A Wave Energy Resource Assessment in The China's Seas Based On Multi-Satellite Merged Radar Altimeter Data
A Wave Energy Resource Assessment in The China's Seas Based On Multi-Satellite Merged Radar Altimeter Data
A Wave Energy Resource Assessment in The China's Seas Based On Multi-Satellite Merged Radar Altimeter Data
DOI: 10.1007/s13131-015-0627-6
E-mail: hyxbe@263.net
Wave energy resources are abundant in both offshore and nearshore areas of the China's seas. A reliable
assessment of the wave energy resources must be performed before they can be exploited. First, for a water
depth in offshore waters of China, a parameterized wave power density model that considers the effects of
the water depth is introduced to improve the calculating accuracy of the wave power density. Second, wave
heights and wind speeds on the surface of the China's seas are retrieved from an AVISO multi-satellite altim-
eter data set for the period from 2009 to 2013. Three mean wave period inversion models are developed and
used to calculate the wave energy period. Third, a practical application value for developing the wave energy
is analyzed based on buoy data. Finally, the wave power density is then calculated using the wave field data.
Using the distribution of wave power density, the energy level frequency, the time variability indexes, the to-
tal wave energy and the distribution of total wave energy density according to a wave state, the offshore wave
energy in the China's seas is assessed. The results show that the areas of abundant and stable wave energy
are primarily located in the north-central part of the South China Sea, the Luzon Strait, southeast of Taiwan
in the China's seas; the wave power density values in these areas are approximately 14.018.5 kW/m. The
wave energy in the Chinas seas presents obvious seasonal variations and optimal seasons for a wave energy
utilization are in winter and autumn. Except for very coastal waters, in other sea areas in the China's seas,
the energy is primarily from the wave state with 0.5 mHs4 m, 4 sTe10 s where Hs is a significant wave
height and Te is an energy period; within this wave state, the wave energy accounts for 80% above of the total
wave energy. This characteristic is advantageous to designing wave energy convertors (WECs). The practical
application value of the wave energy is higher which can be as an effective supplement for an energy con-
sumption in some areas. The above results are consistent with the wave model which indicates fully that this
new microwave remote sensing method altimeter is effective and feasible for the wave energy assessment.
Key words: China's seas, multi-satellite merged altimeter data, wave energy resources, assessment, wave
power density
Citation: Wan Yong, Zhang Jie, Meng Junmin, Wang Jing. 2015. A wave energy resource assessment in the China's seas based on
multi-satellite merged radar altimeter data. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3): 115124, doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0627-6
1 Introduction of the ocean energy because it will only slightly affect the envi-
The ongoing development of human society and the econ- ronment and it is a form of mechanical energy. Previous work
omy is increasing the demand for energy. The reserves of some has estimated that the theoretical wave energy in the oceans is
conventional fossil energy sources, such as petroleum, natural approximately 1 TW, which is hundreds of times larger than the
gas and coal, are limited and will be rapidly exhausted in the power generated around the world (Li et al., 2010). The exploita-
coming decades (Bai, 2006). In addition, carbon dioxide emis- tion and utilization of the wave energy resources are an import-
sions from the conventional fossil energy sources lead to global ant strategy for solving energy problems that are caused by the
warming. The lack of resources and pollution from the con- lack of conventional energy resources and the environmental
ventional energy is an important issue for all countries. Thus, problems that are caused by carbon emissions.
the development of novel renewable energy sources is an ur- Before exploitation, a reliable assessment of the wave ener-
gent requirement for economical and societal progress. Many gy resources, including the temporal and spatial distribution,
countries have conducted a research on the exploitation and seasonal variation and reserves, must be performed, which is
utilization of a green renewable energy. There are several abun- called a wave energy assessment. The wave energy assessments
dant renewable energy sources, including ocean wind energy, have been performed by researchers in several countries. Early
tidal energy, wave energy, current energy, thermal gradient en- wave energy assessments were primarily based on the in situ
ergy and ocean salinity energy, in the oceans, which cover ap- observation, which do not provide long-term and large-scale
proximately 71% of the earth's surface (Guan, 2011). The wave results (Quayle and Changery, 1981). Owing to the development
energy has the greatest potential and is the most valuable type of ocean technology, previous studies have assessed the wave
Foundation item: The Ocean Renewable Energy Special Fund Project of the State Oceanic Administration of China under contract No.
GHME2011ZC07; the Dragon III Project of the European Space Agency and Ministry of Science and Technology of China under contract No. 10412.
*Corresponding author, E-mail: wjing@ouc.edu.cn
116 WAN Yong et al. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 2015, Vol. 34, No. 3, P. 115124
energy resources in several regions of the world using wave data. In this study, we calculated several characteristic wave
models, including numerical wave models (Pontes, 1998; Pon- energy quantities using AVISO multi-satellite merged altimeter
tes et al., 2005; Cornett, 2008; Folley and Whittaker, 2009; Stopa wave data from CNES and CLS. The temporal and spatial wave
et al., 2011; Arinaga and Cheung, 2012; Zheng et al., 2014). The energy distributions in the China's seas were evaluated by con-
development of a microwave remote sensing technology has sidering a wave power density, an energy level frequency, a sta-
introduced a new method for collecting a wave observation. bility, a total wave energy and the distribution of the total wave
Moreover, several wave energy resource assessment studies energy density according to the wave state. This study is the first
have used remote sensing data. On the basis of the analysis of to assess the wave energy in the China's seas using the altimeter
2-year T/P satellite altimeter data, Barstow et al. (1998) obtained data.
a wave energy evaluation in several hundred discrete points
along global coastline deep water. Pontes and Bruck (2008) car- 2 Data sets and methodology
ried out the wave energy assessment using the remote sensed
data and revealed successfully that altimeter data and SAR data 2.1 Data sets
are effective for the wave energy assessment. In general, studies
for the wave energy assessment by the remote sensing data are 2.1.1 AVISO multi-satellite merged altimeter data
scarce. Radar altimeters can provide relatively accurate significant
The offshore areas of China are located in the East Asia mon- wave height and wind speed data. The European Center for Me-
soon climate zone. Northerly winds prevail during the winter; dium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the French Re-
strong gales with cold waves are common. Southerly winds search Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer) compared
prevail during the summer, and the region is often affected the measurements from several altimeters with buoy data and
by typhoons. In this region, ocean waves are strong; therefore, wave model data and found that the significant wave heights
wave energy resources are abundant, which is advantageous and wind speeds retrieved from altimeters are accurate; root
for the exploitation and utilization of the wave energy resourc- mean square errors (RMSEs) were less than 0.5 m for the signif-
es (Wang, 1984). The wave energy resource assessments have icant wave height and less than 2 m/s for the wind speed (Quef-
been performed in China since the 1980s. Wang (1984) analyzed feulou et al., 2010; Abdalla et al., 2008). Moreover, the altimeter
the distributions and variations of wave energy characteristics data have been considered accurate and are widely used to ver-
ify the wave model data (Stopa et al., 2011; Arinaga and Cheung,
in nearshore areas of China using in situ wave data from ocean
2012; Zheng and Li, 2011). Thus, significant wave height and
stations. Wang and Lu (1989) performed a wave energy zoning
wind speed data from altimeters are reliable. There are limita-
study for rural coastal areas in China, which is the most com-
tions when a single altimeter is used to make observation in
prehensive, systematic and scientific assessment of the wave
the coastal waters of China. In this paper, AVISO multi-satellite
energy resources in coastal areas of China to date. Ren et al.
merged data were used to increase the coverage area of the Chi-
(2008) and Ren et al. (2009) established an assessment system
na's seas.
for ocean wave information resources and analyzed the wave
The AVISO data from CNES and CLS (2010) are from sever-
energy in the Zhejiang Shengshan coastal area. Furthermore,
al altimeters, such as Jason-1, ENVISAT, Jason-2 and Cryosat-2.
Zheng et al. (2011), Zheng and Li (2011), Zheng et al. (2012),
The near-real-time significant wave height and wind speed data
Zheng and Pan, et al. (2013) and Zheng and Su, et al. (2013)
selected for this study were from September 2009 to August
comprehensively and systematically assessed the wave energy
2013 and encompassed 1041N and 105129E; the spatial
resources in the China's seas using high-resolution wave fields
and temporal resolutions were 11 and 1 d, respectively. This
simulated with the WAVEWATCH-III and SWAN wave models.
data set was primarily used to provide wave fields data for the
These studies have played an important role in promoting the
wave energy assessment.
development of the wave energy resources in the China's seas.
Because the AVISO multi-satellite merged altimeter data
In addition, Zheng and Pan (2014) analyzed the global ocean
have a lower spatial resolution, in order to obtain the detailed
wind energy resource based on CCMP (cross-calibrated, mul-
assessment for wave energy, Kring interpolation method was
tiplatform) wind field data with resolution 0.250.25 for the
used to acquire a higher spatial resolution in this study. This
period 19882011. This research fills a gap in our knowledge in method is also called a space autocovariance optimal interpola-
this field and provides an important reference for the wave en- tion method which is an optimal interpolation method named
ergy resource assessment. by Krige D G who is a mining engineer from South Africa. This
Radar altimeters can provide a long-term and extensive in method is widely used in some fields such as underground wa-
situ wave observation that are different from wave model data. ter simulation, soil cartography and so on which is a valuable
The altimeter could provide an accurate significant wave height gridded method for geological statistics. This method can pro-
which has been widely used in an ocean wave research field. vide a linear unbiased estimation for a research object.
On the one hand, altimeter data can be as a verification data
set for the simulated results from a wave model (Stopa et al., 2.1.2 Buoy data
2011; Zheng et al., 2012). On the other hand, the altimeter data Buoys are an important and accurate source of the in situ
always can be as in situ data and be assimilated into wave mod- data for a wave observation that are often used to verify the
els to improve the accuracy of the wave models (ECMWF, 2013; results of other methods. This study used buoy data from five
Hsu et al., 2011). It can be seen that the altimeter can provide buoys located in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East Chi-
high-precision wave data and represent a novel method for col- na Sea during the GHME project in 2012. Table 1 shows the buoy
lecting wave observations and conducting the wave energy as- specifications, which include three buoys of the Chinese Acade-
sessment. The wave energy assessment in China trailed assess- my of Sciences (CAS), two wave dragon (AWAC) buoys. The data
ments in other countries. Moreover, inadequate methods have are from April 2012 to January 2013 and were collected at 10 or
been used for making the wave observation. The wave energy 30 min intervals. All of the buoys were located in nearshore ar-
assessment has not been performed using the remote sensing eas where the water depths are less than 50 m. This data set was