GR 6 Term 4 2017 Maths Content Booklet Targeted Support
GR 6 Term 4 2017 Maths Content Booklet Targeted Support
GR 6 Term 4 2017 Maths Content Booklet Targeted Support
Term 4
Dear Mathematics Teachers,
Welcome to the NECT Term 4 Learning Programme. In preparation for the training, you will
have received:
A Term 4 Planner and Tracker
A Term 4 Content Booklet
The Term 4 Content Booklet and Training Session, focus on three principles of mathematics
teaching: teaching mathematics developmentally; teaching mathematics multi-modally; and,
sequential teaching. In addition, the training will engage with some of the more challenging
aspects of the curriculum for Term 4.
Use this opportunity to ensure that you are completely comfortable with the content and
concepts that you are required to teach. Your trainer is there to support and develop you as a
Mathematics teacher.
We hope that you enjoy the session and find it useful. We wish you well as you prepare to
teach the Term 4 curriculum.
Notes 62
Principles of teaching Mathematics
What is developmental teaching and what are the benefits of such an approach?
The human mind develops through phases or stages which require learning in a certain
way and which influence whether a child is ready to learn something or not.
If learners are not ready to learn something, it may be due to the fact that they have not
reached that level of development yet or they have missed something previously.
The idea that childrens thinking develop from concrete to abstract (Piaget, 1969),
was refined (Miller & Mercer, 1993) to include a middle stage, namely the concrete-
representational-abstract stages. This classification is a handy tool for mathematics
teaching. We do not need to force all topics to follow this sequence exactly, but at the
primary level it is especially valuable to establish new concepts following this order.
This classification gives a tool in the hands of the teacher, not only to develop childrens
mathematical thinking, but also to fall back to a previous phase if the learner has missed
something previously.
The need for concrete experiences and the use of concrete objects in learning,
may gradually pass as learners develop past the Foundation Phase. However, the
representational and abstract development phases are both very much present in learning
mathematics at the Intermediate and Senior Phases.
4 Grade 6. Mathematics
Principles of teaching Mathematics
If the entire class are battling with a concept, it will need to be taught again, however this
could cause difficulties in trying to keep on track and complete the curriculum in time.
To finish the years work within the required time and to also revise topics, we suggest:
Using some of the time of topics with a more generous time allocation, to assist learners
to form a deeper understanding of a concept, but also to catch up on time missed due to
remediating and re-teaching of a previous topic.
Giving out revision work to learners a week or two prior to the start of a new topic.
For example, in Grade 8, before you are teaching Data Handling, you give learners a
homework worksheet on basic skills from data handling as covered in Grade 7, to revise
the skills that are required for the Grade 8 approach to the topic.
6 Grade 6. Mathematics
Mathematical topic Real or physical For example: Picture Diagram Number (with or without unit) Calculation or operation, general form, rule, formulae
Counting Physical objects like 6 apples 2 # 3 = 6 or 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
apples that can be held
1 2
and moved or 2 of 6 = 3 or 3 of 6 = 4
Principles of teaching Mathematics
Teaching progresses from concrete -> to -> abstract. In case of problems, we fall back <- to diagrams, pictures, physically.
Examples SPEAK IT - explain SHOW IT - embody SYMBOL IT - enable
To introduce terminology To help storing and retrieving ideas To promote mathematical thinking
To support auditory learning To help visual learning To convert situations to mathematics
To link mathematics to real life To condense information to one image To enable calculations
IP: Geometric If shapes grow or shrink in the same Say out loud:
Grade 6. Mathematics
patterns way each time, it forms a geometric 1; 3; 6...
pattern or sequence. We can find 1; 3; 6; 10...
the rule of change and describe it in 1; 3; 6;10;15
words. If there is a property in the Inspect the number values of terms:
shapes that we can count, each term T1: 1 = 1
of the sequence has a number value T1 T2 T3 T4 T2: 3 = 1+2
You will be asked to draw the next Question: (a) Draw the next term in this pattern. (b) Describe T3: 6 = 1+2+3
term of the pattern, or to say how a this pattern. What is the value of the 9th term of this pattern T4: 10 = 1+2+3+4
certain term of the pattern would look. (T9)? Which term has a value of 120? T9: 45 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
You may also be given a number value To draw up to the 9th term of the sequence and to find out General rule: The value of term n is the sum of n
and you may be asked, which term of which term has a value of 120, is slow. One is now almost number of consecutive numbers, starting at 1.
the pattern has this value? forced to deal with this problem in a symbolic way.
SP: Grouping We can simplify an algebraic Although not in a real picture, we can paint a mind picture to help Group and simplify the following expression:
the terms of an expression by grouping like terms us understand the principle of classification: 4b a2 + 3a2b 2ab 3a + 4b + 5a a
algebraic expression together. We therefore have to know Basket with green apples (a) 2ab + 2a2b + a2b
how to spot like terms. Let us say
Basket with green pears (b)
Principles of teaching Mathematics
a2 a2b
Topic 1 Whole Numbers
Learners must be able to:
Order, compare and represent numbers to at least 6-digit numbers
Represent odd and even numbers to at least 1 000.
Recognize the place value of digits in whole numbers to at least 6 digit numbers.
Round off to the nearest 5, 10, 100 and 1 000
Learners must be able to perform these operations with ease as they will be
required to perform these same operations in Algebraic context.
10 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 1 Whole Numbers
Term Explanation / Diagram
Whole Numbers The numbers in the set {0, 1, 2, 3, .} are called whole numbers. Whole
numbers are counting numbers including zero.
Place Value The value of the digit depends on its order in the number.
In 65 314 728, the 2 is in the tens position, so it shows a value of
Rounding Off Numbers are either rounded up or down to the nearest 10, 100 or 1 000.
0,1, 2, 3 and 4 means that the 10,100 or 1 000 is rounded down.
5,6,7,8 or 9 means the 10, 100 or 1 000 is rounded up.
Digit A single character used in a numbering system. In the decimal system
digits are 0 to 9.
Inverse Operations Addition can be checked by subtraction.
Multiplication can be checked by division
Order Of Operation BODMAS
When there are multiple operations in the same sum there is a particular
1. Brackets ( ) 2. Of means multiply or to apply and exponential
increase 3. Division and multiplication: work left to right 4. Addition
and subtraction: work left to right
Estimation The best guess arrived at after considering all the information given in a
problem. To estimate is to find an answer that is very close to the exact
Million A million is 1000000 or 1000 thousands
Counting in millions:
1 000 000, 2 000 000, 3 000 000
1 340 000, 2 340 000, 3 340 000
12 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 1 Whole Numbers
Teaching Tip:
ICON S Learners often misread or write numbers incorrectly when they have a lot
of zeros. This can be prevented by working with place value tables and if educators
emphasise the importance of zeros as place holders in the number. Learners must
know that if hundred millions are mentioned there will be at least 9 digits in the number.
Learners can practice reading numbers in sets of three and making a point of stating
that each space represents a word. Example: 234 567 123 is two hundred and thirty-four
million five hundred and sixty seven thousand one hundred and twenty three.
Which number is smaller, 467 237 981 or 467 230 600?
When comparing numbers look at the value of each digit starting from the
left and gradually moving to the right of the number.
Hundred Ten Million Million Hundred Ten Thousand Thousand Hundred Ten Units
Million Thousand (One)
4 6 7 2 3 7 9 8 1
4 6 7 2 3 0 6 0 0
0 thousands is smaller than 7 thousands. So, 467 230 600 is smaller than 467 237 981.
This must be written as 467 230 600 < 467 237 981
Teaching Tip:
The best way to help learners remember the correct sign to use in these
comparisons is to let them think of a crocodile. The open end of the sign can
be an open crocodile mouth and crocodiles are greedy and always want to
eat the bigger share or number. This is a technique used in the foundation
phase but it is very effective throughout the intermediate phase as well.
Which number is greater, 300 712 935 or 300 712 846?
Hundred Ten Million Hundred Ten Thousand Thousand Hundred Ten Units
Million Million Thousand (One)
3 0 0 7 1 2 9 3 5
3 0 0 7 1 2 8 4 6
The values of the digits in the hundreds place are not the same.
This must be written as 300 712 935 > 300 712 846
324 688, 32 468, 3 246 880, 324 560 004
Look at which number has the least digits and this will become the first
number. It will help if leaners use a place value table and write numbers
underneath each other.
Look at which number has the most digits this becomes the first number
in the sequence and is then followed by the next biggest number and so
14 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 1 Whole Numbers
Rounding off
This section is often difficult for learners to grasp, but remember the rules
below and do a lot of oral work and mental maths with this concept.
1. Decide which digit is the last one you need to keep. You will know this
because it is the digit in the place you are asked to round off to.
2. Leave it the same if the next digit is less than 5
Round 74 to the nearest 10
Round 86 to the nearest 10
4. Learners must be able to round to the nearest 5, 10, 100 or 1000. These
are skills that must be practiced so that learners can perform rounding off
without error.
This unit runs for 5 hours.
It is part of Content Area, Numbers, Operations and Relationships and
counts for 50 % in the final exam.
The unit covers revision of techniques covered in Term 2 where the
emphasis is on working with the multiplication of 4-digit by 3-digit
Learners have been performing these operations throughout the
intermediate phase and it is very important that learners develop good
strategies that can be applied in a variety of contexts and so that their
strategies can be adapted when working with even larger numbers.
Practice as much as possible if the textbook used does not have
enough exercises in, re-do some, find some more or make up a
worksheet of your own.
16 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 2 Multiplication
Learners must be able to:
Multiply whole 3-digit numbers by whole 2-digit numbers using a variety
of strategies
Build up and break down numbers when applying their strategies for
Recognize the importance of using strategies learnt previously and apply
them to a variety of contexts.
Estimation as a technique for calculations related to multiplication.
Learners must be able to perform these operations with ease as they will
be required to perform these same operations in Algebraic context.
Term Explanation / Diagram
Factor A factor is an integer that divides into another integer exactly. If any
integer is divided into another integer without any remainder then that
integer is a factor of the other.
Multiple A multiple of a number is exactly divisible by that number without any
Product The result when two or more numbers are multiplied together.
Multiply/Times The process of adding a quantity to itself a certain number of times. It is
the inverse of division.
Multiplication The process of finding the total number of items in a given number of
groups, where each group has the same number of items.
Distributive Property The product of a number and a sum is equal to the sum of the individual
product of addends* and a number
Addend In an addition calculation the numbers being added together are called
18 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 2 Multiplication
The factors of 24 are {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}
2. Multiples are also essential knowledge for leaners when using the distributive
property to calculate the product of much larger numbers
The multiples of 24 are {24, 48, 72; 96..} Multiples continue and are infinite
(meaning they do not end. This will mean multiples are an open and continuing set.
How many bottles of water are there in 237 boxes, if each box contains 24 bottles?
The number 237 can be broken up into 200 + 30 + 7 and now the distributive
property can be used to complete the problem.
(200 24) + (30 24) + (7 24)
= 4800 + 720 + 168
= 5688
The distributive property can be used further in the example should learners need
to work with smaller components to make multiplication easier. This is the method
learners have been using in the intermediate phase.
3 5 2
2 7
2 4 6 4 3527
7 0 4 0 35220
9 5 0 4
There are 256 people at the soccer game. If each person spends R 24,
how much money was made?
The factors of 24 can be 6 and 4 and these can each be factored more
where 4 is 2 2 and 6 is 2 3
This means multiplication can occur by doing the following:
(256 2) 2 2 3
=(512 2) 2 3
=(1024 2) 3
=2048 3
These are not new skills and learners have practiced them in previous
grades. It is very important that learners practice decomposing numbers
into factors and if learners can decompose numbers into prime factors
then the final multiplication is much easier
20 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 2 Multiplication
5325108=575 100
5000108=540 000 Not suitably rounded as the answer is too far off
5300108=572 400 Rounding is more suitable as it results in a much closer answer.
5320108=574 560 This is the best choice but learners may find this calculation difficult.
5325100=532 500 Not suitably rounded as the answer is too far off
5325110=585 750 Not suitably rounded as the answer is too far off
Learners must understand that the smaller the rounding value is (rounding to the nearest
10, 100 or 1000) the closer the answer is going to be to the actual answer. Learners
must understand that they choose the rounding value based on how accurate they wish
to be and also on the numbers used in the calculation.
M Hth Tth Th H T U
5 4 6 9
1 8 7
3 8 2 8 3 7
4 3 7 5 2 0 80
5 4 6 9 0 0 100
1 0 2 2 7 0 3 Remember to add each of
the products to give the final answer
Learners must be comfortable with tables, factors and multiples. This method is best
taught to learners using a board as the numbers are far too large to teach this section
practically. Learners can work on multiplying two-digit by two-digit numbers and then
gradually increasing the size of each number until learners are comfortable and can
meet the requirement and are multiplying four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers.
This unit runs for 5 hours.
It is part of Content Area, Numbers, Operations and Relationships and
counts for 50 % in the final exam.
The unit covers revision of all the calculations done in Term 2 relating to
Common Fractions, although the greater emphasis this term should be
on the comparison of equivalent forms.
It is important to ensure that learners can perform the operations with
ease and that they have a good understanding of the topics covered on
Decimal Fractions and Percentages.
This section is covered in multiple stages throughout the intermediate
phase so it is important to ensure that learners are leaving each Grade
with the necessary understanding so they can perform the necessary
calculations in the next Grade.
Practice as much as possible if the textbook used does not have
enough exercises in, re-do some, find some more or make up a
worksheet of your own.
22 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 3 Common Fractions
Learners must be able to:
Describe and order fractions to at least twelfths
Perform a variety of calculations that involve fractions with the same
Solve problems in contexts that involve grouping and sharing.
Recognise equivalent forms when the denominators are multiples of
each other.
Performing a variety of calculations using fractions that may or may not
have the same denominator or denominators that are multiples of each
other is an essential component to the pre-algebra content that learners
must understand.
Application of all calculation principles relating to fractions as well as
applying the principle to algebraic contexts later in the Senior and FET
phases is vital and extends into Calculus in the later stages of the FET
phase and in tertiary education.
Term Explanation / Diagram
Numerator This is the number at the top of a fraction.
Denominator This is the number at the bottom of the fraction.
Proper Fractions A fraction that has a numerator that is smaller than the denominator.
Improper Fractions A fraction that has a numerator that is larger than the denominator.
Mixed Numbers These fractions represent complete wholes as well as excess parts of a
further whole.
Equivalent Fractions These are fractions that represent equivalent parts of a whole when
compared to each other.
Lowest Common Denominator (LCD) This is the denominator that actually represents the Lowest common
multiple that can be found comparing the various denominators in the
Percentage A percentage is a part of a whole represented as 100 parts.
24 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 3 Common Fractions
10 (10 5) 2
15 = (15 5) = 3
This fraction is in its simplest form as the numerator and the denominator
cannot be made any smaller.
Teaching Tip:
Various simple tools can make this section less boring and can
encourage learners to engage with the topic. Resources such as a wall
chart or number line can be used in this section. The more examples you
Equivalent Fractions
1. Learners must be able to recognise and determine equivalent fractions.
Simplification of fractions is a really important part of understanding the
equivalence of fractions. Equivalent fractions are fractions that equal
each other. This is the section that should be focussed on this term.
2. Learners must be shown that the numerator and the denominator must
always be multiplied or divided by the same amount as this is the only
way to obtain equivalent fractions.
10 (10 4) 40
= =
15 (15 4 ) 60
Teaching Tip:
This section can be demonstrated very easily by using blank paper and
folding it to represent various parts. This is a simple method that shows
the same piece of paper broken into a varying number of parts. Using
concrete apparatus to demonstrate this to learners is important as it gives
a fixed idea of the concept.
Try to make use of some real examples and not just the ones in a
textbook. Make very sure that your learners know where the numerator
is and where the denominator is in a fraction as many learners cannot
identify where these are and this means they make errors when
calculating with fractions.(numerator/( denominator ))
26 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 3 Common Fractions
3. Learners must be able to compare fractions using <, > and = in their
Teaching Tip:
Using examples where the value of items are represented as fractions can
help give some realistic examples that will help learners to understand. Sales
are a really good real life concept that will be useful in this section of work.
Example: James wants to buy a new pair of basketball shoes. Two shops
stock the shoes and he is very lucky because they are also both having
sales on the shoes he wants. The original price for the shoes is R 500. One
shop offers a saving of 2/3 off the price, the other offers a saving of 7/12 off
the price. Which store offers the best saving? As both shops offer the shoes
at the same price learners can compare the fractions and determine which
fraction is greater. This is also a good opportunity to have learners check that
their answer is sensible and is correctly calculated. Savings cannot be more
than the original price.
This unit runs for 5 hours.
It is part of Content Area, Space and Shape and counts for 15 % in the final
The unit deals with the consolidation and extension of knowledge relating to
3D shapes. In Term 2 learners had to build shapes using nets but now we need
learners to build skeleton versions of the 3D shapes so that they can compare
edges, faces and vertices and how these would determine the classification of the
particular shape.
Although learners have worked on this topic previously it is important that learners
are able to not only work with real 3D shapes but can also complete written
exercises relating to 3D shapes. Interpreting pictures is more difficult than working
with real shapes.
Practice as much as possible if the textbook used does not have enough
exercises in, re-do some, find some more or make up a worksheet of your own.
28 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 4 Properties Of 3D Objects
Learners must be able to:
Recognise, visualise and name 3D objects in the environment and
geometric settings with a focus on shapes such as rectangular prisms,
cubes, cylinders, cones and pyramids.
Similarities and differences between rectangular prisms and cubes.
Describe 3D objects focussing on the shape of faces, number of faces
and whether they have flat or curved edges.
Make 3D models from cut out polygons.
Trace nets of boxes that have been cut open to see the shape as it would
look in 2D.
These skills are applied to geometric understanding and the complete
understanding of measurement later in the senior and FET phases.
This section is also integrated into the subject areas of CAD and EGD in
the FET phase.
Term Explanation / Diagram
Three-dimensional (3D) Object 3D objects are figures that do not lie in a plane. These objects have
length, width (breadth) and height.
Prism A polyhedron* consisting of two parallel, congruent faces called bases
that are joined with rectangular faces.
Polyhedron A solid figure that has several polygon faces
Pyramid A special type of polyhedron. It has a solid base that is a polygon and
the other faces are triangles that meet at an apex.*
Apex The highest point of a pyramid
Tetrahedron A solid made up of four triangular faces. It can also be considered
a pyramid with a triangular base. The regular tetrahedron is also a
platonic solid.*
Platonic Solid 5 Regular polyhedrons that have identical faces and the same number
of edges meeting at each vertex.*
Face The flat surface or side of a solid shape.
Edge The intersection of the faces of a 3D shape
Vertex The corner of a shape or solid. The place where two edges of a shape
meet, or where three or more faces of a solid meet, is a vertex.
Net A 2D pattern of a 3D shape that can be folded to result in the 3D
Sphere A perfectly round ball. This is a shape that is made of only curved
edges. Every point on the surface of the sphere is the same distance
away from the centre of the shape.
Cone A cone is a pyramid with a circular base
Cylinder A 3D shape with a parallel circle at each end and is joined by a curved
30 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 4 Properties Of 3D Objects
2. Learners must know that most objects are polyhedra but there are
shapes such as cylinders that do not fall into this classification as the
curved side joining the circular faces is not a flat surface.
Polyhedron Not a polyhedron
Teaching Tip:
Learner would have investigated these differences so that they can determine
further distinguishing characteristics in later grades
Teaching Tip:
Many learners find it easier to distinguish between objects if they can touch the
actual object. It is a good idea for the teachers to construct a large cardboard
model of the objects. Students can touch and discover the differences and this
helps them visualise the actual structure of the objects they are learning about.
2. Examples of pyramids:
3. Tetrahedron
32 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 4 Properties Of 3D Objects
Building 3D models
1. Learners are expected to produce models of 3D objects using nets.
2. This also means that learners should be able to identify which nets will
deliver the shape they wish to construct.
Teaching Tip:
In Grade 5 learners would have traced nets of a variety of boxes that
they have deconstructed. Learners must revisit the requirements for a
good net, such as tabs, to ensure their success in constructing these 3D
models. It will also help if learners are given clear instructions when they
are constructing their shapes.
Teaching Tip:
Boxes used for packaging can be used to demonstrate shapes broken
down into their nets. Smartie boxes, Astro boxes, milk cartons, almost
any object that comes packaged in cardboard is a good net to show
learners how to visualize the net they wish to draw when given a shape.
Teaching Tip:
Putting up posters with pictures and descriptions of these objects
help learners in internalise the properties of these shapes and makes
comparison much easier. Learners must start comparing shapes that
are representations as they cannot become completely dependent on
working with real objects.
This unit runs for 7 hours.
It is part of Content Area, Measurement and counts for 15 % in the final exam.
The unit covers perimeter, area and volume of shapes. It also has reference to
the history of measurement.
It is important to understand that learners in grade 6 are not required to use
formulae when calculating perimeter and area but should be measuring using
rulers and tape measures. Learners are only expected to start developing an
understanding of the calculations that are used for area (only squares and
rectangle) and volume (only rectangular prisms).
Practice as much as possible if the textbook used does not have enough
exercises in, re-do some, find some more or make up a worksheet of your own.
34 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 5 Area, Perimeter And Volume
Learners must be able to:
Measure perimeter using rulers and tape measures.
Find area using square grids to draw/print the shapes on which develops
the understanding of square units.
Find volume by filling or packing items into a 3D shape and thus
developing an understanding of cubic units. Usually packing smaller
cubes into larger cubes or rectangular prisms.
Understanding the relationship between area and volume is required
for the calculation that are performed relating to 3D objects later in the
senior and FET phases.
The understanding of how changes to single or multiple dimensions of
a 3D object can influence the area or volume without having to perform
complicated calculations but determining them by inference is beneficial
to learners in the FET phase
Term Explanation / Diagram
Two-dimensional (2D) The name given to flat shapes that occupy a space and thus have area
that can be calculated.
Regular Polygon A polygon whose sides are all the same length and whose angles are all
the same size.
Irregular Polygon A polygon that does not have sides that area the same lenth nor are the
angles the same size
Perimeter The distance around the polygon.
Formula An expression or equation that is used to express the relationship
between certain quantities.
Standard Unit (SI Unit) A unit is the standard quantity which is used to measure other quantities.
Area The surface of a shape or object. It can also be defined as the number of
square units that a shape covers.
Composite Shape An irregular shape that is made up of parts or whole components of
other shapes.
Solid Figure A 3D shape that has length, breadth and height (or depth).
Cube A 3D figure with 6 identical square faces.
Prism A 3D shape that has two polygon faces that are parallel and joined by
rectangular sides.
Rectangular Prism A prism made of 6 rectangular faces.
3 dimensional (3D) These are figures that do not lie in a plane. The figures have length,
breadth and height or depth.
Surface Area The sum of the areas of each of the faces of a 3D shape.
Volume The amount of space contained inside a shape. That means volume is the
space that can be filled with other items. Volume has cubic units.
Capacity The amount of a liquid that a 3D shape can hold. It is measured in ml or
Net A 2D pattern that folds to form a 3D shape. It is helpful when
calculating surface area as it makes all faces visible so that they are not
omitted from the calculation.
36 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 5 Area, Perimeter And Volume
Learners spent most of the earlier terms this year learning how to read
scales and use measuring equipment correctly. It is vital that these basic
rules for measurement are discussed at the beginning of this section.
2. Please note that learners are not expected to use any formulae when
finding perimeter at this stage, they are determining perimeter by
measurement or by adding the given edge lengths in an exercise.
Although learners should be measuring to determine perimeter, they must
also be exposed to a variety of exercises that vary the techniques used.
Area of shapes
1. Learners must be able to determine the area occupied by a shape that has
been drawn on grid paper by counting the squares the shape occupies.
2. These shapes should have flat edges in Grade 6 so that learners can
accurately determine the area. Should the shape not occupy the entire
block, half blocks can be added to make a whole block.
3. Learners must estimate the area covered by the shape by taking the
following rules into account:
a. Count the whole squares
b. Combine half squares to make whole squares
c. Count any parts bigger than a half as a whole square
d. Ignore the parts that are less than half of the square in size.
4. Learners must remember that estimates are not accurate and are also
not a wild guess but an educated accurate determination of an amount
using skills relating to measurement.
Area of rectangles
1. Learners can determine area by counting the squares on grid paper now
learner must start to see the relationship between the number of rows
(breadth) multiplied by number of blocks per row (length) and the area
that they counted before.
2. Exercises that consolidate this skill should allow for counting and using
the basic rule given above.
3. The focus should only be on the development of the idea and not on
learners using formulae for area.
4. These exercises must be limited to rectangular shapes only.
Teaching Tip:
This is best determined by providing learners with a variety of squares and
rectangles on grid paper and allowing them to investigate by determining
perimeter and then area and finding any relationship should it exist.
38 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 5 Area, Perimeter And Volume
5. Please note that learners are not expected to use any formulae but can
start relating to the area as number of rows multiplied by number of
blocks per row. This is the idea that should be developing by the end of
grade 6.
This shape has 2 layers of 4rows of 3 blocks in a row. That makes 12 blocks
in a layer. There are 24 block that make up the whole shape. So the volume
is 24 cubic units.
Teaching Tip:
Real life examples relating to packaging would be helpful to assist
learners to determine and understand the reason for this type of
investigation. Have learners deconstruct cereal boxes and then
determine surface area and volume to investigate the relationship
between them.
Teaching Tip:
Have learners investigate the history related to where the length a meter
came from, or a litre or the mass unit kilogram. The more learners investigate
a variety of historical facts the more they can share their knowledge
with each other and thus learn a greater number of historical facts on
40 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 6 Division
This unit runs for 7 hours.
It is part of Content Area, Numbers, Operations and Relationships and
counts for 50 % in the final exam.
The unit revises the content on division covered in Term 2.
It is important to ensure that learners have mastered the required skills
for division of whole 4 digit numbers by whole 3 digit numbers. Learners
must develop acceptable strategies that can at later stages of the senior
phase be developed further to accommodate larger numbers.
Although learners have the opportunity to use calculators it is still vital
that these calculations are done without too much dependence on the
Practice as much as possible if the textbook used does not have
enough exercises in, re-do some, find some more or make up a
worksheet of your own.
Learners must be able to:
Divide whole 3 digit numbers by whole 2 digit numbers.
Use a variety of techniques such a repeated subtraction or determine quotient.
These skills and techniques will be required to work in algebraic contexts.
Development of a clear understanding that will become the basic component of
factorising and differentiation
Term Explanation / Diagram
Share To portion or divide something between varying numbers of groups
Group To place items together using criteria that relates the items to each other.
Prime Number A positive integer that has only two factors, 1 and the number itself. This
does not include 1 as it is an identity number.
Composite Number Any number that has multiple factors.
Long Division Long divisionis a process ofdivisionin arithmetic, usually used when the
divisor is a large number, in which each step of thedivisionis written
Ratio A comparison of two numbers using division that can only be done if
both the numbers have the same unit.
Remainder What is left over when you try to share a whole out into a particular
number of equal parts.
Divisor The number we are dividing by in a division calculation.
Dividend The number being divided
Quotient The answer to a division calculation.
Inverse The opposite operation being performed. In this section the inverse of
division is multiplication.
Divisible A number is divisible by another if there is no remainder after division.
42 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 6 Division
What are the factors of 125?
{1, 5, 125} are all the factors of 125.
Divisibility rules
Dividing by 2
1. All even numbers are divisible by 2.
All numbers ending in 0,2,4,6 or 8.
Dividing by 3
1. Add up all the digits in the number.
2. Find out what the sum is. If the sum is divisible by 3, so is the number
12123 (1+2+1+2+3=9) 9 is divisible by 3, therefore 12123 is too!
Dividing by 4
1. Are the last two digits in your number divisible by 4?
2. If so, the number is too!
358912 ends in 12 which is divisible by 4, thus so is 358912.
Dividing by 5
1. Numbers ending in a 5 or a 0 are always divisible by 5.
Dividing by 6
1. If the Number is divisible by 2 and 3 it is divisible by 6 also. You can also
think about all multiples of 3 that are even numbers are also divisible by
6. You can therefore use the divisibility rule of 3 and then check if the
number is even or odd. If it is even then it is also divisible by 6.
Dividing by 7 (2 Tests)
1. Take the last digit in a number.
2. Double and subtract the last digit in your number from the rest of the
3. Repeat the process for larger numbers.
357 (Double the 7 to get 14. Subtract 14 from 35 to get 21 which is
divisible by 7 and we can now say that 357 is divisible by 7.
1. Take the number and multiply each digit beginning on the right hand side
(ones) by 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5. Repeat this sequence as necessary
2. Add the products.
3. If the sum is divisible by 7 - so is your number.
Is 2016 divisible by 7?
6(1) + 1(3) + 0(2) + 2(6) = 21
21 is divisible by 7 and we can now say that 2016 is also divisible by
Dividing by 8
1. This one's not as easy, if the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, so is the
entire number.
6008 - The last 3 digits are divisible by one, therefore, so is 6008.
Dividing by 9
1. Almost the same rule and dividing by 3. Add up all the digits in the
2. Find out what the sum is. If the sum is divisible by 9, so is the number.
43785 (4+3+7+8+5=27) 27 is divisible by 9, therefore 43785 is too!
Dividing by 10
1. If the number ends in a 0, it is divisible by 10
44 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 6 Division
Teaching Tip:
This method works very well if learners can work on rough paper or on
white boards because it is a trial and error method and does take long,
learners should not do too many of these. This strategy does assist
learners should they continue to struggle with long division. Always let
learners check their answers by using multiplication and reversing the
process. The size of certain numbers can make methods previously
taught very difficult to apply.
Long division
1. This is the traditional method of division and it remains the best method
used to determine the quotient when dividing. It works well even with
very large numbers.
2. Learners must divide number that result in no remainder as well as
numbers that leave a remainder.
2 4 remainder 59
146 3 5 6 3
- 2 9 2 2 146
6 4 3
- 5 8 4 4 146
5 9
Learners can be taught a simple rhyme that reminds them of the steps
they need to follow to complete long division simply.
Teaching Tip:
Throughout the intermediate phase learners have worked with division in
varying grades of difficulty but learners should develop a good strategy
for division that can be applied to a variety of contexts.
It is vital that learners are exposed to word problems that require division
and these should be real life word problems that hold realistic context
and can be related to by the learners. Examples would include: How
many chocolates could you buy if you had R 50 and each chocolate cost
R 8, How many burgers would you buy from spur, if you had R 350 and
a burger cost R 25 or if the school has 2500 books and each class has
40 children, how many book would each class get and how many books
would go into the library?
46 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 7 Number Sentences
Learners must be able to:
Write number sentences to describe problem situations and focussing on the properties
of operations.
Solve and complete number sentences by inspection and trial and improvement.
Check answers for number sentences by substitution
Algebraic concepts such as algebraic expressions and equations.
Solving word problems in a variety of contexts using algebraic knowledge.
Term Explanation / Diagram
Number Sentence This is a way to represent a rule that can be used to solve a problem.
Equivalence When two number sentences result in the same amount they are equivalent to
each other.
Order of Operations Applying the rule of BODMAS or BEDMAS to solve a number sentence.
48 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 7 Number Sentences
Which of the following would have the same value as ___ 17?
a. ____ + 17
b. ____ - 17
c. 17 ____
d. 17 + ____
A certain number multiplied by 2 is equal to 26 minus 4. What is the number?
____ 2 = 26 4
This unit runs for 3 hours.
It is part of Content Area, Space and Shape (Geometry) and counts for
15 % in the final exam.
The unit extends the work covered in Term 3 on Transformations where
the greater focus is on enlargement and reduction of shapes.
Learners must revise the language they have learnt that relates to
Transformation Geometry. Learners must be capable of describing the
transformations that they see happening.
Practice as much as possible if the textbook used does not have
enough exercises in, re-do some, find some more or make up a
worksheet of your own.
Learners must be able to:
Describe lines of symmetry in 2D and 3D objects found in nature, modern everyday life
and in our cultural heritage.
Describe rotational symmetry of shapes
Enlarge/reduce basic shapes (quadrilaterals and triangles only)
Transformations performed on a variety of shapes including 3D shapes.
Multiple transformations performed on a single shape
Glide reflections performed on shapes
Transformations performed on functions (graphs).
50 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 8 Transformations
Term Explanation / Diagram
Transformation A change in the position, orientation or size of an object or shape
Rigid Transformation Transformations in which size and shape are preserved
(that means they do not change)
Object The original shape before a transformation has been made
Image The resulting shape after a transformation has been made
Enlargement A transformation where the shape of the object is maintained
but the size is increased.
Reduction A transformation where the shape of the object is maintained
but the size is decreased.
Centre Of Enlargement / The point from which an enlargement takes place or the point towards
Reduction which a reduction occurs
Scale Factor The number of times the image is larger or smaller than the original object
Congruent Absolutely identical to each other
Teaching Tip:
A good understanding of scale factor will be useful when scaled drawings
must be done later in the senior phase. Learners must understand that scale
factors larger than one result in enlargements and scale factors between
zero and one result in reduced images. It is therefore vital that educators
explain that scale factor is always multiplied by the original size to result in
the image. It is therefore better to say the image is half the size of the original
object as this makes it relatable to learners when the scale factor is times by
2. Learners are expected to enlarge and reduce only triangles and
quadrilaterals and this would be expanded in the later stages of the
senior phase and the FET phase.
Teaching Tip:
Learners will be enlarging and reducing a variety of shapes in Grade 7 it is
very important that the skills are mastered on basic shapes in Grade 6 to
ensure they can perform the same task on more complex shapes later.
52 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 9 Position And Movement
Learners must be able to:
Locate position of objects, drawings or symbols using grid referencing in the alpha-
numeric context.
Locate a position on a map using alpha-numeric reference.
Follow directions to trace a path between positions on a map
This skill is applied in transformation geometry and analytical geometry later in the
senior and FET phases.
The skill of grid referencing is also applied extensively in Geography and Mathematical
54 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 9 Position And Movement
Term Explanation / Diagram
Alpha-numeric Grid A grid with alphabet letters for the columns and numbers for the rows, in
which every position on the grid has a specific reference.
Grid Reference Position Refers to a particular cell on the grid for example C2 is the cell in column
C and row 2
The tree moves upwards 2 blocks from A3 to reach A5, then the tree
moves 4 blocks to the right and down 1 block to reach E4.
56 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 9 Position And Movement
Learners must be able to:
Perform single repeated events and list the possible outcomes for experiments such as
rolling a die, flipping a coin and spinning a simple spinner.
Count and compare the frequency of actual outcomes for a series of trials up to 20 trials.
Relative frequency experiments and theoretical probability.
The application of theoretical probability to determine chance.
Venn diagrams and proving chance by calculations
58 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 10 Probability
Term Explanation / Diagram
Experiment Something we do to find out what will happen
Trial The activity that is used to determine what will happen
Outcome The result of the trial
Frequency How often the outcome occurs
Spinning a spinner
The spinner could land on red or blue twice but on yellow or green only
once each.
Flipping a coin
Rolling a die
60 Grade 6. Mathematics
Topic 10 Probability
Teaching Tip
Learners must be reminded how to tally correctly.
Learners will use this skill later when they are working with relative
frequency in the senior phase. It is very important to make sure that
learners understand what they are recording and that they are recording
62 Grade 6. Mathematics
64 Grade 6. Mathematics