whole
no end. priest and his assistants, and Church is to be fullled what so
I believe in the Holy Spirit, may we be for them a source of wonderfully shone forth rst in
the Lord, the giver of life, who consolation at all times. Let us its Head.
proceeds from the Father and the pray! R. And so, with the Powers of
Son, who with the Father and the heaven, we worship you con-
C Let us pray in silence for our stantly on earth, and before your
Son is adored and gloried, who personal intentions. (Pause)
has spoken through the prophets. majesty without end we acclaim:
Let us pray! R. All Holy, holy, holy . . .
I believe in one, holy, catholic
and apostolic Church. I confess P Lord God, grant that we
one Baptism for the forgiveness may gladly listen to the teaching Memorial Acclamation
of sins and I look forward to the of Your transgured Son and P The mystery of faith!
resurrection of the dead and the put it into practice, that we may All We proclaim your Death,
life of the world to come. Amen! come to rejoice in his presence in O Lord, and profess your
the Kingdom of Light where he Resurrection until you
Prayer of the Faithful lives and reigns forever and ever. come again!
All Amen!
P Jesus was transgured
while he was praying. Mind-
ful of the power of prayer, let us
condently address our petitions
to the Source of all blessings say- All Our Father . . .
ing: P Deliver us, Lord . . .
Preparation of the Gifts
All For the kingdom, the
All Merciful God, hear us! P Pray, brethren . . . power, and the glory are
C For the Universal Church: All May the Lord accept the yours, now and forever.
Communion Antiphon
T he transfiguration of
Jesus in front of his
disciples on Mount Tabor
but also to us, whose faith
may be even weaker than
that of Peter, James and
(To be recited only when no Com- revealed to them who he re- John. It tells us that no mat-
munion Hymn is sung.) ally was Gods Son and ter how bad things may look,
When Christ appears, we the promised Messiah. Jesus will overcome every
shall be like him, for we shall Such a wonderful reality had difculty because he is the
see him as he is. remained hidden for so many very Son of God. It also tells
years under a layer of ordi- us that Gods love for us is
nariness that had brought greater than all our problems
Prayer after Communion everybody to conclude that and will eventually lead us to
P May the heavenly nourish- Jesus was just a good man brighter days and, actually, to
ment we have received, O Lord, who eventually had become eternal salvation.
we pray, transform us into the a fascinating storyteller and
Jesus transfiguration
a faith healer.
likeness of your Son, whose radi- tells us that in each of us,
ant splendor you willed to make The dazzling brightness too, there is a core of
manifest in his glorious Trans- radiating from Jesus per- divinity and greatness that
guration. son and the voice from is waiting to be revealed.
the cloud that called him That core of divinity was
Who lives and reigns for ever Son and Beloved pro-
and ever. implanted in us at our bap-
claimed that Jesus was tism when we became Gods
All Amen! indeed the Servant/Mes- adopted children. It has to
siah who was fulfilling the be brought to the light
prophecies and promises of day and shine in all its
of old. He was no less than splendor as we endeavor
Gods beloved Son who to remove from ourselves
had come with a message the layers of selfishness,
P The Lord be with you. of salvation that would give materialism, sensuality,
All And with your spirit! meaning and direction to pride, and aggressiveness
P Bow your heads and pray the entire human family a that our own sins and the
for Gods blessing. (Pause) message to be heeded by sins of others has heaped
everybody. on us.
May almighty God make
you always aware of His That message was As we undergo this trans-
saving wisdom! addressed not only to the formation, we will become
All Amen! three disciples who soon ever more similar to our
would have their faith tested inspiring pattern, Jesus our
P May He strengthen your at seeing their Teacher ar- Savior.
faith with His love, so that rested, brutalized and killed,
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Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, V. David, J. Dy, D. Daguio
Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe Circulation: R. Saldua